Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1048069-the-story-of-ka
Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Other · Drama · #1048069
the story of the boy name ka
The town of kill sat of the bank of a river. The town is big and old and fall down around the head of the people that live in the small wood home. the year our stroy stat when ka is born it to the family of 20 he is not care about he lay in is bed crying for hour and what he got is not a lot of food in the fisrt place. he gown up he is small he rid show though his clother when he turn four he mother have other baby. Ka worry a lot for a little boy. he hate here his little baby sister cry. so one day he tell someone about his baby siste. The woman laugh at ka and say who care what a little boy though so she kick him. Ka limp home and eat the little food he got and lay in bed listen to the all the poepel sleep around him. He have a dream at nigth about him doing something great one day. he wake up in the monring when he is eat is pancakes her tell his family he have a draem about do something great the all laugh at him and say he would be just like all the other in the family poor and framer and that is all you are good for say his father coldly the other nod and go back to eat. Ka feel bad he look at his pancake he wish not to beilver his family he guess it is ture look at all he family they all farmer so he guess he would be a fram too. it boken his little four year heart to konw is. Ka family live in the town for 100 of years and all of them was farmer. One day ka do something that make the whole town to hate him. He start thinking big then all the people in the town about a river and the flooring. they call him names and ka is hit and beat with rocks. His family kick him out he just turn five year old and he is live on the street by himself. One day someone kown ka is not in town some people is worry but not a lot. ka had got in to the woods alone. The woods full with things that all no name.
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Ka found the woods an interesting place to explore, still having enough of that childish curiousity to want to look but yet being mature and old enough to know that things may not be as they seem and that he might be putting himself into imminent danger. He walked into the forest wondering what could be inside.
he walk slowly look around it do not see so bad he is tried it is hours later he sit down close his eyes fall a sleep in the woods he do not kown why he is so tired
he remmber the story about the magic in the woods
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The story he heard once when he was about three or four years old of what could lie within those woods. Fairies, pixies and elves. The way to become a Fairie forever was to eat the food they had and to never enter a fairie circle. The witches that used to live in the woods..some good, some bad. He wondered whom he was going to meet as he drifted off into a world of slumber.
eyes watch him all nigth he wake up with the sun hit him in the face and he get up and look aorund get up and walk down the path. he feel eyes on his but he couldn't see nothing
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Yet somehow he manages to sleep until he heard the rooster crowing in the morning.
ka get up slowly and walk slowly wish to he have got food but he stop at a river and lick at the water and look aorund and side "now what" his say out loud he sit there thinking
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he decided to see if the water was ok to drink. Of course he knew that water was not food, but at least it would keep him alive for a little bit longer.
ka get up walk along river walk deep in to the woods ka fall a lot he tought the trees is move he is unsure he is get a lil figthered he stop look around there is a boy about his age look at him of a tree
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"What can I say," said the boy jumping down from the tree, "except hello."
"Hi," Ka said.
"My mother is a witch who has lived in this forest for a long time, wanna come over to my place for dinner?" he asked.
Ka looked at him kind of scared..what kind of dinner? They weren't thinking of eating HIM were they?
ka back away i hope you are not go to eat me ka say scared ka fall in to river and sit up coughing get out of river and just stead there wet he shook a lil um um not sure about it
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"Why would you like us to?" the boy asked, "I don't know..I could try." With that the boy cracked up laughing.
ka just look at the boy i guess i come with you he look around and walk towand the boy. im ka nice to meet you. ka pull his hair out of his face
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"Kyle," the boy said pushing his hair out of his face.
Ka walked with the boy down a long path. To Ka it almost seemed endless till they reached a small opening with hardly any trees admist it centered perfectly sat a small villa.

"This is where I live." Kyle said opening the door.
is your mum home ? ask ka look up at the villa he is not sure if he would go in if she is there think aobut the story about the wicth cook kids to eat but why would she have a kid herself to get other kid to come with him. ka pull away of kyle um im unsure? ka look around try no to look a kyle face
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"yeah of course she is!" Kyle responded, "how else do you think I would get food to eat? She cooks it for me..and oh you have to see we have a beautiful little vegetable garden out the back and a bean stalk..now that's fun."
ka nod and look at the door and look at kyle ok so what now?
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Kyle walked outside and commenced climbing the beanstalk.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1048069-the-story-of-ka