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This is the beginning of a long serial that I am still in the process of writing.
The Gauntlet
Part One:
The Room, The Alcove, & The Cabinet
By:Timothy Hansen

(The things in this story are actually things I completely plan on doing,
eventually, using the very people listed in the story. Additionally, the reason all of the females
in the "story" are named in "" is because those are their names at present.
As the "story" progresses, each will have her name changed until, at the end, each has their slave-name,
the name they are to have for the rest of their natural lives. Now you know.)

Welcome to The Room, site of all of the Exercises of The Gauntlet. A very difficult regimine, to say the least. The Room is in the basement of the House, for several reasons. The main one is to become a refuge for all that are involved in The Gauntlet. A place that W/we can go to train the "Runner" (The name for the person going through The Gauntlet at any given time, & can be the name for more than one person, if more than one person happen to be Running The Gauntlet at the same time.) without the chance of interruption. All of the other reasons are supportive of this. The fact that, underground, no one can hear the inevitable screaming from the Runner(s) as she/they are given incentives to continually excel at their Exercises. The separation of the current Runner(s) from those that will become Runners in the future, without even allowing sound or contact between the two groups, so as to deny the future Runners of any hint of what's in store for them. Then, the room is also able to maintain an even temperature all day &, if necessary, all night long for the Exercises. Which is important, because The Room is kept at a nominal 30-35* so that the Runner does not overheat her/theirself(ves) with the extensiveness of her/their exertions. The health of the Runner(s) must take precedence, after all. It's no good to develop a system for Exercise & then seriously, perhaps even fatally, harm the Runners who Run it, now is it? The last, perhaps second most important reason for placing it underground is that, without windows, the place is completely dark except where I decide to light it. That not only allows Me to restrict the Runner's(s') view, should she/they be allowed the removal of her/their blindfold(s), or if she/they should happen to get her/their blindfold(s) off by accident.
It also allows Me to better highlight the Runner(s) for the digital photo & digital video cameras that are mounted on rotatable pylons, & set up so that they can see any of the Exercises currently underway, but also have enough leeway to view the entirety of The Room, if necessary. The digital photo cameras are set up so that, when activated, they continuously take a photo of the activity in front of them every 3-30 seconds, depending on how they're set. They dump the images into a slaved computer, which has about 500Gb of storage for them. There is one such computer for every 3 cameras. That way, the photos taken do not need to be purged into diskettes or CD-RWs quite as often as they would be if the computers were set up to more cameras at the same time. In this manner, the digital video cameras are also set up, except they are done so at a 1;1 ratio, to get the most amount of filming as possible per digivideo camera. Though almost prohibitively expensive to work it in this manner, it does give one an almost limitless amount of footage to place in storage. That's a quite important thing to remember, in light of the possibilities of using said footage to critique the procedures of the Exercises, but also should the opportunity come about to fashion a commercial-style "home video" for any other Masters &/or Mistresses who may want to have their own slaves Run The Gauntlet.
However, all of that is for later. For now, I & my slavesluts "Shana," "Viper," "Ashley," & "Ash," some of the members of My OuterCouncil, walk into The Room. "Shana" is the guinea pig that will Run The Gauntlet for its "debut performance." Due to the Rules I've been developing for The Gauntlet, "Shana," being the Runner, is brought in directly behind me. She is completely naked, barefoot, with her arms behind her in a straight arm binder, a big posture collar around her throat, a nipple noose with embedded pin tips pulling tightly on her nipples, & a sensory deprivation hood, so that she will not see or hear anything around her. The others, being My assistants, are not in such hoods, do not have anything binding them, & are not lead. They are, however, naked, as per My instructions. They will be clothed in different outfits for when "Shana" Runs her Exercises, though "Shana" won't, but for now they are naked to make it clear to them their place. As is only right, after all. Fortunately, The Room is not currently air conditioned to the nominal The Gauntlet will require. I didn't see any point in doing so if no Exercise was contemplated at the time. Just wastes energy, time, the surprise for My people, & may even scare My assistants off. For a while, anyway.
As we all head into The Room, My girls, with the exception of "Shana," all look around The Room in wonder. The Room itself is fifty feet long by thirty feet wude. The door that leads into it is placed at the very southeast corner of The Room. That, by chance, is another reason why The Room is underground. So that the walls need not be as shored up as they would be if The Room was above ground. But, that's a secondary concern to all present, & indeed does not enter into their minds at all. What does is what they see as they look around The Room to see what sort of Exercises I've lined up for "Shana" to test on. Their stares run down the left-hand wall, only natural as that is the wall along which The Room's only door is located in. There, they see the first Exercise, The Wheel. Their is a small set-up next to The Wheel, but they don't take any notice at first. However, as they look around The Room, they do take note of the fact that there seems to be such a set-up next to each of the Exercises. A bit confused, they all turn back to their perusal, saving the questions for later as I had told them to do. (Such obedient slavesluts! What a treasure!) Farther down the same wall they find The Cabinet, a large chest-of-drawers that has all of the props for the Exercises within it. As they follow the back wall, they take note of a ten feet wide by 5 feet long protusion of a pair of "walls" from the back wall. These "walls" only function being that they are the frame housing The Eagle, the third actual Exercise. As they move along the right-hand wall, they come across The Alcove, a bigger version of the "walls" that is thirty feet wide by ten feet deep. With The Alcove lies the set-ups for The Pistons & The Piledrivers, the fourth of the Exercises. In the center of The Room, they find the second of the Exercises, The Spreader. As I lead them into The Room, I have them turn & look at the final of the Exercises, The Wall. Upon looking at all of this, they take a look at the docile "Shana," & shudder with a mixed pity & sympathy for what they think she will be going through. Little do they know that they will be going through it after she's finished. In fact, they will even be joining "Shana" in The Pistons & The Piledrivers Exercise, to get them up to speed & keep them conditioned to & on it, for when it is their turn to Run. Also, because they are My assistants in helping "Shana" Run, & I need them on The Pistons & The Piledrivers to make it work. Well, that too shall come to pass.
After they've had a chance to take a gander at everything, I bring "Shana" over to The Wheel, or rather, to the set up next to it. "This," I explain, "is the Hitching Post for the Runner of The Gauntlet. In this case, 'Shana.' The purpose of the Hitching Post is to give 'Shana' something to do while you all set up the Exercise she will be Running that day, & so that I may have the time to go get the props for the Exercise in question. You will notice that there are actually two posts per Hitching Post per Exercise, & that one is on a sliding panel. You will also notice that they are of different sizes, that the one on the plate is set at a sharp angle while the other is at a shallower angle, that each of the Hitching Posts is set to a different size at each Exercise, & that there are anchor points surrounding all of them. The smaller, shallower, immobile post is for her pussy. The larger, sharper-angled, mobile, extremely 'flaccid' one is for her ass. The anchor points are for shackling 'Shana's' hands, nipples, neck, clit, pussy lips, knees, & feet. As you will also note, the angle of the anal post is quite sharp. This means, since 'Shana' must be positioned to give the anal post access, that she must be placed with her thighs spread well apart, her ankles shackled touching eaching other, & her upper body almost touching the ground. That is the proper position for a Runner that is not actually Running at the time. Take note of it, as it will be your job between sessions to put her there, after a few necessary tasks when required. You will have plenty of practice, so I expect you to become profficient at doing so. Now, we shall Hitch 'Shana' up here, so that I may lead you around The Room & give you the basics on what the Exercises are, what is required of 'Shana' to Run them, what is required of you all to help her in her Running, what the punishment/reward systems are for each Exercise, what the Quotas are, what the incentives are for her to exceed her Quotas, & what I expect each Exercise to change in 'Shana's' mind & body. Well, let's get to it, shall we?" With that, I proceed to lead My assistants in Hitching "Shana" to the Hitching Post. It's a pretty straightforward procedure. First, however, I must go to The Cabinet to get a leather-&-lace cat-o-nine-tails, as well as some chains with attached grabber clamps, some with more common alligator clamps, & a blindfold. After attaining said items, I then come back to where I've had the assistants hold "Shana" for a bit, right next to the Hitching Post as I had left her. Then, the Hitching begins.
First, I remove her sensory deprivation hood, putting the blindfold on her before she's had time to blink her eyes into focus. Now she can hear. I did this only because I had to tell her what was happening, as it was her first time being Hitched. "You will now be Hitched, My dear.," I begin in a firm voice. "You will be guided into what you must do by My cat-o-nine-tails, that you can obviously not see but you will feel. I will also describe to you what each part of the Hitching process entails. I will only do so once, because this is your first time being Hitched. Now, I want a quick response from you, so be 'on your toes,' as it were. I will describe what I want you to do before each slash of the whip. Then, I will perform the slash & you will have to do the action described. Do you understand?" "Shana" nods her head, somewhat in fear, but also excitement. (She is, after all, an extreme painslut.) "Ok. Let's begin. The first thing I want you to do is to kneel right here, where I've placed you. Beginning tomorrow, & for as long as you Run, you will be expected to know to do this the first time you are whipped across your calves. You will do this basking in the certainty that neither I, nor My assistants, whom you already know, would steer you wrong to embarass you by having you get ready for the Hitching where there is no Hitching Post whatsoever. Not even out of pique. Further, you must kneel with your hands upon your thighs, your ass upon your ankles, & your knees spread wide. Ok! Here we go!" With that, the *thwack* of the cat-o-nine-tails hitting across "Shana's" calves is heard throughout The Room, & by the assistants in The Room. "Shana," knowing the price of disobedience, quickly places herself in the position I had described. A second *thwack* is heard from the cat-o-nine-tails hitting "Shana" across her feet. "That was well done, 'Shana.,'" I say, grinning in enjoyment. "That particular hit is your reward for your obedience. You will get such in the exact same place every time you do so while you are being Hitched. You will get the same type of reward, though in a different spot, with each of the Exercises in The Gauntlet. Now, on to the next step. When I give you the signal, this time being a whip slash across the juncture of your ass to your thighs, you will move forward on your knees, keeping them as far apart as possible, until you have impaled yourself as far as you can on the first part of the Hitching Post. Now, you will be helped onto it the first couple of times. What are assistants for if they do not assist, after all? After they've assisted you on as far as they believe you can go, which is only how far you can go now, you understand, your knees & ankles will be Hitched right & proper. You will keep your knees as far apart as you can during this process, & your ankles touching each other. This is important, & during your Run you will eventually be able to make your knees go out farther than you ever dreamed, & take a lot more of both ends of the Hitching Posts than you thought possible. Well, here we go again!"
With that, I give her the whipslash I had told her about, a good solid hit across the juncture of her ass & thighs. Letting out a good-sized *yelp!*, "Shana" moves quite industriously over to the front part of the Hitching Post. Upon my signal, "Ash" & "Ashley" both reach down to "help" her along the way. They first fit "Shana's" pussy over the head of the front post, by lifting her bodily, "Ash" grabbing one asscheek, while "Ashley" takes the other to accomplish their goal. "Shana's" pussy had, by this point, gotten quite aroused, lubricating itself & opening slightly. That is a good thing, as the front post in front of The Wheel, the first of the Exercises & therefore the smallest of the Hitching Posts, was about fourteen inches long by an inch wide. With "Ash" & "Ashley's" help, "Shana" is able to get slightly over nine-and-a-half inches into her pussy. Obviously, she'll need to get more than that by the time she gets to The Pistons & The Piledrivers Exercise. Otherwise, she won't be able to get the "full effect" of it. And that would be just so wrong. After making sure that it is as far as she can go, the process of which only allows another inch-and-three-quarters into her pussy, which is causing her to moan over the forced stretching by now, My lovely "Viper" shackles her knees & ankles as I had described to all of them to do. After that, the assistants got up & got back into the spots they had chosen for this "event." After they have done so, I give "Shana" another reward-slash across her feet. This produces another *yelp!* from her.
"Good! Now that that part is done, we can move on. This next part will be a little more difficult to set up. Mostly because I want to give you at least some room to take advantage of your position. Of course, you aren't fully in your position yet, so you have no clue what you can do, but you'll be there shortly. Ok, now on to what you must do. There's really nothing to it, after all. All you have to do is, when I give you the signal of a single lash with this lovely cat-o-nine-tails in my hand against your upper back, you will bend down & forward a bit. The key is to get your ass as far into the air as you can, still be as deep as you can go on the post, of course, & as far back as you can get it. Your tits should also be as low to the ground as you can make them. If it's too low, you will be instructed with a slash to your nipples to raise up again a bit. Too high, & you will receive another slash to your upper back. Two such instances & you will receive real punishment, not just the corrective reward that I will administer the first time. You may have one high & one low, that's it. After that, you will be given a second signal. This one is a slash across your shoulders. When you receive this one, you are to immediately move your hands out as far as you can & maintain the same position you just took. When you are in the correct position, a pair of lovely grabber clamps will be placed on your nipples & cranked down until your nipples are stretched quite predominately, making your breasts stretch out, as well.
By the way. Here in The Room, there are only two general positions you will have, from the start to the finish of your Run. These are Running your Exercises, & being Hitched. There will be no other. Also, every time you are Hitched, which will quite a few times before all of this is done, you will get injections put into several spots on your body. There will be injections of saline in your breasts, nipples, pussy lips(both inner & outer), clit, & ass. There will also be injections of certain enzymes that will increase your breasts', nipples', clit's, & ass's sensitivity at least twenty-fold. Peppermint oil will be injected in your nipples, clit, & anal cavity.
What all this will do, when in conjunction with The Gauntlet, is to increase your bust size by at least ten inches(from, say, 42-52/54), your cup size by at least four if not six sizes(from, say, DD-GGG), your nipple length increased by about two inches & diameter by one-and-a-half, the size of your inner & outer pussy lips increased by a 60-65% increase, your clit length by a good three to four inches in length & one-and-a-half to two inches in diameter, & your ass increased in size by about twice to three times as big. At least, I hope it will. This is an experimental set-up, after all.
Additionally, even though you will have a somewhat large enlargement in breast size, by the end of your Run, you will be able to have those bountiful, beautiful breasts standing at attention, without any sag whatsoever, even when a 35 lb. grabber-clamp weight is put on each one. You will also have a clit long enough to bend but strong enough not to with the same sized weight on that, as well. Your ass will be similarly tight & bouncy. Just the right size to give a good accounting for a cat-o-nine-tails, with the tightness that makes sure that people of both sexes stare when you walk passed in tight jeans. A good summer breeze across your body while you are clothed in winter gear thick enough to keep you sweating in Siberia will get you right to the brink of orgasm, without getting you over, due to the new sensitivity of your nipples & clit. Unfortunately for you, but fun for me, even with the lower amount of clothing that you will have as part of your everyday wear, if you wear any at all. you will not get to experience an orgasm, no matter the provocation. What kind of Master would I be if I allowed you to have orgasms without my say-so? Therefore, during your Run, you will also be hypnotically programmed to orgasm only when I tell you you can. And, you will orgasm once & only once with every command to do so. If I give you the command 'you may have a 'Short' one,' the orgasm you will have will last no less than two minutes & no longer than ten. 'you may have a 'Good' one' will grant you an orgasm that lasts no less than thirty minutes & no more than two hours. 'you may have a 'Long' one' will give you an orgasm that is between two-&-one-half hours and four hours long. 'Come' means exactly that. You will 'come' until I tell you to stop. If I don't tell you to stop until the next day, then you will orgasm for that full day. If I don't tell you to stop for a week, you will not stop cumming for a week. This will get you into a permanently'on' state. So 'on' that you would have an orgasm inside of a sensory deprivation chamber, with you bound inside of it, at my command alone. At every other time that you are not orgasming, you will be on the edge of doing so. You might even go into microcums where your pussy muscles &/or anal muscles flex, but you actually feel no relief. When given the endless orgasm, you will be expected to get up, eventually at first but then immediately as you experience it more & more, & move around as if nothing is happening, even as you fill up the three-gallon bag on your hip with cum. I believe you might just enjoy that as much as I will.
Well, now for the action itself. Remember, now. The trigger is a slash across your upper back. Ready? Here we go!" With a quick slash, I send the cat-o-nine-tails across her upper back. "Shana" jerks herself into the position I had described for her. I sigh in disappointment as my assistants put the grabber clamps on her nipples& clit, while putting a set of fourteen more standard alligator clamps on her pussy lips, eight on her outer ones & six on her inner ones. These are then pulled outward on their chains until they go to their own anchors in the floor. ("I see that I will have to train 'Shana' a lot more, until she can do all of the maneuvers smoothly & gracefully, until she can flow into them. Well, I have plenty of time, don't I? Hehehehe!)
The grabber clamps are especially vicious. They have eight dulled "claws" set up in a concentric ring around the central spike. The spike itself is quite sharp, & is meant to actually pierce the nipple & clit lengthwise inwards towards the body. The "claws" are on a spring mounting, while the spike is not. What happens is, the person applying the grabber clamp pushes the "claws" out & wide. Then, while holding the "claws" at their full extension, the person then moves the grabber until the spike is just barely touching either the nipple or the clit. Then, they twist the "claws' sheath," making the "claws" rotate inwards until they've gone as closed as they are going to get against the "unfortunate's" nipples or clit, & then locks it in place. Then, the release their hold on the spring. What this does is push the sheath back in, which the "claws" are now locked in sync with. This brings the nipples or clit with it, & impales it onto the spike. The spikes are only 1 3/4" long, but for where they go into, that's quite long enough. This is precisely what happened in "Shana's" case, & boy did it ever hurt her. Of course, she's already an extreme painslut, so the pain was actually coupled with pleasure. Which would explain how her reaction was a quite interesting mixture of scream, howl, & groan, & the way her pussy started lubricating at a tremendous rate, as well. In fact, from all appearances she almost had an orgasm right there.
(Hmm. Have to think of changing the itinerary to cut back on how many times & how strongly I rely on those grabber-clamps, at least for her. Well, I shall note it. I wonder what the others would say if they knew I was planning on using those same things with them? Have to be careful here, though. They might actually remember the story I sent them regarding it, & remember that I actually am planning on putting them all through the same process.)
After a few seconds for her to get somewhat used to the feeling (a feeling she'll be feeling for about once every Session of each Exercise during the day, every day that she Runs, every Exercise of The Gauntlet, for the next good, solid year!), she is given the reward slash across her feet. The second signal, that of the slash on her shoulders, is then applied a moment later. She immediately, as I instructed, moved her arms into the position specified. Her arms are then anchored to the spots set up for that very purpose. Another slash to the feet is then administered.
"Ok. Almost done! This last maneuver isn't actually one where you move anywhere. We've taken care of all of those, already. Now, the only thing left to do is get you ready for the anal post. That's going to be somewhat of a chore for my assistants, but I have every confidence in their abilities to cope with it. What I need from you is that, when I give the signal of a slash across your lower back, right across the upper curve of your ass, you must open your asshole as wide as you can, & not fight while they move the post into you as far as they can get it. This will be hard at first, especially as you haven't been through The Pistons & The Piledrivers Exercise as of yet. However, as this particular post has been built with that in mind, I don't think you'll have a problem dealing with the 3/4" diameter of the thing. Of course, the fact that it is about seventeen inches long will cause some discomfort at first, but I'm sure you'll adjust. Especially as the thing is so 'flaccid' that the head would hit the ground if not for the pillow placed underneath it. I don't know if we'll be able to get it all in this time, but we will by the time you go on to the next Exercise. That I can guarantee. Well, I see that my assistants have gotten themselves ready to help.," I say, nodding to my assistants as they have indeed done so. "Viper" has moved the anal post over to be right behind "Shana's" ass. "Ash" has started to lick the anal post all along it's length. "Ashley," who seemed to be the most enthusiastic about this particular part of things when it had been discussed earlier that day out of "Shana's" hearing, was at "Shana's" ass, ready & eager to start licking on her to get her the bare minimum lubed up required for getting the anal post installed. "Ok. Now, first you will get a little prep work directly from 'Ashley's' mouth to your ass. 'Ash' has already done the same to the anal post. After I have determined that she has done enough 'prepping,' though most likely far below what she thinks is the 'proper' level of such, I'm sure, I will have her move away & give you the signal. Then, you are to immediately & without hesitation open your anus. The post is coming in, no matter what you do. However, disobedience in this will mean a punishment. A big enough punishment that it completely offsets your pleasure from your disobedience & the pain of making us force the post into you. Rest assured that no pain-reward you can give yourself is anywhere near the pain-rewards W/we can give you, just as no pain-reward you could possibly do/give to yourself is anywhere near worth it for the no-pain punishment that I will give you without any hesitation whatsoever. So, I would 'suggest' that you be a good little girl & open wide! Here it comes!" With that, I give a nod to "Ashley," & she goes to town. After a very few moments, I give "Ashley her signal. She looks up at me in open rebellion. Seems she wants to continue with the project, now that she's had a "go" at it. Apparently, she likes that kind of thing. I'll have to remember that, for later. For now, though, I give her a stronger signal, snapping my cat-o-nine-tails in the air to show my intent to forcibly back up my order. With a pout any 6-year-old child trying out her first attempts at wrapping her parents around her little finger would envy, she does as she's told. (Probably trying to get me to punish her, I suppose. Well, it won't work this time, but if she tries again, I'll come down on her like the Wrath of Satan. In a way that she will not like. I can think of several possibilities right now, in fact. Well, store those away for later & get a move on, idiot! They're waiting!) Giving My head a small shake, hopefully unnoticed by My assistants, to clear my thoughts away, I give the motion to "Viper" & "Ash" to get on with it, then give "Shana" the signal with the cat-o-nine-tails across her lower back-upper ass juncture. She tries to get herself open as far as needed, but she doesn't have any experience in doing so. Well, that will come later. For now, "Ash" grabs ahold of the "head" of the anal post, moving it so that the tip is right at "Shana's" anal ring. She pushes the tip inside, than looks to "Viper" & gives her a nod. "Viper" nods back & begins to push the anal post down it's slide, pushing it into "Shana's" ass even farther. She does this in one sustained push. "Ash" is sliding her hand down the shaft of the post, making sure that it keeps going in, as the post is soft enough that it would simply bend & fold if she did not do so. As it stands, the post has a tendency to bulge here & there before "Ash" can get it "back into shape." All the while, "Shana" is screaming in pain/pleasure. The diameter of the invading post, as small as it is compared to several of the other Hitching Posts, & the force to which it was being pushed in, was wide enough & hard enough to make her feel that her ass was being ripped wide open. Of course, that is only the beginning of her torment. You see, approximately every third inch or so, there is a bulge, about one-&-a-half inches in diameter. This makes for a total of five bulges. Being an extreme painslut as she is, even with this the pain is mixed with pleasure. She continues to scream as she feels the long anal post flowing into her, one inch at a time. Their is no back & forth movement. There is barely even a pause every few moments to allow "Shana" time to adjust to the invasion of the bulges. Otherwise, just a steady, hard, continuous push up "her" rectum. The first bulge has gone in. The second following shortly thereafter. The third bulge is forced through as "Shana's" screams die out to groans, her voice going out on her after all of the screaming. The groaning continues as the fourth bulge is forced in. It's getting a bit more difficult, as the tip of the anal post goes further & further up "Shana's" rectum. The first bulge passed the first turn in her large intestine way back right after the second bulge hit the anal ring. Now it's nearing the third turn of her large intestine. Their is great discomfort, even pain as it moves through a part of "Shana" that things were not supposed to go through from the outside in. Her groans continue as the fifth & final bulge is inserted. It goes up the last two inches of the post, then sticks there. The anal post is now fully inserted into "Shana's" ass. My assistants look on in wonder at the fact that she had taken it all, then start looking around at the other Hitching Posts, realizing that, at seventeen inches long & 3/4" wide, with 1 1/2" bulges down its length, the thing was still the smallest of the anal posts in The Room. They look back at the still groaning "Shana" in awe, wonder, pity, horror, & even a slight amusement at the thought of watching her having to take the posts one by one, each larger than the last. They each have a variously sized grin on their faces. I myself have a grin on my face, thinking about placing each one of them in exactly the same position. Not that they know about that, though. At least, they won't until I start on them. For now, I just watch "Shana" a bit to make sure there is no bleeding from her newly plundered asshole. After having made sure there is none, I give her a quick playful swat on her ass, put a couple of ear plugs into "Shana's" ears so she cannot hear, get up, & move to lead My assistants on a grand tour of The Room. Starting with The Wheel, I take My assistants on a complete circuit, leading from Exercise to Exercise, in the order to which I set up The Gauntlet. As we go to each one, I describe to them what the Exercise is going to be. They are astounded by what I plan, looking back at "Shana" every now & again in wonder, awe, & pity as they think about what she's going to be going through. After a while, they begin to notice that "Shana" had gotten used to the invasions, & has actually started to move back & forth, in an attempt to get herself off. Unfortunately for her, while I did happen to leave her room to move back & forth, I didn't actually leave her enough room to make it matter. Meaning, while she can keep herself aroused, she doesn't have enough room to get enough out of the motions to get herself off. So sad. As we continue, cries of "Please help me! I need to cum so bad!" start resounding from her. It seems that she needs relief. Well, she'll get it in a minute. After I've led My assistants throughout their tour, we all head back to where "Shana" is now frantically moving back & forth, trying to get enough room to get herself off. It is such an entrancing spectacle that I decide to film it for posterity. While I attend to that, I motion "Viper" over to The Cabinet, so that she can get out the strap-on dildo harness I put there when I set up The Room. She brings it over, putting it on as I've told her to do. There isn't actually a dildo or anal plug on the harness, which confuses "Viper" a bit. After a few seconds, she just shrugs & moves back to the others. I have, meanwhile, switched on the digiphoto & digivideo cameras that were set up for The Wheel in the first place, & positioned them to get a perfect look at the proceedings that would commence momentarily. I then go over to the gathering of My beautiful assistants & the soon-to-be-Runner. They are all chuckling softly at images in their heads about what's going to happen now. They probably wouldn't be feeling so "up" if they knew that their time would come, & "Shana" would be a part of it. I think they would be a little more circumspect if they knew, don't you? Well, that's for the future. For now, I move to the front of "Shana," looking at the tableux with anticipation over what's going to happen. After a small pause, to collect my thoughts on exactly what I want to happen, I then start to set it up. "All right. Here's what we're going to do. I want 'Viper,' who has the strap-on harness on already, to be 'in charge' of ass-fucking this slut from here to the back of beyond. However, I don't want her to cum for quite a while, so while you will be giving her almost full-length thrusts, as hard as you can, they will be spaced out to about one every other minute. That should keep her from cumming, yet also keep her at the edge. Cool? All right, now I want 'Ash' & 'Ashley' to start nibbling on 'Shana's' nipples as soon as they become available. Now, in order to get 'Shana' into position, I want all of your help with this. Now, 'Ash' & 'Ashley' will take care of removing 'Shana' from her upper restraints. 'Viper' will take care of the lower half, including sluicing this slut off of the vaginal post. Keep the anal post inside of her, however. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised to note that I put in a feature that allows the anal post to be detached from the Hitching Post set-up. If you look closely, you'll also notice that the post actually has a base that is compatible with the strap-on harness. That's right, you intelligent thing, you. You get to screw 'Shana's' asshole with the very post she's been riding all this time! A very simple, economical, &, dare I say, clever move on my part, no? Now, I want 'Shana' to be standing up straight when we do this. Also, I want her to be completely at your mercy. Not that you will grant her any mercy, mind you. I just thought I would throw in that little cliche. It seemed appropriate, somehow. Ok. I want you to work on her for as long as you can without getting her over the edge. It is vastly important that you keep her from cumming. It is the first part of a many-part plan of mine to get her to a state of continuous, unending arousal, only relieved at my direct say-so. Hopefully you all remember the little conversation I gave to 'Shana' a little while ago, while we were all getting used to the process of Hitching her? You do? Good. Now, in addition to you two working on her tits & nipples, I want you both to begin working your fingers in & out of her pussy, continuously. I want you to do it slow, but forcefully. Let's not forget that she loves pain as much if not more than pleasure. All right, is everyone clear on what I expect from you? Good. Well, before we get started, I want to tell you a little bit more about my technique. You see, I will remove 'Shana's' earplugs before you get down to business, & tell her what she needs to do. Namely, keep herself from orgasming for at least five minutes. I will of course expect you to try for ten minutes, but seeing as how this is the first time, I expect things to get a bit hectic during the fourth or fifth minute or so. Therefore, this one time only, I will allow you to give a verbal warning of her state of arousal. After a few times doing this, however, I expect you to be tuned enough to her rthyms for cumming that you can hold it off for her without increasing expertise. Hopefully, going so far as to actually be able to keep her at the peak without letting her over indefinitely. By that time, I believe that she'll be able to hold off by herself. She'll want to, once I show her how much stronger controlled, held-back, & denied orgasms can be than ones you just let happen. Now, is everyone ready? Good. Well, now. let's begin." With that, My assistants begin the things I told them to do. "Ash" & "Ashley" work to get "Shana" out of the front part of how she was Hitched. They detach her wrists first. They have to restrain her arms from going to her nipples. Not to release them, to pull the clamps tighter in a desperate move to get herself an orgasm. In the end, they have to restrain her wrists behind her, using a pair of handcuffs I went & got from The Cabinet when I saw what was going on. After a bit of struggling on her part, she resigns herself to the inevitable. At least, for now she does. After they've done that, the both of them reach for a grabber-clamp apiece. "Wait," I say suddenly, an idea froming in My head. "I think that you both should hold the clamps at or slightly tighter than what they were to begin with. Not enough to give her enough pain to get off on, but enough to keep the pressure up until the rest of everything's been done." With a nod they comply. Now that they are done, I motion "Viper" to do her part. "Remember, I want you to detach everything. Oh, except for the thigh spreader, of course. And, I want you to detach the anal post, as well. You are not to hook your harness on it until I tell you. Understand?" With a nod, "Viper" begins to do just that. She removes the ankle shackles, then the knee ones. As she moves to remove the clit-clamp, I interrupt her for a moment. "I think you also should keep that clamp at or slightly above the pressure it has been at all this time. Additionally, you should leave the alligator clamps attached to her inner & outer pussy lips alone. They'll be needed for later. All three of you must keep constant pressure as you move her to a standing position. hen, I want you to reshackle her ankles to the spots they were before. Now, continue, 'Viper.'" Having received my new instructions, she reaches over & detaches the clit-clamp from the anchor point, keeping it at the same pull as it had been before. Then, almost as one all three of My assistants get up, forcing "Shana" to stand as well. She's started to moan piteously due to the lack of stimuli. She had been so close to orgasm that she's now willing to sell her soul to get there. After "Viper" reshackled her ankles, making sure not to let up on the pressure to her clit in the meanwhile, they present "Shana" to me like a prize catch. Which she is. Or, will be. "Good, all around. Soon, you should remove the clamps entirely & proceed with the orgasm denial section. Now, I want you to remove 'Shana's' earplugs when I tell you do. Then, I will tell her what I expect of her, & you shall get started. When it seems that you can't hold her back for much longer, I want you, 'Ash' & 'Ashley,' to grab the alligator clamps that have been left on her pussy lips, all of them, & pull them apart as far as you can, but slowly enough so that she won't go off. Then, I want 'Viper' to remove 'Shana's' blindfold, & keep her head pointed directly at me the entire time she orgasms. I think I will get a small glass & a towel, in case she starts to ejaculate. Can't be too careful! Now, I hope I won't have to punish you all for making her cum in the time I'm gone. You are not to do so. Understood? Besides which, I think you'll be astounded at the force of her orgasm should you allow it to happen as it should. Cross me in this & I will give you all to Demonia for discipling. I don't think you'll enjoy that. Do you?" At that, the girls shudder quite visibly, knowing just what Demonia given free reign would do to them. Having made sure they are aware of My sincerity of the promise I had just made I go into another part of the basement, coming back a couple of minutes later with the towel & glass I had talked about. When I've returned to The Room, I find that My warning had been taken to heart, & that "Shana" was still pleading to be allowed to cum. A flash of happiness flows through Me at this overt display of obedience by My assistants. A reward will obviously have to be thought of later. For now, I place the towel underneath "Shana," making sure that it would cover the entire area that could be expected to cum "under fire," as it were. Then, I give the glass to "Ashley," & remove "Shana's" earplugs. "Ok, 'Shana,' here's what's going to happen now.," I say, leaning close to "Shana's" ear. "My lovely assistants are now going to get you to the plateau point just before the 'point-of-no-return' that leads to an orgasm. They will then keep you there for at least five minutes. Hopefully, you'll last longer than that. At the moment where you cannot hold back any longer, I will have 'Viper' remove your blindfold. At that time, you are to look at Me & Me alone. No one else. Nothing else. You are to look in My eyes only. When you do, I will begin giving you the orgasm you so seek. It will probably be a long one. Especially as I will be helping by giving you strokes from My cat-o-nine-tails directly on your pussy & clit. 'Ash' & 'Ashley' will be helping Me with that by pulling your lips apart using the alligator clamps still on them. That way, they won't endanger their own hands & fingers when the strokes come. Also, I believe that you've noticed that the post from your Hitching is still inside of you. There is a reason for that. Simply enough, 'Viper' will be ass-ramming you the entire time. Hard, forcefully, & with almost full-length strokes, but only one every few moments. I don't think she'll be able to get more than five or ten strokes in, personally, before your orgasm is allowed to you. After it is, however, she'll be giving you the fastest, most brutal, full-length ass-raping that she can give you. I think you'll especially enjoy that. Now, you must keep your eyes on mine throughout your orgasm. You cannot close your eyes. You cannot turn away. You can only look at me. If you fail in this, you will not be allowed to orgasm for a full month, if ever again. Do you understand?" Hearing that, she begins nodding her head vigourously. "Yes! Yes! I'll do ANYTHING! Only, PLEASE! Let me CUM!" She cries, frantic with sexual frustration. "All right.," I murmur in reply. " I believe you are ready. Now, you did say anything, so I will expect you to own up to that. What I want from you is your decree that all of you is Mine from this point on. You don't have to answer now. However, you will have to answer in the affirmative if you want the orgasm. I will not accept any such decree until you've been properly prepared by My wonderful assistants. Now, here we go!" I move back at this, both to clear enough room for me to get a good amount of force behind my slashes with the whip, & so that My assistants can do their part of things. "All right, ladies. I want you to begin in a moment. However, one tiny detail I forgot until now. 'Ash' & 'Ashley,' as another part of your things to do to this slaveslut, I want you both to use at least two fingers each in her pussy. That's only to start, of course. As your fingers & hands get more lubed up, as I suspect they will, I want you both to start adding more & more fingers to the mix. If you can, I would a double fisting of her pussy by the time I give you the go-ahead to get her pussy lips open. Ok, now. Begin!"
As instructed, "Viper" leans in, attaches the dildo harness to the anal post-come-anal plug, & starts to move it slowly out. As the anal plug finally starts to leave "Shana's" asshole, she starts to moan in pain/pleasure/disappointment. That's OK. She's in for a rude surprise. It just so happens that "Viper" has had an inspiration in how I wanted her to do things. Always good to see a slaveslut use her imagination & initiative, so long as it doesn't involve figuring out ways to be disobedient, that is. Her inspiration? Simple. While she dragged the removal of the anal post-come-anal plug as long as she dared, she has no qualms over shoving it in as fast, hard, & relentless as she did when she put the post into "Shana's" post in the first place. This, of course, causes more moans from the soon-to-be-Runner, though this time a mix of pain/pleasure/excitement/fear variety. Meanwhile, "Ash" & "Ashley" have also begun doing what I told them. They've removed the grabber-clamps from "Shana's" nipples & clit, leaving the alligator clamps alone. They then lean over, take a nipple apiece, & start licking, mouthing, biting, & tugging on her nipples. They progressively get harsher with their treatments, until they look like dogs playing tug-of-war. At the same time, their hands have reached down, & are playing with "Shana's" pussy, their index fingers moving in & out continuously. Again, as I told them to do, "Ash" & "Ashley" immediately start looking for a way to get more of their fingers in. All of this had started to heighten "Shana's" arousal. Which was the point after all. And, so, the pleasuring/torturing of "Shana" began.
It moved into the first minute, the ladies working diligently to keep "Shana" at the peak, but not giving her the orgasm she so desparately needs. She grunts every time the anal post/plug goes into her, & every time it goes out. The bulbs were making even more of an effect than I had originally estimated. The girls at the front continuously speed up & slow down their own manuevers, as they start becoming accustomed to "Shana's" body rhythms.
The second minute passes, with "Shana" starting to worry about making the full five minutes. She begins to hold herself back, trying as hard as she can.
At the crest of the third minute, I can see that she has begun having difficulty keeping herself from orgasming. I make a quick decision, that I would later thank My own Lord for, because of how well it worked out. "'Viper!'" I say commandingly. "Change of plans. I want you to remove 'Shana's' blindfold now. Hopefully, the distraction of keeping her eyes on Me will be enough to help her get passed the limit. Quickly, now!" With a nod, "Viper" obeys instantly. All of a sudden, light is returned to "Shana's" world. For the moment, anyway. She blinks, trying to clear her eyes. A whip *crack* is heard as I lash the cat-o-nine-tails right next to her, without hitting either her or any of My assistants. The sound catches "Shana's" attention instantly. "Remember, 'Shana,' you must keep your eyes on mine at all times. Understand? Look at Me." And, so, she does. "Good. Now, keep your eyes right here." I say, pointing to my face. She does so, & the arousal is easier to control for a bit. This is how we go into the fourth minute.
During the fourth & fifth minutes, the pace of all three of My assistants speeds up & slows down, as they feel "Shana's" arousal peak & dip.
The fifth minute has passed. "Shana" could be allowed an orgasm at any time now. However, being the lovely Sadist that I am, I have them continue with their ministrations, without any let-up.
The sixth minute passes, & it is becoming harder & harder for My assistants to maintain "Shana" at her plateau point, even with her watching me the whole time.
The seventh minute passes, & things are getting even harder. It is almost time for the ultimatem.
As the eigth minute arrives, it is harder still for them to keep "Shana" at a level arousal status. The constant ass-reaming by "Viper" has rubbed "Shana's" asshole raw. The pain is actually increasing her pleasure. As has the violence to which "Ash" & "Ashley" are fulfilling their part of things. The nipple-biting & finger-fucking of her pussy, that is. Of course, by this time both have gotten four fingers in there apiece. Their hands were moving in & out quite forcefully now, as they realize that the harder they pounded her pussy, no matter how hard that was, only made "Shana" that much more aroused. "Shana's" pussy is now almost as raw as her asshole, & she is loving every minute of it. Literally.
At the ninth minute, I decide to make my pitch, after having had to repeatedly tell her that she needed to look at me, without closing her eyes more than it takes to blink, & that she needed to hold back for as long as she could. Noticing that it was almost the time I had given her for her pleasuring/torment, I work fast. "Ok, now. About that price I said I wanted. It's quite simple. All I want is everything you have to give. Your body will become My body, to do with as I will. Your mind will become My plaything, to change as I see fit. Your very soul will become mine. Your inhibitions will be as they never existed. You will give your all to me. I will tell you what & when to eat. What & when you are to clothe yourself. When & with who &/or even what with you can have sex. When you can have an orgasm. Even when & where you can take a piss or crap. That is what I want, & that is what you will happily give Me. Even the control of your very name. You will give up being called 'Shana,' & be perfectly happy to be called whatever I want to call you. And you will do all of these things happily, when you've discovered the heights of pleasure I can take you to. Now, do you so swear? Note that you will have to so swear to be allowed to orgasm now. When you are done cumming, & wake up from the unconsciousness afterward, you'll have to take the OuterCouncil Oath, as personalized by Me. Now, do you so swear?" After taking a moment to think about it, looking into my eyes & feeling the hands of "Ash" & "Ashley," both of which now had their entire hands inside of her pussy, & the ministrations of "Viper" as she continues to ream out her ass. Then, she nods vigourously. "Yes, I/i will! Just PLEASE GET ME OFF!!!!" "Good.," I reply. "Now, let's see about what I & My assistants can do about performing my part of the bargain, shall W/we? Ok, ladies. It's time for the final bit of this number. Now, I want you girls here in the front to do what I told you with the alligator clamps. 'Viper,' I want you to remove the anal plug from 'Shana's' ass for a bit, then begin a hard, fast thrusting, still nearly full-length strokes, when I begin whipping said pussy. "Ash" & "Ashley," I want you to take your lovely cum-covered hands & wipe them off on the anal plug, from head to base. Then, wipe whatever's left on 'Shana's' nipples, & proceed to go right back to biting & tugging them. This way, you'll also get to taste 'Shana's' pussy while you do so. Is everyone clear? All right, go!"
With that, the women began. "Viper" pulled out the anal plug very quickly, causing a jolt of pleasure/pain in "Shana's" anus. To which she groans yet again. "Ash" & "Ashley" have pulled their quite slippery hands out of her vagina nearly at the same time, leaving "Shana" feeling alone & empty. As per instructions, they start coating the anal plug with "Shana's" own secretions. Of course, they happen to leave the bulges alone, as I had told them was the standard operating procedure for anal plugs used on any of my OuterCouncil, earlier in the day. Of course, "Shana" had yet to be told about this little detail. I thought the surprise might give her at least some pleasure. Well, pain. But, with her, it's the same thing. After getting as much of the cum off of their hands onto the plug, they take the little that's left & wipe it all along her nipples & tits. They then, in a brilliant move I had not thought of, put their hands, one at a time, into "Shana's" mouth, so that she might suck them clean. Having completed their original task, they both grab an equal amount of the leads to the alligator clamps, & pull them farther & farther apart. As they get to the extent of their reach, they start wrapping the chains around their wrists, so as to further increase the opening in her lips. As they do this, "Viper" places the head of the anal plug back at the entrance to "Shana's" asshole. She puts the first inch in, & then waits for My command, making sure that "Shana" cannot get more of herself onto the anal plug while she waits. Then, the fun really begins.
All of this had been recorded on the cameras that I had earlier turned on & pointed at the spectacle. Now, they are silent witnesses to My command of "All right, people! We're going to do her now. I want 'Viper' to really slam it to her, while 'Ash' & 'Ashley' go for her nips at the same time. Now, I also want you two to wrap another length of chain around your wrists. However, instead of doing so to gradually bring her lips even farther apart, I want you to instead wrap your wrists closer to her lips, & then, when I begin to whip her clit, I want you both to yank on those chains as hard & as fast as you can. Now, are we all clear that I want this to happen as simultaneously as at all possible? Good. Well, no time like the present to begin! All right! On the count of three! Ready? One.......two......'Shana,'....you may have a Good one." At this, I begin the first of many whipslashes to "Shana's" pussy. In an admirable first attempt(which makes Me make a note for far more "practice" in the future), My assistants try to get their motions down as close to mine as possible. "Viper" came the closest, yet her's was the harder task. As she ruthlessly shoved the long anal plug into "Shana's" ass, the pain of the motion brings a groan to "Shana's" lips. Adding the power of the pain inflicted when "Ash" & "Ashley" bit down on her nipples roughly, & their yanking her nether lips wide open proceeded to finish what had been denied her for a full ten minutes & thirty seconds.
She came.

Brutally Hard......

Incredibly Fast.........

Very Frequently........

And for a very, very, very long time...........
In fact, her orgasm lasted for a good deal longer than the wait she had endured. In fact, it lasted for a good half of an hour.
Not too shabby for a first time. Don't you agree?
Amazingly enough, "Shana" was able to keep her eyes on Me the whole time. Which is good, for it means that she won't have to be punished for taking her eyes off of me. I had somewhat hoped that she would require punishment, at least this first time, but apparently I underestimated her. Well, no matter. There is plenty of time to teach her the Punishments I have planned for her. Of course, by the end of her Run, she will no longer have any will to oppose being punished whenever & however I feel like. Ever. For now, it is good that she has a good thing to remember for the first time she's allowed to cum. Not that I think she'll remember any of it, besides what could be written off as an erotic dream, at least in her own mind. You see, right after she had finished cumming, she fainted. Quite completely, actually. So completely that I run up to her to check her pulse. Finding one, I *sigh* in relief & motion to My assistants. This time, "Viper" is much slower in removing the anal plug this time. There is no reason to cause "Shana" more pain/pleasure at this time, after all. She's not "around" to enjoy it. As she pulls the plug loose, we are all concerned to see a tiny bit of blood attached to the plug. Apparently, the roughness was a little too much for "Shana's" nearly-virgin asshole. Thankfully, it was only at the tip, & there wasn't much of it. Well, it doesn't look like anything serious, & she will have to get used to it anyway. By the end of her Gauntlet, she should be able to take much more than that "little" plug completely dry, in one push, & rough as all hell, without any blood whatsoever. No time like the present to begin that part of her Run. It will probably be the longest part of it, after all. After "Ash" & "Ashley" have done their things of removing the alligator clamps on her lips, they let her down on the floor gently, starting to stare in awe at the orgasm she had had. They all look to Me, as if to say with their eyes alone "WE want an orgasm EXACTLY like THAT!!!" Well, they'll just have to wait their turn, now, won't they? First they have to help "Shana" Run, then they can. Only then can they experience such orgasms. Just one of My many incentives to get them to Run, as well. I wonder how well it'll work when the time comes? Only time will tell. For now, I head over to The Cabinet, & retrieve yet another important thing, that I had placed there for just such an eventuality. It is a bundle that looks like a sleeping bag, but is in fact a fetish leather hanging bag, for "Shana's" enjoyment. Luckily, I had gotten the deluxe, heav-duty one for the first part of "Shana's" Run, as she is still at the moment quite heavy. Requiring My assistants' help to get her in the thing(Once again, it cannot be repeated enough that assistants are there to assist, so that's what they do. Naturally.), I then also require their assistance to get her onto the wall next to the door leading into The Room.
Before we leave, I unzip the bag enough to get to the necessary parts of "Shana's" body to do what I need to do. Firstly, I put some super-solvent paper towels up into her asshole, in case there is any bleeding that I did not see at the time. Then, in order to keep her from taking a crap until I am willing to let her do so, I put a brutally sized anal plug into her anus to prevent her from taking a crap. The thing is only 5" long. Like most anal plugs, it flares out into a bell-end, so that it goes from 1/4" at the tip to 2 1/4" at the base. Unlike most anal plugs, however, their is no part after the bell that works as the thing to keep it out of the anus entirely. In fact, I designed it that way. What it is meant to do is be forcefully inserted into the slaveslut's ass until the end is almost 1 3/4"-3" inside of the anal ring. Then, having followed the plug in the whole way, the inserter than uses however many fingers were able to get in there to twist the base of the plug, expanding it to an ultimate width of 2 3/4". It also goes from being a circle to being an oval. This prevents the plug from being either sucked in farther, or shot out of the body. It also allows the anal ring to close behind it, thereby not ruining the anal ring by keeping it dialated for long periods of time. Even though she will be "conditioned" to be able to expand her anus by a huge margin, I don't want her to have an anus the size to fit a large cucumber into it without stretching it, either. Tightness is a necessity, after all. After making sure that the thing is secure, I move on to her front. For now, until after the "Naming Ceremony" to be held the next day, all I do to her front is to put in a 8"x1 3/4" vibrator up her pussy, with the DC outlet plugged in to the wall next to the hanging bag to assure a complete night of operation. The vibrator is quite an expensive piece, as it has some custom features on it. One being the ring at the base. This ring allows me to run some wire through the base of the vibrator & hook it to the back of the bag. There is a spot to do that at above "Shana's" hips, allowing for a thorough harnessing of the thing. The wire leads from the higher attachments, around her hips, past her clit(after being looped tightly around it, of course), through the ring in the vibrator, along the perineum, past the anus(where a sliding, yet securable length of small spines, like an doubled-up hair clip but with mostly-rounded points, is kept at for irritation & pain-dealing purposes), & back up to the attachment spots that the thing started from in the first place.
The other is that the vibrator is specifically designed to keep the victim/slaveslut aroused without letting her have an orgasm. It does this by having a heartrate monitor imbedded in it. The heartrate monitor is connected to a small, stupid machine designed to do only one thing. When it detects that the heartrate has exceeded a certain point, it uses its connection to the vibrator's speed adjuster to slow the speed down, even shut it off completely if necessary, in order to keep the person from cumming. When it detects that the heartrate has gone below the minimum desired, it speeds up the vibrator until the heartrate has come back to "optimum". In this fashion, it keep the slaveslut at a good level of frustration. And it can keep it up for as long as the batteries keep going. With the DC plug added on, it can keep the slaveslut at that precise state for however long the Dominant decides to keep the person attached to the wall outlet. Add the optional rechargable batteries, & you can keep your slaveslut occupied for the rest of her life. Think about it.
After finishing that part, I move on to the last part of the day. That being, the catheter. This catheter actually serves two purposes. One is to keep the poor girl from peeing on herself until I say she can piss. The other is to expand "Shana's" urethra exponentially. That's why the thing has an expanding tip. The catheter is about 6" long & small enough in width to fit in the urethra. When it's inserted, the machine is plugged into the outlet for it put on the DC cord for the vibrator. When activated, the entire part of the urethral dialator stuck up "Shana's" urethra will begin to expand. It does so slowly, expanding up to an inch wider in diameter in increments. That inch is the first limit set on the beginners one. After it has reached that limit, it will stay there for about a half an hour, then slowly shrink once more. However, it only shrinks half the diameter that it had just grown, before expanding slowly again. It keeps this cycle going, decreasing the amount of diameter it shrinks every time it does so, until it no longer matters that it did shrink. At that time, it begins on the next inch in diameter to be expanded into. It will continue this cycle for only a single inch more. Then, it will stop at that third inch, until the device is told to decompress to its original diameter. Even taken off of the DC cord, with the cord to it being removed as well, the device will stay at the 3" in diameter it had been expanded. That's because that, at the third inch accomplished, it locks the thing in place. Only the person with the key to the thing can decompress it. Which should make "Shana" all the more agreeable to My commands. As well as the others of my OuterCouncil, when it becomes their turn to Run.
Having completed that, I move on to the last thing on the agenda. A clit vacuum pumper/scratcher. This is another innovation of mine, & is also connected to the vibrator's DC cord. This one has a two-stage "attack" to the clitoris. The first part, simply enough, is to vacuum all of the air out of the area of the clit. It is put around the clit, placing itself between the clit & the clit hood. Then, it vacuums. This will increase the size of the clitoris, as well as make it more sensitive. Then, when it has vacuumed all of the air out, the second stage begins. This is slightly more complicated. You see, inside of the vacuum chamber are many small spines, curved facing the back of the vacuum pump. They are mounted on three rings that can be compressed from the walls of the vacuum chamber until the rings are only 1/6" in diameter, with the spine-tips creating a "phantom" circle 1/4" in diamter at their inner tips. The three rings also can move inward & outward, independent of each other. So, what happens when the air is all removed is that the rings compress all the way. Then, depending on the pattern put into the thing's computer, it can independently move each ring separate from each other, moving the spines back & forth over the clit as the clit maintains hardness. The speeds of the thing run parallel to the vibrator's. The device is also connected to the same computer that follows the heartrate monitor. Therefore, they too adjust their speed to keep the slaveslut at a certain level of arousal, without relief. The final degradation is what I call a "clit-fucker spike." This is a two-inch long metal spike that is only 1/16" wide at its broadest part. The reason it is so thin is simple. It is placed at the "base" of the vacuum pump, & is meant to go straight into the clit, piercing it from the tip through to the bottom of the clit. Way in their underneath the clit hood. At first it does so very slowly, moving only a little into the clit. Barely even scratching it. Then, it starts to go in a little deeper. Then a little deeper. As it does so, it also starts going a little faster, as well. Not significantly faster. Not even faster or deeper to be noticed whatsoever as it happens. Just a very gradual increase in depth & speed. By the time "Shana" will awaken, the process should be increased until the spike is actually technically fucking into her clit. Over time, this will cause "Shana" to have a "hollow" clit. The ultimate goal for doing so is to give her a clit that can be artificially expanded, as well as lengthened. When the "hollow" part is completed, so that it doesn't heal closed, then it can be expanded using the same methods for the urethra. Unlike the urethra, the clit will obviously not ever be able to take a dick, no matter how much "Shana" might want to try. However, it could take a specially-built dildo of no more than 1/16" in diameter. Which, if one were to use a specially designed harness, would enable a female, or male who wasn't above using a harness, to fuck "Shana's" anus, pussy, urethra, & clit at the same time. You'd have to be careful to make sure that everything was in place, so that no unnecessary harm came to her, but it would work. And should produce quite an intriguing & unique experience for all parties involved.
Now that all of those things are in place, I give "Shana" a couple of slaps onto her upper thighs, close the bag back up, place the sensory deprivation hood back on "Shana's" head, & lead My assistants out of The Room. As W/we leave, I turn off the light switches, & the cameras as well.
Now, the day is finally over. To prevent any of My assistants taking any unauthorized pleasure by themselves &/or with each other &/or anyone else, I place their lower bodies in thrall to me. Specifically, I put their pussies & assholes in lockdown with some mid-line Chastity panties. The "panties" themselves are of the bikini variety. Barely bigger than G-strings, actually. However, they suffice to keep the ladies' pussies & clits from getting any kind of stimulation whatsoever. The backs of the "panties" are small enough to show pretty much all of the ass, but wide enough so that they could not be moved to the side, no matter how hard anyone tried. Of course, the things have locks, to prevent anyone from getting them free. They all have some modifications to the normal design. Firstly, they are all fur-lined, which makes for a more comfortable fit, but is also a surprisingly good insulator of sensation when coupled with the stuff already there to do so. Secondly, the "panty" has a small, 2"x3/4" anal plug & a 5"x1 1/2" vaginal vibrating dildo, that are both fillable & one-way porous from the inside out. There is a small jellified cup that covers the clit that is the same way. What they do is, when given sufficient pressure, they release peppermint oil into or onto the most significant parts of the girls' lower anatomies. The vibrating dildos are also connected to the same type of system that the one I just placed on "Shana" has, for keeping the girls aroused but unorgasmic. Theirs have long-lasting, rechargable lithium-ion battery packs instead of the DC cord. They can be mounted with the DC cord, but only when the girl is not expected to move for a long time. Like "Shana." This will not only make them nearly insane with need, but also assures that they will do anything for relief when they get back to me. The reason for that is simple. The locks on the "panties," which are the second customization. They are not padlocks, nor even combination locks, but fingerprint locks that are keyed only to me. Anyone other than me touching the locks, & the locks remain closed. When I do so, the locks click open. To prevent accidents from happening, there is a system built into the "panty" that connects the girls' urethras to a small opening in the "panty" that allows urine to be passed from the urethra to the outside of the body. Like an extension, or a guy's dick, really. These do not expand & contract like the system set-up for "Shana," but then that's for later. For additional frustration/agony, the girls are also given bras that match the chastity panties. They are also fur-lined, with small cups for the nipples that release peppermint oil as well. They too lock with fingerprint locks.
Just before the bras & chastity panties are placed on each assistant, their nipples & clits are aroused to their hardest states, if they're not there already, & kept that way by small wire loops. These loops are made from a large spool of thin wire, easy to cut & extremely cheap to purchase in bulk. The wire is wrapped around the first nipple. Then, the "open" end is put into a slip knot. The loop is then tightened considerably, until there is a visible reduction of diameter in the nipple at the loop. Then, the rest of the spool is cut off right at the part that keeps the loop tight. The same procedure is then performed, using the very same spool, on the girl's other nipple, then her clit. This procedure is then further repeated for all of My assistants. Then, the aforementioned sleeping attire is put on them, & they are sent to their room. Afterwards, I return to My own room, & unleash My ravishing attentions on My two lovely fucktoys, "Jamie" & "Sunset." That's what they're there for, after all. to alleviate My sexual needs so that I won't give in to temptation while I oversee "Shana's" Running. And, later on, the rest of My OuterCouncil as they Run. They also have the "privilege" of being the ones who will dish out the medium level rewards to My OuterCouncil, when said OuterCouncil earn them. That's for later, however. For now, the time has come to sleep for the night, anticipating what's to come upon the next day. The Day of Naming for "Shana." It will be quite interesting, I'm sure.......
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