Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1373813-Twilight
by Broken
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Young Adult · #1373813
If your fans of the vampire novels by Stephenie Meyer, you will love this!
K, I am going to keep this short and simple.

Rules: No intimate actions, no killing of other characters unless they have been dismissed from the campfire or authorized by me, and no straying from the point of the story (Ex: talking about vampires, and then moving on to something about fairyland. Stick to the topic of the campfire and what it was created for)
And thats it for rules.

Characters: If you have already read the books, then this should be no problem for you. Pick a character, or you as yourself, and put yourself in the story. You can move around like you, or you can be somebody or something completly different.
Ex: Vampire, Werewolf, Human, etc. But nothing too drastic.
(If you haven't read the books, here are the titles: Twilight, New Moon, & Eclipse. If your into vampire novels, you'll love these.)

My character: Vampire
Name: Lyla Davidson
Hieght: 5ft 7in
Weight: 127 lb.s
Description: Black hair that falls down to my shoulders, and deep amber brown eyes. Very pale (of course), and not a flaw on me. I look like a goddess from the heavens above. (Because in the books, all the vampires look and move like supermodels. They're perfect in every physical aspect.) I wear jeans and a navy blue tank top. I like simple clothing, when I'm in a rush or worried about something. I love to dress up when I'm in a happy mood or not in a rush. I hate the thought of killing humans, but sometimes the drive to feed is hard to control. I isolate myself from the human society and try to live off of wild animals. I am always trying to find my place in the world.


I ended up in a small town called Forks. I loved it there, because of the dreary weather all the time. No sun meant no stress. I loved to run about in the day. But one day, leaving the forest I had been spending my days in, I came across a stray human. It was a man, about the age of 24. He looked like he was lost, because he was staring at a map in his hands with a puzzled expression.
I could smell the sweet scent coming off of him. It made my eyes dialate with thirst. "No", I told myself.
But the urge to attack him became hard to resist.

SPECIES- Werewolf
NAME- Carrie Taylor
HEIGHT- 5'6"
WEIGHT- 130 lbs
DESCRIPTION- Carrie has shaggy brown hair that falls just above her shoulders. She has striking green eyes that are constantly watching the surroundings. She usually wears simple, cheap clothes, seeing as how she has to carry them when she transforms. Her wolf form has black and grey fur, and is even shaggier than her real hair. Since she has no real pack of her own, she just moves from town to town, picking up odd jobs so she can buy food and a place to stay.


I sat on the edge of a small cliff, overlooking the small town of Forks. The smell of both vampires and my own kind permeated the air, flooding my nostrils. I wrinkled my nose at the sickly sweet smell of the bloodsuckers.

A sudden scream of terror tore apart the comfortable silence of the day. My head whipped around, searching for the exact source of the noise. A light breeze brought the pungent smell of blood to me, and I growled, baring my teeth.

Without another moment's hesitation, I took off running. Hopefully I would make it there in time.
A Non-Existent User
NAME: Devon Montgomery
HEIGHT: 5'7"
WEIGHT: 127 lbs.
DESCRIPTION: I have light, light red hair that when the sun hits it, it looks gold.(which is really rare in Forks.) My mom used to call it"Sun Kissed Hair". I have light gold eyes with purple dots in them. I wear stretchy clothes. I'm really talented with a dagger, the only way to protective myself from the Vampires and Werewolves. I carry around a tattered backpack that holds my bedroll, extra clothes, and a jacket. Along with some money. I've lived in Forks for three years so far.
I saw the werewolf take off, I was tracking it and it ran away! I heard the scream and took off after it. I ran and tripped. Of course. I did a backflip to get back up on my feet.

I tried to keep up with the werewolf but it was just too fast for me. I sat down on the soggy forest floor and decided to stay here until somebody came up the path. Sometimes I wished I was a witch, better protection. Wait, a path?!

"Path! Follow it, Devy your soo stupid!" I talked to myself a lot.I got up and walked down (or was it up?) the path.
It was hard to resist the smell of blood wifting up off the boys body. "No," I told myself agian, gritting my teeth with a clamp. "You have better self control then this!" I told myself angrily.
With hard determination, I slowly backed away from the lost hiker. He didn't seem to notice me, that was, until he accidently cut his finger on the edge of the map he was holding.
I was lost at that point. All self control dissapeared in a millisecond, and the beast in side me screamed to be let loose. The growl that came from deep inside my chest made his head snap up in suprised fear.His fearful wide black eyes stared thirst hungry pair in front of him.
I crouched down low to the ground, and then sprang at him. The scream that came out of his mouth could be heard miles around. I knocked him to the ground, and his head hit a small rock. It must have knocked him out, because he wasn't screaming anymore. His map flew up out of his hands and slowly drifted to a rest beside his unconsious face. Blood seemed to trickle from the place where his head hit the rock.
Before I had a chance to sink my teeth into his neck, a strange and unfamiliar smell came to my nose from the east. My nostrils flared in distaste from the reeking stench. As I stared at the spot in the forest where the smell was coming from, my eyes slowly opened wide in shock.
"What the hell?", I whispered, agast.
Bounding out from between the trees came a big shaggy black and white wolf! Its green eyes seemed to penetrate my very being.
The coward that I was, I quickly jumped up from my crouching position over the boy, and ran off into the trees in opposite direction as fast as lightning.
SPECIES: Vampire
NAME: Laine Goldenheart
HEIGHT: 5ft 8in
DESCRIPTION: Typical vampire radiance, but something about her friendly smile and golden eyes makes her marble form seem softer. Not only that, but she is slightly on the heavier side for a vampire, with thicker legs and hips, and a bigger bust. She has a very bubbly personality, strange for a vampire, but she blends in with the humans well. She has long brown hair that falls in straight sheets to her shoulder blades when down, but she usually wears it up in a clip. No one knows how old she is, and no one knows where she lives. There are rumors, however, that she lives up where the Cullen's old house was. Strangest yet, she gets along with werewolves too. That is mostly because she has no sense of smell and feeds off dangerous animals only.


"Trevor? Hey Trevor! Where did you go?!" I shouted, stomping my way up a moss covered trail, looking for my hiking buddy for the day.

"Good greif, useless human. I go to take a pee and he gets lost." I grumbled under my breath. I knew hiking today of all days was a bad idea. The clouds were patchy and it had just rained, making the trails slippery. If not for my inhuman grace, I surely would have slipped and broken an ancle...if that were possible. I sighed, stopping and looking around in a little clearing.

"Stupid old fart!" I yelled, and was waiting for his enraged reply, seeing as he was 24 and I only looked about 17. I enjoyed making jabs at him a lot, seeing as people thought we were dating, but I was merely his tour guide on his month vacation in Forks.

"AAAAHHHHGGGG!!!" Instead of an enraged yell, a terrified scream of horror reached my ears.

"TREVOR!" I gasped, and ditching my hiking backpack for aerodynamics sake, I took off, turning into a blur as I sprinted to track down the source of the scream.

I paused as the vampire dashed off in the opposite direction. My werewolf side was screaming for me to run after her, tear her to little pieces, then burn them. My human side, however, told me to stay and make sure the human was okay.

I gave out a low growl, preparing to give in and transform back to my human self, when the scent of a second vampire wafted over me. Apparently smelling the blood of the man, the second vampire was coming this way quickly, so I immediately placed myself in between the human and the direction from which the new vampire's scent was coming from.

In mere seconds, another vampire came tearing out of the forest, her long brown hair disheveled. Her eyes grew wide at the sight of me, her gaze flicking back and forth between the human and me.

I let out a warning growl, trying to discourage the creature from attacking. I didn't expect it to work, though. It would've been more effective if I had a pack. The vampire took the growl as a threat, and crouched down, hissing at me. My tail swished back and forth as the tension grew. So much for staying out of fights.
A Non-Existent User
I heard somebody shout "Trevor" It was coming up behind me, so I turned around and ran as fast as I could. Then I saw the werewolf and a vampire. And A bleeding human! Human!

"Get Away from him, predators!" I ran up by the vampire and saw her bring up her hand.
I didn't know how long I ran. Hours, minutes, maybe a few miles. All I knew was that the fear of seeing that horrible creature was driving my will to keep running.
Eventually, I stopped, my senses aware that nobody was chasing me. I was safe! But why? Surely that huge stinking wolf was going to kill me!
Then my thoughts drifted to the human I could have killed. My body slumped down to the ground, a tree braced my back. I brought my knees up to my face in a curled ball. Before I knew it, tears were stinging in my eyes. "What have I done!" I moaned. "How could I allow this to happen!!"
My shaking hand curled up into a fist and pounded the ground underneath it. "What have I done!" I screamed in anger. How could I attack that helpless boy! After all the precautions I was taking, this had to happen!
I looked down at the spot where my hand was. A gouging hole in the ground repaced it.
I looked at the pale structure of my superhuman hand, like it was a cursed part of my body. The new hate I had for myself flooded my system. "I can't take this anymore", I whispered. "I'm nothing but a monster, and this is got to end." Absentmindedly, I rubed the cold, white halfmoon scar on the back of my neck. I never wanted this life, if you could call it such a thing.
And with that, Llya got up off the ground and headed back into the direction where the wolf like creature was, praying that it would end her miserable existance.
"Ohkay, running into a werewolf near a bloody human. Check. I mentally ticked of number 3 on my list of Worst Things that Could Happen in A Day. I crouched down an inch lower, readying myself for defense. This wolf did not seem eager for a fight, but I didn't know if she had fought one of my own kind before or not. No point in taking a risk, but the fact that she was hovering over Trevor, and I didn't recognize her sent off warning bells in my head.

'Dammit, I wish I could smell! Id know if she was the one feeding on him or not." I scanned Trevor over for injuries again, but it didnt seem that he had been bitten. For all I knew, he could have seen a really big squirrel and just fell backwards. His head seemed to be the only thing bleeding.

"Hm, I guess not being able to smell has its perks as well." I allowed, surpressing a snort of laughter. I was about to speak to the wolf when a rustling alerted me to another being approaching.

"Shit! I hope thats not the rest of her pack!" I thought feverishly, panic rising in my throat. Instead of a horde of snarling dogs, a flustered human stumbled through the brush. I sighed the slightest bit in releif, and raised my hands in peace to both the human and the wolf when the girl shouted.

"Get away from him, predators!" I felt my jaw fall open in disbeleif. I spluttered and tried to protest as the girl marched over beside me. Slowly and carefully I raised both my hands in the air.

"Alright, hold on now. First off, Im no predator, Im a vegitarian. Second off, there are no bites on Trevor...the human that is. Meaning the wolf couldnt have attacked him either. I came here hiking with him..." I guestured down at my muddied hiking boots and the water bottle and map strapped to my hip by a belt. "...so he could have just slipped."

"Then why did he scream like that?" The new girl pointed out, standing a little ways back from me, her arms crossed over her chest. I could see something glinting in her hand.

"I dont know, I just got here." I said placatingly. I had no real want to be stabbed today. I looked over at the wolf who still stood rigidly and her tail was poofy and swished slightly side to side in a tense jerky motion.

"Relax, Im not going to attack you." I said, my voice serious and as honest as it could ever be.

I looked back at the human on the ground, then to the new human, then to the vampire. She didn't seem about to attack anybody, just as she said. Quickly, I bounded behind a tree, transforming back into my human form.

"Just don't try anything funny," I warned, trying to tug on my clothes quickly.

As soon as I was covered, I stepped back out. My senses were still on full alert, and my fingers twitched, attempting to curl themselves into a fist.

"The vampire that tried to attack him ran off as soon as I showed up. I smelled you-" I pointed to the new vampire "-coming up, and decided it wasn't worth leaving this guy to defend for himself. Protecting is pretty much burned into the werewolf DNA, I guess."

Suddenly, it hit me that there was a perfectly conscious human being standing right there in front of me, and I had just revealed one of the world's two biggest secrets. I swore loudly, cursing my own idiocy.

"Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn! Stupid Carrie!" I groaned, hiding my face in my hands, keeping one cautious eye on the vampire. The fact that she had been willing to protect a human still could override centuries of instinct.

When I did peek out, I noticed the human wasn't even fazed.

"Um, no offense, but, shouldn't you be freaking out, or something?"

"Yeah, usually you humans aren't that good at handling surprises," the vampire agreed.

The girl just stared. "I've lived in this town for three years. If you've got the senses of a werewolf, then you should be able to tell that this whole place is home to quite a few vampires and werewolves. You just get used to it after a while."

I shook my head in astonishment.

If I wanted to go generally unnoticed, I had definitely come to the right town.
A Non-Existent User
I shook my head in disbelif, werewolves and vampires don't get it.

"I was hunting you." I pointed to the one who thought I would be surprised. "I need werewolf hair for a witch in town, Hazel. She was making me a strength potion, but I needed hair of a werewolf."

"Hunting Me?!" She cried in disbelif."Me?! Dammit! I didn't even hear you, or smelt you!"

"Shit, you must got something on you." the vmapire said, I looked over at her.

"So...Can I still get the hair? I really need that potion for." I choked then. "For, William. He's weaking fast." I looked up at them, noticing a softing in their faces.

"Sure." The werewolf grabbed my dagger and hide behind a tree. When she stepped out she had a piece of hair in her hand."Happy?"

"Yes, thanks you so much. I'm Devon." I had the hair in my hand, and putting it in a baggie.

"I'm Carrie."

"Im Laine." The vampire said. I heard a rustling in the bushes and I whirled around. Shit!
A Non-Existent User
NAME: William Bedlam
DESCRIPTION: Jet-black hair, deep blue eyes. Tan. Lived in Forks all his life, his mother is a witch and Father is a mortal. He fell heads over heels in love with Devon when he first saw her in the Market place, 3 years ago. He got bit by a posionous snake and was taken to HAzel, the headling Witch.

I came out of the bush and saw Devon grabbed her dagger, then drop it and run.

"William!" She leaped into my arms. "What are you doing here? Your're sick!"

I kissed her lightly on the mouth. "Dev, Hazel had some leftover werewolf hair in her pantry, she gave me the potion. I'm better now." Then I noticed a vampire and...human? behind her. I set Devon down and glanced around them, then I noticed the unconcious human on the ground.

"And he is...?" I turned to face Devon.

"Trevor, that's Carrie." She pointed to the non human, then to the vampire. "And that's Laine."
A Non-Existent User
SPECIES:Half Vampire
NAME: Marqus Valintine
DESCRIPTION:Jet black hair, Dark green almost hypnotic eyes,Well toned build, Gives off a strangely seductive vibe that even other vampiers succumb to his inhuman allure. Carries a silver katana on his back. His teeth only show when hes hungry or threatened. being half vampire the sunlight only causes marqus slight discomfort. Marqus only needs to feed once a month and when he does to he usually steals from local blood banks but he is occasionally overcome by his blood lust, even though he would never wasnt to he has been know to kill a human from time to time, but what vampire hasent... once you get to know him he will open up to you but that rarely happens...
Marqus casually walked over to the strange group. "Well what do we have here?" he laughed. immedialy everyone tensed up and the werewolf jumped behind a bush to transform. “Hey calm down if I was going to hurt any of you do you really think I would just come out here in the open? Immediately the werewolf roared who are you, and what are you doing here?" "well... I’m Marqus Valentine but you can call me Val.” Marqus said. "May i ask your name? Or at least talk to your human half instead?"....
Ok..........this story has taken a serious off hand twist. I'll let it pass, as long as it stays reasonable and to the theme.

Lyla emerged from the trees, back into the familiar clearing. There was more that just two figures residing there. Actually it was a huge group of strange and weird people.
First, the same boy I had attacked who was still unconscious. A wave of guilt hit me, but it subsided.
Next, a disheveled looking boy with dark hair holding onto a human girl with light red hair who had the look of a spy; a little off, two vampires; one with long wavy brown hair and a bit friendly looking and the other with beautiful features (more beautiful than what is normal for a vampire) and dark black hair, and then a strange smelling girl with piercing green eyes. She was staring at me and tremors started to shake her whole entire body. The smell coming off of her stung my nose. My eyes squinted when I took a closer look at her. She had the same smell as that stinking creature, and.... I could never mistake those eyes. She was the werewolf.
Everyone was staring at me apprehensively, as if too many things were going on at once, and I was just adding on to the strangeness. I stared back, trying to figure out how to get my death wish with the werewolf, when I finally realized the ridiculous situation of the 6 people before me. “What the……?”, was all I could say.
The werewolf glared at me. “Vampire!”, she spat at me like a curse. All pairs of eyes turned to look at her, curious by the recognition in her voice.
Suddenly, to the surprise of everyone, I started laughing. I just laughed right out loud like a maniac, without stopping.
"Excuse me," the girl vampire said.
I was doubled over now, hysterical. Everyone was staring at me now with skeptical fear.
"What are you laughing at?”, she continued, apprehensively.
I got myself under control, and straightened up. I wiped the tears of mirth from my eyes.
"What am I laughing at?”, I said, half choking on the sentence.
I let out a series of giggles. "Ha! I am laughing at you all!!!!!"
"What? Are you crazy or something?", someone asked.
"Hmmmmmmm...maybe.” I murmured. "But if you could look at yourselves now! A werewolf mingling peacefully with vampires, vampires mingling with humans, and that mortal (at this remark, Lyla pointed at the red haired girl who was entwined with the boy) is obviously in love with a freak dressed up like a magician!!!!" I doubled over again, my body shaking with the force of the new wave of laughter.
“Hahahahahahaha! He-hey, boy! Did you get that from a fancy medieval shop down in Seattle?” He gave me a nasty glare.
‘Guess I gave him a really bad first impression. But why should that matter?’ I thought to myself. ‘I am a vampire after all! Bad impressions don’t really matter.’
"And tha-that’s not it!", I gasped. "I was just here a few minutes ago, and somehow all you weird people start showing up, and that’s just way too funny to me!"
Some people looked at each other with amused expressions.
The werewolf stepped forward, obviously not amused. "Why did you come back?”, she demanded.
“Huh, you mean she was here before?”, asked both the spy looking girl and the female vampire.
“Yes”, she sharply replied, while glaring at me with those fierce green eyes. “She was standing over the body of that lost hiker of yours, Laine. She evidently attacked him.”
“But you don’t know that for certain.”, came a deep smooth voice. It was from the pretty male vampire, who I guess, everyone forgot was standing there.
“And who exactly are you?”, the boy in a wizards costume inquired.
“You don’t need to know who I am, just that I won’t hurt you…. that is if you don’t upset me.”, he growled with his teeth bared.
“How dare you threaten him!”, both werewolf and red headed girl yelled. The boys’ girl companion pointed her knife at the offender, and the werewolf girls tremors got worse, as if her body was trying to shake itself apart.
The vampire scoffed at the knife that was turned on him. His green eyes were laughing at the girl. But he didn’t say anything more, wary of the werewolf that legends told existed. He didn’t want to be torn up and burned, so with that he turned away from the group, with a small lingering stare at me, and left.
“Be sure you watch your back, bloodsucker”, the werewolf whispered after him. Already at the end of the forest, he gave a sarcastic reply, but no one except those with a keen sense of hearing could hear him. “Sure, and watch yours too, shaggy mutt.”
I grimaced. I didn’t want an all out war; I just wanted my existence to end! I realized that this situation was not turning out the way I wanted. If I started a fight with the werewolf, then all these others would get involved too, and I didn’t want any more deaths on my behalf.
The red haired girl’s attention was back on me, and so was her knife. “So you harmed that poor hiker, didn’t you!”, she asked.
“That won’t help you”, I replied, pointing at her knife.
“So you did hurt him.” There was no hint of a question in her voice. At this, my exterior calmness broke.
“Yes!”, I yelled. “But only by accident!” My legs started to pace me back and forth, in a small frenzied line. “I didn’t mean to kill him, I swear!” Tears fell off my smooth pale cheeks and onto the mossy ground below.
Then, in a blur, I found myself standing in front of the red haired girl and I grabbed the offending knife. I slammed it against were my still cold heart was, but the knife shattered into a million fragments. Not a mark was left on the pale cold surface of my skin. “You see!”, I screamed. “I can’t even end my life if I wanted too! Try walking in my place, resisting the sweet scent of blood and the beating of the human heart, and your miserable existence can’t be ended!”
I stared at her wide eyed panicked face and her weird boyfriend was gaping at me. The focus of them wavered, for I felt the thirst try to take over again. The pupils in my eyes turned from golden amber brown to a dilated black.
“No!!!!”, I screamed. I stumbled back and a shard of sunlight hit my skin. The spot burst into a million radiant bright shards of color. It was like turning on a light bulb after spending so much time in the dark. Everyone shielded their eyes with their hands, and I took that chance to disappear back into the forest, quickly away from the sweet, enticing scent of human blood.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"Why cant anyone get along like they used to?" I groaned, rolling my head, cracking my neck. When the enticing male vampire had paced into the clearing, my initial reaction was to step between the werewolf and him, but I made no move, seeing as neither seemed willing to attack each other. We were all getting along fine, the human had her lover, and he seemed well enough, and the werewolf and I could easily have become aquaintances. With the addition of the third vampire, the tension had jumped through the roof. Desperation permeated her immortal being like nothing I had ever seen before. Im sure if I could have smelled, she would have reeked with fear and blood-thirst. It was apparent that she was new to the drive, or had not yet found a way to control the thirst. I was not a stranger to that feeling, and felt pity on the girl.

She had not had a Cullen to guide her. The only one left in Forks had been Emmet, the giant teddy bear of muscle that he was. Edward, Bella, Carlisle, Esme, Alice, and Jasper had all headed off to Alaska a good while ago. Emmet would constantly tell me stories of the inner conflict that went on among the family when Bella came into their lives. He always spoke fondly, however, and seemed to regret staying behind to keep an eye on the town. I always told him that if he wanted to leave he could, and that he probably should. He would simply shake his head and ruffle my hair, laughing warmly.

He eventually listened to me. Bella had been turned, and Carlisle said that she needed all the familiar faces she could get to go through the transformation well. Apparently her mental sanctuary was not such a great power when it began to affect Alice's ability to see what Bella was going to do. Her physical body might have been what Alice saw moving around, but the blocking ability now prevented Jasper's powers from affecting her, and adversely affected Alice's as well. They weren't sure what was going on so they needed Emmet to help and keep Bella within the boundaries they had set. And like that, the only fellow vampire I knew was gone.

I was shook out of my reverie by the werewolf, Carrie, snarling and looking as if her body might shake itself apart.

"Breath." I cooed, causing her to give me a deathly glare. I simply looked back with a reassuring smile, and raised my hands to guesture at breathing in. The werewolf followed my hands with her eyes, but slowly her breathing began to match mine. I glanced over at the couple and noticed that they two were following the slow and calm breathing pace I had set. 'Hm, maybe I have a bit of a talent myself. I said, blinking in slight surprise. Surely something had to make up for the defective sense of smell.

"Unghh..." Trevor, the momentarily forgotten human who, out of all of us, was totally in the dark about vampires and werewolves, began to stir. I panicked.

"Go, go, go!" I hissed, flapping my hands at Devon and her hubby. I knew trying to shoo the werewolf away would proove totally futile, so I just hurried to Trevor's side.

"Hey, Trev. You ok, gramps?" I murmured, careful to keep my voice low as to not jar his head, which was sure to be pounding. Carrie stood and stared at me with a hard look for a minute before taking off into the woods as well.

"Stop calling me...gramps..." Trevor groaned, then winced as his head started my predicted pounding. "What happened?" He asked after a moment. I simply smiled down at him.

"Lets get you home, youve got a concussion, probably. The doctors will want a cat-scan." I helped him stand up, and with acted weakness, helped him hobble towards the road through the woods.

Strangely, when the vampire called Laine held up her hands, setting a steady breathing pattern, my body followed it without a single command from my mind.

The human's groan brought me back to my senses, and I followed Laine over to his side, listening to their bit of banter. As she began to hobble down the path with him, I couldn't help but follow. It wasn't that I didn't trust her, it's just that I wanted to make sure the guy was okay. It was just in my nature to care about people, even before my transformation.

I was tempted to ask Laine if she had known about her power, but with the human Trevor now conscious, it was too risky. After all, chances were he didn't know about our kind, and I wasn't going to be the one to risk bringing it up.

When she stumbled over a tree root, I ran forward again.

"Um, do you need some help?" I asked nervously, trying to act like she and I were both humans as well, despite the smell burning my nose.

Laine grinned at me. "Please? I don't think I can carry gramps on my own."

"Don't call me gramps," Trevor mumbled.

I chuckled a little. Taking his other arm, I swung it over my shoulder, taking some of his weight.

"You're just lucky you're skinny, gramps," I teased.

He groaned again. "Whatever happened to respecting your elders?" he wondered aloud.
A Non-Existent User
I was shaking when I left the clearing, the Vampire shattered my dagger! We were farther ahead than Laine and Carrie, but I still could here their voices. I was straining to try to find that vampire, she seemed so...needy. I wanted to bring her home and make her my pet.

We got into the town, and into our little shack. I sat down next to the fire and thought about what I learned, encountered, and saw. I knew Forks was home to the non humanal, but this was the first time I ever saw them, a bunch, together.

Dev, you will never be able to fit in. You've always been an outsider, just like in Seattle. Wheverever you go, nobody will love you.

I woke up with a jolt, remembering my step-father's voice. I was sweating and about ready to kill somebody. I looked over my shoulder and saw William sleeping, I got up and went outside. Ready to find that vampire.

I saw Carrie when I got over a ridge, and two little black dots beside her. Gotcha. I thought, evily.
A Non-Existent User
I heard a werewolf howl and woke up. Devon wasn't beside me and I panicked. I ran outside, stumbling in the darkness, trying to locate her. I fell beside her and was about to grab her shoulder when somebody came behind me and dragged me away, their hand gagging me.
A Non-Existent User
I shouted to my body to stop but i new it was usless i hadent stoped to eat in almost two month's. I was in the middle of tracking down a mountan lion, giveing myself to my annimal like sences. I was allmost apon the poor unsuspecting creature when, the sweet smell of human attacked my sences and my body was off it was too late to do anything untill i feed. All i could do was watch in horror as i snuck up on the poor girl i had seen preveously in the woods. I was about to lunge when i saw the man she was with. He was the closer so my body grabbed for him instead. As i dragged him off into the darkness I felt myself laughing at his feeble attemps to excape it was like holding a struggleing newborn... then i bit down......
Species: Human
Name: Rebecca Dashe
Height: 5'6
Weight: 129 lbs
Description: I was born in the busy city of Harleston, but my father moved us to the small town of Forks five years ago, after my Mother disappeared one night and never came back. I'm completely unaware to the existence of Vampires and Werewolves. Ever since I was young, I've been able to see what I call "a persons intentions". Unaware of this intuitive ability, I am able to see the intentions of anyone I meet, whether they be bad or good. I am able to tell if a person is lying or telling the truth, if they are hiding something or trying to say something; there isn't anyone who can lie to me. I'm also incredibly intelligent, able to listen to several things at once, as well as noticing details that would normally escape others. Despite this, ever since my Mother disappeared, I've been apprehensive of going out at night.


"Breathe, Rebecca. Just breathe." I told myself calmly. Despite my words, I had to physically stop walking and wrap my arms around my chest to keep from hyperventilating. The sounds of the night were sharp and clear. Crickets chirped, and the leaves scuttled across the path I was on, prompted by the wind.

The night around me took down the comforting walls that are present during the day, leaving a wide empty gap between me and the rest of the world. The space was daunting, but I forced myself to walk on. The sound of my feet on the path was comforting. It was my own sound in this blackness; proof of my existence. My breathing slowly returned to what seemed far from normal, yet was better than before.

After a moment of tight-rope walking the path, I heard a muffled sound and something rustling the nearby tree branches. I stopped short, my calming process ruined, and held rigidly still, waiting for a bear or a Closet Monster to emerge from the bushes.

The sound grew louder as whatever it was got closer. I jumped back, a scream caught in lungs, as a pair of figures fell onto the path. One had the Intention of fear and suprise, the other had a glow of greed and success, if not a slight trace of humor. They seemed not to notice me for a moment, and I saw a flash of white by one of their faces, and heard a yelp of terror. Intention of satisfaction was with one of the people, and I took a step back. My intrusion upon this event had gone unnoticed until that single step. Snap! A felled tree branch beneath my foot.

A pair of dark red eyes flashed in my direction.
This story is getting very interesting! Lol. Can't wait to see what happens next.
The flurry of my escape quickly took me out of the dark green forest and onto a deserted highway.
I stared at the asphalt road before my feet, thinking about my situation. The wind blew my dark hair about my face as I pondered on what to do. After a while, I made the decision to leave Forks and travel to Alaska, Russia, or even upper Canada. I couldn’t stay here anymore, not with all the people who now knew who and what I was, and would most likely be looking for me. Before I left, there was a couple errands that I needed to attend to.
After feeding on a few deer, I turned towards the big city of Seattle, which was the closest city to Forks. It was a Saturday night, the streets were crowded with cars, people, and lights.
Soon, I stealthily arrived in a big dark parking lot full of new and expensive vehicles. A large sign on the white building before me read ‘Carmichaels Luxury Cars’. I strode towards it, my narrowed eyes peering around at the surrounding darkness. Except for a few stray cats, there was not a soul around. I stared at the cats, and they stared back apprehensively. I gave them a sharp hiss, and they ran off frightened. I snickered, because I absolutely disliked cats. The story behind the reason why brought back painful memories. As I continued my way into the midst of all the luxury cars, my hand absentmindedly rubbed the half mooned scar on the back of my neck.
I begin to inspect the cars around me, trying to decide on which one I fancied. To my disappointment, they all looked plain and distasteful in my eyes. After a while, I ended up at the white building, feeling distraught and about to go look somewhere else. That is until my attention became glued to an object on a white platform behind one of the buildings huge windows.
It was a Porsche, the color of moondust silver, with a sporty look to it. To my pleasure, the windows were tinted a dark black.
“Ohhhhhh”, I breathed. “So beautiful.”
The gleam coming off of it made me think of the moon in a dark sky; outshining everything. A sticker on the windshield informed me that the price was over 400 grand.
An evil grin spread across my lips. “My kind of price.”
Glass flew everywhere as my marble like fist went through the display window.
I admired the Porsche a bit more, running my hands slowly across its smooth, shiny surface. I tried to open the driver side door but it was locked.
“Dam’ it”, I murmured. My face went into pouting mode. “And I was hoping not to do any damage.”
My thumb found the circular spot where the keyhole was and smashed it in. The door handle gave way and I slid into the seat of my new car. The smell of black leather greeted me and my eyes took in all the cool control buttons and the more than expensive sound system. A small screen below the 15 disk CD changer caught my interest. I touched it and suddenly it flashed on. It had GPS, Internet, cell phone, TV, radio, and movie playing capabilities.
“Wow”, I exclaimed with a laugh.
My fingers inched around the clutch of the gear stick, wanting to take it for a drive. Then I remembered that I didn’t have the keys!
Forcing open the wire box below the steering wheel, I attempted to hot wire the car to start. That’s when my ears picked up the faint sound of police sirens about four miles off. It didn’t bother me much, until I heard what the police scanner was saying. “There has been a break in at the ‘Carmichaels Luxury Cars’. Informing all units nearby, there has been a break in at………”
“Oh crap”, I said as I tried to hot wire faster. There must have been a silent alarm that went off when I broke in. The wires were being difficult and it was aggravating me.
“Come on”, I begged. “Please work!”
A spark and the car started. “Yes!”, I nearly shouted.
The police cars were getting closer. I quickly shifted the clutch into drive and floored the gas pedal.
After skidding into the busy intersection out side the car lot, I maneuvered the Porsche up past 150mph, passing cars left and right. My ears notified me that the police were enclosing on my position from all directions!
Angry people honked their horns at me as I skimmed past them. My mind looked for a path out, but it was futile. Wanting to subdue the time of running into them, I shifted my stick drive to the left and down, slowing my speed. There was no way I was going to get away with out being caught.
Then an idea hit me. Down the road was a huge parking garage. The police were a mile off from me as I turned into it. I parked my car inside and waited. The sirens grew loud……..louder……., and then faded away.
I sighed in relief. They were never going to be able to explain my robbery. Even forensics wasn’t going to get anything on me. I laughed at the way I acted a while ago. Why should I be frightened of a couple mere police? I am immortal, am I not? My frightened reaction must have come from the frail human part of me that hadn’t disappeared yet. A couple more years of being a vampire, and I won’t be scared of situations like that again. My past human reactions will be replaced by confidence and I will never forget that I am immortal.

“You have arrived at the International Airport”, announced the GPS system. “Thank-you”, I replied sweetly.
It didn’t take me long to steal some passports and cash from a few people in a hurry to get somewhere.
“Pass port and ID please”, asked the gruffy looking man at the luggage counter. I quickly handed over my old driver’s license from when I used to be human and one of the stolen passports. As I did so, he couldn’t stop gawking at me. I laughed inside, knowing why.
The man raised his eyebrows questioningly as his eyes darted from the imperfect looking picture on my license, then to me and my inhuman flawless and back to the license. I laughed at him, and he smiled in return.
“I got a total make over”, I explained, lying “Do you like it?”, I asked with an arched eyebrow while I waved my hands at my body.
The man blushed red, and coughed. “Uhhmmmm…Yea…its..uh…its...I-I think you look-um….. He cleared his throat and looked back at my ID. “Um, when was this license registered?”
I knew it would come to this. Good thing I scratched up the part where it says ‘issued in November of 2003’.
“I got it just last year. I am soooo happy that I can drive now and my parents are getting me a car for graduation!” I made my voice sound ecstatic.
He seemed to believe me, but he kept staring at the scratch marks, trying to read what was under them.
Time to turn to Plan B.
I placed my hand against the counter and leaned towards him. My sudden closeness made him look up in surprise and his breath catch.
“I’m very sorry about the scratch marks”, I said in a light undertone. My smoldering eyes looked up at him through my dark eyelashes. My lips curved into a small frown.
“You see”, I continued “my stupid brother scratched it up a few days ago and I couldn’t get a new one made because I had this trip, and well, getting a new license takes such a long time.” At this, I made my voice sound sad and emotional.
“So please, will you take my word? You can do a back ground check if you want to.”
I knew he wouldn’t, but I added that last part for show.
It was silent for a minute before he recovered from his daze.
“Oh, n-no, I’m not going to do a back ground check. I’m so sorry about all the trouble you’ve been through. It must have been very stressful,” he exclaimed, trying to console me.
I gave him a pretty smile and shrugged. “Yeah, my life can get like that sometimes.”
He stamped my passport and handed it and my outdated license back to me. Our hands brushed by accident and his face turned fuchsia.
“Thank you, so much” I lightly said, my eyes smoldering again. As I gracefully walked away, I heard him sputter incoherently.
I rested my head on the back of my seat with my eyes closed, trying to remember if I had everything. I had plenty of cash, I had a car (which was safe below with the other carry on vehicles), I had my passports, and I was on my way to Finland, Europe. (s)
During the long flight over the Pacific, my memories took me back to the last few days when I was human……………………….

I sat in the hospital waiting room, twitching whenever a new smell hit me. I hated hospitals already, even without the menagerie of disgusting smells wafting through the place.Laine sat beside me, her legs crossed and one foot tapping lightly on the floor.

"So," I finally began, trying to push all of the scents, including hers, out of my mind, "How exactly are you not going crazy with all the blood in here?"

She blinked and looked over at me, her wide eyes surprised seeming.

"Oh? Ah, well I don't have any sense of smell. I dont even know what blood smells like." She said, grimacing slightly, passing a pale hand over her face.

I blinked, utterly surprised.

"You don't have an enhanced sense of smell?! God, that must be like living in the dark!"

She chuckled slightly, her shoulders shaking only once.

"Advanced? I dont even have a basic sense of smell. I dont think I ever did, though." She tilted her head to the side, staring at the ceiling for a minute, thinking. "Nope, im pretty sure I couldnt smell when I was human either. Birth defect."

She shrugged however, and her golden orbs flitted back over to me.

"Helps, though. Controls the thirst when you cant smell anything."

I cocked my head to one side, smirking.

"Ya' know, you're not half bad...for a bloodsucker that is."

She laughed outright at that, her laugh soft and friendly.

"Ah, sad as it may sound, your not the first werewolf to tell me that. Since Ive never fed on a human, they kind of get along with me. The old Indian man down the road used to call me his Little Leech. How weird is that?" She snorted and shook her head, rubbing her fingertips on her forehead, her other arm resting on her lap, half cradling her stomach.

I snickered. "Nice nickname. Not as bad as the one my brother's gave me. I would transform, and we would goof off, wrestle a little. I accidentally scratched one of my oldest brother's hands one time. When his friends asked what happened, he said our 'puppy' did it."

I shook my head, smiling at the memory. Laine grinned and leaned her head back, staring unflinchingly into the blaring hospital lights.

"Siblings eh? I wish I had some. The closest I had to family was Emmet Cullen, but he went to help the rest of his family keep an eye on that Bella girl. I dont suppose you were here early enough to know any of them?"

"I heard there were some vampires around here before, but that was it."

"Yeah..." She said, sighing, when the doctor that had wheeled Trevor into the CAT scan came out with a chart. Lain was instantly on her feet and looking worriedly at the man.

The doctor looked up at us. "Which one of you is the man's companion?"

"Me." Laine made a motion with her hand as if she was about to raise it, but stilled it at about waist-high.

"Is he ok? Just a concussion right?"

The man smirked, waving a hand dismissively.

"It's nothing to worry about. He has a very minor concussion, but he should be fine by tomorrow morning."

A soft sigh seemed to deflate the tension in Laine's body and her smile became wide and charming.

"Thank you doctor. Is he alright to come home with me now?"

"Damn right, I'm fine."

We all turned to see Trevor making his way into our midst.


Laine gasped and ran over to him and grabbed him in a bear hug. He grunted and patted her on the back before she released him and stepped back sheepishly. I stood back, watching their reunion of sorts, smiling. She truly did care for this human. She looked over at me then back to Trevor before smiling again.

"Trevor, this is the girl who helped me walk you back here. Her name is Carrie. Carrie, you know Trevor."

"Trevor, huh?" I replied, taking the man's hand. "I thought your name was gramps."

Laine covered her mouth with her hand to smother the giggles as Trevor's face contorted into so many different expressions at once he looked like a Picasso painting before he smacked Laine lightly in the back of the head. I had to stop myself from laughing as well, offering a genuinely friendly smile.

"It really is a pleasure to meet you, Trevor."

"Yeah, same for you Carrie. Thank you so much for helping me get back here." Trevor said as he shook my hand warmly.

Laine smiled happily as she looked between us both, then patted Trevor on the back.

"Well, we better get you back to your hotel, huh? Its way past my curfew anyway." She said, motioning with her head to the clock behind us. It was already ten.

"Alright, well I'll see you guys around town sometime."

Laine and Trevor smiled warmly and Laine pushed him gently in the direction of the front doors.

"Call a taxie, would you, Gramps?" She called after him, and grinned when he flipped her the bird. She looked back at me, however, and her face became serious.

"Be careful going home, right? Somethings not right in the air tonight."

As they drove off, I let my smile drop.

"She may not be able to smell it, but she can sure as hell sense it."
A Non-Existent User
I returned back to the town when the horizon began to turn pink. I heard police sirens in the distnats. Ahh, not normal day, again. I thought. I stayed up all night waiting to get close to Carrie, but that didn't go so well.

"Devon!" I knew that voice, that was...

"Rebecca!" I whirled around to face her. "Oh, my god! You haven't aged a bit! I haven't seen you since high school!" I hugged her, glad to see a familiar face from the outside world.

"God, Dev, you must be like, 19? Fate sure is sticky, hey? How long you've been in Forks?" Rebecca looked gorgeous out in the sun.

"For about three years now. How's your mother?" I saw her choke back some tears and finally sputtered.

"She has disappeared a while ago, wow. We've been living in the same town and haven't seen each other!" We walked elbow to elbow donw the hill.

"I know! I have to show you somebody, he is hot." We giggled, like school girls. I saw Carrie skirt around my cabin, trying to hide from me, I left Rebecca on the stoop and went around the house.

"What are you doing here, Carrie? Shouldn't you be hiding?" I hissed.

"Can't you smell it?Wait, your just a dainty human." She sneered. "Something is in the air, dammit! I've come to see if you and that cheap wizard were ok. Which remids me, where the hell is he?"

"Inside the..." I trailed off, going pale at the thought of him gone. "Oh, my god! I Knew I smelt blood in the air at the trail! Dammit! He must've followed me and gotten..."My face grew paler at the thought and I fainted. I felt Carrie's arms go around me, and that was all.
A Non-Existent User
I woke up with a huge headache and stiff. I felt my neck and touched the dried on blood. I got up and immediatly felt hunger. I looked around, waiting for a bunny to hop out. I was glad the sun wasn't shining, just another dreary day in the land of Forks. I walked out of the forest to the cabin, when I heard Carrie mutter "Oh, shit." And caught Devon. I rushed to their side.

"What happend?" I asked, reaching for Devon.

"she fainted because she thought you go lost or something. Where the hell have you been?" Carrie gave me Devon and I looked up at her.

"The forest, I can't really remember it but...let's go inside." We went to the front of the cabin and saw a human. We both asked

"Who the hell are you?" The girl seemed to jump at the question.

"Rebecca Dashe, I'm a friend of Devons. And you are...?" The girl came up and looked at Devon.

"I'm carrie and this dipstick is William. She fainted." Carrie pipped up.

" A dipstick, huh? Thank you so ever much, Carrie. Come inside, Rebecca." I glanced around the cabin before I laid Dev on the bed. "Make yourself at home." I said when I began to re-light the fire.
A Non-Existent User
I ran through the forest feeling terrible. *How could i have lost control like that?* Maybe The Cullens could help. I immediately sat down too fast for human eyes to see and closed my eyes. If i was going to locate the Cullens i was going to have to concentrate. I was miles away in seconds but i could see every twist and turn i would need to take to get there. then i was awake once more, off i went if anyone could help me with self control it would be Edward
I woke up in the morning, to a surprisingly bright light streaming in my window. Blinking wearily, I sat up in bed. Sunshine was definitely in existence this morning, which was a rare occurrence in Forks. I groggily tried to recall the events of last night. A few memories came to me in a haze. I was walking in the forest, it was night. A pair of dark eyes, piercing in the darkness. I shook my head to try and focus on my fading thoughts. But as I centered in on the memory, it seemed to recess back into some corner of my mind that I was unable to access. I must have been dreaming.

I wouldn't, under any normal circumstances, go out at night. Especially into a daunting forest like the one near my house.

I quickly dressed, and headed out for a walk in the sun. I always loved going out in the daytime where I used to live, and revel in the warming light. But Forks had stolen that precious experience from me, with its constant overcast.

As I walked down the sidewalk, there was a calming and soothing sense in the morning air. Something about the good weather just made everything feel right.

My footsteps found me walking down a road I had traveled often, past my old friends house. I hadn't seen her in quite a while though, having fallen into a near catatonic state after my mother left. But ahead of me, I saw a familiar figure, who looked bedraggled and had a sense of mental exhaustion, and it wasn't long until I recognized her.

"Devon!" I shouted, calling my long lost friend. She turned around, fast as lightening, and her face was filled with surprise.

"Rebecca! Oh, my god!" I came up next to her and we hugged, as all old friends do. It was refreshing, to be apart of something familiar. "You haven't aged a bit! I haven't seen you since high school!"

I shrugged apologetically, smiling. We linked arms, and walked down the nearby hill, to where her house lay. In the time it took us to get half way down, the clouds had stolen the sunrise and an odd tension filled the air.

Despite the happiness we shared, I was brought near tears when she asked about my mother. For the briefest of moments I considered telling her a lie (I was quite skilled in that area), fearful of letting my sadness overtake me again. But I kept my cheeks dry as we continued our chat.

"I have to show you somebody," she was smiling and giggling. "He is hot." She wasn't lying. I grinned.

We arrived at her house, a pale white color that contrasted the closely set trees. Overall it had a lived-in homey look. There was a nice porch, with a railing that had posts connecting it to the shingled roof. A small stream scouted one edge of the acre, and beside it was a narrow path that disappeared into the trees after about two feet.

We got to the stoop, and I sensed Devon's suspicion. She excused herself, asking to have a moment to "check on something." I agreed, and I could tell she had to restrain herself from running around the edge of the house. I sat on the step for a bit, before I sensed a someone else's intentions.

There was a bit of disdain, with an overcoat of curiosity. My curiosity spiked, I pulled myself up onto the railing, and then onto the roof. I crept to the apex peered into the nature-infested backyard for a better point of observation. It was a fairly decent information-collecting spot. And I always loved knowing more information than people thought I did.

Devon was talking with a strange but eloquent looking female, who had a glow of disdain and a bit of concern about her. She was talking to Devon casually, until Devon had a sudden surge of fright and sadness. She promptly fainted into the other's arms, who held her at arms distance, as if not wanting to make physical contact.

At that instant, a man with desperation emerged from the trail at the edge of the forest, holding the back of his neck, where there was a bit of dried blood. He seemed oddly familiar. A stifled cry, and a yelp of terror. A faint memory was tugging at the back of my brain, but I didn't have time to try to remember. The man and woman were carrying Devon around the side of the house.

I turned around, and slid down the roof. As I slid off the edge, I grabbed onto one of the poles, and swung around, landing neatly on the step. I leaned against the edge of the railing casually as the three of them came around the corner of the house.

Both of their eyes snapped towards me. "Who the hell are you?" they asked me in a strange unison.

"Rebecca Dashe." I answered calmly, before remembering that Devon was unconscious, and I should be worried. "I'm a friend of Devon's. And you two are...?" They paused at the base of the steps for a moment, before giving a quick introduction and rushing Devon into the house.

They set her gently on the couch and William knelt over her in concern. I could tell he was the one she was talking about, by the love he had for her. He held her hand as her eyes flickered open.

Dazed, she sat up, tears in her eyes. Then she saw William, and her heart lightened. “William!” She shouted. She bolted into his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck. She kissed him repeatedly, in great relief and happiness.

Carrie had slunk back into a corner of the room, and was seemingly intrigued by the frilly lampshade beside her. When Devon finally released Devon, after a few life pledges of love, she noticed the blood on her arm.

“William, are you bleeding?” The stress and worry was clear in her voice. William winced and raised his hand halfway to the back of his neck, before falling to the floor, writhing in agony. Devon screamed, and jumped up from the couch, kneeling at his side. Carrie was there in a flash, an unexpectedly quick flash, and looked down at him.

“Bitten.” She whispered, and Devon looked up at her in horror.

I coughed, my ever-so-stealthy way of reminding them of my presence. Carrie looked over at me, trying to make up an explanation for William’s behavior, but there was no need. William stopped thrashing, and rested silently on the floor, breathing deeply. Carrie looked over at him in surprise. “Hm,” she muttered. “Guess it worked faster on him.”

“Excuse me?” I said. “What just happened, is he okay?” Devon was still crouched over William who was starting to stir.

Carrie turned to me. “Seizure.” she explained. “He just got off some medication and that’s one of the, uh, side effects.”

I decided to accept her lie, not really wanting to know the truth.

William sat up with a hand to his forehead his eyes were black as pitch with a tint of ruby red. Another side effect, I suppose.
It was a cold autumn’s night. The brown and golden leaves blew with each small gust of wind. The only light came from the street lamps on the deserted neighborhood street I was walking on. I was 16 years old. My house was a couple blocks away. But something didn’t sit right. My mind was screaming at me that something wasn’t right. It could be my depressed state. My drunken boyfriend had just dumped me on the side of the road and drove off.
I had already walked two miles, with no phone, and it was already 2:30 a.m. My Dad was probably drunk on the couch again, with not a worry about me. I wiped away the fresh new set of tears on my face, as I kept walking down my street. A black cat suddenly ran in front of me, disappearing as fast as it came.
“Oh crap” I murmured. I was very superstitious, and especially when it came to cats. It meant dark and terrible trouble for the living.
Every gust of wind made my bones shiver. I could feel a rain coming soon. I knew that later I would be locked out of my house, because I had no key, and my piece of shit dad wouldn’t hear my knocking.
I heard a noise behind me. I turned around in surprise. I thought I saw something flash behind me, a shadow. I started to run, knowing now that the bad feelings I had had before were true. My house was a few yards away when I was suddenly grabbed form behind. I yelped in terror and screamed, as I was picked up like a rag doll and was flying in the direction behind me, away from my house.
Soon, I was in the middle of nowhere and sobbing uncontrollably as my kidnapper turned me around so I could see him. His eyes were a ruby red and his features were perfect. He looked Russian and about 17 with dark brown hair. He wore a black satin shirt that exposed his chest and a pair of black cut off jeans. He wore no shoes.
I stared at him with wonder and fright, wanting to run, but couldn’t move my legs. He seemed to sense my thoughts, cause he laughed, his pretty white teeth gleaming in the dark.
“Ya v’want ta v’run, vut ya cannot, huh?” he asked.
I didn’t say anything. What did this strange man want from me? I had no money, no valuables, nothing. Except…..No. God, please no. I don’t want to be one of those girls found dead in the woods, raped.
All the while the strange man was staring at me, his strange eyes shifting over me as if to take in my size. I bolted away as I finally got my legs to move. I looked over my shoulder to see if he was chasing me, but he wasn’t there. I turned my head back around and ran straight into him and got knocked down in the leaves and dirt. He laughed at me. “You can vun, but ya cannot escape ve!”
“What do you want from me?” I sobbed, believing that my end was near.
“A mate, a companion, and a coven,” he hissed at me. “And your going to give me all these.”
“Are you insane?” I screamed, hoping someone could hear me.
“The cops will know I’m missing and will come looking for me!” I was hoping to scare him with my words, but his reaction did the opposite. He laughed some more.
“You v’will come to love me, Lyla.”
“How do you know my name?” I whispered.
His eyes narrowed as he took pleasure in my response.
“V’well, I v’wouldn’t have chosen to turn you if I hadn’t watched ya and liked what I saw.”
My face scrunched into disgust and terror. Who the hell was this person, a mental patient?
I slowly got to my feet, pretending to be dazed.
“I don’t want anything to do with you….you…. you sick bastard!” I spat at him.
His red eyes turned hard for a second, but then he smirked, ignoring my harsh words.
I didn’t wait to see what he was going to do next, so I ran off to the right, dodging trees and overgrowth trying to lose him. I didn’t get far until I was pulled from behind and forced still.
His cold, marble like hands held my struggling arms tight against my body, as his nose slowly brushed away the hair at the back of my neck.
“Get off of me!!!” I screamed. I started to cry again, seeing no way out. He was too strong, like a boulder.
He murmured something against my neck, but I couldn’t understand. My heart was beating fast, as panic tore through me. This was it, I was going to die.
The sick freak gave a soft laugh, as his cold lips moved up and down across my neck.
“V’welcome to a new life.”
I screamed out in pain as I felt him bite down on my neck, drawing blood. If not for his hands around me, I would have been withering on the ground, kicking and squirming as the burning fire ran through my whole body. The pain was so unbearable that I couldn’t see straight.
“What the hell have you done to me!” I screamed out. He ignored me as he picked me up and carried me off. I passed out from the pain, so I didn’t know where he took me.
I remember waking up in a dim lit room on a sofa. The pain was still there, sometimes it flared up so bad it made me scream out. For three days it went like this. All alone, deep pain, scared. After the third day, the pain was gone and I felt stronger somehow. I got up off the rusty sofa I had been laying on, and walked over to a nearby mirror on the wall. The person staring back shocked me.

“Ma’am…..Miss…” came a high voice.
I was jarred out of my deep memory by a ditsy looking flight attendant. I looked up at her, aggravated.
Her blue eyes stared at me with curiosity as she twirled her blond hair.
“Peanuts?” she asked me while pointing at her cart full of snacks.
“No thanks” I replied turning my attention back to the inside of my eyelids.
She gave me a huff, while muttering something under her breath which sounded like “Ungrateful punk” and continued to push her cart down the isle.

I stepped outside the the cabin doors, taking a deep breath of fresh air.

'Another god-damned bloodsucker to deal with,' I thought wearily.

Now that he had been turned, his behavior could be come almost unpredictable. His thirst would drive his very existence for years. I could only hope that Devon would be safe. Maybe love really could prevail.

I snorted at my own stupidity. Love could never offer real protection. The love I had felt for my family had failed to save them from meeting their own horrible fate.

As I thought of my family, for the first time in a long while, tears began to well up in my eyes. The horrible loneliness began to set in. Unable to contain myself, I became my wolf form, throwing back my head and letting out a long howl, praying that I would, if only once, receive an answering call.
A Non-Existent User
When I finally reached the Cullins new home everyone was out front waiting for me even a new girl. But that was the least of my worries at the moment, “Edward could I have a minute?” I asked even though there was no point he knew why I was there. “Of course.” He said as I waved to my old family. We walked till we were out of vampire earshot but on the way Edward told me how he was getting married and I would have received an invitation but they had no way to find me. I graciously accepted my invitation as I told him about after all these years out of the blue I lost control of my body and I attacked. As I described my experience Edward just nodded. When I was done he told me that it happens to all vampires at least once so I shouldn’t worry about it. On our way back to the house I suddenly remembered William and Devon when he changed it wouldn’t take long for him to loose himself in the thirst and kill anyone close to him. I didn’t stop to say bye to Edward because he knew why I was leavening. I was back at a seemingly unbelievable rate from there I followed his sent to a house there was a human girl obviously confused by my sparkling skin and lightning fast entrance, but I would have to worry about that later. I was about to enter the door when I was tacked from the side by the werewolf from earlier how had I missed that she was here? I didn’t have time to explain to her the humans were in danger and if we didn’t get the newborn away from them before his cravings kicked in it would be almost impossible to stop him.
Devon wrapped her arms around a listless William. He was siting in a rigid position, and was staring at a single spot on the wall. About a minute prior, I had been standing in that spot, but didn't want to feel the red eyes upon me, and so moved to the spot that had been previously occupied by Carrie. The lampshade sat beside me, and I examined it with faux interest.

Carrie had walked outside a bit earlier, and I listened to her footsteps as she walked across the aged porch. Due to my attentiveness and keen listening skills, of course, I heard a sharp ripping sound, and an almost mourning howl emanating in close proximity to the house. Devon's head snapped up and she glared at the door before looked back at me cautiously.

"Local wolves?" I offered. She nodded, and turned her attention back to William, who was starting to stir. I took a few tentative steps toward him. His eyes seemed to focus on what was around him, and a low grumbling emitted from his chest.

"William," Devon began. "Are you--" She was cut off by a screeching sound from outside that was accompanied by something that sounded like concrete hitting concrete. William's attention snapped to myself and Devon, a strange glow about him; he was shrouded in the intention of hunger and strength-- and an uncontrollable desire.

Devon jumped up, and backed away as his attention turned to her. He stood up, fast as ever, and lunged toward her. Devon was to surprised to scream.

Just as he was almost upon her, a quick movement caught my eye, and William was tackled to the ground. Horrible clashing and loud sounds filled the air. Devon stumbled toward me, away from the scuffle.

A voice I didn't recognize shouted at us. "Get out of the house!"

I looked at Devon, who was entranced by the sight of her dear love being fought by another. I took her by the arm and led her out of the house. She seemed numbed by shock, and it took the appearance of Carrie to coax some words out of her.

"Carrie, what's happening?" Her voice was a bare whisper, horror struck.

"Yes, I'd like to know the answer to that too. At least, I think I do."

Carrie looked at me with the same cautiousness that Devon had. "Take it from me, this isn't a world you want to get sucked into. But if you want to help, take Devon away from here. It's too da--" She was about to say the word "dangerous", but changed it mid-word. "emotional. I'm guessing they are fighting in there, and I don't want Devon anywhere near here for that."

She looked at me intensely, as if trying to get an important message across. I nodded and took Devon by the arm.

"Come on Dev," I said softly as I turned her towards the road. "Let's go back to my house and have some hot chocolate or something. We'll come back when it's" safe "over."
As I went back to my thoughts and memories of the night I got turned, the name of my sire came back to me: Vladmir -> pronounced Vladimear
He was a pshyco and I hated him with a passion deep down. And, for a reason unknown, he adored his 5 russian cats. When he was at his 'home' you would never see him without one of those damned cats lofting around his shoulders. I hated them too.
When I saw my reflection in the mirror of the rusty old room I was locked in, I was staring at a different person. My features were perfect and I seemed to have the strength of 100 men. I remember sitting in a corner, rocking back and forth like a madwoman. Wondering who am I? And what's happened to me? And whats going to happen to me?
That same night, Vladmir paid me a vist. I tried to fight past him, and would have escaped if it wasn't for his four henchmen dragging me back.
Since I was a newborn vampire, I had more strength than Vladmir, who was an older vampire. I guess the older you get, the weaker you become.
Well, dear old Vladmir wanted to welcome me to my new life, and threw at me a bundle of cloth. It was moving around and a wailing sound was coming from it.
"Eat, my dear", he said in his Russian accent. "V'you must be thirsy, no?"
I stared at the bundle with disgust and anger. I could see that there was no way of getting things back to normal. What was going to happen to me?
The wailing turned into a high pitched screaming as the babe in the bundle tried to get out. Then I felt a deep feeling, something that was lingering before but now was burning inside. It wasn't the hate I felt for Vladmir. To my horror, I did something that I will never forgive myself for.
"Get out of the house!" I howled at the top of my lungs as the newborn vampire and I clashed fists, feet, and fangs. Sadly, I was older, and had never fed on a human, so naturally that made me weaker. Cursing that weakness now, I ignored the fact that I had always seen it as a personal strength. The wizard, William I thought was his name, was crouched low to the ground, snarling, his crimson eyes thirsty and furious that I had intercepted him as he dove for his first meal.

"Get out of my way!" He growled, his fingers flexing as my venom coursed through his arm from the bite I had made on him when he had sunk his own fangs into my shoulder. We were both battered at this point, as concrete smashing against concrete has a way of doing.

"Come now, my little newblood. Do you really think you can beat a veteran? Besides, dont you love that little red head? Fight the urge, you can do it." I cooed trying to calm the man, but apparently my true talent was not influencing emotions, because he heaved a pure animal roar and flew at me, his fingers itching to wrap around my pale and slim neck. I grunted and threw my hands up, smacking away his grappling hands, and head butted him as hard as I could. The sound was like two boulders smashing together, and I stumbled backwards, my ears ringing. William tumbled to the ground, somersaulting backwards until he hit the wall. He sat there for a moment, shaking his head before he was at my throat again.

"Im so thirsty! It feels like Im burning up!" He whimpered as his fingers closed with vice-like strength around my neck. I gasped and dug at his fingers, but his newborn strength was just enough to keep me from breaking free.

"Let go of her!" A slightly familiar voice roared and a foot connected solidly with the side of William's head. I was dropped to the floor and collapsed, grasping my neck and wheezing. Coughing and gasping, I looked up to see the handsome vampire from yesterday in the clearing, fighting the newborn with a surprising determination. Something was nagging at the back of my mind. It seemed as if something connected these two. There was a sense of familiarity in their eyes as they danced violently around one another, completely trashing the room they fought in.

Stumbling to my feet, I gasped as a couch was thrown my direction, and I barely managed to hop to the side and dodge the flying projectile.

"CARRIE!" I screamed, cold fear trickling into my stomach as I saw William throw the male vampire bodily through the wall of the cabin. He then turned to me, and I raised my hands, hissing like a cat, my fangs bared. Suddenly the wolf whose mournful howl had drawn me to the house in the first place, let out a feral growl that vibrated in my chest like an earthquake. Carrie and her giant wolf form burst through the window beside me, her enormous canines glinting in the light as her hackles stood straight up. The sight made William halt and weigh his options for a moment, and that gave me the opportunity I needed.

"Carrie, grab his legs!" I shouted and dove at William, grabbing his wrists and pinned them together in front of him with all the strength I had. Carrie gave a soft confused yip, but followed my actions and pinned his legs together with a powerful bite. My momentum took him down and he screamed and writhed in fury, but we did not relent. I kept ahold of his thrashing arms even when William brought his arms up and sunk his fangs deep into my arm, trying to use to pain to loosen my grip. In between his teeth I could hear him swearing up and down, using some very colorful language, and even some words in another language. I grunted and shook my head, laughing tightly.

"William, you might as well let go of me. Im not going to let you up, no matter what you call my mother." Carrie's lips pulled back over her teeth and she panted a wolfy laugh while she continued to clamp down on William's legs.

"Well, congrats on pinning him, but what do you plan to do with him now?" The sultry voice of the attractive male sounded frustrated, and just a little sulky. I blew it off and shook my head, sweat beginning to trickle down my back with the exertion of trying to keep William's thrashing arms under control.

"Bind him and go get the Volturi. Now would you mind helping and getting me something to tie him up with- whoever you are." I grunted, squinting my eyes shut as William chomped down on another part of my arm.

"My name is Marqus Valintine." He said then disappeared. He returned after a moment, however, with some thick sailors rope. Carrie eyed him with utter distrust but at the moment, William was a bigger threat. Marqus walked over with the rope and I hauled William off the floor by his arms and propped his back against my knee so I could wrench his arms behind his back. There, Marqus tied them tightly, wrapping a length of the rope up and down William's arms, securing the whole thing instead of just his wrists. Next he did the same for William's legs, though there was a very tense moment where Marqus had to wrap the rope very close to Carrie's head, and the tension was so thick in the air that you could nearly taste it. It all went off without a hitch, however, and the three of us sat back with immense sighs of relief, watching William writhe and scream, fighting against his restraints.

"We have to do something. He needs blood." Marqus said after we all caught our breath. I was nursing my wounds at the moment, and was not in the mood to feel very charitable towards anyone except myself.

"We dont HAVE to do anything." I snapped, cradling my arm that William had bitten so many times that it resembled a chunk of swiss-cheese.

"Yes we do. Bring him an animal. If he doesnt get blood, then he will simply go mad and die. Even you have to feed sometime, Laine." He pointed out, and I raised my good hand to touch the shadows that were forming under my eyes. I sighed, leaning my head against the wall that braced my back.

"Fine. We'll get him a bear, let him feed and calm down some, then we gotta take him to the Volturi. They are stationed in Europe, and they take care of newborn vampires that stir up trouble. Maybe theyll know how to deal with a wizard-vampire mix." I said tiredly.

"Maybe, but what are the Volturi?" Carrie asked, her green eyes inquisitive.

"Not sure, but Emmet used to tell me stories about them. They werent very good stories, but thats the only idea I have right now. Id take him to the Cullens up in Alaska, but they have their hands full with Bella." I sighed, and ran a hand over my face. This was going to be a very difficult few weeks.

I shifted nervously. I didn't like the feeling I got when these 'Volturi' were mentioned. I always hated large groups of vampires, especially when I didn't have a pack of my own.

The soul-deep loneliness set in again, this time so strong that I had to fight off tears. I usually just blocked the pain, putting a mental wall around that part of my mind, but seeing all these vampires together made me long for my own kind once more.

“You guys figure out what to do with the little bloodsucker,” I said, turning to leave. “I don’t want anything to do with him.”

I could feel their eyes on me as I left, but I didn’t care. I just needed to get away for a while, maybe run around in the deep woods that surrounded the town. And there was always the nearby coastline to explore. That thought perked me up a bit. I hadn’t been near the ocean in years, and it always made me feel puppyish to splash around in the waves.

Sensing that Laine was on her way out to check on me, I quickly transformed, running off into the dark night.

Sighing, I fell heavily onto the sand, allowing myself to relax. The salty tang of the air was strong on my superhuman senses, but I welcomed it, letting the gentle sound of the waves lapping against the shore. I wanted to sleep, just drift off into the realm of dreams, see my family once more-

My eyes snapped open and I sat up, my breath coming in shallow gasps. A faint scent drifted through the air, and I strained to catch it again. If this was just a trick that my own mind was playing on me, if it was nothing more than wishful thinking-

No. It wasn’t just a trick, as my feet moved without me telling them to, the scent became stronger and stronger. I could smell them, they were so close. Others…
The sound of howling wolves and whistling winds was silenced as the door closed behind us. Devon and I walked into the living room and sat on an old couch. She seemed to still be in shock, and I was bracing myself for when it finally hit her.

On the way over, I had carefully guided her by the arm from sidewalks and streets and trails, until we got to the house, all the while talking somewhat cheerfully to distract her. It was only a five minute walk, but it seemed like it took us an hour to get there.

Now that the yellow light of a ceiling fan light had replaced the sun, Devon was holding her head in her hands. I guess I could sympathize with her. It's not every day that your true love turns into a raving beast. I meant that figuratively, but now I wasn't so sure.

I sat on the arm of the chair beside her.

"Dev," I began. "I think we need to talk about what just happened."

She blinked a few times before looking up at me. "William--" She looked close to tears. A mixture of emotions passed over her face, from sorrow to extreme anger. I decided it was best to not let her become vengeful, but considerate and concerned about someone else.

I put on a look of confusion and what I hoped to be desperation. "Dev, I'm so confused! What's gong on here, and what happened to your William guy?"

Her features immediately altered. She looked almost guilty for having to tell me what she was about to say.

"William is a.... You know Carrie? She's a--" She struggled for the right words and looked just about to say something else when the telephone rang. She sighed in relief as I walked in the other room to answer it.

When I came back in, Devon was deep in thought.

"Dev, it's for you. Some person wants to talk to you, said it's urgent." I handed her the phone, brow furrowed.

She held it to her ear nodding and listening closely. I could make out a few of the words spoken on the other end of the phone.

There was a mention of William, and someone called the Volturi. It was probably another one of these mysterious people who I knew nothing about.

"No way!" She shouted. "I am not staying here while you guys fly off to the Volturi...then she'll just come with me...fine...bye."

Devon's expression changed a several times throughout the conversation. She looked at me after she hung up the phone. There was something about her I-know-something-you-don't-know smile that irked me. The she spoke.

"Do you have a passport?"

My thoughts came back to reality as the plane landed in its destination.
I was now in Sweden, and I felt relieved like a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders.
The ditsy flight attendant gave me a nasty look when I passed her to get to the terminal. It was a small airport, and the language was new and strange to me, but I soon caught on.
I had a cousin who lived around here, and I was determined to track him down. He was my only living relative, since my dad died from to much alcohol in his system and my mom died in child birth to me. I had no grandpa or grandma or any brothers and sisters. Just an anonymous cousin who lived in Europe.
I only knew his name was Gregory Benz and that he liked to keep to himself and his books.
As I weaved around traffic in my silver Volvo, I tried to remember an address I had seen when I was two years old.
759 Blavatsky rd.
When I became a vampire, I could remember my earliest memories from the time I was born till now. It was freaky, but I soon got used to it.
Vladmir said that I was unique and demanded me to notify him if anything should change in my memories or if I should see something different or unusual. I still don't understand why he was very scared of what I might be capable of doing in the future. I was very glad that I didn't have to be around him any more.
The memory of escaping him was playing before my eyes like a movie.
It was daylight outside, but of course I didn't know because I was always locked in a dark and dank room. Vladmir paid me one of his usual visits; I guess he was trying to get me to love him. I fought at him when he got close, and screamed damned words at him for what he did to me. But I could never lay a scratch on him because his three partners would always hold me back. I could still remember their laughter and jeers.
But something different happened in this particular visit. I was forced back by the three burly vampires, while Vladmir 'tisked' at my 'behavior'. He went on about how I would learn to respect him and be his lover always standing by his side and do what ever he demanded.
I felt like a slave to this man. I wanted to rip his short black hair from its roots and scratch up the smirk on his face. The repulsive Russian even tried to kiss me! I bit him hard, trying to hurt him but it didn't work as I wanted it to. It was like biting into a rock and Vladmir laughed! Yes, laughed. "V'why, arn't v'you ve feisty one!" I screamed a string of curse words at him that I dare not repeat. He took no notice. Then that’s when the strange thing happened. I was so full of hate and fury, that I didn't realize what was happening at first. Vladmir had suddenly let out a yell of pain as he clasped his hands to his head as if his head was about to split apart. His tall frame was bent in two and all his Russian cats fell off his shoulders. His three gangly vampires rushed to him, forgetting all about me. I took this advantage and dashed out the door and through some really exquisite and decorative hallways. So Vladmir really lived in wealth, while I was kept in a rundown smelly room! I could hear his fury as he yelled, "Don't worry about me you fools, go and bring back Lyla!!!" Somehow, I had escaped. I worried about them tracking me down, but he never found me.

I had arrived at my cousin’s house. It was located in the rural country and there was not another house for miles. It felt kind of peaceful and I felt really nervous.
A Non-Existent User
Just before Laine and I loaded William, I had remember a very critical part in getting William to the Volturi *How were they going to get William on the plain* there was no way they would let a bag that was yelling and thrashing about onto the plane. “So how do we get him on the plain…any ideas?” I asked Liane scratching the back of my head. Laine apparently hadn’t thought about that part, because she gave a frustrated yell and slammed her fist into the ground leaving a cloud of dust and two decent sized craters. “I’m going to find something for William to snack on while we wait for Devon and Rebecca.” I said knowing everything would get about ten times more difficult when William sees two humans. When I got back I say Laine gesturing for Devon to come in and try to reason with William before Rebecca came in, I also noticed that Rebecca was unusually calm, even though she’s been though hell. I decided to give the poor girl a break and fill her in on what was going on. “Welcome back” I said keeping my voice as friendly as possible trying to think of the best way to explain to her the existence of vampires I decided to start with “Your probably wondering a lot of things right now… like what’s going on with William, why is everyone having so much trouble telling you what’s going on, and most importantly it cant be legal for me to be this darn good looking” I tried my best to lighten the mood with a joke…
I smiled at Marqus and his attempt to fill me in. I didn't have much patience though, what with trying to keep tabs on Devon who was almost prancing around in anxiety. We had just gotten to the outside of her house, and she had wanted to immediately go inside to William. Marqus advised against that however, due to his "condition" and told her she would have to try to stay away from him as much as possible.

Devon had reluctantly agreed, but that hadn't stopped her from being totally and completely nervous.

"It can't be legal for me to be this darn good looking..." Marqus was saying, trying to ease into the explanation process. I interrupted him.

"You and good 'ole William are Vampires. That other girl is a Werewolf, and same goes for that other fellow. We're all going to see the Volturi in Europe, who are a group of Vampires specializing in the controlling of other Vampires and who basically run Italy. Yeah, I got it." Marqus' jaw dropped, and Devon stopped tiptoeing about.

"I...er...you..." Marqus stuttered. I smiled coyly, looking up at him with a self satisfied look on my face.

"I catch on quick." I told him. Devon was staring at me in much the same fashion that Marqus was. I shied back almost in embarrassment. "What? You guys aren't very good at talking quietly you know."

Marqus drew a hand through his hair and sighed. "I guess that's taken care of then."

Devon leaned her head against mine, looking at the house. I gave her a hug, to try and comfort her. She looked at Marqus.

"What are we going to do about William and the airplane?" She asked.

"That's exactly what I was thinking about before you two got here." He replied. They both looked thoughtful for a moment, before Devon spoke.

"I have an idea. How about we just, put him in our luggage?"

"Already thought about that." Marqus said. He sat on the porch steps, and Devon and I followed.

"No," Devon continued. "I mean we just buy him a ticket, and then after we get through security and to the baggage check in, we just shove him in there then."

Marqus was shaking his head before she had even finished speaking. "That wouldn't work. We couldn't take him through the terminal with all of those people. He'd go crazy."

"Go crazy?" I asked. "What do you mean?"

"I thought you already knew." Devon said.

I shrugged defensively. "Just because I figured it out, doesn't mean I understand every detail." Marqus nodded and they both explained to me what I hadn't picked up on already. We all looked out at the tree line for a few minutes.

"So, you Vampires are pretty fast movers, right?" I directed my question at Marqus.

"Yeah." He answered.

"So," I began, smiling. "Why don't you just run out side and up into the baggage part of the plane while they are loading it up. If you're as strong as you say, a couple of you should be able to take care of him down there and keep him settled."

They both considered this for a moment. Marqus opened his mouth a couple of times to object, but his intentions showed that he found no fault with the plan. I smiled in triumph.

Just as I stood up, to congratulate myself on a job well done -- more of an idea well thought of -- someone suddenly was in front of me holding a large, dead animal of sorts. He quickly tried to stow it behind his back, looking unsure, but it did no use. My breakfast soon found its way to the pavement in a matter of seconds.
My efforts had been in vain. There had been signs and fading scents of other werewolves, but it was obvious that both were rather old. With my great shaggy head hanging low, I made my way back to the little cabin, but remained outside. I just wasn't ready to face anyone right that second. Besides, it seemed that the others were busy filling in Rebecca. In my opinion, she'd had enough of a supernatural overload in the last while. The least I could do was give her a few minutes before barging in.

But then the one boy came carrying a dead animal, food for the newborn, I supposed. When Rebecca threw up, I almost laughed, though it probably would have come out as a growl in my wolf body. I'd had to hunt for myself before, so the sight of a furry little woodland creature that had been torn up didn't really phase me. Still, I could understand how much of a shock it was for her. I transformed back into a human, trying to keep my giggles suppressed.

I tensed up again when the smell of the newborn washed over me again.

"So, you guys figure out what to do with that one?" I asked, jerking my thumb towards the door.

"Rebecca suggested just dashing into the undercarriage of the plane and subduing him so we can get to the Volturi," Marqus said.

"I scratched my head thoughtfully. "Hm. Not a bad plan...for a human, at least."

Laine laughed. "My thoughts exactly."

Despite the dull ache in my heart, I found myself laughing as well. Maybe not all vampires were that bad.
A Non-Existent User
Don't panic. He'll be ok. I hope. "Oh God, oh God, oh God."

"What?" Rebecca asked, holding my shoulders to stop my fidgety.

"William! Is he going to be ok in the undercarriage? Oh God" I started to bit my nails, which I never do.

"Dev, he will. Marqus will subdue him then will be on our way."

"Plane to Volturi will be ready to board."

"Oh God. I don't see Marqus!" I bit my nail to the quick and it started to bleed.

"Dev! Stop! Marqus is right over there and your going to explode. Stop. Fidgeting."

"Ok, ok, I'm fine now. Let's just board." I grabbed my little knapsack and followed Rebecca.

"Will is fine." Marqus whispered in my ear while we boarded. "Stop fidgeting."

"Fine, fine, let's just go." We settled into our seats and got ready for take off, Marqus on my left, Rebecca on my right.

[y'all know that The Volturi is a group of Vampires, not a place, yes?]
As soon as Devon ceased her fidgeting, Marqus began. He drummed his fingers on the armrest nervously and I glanced over at him.

The plane was taxiing over towards the runway. As we neared it, Devon and I started up a conversation about William. I couldn't really remember who it was that was watching over William in the undercarriage. Laine Something? I guess these folks weren't really that big on last names.

A strangled gulp came from a couple seats away from me. Marqus looked paler than he usually did. I carried on my conversation with Devon, while simultaneously figuring out how to address Marqus, and what we were going to do when we arrived in Europe. Normally, I had at least six different trains of thought that I could follow, so this was relatively simple.

Devon was talking. "William and I, we met when--"

"Just a sec, Dev." I interrupted her, turning to Marqus. "Are you okay, Marqui?"

He glared over at me for a moment, apparently not liking his newly appointed nickname. Dev turned to him as well.

"Jeez, Marqus," Dev said. "You look like death!"

Marqus gripped the armrests tightly as we began to speed down the runway. He closed his eyes. "I just... don't. Like. Flying." He said through gritted teeth.

I laughed out loud. Marqus' apparent fear of flying was, well, apparent. He risked opening his eyes long enough to shoot me an accusatory stare. I maid a mock show of apology.

"Come on, Marqui." I laughed. "You're a Vampire. Me and Dev are the ones who have to worry about crashing to our deaths. You and William and What's-his-last-name are practically immortal."

Marqus was a visage of anger and uneasiness. As the plane rose in the air, Dev and I were barely restraining our giggles.

When the plane finally leveled out, 36,000 feet in the air, Marqus was still not breathing - but I guess he had no need to. "I think that I'll go down to the baggage hold. Where there are no windows." Marqus nodded to himself, before disappearing.

Dev and I busted out laughing again, our comic relief. the flight attendant walked by, shooting us an angry look.

This was going to be a long flight.
My patience was starting to thin as I continued to knock on the hard oak door. I knew he was in there, because I could hear his quite muttering somewhere inside the house. He was probably deep inside one of his favorite history books and didn't want to answer the door.
Finally, after the fiftieth knock, my cousin Gregory opened the door, his expression a mix between annoyance and curiosity.
"What do you want?" he asked after a minute of looking at me. His eyes were wide and bluish green with a pair of half moon spectacles sitting in front of them. His brown hair was ruffled in a shaggy disarray, as if he just got out of bed and didn't even bother to brush it. His mouth was set in a thin line while he was waiting for me to answer him.
"Uh" I started out and then laughed. "Ummm... hey Gregory, its been a long time", I finally said.
His expression changed to the 'who the hell is this person' and his eyes squinted at me like he was trying to remember who I was.
Good luck on that, dear Cousin. The last time you saw me I was 1.
I laughed again at my thoughts and he took a step back, his eyes cautious. Probably thought I was a crazy.
"Am I supposed to know you" he responded in a sarcastic tone.
I scratched my head while I quickly tried to figure out a way to break the news to him.
"Yes, as a matter of fact you are." I finally replied in the same tone.
"I'm your littlest cousin. You know..... the one who lived in America?"
There was a pause.
He still looked a little surprised and I grinned. “Its me, Lyla” I expressed with enthusiasm while I did a dramatic sweep with my arms.
I knew I didn’t need to do that last part for he probably already knew who I was when I said ‘America’.
It took a while to convince him that I was in fact related. I even had to take out my ID and old photographs just to prove it to him.
Finally, I was granted entrance inside. I then wondered what I was going to do from here.

*Hey Twilighters!!
For all you who are really into the books and can't wait for the upcoming movie, check out this song that I recently listened to.
The aritist is 'Ashes Divide' Song is 'Too Late'.
It is sooooooo Twilight related. Just imagine Edward singing the lyrics.
And if you like this song, check out the others.
They're all basically Twilight related, especially the song 'Enemies' (A song for Edward and Jacob) : P
Thats all. Lol.
Please give me feedback on what you think, be/c I'm thinking about starting a petition to put it on the third movie, if they make one*
: )

My tail, nose, and ears twitched constantly, trying to take in all the different sensations I was getting in the crowded luggage compartment. I had my jaws clamped firmly on William's legs once more, and I was practically gagging on the smell that rolled off of him, but I managed to hold my own. Laine was doing her job perfectly. She was lucky, not to have the heightened senses that I did. Just being near me probably would have made her go crazy.

Only a few minutes into the flight, Marqus stumbled in among us, looking pale. Well, paler than usual.

"What's wrong?" Laine asked.

Marqus shook his head, closing his eyes tightly as he sat down. I gave a questioning growl, and he barely cracked one open.

"Don't like flying," he said through clenched teeth. "Vampires are not meant to go off the ground."

Laine chuckled and I let a deep rumble to emit from my throat. This was obviously going to be a long flight.
*Hey everyone. I know that this camp fire hasn't been rolling lately and I think I understand. But I do wish that it keeps going. I'd hate to extinguish one of my camp fires. It's been fun w/ you all.

But as much as I want it to go on, my life is changing too. I am soon leaving for the Air Force Basic Training in Texas, and so I won't have time for this kind of stuff. Maybe in 4 months or so.
SO, wish me luck and so long................*
Devon was clenching the armrests as if they were here only lifeline to a sane world, and she was slipping into a deranged mentality. I took her hand in mind, looking at her with a smile. It was a foolproof method of calming her. She wouldn't squeeze my hand with as much force as she would the armrest, and if she wasn't tensed quite as much, her heart rate would slow and she would be calmed. She smiled back at me.

Her face clearly showed that she was still nervous and her intentions were foggy and confused. I held her hand tightly as a voice overhead announced our soon touchdown on the land of Europe and I smiled internally at the joke he made about tourists. Devon appeared not to notice the joke.

She smiled reassuringly to me and I decided to ask her a question, both to satisfy my curiosity and to distract her.

"So, Dev, are all of these people on our side? Can we really trust these Volturi?" I inquired, my head tilted to the side while I thought about where we would meet William and the others once we landed.

"Well, I don't know a lot about the Volturi, but they're the only option we have. We can't just let Will-- William..." she paused at his name, "... we can't just let him run rampant around killing people. Maybe they'll have some answers." She trailed off and looked out the window at the bright sun. The city was visible below, and in its minuscule houses held a tension and promise of adventure. I was beginning to think that this Volutri group was not the best option, but what else was there to do? I did not have the great fountain of knowledge on the subject of the non-human like Devon did.

"We have a problem," Devon said as she looked back to me, "It's light out. It's day." I followed her previous gaze to the bright sunshine that was casting itself upon the city below.

"So? Do vampires really burst into ash when the light touches their skin?" I asked, thinking back to days when I would watch the television vampires disintegrate at the point of a stake or ray of light.

"No," Devon explained, "but they sparkle like diamonds, and they'll be given away as not-normal. It's a very bad thing!"

Immediately, my mind set to work on a solution, but it was sidetracked by a second worry.

"Dev," I began, staring at nothing in particular, "these Volturi are vampires, right?"

She nodded, unable to follow my line of thinking.

"Well what happens when two humans run into meet them? They aren't on the same diet as the others we've met, are they? They don't eat animals, do they?" This time, I was clutching the armrests. Devon's eyes
Rebecca: Cont. on last post:

[Devon's eyes...] widened as she realized that the Volturi might not be as accepting of human blood left to run freely in veins rather than sucked out for a meal. Devon went to unlatch her seat belt, to probably find Marqus or Laine to talk to, but was immediately stopped by one of the flight attendants. The impatient woman gestured at the green light that was blinking a signal to keep seat belts fastened, and trays in their upright positions.

Devon sat back down nervously biting her nails as the wheels came into contact with foreign soil.

I let out a little puppyish yelp as the plane hit the ground, jostling everyone and everything within the crowded compartment. William began to struggle even more, trying to take advantage of my momentary lapse in attention and escape, but I managed to hold tight, growling menacingly. Marqus laughed a little as we slowly rolled to a stop, and Laine grinned.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen," she began, "we're gonna have to move quick. Marqus, you'll have to help me carry William. Carrie, you run along side us and get ready to run interference if he makes a break for it. On my count: 3...2...1....GO!"

She and Marqus picked William up, just barely keeping a hold on him. I let go of his legs and turned, slamming my fronts paws down on the hatch door. It blew open, and even though we could still see the ground rolling away beneath us at a pace that would have frightened a normal human, we lept out. We hit the ground running, immediately heading for the outermost edges of the airport landing strips. Luckily, there were woods just outside the boundaries of the property, so there would be some cover. As we ran, I couldn't help but admire the bright, glittering shine that Laine and Marqus both gave off in the sunlight. If it wasn't for the smell, I probably could have stood there and stared all day. But right now there was no time. We had to find a safe place to meet the others.

© Copyright 2008 Twilight_Imp_626, xx-xx, Broken, DarkHeart-BlueEyes-StangeMind, ↕Z○A○K, xx-xx, Rebecca - expiring, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
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