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by lazy
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1076593
Distortation rules the world. It's your destiny to keep it balanced. (Open)
Monsters enter Earth to search for Magic Sources to restore their world. Magic Sources are places or objects on Earth that has unlimited magic power. In their search for the Sources, they cause distortions everywhere. Land are defaced, buildings are destroyed, and human lives are taken. Balancers are chosen to keep the distortion from going too far and keep the world in balanced. Those who are worthy are able to read the contents of the Novels of Balance and cast the spells it contain. They become magicians and also Balancers.

To avoid a very long introduction, I made this guide. Please read it first.

 Balancers Guide  (E)
This is a guide to my campfire, Balancers.
#1076613 by lazy

1. Keep swearing to a limit.
2. No killing off characters without their and my permission.
3. 4 days to add or be skipped.
4. Have fun(as usual).

Start off with a bio like this:

Novel(Leave this out for non-magicians):

Well, I really meant that there are only 1 copy of each Novel, but I forgot to mention that so I guess there can be multiple copies now. :)
Name: Jake Hartman
Age: 20
Novel: Time
Weapon: A light, wooden staff about 4 feet long. It has a red jewel near the top of the staff.
Looks: 6'0 with a nice, good build. He has brown hair and gray eyes.
Personality: He is optimistic and idealistic. He always tries to look on the good side of things. He avoids thinking about the bad consequences of his actions as they affect his concentration.
Background: He was orphaned at 8 years old. He learned to be independant and do things by himself.

Jake watched the destruction as people ran past him. The monster swung its giant hammer around, destroying buildings in its path.

"Too much people," He said, pulling out a book.

It was on a black strap which he used to carry the Novel around. Then he took out his staff which he also kept a strap and he kept his staff on his back. Then he pulled out a small notepad and pen from his back pocket. He flipped the book open to a bookmarked page and opened his notepad. He then started copying down words from the page.

"Timuo Sadetre: Time Freeze," He chanted.

The words floated off his notepad and gathered around the staff. But as soon as it reached the red jewel, they disappeared.

"Damn, still not ready yet."

He put his notepad back into his back packet and flung the staff onto his back. Then he flipped the book to another page.

"Fliede: Fly."

Two, white feathered wings showed itself from Jake's back. Each one was about 3/4 of the size of Jake. He soared into the air and flew towards the monster.

"Jakendreto: Stun Blast."

A white ball of light appeared in Jake's hand. Then it flew towards the monster and hit it right in the chest. The monster fell down to the ground, paralyzed.

"Meiderotof Reipoluko: Energy Slash."

Light gathered around Jake's right arm and turned it into a long dagger, shining with bright, white light. Jake soared down to the monster and slashed at the monster's chest. The monster's chest shattered into little pieces and so did the rest of it as Jake slashed.

His arm restored itself and the wings disappeared. Jake then ran off before anyone could see him.
Name: Willow Fora
Age: 16
Novel: Elementals
Weapon: A silver dagger, etched in signature designs and two emeralds at the base.
Looks: Flowing red hair which it kept secure with a leather band, sparkling green eyes, and slight of body reaching only around 4'11.
Personality: While small, she is vibrant and always takes on the task ahead with zeal. She is a hard-worker and tends to get obsessive over her duties.
Background: She was raised in a large city where people tended to dote upon her, much to her ultimate dislike, but her family suffered a financial loss and was shunned. Being that her father could no longer support them, she and her sister were sent away to live in a small town by the woods. There she met a magician who taught her in his ways and how to fight the forces of evil.

“Ember, step back now!” Willow charged at the beast with a passion as her younger sister scurried off to safety. “What was I thinking,” Willow thought as she dived away from a blow, “taking Ember with me on the hunt? Was I utterly mad?” She caught sight of her sister’s raven hair exiting the confines of the woods and felt a wave of relief. At least she was safe now. Seeing that her attention was elsewhere, the beast gave a vicious swipe of its massive claw. With reflexes that would have caused a cat to be envious, Willow ducked away, wound her leg about, and knocked the monster off his feet.

“‘Come on, Willow, just this once. I won’t get hurt.’ Pfft, yeah right.”
Putting her dagger away for a brief moment, she pulled out the Novel that always resided in her bag and fished about for the page as the monster struggled to stand back up.

“No, no, you don’t have to move on my account, darling,” Willow muttered as she gave the beast a passionate punch in the gut. The monster gave out a sickening roar and charged to his feet, knocking Willow down with his immense frame. “Well, that is going to hurt in the morning… or right now. Ouch.” With that, she blew back the stray hair from her eyes and flipped back up to the ground. “All right, now I am ticked off.” Before the beast could do anymore damage, Willow gripped a hold of her jeweled dagger that now lay resident at her hip and pulled it back out once more. She snapped the book shut and slammed the dagger into the earth. “Denatius: earth cover!”

The earth sprang up and swallowed the beast with a mighty gulp. Willow let out a laugh as she wiped a bit of blood from the corner of her mouth. “Now that’s good eatin’. High in fiber.” In all truth, she knew that it was an easy kill, normally they were much more difficult but this one was young and foolish. “Much like someone else I know,” she hissed, thinking back about Ember. Now it was time for her to have a little talk with her younger sister.
Name: Tom Jayeson
Age: 19
Novel: Teleportation
Weapon: Sword
Looks: Brown hair, fair skin and hazel eyes. He's about 6'5 and enjoys his height. He's a lengthy young man.
Personality: Lives for the moment always. He doesn't like to think about the future because he's so unsure of himself. All he knows when he's fighting is that there's him and his opponent, and he likes that. He used to be very concerned about the future and very stressed out taking all the units he could get. Now he's dropped out and is just wandering the land to control these creatures his professor told him about.
Background: Tom is on his own for the first time. He took a myth class in college for some extra units and turned out to be the only one there. They turned out to be great friends. The professor taught him how to use these teleportation skills and all about these beasts.


Tom appeared in a cloud of smoke. He held his breath and walked out of the cloud. He looked around where the land was still and quiet.

"Did I get the wrong place?" he wondered out loud. The ground was unnaturally soft. That was obvious. He sighed and cursed to himself. Someone had beat him to the fun.
A Non-Existent User
Name: Violet Carmel

Age: 16

Novel: Statistics

Weapon: bow and arrow and a small silver dagger

Looks: Violets hair is a deep dark brown that almost looks black. Her eyes are a pale purple, thus where her name Violet comes from. She is tall for her age and is to skinny, despite all the junk food she eats.

Personality: Violet likes to keep to herself but she does have a temper once someone really angers her. She feels that it is her need to help everyone in the world. Even if that means the death of her.

Background: Violets mother sent her away when her village was attacked. Her father was a general in the army and was sent away. Violet has made it her mission to find her mother and father and reunite them as a family.
Violet watched as the monster walked towards her. She didn't really feel like fighting anyone right now.

But the beast had other ideas. Letting out a yell, the monster charged at the girl. Violet let out a screach and got out of the way.

Falling to the floor in her haste, the young girl tried to pull her novel out of the satchel that she was accustomed to carrying it in.

The ground began to rumble and Violet looked up to the face of the monster.

"Great," Violet grumbled as she kicked the monster in the face and did a back flip. Pulling with all her might Violet was able to pull her novel out of her sack.

The monster was getting angry but Violet didn't have time to amuse it. Flipping through the pages she found the spell she was looking for.

"Apilo: stun shield". The monster ran towards Violet and straight into the shield. The monster convulsed and then fell. Quickly, Violet grabbed her sword and with a single grunt, stabbed the monster in the throat.

Violet looked at the monster and felt bad for killing it but she knew what had to be done.

Walking away Violet picked up her novel and satchel and continued her walk towards civilizatoin.
Name: Joseph Carrington
Age: 24
Novel: Balancing
Weapon: Sword
Looks: He's sightly darker then charmel, stands 6'2inches, has emerald green eyes, gray and black hair, he has a medium muscular build.

Personality: Likes to stay to himself most of the time, takes time for him to warm up to people.
Background: Having been abandoned by his parents when he was young, Joseph was raised in an orphanage then given to a adopted family where he was beaten by the father till he ran away at the age of 16 then met an old man by the name of Alexander Stevenson who taught him the ways of of the sword and balancing.

It was a cold night Joesph was out on his way home from the store when he saw fire and devastation.

Joseph looked around to see if anyone was hurt, he saw two bodies lying motionless on the ground he ran over then saw the massive beast that had done all the destruction.

Joseph pulled out his his sword from te sheath on his back.

"Wow your a big guy"

Joseph took out his black marker and wrote a incantation on the blade then shouted

"Menflinso: Flame Sword"

Joseph's sword lit on fire, he ran toward the beast ducking below the beasts massive claw that came swiping close to him then jumped and cut the forearm of the monster, it cried out in pain then swung it's other claw and hit Joseph knocking him back into a building wall. Joseph got up dusted himself off and wiped blood that was coming from his lip.

"Well that wasn't too smart on my part"

he laughed to himself then took his novel from his backpack flipping through pages as he hide from the monster behind the wall the monster knocked him into, he read some pages then picked up a piece of the building and wrote on it with his marker and put his novel back in his pack.

Joseph threw the piece of building toward the monster then shouted.

"Salaron: Sun flare "

The little piece flared up like the sun blinding the monster, Joseph ran jumped and sliced into the beasts belly. After the beast lay dead Joseph looks at the two bodies then says

"I'm sorry I didn't make it here before you lost your life but I'll make things right."

he looked at the building the monster destroyed then pulled his novel out and read some pages then took his pad out and wrote a incantation down then said

"Ackmendous: Repair"

The words from the pad seemed to come alive and grew bigger and bigger then went around repairing all the broken and shattered debris made by the monster.

Joseph walked over to the two bodies and on his arms he wrote somethin then place his hands on the two bodies and shouted

"Relivous: Revive"

his arms shined bright and the light from his arms seemed to drain from his arms and into their bodies when it was over they began to stir while Joseph half collasped from draing so much of his energy to bring them back to life, he crawled behind the building he had just fixed and saw the distortion made by the monster and took his novel out once more and wrote on his pad he tore the paper from the pad he written on and threw it near the distortion and said

"Menfindo: Seal"

A blue light shined closing the distortion with that all done Joseph passed out..
A Non-Existent User

Novel:Beast Control
Weapon:She owns long sword with a sheath belted to her waist and a metal ribbed scarf stained a rusty red with blood.
Looks: She has short black hair, that she hacked off herself, hazel eyes and tanned skin.
Personality: Daelyn is extremely solemn. She almost never smiles anymore, now that her brother is gone. She is always making rash decisions, and usually ends up regretting them later, much like her brother. And on top of it all she has an extremely short temper. She can sometimes be really cold and heartless, but other times really kind.
Background: Her elder brother, Lief, disappeared when she was only ten. It was believed that a monster murdered him. Her parents, though loving, could never make up for the loss of her brother. When her next-door-neighbor, an old lady who was on her deathbed, gave her the novel, she left home without a second thought.

Daelyn fingered the smooth, worn surface of the...no her novel. Her freedom. It had given her a valid reason to convince herself to leave home. Not that it was her home anymore. It had stopped being her home the second Leif had disappeared. With a moan of despair Daelyn flopped onto the tall grasses. It’s hopeless. No food, no water, no anything.
A ground shaking thump reminded her of her purpose. Oh right, the monsters! Pressing herself against the ground, she slowly inched toward the direction of the thumps, novel still in hand. She was nearly next to the monster when the thumps where joined by a dog’s howl. Imagining the worst, Daelyn jumped up from her hiding position. The monster had cornered a small dog, and was creeping towards it.
“Leave him alone!” Daelyn shrieked, throwing a rock at the monster’s head. The rock didn’t make any difference, as the monster just continued towards the dog and picked it up. Daelyn opened her novel and began flipping through it frantically. Finally, she found what she had been looking for.
“Adiocra:come here” She could feel the power drain from her body little by little as the monster set down the dog and began moving toward her. Daelyn unsheathed her sword, and extended her arm, so that the sword was straight in front of her. The monster was forced to walk straight into it. It let out a yowl of pain, but Daelyn just shoved the sword in deeper. At last, the ugly beast was silenced.
Daelyn sluggishly crawled over to the dog, who was whimpering with pain, and began stroking it comfortingly. Within seconds, both dog and girl were fast asleep.
A Non-Existent User
Name: Brim Bil
Age: 20
Novel: #4 Beast control
Weapon: 50 lb full metel Sledge Hammer
Looks: stands around 5'11. Long striat brown hair with brown determind eyes. he is barrel chested with huge arms but stubby legs.
Personality: was raised in a very weathy house hold where he grew to dislike people who thought they were better then anyone else. ran away from home several times before he was givin his novel. He hates prissy people. Hates people who think their godly. he pretty much just hates poeple, thats why he was glad to have his beasts.
Background: Was choosen to be a balancer, but got tired of the arogance. the stupidity. the utter "im better than you" attiude that all balancers have so he has vowed to destroy them all.....very very painfully.


"You want balance? Ill give you a litle balance in your life you pompous freak!" Brim yelled grabbing for his novel from its place on his thigh. Brim smelled the air. "ahh theres a beast near by. Let me introduce you to him." brim flipped through his book rather slowly enjoying the sight of the young balancer tied to the now bloddy tree. "You know balancer. you could have lived, that is if you would have just answered my question. all i wanted to know is which way to the next town. BUT NOO im not good enough for an answer. Well we'll see how you like being under someones foot....literally!" Brim cackeled has he stopped to the page he needed.
"Enardo kay daloogle far zen fut."
He giggled to himself as a ver large misshapen creature stomped out of the trees,and stagered towardsthe scared but very awake balancer.
"now go my friend before these nearby balancer kill you" Brim told the beast before he trudded off down the road to the next town. "That's another novel for me, pretty soon ill have all i need!"
Name:Zane Gardina
Age: 19
Novel: elementals
Weapon: He has a scythe etched with carvings of magic.
Looks:He is tall and lean and slim. He has tan skin and jade eyes. He also has white hair that is to his eyes.
Personality:He is smart and funny. He is a little more serious at times. He can have a god time though.
Background:He was raised in a huge city and grew up being a librarian. He found the book of elementals there and he has been practicing ever since.

© Copyright 2006 lazy, Sir Bob the Wise, Ariana the Sequel, xx-xx, Lonewolf, xx-xx, xx-xx, Evra Von was Zircron, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
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