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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #982524
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
*Smile*          *Bigsmile*          *Cool*

L'aura del campo

'é a lua, é a lua, na quintana dos mortos'
♣ Federico García Lorca ♣

Higgins Street Bridge, April 25th  2009, Missoula, Montana

L'aura del campo. A breeze in the meadow. So it began the last day of Spring, 2005; on the 16th day of the month of Light of the year 162. This is a supplement to my daily journal written to a friend, my muse; notes I do not share. Here I will share what the breeze has whispered to me.


On a practical note, in answer to your questions:

Gifts from NOVAcatmando kiyasama alfred booth, wanbli ska ransomme Iowegian Skye

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Thanks for being my friend.


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For brightening my day with your delightful offerings ~ Thank you so much! *^*Heart*^*



passed away November 12, 2005

Please visit her port to read her poems and her writings.
More suggested links:

Along Route 56 in Southwest Kansas, July 2004.
These pictures rotate.

 Kåre *Leaf5* Enga
~ until everything was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow! And I let the fish go.
~ Elizabeth Bishop,
The Fish
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June 15, 2017 at 3:41pm
June 15, 2017 at 3:41pm
30-Day Image Prompt.


Did I say something wrong.
Did I do something wrong.
It didn't matter; I was wrong
and your anger lashed out.

You refused to speak to me,
and your punishment was cruel.
Your heart's difference froze me,
left me speechless. I couldn't move.

Now you stare through me, stone-faced,
your lack-of-innocence interrupted,
your bow cocked, me acquiescent
to be dissected by your arrow.

© Kåre Enga (15.juin.2017) [136] /30:14.1/

Note: about the title... I could've used "Bull's-eye" and still might, but I wanted something a bit more unusual. It isn't meant to be pejorative... and it concerns me that it might be taken that way, especially since we live in uber-sensitive times where everything said is suspect and giving a negative meaning. Think "big beautiful cow's eyes..."

June 14, 2017 at 3:46pm
June 14, 2017 at 3:46pm
Flower, feather, flame and flood

I take
a clod of earth,
water it and place it
where a sunny breeze will coax out
new leaves.

I wave
a feather gifted by a bird
that soared above the clouds
where sunshine heats
the earth.

I light
flames that endure
bellows of wind and rain
and place it where a planted seed
now bursts.

I let
the fluids of life surround me,
protecting me from fire
and cleansing me
of dirt.

consume the flood
that quenched the flames and calmed
the breezes that had set my world

© Kåre Enga (13.juin.2017) [135] /30:13.1/

30-Day Image Prompt.
June 13, 2017 at 10:41pm
June 13, 2017 at 10:41pm
The Moon must be fed

Caught in a web of filigreed desire,
the husk of an airplane, suspended in time,
waits for the ghost of the Moon to wax
when the ripened feast will be consumed,
leaving only an empty hull to rust
among the myths of long-lost flights
that never will be found.

No one ever questions the Moon.
The Moon now full, isn't talking.

© Kåre Enga (13.junio.2017) [174.134] /30:13.2 /

30-Day Image Prompt.

June 13, 2017 at 1:58pm
June 13, 2017 at 1:58pm
30-Day Image Prompt.

O sunlit child of darkened skies,
how you try to swing above the gloom!
Break loose your bonds and learn to fly
or seek your doom.

Old ropes won't hold. They fray, and severed
won't hold you fast. I do not lie!
Let go and join the clouds forever
or quickly die.

O sunlit child of gloomy skies
Beyond the storms lie sunny climes.
Break loose from ropes and learn to fly
o'er better times.

© Kåre Enga (12.giugno.2017) [174.133] /30:12.2/

June 13, 2017 at 1:38pm
June 13, 2017 at 1:38pm
Romeo's dilemma

What light through yonder keyhole breaks.
'Tis dawn or lamp that lit must mean—
my restless love's awake!

Thy door stands shut. I'll never know
unless I find the key—or dare—
to peek through yonder hole.

30-Day Image Prompt.

© Kåre Enga (12.giugno.2017) [174.132] /30:12.1/
June 12, 2017 at 1:13am
June 12, 2017 at 1:13am
30-Day Image Prompt.

"My poodle made me drop my paper in a puddle"

That's what I told them.

That's not what happened.

I love rain. I love puddles. As a small child I jumped into every one I could find. Slushy in winter or frog-filled in Spring. Didn't matter. I jumped. They splashed. I got yelled at... every time.

But not yesterday. I was wearing my new tennies and a good pair of jeans. I was on my way to school with Puddles (that's my puppy; she always follows me as far as I let her).

It had rained overnight and the streets were puddle-luscious. I was careful. I really was. I skipped around them, jumped over them. No problemo. I was in a good mood as I came to the corner of Cameron and Colorado. There was a small puddle. I looked both ways and jumped.

And... that's when it got weird. I was mid-air when a hand reached up and grabbed me, pulled me into ocean depths until I felt like I was drowning. Fish were ogling me and a frog mouthed my name and then... then a merman grabbed me and dragged me into his cave. He served me sushi and lukewarm tea while he lectured about global warming... as if I cared. "You'd better", he warned me.

Then... I dunno... I came to, completely soaked, spitting out water as Puddles barked at... nothing. There was nothing in the 2" deep puddle. Mrs. Janicki came by, asked if I was okay and helped me up. I thanked her then told Puddles to go home in spite of her whining.

I grabbed my book-bag. It was soaked too. At school, my English teacher, Miss Mueller, was not amused with my soggy essay on local myths. So I told her, "My poodle made me drop my paper in a puddle." I mean... "I was grabbed and almost drowned by a mermen" just didn't sound right. So I blamed Puddles. She won't mind.

© Kåre Enga (11.juni.2017) [174.131] /30:11.1/
June 11, 2017 at 1:27am
June 11, 2017 at 1:27am
prompt:          30-Day Image Prompt.

What she remembers before the lamp gutters out

I do not remember the year
                                                 only that it was winter
         and the unpaved streets were empty
                                                                     although the night was still young
                   and a crescent moon lit the way of the wary
windows dark
                             doors shut
                                                           street lamps guttering out.

                   I watched a moonlit man in a top hat walking towards me
         wandering down the stone-clad sidewalk
                                                                               as if he hadn't a worry
                             as the clock struck the hour
         and steam rose from the city
to block out the moon,
                                       bare tree limbs reaching out as if to snatch it.

They say that no one screams
                                                 before Jack rips out your throat.

                             I would know.

That much I do remember...

         Steam rises to gag winter's moon
         before it gasps and breaks this silence.

K Enga (10.june.2017) [174.130] /30:10.2/

Note: a ramble, could become a prose or prose poem... maybe, or a hybrid form, similar to a haibun. Too soon to edit properly, IMHO.

June 11, 2017 at 12:54am
June 11, 2017 at 12:54am
Lime Ricky

Ricky wanted to climb back into the lime soda,
its green placenta abandoned, its womb empty.
Ejected after its fizz popped and its water broke--
covering everything in reach with limey froth--
Ricky groped around, gasping for breath.
He was a land animal now, no longer a swimmer
embraced by lime-green jism. He looked around.
There was no glass of rum waiting for a jinn,
a squirt of citrus, an orphaned man. He jumped,
as if he could squeeze back into the bottle,
hanging on as I took his picture. But as we all know,
once birthed, we can never re-enter the womb.

K Enga (10.junio.2017) [174.129] /30:10.1/

30-Day Image Prompt.
June 10, 2017 at 3:42pm
June 10, 2017 at 3:42pm
Kansas Spring of 2257

Ride my boots across tilled flats,
mud clinging to my soles, your soul
free to hold Spring's reins and guide
my existence as storm clouds
scatter in the distance,
boot-prints the only sign
that we have passed through here,
water gathering in indentations,
impressions we leave where e'er we pass.

K Enga (10.juin.2017) [174.128] /30:9.1/

prompt: 30-Day Image Prompt.

note: title is provisional.
June 8, 2017 at 9:30pm
June 8, 2017 at 9:30pm
Knock on wood

I am the face that waits
for fairies,
the door you cannot see
nor squeeze through.

Wait on a toadstool
until a druid
passes by and deigns
to help you.

Here we practice calm
and peace.
Here we show the utmost

a virtue should you wish
to see us.
So sit and rest then dream
and wait.

K Enga (8.juni.2017) [174.127] /30:8.1/

prompt: 30-Day Image Prompt.

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