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Rated: XGC · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Drama · #1173090
Welcome To ShadowFire, NOTE this campfire is NOT for children under the age of 18.
Welcome To ShadowFire

Current Characters:


The Vampire world for years has gotten away with many kidnappings of young
women, and it hasn't stopped there. Women coming up dead, men showing up dead,
mass amounts of children orphaned. Werewolf population expanding. It was all
over the news and the Human's knew it as did all other races. They feared the
Vampires, the King's of the night, some loathed them and some wanted to walk
among them. Yet one thing remained the same, and that was that Vampires were
getting away with illegal kidnappings, murder and much more. The world sought to
destroy the Vampire, the one behind all this. However, the world found he was to
powerful and couldn't be destroyed...and this was only the beginning…to their
very own hell on earth

::Emma:: She had long ago set Elle down on the bed and had walked around the place.. wonderin were everyone had went to and having a slightly uneasy feeling about this all.. she went back to were Elle was resting and sat down in a chair near Elle.

::Maria:: she was actully rather conffused as all this seemed so out of the norm that she nearly fainted by pure shock at everything going on... but in the end she just hid herself behind Crysta and Heli who had all moved away from Shadow and the creatures.
::Heli:: She merly watched the creatures who bowed to Shadow and then the leader one spoke again, "And how may we help you". She blinked.. these things were going to help Him.. go figures.. just her luck.

::Emma:: "Something is going on" She whispered softly and gently lifted Elle up saying, "We're leaving this place" She disappeared with Elle teleporting them away from that place.

::Maria:: She just clung to the arm of the girl she had saw earlier who was still eyeing the creatures before them.

::Elle:: She groaned a bit as she woke up rubbing her head her eyes taking in the trees around them and Emma who had just sat down by the river.. she went over by her eyeing the water.. "Where are we? I thought we were going back to the other place.." Emma seemed to nod and say "Yes but, something is amist there, and it didn't feel safe Elle"
::Heli:: she didn't move and she barley listened to what He said but she watched the gaurdians before her glow a dark red and Emma and Elle along with the group of girls from the other side of the waterfall appeared next to Heli who eyed them but still didn't speak as she wasn't in the mood. The gardian eyed Emma and Elle and then looked back at Shadow speaking softly, "And what would you like to know."

::Elle:: she blinked looking around and gasping woah.. that was different some powerful magic no doubt.. then she stepped back as the creature spoke and said, "The castle is preserved thanks to Lady Aqua who brought it here in order to preserve it.. powerful magic.. it drained her at frist but.. we made sure she lived." The creature smiled and then said, "That would be all the information you need inless you wish to know more.. and if so be specific as there is much time that has passed since then."
::Heli:: She just crossed her arms over her chest her eyes on Shadow.. threats.. how amusing. She knew whatever He did to her would also happen to Him so she wasn't all that worried.

::Aqua:: Her and Sarai just blinks as a creature she reconizes informs her that Fire wishes to see her. She shruged and took Sarai in her arms disappearing and reapearing right next to Fire. Letting go of Sarai she turns facing him, "And what do you want" she said her arms crossed over her chest.
::Aqua:: She couldn't help but laugh at His remark.. composing herself she replyed, "I've always been fast, comes with the.. hmm...job... and Away, is that what their calling it these days.." She shruged, "I suppouse." She turned away Sarai following her and at the door she stopped and spung around looking back at Him, "take care. and I suppouse will be seeing you around"
::Aqua:: She just told Sarai to go and watched the girl leave them. once the girl left she looked at him and said, "What do you want, I don't have time for idle chit-chat"

::Sarai:: She glanced around the hall kind of unsure as to where she was going so she just crossed the hall and sat down in a corner pulling out a book and reading to herself.

::Crysta:: She took Maria's hand and said, "we should be leaving.." She turned and walked back to the door they had come in and opened it heading out with Maria still following her. she had enough of this .. drama and watching her friend try to kill herself, she was more tempted then ever to leave it at that and never let herself get close to anyone ever again.

::Heli:: She watched them for a moment then shruged and looked away she didn't even care were Crysta went at the moment. She sighed and turned around moving away from everyone and transforming into wolf form and laying down away from the group but still within view as she didn't feel like talking or dealing with anyone so she just layed there her eyes studying a nerby rock.
::Heli:: She eyed Shadow not saying a word, she didn't even move she just rested her head on her paws and closed her eyes. 'no need to shout' she thought as she calmed herself.

::Aqua:: She blinked, "I did my job thats all no thanks needed," She looked away her eyes on the floor as she wasn't sure how to act around this Vampire anymore and she hadn't seen him in.. years.

::Alina:: she crossed her arms over her chest eyeing Shadow and shruged, "wouldn't know who your talking about." she suddenly realized who he was talking about.. "Nina?" she asked questionabley.

::Maria:: "Were we going?" she asked awhile later as they got out of the cave and farther away.. Crysta shrugged, "I dunno.."
::Alina:: She grumbled, her stupid big mouth.. she looked away, "I.. don't know... don't actully know her that well".. she didn't say anoymore regarding Nina.. Heli would know better then her.

::Aqua:: She blinked a bit and then said,"I'm just lucky that spell didn't.. kill me again." She pushed him away and walked away she wasn't going to let this Vampire get the better of her.
::Aqua:: "I'm done when I say I'm done.." She started then shruged and let him do what he wantted.

::Heli:: She glanced up then shook her head, saying 'I'd say ask Maria, but she wouldn't remember Nina right now.' she shrugged and layed her head back down. debating what to say about Nina if anything.
::gardian:: He shruged and said, "I do not bring wizards to this place inless their powers are removed. and that .. girls powers go beyond my knowleadge."

::Heli:: She rolled her eyes and said, 'thats because she's Maria's daughter' she blinked and looked away again, she didn't really want to say anything else. She coughed a bit as she realized that the mixture Crysta had given her was making her stomach upset as the mixture from before was still slowly killing her off and it was actully rather anoying. she turned back into human and smirked, Nina's magic was by far stronger then anyone else.. surely the mixture was doing its job.. only one could out power Nina.. Maria.. who don't even remember.

::Aqua:: She broke the restraints her outfit reappearing as she spung around glaring at him as she crossed her arms over her chest, "And what makes you think I hold the title of 'Mistress'." She mumbled and said, "I have no intention of letting you thank me the way your thinking." She walked away out into the hall grabing Sarai by the arm as she spoke back to him, "Then again am sure you should have known that by now. have fun with your castle as I am resigning myself from helping anymore." with Sarai the pair disappeared leaving Fire alone.
::Aqua:: grumbles and yanks Sarai after Her into a dark castle that wasn't hers but she had once been here and stayed here with the owner.. before he passed on he gave it to her she went in the grand doors letting go of Sarai and magically locking the doors. She let Sarai go roam around or something as She went through the castle down into a room there were there was a cofin with the body of the owner of the castle, long died. he had been the one she had turned to for help long ago.. and now he was not there for her. she sat down in a chair resting her head in her hands as she eyed the collar that had bloodstains on it from being removed from her long ago. he had locked it in a see threw box so she could remember what she had once been before him. she would raise him from the dead and work by his side again but.. what would he say about all this.. she could hear his voice in her head laughing as he advanced her powers and skills. she stood up and walked over to a mirror eyeing herself as she whispered, "I want to know.. why your not here. you never should have left." She put a hand to the mirror and a tear had went down her cheek she was about ready to just lock herself up, realease Sarai, and just wait till she died, which would happen soon anyway if she didn't start feeding.
::Aqua:: She blinked then spung around looking at him and firmly said, "I've gone this long I can go longer" She eyed the cofine and then went back over to it tracing the name on the cofin then she mumbled, "He'd be furious..". she smiled softly tears in her eyes as she just got lost deep in thought.
::Aqua:: "No, I don't feed because I don't have a reason to" She kept tracing the name and then said, "Stupid humans, I sware there race will die" she stood up stright and her eyes roamed over to the clear box containing the collar of hers she looked away and crossed her arms over her chest her body was shutting down and she was highly drained she mumbled, "I'd rather join Him then remain here any longer"
::Aqua:: She laughed a bit and nodded and said, "I'm still trying to figure that out myself.. how a Vampire.. an immortal being can be killed" She never let her eyes leave the coffin. She sighed and looked down at her hand and said, "It don't matter, I'll figure it out eventually." She clunched her arms to her chest and ignored the Vampire that was near her now.. she didn't understand why he cared after all, she didn't matter that much. he didn't even know who she spoke up.
::Aqua:: She clunched her fists and turned around facing the coffine. that Vampire didn't know anything. she sighed and said, "I'm so tired of tears" she turned away and went over to the mirror now that Fire had left she gently touched the mirror whispering, "He wasn't a human.." a imagine appeared on the mirror as she eyed it.. it was him.. she could bring him back.. but, how.. she rubbed her mouth and groaned, she could have died but that Vampire made sure she didn't dang it. she traced the name again and muttered, "Somehow, I will wake you.. my Master" she turned away and walked out of the room.. she would now that she didn't have to worry about protecting Fire's castle go and continue her quest to awake the sleeping Vampire..She decied to do what she had planed for awhile she yanked the collar of of Sarai and told her to go then with a wave of her hand Aqua disappeared now the hunt was on.

::Sarai:: She blinked a bit and looked around curiously.. then she just changed into a small black wolf.. and ran outa the castle.. smiling to herself as she was free now to roam around. she reached a river farther away and layed down her head resting on her paws.. deep in thought about what to do now..

::Lisa:: She bit her lip and looked away then she said softly, "Their in the book.. what I don't understand is why.. He isn't waking up." Lisa projected an imagine of that page in the book showing the man and Aqua both had the same symbol on their palms and were known to have disappeared after the battle.. "Appently.. He used to have an allinace or something with you Master" she made the imagine stay steady as she begain to read it.. trying to figure out why that powerful two had fallen.

::Aqua:: She was wearing a dark cloak over her as she walked it blew in the wind..she was going to find the enchantress and find out what she needed to know

::Rave:: He blasted the cofin open and sat up rubbing His temples as He stood up and eyed the room.. one thing was out of place.. He eyed the collar in the small box on the ground and with a flick of His wrist the box soared in the air and replaced itself on the shelf were it belonged. He was beyond angry.. Even though she wasn't here He knew she hadn't been eating.. and that she had nearly died and ruined her immortality.. He'd have to punish her later for that error. for now He went out of this room and locked the door behind Him with magic so that no one could get in there.. He was upset and He wasn't sure how long He had been.. 'out' so to speak.. He stolled out into the hall and used His magic to do a sweep of the castle.. not to suprised at coming up emptey handed. He changed into a dark Black Demon that was massive and had hudge wings that unfolded on His back as He took of in the air flying around His castle a few times then landing on the roof.. His eyes eyeing the area... something had changed about this place.. His castle was covered in vines from being unattended.. and there were more villages around and the wizardskeep was abandoned but there appeared to be a new one, how.. nice.. he grined and then looked to the dark castle across from the wizards Keep and shrugged, must be someones home.. He wasn't up to date on the on-goings. Aqua would have to update Him.
::Aqua:: She felt weird she collapsed on the ground her eyes on the sky.. something was different she clunched her stomach.. she felt like she was gonna be sick and being still weakend from not feeding she just coughed a bit and closed her eyes fighting all these feelings inside her.

::Rave:: He flew over the land a bit spotting the black wolf that was Sarai, He shrugged.. the girl wasn't His consern really. He then spotted Aqua and landed behind her turning back into His Vampire self as He crossed His arms over His chest looking down at the girl. He could still make out a sign of her collar to Him around her neck even in her new outfit which He thought looked rather nice but He wasn't in the mood to be dealing with 'nice'. He let his arms fall to His sides as He picked up Aqua and spung her around facing Him as He looked into her eyes she gasped and He said, "You better have a good reason for not feeding." He saw her pale and He shook His head holding her close.. as they disappeared He brought them to a town were they both distroyed it and had a nice feast off of the humans blood. He licked the blood of from His hand and then let His tounge lick the corners of His mouth as He eyed Aqua checking her with His magic to make sure she had drank enough satisfied that she had. He took her hand and the two disappeared back to His castle. Inside he locked the doors and took Aqua to His chambers were they rested Him holding her in His arms as He eyed the symbol on His palm, the outcome of that battle was unknown to Him but as He closed His eyes He wondered if He still had an alliance or if He could just remain hidden and unknown.

::Heli:: Heli just shrugged she wasn't even looking at Him as she was upset but she felt the mixture in her stomach starting to make her stomach upst and she just closed her eyes her arms crossed over her cheset she was sick of all this.. and she just hoped that mixture did its job even if she just died and He survived at elast she would be free of Him.

::Lisa:: She blinked a bit and asked, "Master?, did you ever... break the alliance with that Vampire Rave.. cause from what I am finding out.. He sounds almost as powerful as you."

::Lena:: She had not found anyone she really cared about so she just was sitting at a desk reading a scroll as she was completly anoyed of the lot of the people trying to get her to find a person to rule with.
::Heli:: She didn't say a word not wanting to snap she just held her arms to her chest still and eyed the floor.. somedays He could just be so.. stupid. she shruged and debated contacting Nina to figure out what to do about the two mixtures mixing in her system.

::Rave:: His eyes snapped open.. He looked around sitting up His eyes roamed over the bed Aqua was still laying there so that wasn't what had His mind alert. He took Aqua's hand in His and studied her palm the symbol on her palm was glowing a lite red as was the one on His, He growled low.. He was so not in the mood for this.. He shook Aqua awake and lifted her out of bed her just resting her head against His chest and tiredly asking, "Master? is something wrong..." He held a finger to her mouth telling her to be quiet as they disappeared appearing infront of Fire who looked rather bored actully He set Aqua down who was eyeing Fire. Crossing His arms over His chest He didn't speak at frist just looked Fire up and down .. this couldn't be the same Vampire He once knew.
::Rave:: He nearly laughed at the stupidity in it all but in the end He said, "Yes, I suppouse a thanks in in order. Or, a I own you one. Under normal condtions at least." He shrugged taking Aqua's wrist He muttered, "From what I know she did more for you then you did for Me, however, who's counting." the lite glow from the symbols on their hands glowed as He eyed the place, "So this is were she was while I slept." Aqua didn't say anything she just bit her lip and looked tiredly away. He took her back in His arms and said, "Inless you are in need of something I am going to retire to My castle. My alliance with you seems to not be needed anymore"

::Nina:: 'Heli? For crying out loud answear me!' she walked back and forth from one side of the room to the other.. this was becoming a whole big drama issue.. not only had her mom and Emma, Elle and Crysta gotten here a few hours ago.. but herself and Maro were being kept out of side of her mom, she was glade she was awake.. and now that she was here.. she could restore her memory and turn her back on Fire, but.. for what.. she couldn't even remove that collar from her moms neck in the frist place.. she bit her lip and rounded on Maro, "We have to do something..."

::Maria:: She was eyeing the room were she had been left.. it looked so.. fermiller.. but why.. was she a wizard.. and if so why .. wasn't she here all along.. she let her hand gently rub the sheet on the bed as she sat down and looked around taking in the view of the room.. the radient colors and the pictures on the sidetable.. she gasped grabing one.. it was a picture of herself and a man she was in a .. wedding dress.. and there was a girl next to them who they were hugging inbetween them. She frowned.. so she was married? but who was he.. and the girl.. was she her daughter?
::Rave:: He laughed, "You haven't changed a bit. Very well" He eyed His hand as the mark glew again and He spoke, "It seems my alliance will remain intact, I doubt you know much about Us." He patted Aqua who blushed and looked away, "But, I am sure the book will inform you. If you need us I will be at My home. I belive you've been there before." with a flash of dark flame the two disappeared.

::Maria:: She gasped.. and spung around in the dress that she had changed into for dinner, she was suppoused to meet her .. apparently it was her daughter tonight.. and her.. husband.. it just sounded like a fairytale to her but, she was happy the long sleeve dress looked faboulus on her.. and she was just so thrilled.. as she left the room and went to the dinning hall were there was only a few people.. Her eyes fell on the man in the picture He came up to her and offered her His hand she took it and a shock went through her body.. the girl had hit her with a spell.. she yanked her hand away and collapsed down to her knees clunching her head as all the memories were forced to return to her and she gasped for breath her eyes closed as she felt Maro lift her up back on her feet were she swayed but held firmly on to Maro, "What.. happend" she asked startled.. Nina giggled and hugged her.. she hugged her back and said, "but.. how.." Maro smiled and said, "Magic" she laughed and gently punched his arm, "Yeah sure." she said He escorted her over to the table were she sat and they ate all together a grand amount .. it was well prepared and they were treated as royaltie by the maids.. she was laughing and Nina smiled but the braclets on Nina's arms remained as it had been to long and now Nina was stuck as Head Wizard.. but, her mom was in no condition to take back up the job. Maria was sighing softly as Maro picked her up and set her down in His lap as they gathered around a firepit after eating, Maria's head just rested on Maro as she breathed slowly.
::Lisa:: she easily made a few girls from the village appear, scarfices so to speak but her eyes were distant as she had just felt something a bolt of energy.. something happend she closed her eyes and her magic took her to the source and as she snapped her eyes back open she paled and clunched her fists looking down as she passed out from pure exhaustion.

::Lily:: she blinked.. Lisa had connected the imagine with her before collapsing.. but she didn't know what to do with it as she wasn't sure what it ment.

::Maria:: She nearly fell asleep in Maro's arms as she yawned and just kept her head resting on Maro's shoulder.

::Nina:: She had gone out on a balcony of the wizards keep her eyes roaming over the crowded streets of her Kingdom.. she was just thrilled her mom was home.. but, she was rather concerened about Heli being so .. quiet.. 'Heli..' she tried again..

::Heli:: She could hear Nina trying to get in touch with her but she just rolled her eyes and said back to Nina 'not now.' at least that would get her off.. of Heli's case for now.. she was eyeing Shadow every now and then but finally she just conquered up a book and took to reading so she didn't have to deal with Him for now.
::Lily:: she blinked and looked around pushing herself up, her eyes looking at Master. He just seemd to be looking at them that was all.. she didn't even know what to tell Him about all this so she glanced down at Lisa and tryed to figure out how to help her and what to say.

::Marro:: He gently picked up Maria and walking across the hall He turned into her room setting Maria down gently under the covers.. she would hopefully get a nice sleep. He kissed her forhead and tucked the blankets around her and slowly walked out of the room closing it behind him so no one could interupt her sleep.

::Lisa:: She blinked looking up and around then Lily helped her up and she eyed her Master a moment before saying, "Maria has all her memories back and.. not sure what else is going there yet thats all saw. And her daughet.. Nina,.. man that girl is powerful and has a nice magical patteren" She nodded and eyed her hand a moment lost deep in thought.

::Rave:: He stood infront of a window in His bedchamber.. on the bed lay Aqua quietly sleeping, He hadn't been able to rest or relex something powerful out there was calling Him, it appeared like a wizard.. but, He wouldn't aid any wizards it was against His codes. Kill them, yes perhaps.. but aid.. never.
::Lisa:: she flared a dark red.. angerly she sat there a moment then shrugged, somedays.. she had to do everything... with a sigh she shrugged and layed down curling up in a ball she drifted back off to sleep.

::Maria:: she gasped waking up and looked around a dark figure stood in the corner and she jumped up holding the blanket to her the figure was holding her daughter and Maria almost cryed out in pure fusteration as Nina tryed again to yank herself away.. but the man grabed Maria's wrist and they disappeared appearing in a dark castle Maria looked wildly around and whispered, "Who are you..." The figure made magical bounds appear on Nina's wrists and tossed her aside still holding on to Maria the figure said, "The name is Rave." Maria shivered and said, "L-let go!" Rave smirked and bound Maria with magical bounds as well and tossed her to other side away from Nina the wizards wouldn't be able to move as the middle of the bounds had connected to a ring on the floor, mother and daughter wouldn't be able to get near each other. He went over to His throne and sat down His eyes eyeing the two girls. amazing.. they could excape the other two as they had trained so, but.. against Him they were as little babies.. completly harmless.

::Aqua:: She just went up to her Master and He pulled her down next to Him forcing her to sit by Him but not on His lap she grimanced a bit wanting to be closer to Him then on the floor at His feet but.. she allowed it and just sat there her head resting on His leg as He eyed the two girls before Him.

::Heli:: She blinked and nearly jumped with shock something happend.. 'oh god' she thought as she looked tword a window the book in her hands disappearing as she waved it away. her eyes focused beyond there trying to figure out what was going on.
::Heli:: She snapped out of it and mumbled, "Something like that." She kept looking out in the distance trying to figure it out and not strain so much though her body was still panicking.. her eyes flared as she realized it all.. 'goll dam fuckers' she thought as she crossed her arms over her chest her body wantting to go after and kill who had Nina and Maria at the moment and go kill Maro for letting them be taken but, she remained were she was as her magic wouldn't let her leave in the end since Shadow could control it so she didn't.

::Rave:: He eyed the girls then merly shrugged, His gaze still looking at them as He decied what to do with them. They had both ovisley passed out from the magical bounds taking there magic out suddenly but He shrugged, He now had the ex head wizard and the head wizard.. the wizards were out of options at the moment as both were with Him. He smirked and continued thinking.
::Heli:: She was still rather upset at Maro and she almost slapped Shadow out of pure furry of Him asking such things but in the end she used a spell and disappeared to the wizards keep making her way to were Maro was pacing the room she leaned back against the door and spoke softly, "Maro, ..." He spung around looking at her and said, "How in the world..." Heli laughed and shook her head and said, "How about we just say I killed you and you go off somewere and stay away from Maria and Nina" Maro frowned shaking his head and Heli sighed and said, "Yeah well... " She didn't even know how to start. Maro said, "Yeah I know that.. I pretty much know everything about Shadow and yourself." He used His magic and brought Heli up right next to him looking her in the eyes, "Like I know your not what is said in there but, He makes you that" Maro merly muttered, "Good luck dealing with that .. mixture" and with a flash of blue diappeared.. Heli just shrugged. oh well, she crossed the room and grabed the book he had been reading siting down there on the floor and opening it up reading the book closley.

::Rave:: He merly let His fingers run threw Aqua's hair as He thought still and curiously wondered why these two wizards still even followed there ways and hadn't made a change after the frist downfall.
::Heli:: she continued reading amazing.. closing the book she stood up and walked over to the book shelf placing the book on a side table and her eyes roamed over the books then over to other side table she went over to it and picked up the book and shruged, Maro must have had plenty of books about them. she went over to the couch and sat down on it laying on her tummy and resting the book against a pillow to prop it up as she scanned the pages.

::Rave:: He grined, so one of these was Fire's He eyed the mother then daughter, and spoke to Fire 'More like trying to figure out what to do with them before they wake up.' He continued studying them with a smirk on His face.
::Rave:: He shrugged and spoke back 'I have no need for a wizard, well two in My Home. However, at least the wizards are now defenseless.. almost' He smirked as He noticed Maria was starting to wake up and added, 'Seems Maria is waking up' He just watched her and waited to see for sure.

::Heli:: She heard something so she jumped up looking wildly around and the book just vanished she blinked, 'huh' "Maro! Were are you" 'Trav...' she didn't want to even go near Trav right now.. so she moved behind the bookselfs hiding herself from view.

::Trav:: "MARO!" He called again, completly anoyed by now as the place was unusally died.. He eyed the libary only briefly before passing on.

::Heli:: She let out a sigh of reilf sitting down and rubbing her temples, now that would have been an amusing conversation, not one she pecticurlly wantted to deal with.. but she in the end snuck out after Trav and overhead Him talking to a wizard about Nina and Maria gone...she bit her lip, of course they were gone.. she turned the door knob of the room she was next to and went in closing it softly behind her.. somedays.. she gasped.. my this was gorgous.
::Maria:: She blinked looking around.. she thought that all these memories had been just a dream but noticing her daughter she sighed and forced herself to sit up.. she didn't pecticually want to get Nina involved but, .. she doubted that they wouldn't seek her anyway. She glanced at the new Vampire.. .what was His name again.. Rave?.. He was merly eyeing her.. and she had never heard about Him before so new little to nothing about Him at all.. He didn't say anything just sat back in His chair petting a girl .. Aqua? she blinked conffused beyond belif shaking her head.. all the memoires may be there but they were fuzzed together and tangled into a big mess that she didn't want to deal with them..

::Nina:: She shook her head pushing herself up as well eyes eyeing the Vampire before her and her mother.. odd.. she had never seen this one mentioned before.. "Who the hell are you" was all she said as she got completely anoyed at being taken from home and now before some Vampire.. and her mom wasn't even doing anything but eyeing him.. figures.

::Heli:: she walked around the room it was gorgous and completly white so it sort of freaked her out as she wasn't sure what a place like this was doing in the wizards keep.. but in the end she opened up what looked like a dairy and scaned the inside cover.. closing it.. so this was Nina's room. She sighed.. this was just to much. she felt her stomach turn and she swayed grabing on to the desk for support.. how thrilling.. Nina must like white things.. no big deal. straightening back up she went over to were there was a door oppiste side of where she entered and she opened it closing it behind her and eyeing the room .. it looked like an.. church kinda.. she crindged a bit.. but, looked around it eyeing it and stopping standing there looking at the pews.. so the wizards had a church.. and it wasn't all that bad looking.
::Heli:: She eyed the statues in this church and shrugged, so it wasn't that bad.. she walked around a bit and noticed a few people wondering around.. "Heli?" She spung around and eyed Trav, "Yes?" Trav smiled and said, "What are you doing here.." Heli blinked a bit trying to appear lost and Trav just shrugged and said, "Their having a council meeting, you might want to stay away from that area.. as the wizards are clearly upset .. and they would take it out on anyone" He turned and walked away.. Heli frowned.. huh.. what the heck.. shrugging she glanced back at the statues.. a council meeting.. why were they having a council meeting. sounded .. to serious. she shrugged and walked around the church ocasionally stopping to eye a piece of art on the wall.. they looked so.. beautiful.. she had relized many more were coming in and not wanting to deal with a crowd she walked out of the room nearly running headlong into Trav who said, "Woah there Heli, slow down" She glared at him and said, "Well you should have been out of the way" He laughed and they both walked away from the room talking quietly amonst themselfs, Heli not asking anything important as she didn't want to know what his plans were.

::Rave:: He eyed the daughter and said, "My my, such manners." He said sarcasticly.. the girl glared and seemed to be eyeing the chains on her then no doubt studying the magic.

::Nina:: She looked away from the chains her curiously wondering 'what magic is this...' she could barley even let Trav know what was going on but she did anyway clearing her mind so the Vampire couldn't read her mind.. a trait she rather hated in Vampires... she was mumbling under her breathe completly aggrovated.
::Heli:: "Trav.." she started.. He smirked and said, "don't worry Heli.. " He winked at her and she bit her lip hiding the laugh.. They had just rounded a corner and Heli stopped.. she thought she had heard something but Trav pushed her in a room shuting the door and she regained her balance before she woulda fallen and looked at the door.. 'huh' she thought as Trav was talking to someone out there and almost sounded like Elle and .. some one else.. but.. conffusing.. she shrugged and looked around this place was.. either growing bigger each time she came or she kept discovering new places. just then the door opened and Crysta, Trav, Elle and.. some kitty girl came in. Crysta smiled at Heli who just blinked as Crysta gave her a hug and said, "I hope you don't hate me..." Heli shook her head and said, "No not really.. just next time, don't stop me" she said as she laughed a bit and eyed the others they just sat down her and Crysta sitting on a couch while Elle was looking out a window and Trav sat across from Heli and Crysta on a chair and the other girl who introduced herself as Emma stood over by Elle. Heli just yawned and watched them.. bored beyond belif...as normal telepatic abilites were not available here at the wizards so she was quiet content as she didn't have anyone talking in her head to her at the moment.

::Elle:: She turned back away from the window facing everyone and said, "well.. whats the plan.. or are we just sitting around.. "

::Lena:: she eyed the village of hers.. clunching the window seal .. Amado had been allowed back in and was standing next to her but, she had told him if he so much as breathes one she was kicking him into the dungeon nevertheless, he calmed himself and didn't get in her way.. at all.. strange for him but.. it was nice

::Nina:: eying the Vampire she said, "Well you going to just sit there all nite.. or.." she didn't even know were to continue so she looked away still cursing under her breath
::Elle:: She knew Trav told her that they wern't discusing this now as Heli was more then likly being watched and they had to watch out for now.. but at least in the wizards keep he couldn't have that power of her inless he was here.. that made Elle feel a tad bit more content. In the end however she watched them just curious as to why everyone had gone silent.

::Heli:: She stood up and walked away from the group grabing a book and sitting down to read.. at least it would keep her mind busy for awhile.. not like she was going to ramain awake much longer as she was starting to feel weak and drained.

::Rave:: He shrugged He wouldn't let them go and He had no need to keep them or be around the pair so in the end He left them there bound and unable to move and took Aqua gently in His arms as He went back up to His room laying her down and laying next to her.. closing His eyes debating on what He was going to do.

::Elle:: She sat down next to Heli and though she didn't say anything Heli let her read over her shoulder so to speak at the book .. it was actully quiet fansinating.
::Heli:: "You know this really is quiet fasinating.. I mean.. look at this.. " she pointed to one of the pictures shaking her head, "I have never seen most these things before but, they are interesting thats for sure" Elle shrugged "Yeah well.. I don't know any of them.." She laughs.. Heli smirked and shook her head, "No worrys.. "
::Heli:: She eyed the book and closed it her mind was racing someone was trying to get ahold of her.. no doubt Shadow, she glanced over her shoulder around the room and stood up, swaying a bit and Trav caught her saying, "Heli.. you need some rest.. your over working yourself" Heli just shook her head pushing Trav away and said, "Nah, I'll be fine .. thanks Trav" Trav frowned but Crysta had followed Heli outa the room and said, "Whatever happend to Shadow?.." Heli blinked and eyed Crysta and said, "Um..I dunno..." Crysta got the memo though and took Heli's arm and said, "Come, with me.. I want to show you something" Heli shook her head, "later maybe" Crysta shrugged and lead Heli into a bedroom Heli collapsed on the bed falling asleep.

::Crysta:: She sat next to Heli tucking her in and then nodding a bit. Heli seemed out of it as if something was going on... but, she couldn't put her finger on it.. in the end Trav came in and said, "He's probley watching her." Crysta nodded and said, "But, whats going on.." .. "I don't know Crysta...but, Maro is back and said to keep a close eye on Heli." Crysta still conffused nodded and said, "Very well."
::Maria:: Noting the Vampire had left she yanked the magical bounds and nearly fell over in the process but she got herself away from that ring at least. Nina was looking at her and said, "What are you doing" Maria glared at her daughter and said, "Do whatever the hell you want after all that has happend I want nothing to do with the lot of you" she did however yank her daughter so she wasn't connected to the ring either then she walked outa the room into a hallway were she yanked the bounds off tosing them aside waving a hand she disappeared reappearing far far away.. she had gone to a temple deep in the mountains.. this was the place she had to journey to when she was a child but this time she looked apon it not with wanting knowledge but, with almost a hatred as she sighed and went up to the temple, of course it was probley empty as no one ever came here but.. she went in anyway closing the doors behind her. she went up to a hudge statue in the middle and just watched it deep in thought.

::Nina:: She yanked the chains off her.. how dare her mom say that.. though she could see were she was coming from a bit.. standing up she brushed her dress off and eyed the area arms over her chest.. yeah this was going to be rather.. amusing.. with a blast of flame she disappeared reappearing in the wizardskeep right next to Trav and Crysta.. she eyed Heli who was sleeping and shrugged. she for now had to talk to Maro she left the room and started to look for him.

::Heli:: She blinked as she woke up.. she ahd such a big headack and felt like the room was spinning but in the end she merly rolled her eyes and sat up Crysta was the frist to speak, "How you feeling?" Heli looked at her like she was insane but, choose to be nice.. "I'm fine." Crysta seemed to smile and said softly, "I think Nina may want to speak to you once your fully awake.. and Trav went to speak to Maro." She blinked.. Nina was here.. good greif what a mess.
::Heli:: She didn't understand what was going on... she shook her head clearing her mind and said, "Did I miss something.." she felt so weird.. what the hell was going on..

::Maria:: She walked around the room a bit and then went deeper in the temple to a room were all the previous head wizards were barried.. apon entering she went to one of the graves an imagine appeared there of the person inside as she got closer.. of how they looked while alive she merly stood there her eyes on the wizard.. lost in thought she had a lot to sort out.. expectly what she was going to do with her wizards she was realatied to.. should she abandon them.. kill them.. or .. forget about them and figure some place to go.

::Rave:: He had watched the girls leave with a smirk, He had let them go.. there was a flame of anger in both.. as both were mad at each other and He was pundering what He should do if He does anything about the wizards.

::Sarai:: The black wolf pup had walked around the woods for awhile and in the end she found nothing, he ears were back and her tail down, she never felt this alone before. With tears in her wolf eyes she stoped at a river and layed down her head resting on her paws.

::Heli:: She blinked and wondered what the hell He was talking about then just pushed herself up sitting there on the bed her eyes on Him, "really, and what the hell was I suppoused to do , he teleported away." She shrugged and just looked away.. lost in her own thoughts as she conteplated it in her head her own free will was fighting to regain control of her spasming body"

::Crysta:: She had easily moved when Shadow had got there and taken Heli but she had remain unseen though she was there..once they were gone Crysta douged out of that room and ran to were Maro and Nina were quietly talking and announced, "Shadow just took Heli" Maro nodded and said, "Crysta.. I'd say follow them but... I doubt you going after Shadow is a good idea." she watched Maro and then said, "What about Maria..." Nina glared at her and said, "After everything that has happend I doubt my mother wants anything to do with us.. remember we had basicly nearly killed her.. if it wern't for Heli she would have died." Crysta mumbled and said, "Fine I'll talk to her" She mumbled a spell and disappeared both Nina and Maro trying to stop her before she left. but she stood at the temple were Maria was inside Crysta looked up at it... so this was were the wizards went to.. she walked up to the door which opened slowly for her and once inside she mumbled, "I.. hope this works"

::Maria:: Her eyes were still on the projected figure even as she thought about it all more and more her mind was drawing a blank as to what to do.. who's side was she on now.. did she want to continue her known task or was the wizards betray of her to great for her to ever forgive and forget. at this time she wasn't sure she whispered to the projected imagine of the figure, "I don't know what to do, what... should I do"
::Heli:: .. she blinked and "Concil members.. they were in a meeting at least thats what Trav was saying" She said and added, "But all you said was to kill Maro which tryed to and he left.." She was utterly conffused maybe it'd be best if she forgot about it for now and just go with it..

::Rave:: He had made a 3d hudge map appear and was watching Maria on the one side and Nina on the other in different areas..shrugging He said to Fire ~Maria and Nina arn't here if you want either Nina's at WizardsKeep and Maria is at a temple in the mountains trying to figure out what she should do- waving the map away He sat in His throne eyes watching Aqua who had just come in.
::Emma:: She didn't even watch him she merely shivered a bit and her eyes closing as she tried to free herself from this.. who the hell does he think he is... she felt conpletely off balace and scared, she wasn't suppoused to have sex ever inless she found the right Master.. but, thats inpossible..she just shivered her eyes still closed as she tried to figure out what to do... this couldn't be happening to her..
::Emma:: She rather die then have to go through this but, she in the end decieded that the best thing she could do was listen to him and hope that he lets her go after he is done with her. she opened up her eyes and looked up at him only breiftly before looking away anywhere but at him as she tried her best to accomadate him and to make sure that she is at least pleasing even though she really shouldn't be she still felt obligated to be.
::Emma:: she bite her lip her eyes cluntching shut as she felt him entering her.. the pain that coursed through her from him taking her innocentace was intese but she just let the tears fall from her eyes which remained cluntched shut.. and here she was hoping to have given this up to someone she met that she loved and carried about.. no such luck as all kittygirls were slaves.. nothing more.
::Emma:: she barley could feel him as she was consumed in the pain and the inhumanay of this all.. she may be a kittygirl but.. she wasn't his slave she belonged to no one and he was being a conplete animal.. but she felt his cold fingers on her clit and she gasped a bit.. this sure was a strange new feeling.. and she wasn't sure if she liked it or not yet.

© Copyright 2006 NovagirlAsh, (known as GROUP).
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