Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1040687-Random-Fantasy
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1040687
Just your run-of-the-mill fantasy world. No real plot yet, just lots of fun.
Welcome to the world of Averon. Its just another one of those fantasy worlds that you read about everywhere. There are elves, dwarves, orcs, dragons, even mages. Of course, there are also humans and other non-magic folk, but those kinds of people are EVERYWEHRE. So create a character and just explore. Or conquer. It doesn't matter so long as you write and have fun.

Put your bio block in your first addition.

1. No all-powerful characters. Otherwise, there's no real problems and no real fun.

2. No killing without permission.

3. Just keep this moving.

Name: Llanvon
Race: Elf
Age: Unknown (though he is young for an elf and appears to be about 18 in human years)
Personality: He has a fun and curious nature. He is very friendly and extremely slow to anger.
Appearance: He stands at 6'0" and is about 150 lbs. He has blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. He always wears bright colors (usually green or blue) with black leather boots. He also has a tattoo of a black eagle on the back of his right shoulder, but nobody can explain how he got it as he's had it since birth.
Other: An elf prince, though he has not shown any interest in his royal heritage. His parents died in a mysterious, tragic accident when he was very young and his aunt guards the throne until Llanvon is mature enough to accept his position.
A Non-Existent User

Name: Rexxor
Race: Half elf, half human
Age: 19
Personality: He's a very relaxed young man. He does whatever he wants to enjoy life as much as possible and rarely considers the consequences. As such, he's led a life as thief.
Appearance: He's 5'5" and 125 lbs. which makes him small and quick enough to get in and out of small places in an incredibly short amount of time. He wears grey or black clothing, making him appear as nothing more than a wisp of smoke when he's really moving. He also has a tattoo of a black eagle on the back of his left shoulder, but has no memory of how he got it.
Other: N/A...you'll learn later...
Name: Arion
Race: Fox Rider
Age: 100
Personality: Extremely curious and child-like. Arion is your typical Fox Rider, he's energetic, witty, defensive and above all...curious.
Appearance: Fox Riders are about one foot tall and almost elf-life with pointed ears. Arion has brown spiky hair and green eyes. He wears only bright colors and always has brown leather boots.
Other: Fox Riders may be small, but you should never cross one. They use bows and arrows imbued with a natural magic, making them extremely lethal to other creatures. Fox Riders, like elves, are immortal and age very slowly. They are paired with a fox at birth and the foxes become immortal when they are paired.
A Non-Existent User
Name: Kalna Vettren

Race: Human

Personality: She is naturally suspicious and untrusting of people that she does not know. She has a quick wit and can usually be found saying sarcastic things. Kalna is fiercely loyal to her friends and would rather die then give up on those she loves.

Appearence: Kalna is 5'6'' and has long black hair. She has dark green eyes and light skin. Mostly wears black, brown, or any other dark colors. Almost always wears a cloak and boots.

Other: Kalna, like many other sad heroines before her, has had all of her family die at the hands of a very wicked and vile man. She has sworn to kill him. Unfortuanatly, Kalna doesn't know where or who this man is, but when she finds him, she will be sure to kill him.
Name: Krigor Krow

Race: Human Undead (ghoul)

Age: 87, though he was 23 when he committed suicide

Personality: Being a horrific, deformed undead being with rotting flesh, razor claws and dripping fangs doesn't exactly help first impressions. If anyone could have both the heart and the stomach to see past that, however, they will learn that Krigor is no monster at all, but only seeks to do good in the world in any way he can. He doesn't think highly of himself, however, and harbors much shame and remorse. He is driven by an unrelenting desire to redeem himself for a life of selvishness and wickedness.

Appearance: Though no less than 5'7", Krigor appears much shorter, hunched over as he always is. He has pale, horribly rotting skin that seems to be falling off the bones. His filthy nails have elongated into sharp, diseased claws, and his teeth have become fangs for ripping the flesh of the living. If forced to battle, however, Krigor prefers to wield the two large knives he used to take his own life. He has one grey, bloodshot eye, and one empty eye-socket, dripping rotten puss. This description, coupled with the description of his personality above, makes Krigor a perfect example of the old saying "don't judge a book by its cover."

Other: Though he has all of the immunities of most undead, he also has most of the weaknesses- silver, holy water, and natural light will harm him, though poisons and such will not, nor will he suffer from bleeding, nor does he need to breathe. And though he is immortal, he is by no means indestructible; he can be returned to the eternal embrace of death just as easily as any mortal being can be killed.

Though definitely not the typical hero, Krigor seeks to make his place in the world by fighting evil and protecting the innocent.
Name: Elari


Race:Human with elven blood

Personality: Strong willed yet shy with new people. She has an innate ability that gives her warnings about certain people on their first meeting but she always give the person a chance.

Appearance:She has short sun streaked brown hair. Fair but tanned skin. She stand about 5'7" and has a strong, lean build. Her eyes are the color of a stormy sea.

Other:She was raised by elves and trained with their weapons and skills by her older 'brothers' and 'sister'. No one seems to know or wont say who she is or where she came from.

Name: Zoiea Mihmahi "Zoe"

Race: Tiefling (half human half demon)

Age: appears(17-19)actualy 230

Personality: Secretive, withdrawn, calm,
reserved, flirtacious twards good looking guys, and Never seems out of place; always on top of the situwaytion.

Appearance:5'7 135 lbs. 32 DD long pitch black hair falls straight a little past her shoulder blades. Her skin is fair but a bit dusky. She has jungle green eyes. Small obsidian horns poke out about an inch over her hair and they are typically concealed with a har or an updo. Her fingernails curve to resemble cat claws. Tongue studd.

Other: If she goes into a strong emotion such as rage her full demonic side is let loose Huge leathery wings rip from her back. she can't change at will. She can't enter holy grounds.
Name:Zane Gardina

Race: Veela

Age:Looks 19 is 297

Personality:Zane is nice and kind. He is very intelegtual and is young at heart. He is a very deep thinker and won't give up until he gets it right. He can make a friend any were.

Apperance:He is 6'2 and 160 pounds.He has a fair complexion. Sense he is veela all his wounds heal at rapid spead and leave no scars. With his veela blood he is pretty much immortal. He has Purple hair with long bangs and short side so he tilts it over one eye and it never changes. He has blood red eyes. He can control his angrey fom and can sprought the scaley wings and beak on command.He wears baggy pants and A tight silk shirt to show off his lean perfect body. He wears a sleevlish robe and below the waist it is in stripes.

Other: He can control fire.

Llanvon ran swiftly through the forest, his feet never losing their footing on the slick rocks or the fallen logs. There was some strange...presence...in the forest, something that Llanvon couldn't explain. A couple of leaves rustled to Llanvon's side. Llanvon spun around, knocked an arrow, and pointed his bow in one fluid motion.

"Spoozel! How many times have I told you not to do that?"

The pinkish fuzz ball just laughed. Llanvon took an elvish cookie-cracker thing from his pocket and threw it towards the strange creature. Spoozel caught the cookie in his mouth and chewed happily, humming to himself.

"You really are just a strange little critter," Llanvon sighed.

"No! Spoozel's much more than that, sir Llanvon."

"What did I tell you about calling me 'sir'?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot your-royal-highness-that-you-don't-care-for," Spoozel replied, feigning a bow.

"Ugh. Impossible critter," Llanvon grunted.

"Llanvon!" another voice shouted. "We have reports of another being entering our domain from the south! Nothing confirmed yet, but it seems to be nothing more than a shadow."

"Its that treacherous thief-elf," Llanvon said with hatred flaring up in his eyes.

"It may not be, but we should still be cautious."

"No, its him. He won't venture far into the forest, but I'd still like to catch him. He's a disgrace and he's not even a pure elf. We'll get him this time," Llanvon said with determination while heading off to the southern border of the forest.
A Non-Existent User

Oh no, Rexxor thought to himself. How did I end up in here? This is the last place I want to be...

Rexxor turned towards the forest's border but saw something that caught him by surprise.

"What the -" Rexxor started.

Rexxor stooped down and poked what seemed to be a pink ball of fur. He recoiled back and unsheathed two of his daggers as the thing squeaked. Suddenly, a net fell from the trees above and trapped Rexxor beneath.

"What?!" Rexxor shouted in disbelief, trying to use his daggers to free himself.

"Its no use," an all too familiar voice said. "That rope won't give way to your weapons. We've finally got you."

"Llanvon. I should have known."

"No, you should have been more cautious. And now, thief, you're going to pay.

One of the elf guards took up Rexxor by the arm and cut free the net. Unfortunately, Rexxor decided at that moment to fight back and his sleeve was cut by the elvish blade. His back was turned towards Llanvon while he fought to get the net off of him and Llanvon saw something that made him forget everything.

"What is that?!" Llanvon demanded, pointing to what seemed like black ink on Rexxor's back.

The guards ripped Rexxor's sleeve off of his tunic and revealed the tattoo on the half elf's shoulder.

"Tell me, where did you get that...interesting...tattoo?" Llanvon asked, extremely suspicious but at the same time, very curious.

"What's it to you?" Rexxor spat back.

"Ugh. Take him away," Llanvon ordered. "I'll deal with him later."

The guards took him away and Llanvon stood in the forest, just thinking to himself.

"Spoozel done good, Llanvon! Without Spoozel, you wouldn't have gotten him."

Llanvon laughed as he saw the pink fuzzball bouncing contentedly on the soft grass.

"Let's go Lux," Arion urged his fox. The sly creature responded with a quiet bark and pounced onward through the forest.

It was a long journey through the forest and they had to stop a number of times for water and food and to relieve themselves. They arrived at the sacred clearing just before nightfall, though, and Arion dismounted from his lifelong friend and partner. The two entered the ring of trees and Arion knelt dwon in the center, meditating.

How long he was there, nobody could say. But the tiny creature continued to sit and wait for...something, some sign of what to do and where to go next.

© Copyright 2005 G-O say Yay-o for summer...O!, The Dark Sun is Snowing, Orion the Spring Elf, xx-xx, neohuman, Dragon, Syphars Child, Gremlin, Evra Von was Zircron, (known as GROUP).
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