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by Megz
Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Romance/Love · #1082207
She lived, she loved, she never learned...but this time death may await..
She live, she loved, she never learned. All her life she had been falling for all the "perfect" guys that broke her heart. She now vowed that she would find someone that was out of place with flaws..never again would she fall for the perfect guy. One day, she bumps into this AMAZING guy! he seems everything she ever dreamed! Mabey it wouldn't hurt to go back on my vow this one simple time...just once. But she was never more surprised when she found out that her "perfect" guy was only after one thing....her life. Yes, he was a genuine mage...well in training. The only thing left to make him full-fledge powerful, was the life of a young women and guess what...she was it! Would he give up his magic for the girl he has somehow fallen for, or would his craving for power override all other feelings.

In a world (or worlds) where death is a thing of power these people need to learn not only how to survive, but how to love unconditionally. A mad man has recently been given a place of power, so now the elementals and mages are in a political battle to gain grounds for education.

Maximum: 6 characters (3 boys, 3 girls)
(So far we have 2 girls and one guy...heh.)

Bio Blocks



Career (mage, elemental, mortal lives..etc,):


Background info:

name: Misteek
age: 20
Career: certified accountant, mortal
Personality: forgiving, trusts easily, believes in magic, blonde, cluts, but willing to learn, not a genius, but not stupid, wants the world to be her friend.
Background Info: Orphaned at age 3, lived with her grandparents in Idaho Falls, Idaho until age 19, went to college at Boise State university. Works in boise now
Other: wants a fairytale romance, and always seems to get hurt

Misteek sat with a box of chocolates open before her nursing her latest mistake- Brandon Doig. She had given him the best 8 weeks of her life and how did he repay her?...he went clubing with his friends on thier two month aniversary and then broke up with her over the answering machine!!
A Non-Existent User

Age: 18

Career: elemental, fire

Personality: Her personality fits her hair color, Red. She's quick to anger, quick to fight. She has a sarcastic problem, which gets her in trouble with the elders of her elemental clan. She's never been in love, but she's never had time. When people look beyond her fiery exterior, she holds a certain compassion. Her friends are the first to say she wants to correct everyones problem.

Background info: She has no family, only her elemental clan. Even they treat her with distast because no one in the clan is a fire element, only water and plant. Her last friend died in the mage vs. elemental war. She has just finished her Masters test to become a master at her element.

Other: She's run from her clan in the wilderness of Northern Idaho (her clan was one of the few that stayed in this dimension) to Boise, Idaho. She's been trying to find a mortal job.
Name: Gable (Sin) Syndel

Age: 21

Career: Mage (Almost)

Personality: He is cold-hearted and cruel without an ounce of sympathy in him, he hates people and it shows in his day-to-day proceedings. He is snarky and cantankerous, and has been known to make people cry because he is so mean. He hates people who quit and can't stand the unintelligent, his pride is his knowledge and his wit that can cut anyone down off their high-horse. But underneath his hard exterior he could be a good person, if he had a reason to be so.

Physical: He is tall and powerful-looking with long, sleek muscles and sharp features. His eyes are a midnight blue that seem to peer into the very soul of whomever looks into them. He has luxurious black hair that falls around his face in thick ringlets that always fall to cover his face. He has a silver choker that wouldn't look out of place on an egyptian king and a bracelet that travels up the entire length of his left forearm. His rings are silver as well, one on either middle finger, both in different Celtic knots and a third on his left thumb that is a family crest with a lion and a horse on either side.

Background info: He grew up in an abusive family and wound up killing them after they made a botched attempt to do so to him. He bears many scars from them and strives to rise above what they have done. He hates pity with a passion and refuses to let anyone look at him like that.

Other: He is powerful enough on his own, but hw will never settle for less than the best if he can help it, hence the reason to seek someone with enough personal stamina to use to kindle the flames on his magic to an even higher level.
Megz needs attention::
I don't exactly know how to go about this (first time and all, but I have a friend who wants to join so I don't know it I want to have you skip so he can write or what..but oh well.)
Sin rolled his eyes impatiently at the girl that strugged to meet his demands, gathering the goods he wanted, nearly in tears as he refused anything that had even the slightest bit wrong with it. "You truly are a pathetic creature." He sneered disdainfully and that was the last straw for the girl.

She burst into tears, crumpling on the ground, his apples scattering over the dirt, "Take your apples you bastard!" She cried, "You'll never care for anyone and no one will care for you!"

He sneered at her, gathering his things, "Your words mean nothing to me, I'd rather be who I am than a sobbing dog who cannot please it's master." He threw a bruised apple back on the stand and walked off, dropping a few pence on the table as her sobs renewed.


It was going to be a long night, Sin could already tell with all the people crowding the inn he was staying in. People bustled about, purchasing booze and smokes, laughing loudly and making merry with others; it ate at him, he who had never had... "Shut up, Sin." He hissed at himself angrily, self-pity was not a pleasant emotion and he hated it, hating himself even more for feeling it. He sipped his glass of red wine carefully, his senses alert for the drunkards that wandered around him, sparing him a glance or two, but always passing quickly when catching sight on his hostile expression. Even the barlady avoided him unless he gestured that he wanted a new glass of something or another. His blue eyes bored into the back of a burly barbarian as he laughed raciously at a dirty joke that would not be told in polite company.

The man seemed to suddenly sense his eyes and turned to face Sin, standing at the challenge that was obviously in his eyes, "You, traveller, what say you to an arm-wrestling match?" The barbarian asked him and Sin sneered at him.

"I wouldn't waste my time." He said, making to leave.

"Not so fast, wanderer." The burly man said, as a few of his friends blocked Sin's exit. "I asked you to a match and you're going to damn well give me one."

Sin yawned, bored, "I won't, your hands have, no doubt, been up far too many ladies skirts to be sanitary and I'd fair well without syphillis, thank you." Sin's condescending voice apparently cut through the man's heavy head, because he turned an ugly shade of puce, and his left eyebrow twitched in anger.

"Make him sit, boys." The burly man spat, taking a seat in the proferred chair.

"I would bet on another body tonight, Lucia." The barlady said to the waitress with a sigh.

Sin glanced their way and raised a brow as a soft breeze of supernatural air trickled through the air at his command, relaxing him with the little rush of adrenaline that using his magic gave him, "I wouldn't ladies." He said, an evil smirk working it's way across his face as the group of men shoved him in a chair and yanked his hand onto the table to be nearly engulfed by his opponent.

"Gonna teach you a lesson, traveller." He laughed, "On'y fair ya know your enemies name, I'm Caidge, and you traveller?"

"Sin." Was all he said.

"Sin? What kind of name is that?" One man said.

"You know there's a magical prodigy, I hear, named Sin." The barlady murmured, loud enough only for Sin himself to hear and he smirked in response to her comment.

"Caidge! Caidge, I don't think..." She tried after seeing his smile.

"Shaddup, Marta!" Caidge said, "Gonna make him pay for insulting me."

"One, two, ..."

"Three!" Caidge said, throwing his arm into pushing Sin down, but the traveller's hand moved not an inch.

Sin's magic rushed through his body as he created the illusion and held it there, his hands resting in his lap as the image of his hand moved fractionally towards Caidge's end, "Never challenge wanderer's, Caidge." Sin said, as he pulled shadows around his hands and the image, releasing the illusion and sending the barbarian to the floor with a horrendous crash as the shadows swirled around the man and began suffocating him, "Mage's should never be fought with. Don't mess around, we don't." Sin stepped over the man and left, only releasing the shadows when he was too far away to hold them any longer.

© Copyright 2006 Megz, Chee the Fabulous, Virgo, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1082207-THE-VOW-SHE-DIDNT-KEEP