Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1153596-lonely-hearts-band
Rated: · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Cultural · #1153596
heya, this is just about a load of black kids struggling to get in with the in crowd.
A classic high school drama, a load of refgee's are going to this one hight school and this is just about how they are trying to fit in with the popular people and the emotional rollercoaster that they go through on the way. So long as you dont stray to far from the plot then anyone can join, but dont be controling of other people. Max of 3 characters per person (can be anyone). ENJOY YOUR TIME!
NAME: Shekira
AGE: 15

The teacher looked bland as she gave an intoduction in biology to the new students, only one of them looked interested in what she was saying, if you were to go closer you would see that she had a black eye and many other buises, if you were to ask her where they had come from she would say "i do boxing on a thursday and i lost my last tourniment." she would then turn away and continue with whatever she was doing. in truth she is hurting because her parents do not want her, they sent her to england while they fled form war in safer places. the girl is nothing to look at, in fact she is not pretty at all, she has an ugly scar down the side of her face and her hair is lank and greasy. she is living in a squat and has not washed in many days, she is hungry and does not want to be in school at all. what use are lessons here when you do not speak a word of english?
Name: Tie
Age: 15

On the other side of the classroom, a strange looking boy sat, tail set firmly between his legs so that noone would notice, ears flat across his head, sketching manga faces and eyes on the the back of his work book. He never realy paid atention in class, he had more important things to worry bout. How to keep the rest of his kind hiden just that bit longer, which farmers have been smart enough to electrify the fence, how prevent himself from morphing into a tiger at the first sign of trouble...
the girl looks round the room 'its no use, you'll never be able to understand what they are saying you fool of a girl.' she quite often speaks to herself as she cannot speak to anyone else. now she takes out her workbook and painstakenly writes an A and then follows it with a wobbly B. 'i may be able to one day write and read this language but i will never know how to speak it, why did my parents send me here when they knew that i would have a worse time here than i would have done back on the war zone, its not fair, i bet none of these other children are refugees. and wort of all they enrolled my at a school before dumping me here. He can speak english, and he knows that i cant, why are they so mean?' even her thoughts hurt her, in time the bruises will fade, but her memories of her family never will, they will be there for the rest of her life and will never cease to torment her. Worst of all she knows that the only member of her family that ever understood her is undoubtedly dead by now, 'why could her parents not have brought her mothers mother.' unfortunately she knew the answer, 'Father hated her guts, along with anyone who he thought might have more of mothers love than he did.' the girl sighs and continues with writing the letters in her book...
"Gerr!" the teacher belowed across the classroom. "Yes Miss?" Tie asked as he slowly lifted his head to look at the teacher.
"What are the tiny protuberances called that line the small intestine?"
"If you had been listening, Mr Gerr, you would know the answer! have you been listening?"
"Yes! of course Miss!"
"then what is the answer?"
Tie stared blankly at the teacher.
"Oh for goodness sake! I'll see you after class.
Uhhh... Peterson, would you like to tell us the answer?". Before they knew it the bell rang to go to break.
Shakira had always hated break, always. now she knew nobody and hated it even more. she approched a pretty girl who had lots of friends,
"hallo?" she said, the one word of english that she knew well, she spoke with a heavily accented voice that was hard to understand,
"Do i know you? and whats with the thick glasses dork?" The girl was spiteful and mean towards shakira. 'oh well i expected no better' though shakira could not understand the girl she got the genral idea of what she was saying.
Then she saw a boy, he was odd looking and had the strangest hairstyle that she had ever seen, she had heard his name in class, Tie, a strange name in he oppinon and had the looks to go with it. She walked up to him 'well, here goes'
"Yo" Tie looked Shakira up and down."d'ya speak engish?" There was an awkward silence. "What's your name?"
shakira looke so shocked at what she was hearing, she could not understand what the boy was saying but she could gather that it was nice and kind. 'i want to talk to you so much but i cant'
"hallo." shakira started speaking in a forign tonge with the hope that he might catch on that she could not speak english. she ended her speech with another,
"...I'll take that as a no, but no problem! I'll show you to the MFL dept after school, maybe someone there can teach you."
Shekeyra looks round the playground, she thinks that it is for young people and that she should not have to be here 'why am i bad? why am i so bad my parents do not want me anymore?' She is still speaking in her language and even though she knows the boy cannt hear her she finds it comforting to have someone who will listen to her even though he does not understand.
After school, Tie took Shekeyra to see Miss Hillys the languages teacher.
"She needs to learn English fast if she's to last 1 second in this place."
Miss Hillys spoke to Shekyra in her language and they agreed that she would come by every lunch time to learn English.
'i dont know what to say!' shekeyra said to the languages lady, 'nobody has ever been this kind to me, will you really help me'
the woman replied that yes she would, and as shekeyea could not understand english she had beter come to her classroom and be set work that had been translated by someone from the languages department!
'Oh thakyou, thankyou so much!'
over the weeks Shekeyra learnt more an more English, and she and Tie became closer and closer.
One morning in thie middle of summer Tie was waiting at the bus stop at the end of school...

© Copyright 2006 ouizelle, Aslia, (known as GROUP).
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1153596-lonely-hearts-band