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A place to throw out ideas.
This is going to be my writting journal, and it will probably be mostly about my story Cuinn and Eavyn, since that is the story that is most likely enough to acutally be a novel.
April 6, 2005 at 2:53am
April 6, 2005 at 2:53am
Well, Im just winding down to head for bed. My nocturnal child * gee wonder where she gets it from * is quietly playing w/ her leap pad, so I have a few moments to myself. I figured that maybe I should introduce myself a little.
My name is Dez * short for Desiree, but my friends call me Dez * and Im a working mom and wife. I met my hubby my senior year in high school, after dating seriously for 3 years we got engaged and a year later I got pregnant. We'd been planning our wedding for that summer, but morning sickness ruined that for me, so we eloped instead! I have no regretts that I got jibbed out of my "dream" wedding, however! Eloping is sooooo much less stressful! *Bigsmile* We'll have been married for 5 years in May and I wouldnt trade a second of it for anything!
We live by the ocean, which you'd think would be a really cool place to live, unless of course you grew up in a dry arid climate, like I did. Its been three years now, and I still havnt gotten used to 6 months of rain, and MAYBE 3 decent months of fairly nice weather! Right now we're having a lot of rain, and I can feel my depression setting in. I dont normally have a problem with depression, but Im such a sun worshiper *Im an aries,not sure if that makes a difference* and if I cant see my sun, I just go to peices! But we're trying to move home. As long as we're out of here before winter sets in again, I'll survive! *Bigsmile*
Im a pagan, which is a pretty vauge idea of religion, since I dont fit into any kind of structured religion. Im not Christian, or any of the other mainstream's, I dont quite fit in with Wicca or Druidism.... so until I find a faith I fit in with... Im just pagan, which suits me just fine.
Im probably the worlds biggest optomist! *I appologise for my spelling, I know its horrid!* For the most part I'm probably the happiest person you'll ever find, despite the hardships this world has put upon me. A year ago I lost my brother to suiside. Although Ive moved on with my life, there is still that little place inside myself that died along with him. Yet I still keep smiling and trudge on. It hasnt been as easy for my parents, not saying its been easy for me, but I think that just goes with my personality. I've got an "ability" if you will, to just let things roll off of me. Its not that they dont effect me, or that Im uncarring in anyway... its hard to explain, since its a feeling and not something I even know how to put into words. Im able to understand things, and why they happen that way *same goes for people* and realize that, that is just they way they are, and accept it. I try not to brood over things that I cant change, so why waste the energy!
So in a nut shell that is me, and now its time for bed. :)
April 5, 2005 at 1:20pm
April 5, 2005 at 1:20pm
Hello, and this is my frist entry. I was just gifted an upgraded account by an anonomous author, and Im not sure if that person will ever check out this blog but I just wanted to send them a HUGE thank you!!! :)

As for what this blog is going to be about, probably just my musings on whatever works Im working on, which currently is my story Cuinn and Eavyn. Im becoming rather frustrated with it right now. For one thing, I havnt had nearly enough time to really sit down and work on it, and it dosnt seem to be "flowing" how I'd like it to. I cant seem to get one of the characters to come out on paper who he is in my head. So Im struggling with that, but I'll get it out the way I want it.
At any rate, I wont have any time to work on it today. You know, work and stuff, so that will give me some time to chew over what Ive already written.

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