Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1020447-The-Search-for-Atlantis
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1020447
An unlikely group stumbles across the fabled lost city...
Rylan Anderson was just a college student interested in ancient civilizations and mythology. One day, he came across a journal that alluded to the idea that the lost city of Atlantis was much more than a myth. His professors all told him that he was crazy and that he should stick to known facts, except for one. Professor Timothy Parker, a professor of history specializing in ancient world civilizations and languages and a mentor of Rylan's, agrees that Atlantis may indeed exist under the ocean's depths. However, Professor Parker admitted that he was too old to pursue such an idea.

Now, Rylan is organizing a group of his fellow students to accompany him on a venture into the depths of the world with just an old journal as his guide.

Will this journey result in the discovery of a forgotten civilization? Or is this just a wild chase that will forever haunt the reputations of Rylan and his friends?

Name: Rylan Anderson
Age/Year: 18, Freshman
Major: History
Appearance: Has a very athletic build. He also has lightly tanned skin all year round. He has blonde hair and green eyes. He usually wears athletic t-shirts and sandals.
Personality: He's very chivalrous, due to his studies of world history. He's a natural born leader, though he usually comes off as being a "nerd" because he indulges himself a little too much into his studying of history.
Other: He becomes the "leader" of this expedition.
A Non-Existent User

Name: Zeke Lars
Age/Year: 20, Junior
Major: Education
Appearance: He is 6'0" and 190 lbs. He has a muscular build due to his swimming and other aquatic sports. He has jet black hair and brown eyes.
Personality: He's got a very abrasive personality but warms up to those that he's close to. He can be very friendly but likes to show his friendliness through mostly harmless practical jokes.
Other: His father was a history professor of Greek and Roman civilization, so Zeke grew up being influenced by mythology and classical history. As a result, he becomes one of the first students to volunteer for this expedition.
Name: Matt Barkley
Age/Year: 20, Junior
Major: Anthropology
Appearance: Lean build and 6'3" and 180 lbs. He has long brown hair and tanned skin. Matt usually wears a T-shirt with an oversized grey jacket and blue jeans.
Personality: Matt is cocky and a smart-alack, but he's also smart. He won't tease you too if he likes you and is surprisingly loyal.
Other: He joined because he lost a bet (he thought it was a joke and then it went overboard). He thinks this is a stupid idea and makes sure that everyone knows it.
Name: Andrea "Andy" Peterson

Age/Year: 19, Freshman

Major: Archeology

Appearance: Andy is tall and slender at 5'8" and 125 lbs. with curves in all the right places. She has jet black hair that extends down to about the middle of her back and mysterious bright green eyes. She definetly draws the attention of guys and uses it to the best of her abilities.

Personality: Andy is intelligent, funny, and outgoing, but she has a trouble-maker stubborn side that is usually shown. She loves to have fun and sometimes let that get in the way of her grades.

Other: Andy joined because she had to in order to bring her grade up in Prof. Parker's class. She really doesn't like his class and is failing. She is good at breaking codes and figuring out stuff so that is how she got into archeology.
Name: Sakti Lancaster

Age/Year: 17, Sophomore

Major: Pre-med

Appearance: Sakti is about 5’7” with a tan complexion. Her curly black hair reaches about waist length and contains numerous red and blue streaks dyed in. Her grey eyes are bright and playful. She’s in good physical shape and has the figure to prove it. She a natural beauty but does not acknowledged it.

Personality: She sort has sort of shy and distant nature. Her vast knowledge is a direct result of this; because she spends most of the time she should spend socializing, reading and doing things to further her knowledge. When she comes out of her shell she is has quite a pleasant personality.

Other: Sakti is interested in every and anything, especially history and sciences. She joined the group upon Prof. Parker’s request. He hopes that the expedition will help mellow Sakti out and help break her out of her shell.

Rylan packed up his things he handed in his midterm exam. He gave a great sigh of relief as he turned around and headed back to gather his things. He left the classroom and noticed Professor Parker walking towards him.

"Finished already?" the professor asked.

"Yeah. It was brutal, though. And I can't believe I focused a lot of my studying on the Egyptians, you didn't any essay questions on them," Rylan replied.

"I couldn't fit it in. What with the Roman Empire and the Greek mythology, there just wasn't an extra question to leave for the Egyptians," the professor said, laughing. "Anyway, Rylan, I wanted to talk to you about something a little more...adventurous than a midterm exam. Check this out..."

Professor Parker pulled out a very worn journal from his briefcase and handed it to Rylan. A set of strange runes graced the cover, runes that Rylan had never seen before.

"What is this?" Rylan asked.

"I believe its a map, Rylan. A map to a legendary treasure..."

Rylan laughed, "Oh man, you really had me going there, professor. Look, I'm beat after that midterm, I have to go finish packing."

"Rylan, you don't understand. I'm serious, here. This journal, I believe, contains the secrets to finding the Lost City of Atlantis."

"Professor, please. You of all people should know that the City of Atlantis is just a myth. You said so yourself in your lectures."

"I was mistaken, Rylan. At least consider leaving for home tomorrow instead of tonight. Come by my office at 7:00 this evening. If I can't pursuade you that this is for real, I'll gladly help you pack to return home. But think of the rewards, Rylan. Think of the knowledge that could be gained from something like this," the professor pleaded holding up the journal.

"Alright. I'll consider it. But it'll probably just be a dead end, no matter how much I wish it isn't so," Rylan replied, starting to believe his mentor.
A Non-Existent User

Zeke entered his professor's office. He was early and Professor Parker was just setting some books out on his desk.

"Ah, Zeke," the professor greeted him with a smile. "Please, have a seat. You're a bit early and the others should be arriving shortly."

"Others?" Zeke asked, a little confused. "I thought we were here to discuss my grade in your class, something that should be kept between the two of us..."

"We are. However, I have a larger scale idea that you couldn't possibly imagine nor accomplish on your own. Don't worry, everyone that is coming tonight is in a similar situation as yourself. You will not feel 'out of place' if you will," the professor explained with a smile on his face.

The door opened and three other students entered the office. Some of whom Zeke recognized from his classes, one of whom he did not.

"Welcome, my students. We still have some others who will be joining us this evening and we will be moving to a conference room down the hall once everyone has arrived, so please, make yourselves comfortable until we are ready."

The other students pulled up chairs and sat down, greeting the others and introducing themselves.

What could be so important about a group of students that Professor Parker has us meeting at 7:00 the night before our vacation? Zeke thought to himself.

The answer was going to be much more than he could have imagined.

Matt sighed to himself. How do I get into these messes, he thought to himself. He looked around the room and saw that there were a fair number of people present. They he saw her...

"Hey," he called and quickly made his way to her. "Do I know you from somewhere?"

"I don't think so," she replied slowly. "Who are you?"

"Me? I'm Matt. Matt Barkley. And you're Sekti Lancaster, right?"

"It's Sakti."

"Oh, my bad," Matt apologized nervously.

""Welcome, my students. We still have some others who will be joining us this evening and we will be moving to a conference room down the hall once everyone has arrived, so please, make yourselves comfortable until we are ready," Professor Parker announced.

"I'm going to get a drink of water," Sakti said and then quickly departed. Matt sighed again. It could have been worse he reasoned.
After bumping in to Logan, Andy settled into the seat next to him in the conference room. There were so many things she rather be doing right now.

"So, why are you here?" she asked Logan. If she was going to be here she might as well make the best of it.

"Ryan talked me into it. You?"

"Sort of a last resort thing for my grade. If I didn't come to this I was going to fail."

"Oh, okay."

Just then, Prof. Parker walked up to the front of the room.

"Okay, let's get started."
Sakti sat a few seats away from everyone else.

“Could everyone come a little closer to the front,” Prof. Parker began signaling the few that chose to sit in the back, forward.

Sakti sighed and found herself in a seat next to Matt at the front.

“Hi there,” Matt replied turning to her.

“Hi,” Sakti replied half smiling. “Why couldn’t I just have stayed in my dorm and read,” Sakti mumbled to herself.

“You say something?” Matt asked.

“Just thinking out loud.”

The Professor seemed to be setting up a display at the front of the class, then began right where he left off. “You all must be wondering why I called you all here.”
Name: Saerie Thornetree

Age/Year: 17, Freshman

Major: Creative Writing and History

Appearance: Saerie is 5'2” with a pale complexion. Her straight black hair curls gracefully in the dip of her, and it posseses a glossy sheen . Her grey eyes are deep and understanding. She’s thin as a willow, but strong as an oak. Saerie wears whatever is comfortable, which normally turns out to be baggy or skin tight.

Personality: Saerie can be very outgoing, or solitary depending upon her mood. She is always nice to others, and has a thirst for adventure and proving scientific theories wrong. Saerie is somewhat of a radical, but people like her interesting nature and unique sense of individuality.

Other: Saerie is always walking around with a book under her arm or in her nose, and a pencil behind her ear, jotting down scenes in her stories. She is majoring in Creative Writing, but is already a famous and published fantasy novelist. Saerie is also majoring in History because it facinates her and always helps her story plots along. Saerie loves the outdoors and animals, and can be quite the romantic. People always feel comfortable around her, and often times end up telling her their life stories.
Name: Isabella (Issy) Lewis

Age/Year: 20, Senior

Major: Archeology and Ancient Civilizations

Appearance: Isabella could care less about her looks. She only likes two things about her looks; Her long golden hair which is usually kept in a messy pony tail and her dark blue eyes. Otherwise is short and thin. Clothing is basically t-shirts and oversized jeans.

Personality: Issy is the type of person who is laid back. Although she is quite moody and seems to go from happy to sad in a matter of seconds. Honest and loyal to the core.

Other: Issy was approached by Professor Parker. One of the things that made him pick her is that she has field work and she is one of his top students.
A Non-Existent User
Name: Tyan(Ty)Cruner

Age/year: 17, Freshman

Major: Archeology

Appearance: She has really long dark brown hair that she keeps in a braid down her back. Her eyes are bright blue. She short, thin, and curvy. She has a set chin, showing her stubborness. She usually wears T-shirts and cargo pants with boots.

Personality: Ty is all about honesty. She honest to a point of bluntness, but she never is intentionally rude. It just seems like it sometimes.

Other: Professor Parker invited Ty to be a part of this search because of her ability in the field. She knows no one except the professor.
Name: Kadrean (kay-dree-un)

Age/year: 18, doesn't attend school


Appearance: Kadrean has long, white hair and an olive complexion. Her eyes are a stormy gray and an unusual shape. She is quite exotic looking, and not quite like anything the world has seen before. She is tall and slender, standing at about 6' 7" (average height for her people).

Personality: She is quiet and reserved, very observant. Agreeable and hard to anger. Believes firmly in her cultures traditions and way of life. Very protective of that area of her life. Family is of great importance to her, as is respect, honesty and integrity.

Other: Incase you haven't figured it out, Kadrean is an Atlantean (Atlantan, Atlantian...whatever). But she has left her homeland on a mission. A mysterious illness has devastated her people, and a wise man has told her she will find the cure with the help of a foriegn youth. She is unsure of what this means, because in her launguage the word 'youth' could mean anything that is young or new. From a child to a freshly sprouted plant. She has been traveling in distant lands for weeks now, with no cure yet to be found.
A Non-Existent User
Name: Lilliarna Paltrow

Age/year: 17, Freshman

Major: Community Services

Appearance: She has dark brown curly hair down to her shoulders, green eyes and has a lot of very feminine features from the way she moves so gracefully across the floor to her looks or her long eyebrows. She is 5'7.

Personality: Lilliarna really believes in honesty, trust, friendship and openess and will bring those into every relationship she is a part of. She is very honest about who she is and will never let others push her around her cause problems for those she loves.

Other: Lilliarna writes in two different genres they are science fiction and reality kind of books. She thinks that in order to properly understand a person you have to understand their background and that would include Ancient History of all kinds.
Name: Shawn

Age/year: 22, dosen't attend school

Major: N/A

Appearence: 6'2 with short, blonde hair and hazel eyes. Very muscular. Quite good looking, but his personality puts most people off.

Personality: Cold, and brooding, Shawn has never been a people person. Guarenteed to almost rub everyone the wrong way, his sarcastic tougne ruins any chance he has left of finding any friends. However, there is a certain quality in him that intrigues some people.

Other; A highly trained military man, Shawn was picked by Professor Parker to go along with the group to make sure they don't get into any trouble. Shawn's not at all happy about going on the 'bull**** mission,' but is willing to do anything to make sure he does his job properly.

Name: Natasha

Age/Year: 20/Senior

Major: Religious Studies

Appearance: She is a short, curvy woman, with powerful legs from running and kung fu. Her short blond hair is spiked, with green and pink streaks. She has a nose ring, a lip ring, eyebrow piercings, several piercings in each ear, and a small Anarchy sign tatooed to her lower back. She favors converses, jeans, and leather jackets.

Personality: She's very spunky, and does not come off as a very... academic minded person on first glance. However, she has a keen mind--she began college at the tender age of 16--and she has an honest interest in learning... especially about religion.

Other: She has studied ancient as well as modern religions quite thoroughly, but her interest leans more toward ancient religions.
Name: Xalian (Ex-ALE-ean)
Age: Unknown
Appearance: He is very tall and muscular. He has tanned skin and long, white hair. He has piercing black eyes that change color with his mood.
Personality: He is a great leader, well-loved by his people. He is loyal to his people and a fierce enemy. He would rather resolve things peacefully, but is extremely protective of his homeland.
Other: He is the king of Atlantis and has reigned for over a hundred years. He always wears his gold crown and carries his trident, the symbols of his throne.

"Milord, you must send for help. We can't fight this disease on our own. Its spreading at an alarming rate. The prophecy...think of the prophecy."

"Yes, Vanigar, I know of the prophecy. But that doesn't mean I will allow surface-dwellers to desecrate our rightful place in the world. They are already coming to us."

"What?!" the advisor replied.

"A group of young surface-dwellers have stumbled across the only link to our peaceful existence and are coming. It will be quite some time before they pose any real threat, but they will be here."

"But...that journal was supposed to be destroyed!"

"Yes, and it troubles me greatly that it was not."

"But, this could be a good thing. I mean, if they are coming to us, maybe one of them will be the one we are looking for."

"Perhaps. I surely hope so...for the sake of our people..." the king replied, looking up towards the surface world.

© Copyright 2005 Orion the Spring Elf, The Dark Sun is Snowing, Me., **Jo tired & pretty stressed**, A Light in the Darkness, Spiritdancer, M. E. Levin, Chee the Fabulous, Even Though I've Died, xx-xx, The.Random.Rocker, Andante, G-O say Yay-o for summer...O!, (known as GROUP).
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