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Rated: 13+ · Book · Adult · #948720
Whew! Life! It's time to get down and let her rip!
It's time to get SERIOUS. I haven't been writing due to life but I know now if I let life stand in the way of my talent I will loose it. I have to write or read about writing. I have to hand write in journals. I have to be active on this sight. I need to read the literature I want to write! We all have to get with the program or get off the speed boat of life.
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April 19, 2007 at 12:13am
April 19, 2007 at 12:13am
I know it's been awhile since I've given you the lastest in the series of the wild woman with ADHD while Menopausing but gosh life really got me this time. After years of working with a son that is dealing with drug addiction I finally got a little taste of what my little fellow has been going through. I remember when my son had to attend classes that had the 12 step program as their moto. I told them that I had taken different drugs before and I had never gotten addicted so why not me instead of him? They told me, "Dear, you just haven't met the right drug even if it is prescribed by a doctor!" Well, guess what? Those little people in that meeting were absolutly right so before you pop that Mother's little helper you better think twice. I can tell you, honestly, by the last month I've endured that it is easier to take a pill to make your life better than to try and get off of that pill. Look at the life of Anna Nicole. The drugs she was abusing was given to her by a doctor. Yes, she did abuse them but even if she took them as they were prescribed and then tried to go cold turkey she would have went through withdrawals. So when you are sent home with anything from your doctor please take a moment to look that drug up. Check the side effects. Check with others who has taken it! Even if it is just an antibotic; my Mother had a severe reaction to a suffer drug she took for a kidney infection. My Aunt found my Mother in the kitchen, nude, in her own urine. Be careful out there folks. Life isn't easy. Let's just try to deal with it instead of reaching for Mother's little helper. By the way this was mentioned to us old timers by Jefferson Airplane, otherwise known as Grace Slick, if you don't remember her perhaps you remember Jefferson Starship. If you don't remember them you are just too young to understand!
April 3, 2007 at 12:47pm
April 3, 2007 at 12:47pm
Do you ever just don't want to do your regular housework and just go on a binge of doing something creative? Something different? Something maybe if you leave it behind some would look at it and say "What in the hell caused Diane to do this?" "Didn't she have anything better to do?" You know she did alot of writing, I've found all kinds of writing around here, of course, no Bridges of Madison County but writing just the same?"
I can here em' talkin' now! Funny what you think about while blogging but I sure believe in writing what I want to in here anyway!
I wanna write in what color I want to write in too. Do you mind?
Hey, ya'll remember that job I quit not too long ago? Guess what? I went by there yesterday and a friend of mine that I thought about asking her if she wanted my job was there working? Weird things are always happening in my life. My boss starting crying me leaving her without a notice and not calling her back devested her. I told her if she got in a bind that I would come in and take someone's place. Who cares it's just a job!?
Oh, I know you want to know what kind of project I'm doing. I bought some flower pot bottoms, the clay ones....know what I'm talking about. The little thingys that catch the water if you over water your plant. They are called something but I don't remember what. If you remember let me know. I am painting them to use for coasters. What an idea, eh? A set of plastic lookin' coasters with wolfs on them were 6 for about $8.00 so I got 4 of these at 44 cents a piece. Of course the paint was a $1.99 but I can use it on other stuff too.
I'm also going to plant some more stuff. I stopped at a lady's house who they said was an Avon lady. She took me around her lovely garden, pond and everything. Susie homemaker wouldn't hold a light to this woman.*Yawn* She was like Martha Stewart she even blows her own yard with a Feather Lite blower...I should get me one she said. *Kiss* Well, need I say more I came out with a bushel of plants to get in the ground, a feeling of guilt for not being a better homemaker, and a relief to finally find an Avon lady. If ya'll are like me you need ANEW buying it by the ton.
WEll, I'd better get busy. The dogs want to go outside and I've gotten live up to that Martha Steward woman.
April 1, 2007 at 5:15pm
April 1, 2007 at 5:15pm
Okay, this bears telling. I was so excited about My 3019 views because I think that is quite an accomplishment. What does my wonderful shallow husband say about that...are you sitting down? Okay, this is what he said, *Angry*How much money will you get from that 3019 reading your stuff/!>> SHALLOW....does anyone know where I can find some slow acting poison. Okay, Court TV if you are reading this and need some proof I should have done this YEARS AGO!!!!
April 1, 2007 at 4:40pm
April 1, 2007 at 4:40pm
Item Size: 124 Entries (3,019 views)
Created: 1:12am on 03-13-2005
Modified: 4:37pm on 04-01-2007
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April 1, 2007 at 4:37pm
April 1, 2007 at 4:37pm
If life wasn't enough with the Anna Nicole thingy, people speaking up, maining breaking down to money tactics...I can see it all. The Beverly Hills clan meets with the Texas bunch. What a rude awaking this world has to see when this takes place. Oh, I am not sending stones to the south by no means because my heart belongs to the south but it sure is a difference between big city and small country. If you haven't read Country Mouse/City Mouse you are missing out on the reality of how harsh both of them can be to little bitty mices hearts! I have had my heart broken going to the country and having to catch those birds with that sack in a deep dark cemetary. Little did the southerns know that I wan't scared of dead people it was those standing up laughing as low as they could that I was scared of. I can't for the life of me think of those birds I was hunting I do know, I think, that they could see in the dark. But there are so many southern words like chittlins, greens, pokes, poke salad, getting into a scrape! Oh, I know the word snipe hunting...of course that may not be the name of the bird it could be my name because I was a snipper. Poor snipes if anyone ever killed one. Anyway the south is a great place to live and have your children grow up. You create all these sayings no one else has a clue about. For instance: I recently went to San Jose, CA to see an old friend of mine. We were laying in bed and I told Denise, my bestest friend from the younger days that one of my daughter's friends was so lazy she wouldn't work in a pie factory. Denise said, "My God, Diane, what a horrible job. Can you imagine all those carbs and stuff. I'll bet she goes fast to sleep when she gets home. Whew!!! No wonder she doesn't like working there, all that sugar. Remeber when Lucy had that kind of job and had to start sticking that sugar stuff in her mouth?" Ugh! It took a while to explain that one. Oh, and the Maryland young girl who came to work at the camp I worked at. I told Miss Pam, "You know, Pam, you just won't do." She said, "What do you mean, won't do?" Try explaining that one...near bout impossible but I gave it my best. But I did do the dumbest thing in my trip to California. I went to a Starbucks and guess what? You know where they keep the used grains of coffee for you to take home to your garden? Well, I got about 4 bags to take back to Alabama! Can you imagine? I was 50 years old and was going to wag on the plane some used coffee grains!!!! Of course, when I was 9 years old I tried to get three lightening bugs (I think the correct name is fireflys) in jars to take back to Detroit with me. I was going to replenish Detroit with these bugs to have it take on a country look. My Mom should have sought professional help for me right then. I think she was scared of the outcome. He would be on the couch and I would be asking him questions. Oh, well,,,enough for today's entry. Everyone should read this one so they'll know they are possitve in their mental capacity!! YES! *Laugh*
Do you think they took the sperm and egg and put it in a food processors then enjected it into my Mom for a well rounded girl like me? That's the only way I could see profection in this brain of mine. Telll me what you think after reading this do you think it could be more than AHDD. I think I just hate to match socks!
March 30, 2007 at 11:48pm
March 30, 2007 at 11:48pm
You know I was watching the boob tube a while ago. My 24 year old daughter loves Entertainment Tonight and I wonder how things got to be so involved with the personal lives of the stars. I am so glad my Grandmother wasn't around to see Rock Hudson's private life revealed to the whole world. I don't think she would've been so hurt because of what he did in his private life; I think her concern would have laid upon his private life being revealed to the world. This would have hurt her so much because she would have consider the life should remain private. In her own life she practiced privacy. She didn't think anyone should be up in your business...that's what she called it. My grandmother believed in helping someone who was losing their respect. She didn't believe in gossip either. I imagine all these people now would be out of a job because she didn't believe that things should be let out for all to see. My grandmother was a great woman and this day and time they are few and far between. I'm sure right now Brittany would love to be taken in my grandmother's arms and loved and told that she will get through this as well as the other things she's been doomed to face. Brittany is a southern woman and it's in her roots to pick up and go on. I'm almost sure she will. I have done it plently of times. Just eat it up, cry a little and go on with your head held high.

Enough of my preaching! I've had some readers of this sily BLOG thinking it would be a good idea to publish it. I find that quite funny that someone would what to read something so crazy and out there. I wonder if those of you reading this are so bored with the watching of ENews and Simple Life you've come to your wits end thinking this is great entertainment. Beware the other side of your brain may be working!!!!

See you....
March 28, 2007 at 9:11pm
March 28, 2007 at 9:11pm
I think the more I bringout my fibromyalgia cause the worse I seem to feel. I know it is what I have to have. The body in my upper body and hands seem to get worse as the days go by. I'd like to be outa the pain soon. Tim said it's making me look old; although I disagree, I think he's making me seem crazy

Again, he is corect! *Angry*
March 27, 2007 at 2:58pm
March 27, 2007 at 2:58pm
Well, another day, I wish another dollar! I miss work. I never thought I'd say that but everyone has to eat their words and also to eat shit although with all the ecoli going around I try not to think that side of things. Oh, I'm writing and listening to my 50 year old husband talk about all the things he willl have without me. Condo's,. more kids..all kinds of things. I guess his ship is going to come in when we leave each other. He thinks because he can still reproduce although we having had sex in about 4 years. I could puke at the things he says. It makes me sick. He is a sick individual. Takes the drugs for his injuries in the mines and in the car wrecks. Puts me down and tells me that one day I'll realize all my faults. I should write them down but he says there are so many it would take months of writing to figure it out. Maybe he'll decide to stay here so I could stay with my MAMA all day long plus some.
Take care people and pray that I don't do something illegal to him. I need weapons for that...mmmm good writing material!
March 25, 2007 at 1:19am
March 25, 2007 at 1:19am
My life is fixin' to be wonderful. How do I know? Oh, this gal got brave and although they say that the hormone theapy is horrible and you can get this and that I decided to see if my psycharist would be so generous as to give me a script for hormones! He said YES! I could just kiss him but he doesn't care for girls, that way anyway. I guess that's why he is such a great doctor. These miracle pills should be kickin' in within a week. I'm just as excited as a pig in a poke! I've taken 3 so far. Nothing has happened yet...but I'm expecting a miracle!

Someone just sent me an email. I am so happy. Do you believe someone thought this was so interesting that they read the whole thing? Maybe I could be a writer. Hell, maybe I will write the 3rd sequel to Bridget Jone's Diary? You think? I would rather do it on Wally Lamb's first book, "She's Come Undone." If you haven't read this you need to. I've got another copy of it and I'm thinking of reading it again. I might just do that...he writes in first person and isn't too much on plot and stuff. He just follows a chacater around and takes notes so his books are completly done on character development. Isn't that awesome?

Well, I must get in bed on time tonight. I also want to write about what my dear husband of 28 years this past March 22 and tomorrow is his 50 year old birthday! He told me he looked at my daughter, Kim's diary, a big no-no but he beat me to it! She's 24 and is driving us crazy. Are nest was empty and nice but she's back----the demon child. Anyway she wrote about how we should have been Paris Hilton parents. In other words we are the wrong people. If we were the Hilton's we could give this child everything she wants and she would be living in California....the greatest state around. I've been there and before I went I thought it was paradise. I was in for a shock. It's like anywhere else in the country. People are just trying to live and the funny part, the only paradise is the places that are watered by a hose! Ha!

Well, I need to write. Take care, folks and hey, make me feel good. Tell me if you like this BLOG OR NOT?
March 23, 2007 at 11:08pm
March 23, 2007 at 11:08pm
I think if women didn't buy things are economy would certainly fall rather fast. I needed so bad some stuff for my face. Some scubby stuff that will take your skin off if you aren't careful then some firm stuff for my face. It was 17 dollars and when I was working I thought nothing of it but if I told my husband he would probably flip out his false teeth! Honest, he would. If he doesn't let me spend some money on some products for my skin the stuff will be hanging down to my breasts when it does I will certainly make him pay for a boob job! He bought my daughter one which she was going to make all the payments but she didn't. We had too! So I would if the bottle promised me have firm skin and if the boob thing gave me a promise my boobs are already firm but with more firmness they would come to my chin. Therefore after my investigation of these two procedures my face would be pulled tight and my boobs could touch my lips. I would be a sought after woman. A little strange at first but later on people would beg for my autograph.

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