Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1037168-Legend-of-the-Dullblades
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Fantasy · #1037168
Four magical blades brought peace to troubled times. Now they are needed again. FULL
Alright people the name of the game is Role-playing. The storyline is about four people who stumble upon magical, sentient blades that lend magnificent strength to the wielder. The blades are the key to bringing peace to the war-strangled land of Haven. These blades are known as the Dullblades.

Dullblade 1- Dullblade Ax. Forms a bond with its wielder through a blood sacrifice. Becomes stronger and more terrible with every kill, yet weaker and more brittle with every spared person. Feeds on blood. Moral disposition is evil.

Dullblade 2- Dullblade Sword. Huge and powerful; this sword is strong yet extremely lightweight. Eats the souls of the evil and protects the soul of the wielder. Only a rightous person can wield the Dullblade Sword. Moral disposition is good.

Dullblade 3-Dullblade Hammers. Two mighty hammers that are thrown from the wielders hands with ferocity matched by no one and magically returns to wielder's hands. Draws the lifeforce from felled beings and channels it into the wielder. Has NO MORAL DISPOSITION; it depends on the wielder.

Dullblade 4- Dullbalde Dagger. Small, crooked dagger with a terrible strength. Whispers terrible promises to its wielder and hungers for the life of others. Can sense the whereabouts of the other three Dullblades at all times. Uses an item called "The Bloodveil" (ill let you decide what it does). Moral disposition is evil.

I would like you to post a quick character profile that should look like this.

Weapon (the Dullblade Ax is taken):
Race (doesn't have to be human):

As a last thought let me put this in: THERE ARE TO BE NO GOD CHARACTERS! NO ALMIGHTY CHARACTERS WHATSOEVER! Your character has all the right in the world to be badass but lets not give anyone supreme rights ok? no god characters....
Name: Draemen
Age: 20
Description: 5'10" with bland, blonde hair. Wears old rags and ragged green boots. Has a green hat with a stark white bird's feather in it. Wears a ruby ring on his right hand that belonged to his father.
Weapon: Ax
Race: Human
Draemen stirred the soup in the couldren over the fire and lifted the ladel up to his mouth to sample its flavor. The little fire warmed up the entire one-man cottage that Draemen lived in. Draemen's parents had been killed when he was only five years old and he had lived by himself on the plains of Haven ever since. The little cottage had a small, shaggy cot with a fireplace and a few shelves to store food and tools. It was a good thing his house was built into the ground or it would have been blown away in a storm long ago.
Draemen took up his ax and put a few drops of deer urine on his boots as he went out to hunt. It was terribly windy out on the plains and if your scent was picked up by animals they would likely bolt. Draemen had to be careful. He trotted out onto the wide expanse of dirt and tall grass and surveyed the scene. To the south he could see nothing but endless plains which would eventually lead to the Bluefoam Ocean. To the north he could see the faint blue outline of the Snowcap mountains, the mountains he had once called home.
Draemen searched the plains far into the north without much luck. He had seen a few rabbits but nothing that he would likely kill. He was running along at a brisk pace when something caught his eye, something that did not belong out here in nature. Lines. Parallel lines. Draemen had seen lines like the once before and knew them to be the tracks from a wagon or caravan. Probably traders heading from the sea to the Snowcaps. Maybe they would have some food. A raid on a caravan certainly sounded better than the deer jerky he had stored away in his shack.
After a long day of following tracks he had found his prize, if you could call it that. It was incredibly small and fragile-looking for a wagon. The canvas had holes in it and the wheels looked as though they might fall apart. The wagon itself was pulled by a lone oxen. He couldn't see the driver but he could see the reigns leading up to the driver's hands.
The wagon drove on into the dark and Draemen began to have problems following it. After a while the wagon looked like it had just disappeared. The next morning when the sun came up, the wagon was nowhere in sight. Draemen searched for more tracks but could find no evidence of the wagon's passing. Draemen threw his ax down and it stuck bladefirst into the soil. Draemen flopped down on his rump and was in total shock to find the ground gave way as he fell through the dirt to an underground room.

Name: Carone
Age: 18
Description: He has jet-black hair and green eyes. He wears dark cloaks at all times and black leather hunting boots. He stands at 6'0" and is about 180 lbs.
Weapon: Hammers
Race: Dark Elf


Carone looked around the dark hills. Something wasn't right. The wind was cold, seeming almost unnatural. Carone was alone and so he set off into the darkening world by himself, searching for the source of the dark feelings building up inside of him.

As the sun began to rise behind him, Carone pulled his black hood over his face. The sun revealed everything and Carone didn't like being exposed in sunlight any more than he had to be.

Carone made his ways into the foothills of the Snowcap Mountains. The sun was rising even higher in the morning sky and he was exhausted from his night-long travel. Finding a comfortably dark cavern in the hills, Carone settled down for the day, wondering where the source of his uncertainty was at this moment.

Keeping his bow and quiver close at hand in case his daily meditation should be interrupted, Carone sat in silence, waiting for the sun to pass so he could continue along his way.

Name: Chila (Kee-Lah)
Age: 19
Description: Long dark black hair with black eyes. She stands at about 4'9 and is quite slim. She has an odd sort of beauty in which is not quite a soft beauty but a brittle, hard-edged fierceness about her which can seem beautiful to some, and intimidating to others. Her skin is quite pale in contrast to her hair and her eyes, and her lips are plump and red. She almost looks like a small vampire, but has more cunning and malice ine her which a normal vampire would not. She has slightly pointed ears which give her a mythical look, yet she is no fairy out of a storybook.
Weapon: Dagger
Race: Half dark elf


Chila had packed up her small caravan and patted Desden, her ox. Raising heavily-lidded midnight black eyes to the darkening sky, Chila hopped into the driver's seat. She had to keep moving. For the past hour, she had felt a presence following her. She had pushed Desden relentlessly but had to stop and let him rest. It had been a long day. Chila looked behind her in her old patched up caravan she had stolen from the old peasants she had killed a year before. Confirmed that her kill, a mother deer and her fawn was safely in place and coldly dead, Chila set off again. Hopefully, she would lose this trailer in the darkness. Turning a secret and unknown corner deep into the gouge in the valley, Chila drove Desden straight into the stable. She would leave the carcasses in the morning. She could not sense the other pursuing her any longer and she could defend her kill in the morning. For a moment, Chila reflected on why she could feel this being following her. She had never actually felt a presence before. Only a natural burst of unease occasionally. However, this feeling of knowing exactly where the being was was new. Unnerved, Chila entered her underground hut where she lived.

Chila was awoken the next morning by the sound of her roof falling in and in the middle of her hut fell in a human. Undoubtly, the being that had been following her on the trip home. Chila flew into a crouch on her bed and her hand went to her belt. Fingering her dagger lightly, cocked in an angle which she could draw it and flick the killing blow very quickly, but in a friendly manner which was not menacing. She did not know what this being had to offer for her. The cloud of dust and dirt from her home lifted up and Chila sneezed. Immediately, the human burst into action, an axe in his hand as quick as lightning and in a similar crouch-defense position as herself. Chila glared at him through the lazily drifting cloud of dust. Slowly, she spoke.

"You... Have just broken my house."
A Non-Existent User
Name: Kyla
Age: 17
Description: sholder-length light red hair with unusual purple eyes. She stands around 5'3" and is slightly curvy. Some have said she has an extreme beauty whereas others think she is merely plain. Her skin is shiny and pale.
Weapon: sword
Race: human


Kyla woke in a cold sweat for the fourth time that week. The night, moonless and ominous, made her feel constricted. The dream Kyla knew she had been having slowly drifted from her memory, resisting her attempts to keep it.

Kyla could hear her guardians fighting once again. Screaming over nothing. It was driving Kyla insane. Suddenly she decided to leave the home she'd always known.

She snuck out her window, landing the four foot jump effortlessly. With the supplies she had in your pack on her back and her sword at her side, Kyla mounted her horse, Forluk, and headed to the foothills of the Snowcap Mountains.

The morning she arrived she felt something different. She dismounted Forluk and let him eat. exploring the surrounding areas, Kyla found something startling. A man, sitting in a dark cavern. He seemed to be in a trance of some sort, and Kyla wanted to leave, but something told her to stay... to wait.

Draemen knew he was in trouble. In the dust he could only make out the outline of this creature. The sun shone down through the hole in rays before him; not quite enough to illuminate anything. He could, however, clearly mark the outline of a dangerous dagger in the person's hand.
He had heard it speak, he knew, but being a hermit since the age of five he had a hard time understanding even simple English. He couldn't quite conjure up enough words to express his thoughts at the moment and became nervous.
He looked around for a means of escape, but besides the hole in the roof the only exit was blocked by this creature. He wanted to shake the dust from his hair and whipe the dirt from his eyes, but in a situation like this that could be the death of you.
Draemen very slowly stood and took one hand from his ax; letting it rest at his side. He could see the thing shift slightly, hand every present at the dagger, and wondered if he could even come out of this situation with his life.
As the dust settled he could make out more features, she was smaller than he had expected but he didn't make any assumptions. Size rarely mattered in these instances.
Draemen swallowed hard as he took the ax by the blade and extended his arm. He slowly let himself crouch toward the ground. The thing watched his every move, still cautious of him. He let the ax fall from his hand will a soft plop on the dirt.
The thing visibly relaxed but did not let its guard down. He could see now that it was definitely female. Like a cold, wet fish, realization smacked him across the cheek. He began making gestures toward the roof and the floor, dusting off his rags and shuffling around quite embarrassed.
"I...uh...dirt...sat," he said, trying to explain himself. He visibly became lax and let his head down with exasperation. He brought his right hand to the back of his neck and began to rub himself.
The ring! He quickly brought his hand inches from his face and could not find his father's ring. He began franticly searching the ground for the only thing that linked him to his past.
Carone opened his eyes. There was another being standing just outside the entrance of the cavern. The sun was still high and he didn't dare leave the relative safety of this cave until the sun was behind him.

Carone reached for his bow but realized if this being wanted to harm him, she would be able to do so before he could arm himself. He then thought of the twin hammers resting within his cloak.

No, Carone thought. If she wanted to kill me, she would have done so before now. She obviously means me no harm.

"What's your name, human?" Carone asked with a hint of distaste in his mouth. He couldn't see how the human race had survived for so long and he couldn't stand it.

The woman didn't answer, but instead appeared startled at the sudden awakening and grasped her sword.

"I have been at your mercy too long for my liking, human. If you wanted to kill me, you would have done so by now. As such, it would not be honorable of me to kill you. Now, what is your name?"

"You're not human?" the woman asked.

Carone lowered his hood revealing his black hair and pointed ears.

"You're a...a...one of those...demon elves."

"Hah!" Carone laughed. "Demon elves, no...merely misunderstood. Though it is true some of our practices may seem cruel to human eyes, we are not demonic. Now, I have asked for your name twice. It would be extremely rude to ignore such an introduction, human."

"Kyla. Though you yourself have not introduced yourself."

Carone shrugged. "I asked first and as I recall you never once asked for my name, though you may call me Carone."

"Well, Carone, I didn't kill you because I was curious. I have many questions..."

"Questions can wait. I am tired and must rest until the sun passes. Had you not interrupted me, I may have relented and answered your...questions," Carone stopped her, raising his hood once more over his face. "However, I do understand that time is different for you mortals and I see that you are as stubborn and thick-headed as the rest of your brethren. Therefore, I will ask my questions and when I am satisfied, then you may ask yours."

The woman nodded, looking a bit taken aback by this lecture and Carone merely smiled, hoping his pleasure at this human's frustration remained to himself.

Chila watched with curious eyes as the large human began fumbling around the dirt. He didn't seem to be able to speak English very well. As he frantically sifted through the dirt, Chila stepped off the bed. The human stiffened, watching her out of the corner of his eye. Chila bent down and took her dagger out. Now, the human was visibly still, watchful of her actions. Chila let her dagger fall point-down to the ground and as he relaxed and resumed his search, Chila walked over and began to help him. It probably would have been easier to find the object had she known what it was, but she suddenly felt something hard under her fingers and shifted the silky covering of clay. It was a silver ring, beautifully crafted, most like from an elven silversmith. No human could have crafted a piece like this. Chila tapped the guy on the shoulder and handed it to him. He smiled his thanks in relief and put it on his finger. Chila gave a brief smile back and walked over to her dagger.

The guy watched her with reproachful eyes as she picked up her dagger. Turning so he could see every move, Chila tucked the dagger into her boot and showed her empty hands. Then, walking over and picking up his axe, she handed it to him and gestured that he should put it away as well. He nodded and complied. Chila looked up at her broken roof. She would have no home for a while now, though living outside was no problem for her and this hut held no sentiment or value to her. Chila gestured to the human and he followed her outside. Walking him to her caravan, Chila gestured to the dead deer and he nodded. together, they gutted it and within an hour had a hearty fire going with the juicy smell of cooking meat filled the valley. Just below above her, she could see the foothills of the Snowcap Mountains. She could sense people there. Two of them. Something about that rang a bell in her mind. Something of significance. As if she should know something about them. Chila shook her head slightly. Again with the sense of the location of beings.

The human looked up at her questioningly and Chila smiled at him reassuringly. Chila was a little uncomfortable with a companion. For years she had been alone. Just Desden and herself. Humans died too quickly for her liking and the dark elves had seemed too different from her. She was only half elf. The other half was unknown. She could be in the sunlight when the others could not, though being too long in the day did get her slightly dizzy. However, they had always seemed resentful of the fact that she was half, and she had moved far away from them since. Chila took the leftover cooked meet and wrapped it up in dried up sweltza leaves, and began to pack up her caravan. She hurried in and out of her broken home, a few belongings, some extra food she had in the storage, etc. As the human watched her quizzically Chila stripped her entire home and packed her caravan to the maximum. She gestured to him and he peered into the caravan. She had made a space for him to sit, and he shook his head. He sat beside her on the driver's bench and Chila looked at him awkwardly. Then, finding no other solution, set off to find these beings, to find out why she had felt their presence so.
A Non-Existent User
Kyla was surprised to find that the "demon elves" she had always been told to avoid, was far different this elf in the dark cavern. She wasn't surprised however that his voice sounded so cold.

'Well I did wake him up,' Kyla said to herself. Since Carone last spoke, Kyla sat out in the warm morning sun loosing track of time, waiting for him to talk.

She woke up, not even knowing she had fallen asleep, by a nudge from Forluk who had obviously followed her. The sky was darker, the sun had fallen behind the Snowcap Mountains.

Kyla suddenly felt a presence behind her. She drew her sword swiftly and turned, crouching in a defencive stance.

"Greetings to you as well, human," Carone said. His hood had been removed. He looked nothing like she'd expected. She wasn't quite sure what she'd expected, but it suredly wasn't black hair and green eyes.

Kyla relaxed but didn't sheath her sword for she felt another presence. She looked around carefully.

"So elf, why are you here?" she asked trying to ignore her nagging feelings.

"The same reason you are. I felt it," Carone sighed, he glanced behind Kyla and tensed drawing his bow.

Kyla twirled around crouching back into a defensive position.

"Greetings, half-elf," Carone said mockingly.

The woman stepped out of the shadows and grimaced, but nodded.

'This is becoming an increasingly strange day,' Kyla groaned to herself.
Draemen looked over his shoulder at the parked caravan. That female he encountered had gone off somewhere. He hadn't been back in the foothills for a few years and wanted to make sure he kept track of it. He fondled the ring on his right hand as he looked up at the high peaks. His house, probably nothing more than a dilapidated shack by now, was up there somewhere. It chilled him to the bone to think about that night.
His father, Kez, had been a retired adventurer when Draemen was born; a man of action. His weapon of choice, of course, had been an ax. He came home one night looking rather paniced. He told tales of an old woman that lived in the mountains. He said that she knew the secret to terrible power at a terrible cost. This terrible power had manifest itself in the form of....an ax.
He had tried to pack up as much as he could that night, to get his wife Malinda and his child Draemen far away from the house. He said he had awoken something. Something he had rejected and angered. He had told Malinda of a terrible thing that he had done; something unspeakable and that they should all leave him behind for good. That night they had came. They came and sucked them both dry. Draemen had run out to the foothills and hid in caves for days, unsure if they were still out there or not. Ever since he had lived on the plains by himself. With only the occasional passerby to visit him.
He heard unfamiliar voices from behind and thought the female might have been in danger. He ran back to the caravan and beyond to a small, rocky clearing.
Carone held his bow, ready to loose his arrow, but the half-elf woman raised a hand and slowly approached. Carone kept his bow ready, but something from inside was telling him to trust this woman.

The half-elf lowered her hood, revealing a beautiful face. She's only half elf, Carone reminded himself, quickly shaking off his reaction and concentrating on his bow and the stranger's movements.

"I only came here to talk," the woman said coolly, her voice full of confidence and determination.

"Then talk," Carone replied darkly, coming back to his senses. "But make it quick. Its been a day of interruptions and I prefer to work alone."

"Yet here you are with a human woman," the half-elf shot back.

"Not by choice," Carone retorted, shifting his dark gaze to the human woman. "And I was only waiting for dusk to set off on my own once more."

"Nevertheless, here we are. Four travellers brought to the same place and I have been able to find all of you by feeling your presences."

"You say four, yet there are only three of us," Carone noted while scanning his surroundings for any sign of ambush.

"I met another. An awkward man who doesn't talk much, but I believe him to be somehow connected to the rest of us."

"You say you were able to "feel" us," Kyla spoke for the first time since the half-elf appeared. "What do you mean?"

"I'm not sure myself. I only know that I could tell exactly where you two were. As I got closer, the feeling got stronger. I don't know why I was supposed to meet you, but I do believe there is a purpose," the woman explained. "Would you do us all a favor now and put down that bow of yours?"

Carone relaxed his grip on the bow and lowered his weapon, though he kept the arrow nocked.

"That will do for now, I suppose. If you would like to accompany me back to my caravan, we might be able to figure out where to go and what do to from here."

Carone didn't like the idea of joining forces with strangers, especially strangers that were not of his own kin, though he couldn't think of anything else to do. Besides, if this whole encounter was nothing more than some jest, he could always turn back and continue on his own.

Chira turned and headed back to the caravan, and the human girl followed her. After hesitating, the elf came as well. They did not go far when Draemen ran up to them. Even as Chira smiled her reassurance to Draemen she could sense the human and the elf behind her tense and then without turning, she spoke.

"Elf, put that bow down."

It had come out colder than she had meant, but his piercing eyes brought memories back to her. She could not even look at him when she spoke to him. Those memories of being driven out of the elven world, and causing her to live alone for so long. His eyes alone had made her doubt her actions leading to him. She did not want to remember. Behind her, she could sense him lowering his weapon slowly, and cautiously.

"To the caravan, Draemen. Caravan. To Desden." Chira said, trying to make herself understood.

Draemen nodded and looked at the two behind her before turning and setting off towards the caravan. Again without turning, Chira spoke.

"I hope you two are hungry, I have fresh meat that will spoil if not eaten."

They said nothing in return, gathering within themselves the feelings of suspicion and whether this was a good idea to be following herself and this hermit. Chira walked on, immersing herself in her own thoughts. The confrontation with the elf had been worse for her than she had thought. She had been certain he was an elf when she had sensed him down at her home, but she had put it off to hoping he would be as nice an elf as her uncle had been. Lotten, her dear uncle. Hopefully, he fared well.

Chira could still smell the fresh spring river and the moss that surrounded her home as she ran through her childhood home. Her mother and her uncle had taken care of her, in the secluded are in the forest. She had not known that she was different, that she was only half elf, in those blissful years. She only remembered being happy. Then they had found her, the elves. They had heard of Princess Leahnn's scandal and betrayal by having a child with a human. Though that human was dead, now, dead for over a hundred years, they had killed her mother and had tried to kill her too. The conversation between her willful mother and Lotten they had before those elven soldiers had come still rang in her ears.

"She is not defiled because she is a half-elf. She is one of the prophecy. I must die, I understand this for I have betrayed the kingdom and the old ways would not stand for this betrayal. Yes, old ways Lotten. Old for me for they will change and I see it change in the future. I cannot be here to enjoy it but you must take Chira and run. I am to be sacrificed, they will not come after you. They will hear me. Kill me, yes, but I will not die unheard. Dear brother, nothing you can say can convince me otherwise. I was meant to love that human and Chira was meant to be born. Just as I am meant to be killed by my bretheren for it. You will understand..."

Chira had hardly noticed they had reached her caravan. Shaking her head clear of her thoughts, Chira smiled at the human and then patted Desden. She had been smiling a lot lately, and had forgotten what it felt like. Smiling was the only communication that the human and herself had. Grimacing at herself, for letting her guard down, Chira motioned to the meat in the back of the caravan and as Draemen began taking the meat out Chira turned back to Desden and pretended to be checking his reins. When the others were occupied with the meat, Chira buried her head in Desden's neck for a moment and hugged him swiftly. It would do no good for her to dwell in her past now.
A Non-Existent User
Kyla was so bent on figuring out the people around her that she had forgotten, for a mere second, about Forluk. She wistled shrilly a long note, The hermit jumped at the sound and Kyla smile her apology.

Her new companions, if companions they could be called, were stange if anything. An elf with a seemingly cold heart, a half-elf who seemed lost in a time in her past, and a man who could barely speak. Forluk nudged Kyla's arm looking for a treat, and Kyla gave him an apple.

She didn't know what her future would hold, but she had a strange feeling that it had to do with these others. The meat was on a spit over a fire that the hermit had made. All four of them were sitting around it, eyeing each other suspciously.

"Why feed us when you know nothing about us?" Kyla asked merely to break the silence.

The woman snorted, "You won't hurt me. I can feel your suspicion and even, " she looked at the elf, "your hate, but I know you feel the need to find out something."

There was another uncomfortable silence. Kyla stood to turn the meat, but other than that no one spoke and no one moved. Each person was lost in their own thoughts.
Draemen gave up on taking interest in their conversation. He wished he had taken the time to kidnap a traveler so he could learn how to speak the common tounge...but he was just so busy. The gray smoke from the fire rose into the air like two ethereal forms dancing in the flames. His gaze may have been firmly fixed on the fire, but he was miles away from the group in thought.
Being back in the Snowcaps made him think of home and he got a nagging sense to at least return to the shack. Even if it was all but gone he could have some closure. He needed to know that they were dead. Needed to find some remnant of his dead mother and father.
He stood slowly and took one last mouthful of the meat. They all stared at him as he took up his ax and looked at them all. He locked eyes with Chila and began rubbing his ring. Chila nodden her comprehension. She muttered something to the group, of which he understood the word "Draemen" and nothing more.
Those first few miles he walked brought back oceans of memories. The first handful of snow he picked up and brought to his lips was as sweet as anything he had tasted. As he wound his way up the mountain, his subconcious seemed to be guiding him. He couldnt tell which way to go but he seemed to know if he made a wrong turn.
As darkness descended on the little cave Draemen slept in, he slept for the first time in many many years.
Carone found a spot in the campsite where he could be alone and just think. He knelt on the soft ground and closed his eyes. He knew he was here for a reason, this encounter was not just by chance. But he couldn't let them know that. He was different from them and they would never understand. He can't show them any sign that he wants to go along with them, but he knew that he had to at least travel with them for the time being. These thoughts kept pouring through his mind and gave him little peace. He didn't want to do what he knew he had to and it was frustrating.

The two hammers hanging by his back were connected in some way to these strangers. Carone decided that at his first chance, he would study the weapons of all his companions. The sword was a beautiful one and would surely reveal some clue as to how everyone here was connected to eachother. The others must have similar tokens that would reveal the rest to him, Carone was sure of that.

He stood up with the smallest trace of a smirk and joined the others around the fire but didn't say a word.
(I am so sorry but it is Finals week. I'll add next time for sure but I'm super extra busy right now).
A Non-Existent User
Kyla was still awake. The fire had been banked hours ago. Kyla barely noticed when Carone stood and walked into the woods. Chira was asleep, curled into a tight ball near the fire. Forluk was lying beneath a tree, Kyla leaning against him. She knew not the whereabouts of Draeman.

So many things had happened to her in such a short period of time that she could barely close her eyes let alone sleep comfortably. Kyla had a strange feeling that meeting these people wasn't just a coinsidence.

Her sword, lying in her lap clean of blood, but well used, had sealed her destiny. She could feel the connection between the three others through the weapon.

She knew she should probably be experiencing some kind of regret that her fate was already secured, but she didn't. She felt an odd determination and responsibility to follow through whatever was to happen.

Carone walked back into the campground. He slowly, with abnormal stealth, approached the sleeping form of Chira. He began searching her bags, looking for something, but replacing everything.

Chira, obviously used to sleeping with one eye open, jumped up, dagger out pointing it at Carone's throat. Carone stepped back smirking.

"Took you long enough to figure out I was there," he said walking back into the shadows.

Chira looked at Kyla and shrugged, lying back down.

'Now I know I won't be sleeping tonight,' She thought to herself, sighing.
A Non-Existent User
Name: Aoin White

Age: 18

Description: The only child of the King Calvin of the dark region. He has brown hair green eyes. Being a prince, he is well built and he is about 5'11 and weighs about 190 lbs. He wears at all times a white tunic with a white cape (he loves white).

Weapon: He has a sword that is swung over his back. It has encantations on it so when anyone trys to use it against him, it will shock the holder of it. He also has a bow with arrows.

Race: Human


Aoin ran as fast as he could in the cold blizzard. "I have to find shelter." he said out of breath.

He looked in the distance to see an old cabin of some sort. "I can just build a fire and stay there until the blizzard is over."
Draemen peeked out of his cave. It had started to snow, and when one was this high up the blizzards could be deadly. Something caught his eye a little higher on the hill adjacent to his. There was the soft orange glow of a fire. Draemen gathered up the few items he took along with him and headed toward the light.

About an hour later he was at the door of an old, delapidated house; his house. Heart beating furiously, Draemen cracked the door open and saw his house for the first time in years. He walked in and was greeted with a warm, crackling fire in the old fireplace. He narrowed his eyes and searched for the cabin's inhabitant.

Stars exploded in his eyes as a log hit him in the back of his head. Draemen fell like a rock to the floor but rolled and bounced back up to face his assailant. A man slightly taller than him brandished a sword and wore a white tunic. The man surely didnt look like somebody who would be living on a mountainside in an old cabin. But at this moment he just looked like an enemy. The mysterious stranger brought his sword down at him but Draemen's ax handle connected at the last moment. They stood there locked for a moment, but Draemen pushed hard and knocked the sword out of the man's hand. Before the other man could pick it up, Draemen hit him in the side of the hand with the flat of his ax, knocking him unconcious.

Draemen went to pick up the weapon but was met with a magical shock. "Ah!" he hissed. He tried again, gingerly this time, and the weapon gave off the same shock. He looked at the man with contempt. He probably wasn't a thief or anything. He was dressed more like a nobleman. Draemen, however angry he was, did not find it in his heart to be cruel. He propped the man up on the wall and kicked his sword to his side. Draemen poked the embers in the fireplace around and put another log on the fire. Who knows, Draemen thought, maybe he wont be so grumpy when he comes to.

Chira could not sleep for the rest of the day. That elf did not trust her, and she did not trust him. What had he been looking for? She had nothing on her that would give away her past. If anybody found out that she was Princess Leahnn's only daughter, they would kill her. Though it was common for half elves to be around, though they were mainly outcasted, to be the half-elf that had caused the royal family in uproar was deadly. And she was just that. She had hidden from the elves for so long and this one elf could mean the end of her. Carone did not come back again, and when night fell, he was back, silent and unsmiling. Chira sighed. Oh mysterious elf, how am I to understand you?. Chira had the fire going and Kyla stood too. She looked like she hadn't slept either. Chira caught her eye and she nodded. They both had the same suspcions.

After they had eaten and Chira had fed Desden, the other two looked at her expectantly. Chira looked up at the Snowcap Mountains. Draemen was still up there. Doing whatever that was connected to his ring. She had understood this in the travels. The ring was connected to Dramen's parents. His parents were connected to that ax. That axe was connected to her own dagger, and all the other weapons that this group consisted of. Chira turned her sharp eyes to the Mountains again and stared intensely.

She could sense Draemen and he was fine, but she could sense another being with him. A human. The human was unconscious and it seemed Dramen had knocked him out.

"We have to get up to the Snowcap mountains." Chira said, to the anticipating two.

As she said this, Chira's heart sank. She realized, that Kyla had her horse, and she had her caravan. Carone would have to ride with her. This was unthinkable. He probably wouldn't want to be in the same caravan as a half-elf anyways. Chira looked at Kyla and then back at Carone. It was his decision. Chira turned and walked to Desden, rubbing the rough fur around his neck.
A Non-Existent User
Kyla saw the unease that briefly crossed Chira's face as she realized the seating arrangements. Kyla didn't blame her. The elf was scary. But even as he made her apprehensive, Forluk didn't show a sign of discomfort.

Kyla walked over the Forluk who was grazing near the camp site. She patted him down, pulling a brush out of her bag.

"What's your secret horse?" she whispered in his ear.

He snorted and nudged her sword as if he knew. Kyla unsheathed her sword. Somehow it connected her to these three, and she knew that she must stay with them.

She walked back to the others. Carone was breaking camp slowly and then jumped into the darkness of the caravan. Kyla heared Chira sigh as she mounted as well.

Kyla jumped onto Forluk's back and let the caravan lead the way up the mountain.
A Non-Existent User
Aoin slowly opened his eyes. He was trying to remember where he was but the last thing he could remember was sitting around a fire. His vision was blurry but quickly came into focus again. His head hurt badly. It ached as if he had party all night and had a tremendous hang-over. He looked around slowly. He figured since he must have been knocked out, he wouldn't want the person to know he was awake.

He saw no one until he hit the fire in the far right of the room. There sat a man holding what smelled like meat over the fire. Aoin quickly remembered what happened. It was the man that he hit with a log. Aoin looked around for his sword, which he notice was lying on the ground next to him. He figured that the man couldn't pick up his blade becuase of the incantation on the sword. Only Aoin could weild it otherwise the person would get shocked.

In the blink of an eye, Aoin quickly grabbed his sword. He slowly rose making sure not to make a sound. He walked slowly toward the man and met his sword to the back of his neck. The man stopped poking the fire and dropped the stick.

"One move and my blade will pierce right through your neck. Now tell me, who are you?" Aoin asked demandingly.

© Copyright 2005 Smellyhobbit, G-O say Yay-o for summer...O!, Aunt SunKiss, Chee the Fabulous, xx-xx, (known as GROUP).
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