Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1002205-The-Animatrix-2
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Sci-fi · #1002205
A Campfire Creative where you can write about different stories linked to the matrix.
CHARACTERS: I think we should have a broad list of characters, please list as many characters that you think are necessary to structure a matrix series.

PLOT: I was hoping this would follow the conclusion of The Matrix Revolutions, when there is peace between the machines and Zion, like The Matrix Online.

Please Write. If You want to join please e-mail.

Morpheus. My Savior. My own personal Jesus Christ. He's my father, my friend and ultimately my ally. He saved me, saved me from the biggest fabrication ever known to mankind, the fabrication we live in a real world. Morpheus showed me the truth, and goddamit I think him for that.The truth. Sometimes my friend, is all we need to hear in times of despair. The Truth.

And here is a true story.

The first time I laid eyes on an agent, I was shocked, men attired in black tuxedos, and eyes obscured behind dark glasses. This had to be a dream. They desperately wanted to know about Morpheus, did I tell them?NO!I couldn't I felt restrained, they could threaten me all they want, but I wasn't going to slip a word about his location. And I didn't. This is my story. About my own personal Jesus Christ.

It happened a while back ago, I had no job, no family, I was hopeless, I was down in a sack of shit, and I was confined. I recall instances where I challenged the idea of reality, but dismissed it, because I thought I was real so did everyone else, or is that the people’s conspiracy?

I was in a bar one night, in deep solitude, contemplating on my life and how it drastically changed over a choice I made a few years ago. A choice I regret a million times over. A choice that could've turned the ship around for me. I had the choice to attend college or remain with my girlfriend and go to a community college on and off and get married. Now here's where the bullshit comes in, I chose her, I chose someone who left me over a job that could've rescued me from this world. Well I guess I’m not alone.

Meanwhile, I’m seated at the bar, wolfing down BUDWEISER, and spending my money like it grows of trees. Well let me tell you something it doesn't. This girl teared apart my heart sliced it on the floor, and disposed of it like it was a piece of paper. But I don't want to bore you with my before-life, so anyways a man approaches me in a bar, and takes a seat next to me. I can't really describe him, he somehow revived my hope in a sense, a hope that was shot down a sea and seemed like it was lost forever. He told me he was here to help, and if I wanted a real job he better come and see a man named Morpheus. The first time I heard that name, I was like What the hell does a name like that mean? But thank god it was a name meaningful to rescue me. The strange man dipped in his pocket and yanked out a paper displaying an address and meeting. The man told me,I had to meet Morpheus at this precise time.

After that, I returned to my apartment, an apartment full of salvaged junk and worthless jewelry. The night was scented, a scent so strong and invigorating, I felt compelled, compelled to the idea, that this man named Morpheus could save me.

The next morning, the sun glowed like a glow of a thousands mornings. No clouds sailed the sky, or breeze stormed through the city. It was a day I’ll always remember, a day of serenity and sublimeness. I glanced at the sheet of paper, and followed the road down, to what seemed freedom. It was a disintegrating apartment I guess, and It seemed fire licked away at the walls, and ash scorched the surface of its housing. I pulled myself to the door, and wrapped my hand around the knob, feeling a sense of excitement, and nourishment, maybe this was a life-changer. I trekked up numerous stairs, to a room with the letters 606 etched across the door. And I entered.

Now I’m not going to go in full explanation here, but let me tell a piece of advice about reality: To understand reality is not the same as to know about outward events. It is to perceive the essential nature of things. The best-informed man is not necessarily the wisest. Indeed there is a danger that precisely in the multiplicity of his knowledge he will lose sight of what is essential. But on the other hand, knowledge of an apparently trivial detail quite often makes it possible to see into the depth of things. And so the wise man will seek to acquire the best possible knowledge about events, but always without becoming dependent upon this knowledge. To recognize the significant in the factual is wisdom.

Morpheus told me that, and I’ll live by that. You know what pill I took or don't you, maybe that's something you need to figure out, or maybe that could be in your story. Meanwhile, this is my story. Oh yeah, I forgot about Agents, they’re always after me, and I never tell them about my story, neither Morpheus’s. Morpheus is the god of dreams.

It's strange how life can be going so perfectly yet still not satisfy you. It's strange how simple little descions can lead you to a point in your life you can't run away from. A point in your life where, even though your afraid, you can finally find out what the hell is going on.

Looking back, sometimes I wish things had turned out diffrently. Don't get me wrong - I would never go back to living that lie, and I'm so grateful to Morpheous for showing me the truth.

But when it's dark and I'm in my bed, sometimes I think back and realize that mabye, just mabye, life hadn't been so bad after all.

I had a great family, a great job, enough money to own a nice house, nice car. In one word, I would describe my life as perfect. Mabye that was the problem. My life was so simply perfect I just couldn't accept it. I couldn't accept that this was all the world had to offer.

I met him in Australia, of all places. Traveling the world, the last thing I expected to meet was a young man who simply handed me a piece of paper with a name and an address on it before leaving.

Mabye one day I'll wake up and find this has all been a dream. Mabye one day I'll return to my perfect life. But until then, I'll keep on fighting to help others realize the truth.

The truth about the real world, the truth about all the lies we've been believing, the truth about agents, the truth about Morpheous.

The truth about the Matrix.

That was my given name. My father called me C.C. When I was old enough to express my opinion I demanded to be CHASE.

So my point is I never believed in who I was. I defined my self as best as I knew how.

I learned the most useful skill I could think of. I learned to fix anything with the tools I had available.

Starting young I had a very supportive father. After school I ran Chase fix it. Most clients would come in and say “Hey I need Chase to get out here and fix this.” I didn’t take kindly to those kind of customers. The ones who assume that a girl let alone one still in school was capable of fixing anything “manly”. Once you let Me try you never needed to find anyone else because I am the best. Some said “It’s like she can see what would make the solution work.”

I finished school Opened my business full time. Never hired help. Refused to hire help couldn’t trust them to fix it properly. Met this guy. He was an amazingly sweet boy named Xavier. That was another thing I was good at fixing relationships. Granted my Husband and I had our problems but mostly we got along. Unfortunately as all people in our lives do he left. He was on his way to work. Crossing the street from the Bakery to his office and was hit by a Semi.

I loved Xavier despite our problems I think what I loved most was the challenge. I went on a binge that night drinking. When I finally awoke there was an agent standing over me in an alley. The floor beneath me fell and I was yanked to my feet out of the fire of the agent. I was now running down a subway following someone I had never met before being chased by agents. One point there were 3 chasing us. We never slowed down not even for a minute I was thrown into a building door way. “Stay...Here…” Several minutes later another door opens. The man throws pieces of a phone at me . “You have less than three minutes to join reality Chase. If you trust me you will put the phone together and answer it.”

I looked at the phone and started work. The man stared down at me and glanced out the windows. In 2 minutes 30 seconds I had the phone together and plugged in. 30 seconds went by and it rang. The man looked at me. “I am asking you to Embrace a reality you have never known. Answer the phone and I grant you knew life. The true reality. If you choose not too the agents will come and Arrest you for selling stolen property and take you in for questioning” He said his voice shaking nervously staring out the window.
The phone rang for the third time. I answered it. “Hello” I spoke into the phone.

“Chase Welcome.” Was all I heard on the other end of the line when everything went black.

I came to and found my self in a different world. That’s when I met the “Legendary” Morpheous. He explained what decision I had made. He said that his team needed someone like me and he watched me work for almost a year. The phone was the final test to see if I was really the one they needed on there extraction teams. For the first time I felt my SKILL was really needed. I was introduced as the Gadgeteer. I introduced myself as Chase. One of the guys referred to me as Gizmo
He glanced to his side unnerved. A brisk breeze swirled in the alleyway, as his pace quickened, and as he gritted through the pain. Blood trickled down his shoulder, and sweat dribbled down his face. A Day Gone Wrong. His vision soon became blurred by the perpetual pain and distant feeling of help, this is what it feels like to be sinking in a pit of shit: In Solitude and in deep frustration. He couldn't handle it anymore, the matrix, the life that he left for the truth, the truth that he knows he'll be dreading the rest of his life. And this is all he gets for the truth, nothing.

Agents teared down the pavement, grasping their guns and sporting their oval shades. All of them grinding their molars, and clenching their fist. How could this rebel get away? they pondered, they are the anti-virus, the solution to any unresolved problem. This couldn't be true.

His pain escalated, and disseminated through his body. His crew is gone, and he's the only one left on this whole goddamn ship, and he can't get out, he never can. This was his suicidal attempt, to live in the matrix forever, and never become rescued, he can't, he definitely won't. The Pain seeped to his head.

"We've found his location," said agent Woods. Pressing the plug inserted in his ear, supported by the cord coiling down his neck. "In south street alleyway.He's been unplugged for three straight days, he's part of the system."

The grip of a gun is always assuring, the feeling craves to your need of reassurance and protection from an enemy. The feeling of invincibility, strengthened his thought and mind. He could beat the system.

A black sedan with tinted windows glided near an ally with shadows looming over the path. Three Agents pulled up, their faces completely expressionless. "Follow my lead,"ordered Agent Woods.

The sound of steps beat against the hollowed pavement, he could test it now, his invicibility, and manifest himself as the indomitable, was it this close? He yanked out his gun and scanned its frame, this was a man's best friend in the matrix.

The agent whipped out his handgun and strolled down the darkened path, this man was no more a use to the matrix. He needed to be deleted.

He arose and cautiously stooped down the path, but he was blinded by the darkness. This was the sensation he loved, a game he called hide and go seek. The sound of steps grew louder, and he couldn't resist a smile, this was his turn.

A round of bullets sizzled past Agent Woods, as he dodged them easily, his target was located and couldn't evade him this time.

"Shit,"he said. Out of bullets, now that's what you have to hate in the matrix, losing your ultimate prize to your weapon: ammo. He was out.
Another goner in the matrix, another virus found in the matrix, another wasteless body in the matrix, and finally a ghost in the matrix.

I guess there's nothing like invicibility.

A Non-Existent User
Time wasted! That's my only true reaction to my life. It all started when I finished second place in my first major martial arts competition. I only finished second cause men in black showed up and in short messed it all up.
Now I live life truethfully. I know as much as everyone else does. My life was a lie. All my metals everything however my skills where true.
I remember dropping to the ground in the ring, with bullets flying overhead. I left the building with the announcement ringing I gave up. How preposterous.
The alleys are dark and running seemed impossible as the men in black keep on my tail with perfect distance. Their weapons drawn bullets begin to fly. The window is in reach and I jump. The glass shatters with bullets just as I jump. "I think they're missing on purpose," I say to myself while going through the window with ease. Upon landing a figure beckons me to follow. I hesitate, but feel that I should trust the person. I head in the direction of the person to see the stupid identicle figures following me through the window.
Upon their arrival the woman upon closer inspection fires some rounds at the men and opens a door for me to go through. I look behind me to see the firgures blur into a flurry of motion. I decide not to stop and fight and go through the door to have it closed by the woman who is also all in black. She locks it then says "Follow me."
I obeyed. Next thing I know I'm in a room on a bed of some sort in some sort of other world.
SO now nolonger do I even associate my self with Chastity Claire Adams. I am now Chase Adams. I work with the boys on seeking out those wwho fall through the cracks of the system and yanking them out before the world turns on them. I go along as kind of a plan B. I also fix things here in the real world improoving modifing and inventing tools against the machines.
A Non-Existent User
OOC: Did Writing Chick leave?

I've learned much about the real world and have grown used to it. As for me I was rescued by Niobe and have worked under her for going into the matrix and fighting on my terms. I do what is required of my. Most recently we've been inside of Zion waiting for our next mission. I explored the entire reaches of Zion and personally find it not well defended enough but no one really listens to my ancient ways of thinking. My lines of defence would stop so much as a ninja from penetrating Zion. I seem to keep myself seperated from the rest of society as I don't find an area where I will fit in. I practice my martial abilities and fighting echniques daily, while waiting for the next assignment.
A Non-Existent User
"Today is a very important day! Today, we shall whitness, with our very own eyes, the dawn of a new idea. A new step towards the destruction of those who try to stop us. The agent army will no longer need to fight against the renagade of people who try to unplug the Matrix. This... is S4A6W!"

This is what I first heared after the countless tests... after... the suffering... the pain... the knoladge of what became of him... my brother...

I was a human... just like everyone else... except for the agents. My name was Sam Halkman. I lived in a city where, everything about the Matrix was blinded from us, never to be seen...

I went on a mission, with my brother to find out about the Matrix, untill... the agents found us.

They tortued us... against our will...

They made us into... machines...

We were transformed into the ultimate killing machines...

Then came the day... when I had to fight him...

I killed him... in front of them... They... enjoyed watching him die...

But enough was enough...

Now they will pay...

Now the name... they will all fear... S4A6W!

© Copyright 2005 Eragondor, The.Random.Rocker, Gremlin, xx-xx, xx-xx, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1002205-The-Animatrix-2