Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1044655-Stuck-in-the-Sims
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Other · Computers · #1044655
Some teens' lives were downloaded by some computer geeks
~*~ Here are the only rules ~*~

1. no swearing

2. you need to have a character bio like this:

physical description:

name:Roxy Ritchy
physical description:tall and skinny with long, gorgeous legs. facial features are that of an angel's.
personality: show-offy and outragiously flirty. seldom seen without a mini skirt and tight shirt. Roxy is a major soccer and ballet chick. she loves boys (especially the hot kind).
Name: Liss Bassett
Age: 17
Gender: Lady
Physical Description: Short black hair and dark purple eyes. She has the body of a goddess and some of the best facial features anyone has ever seen.
Personality: Very shy. She keeps to her self and only has a couple of friends that are really close to her and Roxy is one of them.
name: Weston Johnson
age: 18
gender: guy
physical description:very muscular, but not to the point of freakish. extremely handsome, chiseled features.
personality: your average football captain personality ( clueless, full of himself, flirts with girls all the time... you get the picture ). When he's around his football team and girls he tends to act like something he's not. He is sweet and gentle around the people he truly cares about.

Roxy ran as hard as she could. It seemed like she could never put enough distance between herself and her mother's funeral.
In less than a day, Roxy's mother had died, her house had burned to the ground,Roxy and her father were packing to move a thousand miles away to Beverly Hills, California, and a small funeral was held for her mother.
Roxy, drenched from the pouring rain, finally arrived at her best friend Liss' house. Frantically, she rang the doorbell. Roxy stood there for about a minute before she came to the conclusion that no one was home, "perfect" she mumbled under her breath.
Suddenly Roxy's muscles propelled her away from
Liss' house and toward Weston Johnson's. She had no idea why, it was more than a little strange considering she didn't even know Weston. Roxy tried desperatly to stop herself, but to no avail. It was like she was out of herself, as if she were watching a different Roxy do this strange thing.
She was starting to get used the feeling of having no control over anything she did, but it scared her even more every time. Roxy watched as her fist pounded on Weston's front door. She watched as Weston came to the door. Roxy saw the confused look on Weston's face as he grabbed her hand and pulled her into his front yard. Without warning, he started making out with her.
Tears of confusion and sadness from Roxy's mother's death rolled down her cheeks and mixed with the pouring rain. Roxy had stopped fighting herself by this time, and was even encouraging herself, but silently she prayed for a miracle.
Name: Derek Ritchy (That's right...he's Roxy's lesser known brother)
Age: 19
Gender: Guy...dur.
Physical Description: He's a shmexy guy. What more can I possibly say?
Personality: Very outgoing and independent. He's usually alone because he doesn't have really any friends, nobody really wants to take the time to let him open up to them.
Other: He lives by himself in a small house.

         Liss woke up in a hotel bed. 'Getting out was a good idea.' She thought, 'Using my parents credit cards to get out was an even better idea.' She laughed to herself and reached over to turn on the light. She had spent the last couple nights in a fancy hotel downtown using her parents money to pay for everything, I mean, they were rich.
         After a while, Liss rolled, literally, out of the bed and landed on the floor giving the people in the room under hers a nice 'thump' sound that came from the ceiling. "Ouch." She mumbled, still laying on the hard ground. Suddenly, she the song Dance, Dance and realized it was her cell phone. Liss stumbled up and anwsered the phone, "Hello?"
         "Lissa?" A guys voice came.
         "It's Liss, just Liss and ya...this is her." She replied.
         "It's Derek..." He mumbled quietly, "I was wondering if you'd heard from Roxy."
         "No. Is there something wrong?!" Liss started to panic, "Is she alright?! Does she need me?!?!"
Roxy walked angrily back towards her house, with Weston close behind her. "What just happened?" he asked stupidly, "Well let's review," said Roxy sarcastically, "two strangers, me and you, just made out on your front lawn. Neither of us had control over it... isn't that just a little bit weird to you?" "well... yeah," Weston replied, "but i'm kinda used to it by now. I hardly have any control over what I do." "exactly" Roxy was about to go on but just then she heard the song cut in/cut out coming from her back pocket, "my butt is ringing." she explained.

"yea?" Roxy answered the phone "hey!" Liss said happily, "what's up?... oh yeah... I'm fine...well actually I just made out with the hottest guy in our school... I dunno, I didn't mean to... talk to you then!! later!" Roxy finished her phone conversation and hung up the phone, "look, all i'm trying to say is... hey Liss!!"
         "Roxy, what's up with the emotions?" Liss asked.
         "Where'd you come from?! You scared the holy living crud out of me!!" Roxy screamed. Liss smiled, she tended to pop out of no where a lot. "Well?!"
         "I'm magical, of course!" Liss explained. "Didn't you know?!" This made Weston laugh which made Roxy elbow him in the stomach which made Liss laugh. "Now what's with the tears, girlfriend?"
         "It's none of your business!" Roxy yelled. "Just leave me alone!"
         "I'm just tryin' to help." Liss said. "I didn't know you'd be so grouchy about it." Roxy clinged to Liss and started crying on her shoulder. "Ok, you and me need to go shopping. Right now."
         "What am I supposed to do?!" Weston asked. "I don't want to just stand here looking like an idiot!"
         "It's a little late for that," Liss mumbled as she opened her car door for Roxy. "Besides, I've known Roxy all my life. We were born in the same hospital, on the same day, at the same exact time."
         "Really??" Weston looked confused. Liss laughed, got in her Ferrari, and drove away.
"What about this one??" Liss asked, pointing to a microscopic miniskirt. "That would look so hot on you... and you know it." Roxy replied happily. Liss smiled and took it off the rack "just don't bend over" Roxy added, playfully nudging Liss. Liss licked her top lip flirtatiously, "now why would I do that?" she asked sarcastically.

Liss returned minutes later, wearing the miniskirt. Roxy screamed loudly "is it just me or is it burnin' in here?" she said excitedly. Liss catwalked around the room and then returned to the dressing room. Just then Roxy's cell phone rang, she glanced quickly at the caller ID and answered the call, "What more could you possibly take away from me" she said angrily into the phone. "Roxy Ritchy, you need to tone down the attitude" Roxy's father caressed into the phone.
"not for you I won't"
"we're waiting in the parking lot for you... we have to leave for our new house, sweetie."
"Don't call me that. I'll be out there in a couple of minutes" Roxy ended the call angrily as Liss came back out of the dressing room.

"hey" Liss greeted, "who were you talking to?" "The devil's mortal heir," Roxy replied, "my dad... he's waiting outiside in the parking lot for me but i don't think i'll give him the pleasure of driving me to our new house... hey!! cute miniskirt" Roxy walked over to the teenie tiny miniskirt she'd just seen and took it off the rack. "That's even shorter than mine" Liss laughed. "I think i'm gonna try it on" Roxy mumbled as she unbuttoned/unzipped her pants and pulled them off "oh so you're just changing in the middle of the store?" Liss asked, laughing. "yup! dressing room lines are WAY too long for me" Roxy replied, smiling at her gorgeous legs in the mirror. "Your body could make a goddess jealous" Liss said, "let's get it and blow this joint" Roxy added

Liss started laughing. "OOOOUUUUU...COOL!" Roxy and Liss said at the same time as they pressed their noses. They both started laughing hysterically. "And then, there was that one time when we went into the video game store and started playing that game!" Roxy let out between laughs.

"And we were like, 'This game's stupid! You can't punch anything!'" Liss added.

© Copyright 2005 ~*~Foxy Roxy~*~, Robin, (known as GROUP).
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