Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1025812-MegaMan-The-New-Age-of-Navis
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1025812
A story based off of the MegaMan sagas....
Lan Hikari and his friends are now all in high school. The WWW and other crime organizations have been defeated and all the members are scattered throughout society and in hiding or else in prison. Every Dark Chip has been accounted for and destroyed...except for one.

The story starts on the first day of school when Lan and his friends begin their freshmen years of high school. New friends, new enemies and new NetNavis are just waiting to be encountered by this group of friends.

Just put your bio in your first addition.
Name: Rye Black
Age: 17
Appearance: Very tall and has an athletic build. He has a very "clean-cut" appearance. He has short brown hair and green eyes. He always dresses very nicely, usually with collared one-tone shirts and nice jeans or khakis.
Personality: Very serious. He takes every challenge or task put before him very seriously. He is very loyal to his friends and familiy and would never do anything to put them in any danger.
NetNavi: LieutMan. He's a military-based NetNavi who follows orders by his operator to the letter. He never questions authority and has become a very powerful Navi.
Other: Rye and LieutMan are Officials. They have both been bred and trained for a life in the military and have allowed it to influence every aspect of their lives. Rye also has a twin brother, Raven.
A Non-Existent User
Name: Raven Black
Age: 17
Appearance: Shorter than his twin, but just as athletic in appearance. He has longer brown hair and green eyes, which are the feature that people always identify with his twin. He sports a more "grungy" look than his brother, wearing t-shirts and fashionably torn jeans and flip-flops, except in the snow.
Personality: He couldn't be more different than his brother. Although he remains extremely loyal to his family and friends, he does so because he feels its the right thing to do. He has no interest in the military and spends his time doing whatever he feels is the most exciting adventure at the time, even if it means breaking the rules or testing the limits. Hates authority figures.
NetNavi: XMan. He's a newer type of Navi. He's very powerful but also very reckless. He never disobeys his operator's orders, but not because of his loyalty, its more because of trust. He will protect his friends even if it means disobeying an order, especially from LieutMan.
Other: Raven enjoys pushing his brother's buttons as part of their "innocent but fun" sibling rivalry. He only does this out of fun and actually regards his twin as his best friend. He's not an Official like his brother, but is still a Navi to be respected.

I woke up and grabbed my PET from the dresser. LieutMan was already analyzing my class schedule for me.

"What's the verdict?" I asked, hoping for the best.

"Well, there's good news and bad news, sir," came his reply.

"Alright, give me the bad news first," I said, knowing that it couldn't be that horrible.

"You have just about every class with Raven. You have English, Math and History first with him, then you both go separate ways for the next two classes. After that, you both share the same study hall. The last class, though, you both go separate ways again."

"Dang! Why does it seem like every time I turn around, Raven's right there?" I asked, frustrated.

"Because I am," a voice said from behind me.

I turned around quickly, almost dropping my PET.

"Oh, this is going to be a fun semester. Right, XMan?" Raven asked his NetNavi.

I heard his partner laughing mischievously which was never a good sign.

I bolted for the bathroom, determined to get the warm water before Raven could do so to me.

"Too late, bro. I got out of there even before you woke up," I heard him call from the hallway. "Mom and dad had to leave early for work so they've left us both money for lunch today and I've got the keys to the Jeep. I'm leaving in twenty minutes whether you're ready or not, Rye."

I was in the shower as he said all this and LieutMan was hanging out in the PET hanging on the wall of the bathroom.

Sensing my frustration he said, "Calm down, Rye. Look at this logically, he can't leave you here to walk to school without getting in serious trouble. Secondly, he already told you that your parents left you both money for lunch, so he can't take that without getting caught."

"And....?" I asked, already anticipating LieutMan's comment.

"And you're bigger than he is. If he tries to pull anything, just use that as leverage."

"I'm surprised you mention that. You're never one to suggest I hurt Raven or anything like that," I said, peering out from behind the shower curtain.

"Sir, I am a military-based Navi. And I never suggested that you hurt anyone. What you do with that knowledge is up to you."

I just laughed as I realized how much my Navi has changed over the years of working together, but also that he was correct.
A Non-Existent User

I woke up early and hopped in the shower, laughing to myself at the reaction I knew Rye was going to have when he had to take a cold shower. XMan was already analyzing my class schedule and laughed when he had the results.

"What is it?" I asked from the shower.

"You're going to have an...interesting semester," my NetNavi replied. "Most of your classes are with Rye."

"SWEET!" I shouted, knowing how much fun I was going to be having this semester.

I climbed out of the shower when I noticed the water starting to get cold. I walked past Rye's room, but he was still sleeping. His PET was sitting on his dresser and I could see LieutMan analyzing Rye's schedule. I hurried into my room and quickly got changed.

"Dang! Why does it seem like every time I turn around, Raven's right there?" I heard my twin brother ask out loud.

"Because I am," I replied, sliding into his doorway.

Rye turned around so quickly that his PET almost dropped from his hands.

"Oh, this is going to be a fun semester. Right, XMan?" I asked with a note of anticipated excitement in my voice.

XMan just laughed, which was always a good sign for me and a great way of pushing my brother's buttons. Rye just left his room, dashing towards the bathroom.

"Too late, bro. I got out of there even before you woke up," I called after him. "Mom and dad had to leave early for work so they've left us both money for lunch today and I've got the keys to the Jeep. I'm leaving in twenty minutes whether you're ready or not, Rye."

I went downstairs to grab breakfast but left the keys on the counter, knowing full well that I couldn't leave my brother here, no matter how much fun it would be.

Rye came down later, grabbed his breakfast and we were off to our first day of our senior years of high school.

I couldn't stand it. My twin brother was driving me crazy and I knew that the only reason he did it was to get to me. We got to the high school without any major problems, though I almost ran a stop sign when Raven decided to show off to a group of girls. I parked the Jeep in the parking lot and we made our way to the building.

We had English first and we were in the same class, which did not make me any happier. However, it was a new year and there were new people to meet. Including Lan Hikari, the almost infamous operator of MegaMan and he was just starting his freshman year. And then there was Chaud, the operator of ProtoMan whom I've worked with on a number of occasions.

Raven and I went to our class and prepared for a long and interesting year.
A Non-Existent User

English class was boring, Math wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be and History was just another necessary evil in the world. But then things got rather interesting...

"The Net and Us," XMan said. "Its a new class, based on human and NetNavi interactions and how the Net influences the world and stuff like that. But its not just the class that's interesting. Lan Hikari is in this class with you."

"Lan Hikari...excellent. Let's see what this MegaMan character can really do."

I entered the classroom and found an available computer to use for the day. The teacher was roaming around the class, checking names off and marking it on the seating chart...just typical first-day routines.

Lan entered and took the last available seat, right next to me.

"MegaMan, why didn't you tell me this was an upperclassmen course? I'm in way over my head."

"Lan, I did warn you about this class. But if its focusing on the Net and NetNavis, you'll do fine. Its about time I stretched my muscles and helped you with schoolwork."

"Stretched your muscles?"

"You know what I mean, Lan."

"Yeah, right. Oh, hello. My name's Lan and this is MegaMan."

Lan was talking extremely fast and I couldn't help but laugh at his conversation with MegaMan. "Hello, Lan. My name's Raven and my NetNavi is XMan."

"XMan? I've never heard of him before."

"We like it that way. I like to keep a low profile and XMan's a new breed of Navi. I just hope that we can prove our worth as you have. What with chasing after the WWW and Wily, the Dark Chips and Dr. Regal and all that. You've made quite a name for yourself."

"Thanks, I-" Lan started, but was interrupted by the beginning of the class.

"Welcome. This is a new course being offered this year and is only available to upperclassmen and by invitation only for select students such as Lan and Chaud."

It was only then that I realized that Chaud, the youngest Net Official was also in this class. His PET with ProtoMan was sitting next to a computer in the corner of the room.

"Raven, there's going to be some serious competition in this class," XMan warned.

"Yeah, but think of how much fun we're going to be having this year..."

"Fun, right."
A Non-Existent User
Name: Anna Jhapin
Age: 18
Appearance: Taller than most boys, Anna can look surprisingly young due to her "cute" eyes when her hair and makeup are done right. However she can also appear as a mature woman and pass for older than she actually is. She prefers to wear beaded or embroidered jeans and logo t-shirts. She is a beauty in all the physical aspects, her face and body rival those of super-models.
Personality: Doesn't get too attached to people, but has a preference for those who are cheerful to balance out her own persona that might be
described as cold.

NetNavi: MixMan- A Special navi that doesn't do the actual head-on fighting. He is able to "summon" up some disatrous programs(without downloads) that can wreck havoc. However, the true power of Anna's navi is an assist ability in which he is able to fuse another navi with a special program.(like a super-double soul for the target navi) Because of this, Anna is use to fighting in the background. Her PET is disguised as a Necklace(main processor) and a watch that are sync'ed wirelessly, and she has been given a Fake PET with a faux-navi program to keep her identity on the low-down.

Other: Anna is a free agent, as a child prodigy she graduated at 12, and really isn't in high school. She has been hired to keep things in check, and is not particulary excited about her assignment. However she wonders what high school would have been like, and is curious about what Lan is like. She has met Chaud before and wasn't interested as his disposition was too much like hers.
Name: Angeless Yoshi Volgin

Age: 17

Appearance: Scruffy long black hair with a neatly braided ponytail. Pale blue eyes. He wears a pair of black jeans and a white shirt with a black long sleeved shirt unbuttoned over it. His PET is black with white wings on the back.

Personality: He is highly intelegent and has a wide variety of upgrades for his Navi. Avoids checking his PET when he is not alone. He is rash about some desicions. He keeps himself to himself and is not open about being a opperator. Only two of his class mates know about his Navi. He enjoys the knowelge that next to nobody has seen his Navi. Has a good sense of humor and is often to be found in at a computer working on varius data streams and programs.

NetNavi: Zero.(looks like Zero except his colour is black instead of red. white gloves and shoes. Hair is pure white. Carries two energy sabers and equiped with a Z-buster) Very fast and powerful. Seldom seen without the cover of his black robe. He is a watcher, keeping an eye on things and helping other Navi who are in trouble. His arsenal of upgrades allow him to cope with almost any assult. He is nobal and will sacrifice himself if needs be.

Other: He is one of the most obscure opperators on the system. He has kept his Navis identity secret save for only two other people. He and his Navi are of the same mind. Both see themselves as a kind of hidden protector. He got Zero after finding a data stream in his Pet and uploading it into the system. While he has achieched higrades in his classes, the fact he is hardly ever ontime gets him in trouble.


Checking his watch Angeless sprinted down the corridor. Thanking god he was in good shape he skidded round another corner.

"Good thing I woke you up when I did "laughed a voice from his PET.

"Shut up it was your fault I fell asleep...you kept me up all night "wheazed Angeless.

"Damm it...I was supposed to be in class 10 minutes ago "he thaught to himself.

He reached the corridor where he was meant to be and went past the door he was meant to have gone through.

"Sorry...I'm late. In computer labs "he chanted as he came into the class out of breath.

He took a seat near the back of the class and tried to ignore Rye and Raven.

"You know maybe just once you'll be ontime this year "laughed Raven.

Angeless pulled his PET off his belt and set it down next to his computer and plugged it in. He transfered his Navi over and set up a program scan.

"You still running that stream? I thaught you'd finished with it? "asked Raven?

"I did but I'm still not sure how it constructed a new Navi out of the data of a old Navi "sighed Angeless as he closed the program and watched his Navi have a stretch before sitting down in the corner of the screen.

"Don't knock it...Your Navi was erased by a Virus...Zero is a hundred times better. you've helped out plenty of opperators without them realising "sighed Raven quietly.

"But...Zero still has traces of the virus in his stream "sighed Angeless quietly so people couldn't overhear him.

"Why is that troubling you? It doesn't seem to be effecting him does it? "asked Rye joining in?

"Will you relax Yoshi...I'm fine. Besides you said you'd upload me into the Net so I could check on things "came a male voice from Angeless's PET.

He uploaded Zero almost wishing he could make him stop acting so much like himself. He placed a few uplgrades in aswell. He sent Zero a lightning blade upgrade, Z-buster, battle armour and several speed boosters.

"This is stupid...all he ever does is nag me about program upgrades "sighed Angeless as he watched Zero on the net for a moment.

"Mister Volgin...if you have something to say would you let the whole class hear what it is "sighed the teacher hearing him.

Angeless stood up and sighed.

"I was just saying how it's stupid. Programers should be able to make a permanent upgrade for a Navi. That once aplied it can be activated by the Navi when it wishes "sighed Angeless.

"While that would be a useful upgrade it would also hinder the Navi. It would disrupt their data stream and lead to the destruction of said Navi "the teacher spoke.

"I disagree...I have experimented with samples of Navi data. The stream was attacked by a Virus...the navi rejected all vaccine programs and recovered in time. Upgrades last longer...and he has never been better "smiled Angeless.

"Intresting...I wasn't aware you still had an active Navi. would you care to share it with the class. Rout it up to the board would you. "smiled the teacher looking mildly intrested.

Angeless typed something quickly and checked the board. His Zero was standing up there robbed and his face hidden. He had his Hands by his sides holding to energy swords crackling with lightning. A pair of white eyes were glimmering out of the darkness of the hood.

"Intresting...why did you choose this model Volgin? "asked the teacher examining the Navi?

"My opperator didn't...it was my choice. Angeless could you send me back into Net because I was in the middle of something "sighed Zero.

Angeless shrugged and the board went blank.

"Very uh....foreward isn't he? "smiled the teacher.

"Oh he's just bothered because I ran out of full body upgrades... "smiled Angeless sitting down.

"Hey I forgot to tell you...Lan hikari in our class...you know Megamans opperater "whispered Raven.

He looked around and saw him. He was weary of Megaman. His old Navi tried to take him on and was almost scrapped. It was the same day that the Virus infected his PET.

"Well I hope Zero doesn't try anything...I can't stand loosing another battle with Megaman "sighed Angeless.

© Copyright 2005 Orion the Spring Elf, The Dark Sun is Snowing, xx-xx, AngelinTwilight, (known as GROUP).
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