Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1152774-New-Roleplay
Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Novella · Fantasy · #1152774
This is an RP between me and rosefire - a romance, I think, more on the darker side?
Okay, this is an RP between me and rosefire. Um...yeah, might not get up and running just yet, but it's there for me to remember that we've still got to do it. Alright.

This RP is mainly about Elvina and Diente in the darker reality life, where Diente is fourteen years younger than Elvina, rather than being fifteen years older. Seeing as they both live forever, age doesn't matter, so *shrug*.

Definitely a darker romance, I'm sure, and might even get erotic. I'm not sure. We'll see how it turns out.
Elvina danced around the kitchen as she prepared to cook the food for the evening. At thirty four, she had already gotten herself her own home, though it felt quite empty and lonely. After all, there were five bedrooms, four of them empty, but she guessed she'd made it like that because she was waiting for that 'one'.

Despite the fact she felt lonely, she had plenty of family and friends around and they were who she was inviting over. Her place was big enough anyway and the gargens were massive.

She stretched her arms and bat like wings as she turned her head to look out at the garden. Tables were set out there already. It was always lovely eating out in the back garden. Her garden wasn't the best, though. It was mainly just neatly cut grass with an assortment of flowers. She guessed it was because she wasn't too handy with that sort of thing. Her handywork was in weaponry. She made the most perfect weaponry as others had said, though she wasn't so sure. All she did was do her best.

The last one she had made was a pair of swords for Diente, a drow fourteen years younger than her. She didn't know what it was about him, but she was quite fond of him. Maybe it was a maternal thing, though she didn't look a day over eighteen.

As she dumped vegetables into a saucepan, she heard a rattle at her backdoor, making her raise an eyebrow in perplexion. No one was supposed to arrive yet. It was mid afternoon! There were a few more hours to go yet!

She put her hands on her hips before heading towards the backdoor, her silver streaked, ebony tresses swishing about her as she looked at the door curiously.

"Who is it?" she asked, "If it's one of those demons that bother my mother all the time, I'll tear your legs off and rip out your throat with ease."
Elvina raised an eyebrow as she folded her arms, then placed her hand on her hip, “Yeah, right. A *real* turn on. Anyway, I have to be intimidating, but it’s not actually that attracting to men, you know. You’re just an odd one or just messing with me.” She rolled her eyes before opening the door wide enough for him to come in, then made her way back around the counters, “You’re early. I’ve spent most of the day cooking. I wanted to make sure I got it right.”

She looked around the kitchen for a moment, obviously looking for something, but then opened one of the cupboard doors and bent over to take out a bowl.

“I thought I’d gotten one out,” she said more to herself than Diente as she rooted around for a decent sized bowl. Then she called back to him, “Well, you’d better like what I’m cooking today or I might dismember you.” Finally she found the bowl and when she picked it up, she sighed, finding it was stuck under other appliances, “Sorry. You caught me in a bit of a bad mood.”
Elvina tugged out the bowl before pouring flour and milk into it. Then she leant her back against the counter as she mixed the contents with a whisk.

“No real reason,” she said with a slight frown, but seeing him staring at her with his usual smile made her smile in return. She shook her head and let out a sigh, “Just had a demon visit me this morning. He’s got broken legs but,” she shrugged, “He annoyed me badly. Got me angry and I can take it out on you without you hating me.”

She tilted her head at him, “I don’t understand why you find it amusing but I guess it’s a good thing.”
Elvina raised an eyebrow before smiling again, feeling a blush touching her cheeks, so she turned her back to him and added eggs to her mix.

“I’m fourteen years older than you and you’re giving me flattery,” she shook her head, “Though it’s sweet of you to say that, but don’t try any more than that.” She glanced back at him, “And no trying any footsie under the table when we eat.”
Elvina shook her head too, a blush still on her cheeks.

Wafting a hand, she said, "Oh come on. Me? Yeah, right. Though I would say an older girl is better suited for you because of your immaturity, but then again."

She shrugged as she turned to face him, her blush gone by then, and walked over to the counter he leant on, placing the bowl down next to a chopping board and began to knead it.

"Maybe I enjoy it. I like being immature sometimes. Still, you do it to an extent where it starts to annoy me," she smirked slightly as she looked up at him, "Which you do deliberately."
Elvina rolled her eyes and tapped him on the arm, "Don't say that. You know I'm not." She smiled as she continued to work with the mix, "Well I guess you finding it 'hot', as you say, is better than you getting peeved off with me for getting annoyed."

A few strands of hair tumbled into her face and she tried to blow it away, but in the end, flicked her head and her hair fell behind her shoulders, "Anyway. Did you want a drink or anything? Might as well."

Elvina took out the now dough-like mix and put it on the chopping board, then took out a rolling pin before going to the kitchen sink and washing her hands as she danced a little, humming quietly.
Elvina tilted her head back slightly as she turned it in order to see him, pulling a face at him.

When she'd wiped her hands, she opened one of the high cupboard door's and took out a glass for herself and poured herself some fruit juice she'd made.

As she sipped it, she glanced out the corner of her eye at Diente before her brow furrowed.

"I don't know what's so good about watching me. As for what I think about myself," she pondered on it for a moment, then shrugged with a slight smile, "I don't know. I live alone. Have done for ten odd years. Get the odd beating now and again. Look in the mirror and know there's not much to see."

She folded her arms, still holding her glass as she turned to Diente fully, leaning against the counter by her hip, "I probably don't think good of myself. Still, I seem to be the one to cause problems or help them. Honestly," she managed a half smile, gesturing towards him with her glass, "You should keep your distance too. Knowing fate, if you touch me you'd probably burned or struck down by a meteor knowing my luck."
"And what do you see exactly?" Elvina cocked her head, tapping her fingernails against the glass once she'd sipped from it again. Her voice had a hint of sarcasm, like she didn't believe he saw much either, "You make it sound like you see a lot different."
For some reason, Elvina's heartbeat started to race and her breaths became ragged, but she quickly held her breath when she realised.

Gods, she loved that feeling of his breath on her neck, the way he whispered in her ear, the warmth she could feel coming from him when he stood so close to her...

No. No. She couldn't think like that. Gods! The guy had barely gotten out of his teens! He was about twenty years old! What was she doing thinking things like that about him?

She backed away a little, a smile spreading across her lips that she tried to hide, but it was futile.

"Uh-huh. You see all that, do you?" she tried to make a bit more of an argument to ignore those feelings she'd had before and possibly keep Diente from coming any nearer to her, "I don't know what made me think like this. Inherited? It might as well be." She quickly finished her drink in her nervousness, though she tried not to make it obvious, which failed also. She always failed at covering up things in front of Diente. He read her like an open book.
The skin on her arms became sensitive and Goosebumps covered the silvery flesh. Quickly, she turned around to face him only to see him towering over her…so close to her…

She forced the thoughts away before she could even start them.

“Me? Kids? I don’t think so,” she said once she’d slapped him on the arm, “I doubt I’d even find a guy. Do you have to put it so rudely too?” She folded her arms, “And what’s with the big grin?” She tried to look intimidating but the blush that came again only made her look embarrassed. The thing was, she was thinking about Diente in a way she shouldn’t. In a way she COULDN’T think about him. She had to sweep those feelings away quickly before they grew.

She slid away from him again and went back to the dough, rolling it out with the rolling pin just for the sake of turning her attention to something else. Hopefully Diente wouldn’t touch her like that again.
Elvina finished off rolling the dough quickly and picked up a small, metallic, circular object and stamped out two dozen circles out of the dough mix, trying to ignore Diente but her blush told him otherwise.

She let out a shaky breath before saying, "Intimidate them? Why would you do that?" She took out the circular dough pieces and placed them on a metal grid. Her hand was shaking slightly as she did so and she prayed Diente didn't see how much his flirting and closeness was making her do so.

"I mean, no, I wouldn't find anyone. Even if I did they wouldn't like me back," she rolled what was left of the dough and cut out more circles, put them on the metal grid, then picked it up. She didn't want to answer the 'would you?' question. she couldn't tell the truth and she couldn't lie.

Gods! What was the matter with her anyway? All she could think about was Diente. She'd even DREAMT of him every now and again and some of them were to embarrassing to even think about. Sometimes she'd wake up in the night sweating and blushing and shaking. It just...wasn't right! And Diente wasn't the type to be committed, was he? No. He was a drow who had fun. Who did what he wanted. She wasn't right for him. She was too committed and she'd get jealous and all sorts. It would be no good.

...and why was she even thinking about that? Sheesh! It wasn't like Diente meant of the flirting anyway in the first place! Why was she even thinking about the possibility of getting together with him?

She shook her head and put the grid in the oven that was already on from previous cooking. Then she stood up and rested her hands on the edge of the counter next to the cooker, staring at the counter top, pretending to see something and wipe it away. Hell, they had two hours still at the very least. Two hours with Diente? Who knew what they'd get up to in that time! She didn't know if she could take two hours without breaking when no one else was around.
[ha ha! mean!]

Elvina's hand slapped over her mouth to prevent a gasp or moan. She didn't know what, but her cheeks flushed a darker red than the had before and she slapped his hand away.

"W-w-what are you talking about?" She shook her head, wishing the blush would go away and that she hadn't just finished cooking. The cake was the last thing to do. All the food was simmering like it was supposed to be. Why did she have to make food that had to be left for hours with nothing done to them? She had no excuse to occupy herself now!

She rubbed her arms to get rid of the goosebumps and managed to find something to do. Lay the table.

Hurriedly, she walked away from Diente, trying to get over what he'd said, "Of course not, Diente. I wouldn't think of that. I'm too old for you." She closed her eyes for a few moments, wishing she'd said 'You're too young for me' rather than how she'd said it. Saying it the way she had made it sound like she wanted him but it was her who was the problem..which was, quite frankly, true. The other way around would have said a bit differently.

She opened the closet under the stairs and took out a clean dining table cloth and returned to the kitchen to go into the dining room. Then she laid the table cloth out on the large wooden surface.

For a moment she stared at the table. Gods, why had one of her dreams of her and Diente had to do with a them on a table...?

The thought made her blush more and she rubbed her face in despair.
Elvina blushed heatedly as she spun around to look at him, then frowned, trying to sound threatening, "Don't be like that! I'm not thinking of anything else, okay? I'm just..." she gesture at the table as she looked at it, then stared at it blankly.

After a few moments she moved back behind the counters and took out a dozen or so plates, trying to hide behind her hair, "Even so with the whole age thing, it's usually the guy older than the girl."

She almost hit herself for answering like that. It sounded like she WANTED to get together with him and was pointing out the problems with it. She was only fond of him and maternal but...was she really just that? Or was it more? Well, it...it must have been more! She was having intimate dreams about him, for goodness sake!

She went back to the dining table and started to lay the plates out around it. The one thing she thought of as she did it was that her table WAS big enough to have two people laying on it...

"Gods," she whispered accidentally, but said nothing more. NOW how was she going to last dinner? If Diente sat close to her, something was bound to happen, and if he sat nearer the other end, he'd stare at her or do SOMETHING to get her embarrassed or worse.
"I'm not afraid or ashamed!" Elvina said before she could stop herself. Her hands slapped hard over her mouth and her eyes widened as she stared at him for a long while. Gods, what would he think of her now? He was only playing with her, surely. So her blatantly admitting that...maybe he'd stop talking to her, avoid her altogether. She...didn't want that.

She bit her lip and moved back to the oven and took out the crumbly cake pieces. They were plain but the whole point was to dunk them in chocolate dip, so she took out a jar from the cupboard and quickly scooped the dip into a small white dish. Meanwhile, she prayed that Diente hadn't understood what she'd meant by her remark at all.
Elvina stopped what she was doing and placed the jar slowly down on the table. She didn't say anything at first. She just stood there, staring at the wall in front of her.

"I...don't know," she managed to say quietly, "I guess...I don't want to be liked...incase I'm a disappointment...or something." She put the lid back on the jar before putting it in the cupboard, blushing lightly. She could feel his eyes watching her.

"And committment wise, we're a bit different on that, as far as I can tell, and I'm difficult. I don't want to burden." She chucked a spoon in the sink before leaning on her hands again, feeling all the more nervous. The blood from her gut drained and she was starting to feel light headed already.
Elvina turned her head to look at him, trying to understand him a little more.

"I...I meant I'd be a burden because...I get jealous and...such and..." she ran her fingers through her hair and forced herself to face him, "I...didn't mean anything by...by that. I didn't think you were sleeping around all like that and that you would if you settled down and...everything." She rubbed her arm nervously, "So...what goes on inside your head? Tell me."
Elvina pursed her lips. Her mind was on a few things. The first was she'd blatantly admitted she liked him in that way and Diente didn't seem too bothered by it. Actually, he seemed sort of happy about it and hopeful, maybe. Secondly, if he was messing with her then why was he talking about them as if they would get together or something similar? Maybe it was just her but...Diente wasn't serious, was he? She couldn't tell at all. She rather hoped he was serious, but she wasn't about to keep her hopes up.

"Start from...where it all began? Why it happened?" She blushed slightly as she felt tempted to ask him if he liked her, and if so, since when. All she had thought was that she was a bit motherly or sisterly to him. She'd been around him the whole of his life. She'd played with him. She'd helped him. She'd done a lot of things. Maybe he was just teasing her right then with the whole thing.
Elvina blushed slightly but it disappeared as quickly as it had come, "Where your actions and pass times began. The latter when it comes to it? Might as well tell me now." She shrugged and folded her arms before seating herself on one of the kitchen stools amongst three.

"I guess...when you started to see me as someone other than somebody who played with you and things." She kept her eyes averted from Diente in case she had misunderstood what he'd said. She couldn't bear to cope with the embarrassment if she'd misunderstood.
Elvina turned her eyes to him, staring at him blankly for a long while, blinking every few seconds. She didn't say a word as she thought on what he'd said. The tavern part was understandable but when he came onto her...she could barely believe it had been through five whole years.

She opened her mouth to speak, then clamped it shut again. The way Diente was looking at her was making her blush slightly again. He said he had an obsession with her? He *still* had one with her? Also...

"You...threatened them too?" Her hands went up to her reddening cheeks as she averted her eyes to the floor ahead of her. She didn't know what to say to that. Diente sounded so serious but she couldn't tell if it was genuine or not. It seemed like he was but there was that doubt in her head.

Looking up at Diente, at the way he was looking at her, the way he stood, the way he smiled, laughed, the sound of his voice, everything made her want to kiss him right then.

Her lips quivered a little at the thought but she bit her lower lip to try to hide it. What did those urges she had mean? What did it all mean? It made her fidgety and she shuffled around on her stool. Gods, maybe she really *did* feel something for Diente.

She slipped her hands between her thighs and clamped them to keep herself from making those gestures that would show how nervous she was or how much she longed for Diente. She couldn't show that, though she wasn't sure clamping her hands were so convincing.

She let out a long breath before closing her eyes, "I don't...know what to say. I..." she quieted down then. She didn't want Diente to think she didn't like what he'd said. Then again, Diente was smart and he most likely knew what she felt anyway.
Elvina blushed as she stared wide eyed at him, then snapped her hands out from between her legs. She frowned at him as she said, "Don't be like that. I never do that sort of thing."

Just to show she wasn't going to let her hands anywhere near her thighs again, she leant back, resting her arms on the counter behind her, crossing her legs. She still held the frown on her face, desperately trying to see through Diente to see if he liked her or not, and maybe also to try and put him off of her. Not that she was doing too good a job of it.
Elvina had a look of total shock before furrowing her brow and sliding off the stool. She walked straight up to him, her red dress slinking against her as she walked until she was up close to him, her hands in fists.

"It was YOU?" Elvina growled, "You were PEEKING in my ROOM? What the HELL did you SEE?" Seeing Diente smiling almost made her want to slap him as well as kiss him. He found her anger funny!

She folded her arms, frowning darkly as she said sarcastically, "You might as well have just shown yourself and made me put on a performance."
Elvina didn't look at him then. She just shook her head with her eyes closed before bowing her head.

Her eyes were still shut when she folded her arms and said quietly, "I just don't know how to take this."

She was quiet for a long while, with no other sound but their breathing and the fire from the cooker.

Then she spoke again, "I don't know how to take *you*. And you know what? It hurts, Di. It hurts because one minute you sound so serious, then the next you say something that makes you sound like you're joking and I don't know what to think."

She could feel the warmth from his body and it made her want to snuggle up to it and cry. It wasn't Diente that was the problem. It was the fact she didn't know whether to believe he was joking or not, because she was sure as hell serious. She hoped Diente could see that. But in a way, she didn't want him to see. She wanted it to pass as if they'd just had some strange, long conversation. They had little under and hour left and Elvina doubted it could stay just as a strange conversation. But what she wanted most of all was the truth.
Elvina stared at Diente with uncertainty, then shook her head as she let out a long sigh.

She lifted herself up onto the kitchen countertop, leaning with her hands on the edge, her head bowed. He was always serious when...it came to her?

"You hide the serious emotions?" was all Elvina could say, "No weaknesses in showing emotions." She didn't look at him. She just kept staring at the floor below her, "I wouldn't ask you to open up. Just..." she chanced a glance at him, "Be you."

She was silent for a long while, then lifted her hands and looked at them, "These feelings...I don't understand them. I don't know what they mean, though I think I know what they mean. I don't know what I want but I know what I want." She was trying to tell Diente that she wanted him, but didn't know if it was the best thing to do or not.

"The truth is I'm afraid," she almost whispered, "Afraid of this. Good things don't happen to me...not like this. Do you...understand? And I don't..." she looked away at the cupboards of her kitchen, "I just fail. So weak. I don't want to be a failure or weak with the one I want to be with. I don't want to fail them or disappoint them. I'm scared I'll...be that way. I..." she squeezed her eyes shut tight, "I don't know..." Honestly, she wanted Diente to take control, to seize her up maybe, or to put her down. Whatever way. She just didn't like this limbo.
Elvina glanced at him and forced a minute smile, but it quickly faded as she turned her eyes back to the floor. There wasn't much time left before the others turned up and in a way she wished she had longer just so that she could have more time with Diente, but also didn't want time because she couldn't stand the nervousness she felt and the limbo.

"I know no one's perfect but..." she paused, then swung her legs from side to side a little, "I'm really not that good at all. There are people so much better than me. I guess I think that if I ever find someone and be with someone, they might leave me for someone better. There are plenty of people better."
Elvina's naivety didn't allow her to consider his last sentence deeply, so it didn't trigger anything in her mind.

She gave a shrug, "Maybe. I wouldn't know and I probably will never know." She didn't know why she was speaking like before had never happened, like she hadn't admitted anything to him and he hadn't admitted anything to her.
"H-hear what?" Elvina blushed as she forced herself to keep staring at the floor.
Elvina blinked at him for a moment, feeling a blush trying to come.

"And...you're saying?" she asked quietly and slowly, not really wanting to try and figure it out for herself in case she came to the wrong conclusion. She thought on what he had said before:

'if they really love you..." he had said, "then there can be no one better than you...because you're all they want...And I've been with countless women."'

And with his explanation in what he'd meant, did that mean...no, that couldn't be a possibility, could it?
Elvina looked away from him as she slipped off the countertop gently. Doubting herself? Why did Diente know what was going on in her head so easily? She guessed it showed pretty well with him, as always.

"I doubt myself because I'm scared I'll misinterpret," Elvina mumbled, her eyes averted to the floor still as she straightened her dress, "I guess I need people to be direct like mum did. What can I say? I'm too much like her in some ways."
"But I prefer to be right," Elvina said, "I hate the humiliation, especially when it's serious like this." she bit her lip, "Not that...I'm saying anything about this situation is so...serious."

Her guests would arrive in a few minutes and she prayed someone would be early.
Elvina let her eyes trail to him as she blushed again.

"well..." she started slowly, not really knowing what to say to that, "I guess we're just talking...about the way I think and that's not so serious. I mean...like, we're just friends chatting while we wait? If you know what I mean."
Elvina’s eyes widened quite blatantly and she stared at him for a long while just thinking on what he’d said. He’d just blatantly admitted it to her!

She felt her cheeks burning and she covered them with her hands. He wanted her? The serious expression on his face showed he wasn’t joking.

However, a knocking on the front door snapped her out of her stare and she hesitated, “I’ll just…uh…” she moved away quite swiftly past Diente and headed out of the room, down the hall and to the front door. She opened it and instantly in the room was Killian and Raidon.

“So where’s the food then?” Killian grinned at Elvina as he walked in, then saw Diente and raised a hand to greet him, “Hey Di. Keeping sis company?”

Elvina just stood there blushing as her brothers walked into the room. She didn’t dare look at the drow right then.
Killian raised an eyebrow before a smirk crossed his face, "What's this Elvi?" He turned and looked at his sister, "I hope you're not doing anything in the kitchen you're not supposed to be doing."

Elvina slammed the door shut before folding her arms, frowning darkly, though a blush hit her cheeks at the same time, "Shut it Kill. Don't bother."

Raidon chuckled behind him and shook his head, "No need to get het up."

"I'll do as I please," Elvina looked away from all three of them, going back to the kitchen and taking out plates for everyone and leaving them in a pile to take for the buffet, "Anyone says otherwise and I'll make them infertile."
It wasn't a brick. It was an apple. It caught the drow on the back rather hard.

Elvina was stood at the door, blushing like crazy. Raidon and Killian were laughing at her, making her pick up another to and throw it at them. One apple hit Killian in the chest and the other hit Raidon on the thigh.

"Agh!" Elvina hissed, "Just missed. Now I don't know why I bothered to invite you!"

"We're just playing around," Raidon said, then shrugged, "Though I'm not so sure Diente was."

Elvina sat herself down at the dining table rather heavily and slammed her elbows on the tabletop and put her chin in her hands.

"You are all so immature," she muttered harshly, "And for your information, nothing was happening...at all."

Killian and Raidon glanced at each other and shook their heads. Both knew Diente had something for Elvina and she had feelings for him back. It was always a lot more obvious from the outside. Plus, it helped with Killian for the fact that he was close friends with Diente. Probably best friends if anything. They guessed Elvina was afraid that she would be dumped after a while because of the age difference amongst other things. Maybe they'd sort it out after dinner.
Elvina flushed red, so she let her arms drop and buried her face between them and the table.

"How about you make Killian kiss it better?" Elvina spat with a muffled voice, "Seeing as you're both such close friends."

Honestly, she probably wouldn't have minded. She wondered what he looked like without his top on sometimes, which embarrassed her terribly.

she heard Killian and Raidon laughing loudly and it made her growl. Now she just wanted to get the dinner over a done with once the rest of the guests arrived.
Elvina couldn't resist a glance at him and her eyes blatantly looked over him, but she forced herself to look away.

A large smirk had cross Killian's lips as Raidon glanced between the two.

To try and ignore what had happened, Elvina stood up and said to herself, "I wonder who's turned up now."

(Don't know who to bring in...heh)
"Not much," Elvina mumbled, hugging Kira back as she forced on a smile. She hoped she wouldn't ask him anything about it.

However, Killian was the one to say something.

"Nah," he said, "Apart from the fact he seems to be flirting with her quite a lot. And I think his tactics are working on her."

He smirked as Elvina spun around to look at him, eyes flaring, "Do you want another apple? I'll smash it in your groin!"
"Whatever," Elvina said lowly, "You don't understand." Why was everyone having a laugh about it? There was a fourteen year age difference! There were so many women out there. She should be one of the LAST on Diente's mind! Weren't Kira and Sharazon concerned that their twenty year old son like a thirty four year old woman? What was with that? Most would be against it or at least feel uncomfortable about it.

Even so, she'd have to get comfortable with it herself. It was the fear that was keeping her back and making her get violent like she was.

Still feeling defensive, she said, "It's not embarrassing. He just doesn't have to say it like that." It felt strange. The fact that Diente liked her was becoming all the more obvious by the minute, but it was just her yet to show what she felt...and she wasn't sure she would be able to show them.
“That’s not fair,” Killian chuckled but went outside anyway. Raidon looked more or less blank, but only shrugged and wandered out after his brother.

Elvina stared at the both of them to make sure they had left, then let out a long sigh as she sat down also.

“I don’t know,” she started off slowly, “It’s hard. I mean…” she ran her hand across the tablecloth, “Kira, do you think it’s okay…if people get together despite a huge age difference? It may sound stupid but I worry because I feel that being so much older I will be dropped. Dropped for someone else or just dropped altogether for being a disappointment.”

She closed her eyes as she bowed her head, “It’s pretty obvious isn’t it? That I like him too.”
Elvina paused, then blushed a little, "Watching me? He mentioned...something. So...he was different since that day?"

She twiddled some of her hair between her fingers, "What exactly changed about him? I didn't notice a thing, though when I think about it now..." she paled a little, "Gods...the amount of times he came in when I was in my dressing gown when I'd just come out the shower." She chewed on her lower lip, "I don't think that was the worst time either..."

She let out a sigh, "I know I'm not that different from when I was sixteen, but I keep worrying."
Elvina followed it outside and saw Diente. She quickly looked back at Kira and said, “I didn’t notice a difference. I didn’t realise he watched me more.”

She looked down at the table again, then back at Kira. She recalled being at the very furthest of her garden where the rocks were. They spread out and met the ocean. She had spent one night there, staring out at supposedly nothing. Then she’d wandered along the rocks, hopping from one to the other as she sang. She couldn’t remember the song but she remembered hearing something and turning around to see fifteen year old Diente a few metres behind her. He’d surprised her but she thought nothing more of it. She’d asked him how long he’d been there and then invited him back to hers for a drink.

She’d then looked back out at the ocean rather sadly and Diente had wondered what was wrong.

‘Why are most men such jerks?’ she’d asked, ‘They always try and hurt you.’ She’d then looked at Diente and couldn’t help but smile at him, ‘Men should be more like you, you know. I wish they would be.’

Maybe what she’d said then hadn’t been such a good idea. Still, she hadn’t noticed a thing and just carried on telling Diente that she’d killed a man who’d tried to kill a woman out on the rocks. She’d thrown him in the ocean afterwards and that was what she had been watching. She had been looking out at the ocean the whole time she had told him but she hadn’t noticed Diente’s eyes roving over her for a moment.

Now she just felt stupid. It had been so obvious because she’d FELT his eyes on her, but she had been too innocent to think it was more than just a look at her.

“I don’t know what to do, Kira,” Elvina said quietly, “I really don’t. I see…someone I like but at the same time I see the child I always hung around with and played with. It’s so strange and I don’t know what’s stronger. I think the fact I like him is stronger but…” She put her elbows on the table again and covered her face. She felt quite helpless right then.

“I don’t know,” she said through her hands, “Maybe I’ll figure it out after dinner when everyone’s gone.” She could hear her mother and father outside talking to Killian and Raidon. She couldn’t talk about it for much longer, not in front of her parents.
Elvina let out a long sigh before letting herself look out at Diente. She stared at him for a long time silently before looking back at Kira again, "I guess...we will have to see."

"Seeeeeee what?" a child walked into the room. She was holding a teddy bear in her arms and staring up at the two women.

"Hey Tika," Elvina smiled slightly, "You done playing with Lev?"

Nitika furrowed her brow, "Har har. Funny. That's not nice to tease, you know."

"Yeah, well I feel like it," Elvina said and stuck her tongue out at the girl. Nitika stuck out her own before climbing up onto a seat, "So when's dinner?"

"Soon," Elvina said, "When everyone comes in."

Nitika stared at her for a long pondering moment, then suddenly cried, "Everybody! Inside! Inside!"

Elvina burst out laughing and shook her head at her sister.
"A bit," Killian shrugged. He looked at his sister before turning back to Diente, “It’s just that Elvi was so oblivious to all of it when it’s so obvious. And the fact that you’re so blatant about it.”

He shook his head and wandered inside. Raidon stood around for a moment, being his usual quiet self again before following Killian.

Nitika watched her brothers walk in, then turned her eyes to Leverette before sighing and looking down at the table. She didn’t seem to realise how obviously disappointed she was in Leverette not seeing her.

“What’s with the sad face?” Ai walked in, tilting her head at her daughter. She smiled at Elvina, ruffling the woman’s hair before seating herself next to Nitika.

Elvina pouted and sorted out her hair in silence as Ai talked to Nitika, trying to cheer up the girl.

“So, we going to eat?” Killian asked as he sat down on the other side of Nitika.

Elvina nodded, though frowned slightly, “Be patient though. Patience is a virtue, right? I’m not a vending machine.”

“What’s a vending machine?” Raidon asked blankly.

Elvina raised an eyebrow and glanced at her mother who was giggling quietly. Elvina only shook her head, “Never mind.”

She stood up and gestured over to the kitchen countertops.

“The food’s over there, like a buffet. Just get what you want and sit down, you know?”

“Sounds good to me,” Killian said and was straight up for the food.

Elvina shook her head again, her hands on her hips, “I said patience, dammit. Dad and Di aren’t even in here yet!”

However, Killian only shrugged and served himself food. On seeing Killian serving himself, Raidon and Nitika followed suit and were serving themselves. Elvina rolled her eyes and gave an apologetic look at Kira, saying, “Seems to run in the family.”
Killian elbowed the drow in return and took some of the chive and potatoes as Elvina stood by watching, beet red.

Ai only giggled at her daughter and took a plate herself and stood behind Kira, waiting for her turn.

Elvina sighed, actually not in the mood for eating. Her mind was on Diente and the fact he'd winked at her just then with his usual playful grin made her wonder about all the times he'd done such things previously. Why did she have to be so innocent to such things?

In the end she looked down at Leverette and wondered if he was going to go get something to eat. He certainly was a complex child. At least, he seemed to be.

Trying to ignore Diente's wink and memories of his flirtateous advances she picked up a plate and waited in queue, keeping her eyes on the plate as if she was studying it for the first time.
Elvina glanced up at Diente, her cheeks flushing a little crimson, but it faded just as quickly.

“No reason,” was all she said. She had always been a daddy’s girl, but she wasn’t right then. Ai glanced at Belail and elbowed him lightly, but she couldn’t help but smile herself.

Elvina muttered under her breath and took a sip of her wine before clearing up the rest of her plate, “Thinking.”

“Very quiet and unhappy thinking,” Killian said.

“So what?” Elvina said, not really happy with the way Killian grinned like his father, “I’m just thinking. Nothing wrong with that.”

She quickly at the rest of the food on her plate, then laid down her knife and fork and sat back, sitting there quietly. Killian chuckled but just shook his head, giving Diente an expression that said ‘what did you do to her?’

Elvina stared with wide eyes at him for a long time before picking up her plate and going to the kitchen to put it in the sink, blushing darkly. She let her hair hide it but it was obvious that she was blushing.

Ai raised an eyebrow before shaking her head, “Now I know what I looked like when I was like that.”

Elvina didn’t even dare look up to frown at her mother. She just said to Miliani, “Milly. Better drink some water.”
Elvina growled, extremely embarrassed as she heard almost everyone laughing. Killian was doubled over the table, "I can just about imagine."

Elvina chewed on her lower lip, wondering how much more she could take. What Miliani had said made her imagine what Diente might be like with her, which was something she didn't want to imagine right then. She needed time to think.

She walked up to the table after taking a breath and picked up everyone's empty plates, balancing them on her arms and in her hands like a waitress. She didn't say a word, just keeping her eyes away from everyone.
Elvina almost dropped the plates into the sink then.

“A point?” she asked rhetorically before shaking her head, “I don’t know. They’re always teasing and it’s hard enough as it is.” She dumped her hands in the water and started to scrub the plates, “I just wish they’d stop teasing. I feel uncomfortable thinking that way, that I could be attractive to someone. It’s strange, I guess, but it just fills me with uncertainty…which I hate.”

The whole time she kept her eyes on the plates in the sink.
Elvina just shook her head slowly, "It's nothing anybody can understand. It's just something I have to deal with myself, alright? I just want to be on my own and settle it."
Elvina just shrugged, "Yeah, well, I guess I'm just not the getting used to it type. I don't know. Maybe I'm just slow." She smiled, "That's probably it. And anyway, with the whole settling it thing...I need to do it on my own. I know I can't understand it just like that but I just need time. I'm better on my own, you know? So..." she trailed off. She really didn't know what she was saying. She didn't really understand herself, but she hoped she would do by the end of the day, when everyone had gone home and she was on her own. She could really think on things then and let herself look from the outside in.
Elvina stopped what she was doing, no longer feeling Diente's aura, and looked behind her and around. There was no sign of him whatsoever.

Her brow furrowed as she wondered why he'd disappeared like that.

Then the hurt came.

She turned back to the sink and felt tears prickling her eyes and she bit her lip hard. She hadn't said anything wrong, had she? She was just telling him she needed time to think things over, right? What was wrong in that? Did it come out wrong or something?

She let out a sigh as she took her hands out of the water and dried them.

"What did I say?" she whispered, trying to recall every detail of what she'd said.

Hell, she had kept the opportunity open, didn't she? She liked Diente. She's started to look at him another way since he was eighteen. But it had only been a liking, right? But those dreams she had. They weren't dreams you had of someone you just liked.

She shook her head and went up to her other guests, noticing their questioning expressions.

"What?" She held out her hands, "Don't look at me like that. I didn't say anything wrong. There's nothing wrong with asking for time, is there?"

She sat down heavily on her seat and slapped her hand over her face, trying to get rid of the feelings of guilt and despair out of her.

"Nothing wrong with that, right?"
Elvina sighed once more, placing her chin in her hand after propping her elbow up on the tabletop. She drummed her fingertips against her cheek, looking around the table before up at Kira saying rhetorically, "No, he never has been, has he?"

She sat back in her seat, folding her arms and crossing her legs. Hopefully the dinner wouldn't last too much longer. She enjoyed having everyone round but right then she wanted be alone and she wouldn't be much good company.
“Yeah, okay,” Elvina nodded.

Ai glanced at Kira and stood up also, picking Nitika up in her arms, “I think that calls for me too.” She looked down at Belail, “You too.” She kissed him on the cheek before heading out through the backdoor. Elvina watched her mother go and she sighed, standing up also, “Thanks for coming though. It was nice.”
"Tell me about it," Ai called from outside, "No way I'm cooking for you tomorrow if you don't move your ass Belail...and no romance tonight either." She turned and stuck her tongue out at her husband before continuing to walk on.

Elvina visibly winced, "Hell, mum. Do you have to talk about that?" She shook her head.

Seeing as everyone was leaving, Elvina disappeared upstairs. It was wrong to leave while guests were still in the house but she couldn't take much more company.

She sighed as she sat on her bed, putting her face into her hands. What was the matter with her? She had admitted to Kira that she loved Diente, and Diente loved her, so what was her problem? The fact she looked at him like the child he had been? The age difference? Well, she knew the age difference was more of an excuse. But when it came to the looking at Diente like a child, was that...an excuse as well?
He couldn't be more wrong. In a way they were burdening Elvina, but not like he thought. She was laid out on her bed, letting time pass by as she stared out her bedroom window at the sky. She liked the affection, she really did. Actually, she loved it. She just had that part of her telling her it was wrong that made her act as if it burdened her.

As the hours passed, she thought over every part of their relationship, every feeling Diente had told her about and every feeling and dream she herself had felt. Gods, she wanted so badly to be with him. The fact he'd left so quietly out of the house worried her considerably.

"I need to see him," Elvina said, "I've made up my mind."

She loved him and that was all to it. Screw age. Screw the child thing. he wasn't a child anymore, just like Kira had said. He was an adult, free to do what he wanted.

She sat up in bed and looked down at the red dress she wore. Would he really have her if she offered? Now that she'd thought about it? She was sure she'd upset him somehow and began to worry more.

"All I can do is see him," she nodded slowly, "Yeah. But I need to think it out. think it out. What should I say?" She was quiet for a moment, then slammed her fists on the bed, "Why am I sitting here? Just run! Go! Think on the way." With that she was up and running out of the house. She didn't want to teleport because it would get her there too quickly. Running was the best way, despite the fact a few spots of rain were beginning to fall.
Elvina continued on running. It would take her a while to get to the house but it was becoming clearer with what she wanted to say. Maybe it could turn out alright. She just hoped Diente was okay. She had a terrible feeling in her heart and she hoped he wasn't about to do anything stupid.
"Diente?" Elvina called, skidding to a halt as she panted. She was so out of breath, it hurt her chest and she could barelt speak.

She looked around, the house well in view, but she couldn't see the drow.

So she pushed on, running again in search of him. Where the hell was he when you needed him?
Elvina was coming by the lake and looked just in time to see a figure walking around it. She managed to stop her running and went to call out for Diente but no sound came out of her voice. Her head hurt too much to speak mentally.

'Dammit,' she thought and held out her hand, letting a fireball rip out of her palm and shoot across the lake, hit the opposite edge near where Diente stood, defying the rain that was pouring heavier than before. Hopefully that would get his attention.
Well, at least he had stopped. Elvina took the chance to run down, too exhausted to teleport.

As she neared him she thought she might pounce on him, but instead, she just stopped ten feet away from him, panting loudly as she stared at him long and hard. Had she really...done that to him?

"Diente?" she asked, only coming out as a whisper.
Elvina dropped to her knees nearby him, “What are you…doing to yourself?” She could only speak quietly. She couldn’t say much more right then, “I came to tell you…” she looked away, closing her eyes as she sighed. She couldn’t look at him then. There was something in his voice that she found disturbing.
"No you're not," Elvina said quietly, "You're not just crouching." She shuffled over to him so that there was barely a gap between them.

"Di," she reached out and touched his shoulder, "I...said I just needed time...right? I didn't mean...anything bad. I just..." She sighed, "Please Diente. I...I..." Why were the words so hard to say?

But in the end she managed to force herself to say them, even though they came out as a choked whisper, "I love you...Di. I have done for...over a year now. I just...couldn't let myself before. But I needed tonight to think things through and...I really do love you and...hope you can believe me."

Hell, what was she saying? By the tone of his voice, she figured he didn't want that from her at all.
"No!" Elvina cried, grabbing hold of his shoulders and tugging him to face her, though he still didn't look at her, "Why would I LIE like that to you, huh? Am I a liar? Is that what you're saying? Well, I'm NOT a liar Diente. You KNOW I'm not. If I lied about this, it would hurt you when you found out the truth which would make things worse, so no, I'm not lying because I don't want to HURT you like THAT!"

She growled, "Now snap out of it! I HATE seeing you like this. Being so distant." Tears prickled her eyes again, "Don't do this to me. Please don't." She bowed her head, trying to keep control of her emotions before she let herself fall forward a little, resting her forehead against his shoulder, "I'm really sorry Di. I would never hurt you. Not intentionally. So...I'm telling you the truth. All the truth."
Elvina was quiet for a long moment, keeping her forehead against his shoulder. He felt so warm and safe right then.

"I...I've loved you so long...to me anyway. The thing is, I've never felt that way about anyone before and it frightened me. I didn't want to listen to what my heart wanted. I wanted to push it away because me being alone was normal and so I felt safe, but I don't want to be alone anymore. I want...to be with you." she shook her head slowly, "I've been thinking about you practically every night, wondering if it's right. Wondering if it's wrong. I've been so...longing to tell you and whenever I saw you I just wanted you to see right through me, which I guess you did. I wanted you to hold me and make me feel safe and worthwhile. Still, I pushed the thoughts away because I thought you'd find it...I don't know, horrible? That I liked you in that way."

She took another long pause before she spoke again, this time tears forcing her breaths to be ragged as she tried to control her emotions, "I wanted to pour out my heart to you but i didn't think you'd want it, that you wouldn't want to listen and i didn't want to lose what we had. I just wanted us to be safe. But I got so used to thinking like that that by the time I found out...today, my heart was starting to tell me it was wrong, but i thought it through and have let go of those thoughts now. I love everything about you Diente and I want you...NEED you to accept me. I want to be yours. I love how you're so carefree and joke around and...even when you refer to innuendoes," she smiled sadly, "But I hate it when you're like this because you're not yourself and I miss that and...you being like this makes me feel that I've lost you and won't get you back...and that frightens me most of all."

She chewed on her lower lip for a moment as her arms slid around Diente and she hugged him tight as she said, "That wasn't too good a speech, was it? But it's hard for me to...express things. But what I've said is all true. I don't want to lose you."
Elvina looked up at him with wide, innocent eyes, "I guess my mind likes to do that to me." She managed a small smile before asking, "Do...do you accept me...now?" She was gripping his shoulders tighter than before. She was tempted to kiss him for what he said, but she wasn't going to make that move. She'd let him do that if he wanted to. She didn't want to do anything that he didn't want.
Elvina blushed darkly, "S-stalk me? I didn't know you actually...stalked me." She tucked her hair behind her ear, "Though I suppose that goes hand in hand with hiding in my closet." She furrowed her brow for a moment, then her face softened as she smiled, "I'm glad then. That you accept me...and that you're not in your zombie state anymore. You had me worried."
Elvina sighed and buried her face into Diente's chest, "Yeah, zombie..." she trailed off before becoming silent for a long moment, keeping her arms wrapped about him. She didn't want to let him go right then. She *couldn't* let him go.
Elvina was thinking about her family and Kira. All they'd teased about and said. What would they think of her now? She was bound to get another load of teasing and she couldn't even break their fingers for it.

However, they hadn't actually fixed anything yet. They were just two people who loved one another and yet they hadn't done anything about it. They were just sitting there and she didn't have the courage to say anything. They weren't even going out. Did that mean Diente didn't want that sort of a relationship? She almost kicked herself for thinking that. What other sorts of relationships were there?

In order to avoid doing something stupid, she kept her face hidden, feeling extremely awkward right then.
Elvina smiled slightly, almost purring at feeling his breath on her neck, "Don't you think I know that already?" She let out a long sigh, "And sadly I'm the jealous type too, but I'm not the type to let go either. Like...let go of you." She tilted her head so that her lips were closer to his, "I do want this...but I guess we have to talk things through first."
"Like, if I were to be with you, what I would have to expect from you," Elvina lifted her head up a little, "About what I'm like so that you know what to expect. something along the lines of that."
Elvina felt a shiver run down her spine at his whisper, but she managed to keep herself from shuddering, though she couldn't keep her cheeks from burning.

"Talk," she said quietly to herself, then said, "Well, I don't know what you'd be like but," she tucked her hair behind her ear, "Like I said, I'm the jealous type. If I see you flirting with another woman, I'd most likely fire a tantrum. If a woman flirts with you, I'd probably rip her head off." She gave an awkward smile, not daring to look him in the eye right then, "Unless we talked about our terms, I guess I'll always been like that. I'm also the type who likes to be dependent but doesn't show it," she blushed a bit again, "I thought I'd say that now because I'm in the mood to admit that. Also..." she stopped herself in mid speech, rubbing the back of her head nervously, "I'm making it sound like we're getting together when we haven't actually decided that yet. And I sound bad, don't I? Talking about ripping people's head off and things like that. I wouldn't literally do that but...uh..." for some reason she was extremely nervous, hence her rambling.

"I'm...sorry. I'm rambling," she said, keeping her eyes to the ground, "I need to stop that tendancy."
Elvina blushed darkly at the mention of stains.

"Uh..." her voice shook as she spoke before forcing herself to look at him, "Well, we're not going to die anytime soon, are we? Naturally, I mean. I...never really had a change of heart. I always...sort of...felt this way, just...maybe I was too afraid to admit it." She sighed as she shook her head then looked at him again, this time feeling her heart racing. He really did have beautiful eyes unlike hers...

The next thing she knew her lips were against his. She wasn't sure what she was doing but she really didn't care.
Elvina kissed him more urgently and harder than before, her hands raising from her lap before holding his cheeks. Then she lifted herself so that she was kneeling and pressed herself against Diente. She didn't know that she had said words that hurt him. She didn't really think back to find out what she'd done. All she was aware of was the here and now and he hoped Diente wouldn't push her away.
Elvina felt her chest tighten and she pulled back, now looking down at Diente. She hesitated a moment, not really realising how he hadn't reacted back at all that much. She had been too focused on the longing she had felt right then.

She sat back down and closed her eyes tightly, "I'm sorry. You're probably confused. I would be too if I were you." She let out a long sigh, "Gods. I could hear what you were...thinking right then. I let my barriers drop. How I said I'm too old for you." She ran her fingers through her hair, "You know that's a lie, don't you? I don't really think that. Well, maybe a little but that was before, before you were eighteen. You're old enough now. I just..." She covered more of her face with her palm, "I wish I could make you understand Diente, though I don't completely understand myself. I don't know why I'm making myself so confused and...confusing to others but..." she trailed off. She didn't feel like explaining. What was the use? It seemed that Diente didn't want her after all.

She stood up, straightening her dress without looking at him as she said, "I...I'd better go before I..." she whispered, "Screw things up. I'm sorry." With that she headed away, unaware of the demons watching her right then. The brother of the one she had killed on the day Diente had fallen for her the first time was amongst them, displeased with the fact she wasn't on her own just yet. Then again, maybe the'd have their chance a little later for him to have his vengence.
Elvina stopped walking, frowning, back to her old self as she glanced back at him, "Running away from you? What makes you think I'm running away from you, huh?" She folded her arms as she turned to look at him, "And I'm not rambling in a panic. What make you think I ramble in a panic. I just sometimes ramble because it's a habit. I get that from mother. Doesn't help that she does it an awful lot when she's nervous but i don't do it when I'm nervous. I just do it more naturally like Melan. CRUD!" Elvina shook her head, frowning darker, "and it's not amusing."
Elvina growled, "I'll hit you in a minute. Honestly." she sighed before asking, "So what else is bothering you, huh? It's embarrassing enough for me as it is doing what I did."
"well something's up," Elvina said a little harshly and looked away from him, "You're a hard one to figure out, you know that?"

A rustle of something caught her attention and she looked into the darkness that overshadowed them, uncertain if it was nothing at all or something she didn't want around.

© Copyright 2006 Elsie Blossom, (known as GROUP).
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