Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1100647-Perfect-Child-Academy
by Robin
Rated: GC · Campfire Creative · Other · Thriller/Suspense · #1100647
Turning your teenagers into happy, perky, perfect clones.
"Welcome to P.C. Academy." The lady says cheerfully. "I really think you'll like it here." Your eyes wonder upon a portrait of a very pretty lady. You swear her eyes are looking straight into your soul and you get the feeling that your stay isn't going to be as pleasant as you'd hoped.


1. Write in First-Person
2. Romance is accepted.
3. Sex? For christ sakes, just don't go into detail...
4. Swear words are absolutely fine by me.
5. Umm...you might want a character...so try this on for size:

Is Labeled As:
Skin Tone:
Occupation (For drop outs or kicked outs?):
Anything I Forgot To Put:

Customize it to fit your character!
Name: Cassie Layla Falms
Age: 16
Is Labeled As: Emo
Height: 5'4
Weight: 101 lb
Hair: Dark brown hair with black and red streaks. The length is a little above her chin.
Eyes: Hazel
Skin Tone: Extremely pale
Personality: Funny, brave, and loud. She never keeps her thoughts to herself and always finds something to laugh at. Cassie's easy to get along with if you make friends with her from the start.
School: Drop Out
Occupation: The vocalist in the popular band 'Killing Cupid With One Night Stands' which includes her and 4 guys. They have a record out and everything.
Anything I Forgot To Put: Her parents didn't like what she did with her life so they took her and put her in the academy.


"No T.V., no radio, no phones. All they let you have is your music, thank god for that." I said as I look over the pamplet.

"You'll be fine." My father replied.

"I doubt that." I mumbled. "Jones already yelled at me...and David didn't seem too happy either."

"You know what, darling, your music career can wait." My mother added. "I want you to get an education." I groaned as we pulled up to the old mansion. It seemed like we just drove into a diffrent time period.


"Well, follow me." The lady said. I glanced at the picture once more then followed her. "You get the attic room." We walked up a spiral staircase into the attic. "Your uniform is in the wardrobe in the corner. I suggest you get washed up for supper."

"Alright, thanks." I replied. She nodded and left.
Name:Dublin Lee Lark
Is Labeled As:Loner
Weight:178, kind of lanky but still muscular
Hair:Has Auburn colored hair that is cut in a messy, shaggy cut
Eyes:Dark Green
Skin Tone:Slightly Tanned
Personality:Quiet, keeps to himself.Known to get good grades.Friendly when he has to be.Stands up for waht he believes in.But not known to have a temper.True romantic at heart and never has had a girlfriend.Hes into writting and Music.PLays guitar
School:Has gone to public school his whole life.
Occupation:None at the moment.Currently aspires to be a writter
Anything I Forgot To Put:He only lives with his mom.Got a scholarship to the school so his mom made him take it
Name: Athrun Sanag

Age: 18

Is Labeled As: Mysterious

Height: 5'9

Weight: 165

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Skin Tone: White yet tanned a bit

Personality: Very observant. Tries not to interact unless it has a purpose. Extremely loyal person to friends if he makes any, but is also sensitive to people he is close to. Also very cunning and smart, and will use this to his advantage in life.

School: A private school but after his parents died, the government sent him to this school.

Occupation (For drop outs or kicked outs?):Kicked out

Anything I Forgot To Put: Athrun would've ran away from the government but was too slow. He is now forced into a school in which his instinct tells him something is going to happen.


I look at the lady as he's escorting some kid to an attic room upstairs. As soon as she leaves, I move around as fast as I can peering into other rooms to understand what type of school this is. I did this because I have rarely heard of this school, and suddenly after my parents death I am now being sent here by sheer force.

"How nice," I thought. Not only am I stuck in this school, but why does it have to give me the creeps as well? As I peer into another room, I hear the unmistable sounds of footsteps as the ladies begins her decent down the stars. Moving fast, I run towards the bottom of the stairs and put a look of neutral as she comes down.

"Well child, welcome. Let me show you to your room and then we can discuss about the school," she said.

I had to admit, if it wasn't for my will power alone, I would've stepped back a bit after the way she kept smiling at me. Keeping my face expresionless, I walked upstairs with her wondering what the hell is going to happen to me here.
Hmm...interesting uniform. I thought as I slid the white knee length dress on. I had some difficulty buttoning the back up but after a while finally managed to do it. The dress was very frilly and lacey and had a huge black ribbon that was supposed to tie in the back but I didn't bother with it. Instead, I walked over to the barred windows and looked out at the courtyard. This place was gigantic, I mean, who knows what things people could keep secret here. There was a huge graveyard too and I found that sorta frightening. The lady walked back in.

"Dinner's in 5 minutes." She said with a smile.

"Thanks for letting me know." I replied.

"You're welcome." She walked out. I tried on the shoes that went with the uniform but they didn't fit so I put on some knee high socks and my slip-on vans then I went to the dining hall.

"Cassie!" Some lady called. "We're so glad to have you here!" She turned to the full table. "Everyone, this is our little rockstar, Cassie!" Only two people seemed to know who I was and they were the two guys with no posture sitting next to each other with an empty seat in the middle. A girl tried to sit in between them but I ran and slid into the chair before she sat down.
A Non-Existent User
Name: Lily Watson

Age: 16

Is Labeled As: nerd

Height: 4'8"

Weight: 90 lbs

Hair: black, cut very short

Eyes: deep blue

Skin Tone: brownish

Personality: introverted. Doesn't deal with reality well. Tends to talk too much and gets flustered easily. Usually manages to stay pleasent and upbeat.

School: one of the top high schools in the nation.

Occupation (For drop outs or kicked outs?): none

Anything I Forgot To Put: Has always been smart and a good student, but has begun to act out of late. After infecting her school's network with a virus, Lily's parents sent her to the achademy.
I walked around the school the next day.Wondering if I would at least meet one friend here.I had lost my tounge when we were at dinner last night.She was so beautiful and.....Man I'm such a wimp.I decided to go to the office to get my schedule for tommorow.
I turned the corner and accidentally bumped into someone, knocking her stuff over.
Bending down I tryed to pick it up.I gave her stuff back to her and looked into her eyes.

"I'm SO sorry.I should pay more attention to where I am going."We both stood up.

I stuck out my hand."I'm Dublin."

She blushed a little and shoke it."Lily...Lily Watson."

"Well Lily, I have to go now.But I hope to see you around."
"New students come everytime," I thought to myself as I looked around. Everyone was dressed in the same uniform. At least, the ones who have fully attended school for at least a couple of days. The girls wore a dress while the guys wore some weird uniform.

"It's like they want to drain us of our very identity itself," I continued saying in my mind. And yet, something didn't feel right. It was weird but as I continued walking around and listening to my fellow peers talk to each other, I could hear some weird differences. There were the kids that were like regular teens. Talking about music, girls, guys, other type of shit. But then there were the kids that seemed to be different. They seemed to not only talk perfectly or act all happy, but like they were drones. Perfect happy drones. I don't know if I was overreacting but the place definitly freaked me out.

As I continued walking I noticed a dark brown hair girl with black and red streaks walking near me. Looking fimiliar, I realized that her name was Cassie. I remember when I was hovering outside the room where dinner was taking place, and listened to the conversations taking place. She was a singer in a band, and had a bit of popularity. As I got a good look at her, I noticed something else.

She was very good to look at.

Smiling at this thought, I stopped dead in my tracks and looked past her out the window. I noticed what looked to be a woman who wore what looked to be a labratory uniform walking around the graveyard field. As I was staring, Cassie noticed my stop and asked, "Hey. What's wrong?"

I glanced at her and said, "I noticed someone was walking in the graveyard."

She looked through the window as well and looked around. "No one is there. Hey what's your name by the way?"

I looked back and saw that the labratory woman was no where in site. As I told Cassie my name, there was only one thought going through my mind. What is going on here?
A Non-Existent User
I stared down at my plate as I ate my dinner. It really wasn't a bad first day. Not really. At least I had managed not to say anything stupid. Or much at all. I could see only my plate, but I knew that they were all watching, judging me, just waiting for me to slip up so they can rub it in my face.

That kid I had met before-Dublin, I think-sat down across from me. He didn't say anything for awhile. That was fine with me. My social ineptness was a constant problem. At this point it was mostly better not to try.

Finally he spoke up. "What a day, eh? I thought high school was bad, but this is something else. Maybe it would be easier if they only had one student and cloned him."

I kept staring at my food. "That wouldn't be practical," I said, "they need student tuition to keep this place going. Cloning is expensive in and of itself, and without all the checks coming in they wouldn't be able to hire anyone or buy any books or computers or anything. Maybe not even keep the building. It would be like building an amusement park and not allowing customers in or something, or making a website and blocking every server. I did that at my old school, although it was more of a prank, really. It isn't like I would actually create a website and not allow people to go on, I just blocked the school's server. That got a lot of people mad at me, although it's not like I wanted to bother anyone, I just wanted to see if I could, you know, just because I thought I could and wanted to try. It's like..." I realised what I was doing and stopped short, still staring at my off-green peas.

I peeked up and saw Dublin just sitting there staring to my left. I realized that I had been subconciously tapping my left hand on the table this whole time. I snatched it away and put both hands in my lap. Sometimes I have nervous ticks and I don't notice. I just kept eating and tried to avoid everyone's eyes.
"You know..." I jumped in. "I'm sitting right here and umm, I've been kind of listening to your conversation and I also don't think they'd clone." Both of them stared at me. "Well, I mean, I can see mass murder then all of them coming back as ghosts. If you believe that stuff like I do. This place would be really easy to hide it, it's just so big. There must be secret tunnels, underground routes and things like that. You know?" They didn't say anything in reply. "I'm probably talking too much huh? The name's Cassie."

"I'm Dublin." One of them said.

"Nice to meet you, Dublin. And you are?" I asked the girl.

"Lily." She replied.

"You know, we should go exploring or something. In the middle of the night! That would be fun!" I whispered, making sure no one would hear.

© Copyright 2006 Robin, ~Tavin~AplogizesProfusely, ~~Mc Young~~, xx-xx, (known as GROUP).
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