Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1233683-Stuck-With-The-Enemy
Rated: GC · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1233683
Harry and Draco stuck on a deserted island, what can they do?
Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy were chasing the snitch as usual when an unusual even happens. The world shifts and suddenly they're falling through the air and landing on an island in the middle of nowhere. Magic doesn't seem to work, their brooms don't fly, and they can't contact anyone. What are they going to do?

This takes place before The Half-Blood Prince, during The Order of the Phoenix, since Draco never played during HBP. Also, since Harry didn't play during most of OotP, it happens during the first quiddich match of the season. You are allowed to have much fun with this AU fic as possible.

I want this to move quickly, so that you have time to think, but not too much time. In three days, if you haven't written, you'll be skipped, so keep this in mind if you want to join. On top of that, you will have a character limit of 2000 characters, so you can't go over that! You may go under, but even if you're mid sentence, you must stop. I'm doing this because I used to have serious fun with my best friend writing stories where we were allowed to write one page, and when we got to the end of the page, we passed it to the other. These stories were always interesting, sometimes completely strange, but lots of fun.

That is what this is about, fun. Any character may end up paired with any character, but keep your opinions open, and see what happens. Who knows what will happen, who dares to make it happen?

UPDATE: Currently on hiatus due to just getting to the good parts and working while writing. Oh, and on top of that I'm about to be living at my job for the better part of the summer. Probably won't be written on much for quite some time so if you were following it, I'm sorry about the delay. :)
For Harry, chasing the snitch was the most amazing thing in the world. He always felt so alive when he did it, as though there was nothing else in the world for him to do. Fighting against Draco was often the same thing for him.

Carefully, he reached out to grab the fluttering ball of gold, hoping to reach it a second before Draco did, and he felt a strange rush of air, unlike anything he'd ever felt before.

It was as though a hole appeared out of nowhere, and he was falling through it, his eyes glimpst a great vast of blue, and some yellow, and as his fingers closed on the ball of fluttering wings, he found himself falling.

Harry fell for what seemed like forever. His broom didn't work, no matter what he did, it simply would not fly. When he finally did land, it was in a warm expanse of sea water, which stung his eyes. He fought to the surface and opened his eyes to see that he was floating several feet away from a beach, which he swam to as quickly as he could.

Upon arriving, he dragged himself out of the water, up the sand, and took a quick look around himself. He was standing on an island, full of trees he'd never seen before in his life, and soaked from head to toe. A thrashing noise in the water made him turn around, the sight he saw making him groan.

There in the water, thrashing as though his life depended on him, was Draco Malfoy. Great, just what he needed on this deserted island, his worst enemy.
As he watched Malfoy sunk beneath the water and resurfaced several times, each time his movements became more frantic. Harry realized with sudden clarity that Draco wasn’t swimming for the shore, he was fighting to get to the top of the water. That had to mean that Draco Malfoy did not know how to swim. Harry watched with a sort of sick fascination as Draco’s movements slowed. Where was he? Why wasn’t he coming back up? Why didn’t he magic himself to safety or something?

Harry hated Draco, and yet he couldn’t stand the thought of letting him drown. Harry rushed into the water, diving under and swimming fast as he could to the place Malfoy had last surfaced. The salt stung his eyes as he dove under again, a bit of black cloth, some stray platinum hair, there he was. Harry swam deeper, fixing his arms under Malfoy’s and pulling him toward the surface, kicking hard as he could. It seemed forever before he had him above water where Malfoy immediately began to cough, wheeze, sputter and struggle. The more he struggled the more Harry regretted trying to help.

“Cut that out or you’ll drown us both,” Harry managed to shout as he tried to head them towards shore. The water sprayed in his mouth when he shouted though, so he closed it and silently vowed not to speak again till he made it to shore. Malfoy elbowed him in the ribs, so Harry kicked him in the side. That seemed to subdue him well enough to allow Harry to drag him into the shallow waters, where Draco stood up and glared at Harry.

“What do you think you’re…?” Malfoy began, breaking off when a wave swept him off his feet, leaving him lying face down in the water. Before he got a chance to think about what he was doing Harry had grabbed hold of Draco and pulled him up onto his feet again.

“I’m saving you from drowning,” Harry replied, “although I’ve no idea why, considering you’re so ungrateful you’re trying to kill us both.” Arm around Malfoy he guided him
up the shore and dropped him, unceremoniously, onto the ground. "There, you can take it from here I hope."

Draco glared at him and started coughing. Sea water sputtered up from him as he did so, leaving him vomiting on the sand. Disgusted, Harry turned away from him and walked further up the shore. It was a strange feeling, but he didn’t feel like this place in the least. It was like it held none of life’s magic. He held out his hand, which still held the snitch. It’s tiny wings didn’t flutter at all, in fact they were folded up neatly so he was looking at a golden ball of decent weight, motionless and cold.

“Potter, where the hell are we?” came Draco’s annoyed voice from behind him. Harry turned to glare at him.

“How the hell should I know?” he said, wanting to beat him for even daring to ask, but upon looking at the collapsed body of Draco Malfoy diligently wiping his mouth on a wet robe sleeve, he just couldn’t bear to do so. Draco turned stormy grey eyes on Harry.

“Well, I thought this must be some kind of Griffindor way of not playing fairly,” he said, the haughty tone faltering as he stared into Harry’s blazing green eyes.

“Who isn’t playing fairly?” Harry screamed. “All game you have been taunting Ron, and hitting bludgers towards him, not to mention grabbing hold of my broom tail to slow me down, and you’re acting like *we* would pull an unfair play? You’re full of yourself for even thinking you’re worth not playing fairly!” Harry took a step towards him and he lost his sympathy. “You Slytherin’s are always playing unfairly, and you act like it’s your right to do things however you want. How am I supposed to take you seriously? This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard of! Are you saying this isn’t the *Slytherin’s* trick? Trap me with you until I go mad?” Harry wasn’t sure why he’d blown up at Draco so completely like that, but he knew it felt pretty

“No, it’s not a Slytherin trick. Do you think I’d be involved in anything that landed me in the middle of the ocean? I think you know I wouldn’t. Now, tell me just what’s going on Potter, before I torture it out of you.” Draco extracted his wand and pointed it at Harry, his eyes flashing angrily.

“I really don’t think that’s going to work,” Harry was surprised at how casual he sounded. On the other hand he’d lived most of his life not believing in magic, so as upsetting as the idea was, he could accept that magic might not exist here. What else could possibly be wrong with the snitch? He looked at it again, shaking his head.

“What? What are you looking at Potter?”

Harry looked up. “Well, what are you waiting for? I thought you were going to “torture it out of me”.” For a long time they stared at each other, then Draco finally spoke.


Harry looked around him but nothing seemed to be attacking. He shrugged, “try again?” Draco glared at him.

“Oppugno,” he said more loudly, then when nothing happened, “Densaugeo,” and when there were no results, “Tarantallegra.”

“Funny spells for trying to torture someone with anyhow, don’t you think?” Harry was pleased with the way this was affecting Draco. Far from his usual calm distain, Draco was staring at his wand in disbelief a look of total shock across his face. Harry had not been attacked by anything, his teeth were still the same length they’d always been and he was not dancing around at all. Then Draco turned his eyes an Harry and they blazed with new found anger.

“Potter, what have you done to my wand?”
The statement was so absurd that Harry looked at Draco for a few moments before bursting out into laughter. Draco's eyes remained narrow and angry, but Harry couldn't take him seriously.

"That," Harry gasped, "is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard you accuse me of. *Doing* something to your wand," a fresh set of laughter took Harry over as he saw a new, double meaning in the question Draco had asked. He clutched his stomach as Draco pointed his wand at him again. He bent over, gasping out, "what'cha going to do to me now? Poke me in the eye with your *wand*?"

"I'm going to kill you Potter," Draco said, his grey eyes never leaving Harry, "Crucio!" he screamed, and if Harry hadn't still been laughing, he might have felt a shiver of fear. As nothing happened, he simply lifted his head and grinned at Draco.

"Be careful Malfoy, using Unforgivables, even in jest," Harry snorted, "is still..." he paused, "unforgivable!" he collapsed in a new wave of laughter. Draco moved over to him and slapped him across the face.

"You sicken me Potter," he snarled, and he grabbed hold of the hair at the back of Harry's neck, pulling Harry's face up to stare at him. "I should simply put my wand through your heart right now."

This type of bullying Harry was used to and he did the same thing he'd have done years ago when Dudley's friends had attacked him. He lashed out with his foot and caught Draco unaware as he swept his foot under Draco's feet, knocking him to the ground. Harry landed on top of Draco, his hair still caught in Draco's hand, and he felt his glasses fly off his face, landing somewhere in the sand.

"Oof," they both said as they landed, and Harry looked into Draco's surprised face. Taking his advantage, he lifted his hand up and brought his fist into Draco's pale cheek. There was a
loud crack as Harry’s fist connected. Draco lost no time returning the favor and before either of them had time to think they were hitting, clawing and kicking at each other. Later as they lay tangle with each other Harry had trouble recalling which had introduced teeth into the mix. If it was him he regretted doing so, as his arm was throbbing and bleeding from multiple tooth wounds. For the second time he tried to move away from Draco, only succeeding in stabbing his stomach with something hard, Draco’s hip bone maybe? He coughed, trying to move again.

“Potter,” Draco’s voice grated out, gravely and none too pleasant, “if you continue to move about, you’re only going to make things,” he gasped, then took in a deep breath, “much worse”

Harry had just recently come to the same conclusion. At least now he wasn’t being stabbed in the stomach, and his head was resting in a rather soft, comfortable place. Unfortunately now Draco was squirming about beneath him.

“What are you doing? I thought you told me to stop moving.” Harry tried to pin Draco’s arm down so it would stop moving. Something was now pressing into his temple, very uncomfortable. He moved his head to the left, ah, much better.

“I did. Why’d you have to move your head?”

“Why’d you have to move your arm?”

“I didn’t.” Harry would have glared at Draco if he’d been able to move his head enough to see Draco’s eyes. How could he lie like that? He had too moved his arm.

“Did too.”

“Did not.”




Harry shut up, clamping his mouth tightly on a giggle. "This is absurd," he said instead, trying to not move too much, in the hopes that Draco wouldn't either. Draco made a noise of agreement.

“You’re not kidding, you’re curled up on my thigh.” Draco sounded pissy and Harry blinked.

“I’m on your thigh?” Harry was surprised, but he figured that must be why it was so comfortable, soft flesh and all. There was something incredibly wrong with that sudden realization, so he tried to not think about it anymore.

“Yeah, and it’s uncomfortable, move off,” Draco snapped at Harry. Harry shook his head. “Potter, move off now,” Draco growled. Harry chuckled.

“No, you owe me a moment of rest, so deal with it.” Harry thought that made perfect sense, and he closed his eyes.

“Potter, did it ever occur to you that I might not want you resting on my thigh?” Something occurred to Harry then.

“Oh, you didn’t move your arm, did you? You moved your leg right?” There was an exasperated sigh from Draco.

“That’s right Potter, now move off of me before I kill you,” Draco sounded more angry this time and Harry sighed.

“No, you can’t kill me, remember? Spells don’t work, in fact, I’d be willing to bet that no magic works here at all.”

“What the hell makes you think that?” Draco sounded worried, as though the very concept of not having magic was frightening.

“Well, the snitch for one,” Harry wasn’t sure why he’d said that, but since it was out, he couldn’t take it back.

“The snitch?” Draco was alert now, “What about the snitch?”

“It stopped working, the wings are folded up inside and such,” Harry said, feeling kind of annoyed he’d let that slip.

“You caught the snitch then,” Draco sounded defeated now, as though a hope he’d
been harboring had been dashed away.

“Yeah, so you don’t need to go searching the water for it,” Harry couldn’t imagine why the snitch was all that important at the moment. On the other hand, he hadn’t intended to mention it, and that was because a part of him was scared Draco might try to steal it and claim it was his catch.

“You make it sound like a good thing,” Draco moved abruptly, pulling his leg out from under Harry. Harry’s head thudded onto the sand covered beach.

“That hurt.” Harry rubbed his head, then realized his arm hurt more than his head. His new postion had him staring at Malfoy’s crotch. Why Draco thought this was an improvement he wasn’t sure. “It is a good thing, the way you swim. I’d hate to see you try to retrieve it from the ocean. You don’t swim much better than a rock, and I’m not rescuing you again. You nearly killed us both last time I heaved you out of the water.” A long silence followed. As it stretched on Harry had nothing better to do than to stare at what was in front of his face. As he did so he swore he saw a hardness under those robes. Was Draco… excited? Why would he be?

“Stop it,” Draco hissed.

“Stop what?”

“Stop staring at my… at me.”

Harry blinked a few times, “How do you know I’m staring?”

“I’m not blind Potter.”

“You aren’t? Really?” As Harry couldn’t move much at all and Draco seemed to be able to tell where he was or wasn’t looking, Harry suspected Draco was a bit more mobile than him. Draco might even be a whole lot more mobile than him.

“No Potter, I’m not,” Draco’s voice was clipped and filled with irritation.

“That’s good.” The silence was shorter this time.

“I said stop staring.”

“You’re the one who dumped me here. If you don’t like the way my head is blame yourself. You put it there.”
“Just because I moved Potter, doesn’t mean that you have to stay where I ended up dumping you. I said to STOP STARING,” and with a growl, Draco put his hands on Harry’s head and pushed his face away from him.

“Hey, that hurt!” Harry protested as he heard something akin to a crack coming from his side. “I think you just cracked my back,” he said, now staring at nothing but sand, his neck at an uncomfortable angle.

“I don’t care, why don’t you move away from me now,” Draco said, his hands still on Harry’s head.

“That would be kind of impossible Malfoy,” Harry protested, as he still couldn’t really move.


“I’m stuck… as in, I can’t move. Between your hands on my head and my legs twisted at an uncomfortable angle, and caught in something… I simply can’t move away.” Harry allowed a grin to spread across his face, he thought this whole thing was rather amusing in all honesty.

“Untangle your legs then,” Malfoy said, completely unreasonably in Harry’s opinion.

“How would you suggest that Malfoy?” There was an exasperated sigh from Draco, and he let go of Harry’s head, which twisted back to its normal position and fell onto the ground. Harry was now looking at Draco’s crotch once more. It looked a bit more… hard… and Harry was intrigued. What would make it do that, he wondered. “Is something wrong with you Malfoy?” Harry found himself asking, before he realized what that could imply.

“Absolutely not, now I’m going to move again, and you need to move your legs out of the fabric of my robes, alright?” Malfoy sounded incredibly annoyed, and Harry couldn’t bear to let this chance slip past him.

“No,” he said.

“No what Potter?”

“No, I’m not going to listen to you.”
“What?” The disbelief in Malfoy’s voice brought him great joy.

“I said I’m not going to listen to you. I don’t feel like being ordered around.” For the first time ever Harry thought he might know what people meant when they wrote that a silence was deafening. It was like the silence that followed was louder than either one of them speaking. Time went by. Draco got a bit harder.

“Is there something about me that turns you on?” Harry had to ask. The thing was it was that or Draco had a thing for sand, sun, or pain. There weren’t a whole lot of choices. There was a sudden new pain in Harry’s legs and the sound of fabric tearing. Then Draco was up and walking away from him. Harry reached down and disentangled the fabric of Draco’s robe from his legs. It had been trying to cut circulation entirely from the left one. Once his legs were a bit more comfortable he turned his eyes toward Draco who had managed to limp over to a clump of trees where he now sat in the shade, examining his wand.

“You didn’t answer my question,” Harry called after him.

“Shut up Potter,” was Draco’s reply, which he didn’t even look up to make. It was hot in the sand, and it had been getting hotter. Harry knew a bit about open wounds, and one thing was sure. If you didn’t clean them out they got infected and filled with yellow puss. He didn’t think he wanted to deal with that here. The only water he new of was salt water, and he wasn’t looking forward to that. On the other hand, what else could he do? He dragged himself slowly across the sand noting that his left leg wasn’t working exactly right. Once he was near enough to the water he began cleaning the stinging wounds, his eyes filling with tears. There was nothing like a bit of salt on an open bite mark.
It took him several minutes to peel away the cloth and look at his leg, and what he saw was not pretty. There were several bite marks and not a few scratches. He also had quite a few bruises. He sighed and started working on cleaning the marks again.

It was several minutes later when there was the sound of noise behind him, and he turned quickly to look at Draco. Harry scowled at him. “What do you want?” he asked as Draco sat down near him.

“Nothing,” Draco said, lifting up the sleeve of his robe and hissing as he put his arm in the water, the salt water stinging him as much as it had Potter.

“Then why are you here?” Harry growled. He was still annoyed with him for not answering his earlier question. Draco turned blazingly angry grey eyes on Harry.

“Right Potter, fine, I’ll leave, forget I was even here,” and he stood up, dripping blood into the water as he turned and walked away. Harry couldn’t imagine what would be bleeding so much, so he turned and looked as Draco walked stiffly away.

“Malfoy!” he called out, but Draco didn’t stop moving. Harry, annoyed again, stood up and charged after him. “Malfoy,” he called, putting a hand on Draco’s shoulder. Draco spun to glare at him. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Harry asked, his voice still raised, and Draco flinched just a bit.

“Nothing, it’s none of your business,” he wrenched his arm out of Harry’s grasp and turned to move away again. There was a purple bruise forming on Draco’s cheek from Harry’s fist. The sight of it now made Harry grimace.

“When you came over to the water and sat down, you made it my business,” Harry said, perhaps a touch unreasonably. Draco shook his head.

“No, I sure didn’t, especially since you didn’t even want me there.”
Harry glared at him, a pain shot through his leg, the world spun and he tilted backwards. Draco moved quickly, reaching out to catch him, pain flashing across his face as they both ended up on the ground Harry's head resting uncomfortably against Draco's chest. Draco's arms were underneath him, some bone or another poking into his back. Harry closed his eyes for a moment then using all his strength pulled himself off Draco.

“Why’d you try to catch me?” Harry was a bit away from Draco now, and he settled into the sand, sweaty, salty and already dirty again in places he’d just cleaned. It was so hot, he just wanted to sleep there and forget the situation they were in.

“You were falling,” Draco’s expression was still that of pain. He sat on the sand his hand gripping his arm. There was too much blood on that hand.


“So I tried to catch you Potter, what’s the problem?”

“That’s what I asked you.”

“And I told you it’s none of your business.”


“Fine what Potter?”

“Fine Malfoy, my problem’s none of your business either.” Harry’s head whirled as he lay there. What was he saying? Why were they arguing? More importantly, what was the argument about? Was there any reason for it or were they just doing what they’d always done? Were they arguing because they hated each other? “I think we’d better call a truce.”


“Because if we keep this up we might kill each other.” Harry swallowed, realizing how dry his throat was. It made sense really. All he’d done since getting there was fight and he was sweating as well, but he couldn’t drink ocean water, could he? It tasted terrible, and wouldn’t the salt just dehydrate him more? “We need to find drinking water and food. I mean if we keep this up we won’t make it long enough for someone to help us.”
Draco stared at Harry for several minutes before he spoke. “It depends on the condition of the truce.” Harry rolled his eyes at Draco and looked over at him.

“Fine, what do you suggest?” he said, finding that the more he talked, the less he wanted to do so. Draco looked at Harry in annoyance.

“You should start, you’re the one who suggested the whole idea,” he snapped. Harry wasn’t sure he understood where all that energy came from, he was beat.

“Now you’re just acting like a baby, I asked you what you suggested because you were the one who had a problem with the idea in the first place.”

“I didn’t have a problem with the idea, I just said it would depend.” Harry rolled his eyes again.


“What Potter?”

“Right now, I’m not feeling well, my leg hurts, I now have grit in the few places that I had cleaned in the salt water, I’m completely parched, I think my lips are cracking from being so dry, my throat hurts, I just want to lie down in the sand and forget that it’s important that I do something other than that, and I don’t really feel like dealing with this too much. If we don’t make a decision soon, I’m simply going to short circuit and zone out, perhaps falling asleep. We need to clean and wrap our respective wounds, I need something to drink, and I assume you do too, and we need to figure out what we can do for food. Besides these things I’ve just mentioned, what would you suggest? I think we should do this together, but if you want to go off on your own, and possibly kill us both because of it, it’s your life. Please remember it might be my life too.” There, Harry was done, and he lay back in the sad, closing his eyes. He was relatively happy here, he could go to sleep and not wake up, it would be alright, right?

“Potter?” Harry didn’t bother to speak, his throat hurt too much.
“Potter?” Was that concern in Draco’s voice? Was that possible? “Potter!”

“Mm?” The last thing he needed was Draco shouting in his ear. Draco said something else, but it was very soft. The sand was warm and comforting. His head was resting in it as the sun beamed down on him. He was so drowsy. The aches and pains circled through his body in waves, around and around, chasing each other endlessly.

Harry was chasing the snitch, but he couldn’t catch it. It was taking him around in a spiral pattern and he followed it down, down, down, around and around. From his side sped another player, it was Draco Malfoy, no it was Severus Snape, yeah, Snape on a broomstick dressed in Slytherin quidich robes. He stared at Snape for a moment too long and they collided, Harry lost his grip on the broom. He was falling and falling and Draco was on one side and Snape on the other and they kept hitting bludgers into him. He was begging them to stop, then he was yelling at the top of his lungs, but they wouldn’t listen. He wanted to dodge but he was paralyzed. His body wouldn’t do anything. It was like he wasn’t really the one controlling it. Finally Snape and Draco were gone and his fall ended. He thumbed into salt water. It lapped up onto his lips and face, drenched his robes. Little creatures with prickly claws crawled out of the water onto his body, pinching him again and again. He wanted to brush them off, but his arms wouldn’t move at all. That was when he saw the scorpion. It was the size of his head, with a huge stinger and it was slowly making its way towards him. The stinger swayed menacing and sharp. Sunlight glinted off it. One sudden move and it was on him, stinging him again and again.

“No, Stop!”
“Ouch!” Came a sharp voice from his side, and Harry found his eyes were cracking open to stare at a face he didn’t quite recognize. Platinum hair framed a pale, pale face which was utterly lovely, and the sun flickered around the figure, making these pretty movements that looked like the fluttering of wings behind it.

“Lovely,” he whispered, “are you an angel? Am I dead finally?” he whispered. The figure’s eyes got wide, and the mouth frowned.

“Potter cut it out, this is no time for sarcasm,” the figure said, and Harry felt a painful grip on his wrist. He looked down at it confused, then his mind clicked into gear and he realized that Draco Malfoy had both of his wrists in his hands, and he must have dragged him away from the beach, as he was now in the shelter of huge trees. He blinked his eyes, looking around.

“Malfoy?” he asked, feeling his body ache, “what the hell happened, and would you please let my wrists go?” His voice wasn’t angry this time, but he was confused. He had really felt like he’d had some kind of strange dream with Snape and Malfoy in it, and something else having to do with them holding him, oh, and that bit with the scorpion was really frightening. He sat bolt upright in a sudden, quick movement which sent the whole world spinning. The hands on his wrists let him go, but they returned to Harry’s shoulders.

“Be careful you idiot, you’re dehydrated at least, and you’ve lost blood, and I had to drag you over here to get you out of the sun, you’ve probably had some kind of heat stroke or something. You slept for several hours, and I tried to get you water, but you wouldn’t drink it, even though it’s not salty.” Malfoy sounded tired, and Harry turned to look at him.

There was something incredibly beautiful about Draco at that moment, the way the sun glanced off his pale bare chest, and the way, even though he was bruised and still somewhat bloody, he looked angelic.
Then Harry’s mind started adding a few things up, Draco’s pale bare chest for example. His eyes traveled down Draco’s body. The graceful limbs, hairless chest, pinkened skin, down, down. Wow, the hair on his legs was every bit as platinum as that on his head. Bare feet, perfect toes if a bit longer and thinner than most, back up, ah ha, a scrap of material. Yes, Draco wore nothing save a pair of black silk boxers.

“You’re running around in your skivvies!” Harry pointed out with a grin. “Is a Malfoy aloud to do that?” Draco narrowed his eyes, then smiled a bit evily.

“At least mine don’t have hole in them.” Harry felt his face flush and he realized what he was wearing, an ugly pair or hand me down white briefs, which were not so white anymore, and had several holes. In addition to all that they didn’t really fit right. Then he realized what else that meant.

“You stripped me!” Harry concluded horrified, “Where’s my robe?”

“I tore it up and used it for bandages Potter, what does it matter? You were too hot. It had to come off.” Draco’s little smirk just made the situation even worse.

“What if it gets cold?” Draco’s expression didn’t change at all.

“Oh, I didn’t think of that, oops.” Harry felt his eyes widen, but he stopped himself just short of lunging at Draco. He could tell by Draco’s expression that he was being made fun of somehow. He glared at Draco, breathing heavily. To think he’d just recently compared Draco to an angel. Demon was more like it. After several moments of calming he followed his thoughts onward and came to the next thing Draco had said.

“Where did you find water that wasn’t salty? Oh, and do you still have some?”
Draco sighed, “Of course I still have some. Did you really think I’d not keep some when the closest water is so salty it’s not beneficial to drink it?” He shook his head and reached down to grasp his seekers glove. Carefully he lifted it and brought it over to Harry, “Tilt this carefully, the water spills out of the holes if you don’t watch it, and it’s a long enough walk to the water that I don’t want to do it too much right now.” Harry gingerly took the glove and looked inside. A pool of inviting water rested in the fingers of it. He put the edge of it against his lips and tilted it so a trickle of water flowed down and into his mouth.

It was pure bliss, having that water flow into his body. It wasn’t cold but it was incredibly refreshing to taste something that wasn’t hot and salty. He tried to keep himself from swallowing the whole glove in huge gulps, as Draco’s words still floated through his head. In no time at all, the whole glove was empty, and the water settled comfortably in his stomach.

“That was great,” he said, licking his lips to make sure he got all the water. “So, where’d you say you got this?”

“I didn’t, of course, but there’s a stream that flows down the mountain, and it pools about… oh I don’t know, ten minutes walk from here or so. It was a pain to get there and back, let me tell you. You better appreciate it,” Draco growled out the words, as if he wasn’t sure Harry would appreciate it. Harry grinned.

“I do, thanks,” he said. Draco’s face flushed slightly, and he looked away from Harry.

“Good,” he said. Then Harry looked around again.

“So, you pulled me into the woods, stripped me, and,” Harry looked down to his leg, which he now could feel. It was bandaged up with the remains of, most likely, his robe. It was red fabric anyway. “And what? Went exploring?”

Something like that I suppose.”

“You suppose?”
“Yes, I suppose. That is close enough to what I did. Potter, I didn’t find any food, and I think being under the sun too long might be a bad idea.” Harry nodded. It looked like Draco had decided a truce was okay for the moment.

“We should probably make ourselves some sort of shelter.” Harry looked into the sky. The trees were a tropical variety. That meant there should be fruit on some of them. “We should start searching the trees for coconuts, bananas and oranges. I think we might also find lemons and limes, and maybe avocados. No, the avocados might not be right. I’m not sure.”

“Search in the trees?” Draco looked at him like he had grown an extra head. “How are we going to do that without our brooms?”

“We’ll climb them of course,” Harry replied, not really thinking about what he was saying because what he was thinking of was his broom. “What happened to our brooms?”

Draco shrugged, “I don’t know, mine as just suddenly gone and I was falling into that salt water.” Harry tried to remember if that was true for him as well. Maybe their brooms were still safe and sound at Hogwarts. His thoughts were interrupted when Draco spoke again. “You weren’t serious were you?” Harry looked up, meeting Draco’s grey eyes.

“About what?”

“About climbing the trees.”

“Of course I was, why wouldn’t I be?” Harry noted that the look in Draco’s eyes was pretty close to fear. What was he afraid of? It couldn’t be heights, he flew just fine. “Draco? What…?”

“Never mind,” Draco looked away, his eyes shifting to anything other than Harry, “nothing, it’s not important.”

“I can climb the trees if you don’t want to Malfoy.” Harry really wasn’t sure what the problem was. They were both fairly beat up, but he was pretty sure he could make it up a tree if it was between that and starving.

“Good, fine, I mean if you want to,” Draco got up and started
walking towards a pile on the ground. Harry looked down at the ground before standing and noticed that he had been lying down on the remains of his quiddich robes. He sighed and stood up, heading towards Malfoy. He found that it was difficult to walk, and when he looked at his leg, he noticed that the bandage didn’t cover the large bruises that were scattered there. His calf also looked like it might be swollen.

“Malfoy?” he called out, and Draco turned towards him.


“When you… bandaged my leg, did you notice anything odd about it?” Draco tilted his head.

“Odd how?” he asked, uncertainly.

“Oh, you know, like something sticking out of it or funny lumps or something,” Harry said sarcastically, part of him meant what he said, and part of him didn’t. Draco turned away from him.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said, squatting and pulling at the bundle on the ground. Harry sighed and limped over to where he was.

“Fine, forget I asked. Now, what do you have there anyway?” Draco looked up at him, a smirk at the corner of his lips.

“The remains of our clothes, what do you think?” Harry glared at him and turned his eyes to the clothes.

“That’s what’s left? That bundle of green and red?” To Harry, it didn’t look like anything more than one person’s robes, definitely not two. Draco nodded towards the red fabric Harry had been lying on.

“And your bed over there. But most of it is here,” he held up two red gloves, Harry’s seekers gloves. “They’re the best thing we have for now for water. If you help me fill them and bring them back, I’ll,” he looked away from Harry, “help you get the fruit or whatever, from the trees. But I’m staying on the ground,” he said, looking up at Harry. Harry had taken the gloves from him, and now he spread his arms out.

“I *said* I’d do the climbing didn’t I?”
Harry followed Draco’s lead toward the mountain stream. His leg was very painful and slowed them so that the walk took a bit longer with Harry along. He was glad he’d come however. As soon as he saw the water his pace accelerated. He dropped down in front of the water, taking it into his hands and drinking mouthful after mouthful. Draco put a hand on his shoulder.

“That’s enough Potter, slow down or you’ll make yourself sick.” He knew Draco was right. His stomach already felt sort of odd, but it was so hard to stop. He moved away from the water physically, trying to pull himself together.

“Sorry, it just tastes so good.” Harry finally said, his stomach having settled. He really was feeling a lot better. Draco had moved to the water and begun filling a glove.

“I know, I almost did the same thing when I first found it.” Harry moved back to the water and started gathering water himself. Once they had all the water they could get they began the walk back to their makeshift camp.

“I wonder if we should move closer to the water,” Harry suggested as a particularly bad pain shot through his leg, into his hip. He winced and stopped moving, putting all of his weight on his other leg.

“Then we’ll be too far from the shore to see if anyone comes to help us.” Harry thought about that as he began moving again, trying to ignore the pain.

“I don’t know if help will come from that direction. We might want to avoid anyone who sails in.” Harry didn’t think boats from another part of this non magical world would be a good sign necessarily.

“What are you talking about Potter? The area we fell through is the most likely place for help to arrive.” Malfoy’s voice was biting. Harry would have liked to see his face, but he’d fallen way too far behind for that.
He tried to catch up, but knew, the moment another sharp pain went through his leg, that there was no way that would happen. There came an exasperated sigh from in front of him, and Harry looked up to see Draco had turned in his direction. “Don’t walk too fast, you’ll only cause yourself more pain.” Draco came back towards Harry and looked down at his leg, “Is it getting worse?” he asked so softly that Harry almost didn’t hear him.

“How can I tell? I only recently had problems with it. All I know is that it hurts, a *lot*, and it’s hard to walk on it.” He looked at Draco, interested in the way the shadows fell around his face.

“If you can’t walk, how are you going to climb, Potter?” Draco sounded annoyed, as though it were Harry’s fault he was injured. Harry took that personally, as he wasn’t sure what had caused the injury, but it sure wasn’t something he had done intentionally.

“I don’t know Malfoy, I’ll have to figure out a way, maybe I’ll just grit my teeth and deal with the pain, like I am now for example. If you have a better suggestion, you could make it, but if you don’t, why don’t you keep your mouth shut and just deal with me being a bit slow.” Draco lifted his face a bit, and Harry could see it clearly, smirk in place on his lips.

“Oh, well Potter, I’ve always known you were a bit… *slow*.” Harry wanted to smack him, but he had two filled gloves in his hands, and he couldn’t do anything more than glare without spilling the precious water.

“Malfoy, please be aware that I don’t feel like going back to the river to refill these gloves, or I’d smack you right now.”

“Isn’t smacking me what got you into this fix in the first place?” The smirk didn’t leave his face. Harry’s eyes narrowed even further.

“No, I believe it was comments like that that got me into this fix, as you put it. So, ultimately, it’s all your fault.” Harry grinned and started moving again.
Draco followed after, silent. They carefully laid the water out and Harry limped off with his head lilted skyward. He needed to find a tree with fruit in it. He wasn’t climbing one on the off chance that there might be fruit. As he searched above he finally saw a tall palm type tree with large brown balls just under the leaves.

“Potter, what exactly are you looking for?” Draco had come up just behind him at some point or another, but he sure hadn’t noticed when it had happened. Harry jumped a bit.

“I was looking for a good victim Malfoy, and I think I’ve found one.” He limped off toward the tree.

“A good victim for what?” Draco was following behind him. He could tell by the tone of his voice.

“For climbing, if I’m going to go through all the trouble of trying, I want there to be something worth getting to the top.” Harry stopped beneath the tree, examining the trunk. If his leg didn’t hurt so much he knew he could make it. As it was… “Well, here goes nothing.”

Harry wrapped one hand around the trunk, pressed the other against it directly in front of himself and then pulled each leg to the sides of the tree, placing his feet flat against the trunk. He ignored the pain, but stopped to kick off his shoes.

“They’re in the way,” he told Draco, who looked appalled. “Bare feet work better on this sort of thing.”

“Are you nuts?” Draco asked as Harry repositioned himself for the climb.

“No, but I am trying to pick some nuts,” Harry replied flippantly, hefting himself up the trunk and wincing. Usually most of the pressure went on your feet, but he was using his arms a great deal for this climb, and he was beginning to wonder what part of him would hurt more when he was done. Whatever happened he needed to not pass out.

OT: http://www.caske2000.org/survival/coconutclimbstory.htm
“You are crazy, what are you going to do if you fall?” Draco’s voice held more worry than Harry would have expected. He glanced down to see Draco standing just under the tree, looking up at Harry, concern in his cloudy grey eyes. Harry shook his head.

“Draco, you distract me, and I will fall, shut up and let me do this, alright? I’ve heard the basics, I know what I’m supposed to do,” he didn’t add that he’d never done this before, but he figured Draco would understand. He returned his gaze to the tree and looked up. These tree’s had obviously been here forever, as they were incredibly tall, and he had a long climb to go.

Feet to the sides, reach up, hold, move feet up, reach up, hold, move feet up, he didn’t think this was so difficult, if his leg didn’t hurt so much in fact, this would be easy. He was actually enjoying the climb for a little while, before a sharp pain made him clutch the tree and gasp out. There was no noise from below him, but he had a sudden image of Draco clutching his hands, wringing them the way his Aunt Petunia did when she was anxious. The image made him giggle, and he took a deep breath and looked up again. They weren’t so far away, he could do this.

Reach up, hold, move feet up, reach up, it wasn’t so far now, there, hold, move feet up, reach up, there they were, see, right in front of himself, hold, move feet up, reach up, hold, yes, there they are, move feet up, reach up and touch a green coconut. He did it. The relief flooded through himself, and with it came a sudden realization that his leg was absolutely burning in pain. He twisted the coconut and it felt like it would fall in just a moment.

“Nut coming down,” he called out, and twisted it until it did so. There was the sound of it hitting the ground, but he couldn’t stop now. Hold, move feet up, wince, reach up, twist off the next nut, “’nother one coming!” he called out again, and let this one drop as well.
“Hey, be careful with those things would you?” This was Draco calling up from below. Harry didn’t bother answering. He thought it was pretty obvious that he couldn’t see where they were going.

“’Nother one,” the coconuts up here were actually more green than brown. Harry remember that green ones were a better source of water and had a fleshy fruit portion that was used in cooking a lot by natives of tropics. Where had he heard that? “And another,” he dropped another, wondering how many he should send down. Five of six later, he wasn’t sure which, he stopped when Draco screamed up again.

“Potter, if you hit my foot one more time I’m calling off that truce.” Harry would have shrugged if he could have, but instead he began heading down. He was about mid tree when his legs went limp and he found himself clinging to the tree with his arms.

“Potter?” He was sliding down the tree faster and faster, the bark tearing at his arms and chest. There was no way to answer Draco, and no way to stop himself. He couldn’t even feel his legs, which was actually more frightening than sliding down the trunk of a coconut tree.

“Potter!” He had no idea what Draco thought yelling his last name was going to do to help, but in response Harry let out a long yowl, as he crashed down onto… Draco. Draco had caught him.

“Potter,” Draco’s voice was strained, “let go of the tree will you?”
Harry wasn’t sure if he could, he felt like his whole body was attached to the tree in front of him. “Potter, let go of the tree or you’re going to scab over onto it.” That sounded awful, and Harry tried to relax his arms, which made them cry out in pain.

“Ahhh… that hurts!” he said, as he found he was falling back further.

“It’s going to hurt more if you aren’t more careful. Just relax back, and let me see what I can do for you, alright?” Draco looked down at him and Harry watched as the concern flickered across Draco’s face. “Relax your legs, alright? You’re… imbedded in the tree, or the tree is imbedded in you maybe,” he moved back, laying Harry in the sand. “Just, take deep breaths and calm down.” Was Harry not calm? He felt fairly calm. “Could you stop crying too? It’s disturbing me.” Draco moved to where his legs were still wrapped around the tree, and tried to pull them away from the tree. Harry didn’t think he was crying, but now he cried out loud again.

“That really hurts!” And it did, his leg was in so much pain he felt that his mind was going blank with it and he couldn’t feel his arms anymore. Draco carefully unattached him and moved back to Harry’s head.

“Alright, I’m going to have to drag you again, it looks like. So just stay here and rest, I’ll be right back.” With that, he grabbed a few of the coconuts and started walking away.

“Where are you going?” Harry called out, unsure if he really wanted Draco to leave him.

“Back for your robe,” he called back to Harry, and Harry was sure he didn’t want him to go.

“Don’t… go…” he croaked out, and Draco looked back at him for a moment.

“I’ll be right back,” and Harry closed his eyes, some part of himself sure he wasn’t going to be returning to him. He had food, and he knew where the water was, so there was no need for Harry now. Some kind of self pity washed over him, and
He sobbed, the tears completely beyond his control. Crying and crying until there were no tears, or maybe that was just a nightmare, because he was sure he slept. The next time he opened his eyes he was lying in the make shift camp. Draco had a fire going and it was dark out. The air was comfortable, much nicer than it had been during the day. A soft breeze blew over them. When he tried to move a groan escaped him. Draco looked at him across the fire. “You probably shouldn’t move around too much.”

“Malfoy,” his voice cracked, his throat was dry and painful. “You, came back?”

“Of course I came back. Are you mad?”

“I’m just a liability aren’t I? You’ve got water and food and everything.” Harry fell silent. “Draco, how’d you light the fire?”

“It was easy enough, some thin dry seaweed and a couple pieces of flint.” Harry hadn’t thought magical people would know that.

“Well, see, you don’t need me anymore right? You’re okay now, so I thought you’d just…” Harry realized with a start that he was near tears again. He didn’t really want to cry again. Draco didn’t like it when he cried, it made him uncomfortable. He sat in silence, trying his hardest not to be a baby.

“I didn’t okay? What does it matter why? I just didn’t leave you, that’s all.” Draco was turning clam shells over in the fire with a stick.

“Where’d you get those?” Harry eyed them wondering if they would taste okay.

“I dug them up. I couldn’t figure out what to do with those nut things.”

“They’re coconuts,” Harry responded, “you’re joking right? Haven’t you ever seen a coconut before?”

“Sure, I’ve seen coconut, it’s white and goes in deserts and stuff. Those things don’t look very white, and they’re too hard to bite into.”

“Bite into?” Harry couldn’t help himself, he erupted into giggles, “bite into? You don’t eat them like that. You have to crack
them open before you eat them.” He found it was painful to giggle, and ended up gasping from it. Draco looked over at him and shook his head.

“I told you not to move, remember? You’re bandaged up in more than a few ways now, and I think…” he paused, took a deep breath, and went on, “I think there’s something wrong with your leg. It… doesn’t feel right when I touch it. It also seems to be very painful to you. Maybe you broke something, but if you did, it’s not through the skin or anything, although there is a bump, but that could be from the bruising, right?” Malfoy looked uncertainly at Harry, then turned the clams again. “I hope this is edible.”

Harry looked down at himself, and sighed. What had he gotten himself into anyway? There was a red cloth covering his whole chest, and his wrists and arms were wrapped in some green material, as were his legs. He reached and pulled up the edge of the material on his chest, to see the scratches that were red and scabbed over, but looked clean enough. “Thanks,” he mumbled, and Draco looked up at him.

“Don’t say it. For now, let’s just take it for granted we’ll help each other out okay? I’ve been thinking about it while you were sleeping, again, and you’re right, we need to help each other out here. I don’t really know much about staying alive in this area, you’re good for that, and I… can at least try to patch you up when you hurt yourself. I’m good for exploring at least, I haven’t screwed that up. I mean, you’re right, the truce is important.” He turned glaring eyes at Harry, “but don’t think for one moment that it’s going to be like this when we return to Hogwarts, we’re back to being enemies as soon as we are back home, understand?” Harry grinned.

“Yeah, alright, its understood,” he tried to sit up and Draco started pulling the clams out of the fire.

“Be careful alright, you’re really not well.”
Harry tilted his head this way and that considering Draco. “You really seem to be concerned about me. You’re nice when you aren’t being an asshole, you know that?”

“Thanks a lot Potter,” he was trying to pry open one of the shells, “so are you.”

“You were the one always starting it,” Harry objected. Draco glared over at him, hissing as he touched the shell with his finger and moving it to his mouth.

“Sure I was, because I’m the one who made you look like a fool in front of everyone on sorting day, aren’t I?” He looked back down at the clam, picking up another stick and prying at it that way. “I’m always starting it,” he muttered, “sure I am and you’re always innocent right? I mean you’ve never done anything wrong meeting me for duels and hiding baby dragons. Harry Potter’s always right even if he’s wrong he’s right. Sure Potter, go ahead, blame everything on me. Don’t worry, everyone will believe you, because you’re a hero.” Harry grabbed a hand of dirt and hurled it across the fire at Draco.

“Ah, ow,” the dirt didn’t really go far, it just sort of fell back to the ground. He wasn’t even very convinced as he said, “Shut up, you don’t know what your talking about.”

“Sure Potter, whatever you say. Whatever you say must be right. Oh, and Potter…”

“Yeah,” his arm burned, his everything hurt.

“Didn’t I tell you to be careful you aren’t well?”
Harry glared at Draco through the red haze of pain, “Screw you Malfoy,” he said and considered throwing another handful of dirt.

“Don’t do it Potter, you’ll do more damage than it’s worth.” He took another try to get at the clams, and managed to get a piece out and brought it to his mouth. “Bland as hell and kind of gritty,” he grumbled. “I wish I had some butter at least.” Harry watched him eat and felt his stomach rumble.

“Malfoy…” he said softly, and Draco turned to him.

“Well, once they’ve cooled off you can have a few. I certainly don’t want you to injure another part of your body. You’ve got enough injuries on you.” He pulled all of the clams out of the fire and set them in a row to cool off. “I hope you don’t mind if they’re a bit cool when you get them.” Harry stared at them for several minutes before finally shrugging.

“I’m starved, I want to eat them now.” Draco shook his head.

“Absolutely not Potter, you’ll burn yourself, and that wouldn’t do. You’ve already got tons of scratches across the palm of your hands, and then there’s the fact that you’ve got cuts on your lips. Just be a good boy and wait until they’re cool.” With that, he smirked at Harry again, who stuck out his tongue at him.

There was something about this banter that made Harry feel a bit better. It was just a touch on the edge of cruel and mean, and yet at the same time, it was incredibly pleasant. Harry leaned back down in the make-shift bed and watched as Draco put new clams in the fire. “So, what did you do with the coconuts?” he finally asked. Draco looked up at him in surprise.

“Well, I brought them all back here, and then I put them near the fire. I wasn’t sure if I should be cooking them or not, so I just kept them here, why?” Harry shook his head.

“I wonder what we’re going to use to open them. Maybe a rock, do you see a pointed rock nearby?”
“No Potter, I don’t. I saw some around the mountain, where we found the water, but I’m not going back that way just yet.”

“Next time we get water we should get one.” Harry leaned back and his eyes fell shut. It seemed only seconds passing before something warm and rubbery was being pressed to his lips. “Mn?” He jerked his head back, but it only served to make a pain shoot through his neck. “What?” While his mouth was open the warm thing fell in.

“A clam,” Draco replied shortly. “As I recall you were too hungry to wait a short while ago.” His tone reflected amusement. Harry opened his eyes and looked at Draco as he chewed. Malfoy was right. The clam didn’t taste like much at all, and it crunched as he chewed. He wasn’t sure about the butter. Harry hadn’t eaten clams much during his lifetime, and the one time he had they’d been covered in batter. As he chewed, he found that the taste and consistency weren’t all that important.

“Can I have more?” Draco nodded.

“I made a bunch of them.” He placed a pile of open shells on Harry’s lap. They were on a square of material. Harry set to work prying the fleshy clams out of the shells and popping them in his mouth. They took forever to chew, but he felt better after eating a few. His stomach seemed satisfied, even if his taste buds weren’t.

“I think I’m using up all of the calories in them just by chewing them.” When Draco said nothing, he turned his head to look at the other boy. Draco was leaning against a tree. His eyes were closed, and his face was peaceful. The fire flickered and shadows danced across Draco’s face. He really was beautiful, very beautiful. How could that be? When had the enemy become so appealing?
He found that watching Draco as the fire flickered around him was incredibly relaxing, and he found himself wanting to continue to watch him for some reason. He moved a bit to get into a better position. When he did, Draco’s eyes flicked open and he stared at Harry in surprise and, maybe, fright? Before Harry could properly recognize the emotion however, his eyes went back to being impassive. He rubbed the back of his head and nodded at the shells.

“Did you want more then?” he asked, his voice sleep heavy. Harry looked at him for a moment before answering.

“Yeah, I guess so. They’re kinda… bland but they taste good enough. What’s the crunchy thing they’ve got in them?” Harry didn’t think he wanted to eat more of the crunchy stuff, but he couldn’t stop from eating, his stomach growled again.

“Sand,” Draco said flatly as he grabbed a few more and brought them over to Harry. Harry watched him the whole time and nodded as more of the clams fell onto his lap.

“So… how do they usually get sand out of them then?” he asked finally. Draco raised his eyebrows.

“Who says they do?”

“Well, don’t they?” Harry was now confused. He looked down at the clams and started prying the first one out. Draco snorted.

“Sometimes, but there’s usually a little still in them. It’s what makes them a touch crunchy at all times. The nicer the place, the less sand. I refuse to eat out at a seafood restaurant unless there are no prices on the menu,” and he let out a small sniff. Harry snorted himself.

“Snobbish much?” he said, chuckling. Draco scowled at him.

“When it comes to food, one must make sure to only eat the things that are good. If that makes me a snob, then fine. But I have particular tastes for food, I’ve been raised to be able to tell good food from bad food. It makes me a connoisseur.” He tilted his head up and looked down his nose at Harry.
“I’ve been raised to eat when I get food,” Harry said a bit sarcastically, “It makes me alive.” When Draco didn’t respond he started opening clams again and eating the contents. “I don’t remember there being sand in the ones my Aunt Petunia made, and they came from the grocery store.” He decided not to mention that they were also deep fried. He supposed maybe the breading disguised any sand which might still be present.

“Grocery? Never mind,” Draco said quickly just after questioning it, “I don’t want to know.”

“It’s the store where we buy our food.”

“You mean like the market?”

“Well, sort of,” Harry had never tried to buy groceries in the magical world, but he knew there had to be an appropriate place to do so. There probably weren’t frozen foods though. I mean they didn’t have microwaves did they? On the other hand, they had stoves right? A lot of frozen dinners could be made in the oven or on the stove top. “Have you ever had a frozen dinner?” There was a long silence before Draco replied.

“A what?”

“A frozen dinner, you know, they come in a cardboard box, and you open them up and heat them in the oven. Someone makes them ahead of time and then freezes them so you can heat them up and eat them real quick, that sort of thing. Why are you staring at me like that?
It’s a fairly common thing you can get in the grocery.” Draco continued to stare at him as though what he had said was just the most insane thing he’d ever heard.

“Frozen? Already heated once before? Why would you do that?” Draco said appalled. Harry snickered.

“Didn’t you hear me before? You do that so that later on it takes less time to make it. You put it in the oven to make a fast dinner, or lunch or whatever. It’s faster and you get a decent meal out of it.” Draco’s eyes were wide and he shook his head.

“I feel badly for the food. How could you do that to it? Food is meant to be enjoyed, you’re supposed to take the time to taste the food, savor the flavors that are blended in your meal. You’re not supposed to make it,” he grimaced, “quickly. You’re supposed to have a skilled chef prepare you something worth eating.” Harry stared at Draco for a few minutes then laughed outright.

“Draco, have you ever cooked anything before?” he asked and Draco gave him a scathing look.

“Depends on what you’re talking about. As you can see, I’ve cooked clams before. You’re eating them.” Harry laughed again.

“Well, alright, but that wasn’t what I meant.” Harry took another clam into his mouth and ate it. “I meant at home. Did you ever cook at home?” Draco’s look of horror was all Harry needed to see to know the answer. He snickered. “Alright, no then. That’s why you don’t know about frozen dinners. Frozen dinners are for normal families I guess. Since you’re so high brow, you can’t be “normal”.” Draco scowled at him.

“You’re making fun of me right now, aren’t you?” he hissed, and Harry looked at him in surprise.

“What are you talking about?” he asked.

“You’re making fun of me, what you’re saying is making fun of me,” Draco’s eyes were blazing again, as though he was trying to keep his anger in check once more.
“Draco, no, I’m not making fun of you, I’m…” Harry searched his mind for the right word and finally said, “teasing you.”

“Right, you’re making fun of me.” Draco was obviously still angry.

“No, this is something I’d do to Ron, and he’s my best mate. I wouldn’t make fun of him.” Harry saw the instant when Draco thought about and discarded that.

“You’d tell him he was too high brow to be normal?”

“No, he’s not high brow, so I wouldn’t say that. I might say his families too big for him to understand normal though.” They were silent. Harry ate more clams. Finally Draco spoke again.

“Don’t talk to me like you would speak to a Weasley. I don’t want to be treated the same as someone like that.” He looked away as if he was done with the conversation, but Harry wasn’t done.

“Someone like what? What’s your problem with the Weasleys anyhow? I don’t see any reason you should hate him. I mean I know why he hates you, your always making fun of him and looking down on him, but he didn’t do anything to you. All he did was be born and that wasn’t his fault. I mean none of us get to pick our parents.” Harry clamped his mouth shut as he had a feeling he’d just said way too much. He hadn’t actually intended to say all that. It was just that once he started talking it all came bubbling out.
Draco turned blazing eyes on Harry, “What exactly do you mean by that?” he hissed. Harry shook his head.

“Nothing, I’m just making a point, I mean, I didn’t get to pick my parents, and he didn’t -“ but he didn’t get anything more out before Draco had his hand in Harry’s hair.

“You were making fun of my parents weren’t you Potter?” Harry sighed and looked into Draco’s eyes.

“No, I wasn’t,” he said softly, “I was just saying you didn’t pick your parent’s either. We all were born into our respective families. You were born rich, Ron was born poor, and I was born to lose both my parents and think I was useless. It’s just what happens. He never started out making fun of you, you were the one who instigated it.” Draco took his hand out of Harry’s hair.

“You started it Potter, not me,” he said softly as he walked away from Harry, and sat back down by his tree. Harry stared at him in incomprehension.

“What?” he said finally, confused beyond belief.

“I said you started it Potter, you did, not me. Or has your hearing gone bad?” Draco turned bright eyes on Harry, and for a moment, Harry wondered if Draco had been near crying.

“No, my hearing hasn’t gone bad, but I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about,” Draco was certainly a difficult person to understand. Harry was more than a little confused by his actions. He’d wipe the memory of the sleeping, beautiful looking Draco from his mind, and remember him as he was now, devilish and evil incarnate.

“I said you started it! Before I ever made fun of Weasel, you made me look like a fool! That’s what I’m talking about!” Draco’s eyes blazed and he stood up. “So don’t act all high and mighty about who should do and say what, understand?” Draco stood up and turned away from Harry, walking out of the light of the fire into the woods.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Harry replied, not expecting a reply. He wasn’t surprised when he didn’t get one, but he was a bit disappointed. He wouldn’t have had a problem with Draco if Draco hadn’t implied that Ron was the wrong sort of person to hang around with. The Weasleys had been kind to him. They still were.

He finished his clams and gently set the shells aside. He was tired, and he wanted to go home. How had they ended up there anyhow? It’s the sort of thing Hermione would go running off to the library to research, except there was no library and there was no Hermione. He closed his eyes and drifted into a restless, uncomfortable sleep. When Harry woke he had no idea how long he’d slept. It was still dark and Draco was far enough out of the firelight that Harry couldn’t see him.

“Draco?” There was no reply. Had Draco changed his mind? Had he decided to leave Harry alone after all? He’d left all of the material and stuff though. No, he must have been planning to return. What if something terrible had happened to him while Harry was sleeping? “Draco?!” His shout held a panicked quality he didn’t like much, but he couldn’t control it.
There was no reply still, and Harry felt even more afraid. There were sounds out there that were frightening to him, it was the middle of the night, and Draco wasn’t answering him. What was he going to do?

Carefully he tried to stand up, but the pain in his leg intensified to an incredible extreme and he found him falling flat down on the ground, face first. He struggled to move, moving his other leg under himself, and shakily standing up without putting much pressure on his injured leg. He stood precariously balanced on his uninjured leg for several minutes before feeling safe to move. He gently placed some pressure on his painful leg and moved his other one ahead of it as quickly as he could, but he still wasn’t able to stay up, and he fell face forward again.

“Draco!?” he called out once more, as loudly as he could, the panic a little more emphasized. He didn’t want it to be, but he couldn’t help it.

“What?” came the incredibly annoyed voice of Draco coming around one of the nearby trees. Harry nearly cried out in relief.

“Draco!” he said, pulling himself up to see him. Yes, that exasperated face was Draco’s.

“And as I said, what?” He looked at Harry annoyed. “Can’t a person go to the bathroom alone?” Harry stared at him in disbelief.

“You… were… going to the bathroom?” Draco blinked at him.

“Is there a problem with that Potter?”

“No!” Harry said quickly, then blushed, “that’s not it, I just… why didn’t you answer me the first two times I called then?” Draco looked away.

“I didn’t hear you,” he mumbled, then shook his head, “I heard you, I didn’t want to answer you yet. Is it so difficult to understand why I might have wanted some privacy?” Harry stared at Draco for several moments before blushing a bit more.

“Oh, sorry,” he mumbled himself, then tried to push himself back into a sitting position.
It was rather hard. He wished he’d just stayed put. There hadn’t been anything to worry about after all. He felt a hand on his arm, and then under it pulling him up.

“You really ought to try to stay put Potter. I’m getting a bit tired of dragging you around.” Draco sounded angry, but he was gentle enough physically as he helped Harry get settled again.

“I was afraid something had happened to you,” Harry tried to explain once Draco had him up and back onto his make-shift bed. “I fell asleep and when I woke up you were still gone. I knew you’d been angry when you left so…” He was starting to feel like a bit of an idiot even as he tried to explain. Surely had something happened to Draco he would have woken him with a scream or something. He shrugged, feeling his cheeks flush as he did so. “Well, I thought maybe you’d gone out too far and something had attacked you and hurt you and I was worried is all.” His voice got softer and softer as he spoke until he was mumbling at the end. “Sorry, I really didn’t mean to disturb you.”

Actually a part of Harry’s mind was wondering what he was going to do when he needed to go to the bathroom. He could hardly stand, let alone walk off to some other area.
Draco sighed and made sure Harry was settled properly. "Potter, I think you're an ass, but that doesn't mean I want to spend too much time far enough away from the fire that I might get injured. Please understand that although I have little reguard for your well being, I have a lot of reguard for my own well being. Remember, I'm a Malfoy, we think about ourselves first and formost." Harry looked up at Draco, ready to snap something rude when he saw the smirk on Draco's lips.

"Are you..." Harry paused, unsure if he could dare say this outloud to Draco after their earlier fight. "Are you... teasing, me?" he finally finished, wiping the corners of his eyes. Draco's eyes sparkled.

"Whatever would make you feel that way Potter? I'm merely speaking the truth. Are you finally set for the rest of the night? I can't believe I've had to move you around so many times already. You've got to be the most annoying sick patient in the world. Don't you ever worry about yourself?" Harry shook his head.

"You should know better by now Malfoy, I'm Harry Bloody Potter, I think of everyone before I think of myself." It was out before Harry could stop it, and he held his breath for a moment before catching the look in Draco's eyes. Harry burst out into laughter at that look. It seemed as though Draco wasn't sure whether to hit Harry or start laughing himself, it was quite a look. In the end, Draco decided that chuckling was alright, and a very soft noise came from him as his shoulders shook a bit. Harry was pleased to see such a simple act of laughter come from Draco, as he'd never seen such a thing before.

"Honestly Malfoy, you should laugh more, it's good for a person." Draco shook his head.

"No way, laughing is bad for you, it promotes idiocy and lack of respect for others. I don't laugh if I can help it."
“But you should. It’s really not a bad thing.” Harry found himself thinking back. Memories of his life with the Dursleys chased each other around his head. “Although I can see how someone might get the idea that it is.” Laughing had been rare and always punishable. They hadn’t ever approved of him having a good time or enjoying anything for any reason.

Harry leaned back and closed his eyes, tears welling up beneath them as the memories took hold. He and Dudley at the park when they were five, he and Dudley had a mud fight and started laughing. He got screamed at, spanked and sent to the closet without dinner. Dudley was praised and given new play clothes. That was the thing. Harry had always known that the laughing wasn’t bad. It was just him. He was bad. At least according to the Dursleys he was. That was just because they didn’t like magic though. If they didn’t have a problem with his parents, and magic, then they wouldn’t have hated him right?

“Draco, do you really hate muggles? I mean, and your father, does he really hate them too?”

“Of course, why wouldn’t we?”

“Well, I mean, why would you? Voldemort’s part muggle isn’t he? Your family doesn’t seem to have a problem with him.”

“That’s different.” Harry didn’t see how. His aunt and uncle hated all magic and all people who used it. They even hated it when Harry used it by mistake. Wasn’t hating muggles the same sort of thing?

“How’s it different?” Draco heaved an exasperated sigh, as if to say that Harry wouldn’t, couldn’t possibly understand.

“It just is.”
Harry gave an exasperated sigh of his own. “How is it just different Malfoy, there’s got to be a reason. I mean, there are all kinds of things that don’t make sense when it comes to Voldemort, and that is certainly one of them. I mean, he’s – “ he got cut off by Draco.

“He’s more pure blood than any of us!” he yelled out, “He may be part muggle, but that doesn’t matter because his blood is still purer than ours! He’s from a long line of ancient and respected families, and on top of that, he’s the single, last heir of Slytherin! It’s not the same as you, or that damned mudblood friend of yours Granger! It’s different because of what *kind* of blood flows through his veins, you idiot!” Draco looked at Harry startled for a moment after he finished speaking, then turned away from him. “And stop using his damned name alright, it’s disturbing.” Harry thought that all was utterly ridiculous.

“So you’re saying there’s more than a simple distinction between pure blood and not pureblood, there’s also the distinction of “who’s” blood you carry?” Harry said exasperated. Draco nodded and looked at Harry.

“Of course, did you really think it was so simple as pureblood and not pureblood? You don’t think much of our society in that case. There are laws, and rules to be followed, and you have to know who is above you in station and who is below you so you don’t make a mistake of who you are supposed to bow to and how far and…” Draco had been saying this all in a mad rush, as though it were something that had been weighing down on him for quite some time, and he stopped and looked at Harry, his face appalled. A blush crept across his face and he took his seat again at the tree across the fire.

“Are you kidding?” Harry asked finally, having waited several minutes for Draco to continue and finally deciding to get the conversation started again. Draco sighed.

“Do you seriously suspect me of kidding?”
“Maybe,” Harry watched Draco’s face, and decided this wasn’t likely to get him talking again, so he changed tactics. “Well, you wanted to be friends with me before though, didn’t you? I mean, I still had the same blood in me then.”

“That was different,” Draco muttered. “Why don’t you get some sleep already? Aren’t you tired?” Harry nodded.

“I am, really tired, but my leg hurts, so it’s hard to sleep. Are you tired?”

“Yes, I am.” Draco’s reply was so crisp and certain that Harry looked over at him. Draco’s platinum hair had fallen into place and looked almost perfect. It didn’t make sense. Harry was sure his was a tangled mess. He reached a hand up and tried to comb his fingers through it. Yes, it was all tangles. He wouldn’t get it untangled until he had a brush. This island didn’t seem like a likely place to find one. Draco’s face had a set look, determined, but it was his eyes that really gave him away. They seemed totally alert.

“You are not.”

Draco glared in Harry’s direction. “I am too.”

“Huh uh, you’re still wide awake,” Harry accused, “and this time I’m right, not like with the arm leg thing.”

“You can’t prove it.”

“I can too, your eyes are wide awake. You aren’t tired. You’re just avoiding my question.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Draco looked away from him into the darkness.

“Why did you want to be friends with me then, if my blood is so inferior? That is the question you’re avoiding.”
“Potter,” he hissed, “Leave it, alright. It’s another one of those things you just wouldn’t get.”

“Stop trying to act like I’m incapable of understand things, you don’t know me well enough to say that,” Harry was getting really fed up with this attitude of Draco’s.

“I only feel that way because you are incapable of understanding certain things!” His eyes got that beautiful angry grey color. “You just don’t understand the difference between you, him, and us. You also don’t understand why things were one way, and now they aren’t anymore. It’s like education Potter, you don’t have it!”

“So educate me!” Harry screamed back at Draco, his own green eyes blazing. “If you think I’m not capable of understanding, try to make me understand. Explain things so it makes sense. Don’t expect me to understand when you’ve never tried!” Draco stood up.

“Potter, I know you wouldn’t understand, because I’ve seen how you react to others. I’ve seen how you react to me,” his voice got softer, and he sat down again. “Just go to sleep, I’m tired,” and he closed his eyes.

“Don’t be stupid Malfoy,” Harry said, “I know you’re not tired, will you just answer the damned question?”

“Go to sleep Potter.”

“No, damn it, just answer the damn question.”

“Shut up Potter, go to sleep.”

“Answer the damn question Malfoy.”

“Go to fucking sleep Potter!” Draco opened his eyes to glare at Harry, and Harry took that opportunity to hold his eye contact.

“Answer the question Malfoy,” he said it softer this time, as though he were trying to coax the answer from Draco. Draco sighed and looked away.

“Potter, you’re the most annoying, pain in the ass I’ve ever met. Did you know that?” Harry grinned at him.

“I try. Answer the question Malfoy.”
“No, I said no I’m not answering the bloody question.”

“I bet you don’t even know what it is,” Harry had a problem sometimes. He would make his mind up that he wanted to know something and he wouldn’t be able to stop poking at things until he got his answer. Right now, the one thing he wanted to know most was why Draco had ever wanted to be his friend. The more he thought about it the more it gnawed at him.

“I do to.” Draco’s eyes flashed as he looked at Harry again.

“No you don’t.”

“Yes, I do.”

“Fine, what was my question?” Harry challenged him with his eyes. Damn him, why wouldn’t he just answer the question.

“You want to know why I wanted to be your friend, something which you’ll never understand, even if I explain it in great detail. Are you happy Potter?” Draco’s voice carried a warning edge, but Harry ignored it completely.

“No Malfoy, I’m not, because you haven’t answered my question.” The two of them glared at each other. Harry’s neck began to ache. His eyes were dry and painful and trying to shut, but he refused to look away or even blink. “Come on Malfoy, just answer the question.”

“Why should I Potter? Why don’t you go to bed?” It was a contest of wills, and unfortunately both boys had a lot of will and plenty of stubbornness. They stared.

“If you don’t you’ll never get any sleep.”

“You’re the one who needs it Potter.”

“You said you were tired.”

“I am, I’m tired of you.”

“Fine, then just answer my question, and we can get some sleep.” There was a long, drawn out silence.
“Forget it Potter, I’m not answering your question, I’ve already said I wouldn’t. Just go to sleep already, alright?” Draco turned his back completely on Harry, and Harry shook his head.

“Absolutely not until you answer my damn question. What’s the problem Malfoy, are you embarrassed by the answer or something? Some deep hidden thing that you don’t want to admit to?” Harry was trying to egg the other boy on, but he was beginning to think he might never get the answer out of him.

“Of course not Potter, it’s just not something I feel like telling you. You wouldn’t understand it and I don’t feel like explaining it. Just drop it, alright?”

“What I also want to know, is if I’m some kind of toy… to be picked up, used, and put back down when the results are what you were expecting. I mean, if you did want to be my friend, why did you stop? You could have tried more than once to forge a friendship with me, but you didn’t. There’s another question you need to answer for me.” Harry was coming up with all kinds of things he’d never gotten a chance to ask Draco, and he was going to start asking them.

“That’s one of the most ridiculous questions you’ve ever asked me Potter. Of course you had made up your mind by then, and so you weren’t going to be my friend. You made a big show of it in front of everyone, so I knew you weren’t going to be my friend. Why keep trying, and make myself look like a fool? I knew better than that, I’m not stupid.” Draco turned back to look at Harry, his eyes somewhat hidden. “You can say what you want, but I’m *not* stupid.”

“I’ve never called you stupid,” Harry protested, but Draco shook his head.

“You have, around your little friends, and around those other Griffindorks. You’ve called me stupid, and called me other things. You hate me and I hate you, what more is there to it all? That’s the answer to everything.”
“The answer to everything? That’s not the answer to everything. It’s more like an answer to nothing.” Harry stared at Draco for a moment before continuing. “Besides. I don’t hate you and I never have. You piss me off, and sometimes all I want to do is scream at you, and hurt you, but I don’t hate you. You remind me of Dudley sometimes, and that really makes me mad. As for being stupid, you’re actually incredibly smart which always makes me wonder why you do such stupid things, and hang out with such stupid people. So I’m sorry if I called you stupid okay? I just meant you’d done something stupid okay?” Draco seemed dumfounded for a moment as he sat staring at Harry emotions flickering through his eyes one after the other so fast Harry couldn’t guess at one emotion before a new one was there. Finally he seemed to settle on anger again. Did Draco like being angry or what? Harry had to wonder.

“I do stupid things? You call the things I do stupid? You’re the one who’s always doing stupid things Potter, or haven’t you been paying attention? You and your stupid friends…” Harry interrupted before Draco could continue.

“Now who’s calling people stupid? Who could honestly say Hermione’s stupid anyhow? You can’t do that really can you? I mean we’re talking about knows-every-damn-answer-and-why-don’t-you Hermione here. The fact that you occasionally outthink her doesn’t in any way make her stupid Malfoy.” Harry shook his head suddenly realizing what had happened. Had Draco done it purposely? There was really no way of telling. A growl of frustration came up from the back of his throat. “Besides, that’s not important right now. What’s important is why you tried to make friends with me in the first place. I want to know. I want a real answer Malfoy. I’m not giving up until I get one.”
“Fine!” Draco shouted, standing up again, his eyes furious. “You want to know why I tried to be your friend?”

Harry gave him a glare back, “Yes, I want to know why you wanted to be my friend.” Harry tried to say it calmly, but it came out a bit annoyed.

“I wanted to be your friend first because I was told to either be your friend or your enemy, and because I thought you might be someone I could actually talk to instead of pretend around. I knew that you grew up around muggles and wouldn’t judge me by my upbringing, that you’d judge me by my behavior. At least, I thought you would, I thought you’d be the kind of person who I might be able to shape into someone who would support me instead of coddling me or making demands of me. That’s why alright! I’m fucking tired of hearing you ask me about that. You proved me wrong, alright, you proved to me that I can only depend on myself, no one else. You proved that even though I might have wanted a friend, I wasn’t allowed to have one. You proved that you would continue to judge me by *your* preconceived notions of who I was. I hope your fucking happy now, I’m going to the other side of the fire now to get some sleep, try not to die over here, alright?” With that, Draco turned away from Harry and sat on the other side of the fire so Harry couldn’t see him and sat down against a different tree. Just before he turned, Harry could see that some tears had fallen sometime during that outburst.

Harry kept his eyes on Draco the whole time he moved to the other side of the fire, and only turned his eyes away when he couldn’t see him anymore and his eyes were burning. Draco had given him a lot to think about. Did Draco really feel that way about him? Did Draco really think that Harry judged him by Harry’s ideas of who he was? Had Draco really wanted a real friend? Did that mean that Draco had no one he considered a friend? What had he just discovered by this outburst?
Harry wasn’t sure when he fell asleep. When he woke he knew one thing for sure. He needed to go to the bathroom. The next thing he realized was that there wasn’t one to go to. When he tried to stand he realized the very worst thing ever. He couldn’t. Lying in the sand, pain lancing through his leg he moaned.

“Malfoy.” When there was no answer he tried repeating it louder.

“What?” The reply came from the other side of the fire. Draco’s voice was clear and he sounded like someone who’d been up for a while. The fire was still going. It was going to make things very hot if the day was anything like the day before.

“I… need to go to the bathroom.”

“Ok Potter, what do you want me to do about it?” Harry turned red, but there was no going back at this point and if he didn’t get help soon he’d be going right on the ground in front of the fire.

“Help me get away from the fire, unless you want to wait and then help me get to the water to clean up after I go in my underwear.”

“Potter,” Draco’s voice clearly reflected disgust.

“What,” Harry put as much innocence into his own tone as he could muster. “Did I say something wrong Malfoy?”
“Yes,” Draco said, annoyed. “You did, you made a totally disgusting comment.” For a brief moment it seemed as though Draco wasn’t going to move.

“Malfoy, I’m incredibly serious here,” Harry moaned, trying to keep his bladder under control. “It’s going to be a desperate situation.”

“I’m coming, I’m coming,” Draco said, and this time there was movement from the other side of the fire. “Just give a person half a second to finish what he was doing, alright?” Draco was next to Harry so quickly, Harry would have suspected magic, if it worked here. Draco took one look at Harry, and bent down, gently putting his arms around Harry and lifting him up into a standing position. “Just don’t put weight on that leg yet, alright? I’m trying to make something like…” he paused for a moment, then shrugged, “a cane,” he finished. Harry looked at him baffled for a moment.

“A cane? You’re trying to make something for me to walk with?” this statement had caught Harry pretty well by surprise, as he hadn’t thought Draco had moved at all that morning. Of course, he was basing that theory on the fact that Draco had still been on the far side of the fire from him.

“Why is that such an amazing fact? You can’t honestly think I want to touch you any more that absolutely necessary, can you?” Draco didn’t catch Harry’s eyes though, and he started walking him out of the area where the fire was. “I don’t like having to walk you everywhere, and until we manage to fix your leg there’s no other option.”

“Thanks Malfoy, you always throw me off guard. I just don’t know when you’re going to be an asshole and when you’re going to be friendly.” Draco gave Harry a withering look.

“So funny Potter, I forgot to laugh. I’m always an asshole, remember?”
“No, you’re not,” Harry said, surprising himself. Did he mean that? Yes, it seemed so. It was even true. Since getting to the island Draco hadn’t always been an asshole. Harry hated admitting it, and it still surprised him every time, but it was true.

“Sure I am Potter, don’t fool around. Here,” he stopped, “is this good enough?”

Harry looked around and determined it was far enough from their make shift camp to do. He looked at Draco, wondering what to say or do next. Draco turned away and started walking back towards camp.

“Just call me when you’re done Potter and then wait, okay? It might take a few minutes but don’t try to come back on your own. I don’t want to find you face down or something.” He sounded sickened by the thought. It was odd how worried Harry was about just that. Once Malfoy was away he could pack up the entire camp and move and Harry would be all alone. Why was he so concerned with that? Why did Draco’s words actually soothe him? What did he care if Malfoy was around or not? But he did, he really did. Left alone in this state he’d never make it, would he? Wanting Draco around was probably just some sort of self preservation.

He couldn’t keep worrying about it. He needed to do his thing and he did, covering it up as best he could. Then he waited a bit before calling. Why was he so nervous? Once again it was that damn fear that Malfoy wouldn’t return.
It took Malfoy a few minutes to show up, but he did, and he had a piece of wood in his hands as he came. The wood was about two inches thick, with the outside bark removed from it. It was waist high on Malfoy, and the top was rounded. He came over and looked at Potter, his face serious as ever.

“Well, give this a try, I don’t have anything to really work with it, but I tried to find something kind of sturdy.” With that, he held the piece of wood out to Harry and waited for him to take it, which Harry did immediately. There was something incredibly peaceful about the situation, even though Harry’s heart was pounding like crazy. He looked the wood over and felt it in his hand. It seemed to thrum with life as he held it.

“Where’d you get this Malfoy?” he asked, and Draco shrugged.

“I went looking for it, I found it in the woods. It…” he looked away and Harry watched him curiously.

“It what?” he finally asked, and Draco shrugged.

“It seemed to call to me. So I looked for it,” he looked up at Harry and shook his head. “Don’t ask me to explain any more than that.” Harry shook his own head and nodded.

“Right, don’t worry about it though, I don’t think you’re crazy.” Harry put the wood on the ground and leaned against it. Carefully he tried to walk a little bit, using the wood as his second leg. It seemed he would be able to do it, and after his first two wobbly steps, he looked up at Draco and nodded. “I think it’s really good, thanks,” and with that, he slipped and started tumbling forward.

Draco’s hands were catching him before he even put pressure on his injured leg. Warm arms wrapped around him and held him close, keeping him from meeting the ground.

“Right, it’s so good you’re falling over yourself in joy.”
"I..." Harry chuckled, as Draco helped him regain his balance. "I'm not, and it's not the cane's fault either. I just have to be really careful right now, that's all." Then he started laughing again, but it wasn't a normal sort of laughter. It sounded odd, frantic.

"Potter?" Draco was trying to hold him steady, but Harry's whole body seemed to be consumed in the laughter. It was the oddest thing. Harry just couldn't stop. Eventually the two of them ended up on the ground. Harry laughing and Draco trying to keep him from further injuring his leg. "Potter!" Draco was obviously annoyed but the mad laughter was out of Harry's control. Then all of a sudden it changed to crying. Huge gaping sobs coursed through him, and he couldn't stop them. He wanted the nightmare to end. He wanted to go home, back to Hogwarts where he was most comfortable. He wanted someone to care again, because until Ron and Hermione had no one had ever seemed to and he didn't want to be alone like this again. He hated being alone with another person.

It was odd how all of those emotions came at him at once as he sobbed against Draco of all people. What must Draco think of him now? Here’s the great Harry Potter, he has no control over his laughter or his tears, because he’s a big blubbering fool. Now you know. He tried to peer at Draco through his tear filled eyes, but he couldn't. He tried to take steady breaths to calm himself, but he couldn't. His heart sped. Why couldn't he control this? What was happening? The more he panicked the worse it got, and his breathing sped up and he felt like he couldn't get enough air. He gasped in huge painful breaths, it sounded horrible but he couldn't stop. He needed to breathe.
He realized, after several moments of gasping breath, that there were arms around him, holding him. He tried to get away from them, to breath properly, but all they did was move so he was looking away from him. It had to be Draco, but the hands and arms were so gentle, and so protective. He gasped, and found his stomach was making noises, and he felt like he was going to die. He gagged, and retched, and those hands just moved him so he was facing away from Draco and leaving his mess on the ground. His eyes still wouldn’t focus because of the tears, but those hands wiped at his face, and stroked his hair. He screamed in anger, frustration, annoyance at his own weakness, and finally just gave over to the feelings, sobbing for all he was worth.

He didn’t know how long he cried, nor was he overly aware of moving, but when his breath seemed to steady a bit, and the tears were all out of him, he was back by the fire, and he was in Draco’s lap. Well, at least his head was. One of Draco’s hands was running through his hair, and the other was holding gently to his shoulder. His face had been wiped, and his mouth tasted terrible. He tried to steady his breath, and when he found that he had more control right now, he did just that. His head felt fuzzy, heavy, and out of balance.

“You okay down there Potter?” murmured Draco. Harry tried to lift his face to look at him, but Draco’s hand held his head down. “Don’t even try it alright? You’re gonna get dizzy, just relax for a bit. I’m not going to say anything, or do anything, just… calm down.” When Draco’s hand didn’t have any more resistance, he continued stroking Harry’s hair. That was alright, Harry thought, it felt good for that hand to be going through his hair. It didn’t matter that his head was in Draco’s lap, it didn’t matter that he felt like crap, and most of last night’s dinner was in the woods near where he pissed. It just felt alright, at that moment, to be right where he was.
Harry closed his eyes, but he didn’t sleep. He just drifted a bit, feeling warm and comfortable. There was another feeling too. He felt safe, accepted. Not everyone would have held him through all that, brought him back to the fire, and made sure he didn’t hurt himself. Draco was acting more like a friend then like a person who’d agreed to a temporary truce. In fact, at the moment he was acting more like a… parent maybe? Or a lover, Harry’s mind jumped to point out. Even being uncertain about it Harry thought he’d stick with parent. He opened his eyes and watched the fire, it was very low now, but it wasn’t out.


“What?” Draco’s voice was soft, relaxed. It was nice. Harry was used to hearing tension and dislike in that voice.

“Shouldn’t we put out the fire?”

“No,” it seemed he might not say anything else, but just as Harry was about to ask why not he spoke again. “Why, do you feel too hot?” There was a note of concern in his voice and he felt Harry’s forehead before resuming his methodical stroking of his hair.

“No, I just thought it might get too hot for a fire.” Draco continued stroking his hair for a minute.

“I don’t remember telling you you could call me Draco.” Had he? Had he called him Draco? Harry thought it over several minutes. He had.

“Sorry, I wasn’t thinking.”

“You call me Draco when you aren’t thinking?”

“Well, yes?” Harry tried to look up again, but Draco stopped him for the second time.

“Not yet.”
Harry considered fighting against that but decided it was better if he didn’t. He didn’t really mind anyway, this comfortable feeling.

“Good,” Draco said and started stroking his hair again. Harry gave a small sigh.

“Is it bad that I called you Draco?” Harry dared to ask. Draco’s body moved a bit and he seemed to shrug.

“I suppose that depends. Do you mean the implications of doing such a thing, Potter?” Draco’s voice was soft and clear, not angry, or annoyed or even disturbed. Being called Potter by him, which should have been normal, seemed to bother Harry.

“Harry,” he said, closing his eyes and feeling those fingers in his hair with every fiber of his body.

“Oh? You sure of that?” Draco asked again, and Harry nodded.

“I think that’s the best thing, if it’s alright with you, I don’t want to feel like we’re only here to fight, that’s not going to solve anything. I’d like to feel….” Harry trailed off, not sure what he wanted to say there.

“I see, you don’t want to feel like enemies, since we’ve come this far, am I right?” His voice was still soft, but there was a strange inflection in it.

“Yes, you’re words are correct, I don’t want to feel like enemies. We’re not really enemies, just… rivals, right?” Harry hadn’t really realized what the difference was before that moment, but just now, he knew. An enemy was someone you hated, a rival was someone you wanted to be better than. You didn’t have to hate your rival. Truth be told, Harry didn’t hate Draco.

“My words? Are you worried about the tone quality of my voice,” a pause, “Harry?” Harry felt a small shudder go through his body as he heard his name come out of Draco’s mouth, in Draco’s voice. He tried to shrug.

“Well, it seemed like something was not quite right, that’s all,” he finally admitted.

“I didn’t want you to think I was agreeing to it just yet.”
Silence stretched out between them. Harry didn’t get it, and wasn’t sure what to say. Finally he came up with something.

“Are you agreeing to it now then?”

“I called you Harry didn’t I?”

“Well, yeah?” Harry wasn’t sure how that proved anything, but he gathered Draco had considered it an agreement. Since Draco was silent again Harry was left to draw his own conclusions. Just to make sure he asked, “so that means I can call you Draco right?”

“Yes Harry... you can.” It was definitely an odd feeling, hearing Draco speak his first name, and Draco seemed to be enjoying doing it. His voice was still odd, but it was a different sort of odd. It made Harry’s spine tingle and all he knew was that he wanted something. He couldn’t define just what that something was, but he was fairly sure it wasn’t something he ought to want.

“So, Draco, about the fire, why are we letting it go all day?” In response Draco sighed. Some time later he finally spoke.

“I don’t feel like starting it again… Harry.” The way he said his name, it was odd. It was like he liked him or something. It was like Harry was someone special and he wanted to touch him, caress him, hold him… Harry would have bolted upright at the sudden realization if he could have. Instead, he half bolted then sagged to the ground again as Draco held him down with a from.

“I told you not yet, Potter.”

“Harry,” Harry whispered, half wanting to hear Draco say it and half not.

“Fine, Harry.” It was sensual. When Draco said his name it made him excited… sexually. That couldn’t be okay.
“Sorry,” Harry mumbled, and then relaxed in Draco’s lap again. The concept that he might want Draco sexually was something somewhat disturbing, and incredibly… arousing. He felt himself get hard, and hoped that Draco wouldn’t see it. He moved a bit so his front was pointed more towards the sand, and less up towards Draco.

“What on earth excited you anyway?” Draco asked calmly, and Harry couldn’t help but wonder if he knew about the new bulge in his shorts. Then he realized Draco had been talking about the sudden movement he had tried to make.

“Sorry,” he mumbled, and tried to relax again.

“That’s not an answer, you know.” Draco didn’t stop stroking Harry’s hair, but Harry could tell that he was thinking about it.

“Draco?” Saying that name was so strange. Saying the one thing he’d never said before made him want to say it again.

“Harry?” a shiver went through Harry as Draco said his name. He wondered if he could say the name Draco the way Draco said Harry, like a breath of tender wind.

“Do you think it’s alright to leave the fire going all day?” He had been about to say something else entirely, but it didn’t come out in his sudden strange fear.

“Do you think it’s not alright to leave the fire going all day?” Harry snickered, then shook his head.

“That wasn’t an answer Draco,” he said, almost stumbling around the name.

“Neither was that, Harry,” Harry shivered again at that. “Are you cold?” Harry shook his head.

“No, I’m just…” he trailed off. He was just what? Getting aroused by hearing his name being used? Oh yeah, that was a good thing to say. “Nothing, I’m sorry,” he mumbled. Draco chuckled.

“Oh? You’re sorry? For what?” Harry flushed.

“Nothing, never mind,” he said into Draco’s leg. Draco took a sudden hissing breath.

“Potter, please be careful.” He said clearly.
Harry blinked and tilted his head a bit away from Draco’s leg. How quickly he became Potter again. He decided against saying anything else since sorry didn’t seem to be an acceptable response. The two of them were silent for sometime. He wasn’t sure, but Harry had a feeling he drifted in and out of sleep as he lay there. Finally, as his stomach rumbled loudly and his throat seemed so dry it was sticking to itself he spoke again.

“Water?” His voice sounded scratchy. Draco stretched and moved him up to a sitting position against a tree. His hands still on Harry’s shoulders he asked.

“Can you stay like this?” At first Harry tried to nod, but that just made him dizzy.

“Yes, I think so.” Harry tried to find his balance, vowing not to move his head more than he had to.

“Good,” Draco let go of Harry’s shoulders slowly, his eye on him for some time before he seemed to decide it was okay to move away. When he did he retrieved the water and held it to Harry’s mouth. It was a terrible strain not to gulp the water hungrily. It didn’t even seem all that warm. It felt so good going down his throat. When it was gone he wanted more.

“Is it gone already.”

“Yes, but there’s more. Just… sit for a minute.” Draco had some himself, slowly sipping it. It seemed to take forever as Harry watched. He thought he might be starting to really understand the whole stuck on a desert island thing. Of course he and Draco couldn’t exactly keep the human race going even if they did want to, and this island was tropical. Still, he thought maybe he knew more then ever about that particular question then anyone who’d ever asked someone what they would do. It just wasn’t nearly so simple as people supposed. When you were stuck on an island with someone things could become very, very difficult. Draco finally offered him the water. Once again he couldn’t stop drinking until he’d emptied the second glove as well.
“Greedy,” Draco said, a twist to his lips. Harry blinked at him, then looked down into the second empty glove.

“What do you mean? I’m thirsty, shouldn’t I drink if I’m thirsty?” He felt a bit embarrassed, and it was even worse now that Draco was saying things like that. Draco chuckled, the sound coming from deep in his throat, and it sent a shiver down Harry’s spine.

“Calm down, I’m not angry, here,” and he took a third glove and sipped some of the water, slowly once more, and handed it over to Harry once he’d had about half of it. “You can finish this one too, but you shouldn’t drink it so fast, you’ll cause yourself to have an upset stomach. I certainly don’t want to deal with more puke.”

Harry took the offered glove and tried to drink it slower this time. It succeeded, but he suspected that was because he’d already had so much to drink. When he was finished with the third glove, he handed it back to Draco and took a deep breath.

“I’m hungry again,” he mumbled softly, and Draco rolled his eyes.

“Well isn’t that convenient? You get to be hungry again.” Harry was about to say something when Draco held up his hand. “Don’t, I’m just saying. I’m hungry as well, so we should get more to eat. I think there’re some clams left, but that won’t hold us all day. You said something about the coconut last night, didn’t you?” Harry nodded and sighed.

“Draco, if you were to be stuck on a desert island, and you’d had a choice, who would you want to be stuck with?” Harry asked it without really thinking, and his stomach grumbled. He glanced down at it, and felt a blush creep across his face. “Never mind,” he mumbled.

“Snape,” Draco said.

“What?” Harry looked up at him.

“Professor Snape,” Draco said again. Harry blinked.

“Professor Snape what?” Draco rolled his eyes.

“You asked the damn question.”
Harry felt his forehead crease as he tried to come up with a question he’d asked which might have the answer Snape. He couldn’t think of one. “And Harry, I think it’s supposed to be a deserted island, not a desert island.” Harry thought about that.

“Really?” He’d only ever heard kids at school, his old school, asking each other that question and teasing people about there answers. No one had ever actually asked him. Back then he would have said no one. Considering how stupid people were and how they’d treated him he would have been better off alone. His stomach growled which reminded him of the coconuts. “If you can find a heavy rock, or a sharp one, we can open a coconut.” All of a sudden that sounded like the best thing on earth, coconut. “Could you look around for one?” Draco smirked and walked off leaving Harry to wonder what he was smirking about. Was it the desert island thing? Maybe the question was supposed to be about a deserted island. Then it applied here too. This was definitely a deserted island. Or was it? Harry realized that he wasn’t so sure of that. The island might have people on it. It wasn’t like he or Draco had explored the whole thing. What had started Draco talking about Snape anyhow? The more Harry thought about it the more a connection began to form. When Draco returned with several stones Harry found himself unable to stop gaping at him.

“What’s your problem?” Draco held up a rock. “Is there something wrong with it?” Harry shook his head then nodded, then shook it again.

“You would want to be stranded with Snape? Are you nutters?” Harry finally asked, having never taken his eyes off Draco. Draco laughed, a short abrupt laugh, and put the rocks down in front of Harry with a coconut.

“Oh, so you finally figured out what question I was answering. Good job,” Draco’s tone was full of sarcasm.

“Why? Why Snape?” Harry knew for certain Snape was one of the last people he wou
ld want to be stuck with. In fact, Snape was the last person he'd ever want to see were he stuck anywhere for an extended ammount of time. Draco shurgged as though that should be understandable.

"Use your brain for once Potter," Draco said, a smirk on his lips, "You keep protesting that you have one, so you should be able to work this out."

"Harry," Harry said, correcting Draco immediately. He really couldn't care less if Draco was determined to call him Potter, he batter that determination. "And it isn't obvious, Snape is a terrible person, I can't believe you'd want to be with him outside of a classroom for any amount of time. It's terrible enough to be *in* the classroom with him." Draco chuckled.

"Harry," Draco said his name with flourish, "you may think that Professor Snape is the worst thing since those damn blast ended screwts, but I know he's got an incredible mind and knows quite well how to use it. On top of that, if it's survival, he knows it, magic or otherwise. That man who you disrespect so much, knows more about life and how to live than anyone else I know. Don't forget, he's *my* Head of House, I might just know more about him than you do." With another smirk he knocked on the coconut. "So what are we supposed to do with this thing again?" Harry just looked at him and shook his head.

"So you think that Snape would be a good person to be stuck with?" Draco nodded.

"I bet he knows more about herbs and plantlife than you do. After all, he can name over 1000 edible berries, roots, mushrooms and herbs without thinking for more than a few seconds. I'm sure he'd know how to create a shelter, or even figure out how to get us back. He might even know where we were. He'd be an asset." Draco's voice lowered, "and he's pretty good for a decent conversation as well."
It was if Draco thought Snape was a pleasant person. I mean if I had to make a list of people from best to worst the end of my list would probably read Draco, Snape, Voldemort. If you think of it that way maybe it makes sense for them to think of each other as good choices. Then it struck me. Draco had just said Snape was good for a decent conversation. I shook my head.

“He’s good for a decent conversation about what? I mean all he could talk about is potions right? Or maybe Voldemort.” Harry thought a conversation about Voldemort might be informative, but not decent.

“Are you joking? Professor Snape has done some amazing things. I mean he really is one of the last potion masters ever! He's also registered more new spells with the ministry than any other witch or wizard for centuries. My father told me, when they were in school, that Snape was one of the quickest learners in the class.” Harry found he was staring at Draco with his mouth gaping open. Draco seemed to have that effect on him. He closed it and lifted a rock, leveling it at a coconut and trying to pound it. The coconut went skittering away from him across the sand. Luckily the sand kept it from getting more than a couple feet.

“Can you get that back for me?” He was still trying to process Draco’s glowing reports on what made Snape so fantastic he’d want to be stranded with him. Draco took the coconut, held it between his feet and cracked a rock down on it. There was a splintering noise and liquid began oozing out of the crack. “Coconut milk,” Harry rushed to explain, “you drink it.” Draco held it up and tasted the liquid tentatively, then handed it to Harry.

“Maybe you drink it,” he said, a sour look on his face. Harry happily did so, wishing more would come out at once.

“So, why do you like Snape so much? I mean, it’s like you have a thing for him or something.” Harry thought about that for a moment. “Do you fancy him?”
Draco’s face flushed, Harry wasn’t sure if it was from anger or embarrassment. “I don’t have any idea what you’re implying. You should watch your tongue though.” This did not make the situation clear for Harry.

“No, I mean really, what makes you think he’s an acceptable human being. Just the fact that he’s accomplished so many thing? If accomplishments are all you’re asking for, I’d take Dumbledore over Snape, Dumbledore is much more personable.” Draco gave Harry a disgusted look.

“Dumbledore… is a fool, and Professor Snape isn’t. That’s the difference between them.” Draco said this as though that were that, and there was no room for argument.

“What? Snape is definitely not a better choice than Dumbledore. I mean, how could you deal with the sneering?” Draco gave Harry a triumphant look now.

“Did I ever have to deal with sneering out of my Head of House?” he grinned. Harry considered hitting Draco with the coconut, but decided to drink the milk instead. After several long drinks, he put it down again and looked up at Draco.

“No?” he asked, and Draco chuckled.

“No. I certainly never did have to deal with sneering. Professor Snape has managed to inform me on all kinds of things that you simply wouldn’t understand. He’s an incredible asset to the Magical Community, and I think he’s better than that fool Dumbledore. To be honest, I really do think he’d make a better Headmaster. He’d certainly have our wellbeing in mind more than our current one.” Harry glared at Draco.

“What the hell do you mean?” he asked and Draco shrugged.

“Just what I said. I know you think Dumbledore is the gods gift to Hogwarts, but he’s less interested in keeping you safe than Professor Snape is. Professor Snape has been exceedingly kind to you over the years, and if you ask me, he’s likely to stop being so soft the older you get.”
“Soft? Kind? Are we talking about the same person?” Harry handed the coconut back to Draco. He honestly couldn’t understand most of the way Draco thought. It was like it was all upside down or inside out or something. “He’s constantly singling me out and trying to make me look like a fool. I’ve never done anything to try to make myself look good but he’s always accusing me of doing so. I want to know how exactly that makes him soft and kind, and could you crack that open the rest of the way please?” Harry’s stomach growled to punctuate the last phrase. Draco shook his head and concentrated on the coconut for a few minutes. When it split open, the flesh inside looked soft, like a fruit.

“Are you sure this is the same coconut they use in food?”

Harry nodded, “I’m sure, the green ones have more liquid and fleshier fruit. At least that’s what they said on the nature show.” Harry held out his hand.

“The what?” Draco tried to put both halves in the offered hand.

“The nature show, on the TV. You keep half. You have to be hungry too.” Draco kept half and Harry took a bite out of the edge of his half. It was bigger that the part Draco kept.

“What are you talking about Potter?”


“Fine, I still don’t know what you’re saying.” The coconut was evidently alright since Draco had bitten into it and not returned it. Harry took several more bites trying to think how to explain tv shows.

“Well, I didn’t know what you were saying about Snape either, and I still don’t.”
Draco rolled his eyes. “Professor Snape and I get along because we understand each other to a certain degree. On top of that, I respect him. He’s been nice to you, but you’re just to…” he paused and shrugged. “Never mind.” Harry glared at him.

“I’m too… what?” Draco shrugged again.

“I’m not trying to pick a fight, just don’t worry about it. You don’t understand him, so it makes a difference in how you see things. Now what were you talking about.” Harry shrugged, trying to not let the past discussion bother him.

“TV, it’s… a muggle thing. See, there’s this television, and it shows you… pictures of people who have done things on it.” Harry paused, he had a feeling this wasn’t going to be explained as easily as all that.

“What?” Draco looked at Harry as though he thought he was intentionally trying to confuse him.

“Look, this is hard to explain, alright?” Harry thought for a moment, and an image of the moving pictures came to his mind. “Okay, let me try again. You know how there are pictures in the magical world, and they move, right?” Draco nodded. “Well, this is like that. It’s like a big picture, that has captured a set amount of time. So, you watch people do things.” Draco looked at him and shook his head.

“That’s supposed to make it make more sense? Because if it is, it doesn’t.” Harry sighed frustrated and took another bite of the coconut. “And the coconut flesh is better than the milk, but it still isn’t coconut. I think you’re trying to pull one on me.” Harry shook his head.

“As if I would. Don’t be silly. They add sugar and stuff to the coconut they put on deserts, that’s the only difference.”

“Why would they do that?” Draco looked down at the coconut in his hands.

“To make it taste sweeter?” Harry suggested, and Draco turned his eyes to him.
“Why would they want to make it taste sweeter?” Draco asked.

“So they could put it in deserts?” Harry didn’t really care. He just wanted to fill himself up with it because the coconut tasted wonderful and his stomach kept rumbling hungrily.

“I think you must be confused, or you’re trying to confuse me. I’m not sure which,” Draco concluded in the silence. Once he’d eaten the coconut to the edges Harry spoke again.

“We need spoons.”

“Spoons? Well, we’re out of luck aren’t we?” Draco replied irritably. Harry nodded.

“Too bad they didn’t teach how to make spoons in that program. Of course I nearly broke my neck climbing that tree.” He fell silent. If his leg hadn’t already been injured he might have been okay. In fact, he probably would have. If only they could have avoided that initial fight on the beach. Yet there was something satisfying about that fight. It was as if they’d settled something once and for all. They hadn’t settled everything, just… something. “Draco?”


“I’m glad we had that fight, on the beach.”

“What?” Draco’s voice was one of total disbelief. “Why?”

“Well,” Harry shrugged, “I dunno. It was something that had to be done is all. I just wanted you to know, that I’m not upset about it. You know, my leg getting hurt and all. It’s just as much my fault as anyone’s, and it just,” he shrugged again, “had to be that way, you know.” The look Draco was giving him made him wonder if maybe he’d grown an extra head he didn’t know about.
“You’re mad,” Draco said, staring at Harry as though that was a certain fact and he believed it wholeheartedly.

“No I’m not,” Harry protested, grinning at Draco.

“Yes you are,” Draco nodded, “I think you’re certifiable now. What do you mean you’re glad we fought? Aren’t you supposed to feel angry your leg is hurt and pissed at me for injuring you? It could be broken for all we know.” Draco looked away at that point and his lips pursed. “That wouldn’t be a good thing, if it healed wrong you might not be able to walk right ever again.”

“Madam Pomphry will fix it up right when we get back. And Draco? I think you’re missing the point.” Harry sighed and looked at Draco squarely. “Look, listen to me alright? And will you please look at me again? I said I wasn’t angry.” Draco glanced at Harry from the corners of his eyes, and Harry grinned. “That’s a little better.” Draco sighed and finally turned his head back to Harry.

“I still think you’re mad,” Draco said, and Harry just grinned wider.

“I know you do, ready to listen?”

“Yeah, go on,” Draco grumbled.

“Okay, well since we’ve gotten here, there’s been this kind of tension, right? Actually, ever since we met there’s been this tension,” Harry mused and Draco snorted.

“Where do you think that came from?” he rolled his eyes.

“Must have been the strain of going into a new life that I didn’t know existed,” Harry nodded his head as though that was what he believed and he was sticking with it.

“Go on with your stupid story,” Draco waved a hand dismissively.

“Alright, fine. So, there’s been this tension, but see, we’ve never really let loose, have we? We’ve always been stopped for one reason or another, either teachers have gotten in the way, or someone didn’t play fair or something like that. So us fighting like that was a good release of the tension. Make sense?"
“No,” Draco’s tone left no room for argument, “it doesn’t.”

“But don’t you feel better now that we’ve fought?” Draco glared at him so long that Harry began to think he might have been wrong after all and he was the only one who felt better after.

“Yes, but it has nothing to do with you going into a life you never knew existed.”

“Fine,” Harry wasn’t sure what it was anyway. That had been the best he could come up with. “That’s not really the important part. The important part is that we had to fight, we did, now it’s over and we both feel better. See?”

“The only reason you don’t think the tension is important is because you don’t want to know what’s causing it.” Draco clamped his mouth shut and looked away. Harry stared at him. What was with him anyhow. Harry wasn’t avoiding anything.

“That’s not true. It just isn’t important. I mean why should it be? As long as we feel better who cares what caused the problem in the first place?”

“Oh, I don’t know, maybe someone who doesn’t want to end up in a fight again?” Draco’s tone was sarcastic. “It might not seem important to you Potter, but now I’m stuck on an island with now magic and a cripple. If we fight again in a week or so then maybe I won’t be able to walk either by the end of it either.”


“Fine, Harry.”

“We aren’t going to fight again. It’s over. I mean that part’s done now. At least that’s how I feel. Don’t you?” Harry felt a bit desperate. He didn’t want to fight with Draco again. Did Draco still want to fight with him?

“I’m not sure. The tension is still there and it has nothing to do with fighting.” Draco looked away again, studying the surroundings, or at least seeming to.

“It’s like you know what’s causing it.”

“I do.”

“Well then what is it?” Harry couldn’t believe Draco knew such a thing and wasn’t telling.
Draco sighed and shook his head, “No, I won’t be baited like that. I’m sure that if you think about it for a great deal of time you can come up with the answer on your own. Just think about it.” Draco put his half of the coconut down and took a deep breath.

“Draco?” Harry said, and Draco turned his eyes to him and Harry glared, “You haven’t answered me. If you know what the hell is causing tension, tell me, I don’t want to fight with you again, I’m feeling pretty good right now.” Draco sighed.

“Potter,” he started and Harry shook his head.

“Harry, damn it, call me Harry,” he continued to glare.

“Fine,” Draco sighed again, “Harry, the tension isn’t something that’s going to go away if you talk about it, alright? It’s… just not. So there’s no point in mentioning it, nor is there much point in discussing it. So shut up about it already.”

“Draco,” Harry turned a bit, and winced as his leg protested, “Draco, if I don’t know what the tension you think is there is then how can I do anything about it? I told you already, I don’t want to fight.”

“You don’t think we’ll fight you said it yourself.”

“You’re saying you think we will fight!” Harry was starting to get angry.

“See how upset you’re getting? This is part of the problem with you Harry you’re impatient, and on top of that you think you should get everything you want. Just deal, stop asking about something I don’t want to talk about. Haven’t you gotten the impression that I don’t want to talk about it?”

“I don’t care about whether or not you want to talk about it.”

“This is another problem with you you know? You don’t care about anyone other than yourself.”

“That’s not true,” Harry protested feeling the anger rising again.

“It is, you’re getting angry again.” There was a small smile on Draco’s lips and that made Harry want to strangle him.
“So what?” There he was ready to fight again. Was Draco right? Maybe they were supposed to fight. Maybe that was just the way things would always be. “Of course I’m getting mad, you’re…” Harry was so mad he’d lost track of the argument again, “you’re baiting me.”

“I must be pretty good at it,” Draco was smiling, “it’s really easy to do.”

“Draco, this isn’t funny, it’s…” Harry fell silent, thinking through the conversation. Draco had said he never thought about anyone but himself. That wasn’t true. He hadn’t been thinking about himself when he’d gone after that snake, well, maybe he sort of had. He hadn’t been thinking about himself when he’d climbed the tree for those coconuts, well not entirely. He searched his memories. He hadn’t been thinking of himself when he’d gone to save Hermione from the troll. He’d been thinking of her. So there was a time he hadn’t, but most of the time he did. On the other hand, didn’t everybody think of themselves? Aunt Petunia did, and Uncle Vernon, Dudley too, they only thought of themselves first and then each other. “Most people think of themselves first, it’s self preservation,” he concluded. Draco was silent for several minutes before he spoke again.

“Not you, you’re above all that aren’t you?”

“Now you sound like Snape. I am human, and if I learned one thing growing up it was you had to look out for yourself. If you didn’t no one else was going to. I mean if you have family they might, but when it comes down to it you end up alone.

“That’s not true.” Draco was indignant. “My father will always stand up for me.”

“Even here?”

“That’s different, I mean he can’t help.”

“Right, so you have to take care of yourself right? If it came down to saving only one of us which would you save? I think that’s were the real difference is, and it proves I don’t only think of myself. I can say
for a fact that if it was between saving you or me, I’d save you. That’s just who I am. Remember, I have this “saving people” thing. How about you?” Draco looked from Harry to the fire, to the coconut in his hands, and then back at Harry.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” he said finally. Harry shook his head.

“That’s not fair, I told you I’d save you, now I’m waiting for you to tell me you’d save yourself.” Draco’s eyes narrowed and he gave Harry a fierce glare.

“See, I told you you wouldn’t believe me,” he growled out at Harry. Harry blinked a few times, then shook his head.

“You’d save me? Why ever for?” Harry was confused by this information, and he couldn’t imagine what Draco meant by it.

“Why indeed?” Draco said and then lounged back against his tree. Harry shook his head.

“No, seriously, why?”

“This is the reason there’s tension between us Potter.”



“Why is there tension between us Draco?”

“Because I’d save you instead of myself. This denotes a lack of sanity in myself and could possibly lead to both of our downfalls.” Harry blinked at Draco and rolled his eyes.

“Draco, please make sense,” he said, lightly touching his leg, which was throbbing.

“I am making sense, it’s your fault you’re too thick to understand me.” Harry rolled his eyes again.

“I’m not thick.”

“Are too.”

“Are not.” Draco grinned madly.

“Are too.”

“Are not,” Harry wasn’t losing to Draco, certainly not about this.

“Are too,” Draco shook his head at Harry, and Harry narrowed his eyes.

“Are not, just make sense and we can end this argument.”

“Are we arguing?” Draco chuckled. “Are too.”

“Are not, just tell me what you mean.”
“I mean that if you thought about it you’d know, but lucky for me you won’t think about it so you don’t know. Because you are too thick to get it without spending some time thinking about it,” Draco was still grinning, obviously really enjoying himself.

“I am not thick.”

“You are too, or you’d get it already.”

“Am not,” Harry had no idea what it was he was supposed to be getting. He also knew Draco was having a great time not telling him

“Are too.”




“Too.” They went on like that for several minutes before Harry succumbed to a fit of laughter. Eventually he laughed so hard he fell to the ground, gasping for breath, pain shooting through his leg so he was laughing and crying all at the same time. Then Draco was there, shifting his legs and gathering him into his lap again. It was so comfortable to have his head in that lap again, that he calmed almost immediately and the tension that had been between them changed. Once again he felt like they would not fight again. Why did he feel that way now?

“Draco, if you just tell me then…” Draco put his hand over Harry’s mouth.

“Shh, think about it Potter, Harry,” he corrected himself quickly. “Thinking is done in your head, not with your mouth.” Harry tried thinking about it. Draco knew what the tension between them was. The fact that Draco would actually try to save Harry before himself if there was a problem held some sort of clue having to do with the tension. Why would Draco try to save Harry? Did that mean he was more like Harry than Harry thought? Why would that cause tension?

“It’s not helping,” Harry complained.

“That’s because you’re so thick.” Draco’s hand was stroking his hair again. It felt so good.

“I am… not having that argument with you again. I might not recover from a final round. My leg is killing
me.” Harry sighed into Draco’s lap.

“Then don’t have that argument and think.” Harry sighed once more and allowed Draco’s fingers to slip in and out of his hair. It felt so good to be there, to have Draco calming him like that. Well, thinking was supposed to be done in his head, so he’d try thinking again.

Let’s see, Draco would save him. That meant that he might have a saving people thing, which he flat out said he didn’t have earlier, or he had some reason to keep Harry alive.

“Are you using me for some purpose?” Harry asked, trying to tilt his head up to look at Draco. Draco snorted and Harry saw amusement dancing in his eyes.

“Not yet, but I might like to.”

“So are you hoping to have a blood-debt from me? But that would be stupid, if you died saving me I couldn’t repay you.” Harry felt like his head was going to explode from all this attempted thinking.

“Then that can’t be it, can it?” Draco tilted Harry’s head back into his lap and Harry considered rubbing his temples, he could feel a huge headache attempting to take over him.

“Temples?” he asked softly, and Draco chuckled.

“No, it has nothing to do with temples Harry,” he said pleasantly, and Harry wanted to strangle him, but only if he didn’t have to move.

“No, my temples, rub them? You’re giving me a headache.” Draco chuckled again, and his fingers found Harry’s temple and started applying a bit of pressure. Harry sighed delightfully as the pain started to go away.

“Yes, just like that,” he whispered, and a soft moan escaped him as the fingers dug just a touch deeper, making him feel a bit lightheaded, and incredibly blissful. “That feels so good.” Draco’s hand stopped, and Harry moaned, “No, don’t stop, please, that kind of pleasure shouldn’t end.” Harry’s face flushed once he realized what his mouth had just said without him thinking.
“Harry?” Harry had no idea what Draco was about to say, but he didn’t want to hear it.

“Oh no, I mean I didn’t mean that, well not the way it sounded… you know?” Draco sighed and shook his head.

“Just try to stay quiet okay? If I’m going to rub your temples and you don’t want me to stop. I don’t think I can take all that moaning and such.” He sounded so serious that it made Harry blush even more.

“I didn’t mean it like that!” Harry couldn’t stop thinking about it now. He’d sounded just like, well like, um, someone who was… He couldn’t even really think about it. “Why’d you have to think of it that way anyhow?”

With a shrug Draco began rubbing Harry’s temples again. He was awfully good at it. It was difficult not to moan, at least a little. “I don’t know Harry. Why would I possibly think of it that way? I wonder.” The sarcasm was so thick in Draco’s words that even Harry couldn’t miss it, but what did it mean?

“Does this have something to do with the other thing I’m supposed to be thinking about?”

“What? The tension? Do you think?” Draco’s responses were growing increasingly sarcastic. Harry tried to put his mind to work on this, but Draco’s fingers on his temples just felt so good he couldn’t think. Several minutes later Draco stopped again.

“Oh,” Harry complained, “now what?”

“You aren’t thinking anymore. Anyhow, my wrists are tired.” Draco’s hand fell back to stroking Harry’s hair though. Draco thinking that Harry had sounded, well, sexual, had something to do with the tension between the two of them. What could that possibly mean?

“Do you think I fancy you, and it pisses you off?”

This elicited another snort, “No, Harry.”

“Does someone else think I fancy you and it pisses you off?” Harry really was completely lost. Why couldn’t Draco just end the torture and tell him what he was missing?
Draco snorted again, “No Harry,” he said it in the exact same way which made Harry want to bury his head in the sand. "Why don't you try thinking about someone other than yourself?" This made Harry feel worse he couldn’t imagine what he was supposed to think. He settled for burying his head in Draco’s lap, which made Draco gasp.

“Don’t do that Harry,” he said after a moment. Harry took a deep breath of Draco’s bare legs and sighed.

“Do what?”

“Put your face just where it is,” Draco’s voice sounded a bit strange and Harry felt tension begin in his head again.

“Just when I was starting to really relax too. Draco, what’s the problem?” he moved his head and tried to look up at Draco who gasped again.

“Harry,” he looked down into Harry’s eyes and snorted, “You’re so thick we could make a loaf of bread with it.” There was a slight flush on Draco’s face and he turned his eyes away after a moment the blush getting a touch darker. Harry still didn’t quite know what Draco was talking about.



“Does this have anything to do with what I’m supposed to be thinking about?” Draco turned stunned eyes on Harry, and burst out into laughter. It took over him in a way that reminded Harry of when he laughed uncontrollably earlier. “Draco?” Harry said worriedly, “Draco, are you alright?” When Draco didn’t answer just kept laughing Harry tried to sit up. Draco’s hands were right there though to keep him from doing so, and the laughing slowed.

“Sorry, it’s just… it’s just…” he gasped. “My god Harry, think about all that’s happened, alright? Me wanting to move you after we fought, me not wanting to be around you too much, me not wanting you to bury your head in my *lap* things like that. Will you bloody think about the implications?” His eyes were really serious, and the laughter was gone. “I don’t like having to spell this out for you.
Completely baffled Harry blinked up at him. “Am I hurting you?”

Draco shook his head.

“Did you get hurt during the fight and you don’t want me to know about it for some reason?”

Again Draco shook his head. “Harry, try putting everything together at the same time.” He was choking back laughter. Harry tried to think it over again. Draco didn’t want him to bury his face in his lap, he’d been trying to stay away from Harry and after the fight he’d wanted Harry to move off his leg.

“You have a diseased leg,” Harry suggested.


“That’s why you don’t want me to be on it too long. It hurts?” The look Draco gave him made him less confident in this theory. “You tried to stay away from me so I wouldn’t irritate it.” Draco shook his head.

“Why would I save you then?”

“Easy, without treatment the disease might travel and you’ll die anyhow so you may as well save me.” Draco blinked at him, a look of pure amazement on his face.

“Well then, what is it I might want to do with you?”

It was Harry’s turn to blink. “I, uh, don’t really know.”

“You can rationalize anything to avoid the truth can’t you?”

“I’m not avoiding the truth!” He’d been so sure he’d finally gotten it, but now it sounded like he hadn’t. “I’m not good at guessing games Draco. Would you please just tell me? I really thought I had it that time. Look, it may look obvious to you, but from my point of view, it’s just not.”

“Why wouldn’t I want you to bury your face in my lap?” Draco’s tone was intense now.

“It’s uncomfortable?”

“Okay, how could someone burying their face in your lap make you uncomfortable?”

“It hurts,” at least that had been his last guess.

“No Harry, how else?”

“They don’t want you that close to them for some reason?”
“By the gods, he does have some kind of brain!” Draco said in exasperation. “Alright, so what reasons might there be for someone to not want you to put your face in their lap?”

“What is your problem? I’m trying to figure this out damn you!” Harry looked down, feeling exasperated, and saw something there that made him blush. “Draco?”

“Hmm?” Draco said, his voice still amused.

“Draco, are you… do you…” Draco looked down at Harry.

“What Harry? Have you figured it out finally?” Harry looked up at Draco.

“You don’t fancy *me* do you?” Harry couldn’t really believe that, but there was this… thing going on in Draco’s shorts that he… wanted to ignore.

“Why Harry, what do you mean by that?” Draco said, his eyes a bit bright with mischief.

“Draco! Don’t play around with me! Do you like me or something? Is this the great big secret? Is that what the tension is all about? ‘Cause if that’s true…” he trailed off as he saw the look on Draco’s face.

“Well?” he asked, his voice suddenly cold and somewhat hard, “What would you do if you found out that was true?” There was something incredibly tight about that sentence.

“You do?” Harry was baffled, this couldn’t be the problem, it couldn’t, it couldn’t. He’d never imagined this from Draco, who seemed to hate him from day one. Draco couldn’t like him, couldn’t, it just wasn’t possible.

“Do I?” Draco’s voice was still carefully neutral and Harry wanted to smack him.

“Don’t you? Gods, what’s your problem? Did I get it right or not?”

“What do you think?”

“I don’t know!” Harry did know he was totally exasperated now though, between trying to guess and all the secrecy and the way Draco suddenly seemed cold towards him.
“Then I don’t know either,” Draco replied. Harry glared at him.

“What’s with you Draco? Now you won’t tell me if I’m right or not? And why are you suddenly so… so… frozen over?” Harry gestured with his hands wildly then let then flop to the ground. He wanted to sit up, to face Draco, to really look him in the eyes.

“What are you going to do if I say you’re right?” Draco’s voice was soft and sharp. It was the cruel tone Harry was used to hearing from him.

“Say my name,” Harry suddenly demanded, looking up at Draco who’s face froze for a moment, his eyes reflected confusion.


“Say my name.”


“Just do it.”

“Fine, Harry,” and a bit of the iciness seemed to melt away. The more Harry thought about it the more he realized he must be right. Why else would Draco suddenly stop saying he was wrong. Why else would he have been so hard. Well, actually, Harry knew full well that could have been because of anything, but Draco hadn’t responded that way, not at all. “Is that what you wanted?”

Harry nodded.

“What good did me saying your name do?” Draco asked, his eyes meeting Harry’s.

“It did a lot of good,” Harry replied.

“It didn’t get my question answered.” Draco was glaring at him, but it wasn’t as tense as it had been. What had the question been again? Oh yeah, what would he do if it was true. Harry thought it over, feeling more light hearted then he had in a long time. How could he answer that? He wanted to say he wouldn’t know how he’d react until Draco answered his own question, and yet there was a part of him that wanted to give Draco an answer, the type of answer that would completely confuse him. He’d thought of one too. He looked at Draco, mischief warring with common sense.

“I’d kiss you,” mischief had won.
Draco blinked, then shook his head. “You’re just saying that. Don’t know why you would.” He seemed somewhat uncertain of himself.

“Oh yeah?” Harry challenged, and Draco blinked again.

“Yeah, I don’t think you would,” this time Draco was challenging him. Harry felt that mischief had been a good way to go.

“Well, does this mean you like me?” Harry narrowed his eyes at Draco, daring him to say it wasn’t true.

“Yes,” Draco took the bait, “I like you Harry.” There was something about this whole exchange that made Harry feel as though he wasn’t so much on an island as in a fight.

“Oh?” He said, and in as quick of a motion as he could, he reached his hands up, grabbed Draco by the hair, and pulled him down for a kiss.

It could have been better, for one, he could have managed to get his lips on Draco’s lips, but since he was so far on the ground, and Draco was so far up in the air, it was more than impossible to manage. For another, his leg could have been in good shape, but as it wasn’t, the moan that escaped from him was from pain, and he saw nothing for a moment. Harry was glad that he’d managed to get his point across though, and he was also glad that he didn’t injure anyone other than himself. Well, he was fairly sure he hadn’t managed to injure Draco.

When he could see straight again, he was lying flat on his back, his legs stretched out straight, and Draco was bent over him, concern written across his face.

“You alright there Harry?” he asked softly. Harry could see a slight redness around Draco’s cheek.

“Did I hurt you?” he asked, and Draco chuckled.

“No, not really, but next time, don’t try that while lying down, alright? I wouldn’t mind if your forehead never connected with my cheek again.” Harry blushed.

“I wanted to make good on my comment,” he grumbled. Draco leaned closer, his face mere
Centimeters from Harry’s.

“Did you?” His breath was warm against Harry’s skin. It tickled his lips. As he tried to move his head up so he could capture Draco’s lips, Draco lowered them to meet Harry’s. Draco’s lips were soft and firm. They sent waves of pleasure through Harry’s body. He kissed him back happily, enjoying the feel of it and wondering if it would ever happen again. The kiss ended way too quickly.

“Mmm,” Harry protested, “you didn’t have to stop.”

“Greedy,” Draco’s voice was teasing, and the ice was gone. He was himself again, or at least what Harry was just beginning to realize was the real Draco. There was a Draco that liked him, not the like of a friend, the like of something more. This Draco was fun to be with sometimes, and had a wonderful laugh. He liked to play games, but wasn’t trying to hurt you when he did. It was just his way of having fun.

“So? Am I not allowed to be greedy?”

“No, you aren’t.” Draco moved away from Harry, not too far, but his lips were quite unreachable.

“Why not?”

“Because I said so.”

“But you like me.” Harry had no idea why they had to argue so much. At the same time it was enjoyable. He suspected there was something wrong with that feeling, but he’d done enough thinking for the next month, trying to figure out Draco’s little puzzle.


“So how about some more kissing?”

“Hm, let me think about it.” Draco lay down at Harry’s side, far enough that Harry would have to stretch to touch him if he wanted to.

“What? Why do you have to think about it? What are you thinking about?”

“Whether I want to kiss you more or not.”

“Draco!” Harry protested.

Harry sighed exasperated. “Draco,” this was more like a whine now, and it almost bothered Harry. Draco grinned.


“You can’t be honestly thinking about that.” Harry didn’t want him to really be thinking about it at any rate. Draco honestly thinking about it meant he might not have liked it.

“Oh? Why not?” The corners of Draco’s mouth were twitching, and Harry rolled his eyes.

“Because you didn’t hate it,” he said, and Draco raised his eyebrows.

“Oh? Do you know that for a fact?” He was teasing Harry, and Harry was just beginning to realize how much of a tease Draco was. This could bode very badly for the future.

“Yes,” Harry said with certainty, and Draco laughed.

“Confident aren’t you?”

“Yes,” another laugh from Draco.

“I see. Well, how badly do you want another kiss then?” Harry glared at him.

“You’re the one who’s so damn far away, do you want me to crawl to you?” Draco grinned.

“I had thought of making you do that, yes. It is something I’d love to see you do.” Harry turned on his side and made to start crawling, but Draco burst into laughter and rolled a bit closer to him. “No! Don’t do it you crazy creature you’ll only hurt yourself.” This was all said in between laughter and Harry found himself smiling.

“Well then get over here so I don’t have to injure myself,” Harry said with a slight pout.

“What if I don’t want to?” Draco teased, and Harry made to start crawling again which only made Draco laugh again. “You’re a riot when you’re not being a prick,” he said and Harry glared at him.

“I’m never trying to be a prick,” he said and Draco rolled his eyes.

“Oh sure you’re not.”

“No,” Harry said firmly. Draco looked at him in confusion.

“No what?”

“No, I don’t want to fight. I want to kiss.”
This only made Draco laugh again. Harry started trying to crawl one last time and the next thing he knew Draco was pinning his upper body down on the ground. His hands held down Harry’s wrists, his chest pressed down on Harry’s.

“Do you want to kiss that badly?” There was a husky quality to Draco’s voice which excited Harry.

“Yes,” Harry tried to lift his head but could hardly move it at all with Draco above him like he was. Draco lowered his lips but stopped just out of Harry’s reach.

“Would you beg for it?” His breath danced across Harry’s lips, making him wriggle in pleasure.

“Sure,” Harry really didn’t understand what was going on now, and he didn’t care. All he wanted was Draco’s lips on his and all of the wonderful feelings which went along with that. Draco’s eyes caught his and held them. Those grey eyes were so intense.

“Then beg,” his voice was soft and low. Harry’s skin tingled at the sound of Draco’s voice. He felt hot and cold at the same time. He wanted the kiss Draco was withholding from him. He wanted more than the kiss. He whimpered.

“Draco, please, why are you… why can’t we just… please Draco,” Harry couldn’t think again. If only he could move his legs.

“Is that the best you can do?”

“Yes, no, Draco, please just kiss me. What do I have to do to get you to kiss me, please.”

“What will you do to get me to kiss you?” There was an evil grin on those lips now but it didn’t make Harry want to kiss them any less.

“I tried to crawl to you, please, just one more kiss, just one very long kiss, I don’t know what you want, but whatever it is I’ll do it so just kiss me, okay?”

“So you’ll do anything, to make me kiss you?” Harry nodded eagerly, his mind focused on the future kiss and nothing else.
“You’re an eager one, aren’t you?” Draco said softly against Harry’s lips as he bent down and pressed their lips together. Harry moaned in pleasure, the kiss he’d been waiting for finally his. He felt like he was floating, his mouth pressed against Draco’s, never wanting to be separate from him again. Draco’s mouth opened this time, a warm, wet tongue slipping across Harry’s lips. Harry let that tongue inside his mouth, and he explored it with his own. Draco tasted like coconut, and promises of more to come, and something else, something that seemed to vibrate through him. Harry moaned again, and Draco pressed more of his body against him, the heat of his naked flesh warming Harry in all kinds of places.

When Draco broke away, what seemed like hours later, Harry was dizzy, breathless, and so hard he felt like he was going to go crazy. “Draco,” he moaned, and Draco grinned down at him.

“Yes Harry?” he asked, and his voice was incredibly husky now, which just turned Harry on more.

“I want more,” Harry gasped, and he looked into Draco’s eyes. He saw a mischievous glint there, and he was mildly worried about what Draco was thinking.

“More what?” Draco asked, licking his kiss swollen lips. Harry followed the movement of the tongue and wondered what else exactly he wanted.

“Everything,” he said finally. Draco chuckled.

“You want everything? That’s a lot to ask for,” Draco bent down and licked Harry’s throat. Harry moaned and nodded.

“Yeah, I know, but I’m not really sure what all I want, so I want it all.” Draco chuckled again, and the sound of it reverberated through Harry’s body. “Yes, more, I want this feeling to never stop.”

“What feeling?” Draco whispered on Harry’s skin as he brought his tongue up Harry’s throat to his chin, then back down.

“Yes,” Harry hissed, “this feeling, like I’m floating. That feels so good Draco.”
"Mm," Draco responded, kissing down Harry's neck and chest, stopping to nibble at one of his nipples.

"Yes," Harry hissed again. He couldn't think, he just wanted this to go on and on until, until the burning waves crashing through him exploded. Draco stopped. "No," Harry objected immediately, "no more stopping." More laughter greeted his objection.

"I'm not stopping, but... there's only so much we can do with your leg like it is..."

"Yes, no, I mean fine, let's do whatever we can then." More laughter and then Draco moved, twisting around so that his hardness rested at Harry's lips. Eagerly Harry pulled it out from under the cloth and into his mouth, sucking it uncertainly at first and then more confidently. He moaned as Draco's mouth captured his own hardness. It was hardly any time at all before he came in Draco's mouth, as his own mouth filled with the strange thick fluid that was Draco's. It nearly choked him at first, some of it escaping his mouth and dribbling out. Then he found himself licking at Draco, trying to find more, feeling more satisfied than he ever had before.
“Hungry aren’t you?” Draco said, licking Harry’s cock once more then moving off of him. Harry moaned in annoyance as Draco’s length was taken away from him which made Draco laugh. “Honestly, relax if you liked it that much you can have more later.” Harry twisted to his side to look at Draco.

There was something beautiful about him right now, Harry thought. Draco seemed to glow in the light filtering in through the trees. His platinum hair shone and his cheeks were flushed, and he was licking his lips ever so seductively. Harry uttered a small sigh and Draco grinned at him.

“Like what you see that much?” he said his eyes dancing in delight.

“You look like a god or something,” he found himself saying, then regretted it immediately it would only make his head bigger. He waited in horror for the prideful voice to come out of Draco but instead Draco tilted his head to the side and thought.

“Really? Here I thought I must look like some kind of demon. You always act like I am.” Harry nodded.

“Of course you always act like you are. I mean one would think you were the king of the world based on your behavior.” Draco’s eyes got narrow and he pushed his hair out of his face.

“I see,” he said coldly, “Well everyone acts like you’re already the hero of the wizarding world and you play up to them don’t you?” Harry sighed.

“Why do we always fight?” he said mournfully. Draco looked at Harry and shrugged.

“Destiny?” he said a smirk firmly on his lips. Harry reached a hand out and lightly smacked him.

“Bullshit,” he said finding his lips were in a smile. Draco shrugged.

“It’s the only think I can think, pureblood versus hero who will win the day?” Harry laughed at that and fell back onto his back.

“Bullshit,” he said then turned his head to look at Draco. “Can we forget the past?” he asked softly and Draco shook his head.

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