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Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #969382
Breaking the laws of blogging, one entry at a time.
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For repeated blog faux pas, including, but not limited to:

Obsessive ranting - guilty on 92 counts.
Repeatedly beating a dead horse - guilty on 17 counts.
Unnecessary use of curse words - guilty on 142 counts.
Boring daily recounts - guilty on 45 counts.
Pointless entries - guilty on 214 counts.
Contradictory statements - guilty on 72 counts.
Recounting toilet actions - guilty on 15 counts.
Overdramatization of insignificant things - guilty on 152 counts.
Overreacting to meaningless gestures - guilty on 22 counts.
Unnecessary temper tantrums - guilty on 75 counts.
Cruelty towards animals, superiors, peers, and inferiors - guilty on 146 counts.
Repeated bad grammar, spelling, and opinionations - guilty on 214 counts.

Suspect is considered armed and dangerous.
Do not confront directly, instead call the authorities
and slowly back away. Do not provoke suspect, as
she is easy to agitate. The best action to take is to
smile and nod. Any other response could lead
suspect to rant and rave for days without ceasing.

Dead or alive.

Offending evidence:
Merit Badge in Journaling
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Given for penning the favorite response entry in the Follow the Leader contest with "Come Again?"
(Exhibit A)

Merit Badge in Variety
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Because I never knew what to expect from your Follow the Leader entries, but I'm oh so glad you played!
(Exhibit B)

Merit Badge in Journaling
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I enjoy reading your blog. You always have something to say, and it tends to be interesting, too *^*Bigsmile*^*. Thanks for providing us all with food for thought! *hugz* Kit
(Exhibit C)

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December 4, 2006 at 12:15pm
December 4, 2006 at 12:15pm
OK. Last one for today. Maybe. Unless something else happens. I really don't like the whole "I'm going to write 300 pointless entries a day in order to fill my blog" mentality, but this really isn't a pointless entry, I promise. Anyway...

The phone rang. Caller ID showed, "Michigan call" and a 337-number which meant it was KPS, so I answered.

"Hello?" I inquired.

"May I speak with Melissa ______ please?" (Seriously, omitting my last name is just so this blog doesn't come up on a Google search. Y'all know what my last name is and I don't care because there's a zillion others in the area, but you never know who could be looking for what I have to say about them.)


"Hello, Melissa. This is ________ from [KPS]." (Another change to hinder Google searches. Can you tell I'm paranoid about this lately?)

"Oh, hello! How are you?"

"I'm doing wonderful, how are you?"

"About the same. What can I do for you?"

"Well you interviewed for a position with ______ a few weeks ago and I wanted to let you know that we would like to offer you the position. Are you still interested?"

"Of course I am! How exciting!"

"The only thing we have left before we can talk details is for you to come in and have your fingerprints taken, due to state laws that were put into effect not too long ago."

"Oh, that's fine. When would you like me to do that?"

"When are you available to come in?"

"Whenever is a good time for you."

So tomorrow morning, I'm going to have my fingerprints ran, and once they come back OK, because they will, they should make the job offer formal. Yay! How exciting!
December 4, 2006 at 10:32am
December 4, 2006 at 10:32am
If you had an illness of some kind, say severe obsessive compulsive disorder, would you rather get help for it or continue allowing it to run and ruin your life? Would you get help if you liked the attention that you got from the illness, even though it's negative attention? Would you get help if you had children in the equation who needed you to be healthy in order to take care of them and look out for their well being?

It really irks me when someone, anyone, recognizes they have a problem and doesn't do anything about it. Instead, they continue to allow their affliction to be the root of all that is wrong with their life. They bitch and complain and don't do anything to actually make the situation better. They get too much attention from everything that is wrong and fear that attempting to fix the problem will take that attention away from them.

I was molested when I was five. It took me a long time to work past it and realize that I was continuing to victimize myself, rather than moving on and becoming a survivor, but I did. I could have chosen to blame everything that has gone wrong in my life on what happened to me when I was five, but I didn't. Instead, I chose to allow myself to heal and change my thought process so that I stopped blaming everything else in the world for my problems and took a good, long look at what I was doing to exacerabte them.

* My life sucked because I couldn't get ahead no matter how hard I tried.
         I went back to school and got an education doing something other than waiting tables or scanning items across a conveyer belt in a grocery store.

* My life sucked because guys always took advantage of me by leading me to believe they loved me when in all actuality they just wanted a one-night stand.
         I stopped thinking that guys were taking advantage of me and realized that I was the one who allowed herself to be taken advantage of. I realized that I shouldn't have to have sex with someone in order for him to love me and thus learned how to tell when a guy really felt what he said.

I blamed everything on everything else. Teddy molested me. My Dad beat me. My Mom did drugs. Nothing was my fault. I made the decisions I made because the world owed it to me.

Now, I realize that despite Teddy, my Dad, and my Mom, I am the one who is at fault for every decision I've made. I am the one who thought that going to bed with a guy validated my feelings of self worth and self esteem. I am the one who thought that the world should be handed to me in a shoe box instead of working for it.

When I saught help, I learned how much to the negative my thoughts leaned. When I realized how negative I was, I stopped that behavior. When that behavior stopped, things seemed to come to me so much easier.

So what if you have an illness? It isn't an obstacle that blocks you from everything in your life. The only person blocking you from happiness, is you.
December 4, 2006 at 9:34am
December 4, 2006 at 9:34am
If being pregnant makes a person turn into a bitch, then I don't know if it's worth being pregnant.

It isn't the pregnancy. I'm a bitch all of the time, and if it took you 26 years to figure that out, I have to question your intelligence. I've always stated how I felt about matters in a blunt manner. I don't plan on changing the way I do things anytime soon. If it's something you can't handle, then I don't know what to tell you because I have my opinions and I am always going to give them whether they're asked for or not.
December 4, 2006 at 9:10am
December 4, 2006 at 9:10am
All I can think as I'm sitting here is, why do I smell shit?

Then the furnace started and the smell went away. It leaves me wondering if one of my cats forgot to use the litter box last night. No worries, though, I won't go hunting down kitty pies, and I'm sure that my nose is just being too sensitive.

I need to start eating breakfast again, especially now that I need to eat an extra 300 calories per day. I figure a bowl of oatmeal is a good start, right? I'm worried it might be a little too heavy for my ribs, though.

I also thought about frying up a top-hat. I haven't had one since I was a kid. If you don't know what a top-hat is, you're missing out on a good thing!


1 slice of bread
1 glass
1 egg
salt and pepper

Butter one side of a slice of bread, and then use the glass to cut a hole in the bread. Place both pieces of bread in heated frying pan and crack egg into the hole. Allow to cook until egg is done. Flip bread and egg to make sure top of egg is cooked. Remove all from pan. Salt and pepper egg to taste. Place round piece of bread on top of egg. Enjoy!

It's basically an open-face sandwich, and now I'm craving one, but I hate cooking, so I probably won't have one since I'm also going to be making dinner tonight. Cook twice in one day? NEVER!

University of Michigan annoys me. Whenever the system works in their favor, they say the system is great. Whenever the system doesn't work in their favor, they whine about how unfair it is. Michigan didn't win the Big 10 conference because they lost to Ohio State. Florida won the SEC so they deserve to play in the big game. Florida has the toughest schedule in the nation. Michigan doesn't. Get over yourselves, Michigan. You got the Rose Bowl. Isn't that good enough for your whiney, snivelling, little pretentious asses? I guess not. You were so robbed. Whatever.

I like the match ups that came of the bowl selection. OSU and Florida, UofM and USC, ND and LSU, Wake Forest and Louisville. No rematches, just how the fans like it. Michigan and Lloyd Carr can bellyache and whine all they want, but they already lost to Ohio State. Nobody wants to see them lose to the same team again. We'd rather watch them lose to USC.

I'm going to go get my son out of bed now and then make myself a bowl of oatmeal. Then I'm going to take a shit and wipe my ass with a piece of paper that has the UofM logo on it.
December 3, 2006 at 6:26pm
December 3, 2006 at 6:26pm
I keep expecting something to go :LK+
L+l-kili0k myu'8jmij-=uomn '

Hmmm... that was an interjection from Ethan. That's what I get for walking away momentarily. Anyhow, as I was saying...

I keep expecting something to go wrong. Every little bit of discharge (gross, I know, I don't like the visual I get from that word, either), every little cramp, every little twinge, I run to the bathroom to check and make sure that I'm not going to start gushing out blood or something. I don't know. I'm just paranoid that something is going to go wrong. I need to stop.

In other news, the hormones are raging hard core. We were driving home from the store this afternoon and "Little Drummer Boy" was on the radio. I was listening to it, singing along a little, and it made me tear up. Pathetic.

We went to Hannah's birthday party yesterday. Ethan had a lot of fun playing with the other kids that were closer to his age, but he got real tired since he'd only had about a half an hour nap. I don't understand why parents who have young kids schedule stuff when they know all of the kids would need a nap.

Then, instead of all of the kids having fun the whole time, they only have fun until their steam runs out and then they're only cranky. Poor planning. Why does it seem like I'm the only one who would ever think of this stuff?

Ethan's second birthday party is going to be at like 4 pm, which isn't during most kids' naptimes and is too early for me to be serving much for dinner, except I'll probably have sandwiches just so that if the kids get hungry there'll be something to eat. I'll probably also buy sippie cups for each of the kids who are invited that are not drinking out of regular cups because it seems like everyone but me and Jason neglect to bring something important like that. And I'll probably also make sure there's a selection of party favors so that the kids will have something to play with because, again, Jason and I seem to be the only ones who pack something that will entertain our child. That was one thing that pissed me off.

We bought Ethan a Shake 'n Go Racer to take to the party with him because we forgot to grab his other one before we left for swimming class that morning. None of the other kids there had any toys, so they kept taking his car, even going so far as to pry it from his hands when he wanted to play with it.

I told one overzealous little boy that he needed to remember that Ethan was sharing his toy with him and that he needed to give it back so that he could play with it, too. The kid was like 5 so he knew what sharing was. Ethan isn't even 2 yet and barely understand the concept of sharing, yet he was gracious about the others playing with it.

Thank goodness they started opening presents after what seemed like 2 hours. *Rolleyes* It gave the other kids something to occupy their attention other than my son's car, not that it mattered. By then, Ethan was worn out and spent the rest of the time in my lap, until presents were opened and we left.

It just makes me wonder how some parents get by. What's the first thing I usually do before I leave my house? Make sure my kid has something to entertain himself. What's the seond thing? I grab a snack and a sippy cup full of juice in case he gets hungry or thirsty. Sometimes it's the other way around (food and juice, then toys) but we always try to make sure he's taken care of so that he doesn't get fussy because he's bored and hungry.

If only other parents did that, the world would probably be a less fussy place.
December 2, 2006 at 7:51am
December 2, 2006 at 7:51am
I know the hormones make me touchy and easy to piss off, but I don't think my being upset is unreasonable at all. I was so... I don't know what the word is. I wasn't quite angry, but upset isn't strong enough. I guess maybe miffed is a good descriptive word without going as extreme as angry. Anyway, I was so miffed that I couldn't get to sleep right away last night and ended up going to bed at about 12:30 in the morning. (In other words, way past my bedtime.)

I hate it when people, who have no right to, pow wow with someone who does have a right to and make a decision that involves me without involving me. It makes me feel like they think that I'm too stupid to know what's good for myself and that I have no brain in the head on my shoulders.

I know the intentions are good, she's just looking out for me, but give me a break! I'm a big girl who has made plenty of her own correct calls in life and just because the hormones are there doesn't mean that they're clouding my judgement. I'm 26 years old and spent several adult years living on my own, making my own decisions, and doing it quite successfully. To turn around and then treat me like I'm a child who has no intelligence insults me.

Maybe I should explain the situation better? I don't know. I kind of like being indirect about who it is, but on the other hand I'll probably be less miffed if I talk about it outside of badgering Jason until I'm blue in the face to not let his mother be so damned domineering about anything of this magnitude.

Many times over I have said I love my mother-in-law, and I do. I love her to bits and pieces, but sometimes she makes me want to turn her into bits and pieces because she's so damned domineering. We all know that I have a very straightforward and almost domineering characteristic about me, and to have someone else try to tell me what to do really steps on my toes.

She, Jason, and my father-in-law, according to her, had a talk when she went down to their work yesterday, and they decided (her exact words to me were, "we decided," like I have no fucking choice in the matter) that I should not tell KPS that I'm pregnant.

(Did I mention that KPS called me, finally, to ask about references, after having interviewed a month ago. I was told that they were checking references on someone else when I called about the job, but now they're checking mine, which is a good thing. I may not have been exactly the first choice, but I'm certain that I'll be the choice that works out for them. I didn't plan on telling them I was pregnant until they needed to know, which isn't until at least 12 weeks along. I'm really not that stupid.)

Yes, she thinks I'm stupid enough to blab to them that I'm pregnant before I'm hired. Do I have a stupid sign stamped on my forehead or something? This isn't the first time she's done this to me.

I won't say anything to her about how miffed I am because, to be honest, I'm more miffed at Jason because he didn't have a single thought to stop the entire conversation and say that this is something he and I will discuss alone. I'm pissed off at him, even angry, because he thinks that his mother initiating those kinds of conversations without me present, is OK, and it isn't.

Jason knows now that it isn't OK. He knows now that if he has any more such conversations with his mother regarding decisions she has no right being involved in. I know she's excited that I could possibly get this job, and I know that she wants to do everything in her power to help me get this job, but give me a break!

No, give me a little bit of credit. I am really not that stupid. My common sense is more than two pennies rich. I promise.

Now maybe that I've vented talked about it here, I'll feel better today when I have to see her. To be honest, I feel like Jason should say something to her, but he has no spine when it comes to his mother, so I won't expect it otherwise I'll be disappointed.
December 1, 2006 at 8:31am
December 1, 2006 at 8:31am
Ice. Ice everywhere. We were supposed to get a foot and a half of snow, but we got about an inch of ice, covering everything that can be covered, instead. I'm sort of thankful for this because ice is a lot easier for the snow trucks to handle than the mountains of snow that have been known to develop around here, but it still makes roadways bad in the morning after the ice and the possibility of power outages is worse.

When it hits the windows, it makes this pinging noise. Snow makes no noise at all. I was worried we'd be piled in by now, but thankfully we're not. The day isn't over, yet, and I'm sure more of this front is sweeping in as I type.

I'm under express orders from Mister King (aka Jason) to not leave the house unless it is absolutely necessary, as in if the power goes out (which always seems to be the first thing that happens to us lately) or the house catches on fire. I don't plan on it, to be honest. It's nasty enough that just about every school district in the 3-county radius is closed due to the slick conditions. If the busses aren't running, nobody should be out driving around.

The news is doing the weather right now. They're showing all of the ice and snow in the area. Radar shows that the snow has pushed to the north. There's a patch of freezing rain coming our way that's just south of us, and it's expected to start snowing again around noon.

It looks like we're not going to get as much snow as anticipated and once this patch of freezing rain passes, we're going to get a dusting of snow. Everything is going to be fine. I don't understand why they get us all in a twitter about this huge snow storm that's coming our way and all we get is a spitting of ice. Rather annoying, I tell you, but I guess it's better to be safe than sorry.

I'm feeling antisocial anyway, so I still don't plan on leaving. We're supposed to go to Marshall tonight for Jason's company's Christmas party. We'll find out at noon whether the weather will permit the hour drive.

In the meantime, I'm going to drink some ginger ale and eat an apple.
November 30, 2006 at 9:13pm
November 30, 2006 at 9:13pm
Doctor's appointment, fine. Spent the afternoon at J's Mom's. We told them, they were surprised but his Mom his happy because the due date is August 8 and her birthday is August 7.

They called in Bendectine for me in case I need it. We're staying proactive with the hyperemesis possibility. Everything is OK. Stop worrying.
November 30, 2006 at 8:37am
November 30, 2006 at 8:37am
Wow, it's here early. Although it was while brushing my teeth, which was my kyrptonite when I was pregnant before. All it takes is one little gag for my stomach and it turns upside down. It looks like I'm going to have to find that extra minty toothpaste again. It was the only stuff that didn't make me puke on impact.

I took a second test this morning just because I'm so paranoid that the first one was wrong. It said "Pregnant" even faster than the first one did. All I did was set it down, walk out of the bathroom to turn off the alarm and come back, and it already had its results displayed.

I'm going to mention to the nurse that I'm already getting morning sickness, although I don't think it's necessary to do anything, yet. I just want to make sure it's in my chart and Heather did say that as soon as I started throwing up I should really see someone given my previous history. I really don't want things to get out of control, this time around, like they did when I was pregnant with Ethan.

I have wretched gas this morning, too. That's what I get for eating ham and bean soup. But it tasted so good, I couldn't help myself to two bowls. Maybe I should call that toot bowls?

OK. I have to figure out something to eat. If I don't eat, it'll make the nausea worse. Thank God I already know what I'm doing. The first time around it took me passing out before I even knew I was pregnant.
November 29, 2006 at 4:34pm
November 29, 2006 at 4:34pm
Ethan is sleeping a little late this afternoon, so I get to watch some adult TV in the afternoon for the first time in a while. Oprah's on, and I really don't know what else there is other than on Noggin so I'm watching it.

Dr. Oz says that men who lose 35 pounds will gain an inch on their penis. I'm sure this mostly applies to men who are morbildy obese, but I can hear many women all over the world, after watching Oprah, encouraging their husbands to lose 35, even 70 pounds!

We say size doesn't matter, and for the most part it doesn't, but if we can trade our husbands' fat for a longer penis, I'm all about it. Unfortunately for me, my husband doesn't have 35 pounds to lose. No penis extension for him.

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