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My book. Does it have any possiblities, or not?
Catuary, The Early Years


Mimeenah Roshan faithfully kept a journal all of her life, and it is through her writings and drawings that we are given a glimpse of Catuary in its later years. We first meet Mimeenah as a young kitt living on her parent’s farm. It is a beautiful and idyllic life. The farm is tucked away in a fold of land near the beautiful Golden Lake. And as an only kitt, Mimeenah has the full attention of her loving and devoted parents.

I myself am particularly fond of her first journal, where she discusses everything in her young life from needing more crayons to the lovely Hugs and Purrs Festival with a passion that only one so young can feel.

We laugh with her in her delights, as she has her fur painted for the very first time. And we cry with her in her sorrows, when one of her young friends crosses the Rainbow Bridge too soon, leaving an emptiness in the hearts of all who knew her.

As she grows and matures, we learn that she is more than just a distant relative of the Prince and Princess. The blood of the ancient Makreelas flows through her veins. And when the lovely Princess’ life is cut short by a devastating and incurable sickness, we are shocked along with Mimeenah to find that she is suddenly the next in line to rule this lovely kingdom, even though there have been hints all along the way.

Through her wisdom and courage she rebuilds her beloved Catuary, making it the great kingdom it is today.

Rambley-Bambley Hatshepsut
Head Historian
Catuary by the Sea
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February 1, 2004 at 4:16am
February 1, 2004 at 4:16am
Mews, Diary, My name is Mimeenah Roshan Felinidaes, but everycat just calls me Little Mim. This is my new diary. Mewma bought it for me. It is exciting to be keeping a diary or journal. I once read a story about a young human who called her diary "Kitty". Since I am a cat, I am going to call you "Human".

My best friends, Primmy and Shazon are going to keep diaries also.

Purrs, Mim

February 3, 2004 at 2:16am
February 3, 2004 at 2:16am
Mews, Dear Human

I live in a beautiful, small kingdom called Catuary by the Sea. Catuary lies in a lovely, magical valley.
It is ruled by a beautiful Princess named Princess Hemangi, and a handsome Prince named Prince Buddeheva. They live in a castle by Golden Lake, and that is where they spend most of their time.

They also have a large and elegant townhouse in San Kata, the capital city of Catuary.

Well, Human, it is quite late, and I want to be at my best in the morning, so I will say goodnight for now.

Purrs, Mim
February 4, 2004 at 12:08am
February 4, 2004 at 12:08am
Mews, Human,

Today is the first day of school, and I am very excited. I go to school in the little town of Fawnmoor, and I am in the second grade.

The teacher passed out our workbooks, and they are so neat. Last year, when I was a kitten, I messed up my workbook, but this year I am going to keep it perfect! Well, I am going to try to. There are drawing lessons, and writing lessons, and math and social studies. I like all the subjects, but I think I like drawing and writing best. Our first assignment was drawing. I drew a box full of colored eggs, and a human with a black hat.

Purrs, Mim
February 5, 2004 at 12:03am
February 5, 2004 at 12:03am
Mews, Human,

My best friend is Primrose Starberry Black, and I love her very much. That is a very long name for such a tiny and frail little kitt, but most everycat just calls her Primmy. Primmy has only three paws. I asked my mewma about it, and she told me that Primmy was born that way, and that sometimes those things just happened. She can’t run and play like the rest of us, but she doesn’t seem to mind. I walk very slowly when I am with her, so that she doesn’t have to use up all of her energy. Primmy lives in a big house in town, and she has a flower garden. I am going to give her some seeds to plant.

My other best friend is Shazon, and I love her too. She is very different from Primmy. She likes to jump into everything with all four paws. She always has to explore everything, and be the best at everything. And she usually is. She just wants to embrace the whole world all at once. She is lots of fun to be with.

Purrs, Mim
February 6, 2004 at 2:13am
February 6, 2004 at 2:13am
Today we had two special visitors in school. It was my cousin Daenida, and her winkwink, Cookie. They told us all about the Purr Scouts. The Purr Scouts do lots of fun things together. They go camping in the summertime, and carve pumpkins for Halloween, and have a forest full of Christmas wishes for Christmas. They also learn how to be masters of their home, and how to help other beings, especially other kitts. Daenida and Cookie have been Purr Scouts since they were little kitts like us. Daenida’s Grand Purr was Patches Jezabelle, who was the founder and first leader of Purr Scouts.

Primmy and I decided to join Purr Scouts, along with our other friends, Shazon and Divinity Marie. We are all going to work on our Valentine Promise Badges this weekend. As soon as I get my badge, I am going to wear my sash to school.
February 7, 2004 at 12:29am
February 7, 2004 at 12:29am
Mews, Dear Human,

I just love Purr Scouts. It is great because we have boy kitts and girl kitts together. I just found out that both of Divinity’s brothers, Babie and Kona, have also joined. They are sooooo cute!

I told my Mewma that I wished one of them would be my winkwink, but she just laughed and said that they were my cousins, so they couldn’t be my winkwink. Mewk! Sometimes I think that every kitt in Fawnmore and Morning Dale are my cousins.

Mewma said there were plenty of other boy kitts in Catuary, and that I was too young to have a winkwink anyway. (sigh) I wish I was all grown up.

Pawpa said, “Don’t worry. A cute young girl kitt like you will probably find a handsome winky just like me someday.” Then I had to laugh too! Pawpa is one of the funniest looking cats I have ever seen. His fur sticks out in all directions.

I am going to make my Valentine Promise Badge for my perfect dream winkwink.
February 8, 2004 at 3:25am
February 8, 2004 at 3:25am
Mews, Human,

Shazon got a horse! She doesn’t even live on a farm, and she got a horse! Oh, he is a beautiful horse, with shiny black hair and a long black tail, and he will live in a stables. And Shazon is going to take riding lessons! Oh, how I wish I had a horse too!

I told mewma and pawpa, and asked them if I could have a horse too. “Oh, please, please, pleeeeease,” I begged. “I would take ever such good care of him,” But they said no, we couldn’t afford a horse, and that we had a lovely donkey that I could ride.

Stupid old donkey. I have ridden him lots of times. And he just plods along. He is no fun at all. When I went out to feed him this evening, I just threw his straw down and yelled at him. I told him he was a stupid donkey, and I wished he would go away so we could get a horse. He looked very sad, but I didn’t care. I stomped up to my room and hid my head in my pillow and cried myself to sleep.

Mewma and pawpa just don’t understand.

February 9, 2004 at 1:05am
February 9, 2004 at 1:05am
Mews, Dear Human,

I was such a bad kitt yesterday. I was so very upset with mewma and pawpa because I couldn’t have a horse that I yelled at our poor old donkey, Senet. Then I stomped to my room and cried myself to sleep.

I woke up around midnight and felt very sorry for the way I had acted. I snuck down the stairs and out to the barn, and apologized to Senet. He said it was okay, he understood. I gave him a big hug, then I snuggled down in the straw with him and fell asleep. Pawpa found me there later and carried me up to bed.

I love my mewma and pawpa very much. They are so good to me.

After breakfast I dusted the house, then I worked on making Valentines. I made a special one fur mewma and pawpa with hearts all along the top. It says: To Love is to receive a glimpse of heaven.

I am really a very lucky kitt.

Later I helped mewma in the kitchen. We made sugar cookies, and no-bake chocolate oatmeal cookies, and a lovely apple pie. I decorated the sugar cookies with red hearts. I love to watch mewma as she bustles around in the kitchen baking. When I grow up I am going to be a baker.

Purrs, Little Mim

February 10, 2004 at 2:05am
February 10, 2004 at 2:05am
Mews, Dear Human,

Today is Valentine’s Day, and it is also Mewma and Pawpa’s anniversary. I think that is so romantic. They are going out to dinner in San Kata tonight, and my cousin Maile is going to come and sit with me.

Mewma went to Fawnmore this morning to get her fur groomed and fluffed. Mewlol. She even got her whiskers curled! And believe it or not, she had her fur painted! I was so surprised. Well, she only had a tiny red heart painted on her left shoulder, with pawpa’s name on it. I hope I can get my fur painted someday too.

I asked pawpa if he was going to the groomers also, but he said he would just spruce himself up. I asked him if I could help. So I got mewma’s fur dryer down and fluffed his fur too. Then I put pomade on his fur so that it wouldn’t stick out. Oh, how handsome he looks.

Maile is a lovely old torti cat. She was injured many years ago in an earthquake, and cannot walk very well. She had kitts herself once, but they all crossed the Rainbow Bridge. She is very kind and patient. We made popcorn and watched an old movie called ‘The Incredible Journey’. It always makes me cry, even though it has a happy ending.

When mewma and pawpa came home, I saw them kiss under the wink-wink tree. And when they came in they were laughing like kittens.


(250 words)
February 12, 2004 at 12:19am
February 12, 2004 at 12:19am

Mews, Dear Human,

Mewma and Pawpa have a secret surprise for me. Pawpa brought the surprise home in the wagon a few days ago, and now it is hiding in his workshop in the barn, and I have been forbidden to go in there. It is a big surprise, almost as big as a horse. But it couldn’t be a horse, because it didn’t move. I have heard pawpa pounding and sanding and working on the surprise all week.

It has been really hard to go to school this week.


Mews, Dear Human,

I got up early this morning, and after a yummy breakfast I started to help mewma clean up in the kitchen. To my surprise, she told me not to worry about the dishes that she would do them. Then she asked me to go and dust the parlor. I thought perhaps we were going to have company. I love to have company. I love it when my Aunties and Uncles and Cousins all come to visit.

I hurried into the parlor and stopped dead in my tracks. There was a piano! It was a beautiful old upright piano, and there was a big sign on it that said, “For Mimeenah, From Pawpa and Mewma.” I ran over and sat down and ran my paws gently over the beautiful ivory keys. Then I played a little song that I made up.

I was so excited! “My very own piano,” I thought. “I have my very own piano!” Mewma and Pawpa were quite happy too. They say I have natural talent. And I am to have piano lessons also. This is so cool. Having a piano is even better than having a horse.

Now Primmy has her garden, Shazon has her horse, and I have my piano.

Purrs, Mim
February 13, 2004 at 2:57am
February 13, 2004 at 2:57am
Mews, Dear Human

Today was the Mookruh Festival, and we had a school holiday. The Mookruh Festival takes place in midwinter. The Mookruh came from Shelakovenia, our sister planet. It grows wild in the bogs around here, and is harvested and made into Mookruh champagne and Mookruh Cola.

This year the Festival was held in San Kata, the capital of Catuary. I went with my friends Primmy and Shazon. There were crowds and crowds of other cats there. After the long ride into town, the first place we went was to the Mookruh Soda Shop. We all had Mookruh floats with catnip ice cream.

Then we went to the Mookruh Mall, which was set up especially for the Festival. There were so many things to see. We each chose a hat for the Festival. Everycat wears a hat at the Mookruh Festival. We gave each other stone tokens from the Crimson Lake. I chose lovely turquoise stones for both Primmy and Shazon. The stones stand for friendship and courage. Shazon gave me a lovely lavender pink stone that stands for wisdom. She says I will need wisdom someday. Sometimes Shazon surprises me with her insights. She gave Primmy a dark blue stone for good health. Primmy gave both of us purple love stones. Then she hugged us each and said she hoped we would never forget her love. We three have promised to be friends forever.

Afterwards, we went and had our fur painted. Primmy had a primrose painted on her forepaw, and Shazon got a horse. I finally decided on a unicorn. I felt so important having my fur painted for the first time.

I wanted to ask Sister Catrisha, the fortune teller, a question, but Shazon was in a hurry to get a seat for the Hovercat Craft races, so we didn’t stop. The races were quite exciting. The race ends the Festival. And it also ended a lovely day.

Purrs, Little Mim

February 14, 2004 at 2:41am
February 14, 2004 at 2:41am
Mews, Dear Human,

Primmy has a wink-wink! His name is Sebastian Pyewackle, and he is so cute. He is black and white, and very shy. He is crippled too, just like little Primmy. I think that is why he likes her so much, because they can walk around slowly together. Today he brought her a bunch of primroses from the forest. I think they look so cute together.

We decided they should have a pretend wed-winking. We planned to have it at one of our favorite places on the edge of the forest. There is a lovely green bower there. We decorated it with primroses and flowers that we found growing wild in the forest’s glades and along the river’s side.

Kona and Cookie found a piece of red ribbon that they tied around Bastien’s neck in a big bow. I made Primmy a lovely headpiece out of an old lace handkerchief of mewma’s. Shazon and Deanida made a bouquet for her with tiny pink rosebuds and baby’s breath.

They sat together in the bower and held paws, and we all formed a circle around them, and danced and sang songs of love and happiness. Then amidst much laughter and clapping Bastien kissed Primmy on her furry cheek.

I will never forget how beautiful those two looked sitting there, just like two little angels. Maybe they will grow up and really get wed-winked. I think that would be just grand.

Afterwards we had a reception with salmon cakes and catnip crème pies and catnip tea. What fun we all had. Sometimes life is just so beautiful. My heart is so filled with love and happiness.

I hope I find a special wink-wink someday. (sigh.) Shazon says she doesn’t care if she has a wink-wink or not. She is going to stay single and become a famous scientist someday. Shazon is quite funny. She wants to be something different every week. I don’t know what I will be when I grow up. Maybe I will be a faerie princess, and wed-wink a handsome prince, and live happily ever after.

Purrs, Mim
February 15, 2004 at 2:47am
February 15, 2004 at 2:47am
Mews, Dear Human,

Today we read a story about a space ship. It was really a rather funny story, because the beings in the story didn’t know anything about space ships. Afterwards I colored the pictures in my workbook. I wish I had a giant box of crayons with gold and silver in it. I am going to ask my pawpa to buy me a box. I colored the space ship green since I didn’t have a silver crayon. It looked really silly.

When I got home, I asked my mewma about the space ships we came here on. I thought she had been on one of them. Hee hee. But she laughed when I said that and told me she wasn’t that old! She said her great great great grandmew had been only a wee kitt on the huge silver ship that came to this planet. Her name was Mimeenah also.

Paawpa said it took the ships many months to travel here, and that many other ships went out to other planets too. It must have been exciting to have been on one of those ships traveling so fast through the blackness of space. I wonder how it would have felt to land on a strange new planet?

Mewma also told me that it was the goddess Tasheraling that had commanded us to come here. She is a gentle and protective goddess. Here she became known as Bastet.

I asked her why we had come, and she told me that it was our destiny to go to all the inhabited planets in the galaxy and to help teach the beings we found on them the power of the purr.

When we first came here, we were much larger, but over the eons of time we became small, and many of our kind slipped back into wildness. But there are still many communities of us scattered around the planet who remember the old ways and practice them.

I was surprised to find that not only had we migrated to many planets in the galaxy, but that there were still many of us on the planet of Makreel, our ancient homeland. Maybe someday I will travel there myself. I wonder what our home looks like?

Purrs, Mim
February 16, 2004 at 4:09am
February 16, 2004 at 4:09am
Mews, Dear Human,

Today in school we had arts and crafts day. It is always one of my favorite days. We had two projects from which to choose, painted rocks and paw puppets.

Shazon, Primmy and I decided to work on the painted rocks for the first half of the day. I painted a whole family of ladybugs. They were so cute. I made a red one for the pawpa, a yellow one for the mewma, and a green one for the baby bug. Then I glued wiggly eyes on them. Primmy painted black and yellow bumble bees on her rocks. Shazon made a long caterpillar, and a mushroom with red dots. Then she painted a whole bunch of beetles in rainbow colors. It was such fun we wanted to make a whole bunch of painted rocks. So we painted a whole village of little houses for our bugs. We are going to put the rocks in Primmy’s garden.

After lunch, we made paw puppets. I made a lion out of yellow felt, with an orange face, and brown yarn for his ruff. I tried to make him look ferocious, but he really looked quite silly. I don’t think he would scare anycat. I guess he will just have to be a friendly lion. Then I made a clown with a human face, and big red nose. I dressed him in white felt with red and blue polka dots. Primmy made a cute bluebird puppet. Shazon had to make a puppet for each paw. She made an elephant, and a monkey, and a pig, and a penguin. Shazon always has to do more than any other cat. But she really is a dear. After she made so many puppets, she cheerfully helped some of the slower kitts with their puppets.

You can never be mad at Shazon because she has so many great ideas. She decided we should make a whole circus of paw puppets. So she organized the whole class into sections and had them work on all kinds of circus animals. There will be elephants, and panda bears, and tigers and lions. There will be a whole section of talking birds. And even a section of water animals, seals, penguins and walruses.

It turned out to be a super idea that the teacher really liked. Tomorrow we are going to put on a play with our paw puppets.

(400 words)
February 17, 2004 at 12:10am
February 17, 2004 at 12:10am
Mews, Dear Human,

Today was our Purrday. Yes, that is right, Dear Human. Shazon, Primmy and I were all born on the same day. We all had different ideas for celebrating the day. So we came up with a neat plan in which we could all do the most special thing we wanted to do.

We had breakfast at Primmy’s house. Her mewm fixed French toast, which we covered in cheese and strawberry preserves and whipped cream. Mewlol. We stuffed ourselves like little piggys, and we washed it all down with coffee. We felt very grown up drinking coffee. After breakfast we each planted a rosebush in Primmy’s garden, and put the painted rocks that we made in class all around them. It was hot and dirty digging in the garden, but we didn’t mind. Primmy’s pawp and brother helped us dig, so it went really quickly. This was Primmy’s wish for the day.

We got all cleaned up and put on our best dresses and went to a Victorian Catnip Tea Room for lunch. It was divine. We started with raisin scones and lemon curd and Devonshire cream. Next we had tiny little sandwiches of tuna, and cucumber with cream cheese, and liver pate. Then we had a wonderful bacon quiche. We finished off with catnip cream pie in a ladyfinger crust. And we wished it all down with gallons of green catnip tea. The waitresses sang “Happy Purrday” to us. I tried to act very lady like, but I don’t think a lady would have eaten quite so much. It was ever so much fun. And that was my wish for the day.

Finally we all went to Shazon’s house for a sleepover. This was her wish for the day. She said the theme for the evening was circles. We made each other Purrday cards with dots all over them. Then we made collars for ourselves by stringing buttons together. We played twister, and musical circles. Of course Shazon won all of the games. But she gave us the prizes anyway. We made cheese and tuna sandwiches and cut them out with cups so that they would be round. Shazon’s mewm and pawp and brother ate the leftover parts of the sandwiches. Then we all had cupcakes. We were going to try to stay awake all night and talk. But it had been a long day, and we all soon fell asleep. I will never forget this Purrday. We all thought it was the best Purrday we had ever had.

Many Purrs, Mim

February 18, 2004 at 1:11am
February 18, 2004 at 1:11am
Mews Dear Human,
Today we studied myths and legends of Makrael. We had to write an essay about our favorite legend. I wrote about the Mimeenah flower.

The Legend of the Mimeenah Flower
Our ancient homeland of Makrael was a beautiful planet. The world was covered with forests of tall trees, and wide savannas, and flowers grew in wild profusion everywhere.
There was one flower that was especially beautiful. It was a tiny white flower, similar to the primroses found here on Terra, and it bloomed in meadows on high mountains, and its fragrance perfumed the air. Some say that the flower was called the Mimeenah, others say that in those early days the lovely white flower had no name.
Our race, the Felinadaes, were the dominant species on the planet, and as time went on and we became wiser and tamer, we elected two of or kind to rule and guide us. They were the first Makrael and Makraela. Legend tells us that they were a handsome couple, with pale lavender fur, and darker purple points on their ears and tails. They had a lovely daughter, and they named her Mimeenah.
She grew into a beautiful and gracious young girl cat. Often she was seen wandering through the forest, or hunting on the savannas, or playing in the mountain meadows. And so it was that one fine day she was dancing through a meadow filled with the flowers. Thinking that she was quite alone, she completely let down her fur, and jumped and twisted joyously, chasing butterflies like a small kitten. And as she played, the sunlight caught her long lavender fur, sending sparks like diamonds across the meadow.
But she was not alone. On the edge of the meadow stood a handsome tomcat, who watched her every move with a deep appreciation. Oh, she was beautiful, she was lovely beyond the imagination of catkind, and he longed to meet her. Finally he could stand it no longer, and he mewed a soft meow deep in his throat.
Immediately Mimeenah stopped dead in her tracks, and looked out across the meadow towards the sound. Her quick lavender eyes found the deep green eyes of the handsome tomcat, and she blushed deeply, and when she did the flowers in the meadow blushed with her, and their edges all turned to pink. It was love at first site.
Many months later the two were married, and at their wedding were sprays and bouquets of the lovely flower. It became known as Mimeenah’s Flower, and ever since then it has borne that name.
I have heard that only those who are members of the Royal Family may use the name Mimeenah.

My name is Mimeenah Roshan Felinidaes


February 19, 2004 at 1:27am
February 19, 2004 at 1:27am
Mews, Dear Human

It is spring at last, and the Spring Holidays are here. Mewma and Pawpa went on a short working vacation to Ailurophilia. Pawpa wanted to go to the Agriculture Show and buy new plants for the farm. Mewma wanted to shop for material for her quilts.

I spent the week at my Grandpaw Tata’s and Grandmew Eena’s house in Morning Dale. Morning Dale is a tiny town near Golden Lake. There is only one main street in town. There is a mercantile store, and a little restaurant where you can eat divine tuna tacos and catnip soup. Both are local delicacies. There is a tiny little temple that is quite pretty. It has stained glass windows. There is also an ice cream store and a grooming parlor. And there is a Kittengarden, where very young kitts can go to school. Finally, there is a rather large Bed and Breakfast called the Morning Dale Valley Inn. It seems funny to have a Bed and Breakfast in such a small town, but a lot of tourists like to stay there when they are visiting Golden Lake. They think Morning Dale is quaint.

My Grandpurrs live in a lovely old house. It is quite small, but I like it a lot. It has two little bedrooms. One is their room, and the other is Grandmew’s sewing room, with a little daybed. That is where I sleep when I visit. The living room is so cute. There is a rocking chair for Grandmew, and a big stuffed easy chair for Grandpaw, and a couch for visitors. There are shades and dainty lace curtains on the window. In the afternoon the sun comes in and makes patterns on the linoleum covered floors. Then I like to sit and look out at the orchards in the valley.

Grandpaw Tata has a big garden with rows and rows or strawberries, which I dearly love to eat. We picked strawberries one day, and Grandmew Eena made shortcake and whipped cream. Oh, mew, dear Human, it was absolutely divine. I think my Grandpaw has the best strawberries anywhere.

I think I like the kitchen best. Grandmew Eena spends lots of time there, cooking and baking. She let me help. We made catnip crème puffs and Choconip Icebox Cookies. I got to lick the bowls.

When Grandmew Eena isn’t in the kitchen, she is sewing. She showed me how to use her sewing machine, and helped me make a dress for myself. It is a lovely dress. The material is lavender, and there are tiny kitts and flowers on it. I trimmed the dress with red rickrack. I am going to wear it to school.

On the last night that I was there, we walked downtown and had ice cream.

Someday I am going to have a house just like my Grandpurrs.

February 20, 2004 at 2:24am
February 20, 2004 at 2:24am
Mews, Dear Human,

Today we went to the Great Temple of Tasheraling in San Kata, for the midwinter celebration and feast-of-lights. It was a thrill to be going, as we only go to the Great Temple on rare occasions. It is a long journey to San Kata, so we went in our little donkey cart, with Senet pulling it at a very slow pace. We spent the night at our cousins’ house. My friends Primmy and Shazon and their families went also.

Many days are spent in preparation for the festival. Mewma and Pawpa and I made candles scented with herbs that we will light at the feast-of-lights. Although it is still winter, wild sage and mints and rosemary still grow near the river. They make the candles smell so lovely. When we arrived we sat our candles on the steps leading up to the temple. Each family of cats put their candles on the steps, and at sunset on the first day of the celebration, the temple cats lit all of the candles. That was the sign that the celebration had begun. It is an incredible sight to see the thousands of lighted candles on the temple steps. It is like a pathway to the stars. They will burn until tomorrow at sunset, which is the end of the festival

It is a great joy to have so many cats together. We have huge circle dances around great bonfires, and they often go on long into the night. We mew and chant to bells and gongs, and the flow of energy between us is incredible. The music has a healing quality, and it allows us to connect with the earth, and with each other.

Today I played the chimes during the chants, and Shazon and Primmy played bells. We could hear the great gongs in the background. They are the heart of the song. The bells and the singing bowls blended their voices together, centering us. Then came the voices of the chimes, at first softly and delicately like snow falling, then more fiercely, like wind blowing leaves, as the great gongs clanged like a thunderstorm. Suddenly, with the wave of a paw, the high priestess gave the command to stop. The silence was deafening, and we felt our spirits bursting with joy.

On the second day of the festival we went to the temple early in the morning and dipped our paws in the temple pool. It is a ritual cleansing of our spirits and a preparation for spring. Pawpa put his paws in clear up to his armpits. Then he lost his balance and fell into the pool. It was quite funny. I guess he is really ready for spring.

Afterwards we had a lovely feast of fish and catnip cakes that the temple cats had prepared. I love coming to the Temple for the celebrations. It is sad to say goodbye to my friends, but when I get home, I am always happy to be there.

February 21, 2004 at 9:16pm
February 21, 2004 at 9:16pm
Mews, Dear Human,
We are studying genealogy in school this semester. It is very interesting to find out about our history, and about our ancestors. For my project I interviewed my Mewma and Pawpa.

My Interview of Pawpa
Me: What is your real name?
Pawpa: My name is Kamuela Felinadaes.
Me: What are your parents’ names?
Pawpa: My Pawp’s name is Herbert, and my Mewm’s name is Malama.
Me: Where were you born?
Pawpa: I was born in Ailurophilia, but I came to Fawnmoor when I was just a little kitt, about your age. We lived here on this farm.
Me: Do you have any brothers and sisters?
Pawpa: Yes, I have 5 brothers. My two oldest brothers, Leonardo and Marcial have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Their families still live in Ailurophilia, and the small towns near there. David and Osias also live there.
Me: Mew. So I have lots of cousins there.
Pawpa: Yes, you come from a very large family.
Me: How did you decide to become a farmer?
Pawpa: Well, I grew up here, and I always loved working on the farm. My brothers didn’t have much interest in it. They much preferred living in the big city. So when my own Pawp and Mewm retired and moved into town, they left the farm to me.
Me: How did you meet Mewma?
Pawpa: I met her at the Hugs and Purrs Festival one year. She had entered her Catnip Crème Pies, and my mewm was one of the judges. Of course, your mewma won first place. It was love at first sight, but she always says I only married her for her pies. Mewlol.

My Interview of Mewma

Me: What is your real name?
Mewma: My name is Samantha Louise Millikitt Felinidaes
Me: What are your parents' names?
Mewma: My pawpa’s name is Tata, and my mewma’s name is the same as yours, Mimeenah.
Me: But I thought Grandmew’s name was Eena.
Mewma: That is short for Mimeenah. She always wanted to be different, so instead of going by Mim, she went by Eena.
Me: Mewma, are we royal cats then?
Mewma: We are very distant relatives of the first Makreel. But don’t you let that go to your head. Faerie princesses are only in books these days.
Me: Oh. But didn’t you used to live in the palace? What did you do there?
Mewma: Yes, I lived in the palace when I was a tiny kitt. But then I grew up and wedwinked your Pawpa, and here I am and very happy to be. Now enough of this interviewing, I have work to do.
Me: Mewma, can we go and visit the Princess someday?
Mewma: We shall see. Now you help me with getting dinner ready.

Me: Okay, Mewma.

Mews, Human, I learned a lot by interviewing my parents. I learned that my family is related to the ancient royal house of Makreel. I also learned that we can’t all be princesses. It would be lovely to live in a palace, and be wedwinked to a handsome prince. But I think it would also be a lot of work.
Purrs, Mim

February 22, 2004 at 2:58am
February 22, 2004 at 2:58am
Mews, Dear Human,

It is summer and the first day of the Annual Hugs and Purrs Festival. This year is special. I am three years old, and now I can participate in all the festivities. I wonder who will be chosen to close the Festival and send Hugs and Purrs to the ancestors?

It is said that the Hugs and Purrs Festival originated on Makreel, ancient home of her race. The Makreela herself began the first Festival when all of the ships had come home after the Great War, carrying her Beloved, and the many brave cats that had fought against the horrible Blights in order to save the Kingdom. She had declared that once each year, all would lay down their weapons and greet their fellow beings with hugs and purrs. I love studying about the old days, and I wonder how that first Festival was really celebrated.

Here on Terra the festival is a three-day event. Today was the big Family Picnic and Chunknip Melon Throwing Contest. I gobbled down breakfast and helped mewma pack our basket full of goodies. Mewma made 20 of her famous Catnip Crème Pies, and we packed them in their own special little cooler. Mewma also made Salmon Cakes, and Tuna Tortes, and whole baked chickens filled with catnip dressing, salads of fresh catnip greens, and fruity Chunknip melon baskets. I know my cousins, the Millikitts, will bring some of their famous Sugared Mouse Tails. Then we set off for the great field by Golden Lake, where the Picnic is held.

When we arrived, many cats were already there, setting out feasts on the long tables. While the adult cats sat up the tables, I went to play with my friends Primmy and Shazon. We watched as some of the older cats participated in Three-Pawed Sack Races, and Wheelbarrow Races. Then we tried our paws at the lawn bowling, which was set up for the younger kitts. We all won little prizes. Finally all the food was set out, and the Prince and Princess declared the Picnic officially open. We all tried to sample some of every dish. I was so stuffed I could hardly waddle. Then came the Chunknip Melon Throwing Contest. All the mancats,even pawpa, lined up and threw their melons. Of course, the Prince easily won. Afterwards all the cats raced out on the field and ate up the yummy melons. Then we washed the sticky melon off our paws, and most of the cats settled down for a nice little nap.

Just as the sun was setting a band started playing in the Gazebo. Cats woke up and stretched from their little catnaps, and soon everycat was dancing. There was my cousin Daenida, in a lovely yellow sundress, dancing with her handsome winkwink, Cookie. And there was our Auntie Shibui, in a lovely turquoise chiffon creation, which set off her beautiful eyes. She was dancing with our Uncle Tucker, who always looks so dashing. Even my cousin BugBug, who was dressed in a dainty pink frock, and was dancing with some of the cute teen kitts. Oh, they all looked so lovely. (sigh) I wish I was all grown up, and had a lovely dress and a handsome wink-wink with which to dance the night away.

Purrs, Little Mim

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