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Three planets, three races and three alien children against a common foe |
Hello there! Grab a stick and seat yourself down to an intergalactic campfire! This story is about the war of the alliance, where the three races of the Andromada Alliance were nearly conquered by by creul alien warlords! Here are the three races of the story AVES: come from planet Ava they are humonoid bird-people and unlike most birds they have elf-like ears and toothy beaks. They are a colorful, artistic and musical people. Their goverment is a monarchy with a High king and queen above all others. Rules for the the Royalty and Nobilty are very strict for example: A prince or princess can not mate or marry a servent or else they lose their jobs. OCTOS: come from planet Rigel 4 they are like big octopusses with human faces, they can breathe in air or water. They are wonderful scientists but unlike Aves or Magis they are not good at magic. Their children are not raised by their parents but in communel homes. Their goverment is a repuplic MAGIS: come from planet Jellicle they are lage cat-like people they are centuar-like with two arms and four legs. They are mysterious and secretive and are they very best at magic and sorcery. Like the Aves they have a monarchy but do not have the strict rules of conductan Ave has to live with Now for the Bad Guys BETTAS: are nasty bug-like people they look like typical little green men with compound eyes and they have the dispostions of army ants. No one knows where they came from but one things seems clear, they are entent on enslaving evrey other race in the universe but there is a rumor that they are depenant on a faraway planet called Earth and it's mysterious inhabbitants for survivel |
It was was a year of judgement. King Atal of the Ave people was reterning from the frozen north, to his castle on the Tropical island of Dimentina. Finally! He would see his son and duaghter after a year away! It was the Midsummer Ball and it was such an important event that 10 year old Prince Zander and 9 year old Princess Gear were allowed to stay up and attend the dance. Zander was only 10 but already he had quite a few young groupies who giggled and chirped whenever he winked at them. Gear also had her share of fanboys but deep down she only wanted to spend time with Revel, the quiet shy kitchen boy "Hello my dears!" Said Atal and Zander and Gear rushed up and hugged their father None of them knew of the looming threat |
Not far away, in the center of a hollowed-out asteroid, Commander Betalamonus was addressing five of his top Betta generals. In one claw he held a pointer which he used to indicate a small blue-green planet on a holographic map. "This is Ava, gentlemen." "Ava?" said General Monagamus. "What a strange name for a planet. Did they pick it out themselves?" "I'm afraid so, general. Once again we have encountered a species that is only fit to be our slaves." All the generals clapped in approval and Commander Betalamonus dipped his antennae, the Betta equivalent of a smile. |
The Betta Spaceship zoomed steltaly to Ava. It was using a cloaking device to escape detection Meanwhile Atal had a present for his duaghter "It's a glass flower." He said "It will give you courage when you need it." |
"Wow! Amazing!" said the Princess of Ava. meanwhile, the people of the north had encountered the Betta! |
The people of Northern Ava screamed and ran as the ferocious Betta poured from their landing ships and overran the villages. Anyone who resisted was killed. Everyone else was put in chains to become slaves of the Betta. At the royal court Princess Gear thanked her father for the beautiful glass flower. "I like the way it sparkles and tinkles, Dad." King Atal smiled at his beloved child. "You are my flower, Gear. Your eyes sparkle and your voice is like the tinkling of the bells in the palace windchimes." Gear hugged her father. Suddenly a messenger ran into the room. "Sir! We have received word of trouble in the North!" King Atal gripped the arms of his throne. "Not another ice bird uprising?" "No, sire!" said the messenger. "It's an invasion from space!" |
"Impossible!" Said the King "No one can get past our defenses!" "They used a cloaking device my lord." Said the Messenger "The commander of the invading army gave this ultimatum... Surrender or die!" Zander and Revel were walking by and had overheard "We're being invaded?!" Revel squeeked Atal knew instantly what to do "Gear, you and your brother and the servant children must hide in Cavern Hole beneith the castle I must prepare the adults for battle!" |
"What are we doing?" shouted Gear over the engines of the aircraft powering up. " we are going to a distant planet called, by it's in habitants, earth." replied The King. "What's there?" asked Zander. "I visited earth as a child and I left my all-power emerald there. I fear these invaders have taken it!" |
"How come you never told us about Earth before?" Asked Zander "It's a very dangerous planet it's inhabitants do not trust creatures from other planets." Unbenownst to them they were being watched by General Jax "They think they will escape do they?" Snarled the Betta. "Well I won't let them escape!" Jax turned on his magnetic beam and pulled Atal's ship toward his "We're captured!" Zander shrieked The Bettas had the Royal family in their clutches |
"Put a message in the droid, son!" said King Atal as their ship was pulled toward the Betta ship. Zander quickly turned to his faithful droid, RU12, and hit the "holographic recording" button. But who should the message go to? It was useless to send it to any of his friends on Ava, but what about his friend Squilly who lived on Octo? Perfect! Zander stood in RU12's recording beam and said, "Squilly! We've been captured by the Bettas! Help us!" Then he strapped a rescue rocket pack to RU12 and shoved him out the air lock just seconds before a huge clang indicated their ship was being attached to the Betta ship. "But how can RU12 escape the tractor beam?" Gear asked her brother. "Small mass," Zander said. "The tractor beam force is proportional to mass. It can only work on things as big as a spaceship. It's the same beam we use to cushion our landings." "Whatever," Gear said. She wasn't really interested in the mechanics of space flight. |
It was a lucky thing Zander sent that droid, It found it's way to planet Rigel 4 where it was found by SQUILLY's uncle Tropfor Meanwhile Jax looked at his captives "Well well well" He said "I guess you birds think you're pretty clever?" |
King Atal said nothing. General Jax motioned to one of the Betta guards. "Put them in a cell by themselves. They will be useful in controlling our new slaves. These bird-brained Aves flock together and follow their leader... even into slavery. Mwahahahaha!" Princess Gear shuddered. A tear rolled down her cheek. Zander stood up straight and stuck out his chin. "Don't cry, sis. We are of royal blood." The Betta guards marched them down a long corridor. A door whisked open. They were pushed into a small room and locked in. On Rigel 4 an Octo named Tropfor was examining a strange droid that had rolled into his yard. The little droid waved it's arms and beeped and whistled, but Tropfor didn't understand droid talk. "What is this tin can trying to say?" he asked his wife. "I don't know dear, but look how dirty it is. I'll clean it." Her cleaning rag bumped the "play" button and suddenly there was a holographic image of Gear saying "Squilly! We've been captured by the Bettas! Help us!" Tropfor jumped back. "My nephew! This message is for him!" |
Tropfor rushed to Squilliy "My nephew! Your friend Prince Zander is in trouble!" Squilliy snarfed his Space Tea "Saturn's Rings! We must do something at once!" Meanwhile on Ava Revel and anouther servent child Borsa were sending an SOS to Princess Tybalt of the Magis "I must save my friends at all costs!" Revel whispered |
On Jellicle, Princess Tybalt of the Magis was playing with her crystal ball, conjuring up images of dancing fairies and tiny monkey clowns, when suddenly the ball went blank and the emergency override beeped. "Priority Message for Pricess Tybalt. Priority message for Princess Tybalt." "Yes, what is it?" Princess Jellicle purred. The crystal ball cleared and the faces of the Ave children Revel and Borsa appeared. "Princess Tybalt! The Bettas have landed on our planet and taken the royal family into slavery!" Tybalt hissed. "Those vicious Betta bugs! They are evil! I will do what I can to help Gear and Zander escape from them. I will be in touch with you soon." "Thank you, Princess!" Revel said and slumped down next to Borsa. "We must stay hidden so the Bettas don't capture us." |
Squilly and Tybalt called their planet's forces into arms. "Our allies the Aves are at war" The Octos and Magis were on their way Meanwhile Gear took her flower and wish for corage to come to her |
Deep inside the Betta war asteroid known as Beellzzaab there was a flurry of activity. "Commander Betalamonus! There is a fleet of warships approaching!" Betalamonus stared at his huge battlefied display screen. A thousand points of light were rushing toward the the Beellzzaab. "Power up the disruptor rays! Arm the fusion torpedoes! Set the shields at maximum level!" "Yes, sir! Yes, sir! Yes, sir!" Salutes were exchanged. Commands were carried out. The Beellzzaab was ready for war. |
Betalamonus pushed the button of the instant soldier machine. Immediately millions of tiny clone warriors dressed in miniature battle armor were dispersed from the asteroid. The commander screamed, "shoot to capture, not to kill. We can use these as slaves." |
Tybalt herself led the Fleet, Her ship the 10-Speed Terror wooshed and zoomed through the Betta forces Then the Betta clones shot with their ice guns and froze the ship's engines "We're going down Tybalt!" Screamed Tybalt's sister Lea "Remain brave Lea!" Shouted Tybalt The Betta's used a magnetic beam to capture the ship Meanwhile Zander had asked Gear to use her telephy powers to contact her friends (In Ave socity all royalty have some psycic powers had females are particuly good at mind-talking) <Revel can you hear me?> Gear strained and sweated to hear her best friend's thoughts <I can hear you Gear.> She heard Revel awnswer <Where are you?> He asked <On the Betta's ship in a small room, where are you?> She said <In cavern hole with Borsa> <Please> Gear begged <Tell me what you know> |
<I know Princess Tybalt is on the way with a fleet of warships> Revel said. <She will save you> Just then the door of Gear and Zander's cell whisked open and Princess Tybalt was shoved inside by the guards. She fell to her knees and looked up. She could barely talk. "I'm here to save you," she said, then collapsed. "Tybalt!" Gear cried, then turned to Zander. "Those evil Bettas have captured Tybalt's fleet! They are Masters of War! People like us who are good and peaceful are helpless against them!" "Don't say that!" Zander yelled. "We will not be defeated!" A Betta guard whisked open the door. "Shut up in there with all the yelling! You're slaves now! No loud talk or you will be whipped!" "Whip you!" shouted Zander and charged at the guard. Gear grabbed her brother's arm, trying to stop him. "No, Zander!" But it was too late. The guard fired his nerve gun at Zander and the young prince fell to the floor, writhing in agony. The guard laughed and shut the door. |
"He's not dead!" Atal said quickly "He's just palalyzed!" Atal reached into his jacket and pulled out a small bottle, puled out the cork and placed a drop in his son's mouth Instantly Zander stop writhering and his body relaxed. "The Medicine of the great healer Veelt." Atal said "One drop can save you from almost any malady or injury but beware never take too much." Gear nodded with understanding |
In their cavern hiding place Revel and Borsa hugged each other. "This is awful," Borsa said. "Everything is being destroyed. All our friends have been captured by the Bettas. I hope Gear and Zander and Tybalt will be okay." Revel pounded his fist against the cave wall. "I don't like being trapped in here like a rat. I want to fight the Bettas!" "We'll be killed if we leave this cave." Revel looked thoughtful. "Maybe not. The Bettas just wanted slaves. They've probably burned all the villages and left with the slaves. I'll bet there's no one out there now. They're all back on their ships." "I don't know..." Borsa said. "Only one way to find out. Come on! Let's go outside and look." |
Revel was right, the beatiful villages of Dimentina had been laid to waste now was an empty half-town "We should look for food and supplies." Borsa said "Good idea." Revel agreed He looked in the window of a bakery and saw some loves of flat bread, he broke the window with a rock and put a few loaves in his sack Borsa found a well and filled her canteen with water. "My grandfather owned that bakery." She said "He would always give me something fresh from the oven whenever I stoped to visit." "It must be nice to have a family." Revel said "You don't have a family?" Borsa asked "My mother was raped by some stranger then laid the egg that held me." Revel said with supring calmness "She gave me to the palce servants to raise me." They continued their serch for supplies Meanwhile Tybalt had woken up and she had a plan "In my pocket is a knock-out gas bomb" She purred "We can use it to escape." |
"Good! Here's our plan," said Zander. "We'll get the guard to come to this cell again and then we'll use your knock-out bomb on him and get his keys." Tybalt and Gear looked at each other then back at Zander. "Why does it have to be your plan? You'll probably get shot with the nerve gun again." Zander crossed his arms. "Do you have a better plan?" After a moment Gear said, "Okay, what do you want us to do?" |
Atal thought for a moment. "Zander, Gear I want you to go with Tybalt while I will stay here." "NO! Father! We could never leave you!" Zander wept with fear Atal reached into his jacket and pulled out the medicine again "Here Zander you'll need this more than I do." He gave his son the medicine "Father we could never leave you." Gear sobbed "He's right though." Said Tybalt "As the king the Bettas need him more than they need you two don't worry I'll make sure we're safe from harm." Atal knelt to his daughter "Remember you have the gift of telepathy so I'll always be with you even when you can't see me." Gear nodded sadly Then the door opened... |
In walked one of the betta guards. Gear and Atal turned just to see Tybalt unleash her bomb. Before anyone could say anything, "knock-out" gas had filled the guards "ant-like" lungs. Instantly the guard fell to the floor gasping. The guard had just enough energy left to reach for the alarm switch on its armor clad forearm. But before the switch was touched Zander crushed the guards head with the heel of his bare foot. "Know is our chance," said Zander. They turned and exited through the open prison door... |
Zander, Gear and Tybalt raced to the nearest escape pod, Tybalt entered the drivers seat and reved up the engine. "We better hide in the the Forests of Dimentina." Tybalt said The Bettas live in a completly mechanichal world, so plants and nature frighten them. They traveled at light speed and reached Ava before any Bettas discovered they escaped Meanwhile Revel was at the edge of the forest collecting edible mushrooms when he noticed the escape pod land deep in the forest |
"That must be them!" he told Borsa. Revel and Borsa listened telepathically. The ionized gases during the pod's reentry into the atmosphere had blanked out all mental communication from the pod. Then they <heard> Zander. <We're down. Did you see us land?> <Yes> Revel said. <We're on the way in. It will take a while. You are deep in the forest.> An hour later they were all together again hugging and laughing. Suddenly Zander hushed them. "Now we must take bold action! The Bettas must be defeated!" Revel didn't say anything. He didn't see how the few of them hiding in the forest could do anything much about the mighty warships of the Bettas. |
A little while later they sat down around a campfire to eat. "I've been thinking." Zander said "About what my Father told me about magic and that an Ave's strogest magic is Music Magic." "I thought Music Magic only worked against demons and bad spirits." Revel said Zander nibbled on a mushroom and chewed thoughtfully before continueing. "Bettas don't understand the power of Music." He said quietly "They will never unlock the secrets you can find in each rytham and tune." As a demonstration Zander began to whistle one of Ava's sacred hymms 'The Spring' and slowly, very slowly a flower bloomed, Zander sped up his whistleing and the flower continued to age until finally the petels all fell off "See what I mean?" He asked "You can do almost anything with Music Magic, why, We could make the Betta's oversized brains explode fro the inside!" |
"But we would have to get close enough for them to hear the music," Revel said. "How would we do that? Their guns would kill us long before we got the chance to work our magic." "There's always a way," Zander said. "Don't be so negative. We must think of how to succeed, not how to fail." "I'm sorry," Revel said. "I wasn't born a prince, so maybe I have a more realistic view of life." Zander frowned. "What's that supposed to mean? You think I'm unable to deal with reality?" Revel didn't want to say it but he couldn't stop himself. "All your life, Zander, you've had everything handed to you on a silver platter. You've never had to struggle for anything. Even the tournaments that you always win are fixed. Your opponents deliberately lose in respect for King Atal and his precious son." Zander grabbed Revel's neck. "That's not true!" |
Before Revel could do anything, Tybalt came from the side and stepped between the two quarellers. Zander's hands released their grip on his friend's neck. Tybalt exclaimed, "We have no time for petty arguments. This is a time of war not a time to rehash trivial disagreements." "You both should be ashamed," she continued, "Think of your Father's sacrifice Zander! what would he say if he saw you now?." Zander's head drooped in shame. He thought long and hard. Finally he raised his head and said to Revel... |
"I'm sorry." Zander said "Tybalt is right this not the time forfriends to fight." Revel sighed "You were right, you're idea was good it's just I don't know how WE can beat the entire Betta army." "Don't forget." Said Tybalt "We Magis have magic too! observe." Tybalt pointed her finger at a flower and it turned into a knife! |
Borsa, who had been silent, shyly spoke up. "I have an idea." Everyone turned to look at her and she hesitated. "Go on, then," Revel. "What's your idea." "Could we somehow get some seeds aboard the Betta ships? Seeds that would grow into weapons?" Zander rubbed his chin. "Hmmm... they do take on food supplies from time to time. If we could enchant some food plant..." "How about corn?" Revel offered. "Corn already has a natural tendency to explode and make popcorn. Could we enchant some corn to increase it's explosive power?" |
Zander looked at Revel, still rubbing his chin, then moved his gaze to Borsa. "Borsa," he said, "is it possible?" Borsa opened her mouth to speak... Meanwhile...back at the asteroid Octo and Magi warships continued to engage the Betta war asteroid Beellzaab. Betalamus continued to bark out orders to his field officers. "Launch fusion torpedoes, disrupter ray to full power,...shoot to capture, not to kill!" he repeated. Octo and Magi warships were thick in battle. The 3 passenger fighter class ships were making constant attacks on the asteroid (but doing only minor damage ) while dodgeing fusion torpedoes, and miniature warrior clones. The clones (normally used during land battles) were fashioned with small personal jet packs allowing them to maneauvor just enough to latch on to the Octo/Magi fighters as they made their attack runs on the asteroid. Once latched to the enemy fighters the clones were programmed to enter the cockpit, disable the passengers (nerve gas), and pilot the ship with passengers back to the asteroid. Octo and Magi fighters could do almost nothing once a clone had "hitched" a ride with them. They also had to contend with the disruptor ray which periodically altered controls and gauges. The fighters were holding their own though. The pilots and crew some of the best in the... The main Octo/Magi fleet remained at a safe distance from Betta torpedoes. They provided support to the fighters, preparing, repairing, and constantly launching ships into battle. The battle continued. Betalamus repeated his battle cry. Somewhere a Magi General said to herself, "Where is our strength, Where is Tybalt?..." |
Zander Revel and Gear found some corn seeds they took them back to Tybalt and she preformed some magic on them. "Ella co na me na me no co na me" She chanted. The corn seeds glowed red. "They are ready." Tybalt anounced |
Drompaul was an angry Magi warrior. He had been assigned to the search mission looking for Prince Zander, Princess Gear, and Tybalt, but he would rather be back at the main battle. His ship swooped down over the forest, its breath detector and infrared scanner on maximum sensitivity, but there was always the problem of detecting all the other lifeforms in the forest in addition to what was of interest. In the end it was his own sharp eyes that spotted the kids. Drompaul set his ship down neatly beside Tybalt and Zander. Zander immediately recognized the famous Magi warrior. "Drompaul! Man, are we glad to see you!" Quickly they told him of their plan to use enchanted corn kernels against the Bettas. "Yessss," Drompaul purred. "A good idea. The Bettas are capturing our 3-passenger fighters with their miniature clones. We will make sure every one of our fighters is equipped with treated corn. Then if they are captured... they will be our Trojan horses and put our secret weapon inside the heart of the Betta ships." |
(OK Folks time for a mushy romance moment) Revel was looking at his refelction in a pool of water, he thought to himself 'how homely I am' Revel was very short for his age and he was the color blue which in Ave socity is the lowest color on the color heiarchy it was the color of cold, color of sadness. He thought of Gear she was bright red the color of fire the color of romance Presently he felt a tap on his shoulder. "We're leaving Revel." Gear said "Oh! Right." Revel said Revel and Gear had been friends ever since they were little and as Revel was beginning to enter puberty he felt a growing crush on her but deep inside he knew it could never work out becuase he was a servent and sernts are forbiddin to get romanticly involved with royalty. As they reached the others Gear looked at Revel and remembered when they were six Gear accidently broke her glass ball, it was her favorite toy back then she sat on balcony looking at the shards crying her eyes out She remembered Revel attempting to put it back together for her cutting his fingers doing so "Hey!" Zander called interupting "Drompaul is here to take us into his ship!" |
On Drompaul's ship Gear sat next to Revel. "Do you think the corn seeds will work?" she asked him. "Sure. At least... I hope they do. And we need other ways to attack the Bettas. It will take more than just enchanted corn." Gear smiled at him. "You have a good mind. If you had been born into the royal family you would have been a good prince." Revel turned away to stare out the viewport. Yes, would have been... |
Inside the Betta warship Jax was questioning Tybalt's sister Lea "Tell me Feline." Jax began "Who is your father and mother." "My father is Trista, High King of Jellicle. Who is your father?" She retorted "Oh please. Don't insult us both Kitten!" Jax spat Just then. "General! There are several explosions! Are prisonors have bombs apparently! |
Jax checked his monitor. Seven of his warships had been temporarily disabled by explosions. All of them had recently captured prisoners. "Take no more prisoners!" he shouted. "Get an investigative team on those ships immediately. I want to know what happened." He turned to Lea with narrowed eyes. "I don't suppose you know anything about this?" *** Drompaul's ship docked smoothly with Aquarius, the command ship for the Octo fleet. Commander Tennakl greeted Zander, Gear, and Tybalt. "I am so happy you are safe, highnesses. I have prepared comfortable quarters for you. After you have refreshed yourselves we shall eat." Zander frowned at Commander Tennakl's relaxed attitude. Didn't he know there was a war going on? He acted like this was a luxury cruise ship. But Gear and Tybalt were more than happy to bathe and get into some fresh clothes. Revel and Borsa were given quarters with the ship's crew but Gear spoke up. "Wait! They are with us... our personal servants." Soon Gear, Tybalt, and Borsa were laughing together in the cleanspray room while Zander and Revel grumpily waited their turn by looking at an old Octo cartoon on the room's viewscreen, something about an evil whale and a brave young Octo. |
"Zander." Revel began "Among your groupies who do you think is your favorite?" "Hmmm... let me think." Zander mused "Honestly they are all very much the same to me, all silly, giggly girls who agree to anything I say." "So you're saying there all a bunch of yes-girls?" "Afraid so." Zander said sadly The two Aves could hear the crew working and in the air was the scent of an Ave's favorite meal smoked fish! (Anchent Ave laws say that no Ave shall eat another creature with feathers so they never eat poultry) It was soon the boys turn to wash Meanwhile aboard the warship Jax was investigating the the dameged warships. He found what appeared to be a mushroom but as soon as he touched it the fungus melted in his hand "Oh crap." Jax said "They're using magic vegtables against us! |
Do you remember Squilly, Zander's Octo friend? Squilly enlisted in the Octo navy. Well, they called it a navy because of their oceanic origins, but it was a fleet of spaceships. There ships were different from most in that they could land on or in water and work submerged as a submarine. Squilly was assigned to a small 2-man assault ship equipped with a dozen photon torpedoes, a high-energy particle gun, and 200 mini battle droids called Spangs. The Spangs were folded into small barrel-shaped projectiles that could penetrate the hull of a ship. Spangs were fired at high speed and once inside a ship they were programmed to kill every living thing in sight. Vicious... but effective. Unfortunately, as Squilly and his crewmate maneuvered into position to fire on a Betta ship, they were unaware that it was the very ship holding King Atal. "Fire!" called Squilly, and a hundred Spangs flew toward the Betta ship. At the same moment King Atal was attempting telepathic contact with his daughter. <Gear! Can you hear me? Are you and Zander alright?> Sqully immediately recognized the telepathic transmission. <King Atal? Is that you?> <Who are you?> <I'm Zander's friend, Squilly. Are you aboard that Betta warship?> <Yes, we're being held prisoner. Have you seen Gear and Zander?> <They are okay, your Highness, but you are in big trouble! We just attacked the Betta ship with Spangs!> King Atal was silent. He knew what Spangs were. Once they penetrated the ship they would relentlessly kill everybody, friend or foe. <I understand, Squilly. Tell Gear and Zander that I love them.> <Sir! Don't give up yet! We're coming in to rescue you! Find a place to hide. Avoid the Spangs. Don't give up hope!> |
Suddenly contact between the two was interrupted. King Atal remained quiet for quite a while. He could hear some commotion coming from the corridor outside. Betta officers and foot soldier were being attacked and killed by thew Sprangs. Horrible screams could be heard coming from outside the cell. The King sat thinking about his family. He was smiling. He knew there wasn't much hope for him this time. He had had a great life. He thought about the good times with his children vacationing in distant planets. He thought about his own parents, friends and relatives. He thought of his late wife Jezel. Suddenly his door was blasted open, and in came a Sprang. The King remained still... |
Then in a flash the King spred his great blue, feathery wings and faster than a hummingbird dodged the Sprang's bullets! He zipped and weaved and dodged until at last he came to the exit and saw Squilly's ship! |
King Atal tumbled inside the airlock of Squilly's ship. Spang bullets beat against the door as it closed. "That was a close one, Your Highness," Squilly said. "Aye! Many thanks for rescuing me. Can we go to Gear and Zander?" "Yes, I have already instructed the ship's computer." As Squilly's little assault boat sped away, the Betta warship exploded into a cloud of fiery particles. |
With their greatest Warship crippled, The Bettas were forced to temporaily flee "We'll be back!" Betalmonus called "We will be back!" Gear and Zander had finished dinner and were about to go to bed when the saw there father. They chirped with glee and ran to hug him. "My little fledgelings I am SO glad to see you!" Atal said through tears of joy "What are you going to do now?" Tybalt asked "What I was attending to do before the Bettas captured us, Retreve my Power Emerald!" "Is that really nessicary?" Tropfor asked swallowing some raw fish leftover from dinner "The Bettas said they would be back and you know they will come back worse than before!" Atal smoothed the feathers atop his son's head "Do you want to risk anouther invastion?" Tropfor nodded "Where do you remember leaving it?" "In a place the Human's call Russia if we're lucky it will be where I left it, in a cave in the forest if not..." Atal puased "If not I will need to use my psycic powers to locate it..." Meanwhile on Earth in the town of Minsk Russia there was a young girl whose name was also Minsk She had brown hair, brown eyes, pale delicate skin and was no older than 15 She came from a large but poor family, Her Mother worked in a factory for 5 rubels a week. Up untill this point that had been enough to keep everyone happy but now Minsk's little sister Anya was very sick and they needed more money to buy medicine. Minsk was about to sell her most prized posstion the last rememberance of her late father It was an Emerald Ring (Dun dun dun!) |
[Let's take a moment to let that sink in... Dun dun dun DUUUUNNNNNN!!!] Minsk sat before the cracked mirror on her dresser and brushed her long hair. Today she would go to the jewelry buyer and sell her precious Emerald Ring. "Mother? How old am I?" Her Mother stood behind her and also looked in the mirror. "No older than 15, my little one." "But Mother, you've always said that ever since I was a baby. Can't you tell me my real age?" "You're no older than 15, child. Can't you be happy with that?" "But what will happen when I become 16?" "Silly girl! Then you will be no older than 16, of course." Minsk was silent. So then she would know, wouldn't she? At last! On her 16th birthday her true age would be revealed! But how old was she now? 13? 14? 15? Did it really matter? Wasn't the important thing getting the Emerald Ring sold? She pulled the brush through her hair one more time. "I am ready now, Mother, to sell my Emerald Ring." |
Minsk sighed as she walked the the jewel store She knew she was 15 it was just that her mother was a little loopy. Mother had taken 5 husbands and when she was a teenager had worked as a prostitute all that probaly made her a few monkeys short of a zoo. She reached the Store. "I have something to sell." She said meekly "Than come here my Dear." Said Mrs Borst who for some reason reminded Minsk of a snake Minsk showed her the ring "I'll give you 5 "That woulden't pay for the Stone!" Minsk protested "Fine I'll make it 7, you seem far too eager to sell it." "It's all I have." Minsk said weakly "That's not my fault!" Snaped Mrs. Borst. "Fine I'll take 7 Rubels." Minsk sighed deafeated Mrs. Borst was shrewd and cunning. She only pretended that the ring wasen't worth anything in truth she knew it was very valuble Meanwhile Atal and his two children landed in the forest. "We must be very careful." Atal said "We don't want to be seen by Humans" |
Atal, Gear, and Zander tramped through the forest until they came to a cave. "I'm pretty sure this is the place," Atal said, "but I don't sense the presence of the Ring." "Do you think someone stole it, Father?" Gear asked. "Let's not call it stealing, but perhaps some child playing in the cave found it and took it to his house. Let's go back to that little house we just passed. There were signs of children around it" Minsk's mother, Sophia, locked the door when she saw the three aliens walk into her yard. "Go away, demons!" she shouted through the door. "We are not demons, my good woman," chirped King Atal, speaking Russian with great difficulty. The words didn't fall naturally from his Ave throat. Sophia trembled with fear and sick little Anya cried feebly. "I sense you have a sick child," King Atal said. "We offer you our healing powers. Please let us help." Sophia cracked the door open. "Healing powers?" |
Atal looked in the Garden for a cabbage. He looked for the smallest tenderest one, to make a soup for Anya. He washed it and set it down inorder to get the rest of the supplies for his soup. He began to think again of years past. He remembered when... |
...He first hid the ring in the cave... He remembered putting under a flat rock, hoping no one would look for it there. When he exited the cave he saw something looking at him! A funny little animal with brown fur and a long slinky body. A human could tell it was a mink but King Atal being in Alien had never seen a creature like that before. The little mink said one word "Beware!" and ran off into the forest Now as Atal put the cabbage in the boiling water, he added three drops of healing oil into the brew... "It will be ready in a minute." he told Sophia Meanwhile Minsk was walking home with her measly 7 Rubels |
Minsk heard whispers coming from the trees. "Miiinsk! Miiiinsk!" But she ignored them. All her life she had heard trees whispering her name. When she was a small girl she had wondered why the trees were calling her, but eventually she lost interest in the problem. Now it was just background noise in her life. When she strolled into the yard of her cottage she immediately noticed something was odd. For one thing, the smell of cabbage cooking was everywhere and she knew her mom, Sophia, didn't like cabbage. She reached for the doorknob of her cottage and heard voices inside, someone speaking Russian with a strange accent, but even odder, she could hear Anya giggling. |
"You see." Atal told Sophia "Anya had an illness called Scurvy, it's cuased by a lack of Vitamen C and cabbage is full of Vitamen C" "Ah." Sophia said Minsk could not believe her eyes! She saw a bird-man! Like a humanoid heron! Anya ran up to Minsk and grabed her hand "Let's Play!" Anya giggled Minsk suddenly felt very silly about selling her ring. |
Sophia saw her daughter's expression. "Why do you look that way, my little booshka? Are you not happy that your sister Anya has been healed by these angels form heaven?" "But, Mama! My precious ring! Sold for a few rubles for medicine! And now we don't need the medicine!" "Awwww, my darling. Come here. Mama still loves you." "Why wouldn't you still love me?" "Just come here and let me hug you." Atal and Gear and Zander had exchanged meaningful glances. "Ahem," King Atal said. "Did someone say something about a ring?" |
"I sold it to a jewler for 7 rubels." Minsk said "Quick my Children we must hurry!" And off the three ran. Atal had no doubt that the ring Minsk spoke of was his, he could sense it calling out to him. "I hear something!" Gear said "It sounds like singing!" They were hearing the voices of the local farm animals. The horses, cattle, sheep and even the goats were singing the song to mock the local prostitutes (It wasen't there's they heard from Les Miserables) "Lovely ladies ready for a fight! Ready for the costamours who only come at night! Lovley ladies ready their call, standing up or lying down or anyway way, at all, BARGAIN PRICES UP AGAINST THE WALL!" Only the three Aves heard the song for what it really was to the prostitutes nearby it was just a lot of mooing and neighing and bleating! "Noisy beasts." They would say as they shook their heads Atal looked the fingers of the women from afar looking for a ring with a BIG freaking emerald on it! "There!" Zander said "It's on the big fat woman whose wearing too much makeup!" "Those are some good eyes you got Zander." King Atal "but getting the ring off her finger will be tricky matter." |
"I could bite her finger off," Gear said. "Gear!" Atal said. "Just kidding, daddy. That's gross. I couldn't bite off someone's finger." "I could," Zander said. "Both of you - no biting!" Atal said. "There has to be another way to get the ring back." The three Aves followed the fat woman through the crowd. But they were too freaky-looking not to be noticed. "Here now," a peasant said. "What sort of creature be ye to walk around this town? I've never seen the likes of ye before." |
Atal quickly whiped out his flute and played a soft soothing tune. Everyone around them fell asleep including the fat prostitute. As she lay sleeping Atal pulled the ring off her fat finger. |
"Got it!" he said. Gear patted his back. "Nice work, daddy!" "Okay, pops," Zander said. "You've got your Power Emerald back. Now what are we going to do with it?" |
"I shall retern it to the shrine of The Sun God therefore protecting Ava forever more!" When they got back to Ava Revel and Borsa were there waiting for them. Unbekwonst to anyone Revel had a magical glint in his eye as if he knew a secret, what was that secret? Well you will have to read the Sister story Fur in Space to find out The End! |