Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1025133-Catastrophe-Mega
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Chapter · Sci-fi · #1025133
What will happen when 6 people turn into cat people? Many suspect a conspiracy.
Unkown to Jeffery, he is about to be part of something big. The only problem is that no one knows what it is. Six people have become cat people. They look like humans, act like humans, but have cat features as well. What could be going on....The Army with a untested experiment?...A disease?...Could it even be something out of this world that is changing Earth's people for all time with a combination of all 3 of these hypothesises. Maybe not...Maybe, it is all upu to the following writers to create six characters with backgrounds who linked up sometime in the future. Only time and good description can tell the ending to this short story/novel.

The writer CANNOT write:
-The characters flying into another universe/world/dimension.
-And your character can not die without a backstory, good description and a purpose and not be cured unless gonig to dead or reached the high point of the story. (How would it sound if some killed thier character in the first sentence.
-Only the creator can kill there own (Exception, can kill other character if the chapters before have lead up to this or quite necessary).

The writer CAN:
-Write about someone elses character.
-Create theories of their own for the "illness".
-Have off lead stories/memories that revert back to the current story.
-Lastly, the writer can write the character into any type of life but not have it over a 15+ rating. (Ex. He can be psychotic but don't type some of the "Behind the Door" activity like XXX stuff. NO Baaaad!)

Its not alot, just seems like it.

Other characters can be made and killed when necessary. In addition, 6-8 people will be chosen for this story/novel, and there will be 6 main characters. Last two people added will embellish upon the rest of the characters or make non-cat people. Yes, non-cat people are allowed. I'll stop typing because I think the point is given.
Thanks For Reading. {Min- 100....Max-7000}
Ch1-Cat's Clothes
The day came in through his window. The sun's light shined upon Jeffery's skateboard then dashed up to the top of his desk. There were pincils, papers, and several homework assignments spread carelessly across the desk and B- test papers had begun to pitch tents against the faltering lampstand. It was the start of a new school year and already the light fixture in an uneasy angle.

Next to the disaster sight was the bedroom door where a light grew greater from the hall as it was pushed open. "It's monday. Get out of bed and have some breakfast before school dear. You're going to have a grand--" His mother's stopped without a period as she pulled the covers back from her son's face. "Oh my--" Another sentece unfinished with a gasp which was followed by her running back through the bedroom door and down the stairs.

"What is that?" asked Jeff groggily, his eyes still stuck together. Like most teens who couldn't stand a "good-morning", he rolled his face into the soft white pillow as hoping for another hour of rest. "What's this? Fuzzy," he questioned mass amount of hair on his cheeks. "This is not mine. And niether is this." A long rope of hair connected to his behind was quite unfamiliar to him.

First one foot, then the other fell out of bed. Jeffery could hear his mother's voice on the telephone "Hello, doctor? Dr. Raft..." that was all Jeff needed from the conversation to understand what was happening. Now to the mirror. After his intire body fell from the bed like one of those large bean bag chairs, he lurched to the bathroom and pressed the button for the florescent lights to turn on.

A flicker or two and the reflection became clear.
These whiskers that sprung from his 15 year old face, the large oval eyes which still shown blue, and teeth from a shark mouth. "Aaaah!" he yelled for his mother when feeling his pure white fangs "I'm a cat, I'm a cat!"

'What if this was a trick', had been the thought which entered his mind immediately. He did have one of those stupid older brothers who enjoyed pranking thier siblings. More and more theories were produced in his mind while he brushed the ashblonde fur on his face. He brushed his fingers over it as if were rubbing his eyebrows or tickling himself with his long eye-lashes that waved over the large oval eyes.

Who else could this have happened to besides him? His mother would be up the stairs from the phone soon. Jeff knew the tone of his mother's voice when she was ready to hang up. It had a kind of optimistic sound as if she would be seeing them sometime later in the week. For Jeff, later in the week meant two hours from walking out the bedroom door and yelling at his brother to take the hair off.

"Put your glasses on man." Thomas said rolling the opposite way, giving his Jeffery the cold sholder.

"Take it off, man!" screamed Jeff as he punched his brother in the back. There was no answer in retrn, just snoring. With great spead, he grabbed his glasses from his desk knocking the lamp to the floor. He stopped before reaching the mirror again for there was no need. The glasses did not fit on his nose any more. They kept falling to the ground or slid to an awkard position upon his face.

From the kitchen he heard his mother calling "Jeffery, we're going for a little trip! Forget your bookbag because you won't be needing it."

Dan turned to his left and hit the snooze button on the alarm clock. He didn’t feel like getting up so early, but this new job had him doing just that; And after a night of studying, he was still very tired. Recenlty, a big company had hired him as one of there employees. Wasting an oppurtunity like this to earn money, besides from his parents, would be really insane.

Covering himself up once more with blankets made Dan nice and warm. When about to nod off though, he heard the sound of something purring. Since the cat he owned ranaway months ago he sat straight up in bed to have a look around. As usual, he scratched his chin in baffling moments such as this, yet something felt wrong. His brown eyes gleamed as they searched the room intently for where the noise had come from. There sure was an abundence of hair on his chin which was extremely odd, considering the fact that he had shaven last night before his date. Plus, Dan knew his hair didn't grow that fast, especielly when he shaved his head last summer.

While moving his hand up the side of his face, he thought of what his allergies would be like if they were worse. His hand followed hair all the way up the side of his face. When he reached his ears, they felt pointy at the tops.

“No w----ay,” He gasped with a long breath. His chest, arms...even his back was covered all in hair. It almost looked like...Cat hair!

“What the? This isn't how I looked last night!” hoping it was true for his date's sake. He had been away from home for about a month, and this was happening?! 'What the heck is going on here' he thought.

As he lunged out of bed there was no denying his feet had changed to paws, or was there? “ya, nice prank!” He yelled while trying to pull the hair from his skin. It hurt as he pulled on it. “Super Glue! whoever did this will be dead before I'm done with them.”

There were rumors of someone in town playing tricks on people and filming the incedents with a hidden camera; this could be the same case “F***, I got to get ready for work.”

Dan tried pulling the fur off again. Consequenly, this agressive action left a patch of skin where he had ripped the hair right off. "Dam! Maybe it isn’t glued." With a shrug/sigh he went back to contemplating over the hair "What the heck is this? Where did it come from? Did someone break in? No, the door is still locked as how I remember." Dan went into the bathroom to look at himself in the mirror. His eyes were cat eyes, his whiskers....well he never really had any before, but they were cat whiskers and he had the whole works to go along with it which included the tail hanging out of his pajama bottoms!

'Dam it, how the hell is this going to improve my standards of keeping my job!' was all the worry Dan could think about which didn't include the afternoon courses for his college educationnot. "Laughing stock of the town! That's what I'll be," with that said, he spit in the sink with a snarl.
George was lying on his bed, watching the midnight show. The whole day had been so boring that he just kept himself to the bed. He watched the sun rise and fall, and not being able to do anything today.

“I’m sorry to say that your diagnosis does not turn out good.” The words kept ringing in his head. Doctor Jansen had said that it maybe cancer. But they still had to run a few tests to clarify the results. The doctor had asked him to think of the future plan, but his mind was blank from the moment he was told of the result.

He did not know what all this are about. Had he done something to upset God that he had to be punished in this way? He had been a good boy ever since he was young. He went to Sunday school to learn the bible. He had great faith in God, that He would love him equally as He would to others.

His room seemed empty, as though the furniture were not there. There had been a moment when he believed himself to be hanging in midair, with no support of whatsoever. He felt as if life had proceeded toward the end and begun to play tricks with him before it is permanently taken away from him.

‘To hell with life’, he thought. He got up from the bed with nothing on, and walked across the room to the wardrobe. He opened the door and began rummaging his clothes, looking for the style that suits him. He would find a hot chick tonight to be with him until tomorrow morning.

At first, George thought it was only food poisoning when he felt pain in his stomach. He hurried himself to the toilet, afraid that he might stain the mattress, in case he had diarrhea. Then the pain spread all over his body, especially his spinal cord, when he reached the toilet. He lurched sideways and fell to the floor.

“Ah…” He groaned. Face down to the floor, George found himself could not breathe. He was unable to control himself or subdued the pain. Something wanted to come out from his body, and he felt it. His body was shaking vigorously. ‘Any minute now’, he thought. ‘My body would break into peaces’.

He felt the fire burned his body inside out. It was so hot that he thought it came straight from the devil. He crawled his way to the bath tub and put in the cold water. Scooping up a handful, he drank it like a man stranded on the desert for months.

The heat subsided, followed by the wave of cold, and attacked him as if he were shut in a big refrigerator. At that instance, the water was changed into ice and almost all of George’s body was in it, let alone his shoulder and his head. His hands were dangling in midair.

George felt strange at the back of his spine, especially somewhere around the buttocks. There was something coming out, melting the ice slithering through it. There was some ticklish sensation from it that shocked George. His subconscious told him that it was a part of his body. The ice evaporated, leaving George with a naked body and, to his astonishment, a tail. The rest of his body changed as the fur began to spring out from unexpected places.

“This is not me… this is not me…,” he murmured. “Tell me this is not me.” He screamed. George screamed so loud. He never expected this, even cancer sounded well. He could not believe that he had changed into a monster, with the characteristics of a human and – cat.

Lilith was out late that night, her coal dark hair falling across her sapphire blue eyes, her friends had kept her out at some party or another, she forgot which one, who it never really mattered. Her heels clacked loudly on the pavement and her dress was beginning to come up farther around her hips, even as she struggled to keep the damn thing down. "Bloody frickin'..." She gasped as a strangely painful sensation ran through her body, "Oh, *fuck* I knew there was something in that damned drink." Another wave of pain racked her body and she staggered into the wall, "Shit!" She grabbed her keys, only a few blocks to her apartment. She picked up her pace, wanting to get there before something else happened she didn't like... like the sudden wave of heat that swept her, sending the pavement up to meet her hands as she fell, groaning as the cold swept her just as she got to her apartment "FUCK!" She opened the door, slamming it behind her as her knees gave out again and the world around her flickered as everything came into a sudden, sharp focus and an odd sensation, like her spine had been extended several metres backwards came to her attention. She turned and spotted a large, black, furry... tail! protruding from her back end. "Oh, gods, how in the hell am I gonna explain this to the girls?"
This was the winter for Colorado, had already fallen so it was more of an early spring. The ground had already given signs to new growth plant life. In many ways, Jeffery showed signs of growth other than hair in odd places. Instead, fur was sprouting every part of his body "Spring has sprung, right."

"This can't be right," Jeffery's mother looked at the wall full posters with human bodys that engrossed its surface "Is this a disease of some sort. A type of chicken pocks." Her hand went to the side of her face, as she thought of other reasons "vitamin deficiency?" was all that she was able to hum out out and cicled the room mindlessly, trying to avoid eye contact with her son.

With a chuckle under his breath, the doctor answered "No vitamin dificiency could do this, Mrs. Appler. And as far as we know, chicken pox has not advanced into stages of producing feathers. None the less hair." He paused and looked at Jeff with an L to his chin. Mr. Raft's mouth opened slightly, then shook his head to throw the idea away.

Catching sight of these actions, Jeff became curious "What is it? You've shaken your head three times like that. I can't be sure though, because my glass won't fix to my face." Looking down at the floor and then up again to his doctor. There had been no answer, Mr. Raft was in too deep of thought to have heard him.

"Dr. Raft, my son just asked you a question!"

"Hmmm? Oh," the tone in his voice wavered lowly "Oh, oh yes. Fix. Auh," the doctor was certainly preocupide in his mind "yes, yes, must fix it. Fix problems."

It was silent again "Sir, your mumbling," spoke Mrs. Appler softly to equate with Mr. Raft's voice.

"I haven't the faintest idea of any illness in the medical handook that is even mildly related to a case like this." Then the doctor itched his eyes beneath the small glasses resembling to bifocals stuck together. "We'll tyring some X-rays and come back in about a month. Perhaps there will be something that will show up there? It's our only hope."

"It's our only hope?!" yelled Jeffery's mother in the car. Jeff looked out the window with the new glasses he had recieved from his doctor. "What does he mean by hope? I really do think doctors are paid to much these days.

Scratching his ears wasn't the best idea, for his long nails made a paper cut which stung. In addtion, what was to happen at school? All he could think about was what he would look like to the other kids. Friends, there were not enough of as it were because of Jeff's status for being a nerd.
"Much worse," he answered the question that sat upon his thoughts, as he glumly stared at the scenery through his window.
There was no way Dan was going to work. If he today, he might be fired. 'College wouldn't be the same for sure,' he laughed at the possibility of getting kicked out.

He knew that a doctor was out of the question. What about a scientist? His analytical mind brought the school's laboratory into thought. If he could wear a dark hooded sweatshirt and make it to the science teacher tonight, he could forget about this whole catastrophe. He started looking in the phone book for his science teacher’s last name. He flipped the pages until he saw something about joining the army.

‘Maybe that is what this is’, he thought, ‘some sort military…top secret…project’. If so, could they can reverse it?
“Only one way to find out!” He picked up the phone and tried to dial the numbers. His paws made it impossible to press one button without having three others dialed because his cat fingers were so chubby. He had to try dialing several times until he began using his two inch long nails. Then he got it dialed.

“Untied States Army recruiter’s office, sergeant Jento speaking,” was the nasally voice that spoke.

“Yes, I have a question.”

“Are you interested in joining either the army or the army reverse?”

“Uh, that isn’t the reason why I am calling… I am calling because I am resembling a cat at the moment!”

“A cat? We have no time for jokes sir, now are you wanting to be recruited or not.”

A month ago he had sent in a form, yet he canceled two weeks later when knowing he could make it into college “It isn’t a joke!”

“Ya, if you are ever interested in joining then give me a call back, but no more prank calls.”

“But it…” The phone went dead. A stale dial tone entered his ear “Damn it," he cursed. He had a horrible image of what his girlfriend would think when seeing him. When turning to the open door behind him “I thought ....” before saying that he had locked the door to keep the night out, a hard metal object hit him in the head. It had knocked him out cold; a lead pipe is what it felt like. The only question now was who had been lurking in his room.
Ch2–Member’s Meeting
George woke up the next morning, with his hand on his pounding head. It was a weird dream he had last night. Something bizarre happened in the dream and he had changed into something he really did not expect.

“Maybe my brain had played tricks at me,” he murmured. ‘and that was because I watch too much horror movie lately.”

Still lying naked, he tried to wake up. His back and neck was aching, and he wondered why his bed had changed so solid. He woke up to see that he was in the bathroom. He reflectively rose up his hand. And he saw what he did not want to believe, which only mean one thing. What happened last night was certainly real.

George had already freaked out last night, but it was in the past tense. Now, he had to call his company and tell them he was sick. He quickly picked up his phone and dialed. The phone rang and someone picked it up.

The whole thing went on with George faking his cough and speaking to the operator with his hand pinching his nose in order to convince them that he was very, very sick. Fortunately the operator took it and now he can have the whole three days free, and he really had to figure out what was all this about.

He had never had the fantasy about the fairy tale he used to heard, which told him about the power of the magician and some fantasy creatures. This must be some mistake of the medication he took, maybe that new product which he just ate for a month.

He went to the bathroom cabinet and fetched the bottle of product and ran through the ingredients. Instead of finding something fishy, the whole bottle of pills looked normal and nothing conspicuous. With its lid closed, George sat on the toilet bowl, thinking hard about the cause of his recent condition.

“It will turn back to normal,” George said to himself, “as long as I keep myself calm.


The phone rang and George jumped. Who would call him in such crazy morning?

“Yeah…” he answered the phone.

“George,” it was his girlfriend, “I’m not gonna make it.”

“Yeah …” he thought it was better that way. The dinner that he arranged three days before would be a waste even if he attended. People would think of him as a monster out of nowhere.

“Aren’t you mad?” His girlfriend asked.

“Lilith, I got a few problems myself.” George tried to explained, but it seems empty.
“What problem?” Lilith began to suspect something wrong, from the tone of her speaking.

“It’s hard to explain…, you probably would think I’m ‘loco’.”

“Oh no! Are… are you a… a cat?”

“How d’you know?” this came to George with a shock.

“I’ve just changed into ‘that thing’ too” Lilith told him.

“Then it’s obvious,” George put everything in mind, as if finding a solution for a mathematic equation. “It must be something that we did within these couple of months.”

“But we hardly meet each other these days.” Lilith seemed to be entirely lost. The phone was in complete silence at both ends, followed by a gasp from Lilith. “THE BAR.” She yelled.

“You stay where you are, I’m coming over to pick you up.” George finished their conversation and hung up the phone. It was only when he picked up his keys and was ready to go that he realized he forgot to ask where his girlfriend was.

Knock… knock…

“I’m busy today, come again tomorrow.” George answered the door. He called the plumbing company the day before to come and have a look at his kitchen’s plumbing.

Knock… knock…

Frustrated, George went and answered the door. He opened the door without unlocking the security lock. Looking out through the gap, someone unexpected was standing at his doorstep.
Still sitting in her car after parking it in her apartment complex's parking lot with the engine still running, Andy Peterson tried to keep herself calm. It was morning now and Andy had been out driving all night trying not to panic. She wasn't sure what was happening to her. Thinking back to the night before, she wondered if the answer was there.


"Hey, Andy. The girls and I are heading over to a party at one of the frateries. Wanna come?" Andy's best friend, Ledia Reeves, asked her over the phone.

"Sure. You know I'm always up for a good time. Where is it or are we all going together?"

"We figured if we go together, it's only one car to come back for if things leave the party. Wink, Wink." Ledia said laughing.

"Okay, let's take my car though. I'll see yall here whenever you're ready. K?"

"K. See ya then. Bye."

"Bye." Andy said as she hung up. She looked at her watch and decided she better get ready.

"Hmmmm...What shall I wear?"


The party was great. Andy was having the time of her life. She was happy with her choice of outfit. Her black spaggeti strap dress with hot pink trim was short enough to get guys interested. She had many offers to dance and happyily excepted and flirted with all of them.

She took a sip of her beer and swayed with the music. She wasn't drunk yet but was certain to be before the night was over.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a guy coming towards her. She turned on flirting mode and smiled at him. He smiled back and asked her to dance. She agreed and followed him out onto the dance floor.

They danced a couple dances both slow and fast and then he led her outside to the back porch. They sat down and he started kissing her neck. Andy just sat there. She didn't know what to do. She had made out with plenty of guys before, but they had at least gotten each other's names first.

Then as the guy started to run his hand up her back under her shirt, she felt her anger rage up. Andy had a temper, but usually she kept it under control. This though was making her mad. She didn't have to stand for it. She sat there a little longer, her rage filling up inside of her.

Suddenly out of nowhere and to the guy's shock, she turned around and slapped him in the face.

"Hey! You didn't have to sratch me!" he yelped.

Andy looked at his face to see claw marks arcoss his face. She gasped. She couldn't have done that to him. She had long fingernails, but not that long.

She looked down at her hand and screamed. It was a paw. She jerked her hand back and ran it along her face. Fur. Whiskers. What was happening to her?

The guy just stared at her in disbelief. She looked back and then ran. She ran around the house to her car. The girls would just have to find another way home.

She slammed the door and took a deep breath. She looked up in the rear view mirror afraid of what she might see. Nothing. No fur. No cat eyes looking back at her. No whiskers ticking her face. She looked at her hands. No cat paws. Was it just a dream?

She couldn't go back to the party, so she turned the key and pulled out of the parking lot. Where could she go?


She was back in car in her complex's parking lot. The change had happened again when she got mad at the recptionist at the doctor's office when she laughed at her story and wouldn't let her in to see him. By the time, she got back to her car, she had changed back.

What was happening? Why? How? Andy composed herself once again and turned the engine off. She took a deep breath and walked up to her apartment with the sun rising behind her.
Lillith paced back and forth in her apartment, what in the hell was going on? She lashed out suddenly, her frustration getting the better of her as her claws left deep gashes in the plaster. *Relax!* She told herself, *George is coming for you, he'll have a solution, he has to...* She sighed, going to the mirror, best see what the damage is.

She was in the bathroom, her eyes were shut tight, *One, two, three...* Still shut, *Ok, one, two... oh bloody fukin' hell!* Her eyes shot open and she gasped, her eyes were now a gold colour and her face was distinctly more felineish, the split in her upper lip and the whiskers standing at attention, her ears stuck up abover her hair, pointed and swivelling on their own to catch sound. Her eyes were now a darker blue with slits as pupils and she had fine black fur all over her body... and the tail, the great long black... TAIL that stuck out from beneath her skirt and twined about her legs like it had every right to. She cursed fluently in every language she knew before sitting down unhappily on her couch to wait for George.
A Non-Existent User
Name: Katilena Draigun
Nickname: Kat
age: 18
description: Until turned into a cat white blonde hair and blue eyes, heaight 5'4", weight 110

Kat looked at herself in the mirror as she brushed the ruffels out of her light blue prom dress. She smiled the perfect dress, the perfect the date the tail. She stared into the mirror in disbelief at her backside that now had a twitching tail.

"What the?" Kat screeched shaking her head. It had to have been her little brother and one of his pranks. He had sewn on a cat tail to her dress. She glanced at the clock and grumbled crossing her arms. She might just have enough time to remove it. She gripped the tail in her hand. That was odd she could of sworn she had felt the touch. She gave it a yank and bit her bottom lip as it started to quiver as she moaned a tear welled up in her eye.

She couldn't believe what she was seeing the tail wasn't any sort of prank. As she looked back into the mirror she watched as whiskers began to spring out of her cheeks and her face began to cover with a light creme colored fur.
She screamed trying frantically with her hands to wipe it off.

She jumped startled at the sound of a knock on her door.

"Everything all right, dear?" Her mother's voice called through the door.

"Everything is fine." Kat hollared back biting her lip in a sob. How was she going to explain this to her date let alone to her family?

Kat grabbed some of her street clothes from her closet and changed in the bathroom. She sighed heavily and walked over to the window looking out to see if anyone was around before she climbed down the trellis. No one could see; not like this.
"The doctor is certain about one thing, you are not a russian blue or an orange tabby."
"That is because I am a boy." said Jeffery to his mother as he plucked hair from the tip of his tail. It was the next morning, and Jeffery was off to school with his mother at the wheel. He had a hood on with a baseball cap and baggy pants to hide his hairy legs, although they were very hairy to began with. The car came to hault as it point-a to point-b route to school. "I can't believe your making me go."
His mother looked at him at pet his head before he opened the door and left "You can't miss a day of school! It's bad for your college application in high-school" She yelled after him, as Jeffery walked far away from the vehicle he had been driven in. He gripped his backpacks handle that was looped over his arm.
The bell had rung as Jeffery made it to the sidewalk of the inner part of the school. Kids walked steadily to class with books stuffed in packs and jackets zipped up due to the cold weather.

---------Later on.....
After the teacher asked everyone what they had done over vacation, he went onto Math "And that is why we have X equels G42."
'Why couldn't X just equel a square or the number 4 consistantly. Every time Jeffery did problem involving X, Y, or some other backwards number, the answer was always indistinguishable. "Stupid numbers. If I had a time machine, I'd murder the man who invented the idiotic theorems."
With a twitch of befuddled attention, the teacher turned quickly around to face the class "Why?" asked the teacher searching for a hand to be raised. "Who just made that horrendous remark about murder?" seeing Jeffery gazing into the stars (there being none as it was day), the teacher instructed him to go to principal.
"You can't do that."
"And kindly remove that hood of yours"
"I can't" he spoke the truth, which was not recognized.
"I said remove that hood at once. You should be suspended for that kind of defiance and conceited actions." Then the teacher walked tall and mighty to Jeffery's desk and yanked at the hood. Holding tightly to the baseball cap, Jeffery felt like tapping his heels together and wishing to go home.
"Ah!...huh!" With the cap in his hands, the teacher rubbed the side of his face. "I see now. This is why you were acting in this horribel manener of distaste. Sit down then."
During reccess, the kids pointed and stared at Jeffery with his big orange and brown eyes. His nails tore marks in the straps bound to his arms. Having his hood raised again made him feel secure, though he was deathly aware to the mockery around him.
-"Hey puss. Pussy want milk"
-"Look! Its that kid with the wierd face"
-"OMG, I heard that he took a bite out of the teachers arm and scratched his brother up pretty good"

"Where did you hear about my brother!" Where did his brother come into play?
"I heard from the source. He's been telling everyone about how you were attacking him and he had to fite you with bare hands," said Arial.
"Well its not true," pushing the hood from his hat.
A girl with high priced necklace and seven other of her friends walked up to Jeffery "Okay pussy, just don't be clawing me any time soon. Demented cat."
The thorny hair ontop his head quilled like a porkypine's fur "I am not a cat. I am a boy" and he hissed, leaving the girls' laughing.
Hunched over, angry, and now plunging his feet forward back to his house...he thought that there were no more surprises. He raeched the grass, outside of the school and saw a blue van. There were no windows and the wheels were pumped to a mega size.
Within the minute, five men dressed in white coats and wearing....what seemed to be reading glasses, came up to Jeffery.
"Hello Cat!" A sack was launched over Jeffery's head and he was shot into the back of the blue van. "How about some candy little puss," the men laughed loudly. One had a mustached, another a beard, and one of the finer distinguish-ments was a name... Lark, who had a lazy eye with two strong right,left arms.

“Hello, George.” The old man who was standing at the doorstep said. He was wearing a deep blue coat with a gray bowler hat. His hand was holding a green umbrella. Need not for me to explain and you would notice that the color did not match in any way at all.

“You!” yelled George, “is this some kind of a joke?”

“I am certain that you do know well that it is not.” The old man replied calmly. “Besides, it is very rude not to invite the guest into the house.”

Speaking nothing, George stepped aside to let the old man through.

“Well, you had such a wonderful house.” He looked around, but never sat. “It is a pity that you would be gone for a long while.”

“What is this all about?” George began to lose his temper. He really wished that everything would turn back to normal.

“I will explain to you along the way. We have no time to lose.” The old man was now looking at his locket, adjusting the time to exactly 12.15pm He walked toward George and opened his umbrella to turn it upside down.

“Do jump in, please. Our next stop is Lilith Rivers.”

At first, George really thought that the old man was insane, asking him to jump into an umbrella. He knew he was wrong when he saw that the umbrella opened a gateway to another place.

‘Is this magic?’ George thought, but unfortunately, he never believed in such a thing. To him, magic is something you can only read from a fairy tale like Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty. The real thing never existed.

“Who are you?” he asked, hesitating to put one toe into the umbrella, afraid that he would be carried somewhere else.

“I am, in your language, a weatherman,” explained the old man, “but the difference is that I can control the weather.”

“What …” George was pushed toward the umbrella before he could finish his sentence. The next thing he knew was that he was in a white room with no furnishing of whatsoever. Suddenly he thought that everything went very wrong.

* * *

Orya 92 was very satisfied with his performance. His master would be very pleased with his arrangement. There should not be any problem in “capturing” all the cats for the mission.
“The cats are beginning to transform,” said his master twelve hours ago at Cats Tail. “You will go ‘collect’ each and every one of them at exactly 12.15pm this time tomorrow.”

The first task was easy enough, but he wondered if ‘capturing’ the others were as easy as this one. Nonetheless, there would always be the secret weapon. Yes, the secret weapon should indeed be very handy when facing unexpected situation…
Lillith paced restlessly, George should have been here by now. He was late, he was never late, well except for that one time, but he was caught in traffic. He tail twitched agitatedly and she was so caught up that she didn't hear to door ring... repeatedly. She paused, who wanted to see her so badly? She peered outside through the window at the the curious looking man with his green umbrella, she left the chain on the door as she opened it hesitantly, "May I help you?" She asked softly, to hide the growl in her throat.

"Miss Lillith Rivers? Is that correct?" He asked.

"Who's askin'?" She demanded coldly. She didn't like the looks of this man and was soon to find out that she wouldn't like his personality either.

"Why I am, of course, here to help you with your... CAT-astrophe, Miss Rivers." The man smiled warmly, but his eyes told an entirely different story. He knew about her problem and he was about to do something it, but it wasn't going to be help.

"I'm sorry, I think..."

"Oh no you don't, kitty-cat." He said, jamming his umbrella into the door and opening it, making the lock snap.

She hissed at him and bolted to the back of her home, the man hot on her heels even as she darted into her room and tried to shut the door, but again, the damned umbrella stopped it from shutting, "Men!" She snarled, allowing the door to open and leaping at him, her claws springing from the ends of her fingers as she scratched his face into a bloody mess, fleeing as he went limp and vanishing outside.
A Non-Existent User
As Kat reached the street a car swerved around the corner like a bat out of hell and headed straight in her direction. She acted kick jumping onto the hood. The driver didn't stop there he jerked his car door open and got out pointing a stun gun in her direction.

"What the fu-?" Kat jumped down and slammed a set of claws into his wrist that held the gun causing him to let it go. His other wrist clapped her with a set of cuffs. Kat growled and swung her fist at his face.

"Come on nice kitty if you coeperate maybe it'll be easier for you."

"You've got to be kidding me." Kat jerked avoiding his hand that was trying despritely to clamp her wrist with the other cuff. She brought up her knee into his groin at the move sending the man to his knees. Another guy stepped up behind her; she whipped around and lashed her claws at their face. She stopped an inch shy when she saw another cat person, same as her.

"Who are you?" Kat stiffled.

"Talk later. Let's get you out of the cuffs first."
Under a bridge where cars drove 80 on the highway above, Kat and her new found partner hid in the shadows, trying to get their hands out of the cuffs.

"So whats your name?" Jeff asked.

Kat looked at him as he picked the lock "I'm Kat."

The cuffs released her wrists from imprisonment. "That seems very irronic."

"What? You're name isn't Lionell?" She snuffed her nose at him.

"I was just kidding around with you. Besides, my name is Jeffery." He got his cuffs off at that moment, and pressed his nail back into his paw.

She walked a couple of steps from him and looked at the down area ahead of her "I'm sorry. I'm just not use to so many changes in one day. You're more comfortable with it then I am I suppose."

Jeff glanced at her as he was looking through his pockets for his cell-phone. "What is that suppose to mean. I hate being cat, but when you have the resources...you use them to your advantage."

"Probably is that way to you." Kat grabbed her cell-phone from her pocket. Then put it back in and thought of what she should do. They would be able to trace her phone number. And people...her friends would find out what she had turned into. At least they could call for a pick up ride though, if she did let him have her cell phone.

"Ready ot start walking. It would appear that my calculations are off with bringing a cellphone." Jeff told Kat as he started to walk by her "Standing around with sob stories isn't going to help us."

SOB STORIES!! Unbelievable! Kat deffinetly wasn't giving him the phone now. The small fry can use his ego to call for help for all she cared. No one could find out about her!
Dan woke up tied to a chair in what appeared to be a cellar of some sort. “Ok, I am to old for these dungeon games, what the hell is going on?”

“quiet cat man, you see, you been a bad little cat. You where going to tell the military about out little experiment.”

“Oh, so you are the ones that turned me into this?”

“No, but we helped. Don’t worry your fur, the others will be here momentarily. Then we will begin with the treatments.”

“treatments, meaning I’ll be normal again.”

“No, treatments as in do as your told treatments. I hear that the shot they give is huge, then we start with brain washing so you can do as your told.”


“like anything we say.”

“So you are not the people who turned us into this, how do you know that your tactics will work. And just so you know, I don’t break that easily.”

“Oh it will work, and the more stubborn you are the better.”

And now I have to think of something to get me out of here, Dan thought to himself, after I deal out some good old fashion punishment to these people.
George woke up in a stupor, browsing the dark room with dim lights on and found out that he was in a cellar. The room was deserted for now as there was no one standing guard at the entrance, at least not at the inside. He saw a man tied up on a chair just like him, unconscious, next to him. Then he recognized that guy to be the man who had also attended THE BAR. Now that it was obvious, he thought that he might figure out who was behind all this insanity.

Suddenly the door was opened. George thought it would be stupid to fight them when he was tied up with no weapon in hands. He quickly acted as he was still unconscious like the other guy. In the mean time, he was thinking of how to get out from this damn cellar safely. When he said safely, he meant without being noticed and harmed in any way.

“This one look stupid,” said one of the men. “Give me his details.”

“George Anderson Morano, 27, Directing manager of Welsh Shipping Co., height 6’ 1”, weight 155 lbs, he was caught at 11.30am this morning.” Said another person, his voice was familiar. George quickly knew that he was the one that had caught him in the white room, which contain chemicals that would put you into deep sleep in seconds. That is why he never knew where he was taken to.

“11.30am? Haven’t I told you to collect them at exactly 12.15pm, Orya 92?” asked the man, who George thought was in charge of this place. “Their emotion is supposed to be left in a dormant condition before collecting them! That is the essential part of this experiment.”

“But master, the other had begun catching them as well.” Orya 92 Proclaimed. “If we don’t act quickly, there might be no more cats left for us to collect.”

“You follow orders no matter what the situation leads to. Do you understand?”

“Yes, master.”

“Get out of here and start working!” said the master furiously. “Dr. Emerson, have you prepared the chemicals?”

“Yes. My assistant will deliver them from the laboratory.” Replied Dr. Emerson.

“Good. It better be working or I want Orya 92’s head on my desk.” With these words, the master walked out of the room and the iron door banged loudly.

‘The doctor was left alone with two cats,’ George thought, ‘and one of them is awake. I better take this chance to free myself and that guy, if possible.’

The doctor was humming a lullaby happily while his hands was very occupy with the instruments. The clunking noise of the instruments and the smell of the chemicals said clearly that George and the other guy would be the experimental target. If he could not think of something, he might as well fight till his last breath.

The doctor was now picking up a syringe and walking toward George. He was rather enjoying the scene where two big guys being tied up and was about to become his matter of experiment. He unloaded the chemical from a bottle and made sure that he got the exact amount that was needed.

“Good, you’re awake,” said the doctor, “then I can see whether you can fight this chemical when it begins to erase your memories.”

The guy next to George suddenly freed himself and sprang toward the doctor. In his hand was another syringe. He quickly injected whatever substance that was in the syringe.

“Now let’s give it a test on you first, doctor.” The guy woke up and strolled over to George’s side. He helped to untie the knots and said, “We better leave this damn place, fast.”

George had no second thought of that idea. He would as well wish to leave that place quick but he had no clothes on, which assembles him to a monster on the loose.

It seemed that the same thought had entered the guy’s mind as the next thing he did was undressing the doctor and toss it to George and said, “Here, put these clothes on.”

After putting his clothes on, they began their escape plan.

“By the way, I’m Dan.” Said the guy before the left the room.
Lillith was flitting through town, nervous and jumpy as she leapt from shadow to shadow, avoiding the prying eyes of the humans. Her eyes were skittish and she darted daringly through traffic, causing horns to honk and people to lean out of the window and stare as she fled towards a park. Lillith leapt into a tree and hid, her heart thundering in her chest and her breath coming in short pants as her shirt and denims tickled the line of fur she had all the way down her back and into her tail.

She growled as she scented others similar in smell to her and she moved towards them, wary, but welcome to the possible friendliness that they might display. She discovered a bridge and beneath it were the scents she wanted. Lillith leapt down, landing on all fours as the other two spun, their claws held up threateningly, "Peace." She said, glaring, "I find myself in a similar predicament." Her fluffy tail twitched and her ears flicked towards the cars as she approached the pair, "I'm Lillith. And you lot?"
A Non-Existent User
"I'm Kat short for Katilena." Kat tapped her nails on her arm as her eyes shifted to the ground.

"Jeff." The guy relaxed taking in a look at the two of them. Laying low was going to be a hard thing to do with the three of them looking the way they did.

"So, where are we headed?" Kat turned her head towards Jeff and Lilith.

"Not sure, we need someplace safe to hang out and apparently you seem to have a pack that follows your every move. Not that I would blame them." Jeff's cheek flushed alittle and brushed the back of his head with his hand.

"I'm sure a cat person is a real turn on for a human." Kat rolled her eyes and let out a angry hiss as she slashed her nails on a bridge post.

Lilith let out a little laugh.

"It's not funny, I want to be my original self again not some fraek of nature." Katt slashed at it again.

"Okay I suggest we head west of here there's an old house in the woods that should be secluded enough for us to hide out at. Lilith your welcome to join me and little me temptress over here." Jeff looked at the other girl.

"If your trying to get her to hit on you I don't think she is going to give you a love tap." Lilith smirked.

© Copyright 2005 Phillis Dwang, Airplane1285, Velink, Virgo, **Jo tired & pretty stressed**, xx-xx, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
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