Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1034015-The-Ancient-Order
A story of Jedi Knights and Sith Lords a long, long time ago.
Before Luke, Leia and Han. Before Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader. Even before Obi-Wan Kenobi and Quai-Gon Jin, there was an order of Jedi Knights and a corrupted organization of the Sith.

Choose your path and alter the fate of the galaxy for good or for evil...
Name: Ayron
Race: Human
Home planet: Coruscant
Age: 18
Personality: A very loud and strong individual. People either love Ayron or they can't stand him. He's very enthusiastic and always has incredible amounts of energy. He is a very gifted Jedi but allows his faith in his skills to affect his judgement, making him a very reckless young man.
Appearance: He stands at 5'10" and is around 130 lbs. He has longish brown hair and dark eyes. He always wears robes of the Jedi Knight, usually red or white. He also has a number of scars on his face, back, arms, legs and just about everywhere else due to the outrageous stunts he is prone to attempt.
Other: He wields two lightsabers, one green and one blue, though he'll usually only use one at a time. He is very skilled in the ways of the Force, but has difficulty exercising self-control. As such, his training as a Padowan is coming to an end, though the council is doubtful as to whether he will be entrusted with the duty of training another.
A Non-Existent User
Name: Van Kitso
Race: Nautolan
Home planet: Glee Anselm
Age: Unknown
Personality: He is a very reserved Jedi Knight. He is extremely intelligent and prides himself in assisting other Jedi. He is loyal to a fault, but an all around nice guy.
Appearance: He is reptilian with green skin and unblinking, large black eyes. Like the others of his kind, he has tentacles growing on the back of his head which are sensitive to subconscious phenomena (emotions, thoughts, etc.).
Other: He just recently lost his Padawan in a starfighter dogfight above his home planet. He has not accepted another Padawan, but because he has a helpful nature, is considering one. He wields a green lightsaber.
A Non-Existent User
Name: Jen Takeno

Race: human

Home Planet: Coruscant

Age: 27

Personality: Jovial and outgoing, Jen nearly always has a grin on her face. She is slow to anger and is rarely provoked to violence. She would much rather win a fight by not fighting at all, or tapping into the force. She is charismatic, quick witted, and compassionate, and always has a kind word to say.

Appearance: Stands about 5’7” and is somewhat rounded out, though still athletic. She has her medium length black hair drawn back into a ponytail, and wears the standard brown robes of the Jedi order. Her right arm is missing, and she will not accept a prosthetic replacement for it.

Other: Jen spends a lot of time in both meditation and physical training, never having accepted a padawan or instructed anyone else in the way of the Jedi. She wields a single lightsaber with a blue blade.
A Non-Existent User
Name:Kerin Alamorda
Home Planet:Korriban (she knows a great deal about the Sith because she is from their sacred planet. Her father was a Dark Jedi, Dark Lord Son Alamorda, and taught at the Sith Academy on Korriban.)
Personality:Kerin is often times seen as one of the guys. Definitly not very lady-like. She's brash, witty, impatient, and reckless. A bit rugged and rough around the edges. Honest to a fault and has no trouble accepting harsh reality, dealing with it, and moving on. Keeps her friends close and her enemies closer and she has made some enemies in her days. The type of person who always has to have the last word and will make it so she gets her way.
Appearence: Long blonde hair which she wears in a long braid that hangs down her back. Green eyes. Not very tall, standing around 5'4" but she can hold her own. Very fit.
Other: Kerin is not a Jedi although she does have the ability to use the Force. She was just never trained and would be damned if she wanted to join the Jedi "cult", she is against people weilding that kind of power because she has seen first hand what horrors it can cause, she ran away or rather escaped from Korriban and her father when she was 14. Because she is not a Jedi she, of course, does not have a lightsaber but she can do wonders with a blaster . . . or almost any other kind of weapon for that matter, and can fly a ship with skill. Has worked as a bounty hunter and other odd jobs (a lot of the time illegal ones).
A Non-Existent User
Name:Galvin Paco
Race: Human
Home planet: Coruscant
Age: 22
Personality: Galvin is a lone wolf, loves to do things by himself and dagerous things at that. He is a hothead, always popping off at someone and getting ready to fight when he feels like it. He is a tough guy and always being sarcastic, he also has a loving man side. He loves the ladies, the one's that has that certain vibe that attracts him. He dosen't like men hitting women or talking down to them like trash, if he see a man doing that. He automactlly becomes a hothead, that what mostly women like about him; deep down he respects women underneathe that toughness. He loves to flirt with women and make them feel like the world and if he see one he likes real bad he want stop trying to get with her until he has her. All in all Galvin is a tough guy and ladies man.
Appearance: Galvin stands at 6"1, muscle built(not body builder built, just a nice shape), spiky short black hair,dark blue eyes, pierced eyebrow and in both ears, he has a tatoo of a black cross on his right arm, a tatoo of a crow on his back, and he wears black baggy pants with a black jedi robe and black combat boots.
Other: Galvin is on neither side of light or dark, he doesn't like being tied down. He dosen't carry a light saber, he use's his sword with a silver snake head on it, he is determing wether he should join one of the forces though.
Ayron covered the distance across the desert very quickly. Tatooine was a harsh environment, but the cliffs and dunes presented Ayron with exactly what he was looking for...a true test of his abilities.

"Ayron, don't do it," Master Vaughn's voice scolded over the com.

"Sorry Master, but its just too perfect," Ayron replied quickly, running faster and closer to the edge of the cliff.

"And you wonder why your training isn't at an end yet," Master Vaughn replied.

"I don't wonder, I know. I can't control these urges. But its just too much fun!"

Ayron reached the edge of the cliff and stopped. His toes eeked over the edge, but Ayron was standing at the very tip, looking straight across with a frown.

"I couldn't have made this one, Master. Even I'm willing to admit that. Unless..."

"Ayron, you're not going to get more of a running start. Those sand people are on banthas now and they're coming this way. There's no time."

"And who was the one that startled them in the first place, Master?"

"Only because I had to save you from...well, being you."

The Jedi starfighter lowered closer to the edge of the cliff. Ayron leaped from the ground onto the nose of the ship and Master Vaughn steered it across the valley and landed safely on the other side.

"You need to be more careful," Vaughn started.

"And you need to trust that I can handle myself. After all, I did learn from the best," Ayron replied with a smile on his face.

"Obviously not well enough. Come on, we have to get back to your ship and return to Coruscant. We got what we came for."

"I still don't understand what all the fuss is over a rock."

"Its not a rock. And if you studied more into the natural state of the Force instead of using it to..."

"Yes, yes, I know, Master. Now let's go. You can tell me all about this rock on the way back to Coruscant."
A Non-Existent User
Van emerged from the water. Meditation was always a good way for him to relax, but there was too much commotion in the temple now for that. His tentacles kept picking up everyone's hyped up emotions and it was extremely distracting. Van pulled on his black robes and descended the stairway into the council chamber. The room was empty and Van turned to one of the main corridors.

"Master Kitso, good it is to see you on dry ground," a voice said from behind him.

"Master Yoda. I can't seem to meditate right now and I figured I may as well find some company."

"Mmm. Focus you must. Meditate even among chaotic times you can."

"Its not focus...its...my innate ability. Even as a Jedi, I have trouble tuning out emotions and pressing thoughts of the others."

"A Jedi we all may be, Master Kitso, though subject to the strengths and weaknesses of our own kinds we are. Look at me. Small I may be, but my strength with the Force is my greatest strength. Meditate you will when you are ready."

"Yes Master Yoda. What is all this excitement about?"

"A crystal Master Vaughn has discovered. Closer we are to our goal now."

"Master Vaughn? He was on Tatooine, was he not?"


"Oh my, young Ayron must have had an...interesting...trip."

"Mmm. Powerful he is, but wreckless."

Van and Yoda followed a few other council members into the chamber. They all took their respective seats as they prepared to listen to Master Vaughn's transmission and deliberate as to what the next step should be.
A Non-Existent User
Jen wandered the streets of Coruscant. They were the streets where one could find the very lowest, whether you were judging by money, status, power, morals, or just plain elevation. Jen swore she could feel a tangible sagging here, as if every person and building struggled under the weight of the more affluent society above. It wasn't as if everyone, or even a majority, of the people living here were bad people; they were simply under great strain and had little resources to cope with it.

Which wasn't to say that no one here was evil. Quite the contrary, it was a wonderful place for people to hide if they didn't wish to be noticed or found. The best of the lower city was merely unplesant, but the worst parts were only visited by the residents, the well-armed, the fullhearty, or the stupid.

Jen would, of course, attract this "seedier element" if it wasn't that she was well known here. Her missing arm marked her as a cripple and an easy mark. Jen remembered educated quite a few would-be muggers on her first journey down there, and she quickly developed a reputation as someone to leave alone.

The Jedi robes helped too. It never ceased to amaze Jen how such a simple thing as a symbol often commanded as much power as the Force itself.

Of course, there was always the extremely stupid or suicidal to worry about. Two men came up behind Jen. "Hey babe," one called to her, "where are you goin' all alone?"

The man's partner laughed. "Yeah, by yourself," he sneered.

Jen turned around, her winning smile on her face. "Just walkin', same as everyone else."

The first man advanced on her, and took care that she saw his concealed weapon. "Walkin', huh? Well everyone what walks here has to pay the toll. If you don't there's certain people who might get a little rough."

Jen grinned. "Oh, is money all this is about?" Jen pulled a bag of coins from her waist and handed them to the man. "Here, take it. I daresay I have too much anyways."

The man looked surprised. "Well, yeah. Watch out. We'll be back." He and his partner ran off. Jen watched their backs dissapear. She shook her head. They were harmless. And anyways, she was going after bigger criminals than petty muggers.

Just then Jen got a call on her communicator. It was a recorded message telling her to return to the temple. Jen sighed. She hoped that this would be important. She didn't like spending time it the temple, and did so as little as possible. The prospect of returning was not one Jen liked.
A Non-Existent User
“I told you, Krupp, I’m not getting involved in the affairs of the Jedi.” Kerin said placidly, folding one booted leg over the other. The Dashade just stood there, his small, beady eyes staring out at her from beneath his high muscular forehead. He was an intimidating sight, most people would turn the other way if they saw a Dashade coming towards them . . . they weren’t exactly known for their pleasantness. However, Kerin was used to their towering presence. The Sith on Korriban had made plenty of use of their muscular physique and vicious tendencies.

“I thought we had a deal.”

“We do buddy, you scratch my back, I scratch yours.”

“You are in my debt.”

“I wouldn’t really call it a debt. It’s more like you did me a little favor.”

“It was not a little favor, Rin Alamorda.” Kerin winced at the name. It was what she had gone by back on Korriban. It was the name of a Sith Lord in training and Kerin had shed it years ago. But these Dashade were all about the formal titles and she was tired of arguing with Krupp so she let it slide. Besides, this conversation wasn’t exactly going as planned and the last thing she needed was to annoy him with something like her name.

“Okay, so a big favor-”

“You will get the crystal from the Temple-”

‘Whoa, whoa, whoa, back up. It’s in the Temple? You expect me to just be able to waltz into the Jedi Temple, ask them for some rock that they’ve been looking for, for the past millennium and waltz back out with it?”

“I never mentioned any dancing.”

“Ah, see, that’s what I like about you, Krupp. Your sense of humor.” Kerin said dryly.

“You cost me my ship-”

“It wasn’t that nice of one to begin with-” Kerin trailed off as Krupp growled threateningly, his large clawed hands flexing and un-flexing. Kerin found herself subconsciously feeling for his presence in the Force, trying to sense if she had pushed him too far . . . wondering if she could get out of this without having to agree to getting this stupid rock he was so bent on. Kerin had told herself that she would never again use the Force once she left Korriban, but every so often her very limited skills in the area came in handy. There were only two things that she was really good at. Sensing someone else’s presence, and disguising her own presence in the Force. What Kerin found when she sent her mind out though was not Krupp’s presence but a far stronger one just outside the seedy tavern where she and Krupp were having their discussion. A JedI, Kerin thought and immediately blocked her presence, not that it was a very strong one and odds were whoever was outside wouldn’t sense it anyway, but just as a precaution.

“You get me that crystal, Rin Alamorda, or I rip you into shreds, limb from limb.”

“What was that?” Kerin turned her attention back to the Dashade, she had heard him, but it was in her nature to push people one step further then they could be pushed. Krupp growled again and actually began advancing on her. Kerin didn’t even flinch, just sat calmly in her chair. If he killed her then he would be shamed in the eyes of the Dashade for harming Dark Lord Son Alamorda’s daughter, the title still held some weight even though she had denounced it. Of course, this sense of honor would not stop him from sending every bounty hunter in the known universe after her, just prevented him from killing her with his own hands.

“Alright, Krupp, I’ll see about getting you your rock.” Kerin said.

“You won’t see about it, you will get it.” she didn’t comment, just stood up and began moving towards the door. She had felt the Jedi pass and assumed it was safe to leave. Before she was out though Krupp spoke again. “Fail, and you will die.” Kerin nodded and stepped out onto the dirty streets of Coruscants underworld. She had only three thoughts running through her mind; that Krupp was deadly serious, that she had to find some way to get out of this, and that she would never, ever accept anyone’s help ever again.

© Copyright 2005 Orion the Spring Elf, The Dark Sun is Snowing, xx-xx, xx-xx, xx-xx, (known as GROUP).
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