Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1166061-Vengeance
Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Other · Fantasy · #1166061
A sorceress loses her family to a mysterious being and hunts him down to seek her revenge.
A young sorceress named Angel loses all her friends and family within the Magic Guild to a mysterious being. She sets off to hunt him down with her father's staff, used to amplify her magical powers. In a near by town she meets a man clad in black clothing and silver armor known as Zephyroth. His power is similar to the mysterious being and the two battle it out, but eventually realize their misunderstanding and discover they are both after the same person. But Zephyroth refuses to let her tag along as he is a cold hearted person and trusts no one, and insists that he will be the one to kill the mysterious being along with anyone that gets in his way.
It was a cloudless sky that night. Angel slept soundly in her bed while her mother stood out on the balcony and her father sat in council, discussing future plans with their fellow spell casters.
         They were all part of a Mage Guild that is devoted to hunting down and destroying any threats and evils discovered in the world. It was a guild made entirely of the world’s strongest spell casters. It was the most feared guild in all the land; no creature or human dared cross its path.
         The guild itself was a tall tower. It’s walls of white marble; it stood over 200ft. high.
         “We have word of a black dragon in the North destroying mining camps and slaughtering their inhabitants.” said Hasroth, Angel’s father and leader of the guild. His head was bald, but a long, black beard and mustache hung from his face. He stood 5’ 9” tall and weighed approximately 165 pounds. His eyes were a dark brown color and penetrating.
         There was a moment of silence in the council. Finally one of the eldest spell casters spoke.
         “Is that all? We shouldn’t even waste our time. Let the local dragon slayers handle it.” he said.
         “We’ve had other reports of sieges and plundering of villages by creatures such as orcs and giants.” said Hasroth.
         “Face is Hasroth. Our guild is not needed. This guild has been around for thousands of years and anything worth spending our time on is gone.” said the elder.
         “What do you suggest? That we just give up the guild!? You know damn well that any threats still surviving would resurface and wreak havoc on our world once again. Our guild alone brought this planet out of a dark age of death and ashes, and I will not let an age like that come around again!” Hasroth exclaimed angrily.
         The other spell casters watched as Hasroth and the elder argued back and forth. Suddenly a woman whose appearance suggest she was middle-aged burst in through the chamber doors. It was Jade, Angel’s mother. Her eyes were the color of jades, her long black hair flowing down to her waist. She stood 5’ 6” tall and weighed approximately 123 pounds.
         “What is the meaning of this disturbance?” asked Hasroth.
         “My lord, I sense a great power approaching.” said Jade.
         Immediately, the 26 spell casters, including Hasroth and Jade, left the chamber and headed toward the nearest balcony.
         “Yes, I feel it. It is very strong. I also sense a great evil behind it.” said Hasroth. He turned to face the elder, “Well old man, perhaps you were wrong. We may be needed after all.”
         The elder said nothing.
         “Jade, wake Angel and hide her somewhere safe. I am sure this battle will be beyond her abilities. The rest of you, you know what to do.”
         The spell casters turned and began securing the guild tower. Some set up magical barriers while others prepared to fight.
         Hasroth was just turning to prepare for battle when he noticed a blanket of pure blackness covering the sky, blocking all light from the stars and moons.
         “This one is very powerful, who ever he or she is.” thought Hasroth. He turned and walked quickly through the halls.

         Jade quietly entered Angel’s bedchamber. She waved her arm gracefully at the chandelier hanging over Angel’s bed, and the candles lit brightly.
         Angel closed her eyes tightly and buried her face in her pillow.
         “Angel. Angel wake up.” said Jade quietly.
         “Hmm?” Angel moaned. She opened her eyes slightly and rolled over onto her back. She then noticed her mother standing over her.
         “Angel, you have to get up now.” said Jade.
         “What is it mother?” asked Angel wearily. She sat up, supporting herself on her arms. She wore a white, silk robe that extended down to her ankles.
         “The tower may be under siege, your father has commanded that I put you in a safe place immediately.” said Jade.
         Angel’s eyes widened and she jumped out of bed, “You must be joking, I have to fight!”
         “Your father forbids it! He said this battle is beyond your ability.” said Jade.
         “Bullshit!” shouted Angel.
         “Watch your tongue!” Jade scolded.
         “Father is always doing this. Not once has he thought of me as a worthy member of this guild.” said Angel.
         “That’s not true, Angel.” said Jade.
         “Oh yes it is. The only journeys he ever allows me to go on are simple things like dragons and ogres.” said Angel.
         There was a sudden blast and the tower trembled lightly.
         “Angel, now is no time to argue. Please do as I say.” said Jade.
         Angel sighed, “Alright.”
         Jade took Angel’s hand and led her down the halls to a lift and used it to get to the basement.
         They walked quickly past several wooden tables filled with assorted potions and several bookcases filled with scrolls and books. In the middle of the room was a trap door that was blended in with the rest of the floor.
         Jade held her hand above it, and it opened slowly and quietly, “Get into there and hide yourself.”
         Angel nodded and slowly climbed down a ladder that led into a small space. It was a small, wooden room used for hiding objects of importance during battle. Several of these small rooms could be found throughout the tower.
         Angel looked up at her mother as she closed the small door.
         “I’ll be back for you when this is over.” said Jade.
         Angel nodded, wide-eyed. She had a bad feeling about this attack. But the feeling she had was a gut feeling, she couldn’t be certain that she was right until it was over. She walked over to the corner of the room and crouched down, burying her face in her knees.

         Hasroth stood at the tower’s front gate. He held his staff in one hand, his face showing no fear or worry.
         The large green orb at the top of his staff shone brightly. On both sides of the green orb were silver angel wings, the staff itself was made of wood and coated with silver.
         At both of his sides stood two fellow spell casters, ready to fight to the death to protect their leader and their home.
         Suddenly, both men grabbed their heads and dropped their weapons, almost as though they were in pain.
         Hasroth looked at both of them, “What is the matter?”
         They said nothing. They bent down to reclaim their swords. They stood back up and suddenly attacked Hasroth.
         Reacting quickly, Hasroth’s eyes suddenly shone brightly.
         The blades seemed to strike air inches from Hasroth’s body.
         “I don’t believe it, telekinesis!” thought Hasroth.
         “Believe it.” said a deep, chilling voice. Hasroth heard it in his mind. He then looked at the two men next to him, striking his invisible barrier with their blades continuously.
         “I am sorry my friends. I have no choice.” said Hasroth. The swords struck the barrier again, but this time electricity surged through the blades and into their bodies. They were both blown off of their feet from the shock, landing a few yards from Hasroth, not dead, but unconscious.
         “Show yourself!!” Hasroth shouted. He suddenly heard a loud thud not to far from him. He looked in the direction of the sound, using his orb to light up the area. He noticed one of his fellow spell casters lying twisted on the ground. There was another thud not far from the first one. It was then Hasroth realized that they were being forced to jump from the tower while under the effect of mind control. It was then that Hasroth became enraged.
         “You spineless shit!! Show yourself now!!” shouted Hasroth.
         The dark barrier slowly faded away, and the light of the moon and stars shone down on the land once again. It was then that Hasroth noticed a figure, covered completely in robes, slowly walking toward him.
         “I am surprised that you are able to resist my mind control. You are very powerful. But you are no match for me.” he said telepathically.
         “You may be right, sir. But if you think this is the extent of my power, you are dead wrong.” said Hasroth.
         “I know about your special ability that your staff grants you.” he said. He stopped a few yards in front of Hasroth. Nothing of him was visible; robes covered it all.
         The orb on Hasroth’s staff began to glow brightly. Hasroth’s eyes seemed to glow just as brightly. The entire land around them was consumed in a green light. But no matter how bright it got, there seemed to always be darkness around the cloaked figure.
         Green streaks of light began to burst from the orb, and there was a sudden explosion of bright green light that consumed Hasroth.
         Still the darkness around the stranger did not fade. He stood and watched, slouched over as though his back had a hump. His posture suggested that he was very old and hardly had the strength to stand.
         After several minutes, the light died down, and the figure of what looked like a four-winged angel hovered a few feet above the ground. But the apparition was only a green silhouette. The apparition then set foot on the ground, and the light faded.
         “I’ve never seen it with my own eyes. Very impressive.” said the cloaked figure.
         Hasroth now stood 20’ high. His muscularity had tripled from his human form. He held a long, silver sword in one hand. His other hand hung empty at his side. His body was encased in what looked like silver and green armor. Although it was thin and skin tight, it was very durable and almost impenetrable.
         “Now strike me down, if you can.” the cloaked figure said, mockingly.
         Hasroth suddenly vanished. He reappeared in front of cloaked figure just as quickly and slashed his sword at his waist. The blade cut straight through the cloak, but the cloak was only tossed aside, like it was empty.
         “Behind you.” he said.
         All Hasroth heard was an even deeper voice. The voice was filled with power. Hasroth quickly turned around, and his eyes widened, “That’s impossible. S-so fast! How?” Hasroth asked in amazement and fear.
         Hasroth was suddenly struck down by a large blade. There was a brief explosion of green light that faded just as quickly as it appeared.
         Hasroth hit the ground, blood seeping from his mouth and a large gash in his waist.
         The cloaked figure slowly walked up beside Hasroth’s corpse, “So much for so little.”
         He then noticed the staff that Hasroth used lying not far from them. He walked toward it slowly with intentions of claiming it for himself. But as he neared it, the staff suddenly struck him with a bolt of energy. He shouted in surprise as he flew back, landing on the ground back first.
         He slowly stood himself back up, “Interesting. Well perhaps it will be harder to claim than I thought.”

         Angel still remained in the corner. She didn’t know exactly what happened, but she knew that it wasn’t good. She couldn’t feel anyone’s presence except for one. It was a dark, evil presence, and it was close.
         The cloaked figure suddenly appeared in the room. He walked slowly across the room, looking around at all the items stored there. He came upon the hidden trap door, and looked down at it. He grinned briefly, and then continued walking. He then suddenly vanished from the room.
         As soon as he was gone, Angel felt nothing. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t feel the presence of anyone.
         She slowly stood up and walked over to the ladder, when she suddenly heard a voice, almost as though it were in her mind.
         “It’s all over. Until we meet again.”
         Angel looked around nervously with a bewildered look on her face. She then climbed the ladder and pushed the door open slowly. When she saw that the room was empty, she climbed out. She walked to the door at the front of the room, she wanted to find her mother and father right away.
         She finally reached the door to the outside, her eyes filled with tears. Along the way she had come across the bodies of several of her slain comrades. She slowly opened the doors, and a cool breeze hit her. Her hair and robe rustled in the wind as she stepped out.
         Immediately she saw several more fallen comrades. With all of the fallen, and no feeling of anyone near, she feared the worst for her mother and father.
         It was then that she saw her father lying in a pool of his own blood.
         She stood still, her breaths now short and rapid. The tears began to stream from her eyes. Finally, she bared her teeth and closed her eyes tightly as she grasped her head. She then screamed at the top of her lungs and fell to her knees. Suddenly her power went out of control and burst out, creating a massive, bright green explosion that flattened most of the trees around her, but the tower still stood strong.
         Her scream and explosion traveled for miles, alerting everything out of the blast radius of her presence.
         She fell onto her side, trembling and crying, “Why didn’t you let me help?” she asked quietly.
         She suddenly noticed a green light shining not far from her, and the glowing was getting brighter. She stood up slowly, the tears still running down her cheeks, and she slowly walked toward it. It was then that she noticed it was her father’s staff. She kneeled down beside it, and scooped it up in her hands gently.
         “The last remaining member of the Mage Guild. The last survivor of my family.” she whispered as she held the staff in front of her. She slowly stood up, supporting herself on the staff. She wiped the tears from her eyes.
         “No matter how long it takes, no matter what it takes, I will avenge the death of my mother and father.” thought Angel.
         She had no idea where she would even begin. She didn’t even know who to look for. All she knew is the attacker has telekinetic abilities.
         Telekinetics are very rare, but very powerful. Most of the Telekinetics born are so overwhelmed by their own power, that it gets out of control and usually destroys them.
         She dug the base of the staff into the ground so that it stood when she let go. She then lied down next to it and closed her eyes. She would sleep now, and begin her journey of vengeance in the morning.

© Copyright 2006 Zephyroth, (known as GROUP).
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1166061-Vengeance