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Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #932757
slaates journal
A Little Bot of Everything.. A journal.. My Days and My Thoughts, Perhaps some Feelings
December 20, 2005 at 12:43am
December 20, 2005 at 12:43am
Well.. I'm a bit quicker getting back here. Just a quick note. My kids are getting excited for Christmas as I am. I did get to cancel my trip to my parents in the Phoenix area. I'm not really happy about it, but that's the way the cookie crumbles or the possibilities collapse. I'll be seeing them just after New Year's.

I've written a bit more in the book and , as usual, the writing brings more ideas. At this point I'm all about getting the ideas down and not worrying to much about editing. I know that will come.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanza and a pleasant Holiday of your choosing !
November 23, 2005 at 9:56am
November 23, 2005 at 9:56am
Well, after 195 days of not writing on this blog, I am ! I haven't been to the site in quite some time. I could say life has gotten in the way but that would just be an excuse. I just haven't committed any time to it. That's all it takes really just a committment, getting started and doing it.

I've committed to write a book in 2005, and I have started. I know the basics of where it's going, although I admit to being stuck.. there's an argument scen that I'm havng difficulty writing, so Do I skip that and go on to the next thing which is already in my head ?

Where's the spellchecker on this thing ?

Life.. currently single with Kids at 40 ended a long term relationship a cuple of weeks ago.. Can you hear the sound of a connection breaking ? I know it's for the best and I definitely believe in a no accident type of view. So the search is on again.

Currently reading "What the Bleep do we know ", " Apurpose Driven Life" and "Ray Bradbury Speaks"

An interesting mix.. A purpose driven life is perhaps a bit religious for me but making me think.. hmmm Reading just a chapter a day as advised.

What the bleep is incredibly cool about creating my own reality which fits in with some other experiences I've had, although when they get into some of the quantum things it does get a bit over my head, but I'm still swimming.

Ray Bradbury's essays are quite good as well and inspiring for me.

That's it for today-- The Sun's warming up the valley, dusting the frost off and there's enough time to get some golf in before work.. HAppy Thanksgiving all !!

P.s. Write some in the book today.. Start again ! Get the ideas down !! (That's a reminder for me.. or you too)

May 6, 2005 at 11:14pm
May 6, 2005 at 11:14pm
once again.. time flies. even though it's just an illusion. Even if it appears as it's been awhile since I've written here.. It's only been a moment. Life is a series of momnets and I can only live it moment to moment, creating my world by the choices I make and lessons I learn. In the past few months, I've gotten to learn about death, and life. My brother died on march 12th from lung cancer. I have felt him a lot since then as have his other siblings. I've seen him in shooting stars, two to be exact. I was gazing at the evening sky and chatting with the universe, perhaps even praying for him. I finished and was a bit choked up and a solitary, brilliant streak of light cascaded down as I approached my door. I got that he is still around and with me. A brand new angel.

February 17, 2005 at 11:39pm
February 17, 2005 at 11:39pm
Wow. I can't believe it's been eight days since I've written in the blog. Where does the time go ? I have written quite a bit in the book, which is nice. I struggled one day to get the ideas out there but just kept writing. The writing was fairly crappy, but the ideas are at least there. I'm choosing to just write as opposed to doing an outline. I'm finding that works for me. I have a general idea of how the story goes. I've found as I'm writing, more and more ideas pop into my head and I'll write the first line of a paragraph to come later to remind me of the idea.
February 8, 2005 at 12:34pm
February 8, 2005 at 12:34pm
Well, I guess this is the place where I just get used to writing and get some thoughts out there in the world. So here goes. I've been on writing.com for a little over a month and I find it very interesting and extremely large. I still consider myself a newbie though, I am making progress taking baby steps throughout the site. One reason I joined here is I have a personal goal to write a book in 2005. That project is under way and rolling a long with the assistance of my girlfriend. We're actually writing it together. I'll write some then she writes some. It's a blast and I'm sure it will be out here someday. I just finished "The Garage" a short story that I just put on the plug page today. I've had the idea for quite some time and finally got it out into the world. My main introduction to writing came in the form of lyrics. Way back when somewhere around 7th grade I was learning to play the guitar and some words just leaped into my head and I wrote them down. Looking back my songs have reflected a lot in my life, and they have, for the most part, been private. after all I was much "too cool" to be doing that sort of thing. I've decided to get them out there though and see what happens. I have learned that it's none of my business what you think of me, so I can just be me. So if you're reading this check out "Angels and Heroes" and let me know what you think. There will be some others on here soon. I don't know how well they'll transfer from music to just the words, we'llsee. I love to read and lately everything I read seems to have some connection to what's goin on in my life. I'm currently reading Michael Chricton "State of Fear" and "The Power of Now" along with "Dojo wisdom for writers" So there's a little bit to get me started.. now it's time for me to go live life. asta

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