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Rated: 13+ · Book · Writing.Com · #812129
How once woman went from being a SAHM of four to a published freelance science journalist
I'm revising this intro after more than 15 years to better reflect my intention

When I started this blog in 2004, I was a stay at home mom to two small children, a college graduate with a degree in English and Astrophysics. By 2007, I had four small children, ages newborn, 2, 4, and 6. For several years, Writing.com was how I kept my sanity. This blog began, first as a way of staying connected. Later, when I worked on a novel, I used it to stoke the writing fires as I plotted out short stories and the next step of my novel. Ultimately, I moved my writing preparation to "Invalid Item

In 2010, I became a single mom who had homeschooled her children for several years. I had a 2, 4, 6 and 8 year old and had never had a "real" full time job, since I was married while in college. Everyone told me that I would have to buckle down and take on a "real" job.

Instead, I decided to attempt to live my dream: to make it as a writer. I knew that if I didn't try then, I would never really dive in. I counted my money and set a deadline. If I hadn't began making a decent (defined) amount of money after so many months, I would suck it up and get a J-O-B.

After some thought, I decided to play to my strengths. I served an internship at Sky & Telescope magazine while in college and enjoyed writing about space and astronomy. With an astrophysics degree, I thought I would be able to sell myself more easily, and a small niche should be easier to penetrate.

It's been about ten years since I was first paid for an article on Space.com. In that time, writing - journalism - has been my primary moneymaker. I've often thought about setting up a blog on my website - www.astrowriter.com - but just haven't gotten around to it. There are a few things I would like to share for those who are interested in scientific journalism in general.

Now that I'm back on WDC, there's no reason not to combine the two and use the site blog for that sort of interaction. There are certainly plenty of folks on this site interested in the publication process. So while I'll probably meander around some, that's the intention of of this blog: to share some of my struggles as a published journalist and to help answer oft-asked questions.
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January 3, 2005 at 6:10pm
January 3, 2005 at 6:10pm
As I read a great story by SherrasQ , I had a fantastic idea for the first part of the story. At present, I've pretty much forgotton most of what I've already typed (although I think I have some that is printed; I'll be checking that tonight) about my characters. I've forgotton who they are!!! Very frightening. But, as I redevelop them, I think I'm going to start writing a few short pieces regarding their early life. This will serve in two ways - first, it will get me to develop the characters and make them more real. I'll get a good idea of how they react in various situations. Second, I can create a credible history for them, realistic actions that happened in their past. I can pick up a couple of different contest prompts (or prompts from Darkin's "Invalid Item ) and integrate them into the story. This will give me a good idea of what happened in their past.

Today, I'll probably wind up looking over the notes I've printed out and re-establishing Caroline, my "heroine". I'll pick a prompt tonight and spend tomorrow thinking about it. Then I'll write the story tomorrow. Guess I need to create a new folder to hold it. Too bad I don't - got interrupted, I don't remember what I don't do. Oh well.

The first prompt I'm going to use, I think, is Someone answer the phone!. Hmm, I can see that as the phone rings in the background. I probably ought to develop my characters a bit more, first, but if I remember right, Caroline is the result of a broken home and is the oldest of several children. Bossy yet introverted. So I can see this working around the time period of finding out their father is gone, and the phone keeps ringing. Random disappearance. Or it could be a teen stage, where everything is going on in her life, she's raising her siblings. Why is the phone ringing? Well, everyone is busy doing lots of things. Or perhaps the phone is always ringing. It would be ironic, however, because with several children (especially teens), the phone would generally be snatched up. Perhaps all the teens are out. Of course, when they were deserted, she wasn't a teen but a small child - I think it was the six/seven range, we established. I'll have to check. But I like the idea of the phone ringing when everyone was a teen and she being in a high-stress situation. Did one of her siblings have a wreck of some sort? Oh, wait, I think her mom and sis died and left her alone.

Gotta run and eat dinner!

Okay, I'm back with great details. I looked at the details I had concocted. Long story short, Caroline is a little mother. I think I should look at the story around the time when she is twelve. At this point, her teachers have come to realize that Caroline is, well, brilliant, since she has been doing her homework in class. In fact, maybe she gets in trouble for doing homework from one class in the next. Of course, she doesn't have time to do it at home. Her teachers push her, and then realize that she is far ahead of the class. At this point, they decide to advance her.

So why is the phone ringing? Caroline is in trouble at school. No, she's not in trouble. She has been in trouble, and now her genius is recognized. The teachers keep calling to get ahold of her mother, trying to get permission to test her for advancement. I think she should be younger than twelve, though. But not much. Twelve years old puts her in the sixth grade. I guess we can leave that there, then when she skips another grade it works out.

So, the story. Caroline's mother (Mrs. Medley) comes home late at night. She's tired, she's exhausted. Should I start with Caroline cleaning up? Or perhaps have her anxious. Anyway, mom gets the idea that Caroline is in trouble. She's upset, she's angry, and the phone keeps ringing. She finally answers the phone to talk to the teacher, who has, after so many tries, given up and called the mom at home, late at night. So we build up the anticipation of a teacher trying to get ahold of the mom, and Caroline doesn't know why. She doesn't know if she's in trouble or what the deal is. The mom can't make it to a parent-teacher conference. How do we do this? I need to make this into a story, and I'm just not fully certain of how. I'll keep thinking on it.
January 3, 2005 at 2:56pm
January 3, 2005 at 2:56pm
Sorry to depress all, but this one is for me and me alone. This is based on my characters, and I need to explore them further. I also think I'll take a walk through my plot summary, especially as they pertain to my first few chapters. But first, I do think I'll worry about my characters. Maybe if I stay focused, then I'll better be able to locate things later. I'm going for mostly random now, but I'll try to develop things more later. I'll fill out a happy form, LOL.

Dr. Caroline Medley
Our heroine. She has red hair and green eyes, and is a biologist. Or did we decide she was a chemist? She is working on a project to extend lifetimes, with its use planned to be for astronauts who have to take long trips.

Okay, revamp: she has black hair and green eyes. Longish hair, no freckles - yes, she reminds one of Natasha. I guess I just like 'em dark and pale. That might actually do better fitting that romanesque, Italian, etc. look. I found my word document (well, printed) and am going to further implement those, and, if you read the next entry, you will see that I am going to write a couple of short stories to build her (and Jonathan) up and develop them. I suppose I should do the same with said "bad guy". But now I have a story itching to be written, so I'm going to pump it out and go from there.

I decided to make this "free for all", so hopefully it will help with my feedback (not that there is a lot here). Please check out (and review) my short story with Caroline as a main character:

 Invalid Item 
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#924326 by Not Available.

January 2, 2005 at 3:00pm
January 2, 2005 at 3:00pm
What a great title, eh?

I am trying to figure out what I can do to step up my writing skills. Primarily in terms of publication. I have to tell you, the market research kills me. I can't stand the high prices for sample copies of a magazine (okay, I can't afford them), so my market is limited to what is available on-line. And I'm not sure that gives me full flavor. The time I spend in research is time I can't spend writing.

And then there is the writing time. When am I supposed to do it? Beats me. I can't do it when the kids are awake, and so I get one hour after they go to bed, unless I want to stay up until midnight, something I no longer have the energy to do. I need naps, so I can't do naptime. And to top it off, I'm about to have a baby, so there goes any five minutes I could possibly squeeze.

My husband doesn't want to take the kids for an hour a night because then he doesn't have any time for himself. Or, rather, he would have to do everything for an hour, somewhat like I do all day. He says he supports my writing but doesn't want me to do it until after the kids are in bed. But he told me I could do it after they go to bed, so I guess that means that I don't really need to spend any time with him.

I wish I could make things work out. I wish I had a couple more hours in the day, or more energy. I think I'm going to have to start making cuts - no more reviewing, for one thing.

I have this novel in my head - I mentioned it some time last year. It needs a ton of research. Now there's a thought. Suppose I were to work on the novel in pieces. For instance, I start doing "themed" short stories. See, this is a time travel piece, so there will be at least one and probably closer to three chapters in several different time periods and locations. I could write the first section - futuristic, so as long as I'm consistant I should be okay. Then I could research the second and do several short stories that take place in that time as I do the research. That way, I can practice writing realistically (and get feedback on that) in each time period even during the research period. Of course, when I do the research, who knows.

Let's say I write for an hour in the evening, after the kids are in bed. Call it 8:30-9:30. I can start researching each time period and read things during the day, here a little and there a little. In the evening, I can practice writing short stories in those time periods, and still enter in contests with said stories (I'm sure I can find good prompts). I can take the occasional break and enter random stories that aren't in that theme - slice of life and so forth (I love "Invalid Item <gasp they're closed! okay, just for the holidays, that was scary> - if I need to or something just strikes me, but overall, I will work on one piece (and one library book) at a time.

I think this is a doable plan. I'm still not sure how I'll work submissions - maybe I'll pick one day a week to put things together and do research and such, and do that instead of writing for that day. Then I could, technically, send out four submissions a month, most of which short stories. I can look at places that don't require first rights, and I can work on some short stories for first rights only, off-site. Perhaps those will come near the end of the month, after I have had a month's worth of practice with the time period. Those will be the ones where I can integrate information more smoothly.

Can I get out enough writing with an hour a day? Especially if one out of those five I'm not writing? Can I start my story (or at least working on it) tomorrow? I think I can do that. It might take an entire year (or five) to get done, especially if I am also writing other short stories, but at least I'll be writing. I think that would be a working solution.

Okay, so that is my plan. I will make sure the kids are in bed at 8:30, I don't know about the television or the 'where' but we'll work something out when this show dh is watching goes off, and I will work for one hour.

My writing plan:
First (this starts tomorrow), I will work on the futuristic part of my novel. I will write out the first few chapters from the futuristic viewpoint. I will develop the characters and bring them to life. I will make a tentitive outline. I'm not sure about the inbetween actions, the minor struggles they are going to go through, but perhaps as I do the short stories, I will pick up some ideas; also, as I do the research. Perhaps some of these prompts will help me come up with a good challenge to integrate into my story.

At the same time, throughout the day, I will start doing my research. I can do that "here a little, there a little", over the course of a month. I will also try to write some short stories based in the past settings so I become accustomed (and reviewed) in making that realistic.

I think that pretty much covers it, so I hope this helps when I get confused later!
December 28, 2004 at 4:13pm
December 28, 2004 at 4:13pm
Well, I don't know what's up with me, but I am still in a blue funk. I found a great contest that I think I could do well in with this story, but I still don't feel like dealing with it. I don't know exactly how this funk has come about or how to shake it. I wish it would go away. Then again, I wish the house wasn't a mess, either. Maybe if I go clean it will put me in a better mood. Ha ha ha. I just want to find the kids shoes. How did they disappear? I don't know. I just wish this house would clean itself up and be done with it. I'm so bummed out. I don't even want to deal with it at all, but it's ruining my mood to even look at it. But I guess I should go clean, so off I go.

Support a great cause and recieve great reviews besides!
 Invalid Item 
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#917685 by Not Available.

Please swing by and check these in-need pieces!

 Review Me!!  (E)
These are the items I am *desperate* to have reviewed. Please critique!
#787999 by Scottiegazelle

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December 28, 2004 at 1:27pm
December 28, 2004 at 1:27pm

Did you ever think there are just some judges who don't like you? I get that feeling sometimes, as though no matter what I submit, it will only make it if I'm the only entrant. Whiny and egotistical, I know, but still....

So now I'm in a funk and don't want to mess with my story, which is annoying because I only stopped last night to go to bed at a reasonable time. I need to recapture said momentum. Of course, the kids have dragged me outside, which sort of messes with the creativity flow, <sigh>. Not that it's cold, but it's hard to concentrate and keep an eye out, ya know? And we'll be breaking for lunch soon.

I was going back last night to revise what was already written. I wanted to create more imagery and show off the scene a bit more. I also want to go back and have Shelly and Victor have a conversation or two (mostly about his father) before she invites him home to meet her father. That would make the "marriage" proposal come to life a bit better. I think.

Part of what sort of brought this down was the feeling I probably won't be able to do anything with it. Then again, I'm not sure why not. Publication oughtent be an issue, anyway. The Frankenstein copyright should be well covered.

I had some thoughts on later. Ugly confrontation with her father, and then she leaves with Victor. Then she finds out he is a murderer and flees him, perhaps coming back home. No, wait, first she just tries to go into a village but is thrown out and stoned, much like the first monster. In desolation, she goes home, only to find her father on his deathbed (broken heart, you know). A priest is there; she gets there at the same time as Victor; they are married. She has come to realize the desperation that drove him to such murder, perhaps having felt it in her own veins. Then what happens? I do not know, but wouldn't the priest tell the village about them? So maybe there will be another way for them to marry. Well, anyway, I'll hook them up somehow.

Alright, children howling, guess I'd better go make lunch. Then afterwards, I can revise some more.
December 27, 2004 at 10:36pm
December 27, 2004 at 10:36pm
Wow, I can't believe it! What a great prompt. I wrote the aforementioned piece, cranked it out in whatever amount of time that was, and had a blast. Sadly, it is a bit long for the Cramp (hopefully they won't do a word count & see that it is a hundred words over), but even if they toss it, that's okay! I'm planning to revise and continue the story!

I have to say, this piece has me inspired. I am tempted to forgo bedtime and go back and write some more, rather than the hasty paragraph I included. I should probably actually call this a draft, as it is incomplete. I am not sure how much further to go with it, however. Oh, the strain!

I summed up the ending but I am thinking of drawing it out more. Rather than stating "the truth came out", I want to, you know, bring the truth out. I want an angry confrontation between Shelly and her father, and some more details on Victor. And then, of course, poor Shelly will have to deal with real humans, because she won't take Victor's word for it. Then they settle somewhere - perhaps where they started from? A circle; her father dies, and she must run to his side and forgive him. Do they have children? I do not know.

Ooh, this will be a great prompt! I am looking forward to seeing what more comes out. Maybe I'll see if I can churn out a couple of more words.

Incidentally, I've joined "Invalid Item , a group for writing 50,000 words in the course of a month. I'm not sure I'll hit it, as I have a penchant for polishing, but hey. If I write every day, that's 1,613 words a day, which is just a bit more than I already have. Of course there will be days I don't write - or will there? After all, what I'm doing now is writing, so that would count, wouldn't it? Great, so I have the bump. I've probably already churned out over 2000 words in the past hour or two. Maybe I can continue to do so for the month of January. Unless, of course, I have the baby by the end of the month. We'll see how that goes.

Okay, so I'm going to go plug some more at my short story. I'll stop when Michael gets in or at 11, one or the other. Not much, but it helps.

Support a great cause and recieve great reviews besides!
 Invalid Item 
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#917685 by Not Available.

Please swing by and check these in-need pieces!

 Review Me!!  (E)
These are the items I am *desperate* to have reviewed. Please critique!
#787999 by Scottiegazelle

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December 27, 2004 at 9:17pm
December 27, 2004 at 9:17pm
What an interesting night. I'm not sure how long I can focus, since dh has the tv blaring and he gets the honor of putting the kids to bed. At present, that means they are now up almost an hour past their bedtime (and they are 2 and 3). No end in sight.

Okay, the writing. I submited but had no luck. I think I've about decided to start submitting Writing.com pieces. Most of those will wind up with free, paid in copies type magazines. I've about decided that's okay. I'm going to start going through them all and through my book to see where to submit to.

I wish my husband would just turn off the television so I could focus. That's what I get for bubbling. Maybe I'll go back to chatting and come back later this evening.

Support a great cause and recieve great reviews besides!
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#917685 by Not Available.

Please swing by and check these in-need pieces!

 Review Me!!  (E)
These are the items I am *desperate* to have reviewed. Please critique!
#787999 by Scottiegazelle

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
February 21, 2004 at 9:57pm
February 21, 2004 at 9:57pm
I sent the story out yesterday, things are loopy around here. I think my tentative plan is one story a month or so. Two weeks to write and revise, two weeks to research and send. Right now I am even two stories ahead. I am going to revise my story from college. Then the next one is another personal thing.

What is wrong with me? How close is too close? I have two stories coming up that I think maybe I am just too close to. How long do I have to wait until I can write clearly and from a distance? Well the next story has had about 7 years so I think I'm okay.
February 18, 2004 at 2:48pm
February 18, 2004 at 2:48pm
...some days there are more.

Well, just a quick drop in to let you know I rounded out "Finding Hope" for the longer market (this one is up to 30 pages so I left in a lot of the details I enjoyed, though perhaps shorter is better) and emailed it to my husband to print. If all goes well (read: he doesn't forget it) I will be at the post office tomorrow, mailing it away!

<nerves makin' me shake>
February 18, 2004 at 1:37pm
February 18, 2004 at 1:37pm
Okay, first let me say that I am having a *bomb* with my "Natasha" novel! This thing has been plauging me since I was a kid; I wrote it first when I was eleven, and by the time I was 17 it had gone through about ten complete rewrites - I would start all over again. The story and characters then were fairly simplistic. Here, I think the story is still rather simple but I am trying to do more with the characters - figure out why the bad guy is bad, come up with some type of inner struggle to keep it from being solely action based. I mean, origianally, I created my protagonist to be a wonderful, admirable character and then - in sheer jealousy - I ripped her life to shreds, poor girl. It's a sad day when you lift someone up just to tear them down. Now, I feel like the story is so much more real to me. I've even started a "calender" to make it make more sense, ya know?

The point is, I started mapping for the "Invalid Item, mostly because I wanted to write every day but didn't really know about what and so I figured, why not. Now I think that once this gets written, I really will try to submit it for publication.

Other publishing/submission plans. I wrote a few days ago that my "inspiration" seemed to have dried up. Well, last night at about three in the morning, when I couldn't get to sleep, I thought up another (short) story that I am going to work on for submission. I also remembered that I have, put away, a short story that my stingyest, uncomplimentariest (is that a word?) professor told me I should try to get published. So I am going to work on that one, too. (I'm telling you, this guy told several people in my creative writing class "I don't know why you don't just drop this class, you're going to get an 'F'" - in front of the whole class. He doesn't do false compliments)

So now I'm hyped. However (somewhat sadly) I only wind up with a few minutes a day to write, and I've been doing the DWC! Aack! I've also been trying to get "Finding Hope" submitted. No go yet, I need to work on it some more today. For now, I'm breaking for lunch and then I will return!

PS Maybe I should just print this out and add it to my "real", currently-neglected journal, LOL

PPS Should anyone ever actually READ this journal (doesn't look that way now) and want to check out my DWC entry, it's here: "Invalid Item

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