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Rated: GC · Campfire Creative · Short Story · Family · #1022940
I'm not really sure yet on this one.
We'll see where this one takes us.
Somewhere in the night a baby cried out for its mother. A cat howls in a dark ally, and a pair of twins stocked their pray from the rooftops , “The City of lost Angels”. ‘Sissster, can you hear me?’ A blond girl, who was no more then sixteen, sat pirched near a gargoyal on the roof top of a church. Across the street the same girl emerged from the shadows of an ally.
I exhale the smoke from my DaJarm and smile to myself. They always send telepaths. When are they going to learn? Damn Assassins, and they call my people monsters.
‘Sissster, I can smell her, she’s close.’ Blondie on the rooftop look’s around the street below. ‘I can’t see her sissster. Are you su….AHHHHH!!’ She never saw it coming. The blond on the street looked up to find me waving at her, devil smile and all.
She gashps and looks down to see a blade protruding from her chest. She never saw it coming.
Time to go little brother. From my pearch near the gargoyle I watch him clean off his blade before dumping the body in a dumpster. Yah yah, I hear you sis.
I’ll meet you at the safe house. Turning he disappears into the ally. Show off.
Materializeing right be hind my brother I push him down the stairs. "Get up and come into the study Stormy, we don't have all night." Picking himslef up he glares at me, I just flash him a simle and continue on to the study. Stormy opens the large oak doors at the end of the hall from the inside. "Slow poke. hurry up we don't have all night!" "Don't mock me Stormy or I'll put you in the iron madin in the basement." He just smiles, "You have to catch me first Jade. So what's our next assiment? The elders tell you anything?"


"Over here Sir. I've found another one." A man, tall dark haired and strong jaw line takes a drag off his smoke as he looks inside a dumpster at a pretty little blond girl. He exhails the smoke in her shocked looking face. "Damn."
The other blond girl was bound in bondage rope and suppended from the roof top. The matince men found her early in the morning hours. "They were twins." He sighed under his breath. "Sarge. How do you want to report this?" The Sarge looks at his men, the look of terror and disbelife on their faces. "Gang related, still under investion. That will be all Simmons, thank you."
He walked out of the ally and into the sun light of a bright Monday morning.
Sitting in his car, the Sarge looks at his bage. Stg. James William. Ten years ago they told him at the police academy to exspect things like this in a big city, but never in his wildest dreams did he think....the girls weren't raped. This just dawned on him. So how can this be gang related if it wasn't just another rape, murder and dump? A tap on the window makes James jump nearly out of his skin. It's his lutennet. "Yes? Did you find something?" The lutennet just looks at him scraching his chin, "We ran an id scan on the two bodies, and it appears that they don't exsit. There's no record of either one of them."
A double murder and the victoms don't exist? What the hell was going on?
Sitting in my room, I stare at the orb the elders gave me to contact them with. It starts to glow red, then blue, a voice can be heard, like someone trieing to speak through water.
"Jade, you and your brother Stormy are to find Sargent Williams and dispose of him. He found the bodies of the last two assassins you killed. Your getting sloppy in your old age." The mists stop swerlying and the orb goes dark.
"Damn it." Turning to my bed, I crawl inside and pull the covers over my head to smother myself. Pitty I can't breathe. It's not in my nature to kill an innocent, he's just doing his job.


"Jaaadddeee, Jaaadddeee, WAKE UP!!" Stormy clocks me in the head with my own pillow after ripping it out from under me. Slapping him in the face I send him fling across the room into the wall near my dresser.
"Piss off!! Five more minuets. That's all I want." Grinning, he grabs my feet and drags me out of bed. "Nope sorry, time to get up. What's our mission tonight?" Glaring at him I sit on the floor with my blankets still wraped around me. "If you weren't my brother I would have sold you centuries ago." He just flashs that smile of his, "You love me." "Love to kill ya." I grin back. Yaning I scrach my head and rub the sleep from my eyes. "Get suited up and change wepons. We have to go after an innocent tonight."
Stormy's smile fades and he looks down at me, "What do you mean we're going after an innocent? Have the elders lost their minds? We don't do that." Standing up, I throw my blankets back on the bed, no need to make it, I'll be back in it's warm embrase soon enough. Walking across the room stark naked execpt for my leather thong I start to pull on my black leather pants and tank top to match.
"Don't whine to me little brother, this innocent found the bodies of the two assassins we killed last night. He's a liability to us and the elders. I don't like it much either but those are our orders." Stormy watches me as I get dressed with the look of disaprovle on his face. After running a brush through my hair and placing it in a tight bun at the top of my head, I fix it in place with two silver pins with skuls on them. Looking up at Stormy I through him the brush, "Comb your hair. You look like a scruff." Grumbling he does as told and places the brush back on my dresser.
"So what wepons do you want to use tonight? I say we just shoot him and make it look like a gang broke into his place. Then we're free and clear." "No, we need something more quite then that Storm, what if the people in the building heard us? Hmmmm....." Grabbing my kitana from the foot of my bed, I strap it to my back and look to Stormy to see him grinning again. "Well? What are you waiting for, go and get your sword and lets go, I'm hungry." Giggling like a school girl, he dissapears in a whisp of smoke only to return seconds later with his toy.


"Hay Angle. How was your day?" Picking up his cat, James hit the play button on his answering machine. "James it's your mother, why don't you call me? Your father and I want you to come home for Christmas this year. Call me and let me know." James lets a heavy shigh excape his lips in frustration. Maybe this Christmas he will get to go home, right now he had to work on this case. Double murder. No whitnesses. No murder wepons found, only know it was two different swords, which could mean, one killer, just thought he wouldn't get caught, or, two killers....Why wont the lights turn on? Setting Angle down James tries the other lights in his apartment. None of them work. He goes to his bedroom door and starts to flick the lights only to find them not working as well.
"If you don't scream you might live through this." James could feel the cold steel of a blade on his cheek. "What have you done with the bodies of the two girls you found." That was a womans voice, the first had been a male voice. James tries to turn around but Stormy just pushes the tip of his sword into his cheek more drawing out a single drop of blood. "Don't turn around."
"All right. What is it that you want?" Jade looked up at Stormy, Stormy just shook his head.
"We want the bodies of the two girls. Now!"
"I'm afraid I can't do that. Their at the coroner's office. What do you want with two dead girls? Are you the one who killed them?"
Jade sighed under her breath. "They were sent to kill us. They were assassins." Stormy shot me a look to shut up.
"They were sent to kill you? Who are you people?"
Stormy grabed him and threw him into his bed. Spinning around, James came face to face with a young man in his early twinties, and the most beautieful woman he's ever laied eye's on. She stood leaning against the door fram as her companion advanced on him. The young man made a motion to plunge his sword into James' chest, "Stormy NO! We need him alive. For now. We need those bodies." Stormy stoped in mid swing. James sighed relief. "Awww, c'mon! He's just going to be more trouble later if we don't do this now. We can get the bodies later. He already said they were at the coroner's office." Jade glared at her brother, "And just how many coroner's offices are there in this damn city? Too many. We need him to take us to the bodies."
James looked at her. She was so beautieful, the greenest eye's he'd ever seen. What he wouldn't give to touch her face and to kiss those lips. "What makes you think I'll help you get the bodies?" Jade looked at him smiling, "If you wish to touch my face and kiss my lips you'll do it." James looked at her in shock. That's exactly what he was thinking!! This woman intruged him. "Will you let me live?" Jade smiled, "Depends. I'm not into killing innocents, but if your will to give back the bodies and forget all of this ever happened, then maybe. Get up." James felt compelled to comply with this woman's every command. What the hell has gotten into him? "I'll take you, but I've got questions." Stormy stoud beside him, pushing his blade into his back. "We don't have answers for you. Unless you'd rather die now?" James looked at the man. He wasn't kidding. He shook his head and started walking past Jade. She smelled like roses.

*****A dream. Not like the dreams I've had before, but a dream.........James. James NO!!! James looks at me with eyes not his own. He's going to kill Stormy. I can't let that happen. Stormy NO!!! Don't kill him!........******

Waking up in a cold swet on the floor and wraped tighter then a mummy in my blankets, I stare into the balckness of my room. The soft glow of my alarm clock said 4:20 in the afternoon. Thank God for heavy black satin. Ripping and taering at the blankets I finaly cut myself free and get dressed for the night.
Creeping into Stromy's room, I pounce on the bed exspecting Stormy to gasph for breath. All I got was a bed full of pillows and sore knees.


Stormy had been hidding in Amanda's closet ever since the sun had come up. He couldn't believe how his sister had fallen for the copied clone he made of himself. He chuckeled to himself as he heard the door to Amanda's bedroom opened and she stroled in wearing a towel, her hair soaking wet from the shower.
Grabing the walls on either side of him, Stormy braced himself as his knees buckled under him. She was the most beautieful creature he'd ever seen in all his long lonely years.
Amanda moved to her vanity and started to brush out her hair in to even pig tails, then quickly braiding them to either side of her head.
Stormy's hand sliped up the wall making a loud squeaking/thudding noise. Amanda looked at the closet in shock and quickly grabed a gun from one of the drawers of her vanity.
"Alright ass hole! Come out of there right now! Nice and slow." Stormy sucked in his breath and bit his lip before responding, "I can't right now. Can I come out after the sun goes down?" Amanda looked at the closet in shock at the response she just got. She watched as something moved inside the closet, blue eye's! Ice blue eye's. "Agent Cain!? Is that you?! How did you get in here? Come out here this minuet!"

Shit! Busted and right at dawn! "Could you close the curtians then please. Your room is too bright." Amanda looked at the window across from the closet and quickly closed the curtians. "Alright! Now get out here." Stormy gathered up his legs and pushed open the door to see Amanda still pointing the loaded hand gun at him, "You know, that isn't going to do anything if you shoot me." Amanda eyed him up, "Oh I wouldn't be so sure about that." Stormy just smiled at her. Fadding into mist, Stormy reappeared behind Amanda grabing the gun. "Now what were you saying about that?" He smiled as she backed away from him in shock and terror.
"Don't be afraid please I wont hurt you I swear." "What are you?! Is that how you got into my apartment?" Stormy took a step towards her to try and calm her but she grabed a silver letter opener off her vanity. That grabed his attenchen. "Ok, I can see how this could make you upset, but I have a very good reason for being here." Amanda cluched at her towel with one hand and held the letter opener tightly in the other. "Start talking before I start screaming." Stormy placed the gun on the vanity so that he didn't look so threating to her. Looking up into her green eyes, Stormy started to hum softly as his eye's started to glow a soft golden color. The letter opener fell from Amanda's hand to the floor with a soft thud. A sigh excaped her lips as she became mezmersized by Stormy's huming. She let her towel fall to the floor and her hands droped at her sides. Her breathing was soft and low, mesaured by the rise and fall of her brests. Stormy quickly gathered her up and laid her on the bed, covering her with the blanket that lay folded at the foot of it. Backing away, he sat in the chair in front of the vanity. The huming scest.
The stunded glaze over Amanda's eye's faded and she sat up grabing at the blanket that now draped her body. "What the hell did you do to me?!" Sinking down lower into the chair, Stormy out streched one leg and staired at her.
"Did you rape me and now your going to rub it in?! Some one help me!!! Please some one HELP!!" Screaming at the top of her lungs, Stormy was on top of her in a flash, his hand on her mouth, eye's glowing red.
"I didn't come here to rape you, I didn't come here to hurt you in any way, I swear it." Amanda staired up into his blue eye's. She knew he was telling the turth, and so, stoped shaking with fear.
"Good. Now I'm going to remove my hand and I'm hopping that you wont scream again. Promise?" Amanda nodded her head. Stormy got off and went back to sit in the chair. "I just wanted to see you again. I wanted to tell you I thought that you were pretty." Amanda eyed him up, "You've never had a girlfriend before have you?" She cought him off guard, his face started to turn red with embarassment. "Well....umm....you see..the thing is with that.....I ......ummm..."
"I think you should go. Your really starting to creep me out. Leave or I'll call my brother."
"I can't leave. The sun's up now." Amanda looked at him awarkly, "What do you mean you can't, the sun's up now?" Stormy looked at her not knowing what else to say, "I'll die if I go outside. Stormy b.b.q." "Your name's Stormy? Who gave you that redecoulse name?" Amanda giggled at it, Stormy glared at her. "My sister gave me the name." Amanda stopped laughing when she saw that she had hurt Stormy's feelings.
"Why did you really come here Agent Cain?" "I wanted to see you again before I left town again."
Amanda staired at him from across the bed, enchanted by his blue eye's.
"Those two girls you took earlier, who were they? Your not with the F.B.I. Who are you people?" "I can't tell you that, all you need to know is that those girls were not what they seem to be."


James sat in his blue reclining chair by the window, with Angel sleeping in his lap. He felt cold metal on his ear and he smiled. "I was wondering if I'd ever see you again." He turned and smiled at me. "How did you know it was me? It could have been my brother." James looked up at me, "If it was your brother, I'd be dead by now." "Good point. So I guess he's not here then?" James looked at me puzzeled. "Why whould he be here? You got what you were after." I lower my sword to my side, "He's missing and I'm worried about him." James stoud up and placed his cat on the chair.
"That's not why you came back is it?" "Yes it is, why else would I come here?" He's well built for a human. I never noticed that before. James moved to stand infront of me, bring his right hand up to trace my jaw line. His touch is light and warm. Soft like a spring brease. He lowers his face next to mine, I can feel his breath on my cheek, "I think your beautieful." Did he just sniff me? I pull my face away and look at him surpried. "Your not human are you?" James looks at me. Pulling his hand away, he runs it through his thick dark hair. He pases across the hard wood flooring in his livingroom. The street lights cast an errie glow around him making him more like me. "A year ago I saw something that I thought could never be posible. A man was shot in an ally, I shot him. He murdered a woman. I shot him in the head, he just got up and kept right on running. It didn't even slow him down." Time for me to go I think, I have to find Stormy. C'Mon! Move! Get out of there now! I find myself being draged towards him, my arms wraping around his waste. "my kind have no names, you humans call us Vampires, we call each other Kindred, family." What the hell am I doing??!! I'm tell this juice bag everything! James sighs and places a hand over mine. "Do your kind fall in love?" "We can love just as well as Humans." He turns and presses his lips into mine, wrapping his arms around me so I can't pull away. "Sleep with me, your brother can look after himself for a night I think." He runs his fingers through my hair and down my sides feeling my curves. "Yes." Ahhh, no what the hell am I doing?! He places his hands under my ass and lifts me off the floor carrieing me into his bedroom.
I raise my hand and wipe it away for her. She's so small and delaciet, so I make my touch very light as if I didn't touch her at all. She closes her eye's and sighs. More like a wimpper as she drags her pink toung across her lips. I can hear her heart beating. It's a soft rythem under her chest. "Tell me your name." I look at her for a minuet. Amanda. Her name is real, why should I be real? Maybe my sister's right, and this is just another one of my lusting fases. She opens her green eye's. "Tell me your name. Please?" "It's Christian. After my father." Amanda smiled at me. She has such a beautieful smile. "Christian. I like that name." Amanda takes a step towards me. I can feel her body heat through my shirts as she nessels into my chest. She satrts to nibble on my neck. "What are you doing?" She grins at me. She's done this before. I can tell. "I always get what I want Chris. You should learn that now." I grin down into those green eyes. "I've always like woman who know what they want." I wonder what she'd be like if she were Kindred? "You said that you need sleep, come back to bed." She takes my hand and leads me back to her bed to join her. "Why are you shaking?" Amanda stops and looks at me. "Do I frighten you?" I look down at her, "A little." She smiles at me, "I'm not the one who was hidding in a closet just to watch me undress." "Well.....ummmmm.....I......ummmm....." She giggels as she shoves me onto the bed. Defently a woman who knows what she wants. "You worried I'll bite you?" I look at her with an evil grin on my face. "Your not worried that I'll bite you?" Amanda reached her hand up to my shirt caler and started to toy with it. She glided her slender fingers over the soft fabric tracing an out line of my chest. "You can bite me if you want." She looked up into my eyes. So much begging was there. Jade would kill me if she finds out. "What about your brother? If he finds out, he'll hunt me and my sister down." "I'm a big girl, I can take care of my self I think?" I raise my hand and trace my index finger over the top of her brests. She shutters at the touch. She feels like silk. I pull her into my lap and play with her hair. I want her more then anything.

© Copyright 2005 MistressCarolynPhoenix, (known as GROUP).
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