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Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1046195
The Government has it's own secrets that are about to come undone.
It is the present. It's been going on through the past. Government funded labs studying the effects of drugs and experiments on humans. Kept low key and away from public news because of inhuman uses, the government has been trying plenty of experiments on humans.
The setting is a laboratory down south, in Texas. On the outside it's seen as just a simple Biotechnology lab. On the inside though, it's much worse.
A government plan to make better stronger breeds of humans, used for war, or everday projects. Most of the experiments deal with mixing humans and animals. Trying to come up with some sort of breed.
A plan is in effect though. A group of experiments are banding together to see what freedom might taste like.


Open to anyone interested, of course. Send me an e-mail with your character information once you ask to join. No changes will be made, unless I ask. Just want to make sure everything is in order before you post. When you post, post your character information for everyone else to see, and then your written entry.
Now, do keep in mind that -most- of the characters (espechially the first handful of them) will be part of the experiments. But, you can make a character that isn't a part of the experiments. Perhaps you could make a lab scienctest who might help them out. Or, perhaps you could make a protester against the use of human and/or animal experimentation that meets them along the way once they escape.
Character outline -

Nickname(if any):
Job: (are they an experiment, scientest, etc)
If they are an experiment, what happened to them? Do they have heighten senses, another ability. It's sci-fi, so anything can be possible. Don't god-mode though:

Name: Osias (Meaning 'Salvation' )
Nickname: Oz, O
Job: Experiment
Experiment: Ability to shift into an anthro-like jackal with the use of a drug. Somewhat heighten senses in his human form.
History: Osias grew up most of his life (23 years ) in a government facility, going through tests and tests. At young age, he was part of an experiment for the government to see if they could create some sort of super being, with the use of animal genes and human genes. The result was a being like Osias. He contains the ability to shift into an anthro-like black Jackal, with the use of a drug. He cannot shift willingly. Therefore, this experiment was a fail. Still, they put scientist in charge of this experiment, training those who were apart of it and who are like Osias, and taking notes on habits and reactions for feature tests.
Within the years, Osias was never let outside, or exposed to the outside world in any way. Anything he was exposed to was for a purpose and reason. During this time, Osias has had contact with other experiments. He is the main reason there is even a plan on escaping. His rebel-like attitude has taken to creating a scheme, even if it risks lives to get out.
Attitude: Osias can be careless and emotionless, since he hasn’t been rightfully taught or shown emotions and people skills. This attitude keeps him mainly by himself, but he does achieve a sense of leadership and responsibility with the other test subjects. He’s taken on sort of a fatherly-figure. If there’s a problem, people come to him.
Despite this, he still has a sharp tongue and cold attitude when a softer more understandable one isn’t appropriate.
Physical: Black short hair, medium build. Medium height. A normal medium sized man. Amber colored eyes though, and a slightly darker skin color. Almost tanned.
Other: Not available, at the moment.

By the way, I've decided..the first time around..post your character's outline and that's it. I'll post the first entry once I get about five people joined. Thank you.
A Non-Existent User
Name: Sherwin (Meaning Eminent in Friendship)
Nickname: The Sher
Job: Experiment
Experiment: Ability to shift into a timber wolf with the use of a drug. Somewhat heighten senses in his human form.
History: Sherwin spent the first 5 years of his life happy and peaceful with two loving parents. One dreadful night there was a car crash and both of his parents died leaving him all alone in the world. As there was no family he was taken to a foster home but he just wouldn't calm down. After a while and hearing about the human experiments his foster family, who really didn't like him all that much handed him over to the government for testing.
Attitude: Sherwin used to be a loving and gentle boy but since he lost his parents and his foster family didn't want him, he has become like a human robot. He is scared of letting anyone in or anyone knowing that he has emotions. People means pain, its the first thing he ever learned. He is more of a follower than a leader and will do what he is told when he is told it and nothing beforehand. He could be opened by the right kind of person, friend or more, but at the moment he is scared and alone.
Physical: Brown hair down to his shoulders, medium build. Medium height. A normal medium sized man. Green colored eyes, and caucasian.
Other: The government has put him through a lot of tests so he could find out something else about himself at any time.
It was like prison, or Osias would say it was like prison…if he’s ever been to prison or know what a prison is. He suspected this is what prison was like. In the last couple of years, he’s grown to think of this place as a prison. Constructing the definition of ‘prison’ to his own liking.
They were allowed out to visit amongst each other an hour each day. During the beginning of their day. Osias was woken up at 6, every morning. He did his chores that he was to do. Make the bed, change out of dirty clothes and into clean ones. Always the same clothes though. Always the same pair of black pants and white shirt. Go and take a shower, change your clothes, brush your teeth, comb your hair, eat your breakfast. A light exercise was given each morning for Osias. By himself, with some guy named Trent. Some lab scientist in charge of taking care of Osias.
Osias assumed they got along. They talked slightly, and Trent was the whole reason Osias wanted to get out of here. Trent and him talked a lot about outside life. About Trent’s family, and about his life in general. It made Osias curious. He did not voice this curiosity to Trent. Instead, he schemed.
After the workout, Osias was taken to the court. In the winter they weren’t allowed outside. In the summer, they had their choice of going outside in a closed off area, or staying in the inside area. Either way, it was winter right now. They were all inside.
There were select drinks. Usually nothing Osias liked to touch unless he was thirsty enough, and if he was he stayed with water. Drinks and food…everything was already picked out for them. Mostly organic stuff with horrible taste. You lived with it though and you got used to it. Still, if he had a choice he stayed clear of it. There was chairs as well, and tables. Couches. There was color in this room, unlike all the rest with dull colored walls.
Osias took a seat on the couch. Tilting his head back against the backboard. He didn’t bother with the rest of them, as they slowly were flittered into the room. There wasn’t to many of them. Just enough to make the room comfortable. Not overly crowded.
Still, Osias kept mainly to himself, until someone would approach him. He had no reason to go and talk to other people, expect…today maybe. He had to pick out people to make a group. He would need more people to escape. He couldn’t do it himself.
With that thought, Osias tilted his head forward, to look around the room. Picking out people. Select people who might be able to aid his cause. Some he just looked right past, but his eyes fell on Sherwin. He seemed tough enough, knowing how the boy came here when he was younger. Not being here since he was born, like Osias. It took strength to deal with that.
“Sherwin…Sher. Come’re.” He said, speaking loudly, perhaps almost like a demand. Of course, Sherwin had a choice or not to come, but Osias watched as Sherwin glanced his way, before coming over and taking a seat next to him.
“Yeah?” Sherwin asked.
“You know…this would be the perfect time to get out of here if we got enough people together. We couldn’t do it today, we need a plan and more people. But…Do you agree with me? Perfect time to get out of here.” This was the first time Osias had ever talked about trying to get out. He kept his ideas and his attempts to himself. Having attempted plenty of times before when he was on his own. “And look…” He continued before Sherwin could answer. Slipping a needle out of his pocket. Used for both Sherwin and him, and experiments like them.
He looked to Sherwin after putting it up. Not looking mischievous or anything. Keeping his tones mild, and inquisitive, listening to what Sherwin had to say about that.
A Non-Existent User
"Well I really don't know, I mean..what happens if we don't take our medication?" Sherwin says nervously thinking of what could happen, "But then again, being outside the thought of freedom, it is a bit hard to not dream about it isn't it?" Sherwin kind of sat there letting Osias ponder over that thought for a while. "I really don't know, I do miss being outside though," he said. Then he wandered off to his daily work outs.
Name: Katya (Russian meaning: Pure)
Nickname(if any):
Job: An experiment, She has the ability to shift into a white tiger/leopard. She has both spots and stripes.
History: She lived six years of her life with her abusive aunt and uncle. At age six, she ran away with her older brother Nikolas. After a couple weeks of living on the streets, they were found by the government and used for testing. Nikolis ended up not surviving some of the experiments. She's been there for sixteen years.
Attitude: Katiya is very lively, unpredictable, funny, and naive . Contrastingly, Katiya is sometimes very cynical, quick to temper and scared of those among the "outside" world.
Physical: Katiya is petite with light brown hair with stripes of blonde and dark brown, yellow eyes (due to the experiment)and looks like she could be eighteen, but is really twenty two
Other: She doesnt know that her brother was killed. The scientists just told her that he ran away and they couldnt find him. She's still convinced that he's alive.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1046195-In-the-Dark