Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1024630-The-Marching-Band
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Fantasy · #1024630
There has always been a feud in the Marching Band. But now it's getting deadly.
Okay...this campfire is open to everyone.

This takes place in a medium-sized town in New York State, called Hooper Town. The story is centered around the Hooper High Marching Band, which includes 86 wind players, 9 percussion, and 24 Colorguard. The Hooper High Marching Band is very good, and hasn't gotten below 2nd place out of 10 Marching Bands for 15 years. They were once in National Class, but most years they're in Large Class 2. Some people at Hooper High laugh at people in the Marching Band (including the Colorguard), but a lot of popular people had joined the Marching Band in recent years, so people generally respect the Marching Band. The Hooper High Marching Band's rival is Wiltson, who are also very good. Wiltson won at the Dome (the championship for Marching Band) last year, so Hooper is determined to beat them this year.

However, even though Hooper High and Wiltson High Marching Bands are rivals, most of the feuding in this goes on between the Colorguard, the Winds, and the Percussion (the Pit) of the Hooper High Marching Band. The feud has gone on for a long time, with only a few friends breaching the gap between the three groups.

This year is different. This year magic comes into play. The fairies, elves, and dragins (spelled with an i, as they are dragons in human form) want to make war upon each other, but it is against the law of the Elements for them to have war - at least have war officially. And so they use Hooper High Marching Band as their unofficial war. They direct the three groups to war against each other, and give them magic to do so.

How many deaths will take place this year? Will Hooper High Marching Band be able to survive the war? Will they be able to resist the magical beings? Will they be able to band together when the time comes?

Well...there you go. That's the plot. Any questions, e-mail me. For the first addition, post your bio and only your bio. You may have as many characters as you want, but only if you can handle them. Please try to keep the amount of characters in the Colorguard, Wind, and Pit even. If someone wants to be an instructer...e-mail me, and we'll see. And if you want to be a fairy, elf, or dragin, you can, but you also have to have at least one Marching Band character.

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