Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1130439-My-True-Love
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Novella · Relationship · #1130439
who your true love is
In order for you to start writing you must first fill out a short description of your character.
(remember this information is about your character and not you)

True Love:
Details about Relationship:

Remember you make everything what YOU want it to be. You are the authors of this unfinished story.
Keep it interesting and ongoing. You might find yourself addicted to the twisted plot.
Also, I would like for everyone to make their first addition using the bio. I need for you all to do this in order for the stories to enter-twine with each other. The writing should all just flow into one another.
Name:DeAngela Simon
Age:15 1/2-me 15 3/4-De'Vonte
True Love:DeVonte' Stevenson
Heritage/Backround:West Indian and Dominican-me
Details about Relationship:We have been together since we were both 14 (1 1/2 years). DeVonte' and I are very much in love and are planning on getting married, if we last that long. We were voted couple of the year ever in 9th grade, and we were nominated for couple of the year again for 10th grade. We both want to go to the same college and prove to everyone that we can be high school sweethearts. His birthday is April 18, 1991, and my birthday is July 18, 1991.
Name: Caroline Reed

Age: 17 Love's Age: 19

Heritage/Background: Caroline= Southern caucasion, with blonde hair, blue eyes, small and petite. Paulo= Spanish, dark with black hair and blue eyes, big and muscular.

Religion: Caroline is unaffiliated but Paulo is a Catholic.

Details of Relationship: Paulo and Caroline met when they were about 16 years old and hated each other when they first met. Paulo thought that Caroline was a presumptious rich girl, and Caroline thought he was ungentlemenly and coarse. But soon, after many passionate fights they learned that they were in love. Paulo is very jealous about his love-he doesn't like when other men look at Caroline (who is fair and beautiful) and Caroline is always getting in trouble-which keeps Paulo on his toes, trying to take care of her. Paulo goes to college and has a job, and Caroline is about to go to the same college. The two love each other very much-a Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler type of love. Sometimes their fights are hotter than their kisses.

"I can't believe it!" Caroline brought back her hand as if to hit Paulo, but he caught her hand in mid-air.

"Well, believe it heart of mine," he scoffed at her, pinning her arms back-scared of her wrath despite himself. She was three times littler than he was, but she could punish him in ways worse than physical.

"You can't leave, Paul-I'll...I'll kill myself!"

Paulo let go of her wrist and grabbed her shoulders. "You'll do no such thing! Even though you're vain and petty, you aren't that selfish. Besides, who would take care of your little sister, Amy? Or your pets, or your drunken 'daddy'? Don't talk such nonsense."

Caroline's face went white. She and Paulo were standing on the back porch of her white, columned Tudor house. Ever since Carloline's mother died two years before, Caroline was in charge of her family, her pets, the house, and making money. Paulo had been helping out as much as he could-but now he was leaving to do research with his college professor.

"Oh, Paul, I can't do these things without you. Besides, you'll go off and meet another woman. An older woman. And you'll forget poor old little Caroline here." Caroline's Southern drawl became exaggerated, as it did in times when she was trying to win Paulo over.

He laughed her off. "I wouldn't worry about you if you had no job, and Amy suddenly got struck down with polio. You're too fiesty to go down without a fight. I'll be back before you know it. And-with no other woman in mind but you."

Caroline still fretted. What would happen to little five year old Amy if she had to be left with Mr. Reed all day? But Caroline stood her ground and walked away from Paul.

"You're leaving me in my time of need, baby. Don't think I can forgive you for this."

Paul took her arm. "You'll forgive me. And one day, we'll be married. This will all be ours."

"It's already mine, " Caroline said huffily. "And I hate it."


True love:Spencer

Heritage/background: I am Swedish/Frence...Spencer is German/Polish.

Religion:Both Cristian--Lutheran

Details of relationship: I met Spencer in 7th grade by the teacher pairing us up for an assignment. He was just staring at me and I finally cracked: "I LOVE YOU!" I shouted. The entire class heard. But it was well-worth it! Our first date was at a restaurant where I choked on a mint and he saved me! From there we just fell in love and have been dating ever since.

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