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How once woman went from being a SAHM of four to a published freelance science journalist
I'm revising this intro after more than 15 years to better reflect my intention

When I started this blog in 2004, I was a stay at home mom to two small children, a college graduate with a degree in English and Astrophysics. By 2007, I had four small children, ages newborn, 2, 4, and 6. For several years, Writing.com was how I kept my sanity. This blog began, first as a way of staying connected. Later, when I worked on a novel, I used it to stoke the writing fires as I plotted out short stories and the next step of my novel. Ultimately, I moved my writing preparation to "Invalid Item

In 2010, I became a single mom who had homeschooled her children for several years. I had a 2, 4, 6 and 8 year old and had never had a "real" full time job, since I was married while in college. Everyone told me that I would have to buckle down and take on a "real" job.

Instead, I decided to attempt to live my dream: to make it as a writer. I knew that if I didn't try then, I would never really dive in. I counted my money and set a deadline. If I hadn't began making a decent (defined) amount of money after so many months, I would suck it up and get a J-O-B.

After some thought, I decided to play to my strengths. I served an internship at Sky & Telescope magazine while in college and enjoyed writing about space and astronomy. With an astrophysics degree, I thought I would be able to sell myself more easily, and a small niche should be easier to penetrate.

It's been about ten years since I was first paid for an article on Space.com. In that time, writing - journalism - has been my primary moneymaker. I've often thought about setting up a blog on my website - www.astrowriter.com - but just haven't gotten around to it. There are a few things I would like to share for those who are interested in scientific journalism in general.

Now that I'm back on WDC, there's no reason not to combine the two and use the site blog for that sort of interaction. There are certainly plenty of folks on this site interested in the publication process. So while I'll probably meander around some, that's the intention of of this blog: to share some of my struggles as a published journalist and to help answer oft-asked questions.
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June 4, 2005 at 11:12pm
June 4, 2005 at 11:12pm
*Star**Star*4 June 2005

Just a check-in to let you know I have done NOTHING this weekend; well, nothing today. My dad came into town for my mom's 50th birthday party (today, organized by me and a whole captive rant that I really should share but won't be doing right now) and my son's blessing at church tomorrow. I didn't really do anything Friday either. Except frantically check my emails. I am waiting on two newspaper responses and hear nothing, nothing, nothing! Shouldn't they be relatively faster than the other? I mean, than magazines? Especially on time sensitive issues.

Nothing nothing nothing today and it's time to go to bed. Well, I did read Brio magazine yesterday and got ahold of two copies of Child magazine (my mother-in-law had them at her office! can you believe?). So that kind of counts. And I'll go read Child now while I put the baby to bed. Hopefully I'll fall asleep quickly so I can wake up nice and shiny early tomorrow.

word count:165
June 2, 2005 at 9:36pm
June 2, 2005 at 9:36pm
So today, I had a nice email exchange with Dr. Amy Lovell, my former ASC professor. Actually, I don't think she ever was my professor, but that's okay. Anyway, she is teaching/supervising the Sally Ride Science Camp at ASC this year, and my deep brain thought, hmm, that's local paper material, especially since they will be shooting off rockets on Friday. Homemade rockets. Definitely photo material. I tried searching online for a Dekalb county paper (not my county) with no luck, but dh suggested I call one of my (many) friends in that county and ask them! Duh! So I did, and got a name, and searched the yellow pages and the sites, and there you go. I made it. I got the email address and looked up the phone number, and tomorrow I will call on the phone, ask who to send a query to, ask when their deadline is (they distribute on Wednesday), and go from there. Clairon (my friend) said when she was reading it (kids now, so no reading), they were always looking for reporters/writers, so that might be my luck! And then I would have a clip; an astronomy clip about kids, no less! Not quite where I was shooting, but close, and a job is a job, even if they are desperate! *Wink*

So I emailed Amy and asked her two quick questions for my query, told her my plans, and hopefully she will be positive when she emails me back! And so will the Dekalb paper, we can only hope! Fingers crossed!

Now I'm excited, since the local paper is my easiest nut to crack. If I can get in there, I will be set.

And I keep telling myself that not hearing back from the Gwinnett Post is because they are seriously considering it. Right? Sure.

I may have my rejection from today, but maybe tomorrow everything will turn around. Right? Sure.

Note to self: Don't forget to mention the dates of the camp in the query letter.

I already wrote the query and I am about to take a break and go get my son, but I need to remember.

*Bullet*Polish Sally Ride query
*Bullet*Think of new markets for said query; probably local but would work with a piece on - oooh, summer camps for girls & science & math!
*Bullet*Call paper about query; then send the sucker

**Now I'm distracted; this is what happens when you work on multiple queries, I don't remember what was going on before; let's see, I was working on the strawberries....**

*Bullet*Call the elusive woman at Child magazine
*Bullet*FIND the stupid magazine! I will start calling bookstores tomorrow. B&N, Borders, what's that W one? If worse comes to worse, I'll call them in VA, where I will be in a few weeks. OOOH, maybe I can post in the GAGDA forum to see where those suckers are.

***distracted, must pull up market sheet to see what is happening***

*Bullet*Read Rachel's magazines to see if I can fit the flaxseed in; I'm not really sure where

I need to start thinking small; little tidbits to get me "in", 50-100 word entries. I need to start writing "fillers" for cheap dough. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Oddly enough, "Everybody Loves Raymond" was talking about this the other night. I was quite impressed that the dad got his response (and his check) from Reader's Digest in THREE WEEKS! Yeah, right!

Gotta run, that deserves a post in the Going Pro! forum. Write on!
June 2, 2005 at 2:31pm
June 2, 2005 at 2:31pm
Just a quick entry to keep you up-to-date on what I've done thus far today (it being barely 2:30).

*Bullet* I read several issues of Budget Living, I think about five total. I'm not sure my query will quite fit into the magazine, but I gave it a second look, did a bit more polishing, and sent it in

*Bullet* I read through Family Fun magazine. I don't think my saving money query will fit. However, I found a few essay spots that look promising, which I have earmarked for later use. I think I mentioned those spots earlier, but I read over the spots to get a feel for it. I'm not sure the essays I had in mind - like the one on breastfeeding - would quite work, but I think I can shape the "I hate you Mommy" one.

*Bullet* I read over Nick Jr.. I think my article on saving money would more likely work here, but the magazine is themed. I sent an email requesting an editorial schedule and writer's guidelines (NJ isn't even listed in Writer's Market), so hopefully I'll hear back soon.

*Bullet* I got an email from my former astrophysics teacher. She is teaching the Sally Ride Science Camp not next week but the following one, the week before Father's Day. I am contemplating an angle on that one, but she invited me down any day to check it out, especially Friday, when the rockets are being launched. I am thinking of leaving the kids with Michael one day, and then maybe all of us going down and watching the rocket launching Friday. I have to do some preliminary research to see how to pitch it, but the aforementioned beginning astronomy magazine springs to mind.

Okay, dh is home so I'd better go make lunch. See, I'm keeping busy today! And tonight is "research night".
June 2, 2005 at 12:07pm
June 2, 2005 at 12:07pm
*Star**Star*2 June 2005

"Disgraced! Rejected! Publically humiliated!" - Gaston, Beauty & the Beast

Well, I got my first rejection, er, letter today. It came printed on the post card I sent. From Boys' Life, the one I was really hoping for (but hey, it's national, so what'd we expect). Very form letter:

Dear Contributor:
Thank you for your recent query. We are sorry we cannot be more encouraging, but we are currently not in the market for the material you suggest. Thank you for your interest in Boys' Life.
--- The Editors

Very form-letter.

Will this stop me? No! I will keep plugging away. I am thinking that the increased astronomy research will only help me on that front, as well.

And you should be proud of me. Today, the baby woke me up to eat at 6 a.m. When he finished, he went back to sleep. I was laying there, trying to imitate him, when I thought, I should get up and write. So I did! Well, sort of. I did some research for Budget Living and put together a query. They take email submissions, so I will give them a call as soon as I'm done with you, and then send it in. Well, I'll give it one last look "for polish". I don't have overly high hopes, but I do see another market - they do travel cities, and I think I can dig up some research for Atlanta on a budget.

Speaking of which, my angelic dh just took the two oldest, and the baby is asleep, so I have at least an hour. I'm going to call & email BL, then study Family Fun to see if my query would fit there. If so, I'll draft and send that letter. I wonder if that is snail or email? <checking now> Anyway, then that will be done, and I'll do some nosing around for astronomy articles. Or, if the baby is awake, I'll read through the book magazine to see what is being published at present.

So I'm mildly bummed on the rejection front, but I'm not too down. After all, I am trying to remember my motto: if you haven't been rejected, you aren't a writer! Right? Well, that's what I keep saying, so I guess I'd better believe it sooner or later. And hey, we'll get there eventually.

(Still nothing from the newspaper, either; that's good news, right? That they didn't just flat out reject it?)

word count:409
June 1, 2005 at 3:50pm
June 1, 2005 at 3:50pm
1 June 2005
They say getting published is all about who you know. Well, today I reestablished contact with Kelly Beatty, former Sky & Telescope editor. I let him know folks would be calling (I hope) to confirm that my unbylined clips were, in fact, written by me, and to let him know I was available for assignment. Then he told me he was with a new magazine, Night Sky, which is for beginning astronomers. Oh, how could I not have known that?! I looked so foolish.

So today's plan is simply to come up with an astronomical query that will fit in that magazine, and send it to him next week. The problem, of course, (well, problems) is/are that I haven't read the magazine, and I don't remember seeing it on my last trip to B&N. So I think what I am going to try to do - I even started trying - is to contact my old astronomy professors at ASC and try to get down there. Of course, they are probably on vacation right now.

Got any tips for beginning astronomers?

Maybe if I head down there and shoot the breeze with them - and maybe the Atlanta Astronomy Club - I just opened their web page. I am thinking. Okay, the AAC puts out a monthly newsletter. I really enjoyed astronomy - it was, after all, my major - and maybe if I join then not only will I get to resubmerge myself into an old hobby, I can also start out doing some astronomy writing. I will also be in a good place to keep up with upcoming astronomy events.

I am willy-nilly distracted right now. Oh, did I mention that it turns out that the editor for S&T is Dave Tytell, who was an intern when I was there? Odds are he probably doesn't remember me - but maybe he does. Anyway, I need to come up with a query for S&T and then I will submit it and remind him.

DH and I were talking about reupping my astro interest. I am thinking of rejoining the Atlanta Astronomy Club ($30 for individual or family membership), and I can submit to - or even help edit - their newsletter, The Focal Point. This will help me stay tuned to the stars, not to mention the whole "clips" thing. Ohh, good note for my upcoming newsletter.

The biggest concern I have right now is time. Do I have time to do astronomy and writing? On the one hand, I can view them as linked, but that does mean carving into my writing time. And what do I do about the kids? Maybe I can take Dawn - or even Brit - to do some stargazing. Because here's the deal: I have the best chance of getting published in the two aforementioned magazines with my own byline, because I have contacts. (best as in best of the nationals) So if I can get that sort of action moving, I'll be set, but I need to do some groundwork, too. Of course, the (free) AAC newsletter is supplemental, but it will give me somewhere to get organized and ready to go.

I have an office!!! DH just got it for me. He has a camper popup trailer which he set up today. I've been working on my lap in the living room, but that's where the tv is (frustrating since he can't really watch it while I work), so he said, jokingly, "You could go work in the trailer." And here I am. Nice, and I think I will cozy it up. The downside is that he is planning vacations in it, so I can bring stuff out - and probably will - but need to move them before we travel. I use my cell, so that covers the phone, and if the kids are playing in the back yard, I can keep an eye on them. This assumes dh isn't home to watch them.

Alright, some thought organization. I need to do some magazine research - didn't do that yet, sadly. I'm going to check out Family Fun on the net and go from there. I need to post a SASE query in the Going Pro! forum, I think I messed up there. And I need to brainstorm some astronomy subjects. I'll probably do the last one here.

Oh,hey, I had another thought. I need to stay up-to-date on the local library readings. We might catch some good ones, and that will get me in on touchy book reviews. So keep my eyes peeled thattaway, too.

Okay, I just checked the Family Fun website and writer's guidelines (can't believe they are't listed in Writer's Market). I found a good spot for parenting essays, they want 1,300 words and pay $1625 on acceptance. Due to large volume, it is expected to take about 6 mos for a reply. I have a couple of good essay ideas floating around that I think would work for that - one on your kids hating you and one on breastfeeding. I will put those on the "to do" list.

It hits me, now, that I seem to be doing fairly well at floating ideas. I have a fairly decent number of them that I am juggling. I wish I could come up with a short term local market for the Peanut Festival, so I could write and market it immediately, as well as in the future. Incidentally, I thought of FF as a market for it, in the travel section, though I will have to check and see how "kid friendly" it really is.

Short term peanut market - how about a "coming up" article? I can do preliminary interviews to get an overview and entice folks to visit. I need to check on the drive but I think it is about four hours, which makes it a nice weekend trip, especially for the kids.

I think that is my plan. I will contact a local paper - maybe Gwinnett Post if they are interested in my work - and see about doing a "fun weekend trips" article. I can also see a couple of other Atlanta-based magazines, and maybe a website or two. That way, I get some money for it this year. I will go down over the weekend and write it up, and take the kids to see how their fun-ratio goes.

Anyway, before I got distracted with my idea, I was marveling over how blessed I have been lately. So a quick public 'thank you' to Heavenly Father, who I know is helping me through this. I am trying not to hope that His help means I am on the right path and so will be published that much sooner (and easier). On the other hand, He could just be helping me hit my rejection quota that much faster which, incidentally, would lead to a faster publication, right?

On the other side, I keep checking and checking my email hoping to hear back from the local paper. I keep telling myself that delay is good because the idea is being run by a couple other folks. Right? So keep your fingers crossed.

(side note: I just signed up to do the Port Raid 2005, which I will probably wind up regretting but which will at least get me reviewing somewhat while on the site)

Today's topic for exploration: do I really want to do just one item a week? That is, should I just focus on querying one subject? The up side is that it helps me stay more, well, focused, and get things done. The down side is that - well, there are several.
*Bullet* Sometimes I can't research all the markets for one place that I want to in the course of a week. For instance, I ordered a magazine last week to study but don't have it yet
*Bullet* Sometimes, in the course of researching, I find a market that is good for a variety of articles, or one I have already queried for. Should I be "penalized" for sending out a query to the wrong market? Not that there is a punishment or anything, but you get the drift.
*Bullet* Sometimes I just can't get it done. Sad, I know, but maybe the preliminary research isn't coming together, maybe the magazines aren't coming in.

The pluses are:
*Bullet* As said, I can put all of my energy in one market, without getting distracted
*Bullet*I am more likely to get three to five queries out that week
*Bullet*I know where I'm at at all times, and am not distracted

What if I start willy-nillying and forget to submit queries? Yikes.

This is what I am thinking. I will have one primary market to focus on, and that's where I will try to get the research done. This week, it's my query on saving money. I will shoot for one to three queries (to maybe five, the "ideal" goal) in that market, and try to research accordingly. However, I will recognize that sometimes "things come up". If I come up with a new market - like ASK magazine - I will redraft a query and send it, and that will "count" in my goal of queries. As I said previously, my "goal" (the distant untouchable one) is five queries a week, but I will be satisfied with three.

Speaking of which, I just had a brain happening. Yesterday, I told you that even though it said "no queries" for the local paper,I tried it and it worked. Why not try it again today for ASK magazine? I will call and, well, ask, and the worst they can do is shoot me down. Let me try that now, and if works, I'll write my query.

Thus far, I find nothing on their site. They are keeping phone numbers well hidden. If worst comes to worst, well, nevermind. I will try to beef up my science writing - especially for kids - and then send a resume.

Thought: a short beginning astronomy item for Highlights. That will be of some help. Of course, I need to revamp my astro brain.

It's raining noisily on my office. I wish my brain would work a little better.

Let me make tomorrow's to do list:
(in no particular order, but I will transcribe it appropriately to my notebook so I don't lose it)
1) read Budget Living (though I'm not sure this market is appropriate for my manuscript, but I'll keep nosing around
2) write query to BL
3) read Family Fun (for both cheap savings and personal essay; I think the queries are to seperate people, so I can try it out, right?
4) write query for saving money on grocery shopping
5) email Chris and/or Amy
6) Go to bookstore; look for (among others) Night Sky magazine
7) Brainstorm intro astronomy topics
8) Get ahold of Child magazine, by phone, to get the editor's name (thought: rather than querying the strawberries, why not try out the supermarket and go from there?)
9) Be ready to email my next query to Gwinnett Post should I actually get an email response
10) Brainstorm some essays
11) Check out library book signings coming up - good for Gwinnett or larger
12) Book reviews - keep in touch on that book magazine and start turning them out for moms (Incidentally, I am loving the book I picked up for review, From here to maternity: the education of a rookie mom.)

Okay, it's almost 4:30 so my work time is over. Let me get the title and transcribe my to do list. I've decided to keep it in my notebook, rather than randomly scribbling it, for better accountability.

Incidentally, I am going to start watching my friend's daughter Part time, so things might get more - yes, more - hectic around here. We'll see how that goes, but it means cash, so there you go.
word count: 1,995
May 31, 2005 at 6:39pm
May 31, 2005 at 6:39pm
You may think I blog to procrastinate, or maybe to gloat "look what I did today", but in truth, I use it to organize my thoughts. I really need to go ahead and make a list, as well. I think I'm going to start making a handwritten "to do" list that I put together the night before, to actually keep me on track. I do better when I can check things off.

So far today, I accomplished a couple of my goals. I wrote and mailed my query to the paper, and I wrote a query for the next article. The topic of this week doesn't call for much extraneous research, given the familiarity I have. I went to the library and have at least two markets to research for this topic, which I started doing but have not completed. I also called Sky and Telescope magazine to talk to Kelly - did I share that plan? Let me check... Okay, I did, so I won't bore you and tell you again. I will try him again tomorrow at "naptime".

I did a little nosing around on Sunday at Ancestry.com for info on Laura Ingalls and her husband. I will see what else I can turn up. I could probably get away with ordering copies of the original birth and marriage certificates, as an expense. But I won't do that until I get the assignment. Anyway, I need to follow up slightly on that; maybe that will be next week's article. I was thinking, too, that an article on genealogy and Laura would work for Highlights if I don't get accepted with the other children's magazine; that would be good for November, which I believe is National Genealogy month. I might also be able to slant it as a human interest story for a genealogy magazine, though I'm not as sure about that (not sure what they'd get out of it), and possibly a story for a Homeschool magazine. They do a lot of Little House stuff, and I think that might be helpful. I can use Laura as an example for examining your own family tree. Alright, Laura is my goal for next week.

Okay, so the story. The other night, I was laying in bed praying, and I decided to thank Heavenly Father for all of the inspiration I have been recieving as of late. I told Him I appreciated it and that I hoped I would continue to be open to His promptings. Then I tried to go to sleep. However, I was hit with something like five more ideas that night! I actually had to get up and get a notebook because I was afraid I wouldn't remember them all. Then I said another prayer and said "Thanks again, but can I go to sleep now? I'm really tired!" So He'll probably think of me as ungrateful, LOL.

Okay, baby feeding time so I'd better go. Hopefully I'll continue to get help with good ideas, and finding time to write them all!

May 31, 2005 at 3:35pm
May 31, 2005 at 3:35pm
Wow, I've got the shakes now. I just called our local paper and spoke with someone regarding sending in a query for a features article. The woman I spoke with said "You can send it to me!" which, obscurely, startled me (I've been calling too many magazines with customer service departments). Part of the reason for the startlement, of course, was the fact that I was calling despite the notation on Writer'sMarket.com that said the Gwinnett Post does not take queries and is primarily staff written. Pah! The woman I spoke with, Kristen, was very inviting. Thankfully, I had already written and polished the letter, so it just took a touch of technical tweaking (all those quotes) to get it cleaned up. The moral: even if WM says "no" with a big circle-with-a-line-through-it, give them a call anyway. I am going to go ahead and write my "save money" query, so if I get a rejection, I will be able to follow up immediately with another query. I heard that's a good way to go, especially if it's a "good" rejection (great idea, bad timing, or something along those lines), as opposed to a form rejection.

I also called Child magazine and left a message, since I only seem to be able to hit the woman's voice mail. Maybe one day I'll get through. Anyway, hopefully she'll call back, but if not, I'll wait it out and try again in a few monthes.

I went to not one but two libraries today, with all three kids. I just ran in and grabbed my books on hold at the first one, but we all went in for the second. Jackpot. I picked up several magazines, including Budget Living, a possible couponless submission, and also Family Fun, which strikes me as marketable, although it is a little "big". This is the article I'm going to pitch to the Gwinnett Post as well, so I will be leaving soon (while the kids are still asleep) to get it written and polished. In a perfect world, Kristen will get back to me by the end of the day and say "go ahead"; in an okay world, I'll get a quick response (two days or so) and a "no thanks" (in which case I need to have the next one ready); with my luck, I'll get a "go away". But then again, maybe I won't. Let's be positive.

So, today's plans - which I wrote down on a real piece of paper, not just on this form - include writing this query and then reading my two new magazines. I am going to have to pop around to other Gwinnett County libraries and see who has what. Because Gwinnett, the greatest county, has no limit on the number of magazines I check out. Once I get those done, I'm going to write and slant my query letters, and then, if I have nothing else to do today - probably not going to happen, but who knows? - I will go back to reading kids stories to get the flavor.

I am thinking five queries a week may be a bit high for me right now, since I'm only part-timing it. On the other hand, if I keep five as my goal, I can get away with three. I just worry if I pull it down to three queries as my goal, I'll slack off and hit less, you know? We'll see.

Incidentally, I have no luck finding the fictional issues of Atlanta magazine. Maybe I should call the bums.

Going to go write a new query letter now! Write on! (and remind me to tell you about what happens when you tell Heavenly Father "thanks" for hitting you with so much inspiration right before bedtime!)
May 30, 2005 at 10:53pm
May 30, 2005 at 10:53pm
I am thinking about breaking into the corporate world. I am thinking about "selling my writing soul" for newsletters. I think I could handle that, but it would cut into my freelance time. On the other hand, it would bring in a somewhat steady (assuming I get a job) income. Do I sell myself out, or focus on the article writing? On the other hand, I assume that a newsletter would add to my resume and thus make me more "professional" when I submit my query letters. And of course the biggest issue, I would like some money. Money is very, very, very good.

Then, of course, comes the issue. I have a couple of ideas regarding breaking into the market, but I am not sure about pay rates. I will have to look into it, but I am thinking, for a small office, I could probably manage to make the rounds in two hours, then another two hours on writing, call it an hour to put together. The down side is that I am sure I will be underestimating the time or the price. Let's call it another two hours, for a small company, which would be $150 at $25 an hour (six hours). For a large group, say, all of Crowne in one letter - maybe I should do it by the hour. Blech. Are there any business writing forums here at Writing.com? I need to get in gear and make some contacts. Anyway, how do I figure out the best on pricing? I need to decide how to go about this. I need to think some more. Any input would be fantastic!
May 29, 2005 at 9:47pm
May 29, 2005 at 9:47pm
Thinking about the money saving article. I have to play it around and see what I can come up with. The basic angle is "how to save money without clipping coupons". Save money on groceries. Touch on the eggs, milk, meat, and produce. Meat is the big one. Markdowns. Milk and bread can be bought in two week intervals. At the very least one week. That would save the trouble of double shopping and grabbing junk food. I need to come up with some markets, too. Start off local and move up. I wonder if I could come up with some Georgia articles. Start small and move up. What are the other larger locales? I can think of the majors - like Parenting but not sure much larger.

How is it nearly ten? I'd better call dh and see where it is.
May 26, 2005 at 5:32pm
May 26, 2005 at 5:32pm
Okay, thus far I have written one query letter and done a bit more polishing on the other. It is after 5, so I will have to make phone calls early tomorrow morning to the two magazines. I need to know what department for each, so I'd better pull that out and write it down while I am thinking of it. How does that only give me two markets? Oh yes, I am hoping to get two more - one at the bookstore, one is in the mail. How will I fix that on my goal list? Perhaps I can highlight the ones I am waiting on and then flip back to them when they arrive, or I somehow find them.

I had a thought last night - my Christmas story, posted on Writing.com
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#789867 by Not Available.
needs to start going out soon. I think there was an Atlanta magazine I found as a market. I'll give them a shot, but I have to dig up their name. I think it's in a spreadsheet. Anyway, I think that will be this week's fiction, and then next week's will be my strawberry fiction story, if that ever makes it. I'm starting to think, however, that I don't have what it takes to write a children's story. I write too long and drawn out. I think my strawberry story has too much dialogue. Maybe I should come up with a strawberry picking adult story.

Okay, well, it so happens that I have several of that magazine checked out. I think. Let me check. Yup, but I didn't see any with fiction. I'll have to make a special point of checking those out later. Anyway, it is Atlanta Magazine, and I guess it's time for me to go make dinner.

I have next week's goal and a few magazines to read through, but I've only targeted two markets. Maybe I can submit to local papers. Now that's a good idea. I think I will try that, and also the strawberry one (like the local papers around Atlanta, not the AJC which it seems doesn't take freelancers, though I may try that, too). Hmm, just searched for GA papers and most of them are staff written. What a bunch of bums. You know what, I will go ahead and query my strawberry piece in that direction, anyway. I can also try the Gwinnet Daily Post and pitch the Washington farm piece. I think both would be good human interest stories, and again, the worst they can say is 'no'.

I wonder how you break into local papers? Do you just query them? My problem is, the local paper is so big - the AJC (Atlanta Journal & Constitution). There are still some smaller papers around, however. And I am stupid because I forgot that I had a byline in our local paper in highschool that needs to go in my resume. Heck, I had a whole column. Well, I'm going to go pitch that question in the "going pro" forum and see if anyone other than Sherras answers me - not that I mind her answer. *Smile*

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