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Each day is new and wonderful. What inspired me today? Find out here. |
I usually wake each day, early, and spend time reading God's word and writing a few thoughts. Throughout the day, I add to those daily thoughts and ponderings. Many things inspire me. I have notebooks full of these miscellaneous thoughts, ideas I've jotted down which will, one day, become stories and poems. Today, I decided it was time for me to join the computer age with my journal and daily ponderings. As the years pass, it's harder to find some of yesterday's inspirations to make them into today's stories and poems. Besides, those notebooks are becoming quite a fire hazard! |
I Miss My Dad August 23, 2005 at 9:53am My father passed away on Saturday, August 13, 2005, and already I miss him. But I've really missed him for quite a while. His Alzheimer's often took him away while he was still in front of us.
As a young man, Dad wasn't very good at being a dad. But when we were all grown and started having kids of our own, my dad's parenting skills improved. And he was an awesome grandfather.
Jim and I jumped into the car early Saturday afternoon to make the trip from Cincinnati, Ohio to... [Read more] Just what happened from June 2003 to present? Part 1 September 23, 2006 at 12:16pm Here I am at my computer, trying to make sense of the time between June 2003 to present. As I look back upon that time, even I have trouble imagining that everything I remember is real.
Let's begin with June 2003. My worker's compensation pay had been cut off in February, and the money I received as a tax refund had been depleted. Many generous folks donated funds to help, but I was in a precarious situation, I guess. That has to explain my lack of good judgment about love and men... [Read more] Tainted People December 13, 2004 at 6:19pm Thoughts and Ponderings
November 15, 2004
No, I still haven't done an update on my life in the past year. I will. Meanwhile, I've been writing and pondering more. And that's a good thing!
Tainted People
by Marilyn Mackenzie
My honey and I ate dinner at a nice restaurant this weekend. Included with dinner was the soup of the day, vegetable of the day, choice of potato and salad. The soup was chicken rice, and my honey thought it was quite good. I ate it, but as ... [Read more] Silence - Is it Golden? November 11, 2004 at 10:29am Much has happened since the last entry in June, 2003, too much to write in one entry. Unfortunately, I did not always have computer or Internet access in those months. I did keep notes in my journals, but not about everything as it happened. Fortunately, my mind tends to sugar-coat the bad things that happen in life, after they are over and done. As long as there are life lessons from them, and I don't repeat the same mistakes over and over again, I still feel blessed.
I guess that... [Read more] Way Behind Schedule June 11, 2003 at 8:11pm Having chest pains and spending time in the hospital - both as an inpatient and an outpatient - have left me way behind schedule in moving. My furniture left on Sunday. My son and I are still tying up loose ends and sleeping on the floor each night. That can't be good for this ol' gal's bad back!
My son suggested that I just take everything that's left and dump it into boxes. I could do that, I guess, and if I take much longer I'll have to do just that. But that will ... [Read more] Today's Blessing(s) June 5, 2003 at 5:36pm Sigh. Instead of spending the day packing, I spent most of the morning at the hospital. Now, my chest pains and the mystery of their origin have cost me about 4 days. Days that I needed to make sure I was ready to move this weekend.
When I arrived at the hospital, they wouldn't let me check in at the emergency room desk like I was instructed. I trudged over to the outpatient registration, only to find a gazillion (don't you love it when I exaggerate?) other people waiting for lab ... [Read more] Hope for the future September 21, 2006 at 8:29am I was driving to my own church this morning, when I felt that I was being led to another church. I'm glad I listened to what had to be God's Holy Spirit.
The church I attended is one that my sister and her family and my mother attended when they lived here. Today, about 18 young people, probably ranging in age between 11 and 14, completed the confirmation process and became full members of that church.
The service was beautiful. The young confirmands conducted the entire service... [Read more] I'm so mad I could spit! September 21, 2006 at 8:27am It takes a lot to make me angry. Stealing from me is one thing that does it. Lying is high on the list too. And I just opened my bank statement and discovered why my bank account went into a negative status. It's because of a liar and a thief.
Back in December, I gave a check to the man I'd been dating and thought I'd marry one day. He had complained that he always spent money to visit me. I sent a $100 check to him and told him that he could use it for the next time he came... [Read more] Galveston, Oh Galveston September 21, 2006 at 8:26am Just popped in for a short update. Well, you know me. Nothing is short.
I did see the doc in Galveston today about my back. They took more xrays (the last ones were from December) and ordered MRI's on my lower back (for the pains that go from waist down my leg to my foot) and neck (for the loss of arm strength). Seems I'm actually losing strength on my entire left side - arm, hand, leg and foot - even though I've been diligent in exercising since worker's comp stopped payi... [Read more] Prisoner of Hope September 21, 2006 at 8:19am A week has gone by since I posted something here. It was a busy week, with some disappointments and some reasons to rejoice. I will have to write more about the week later, once I've sorted it all out.
This morning as I was getting ready to attend my own church, I turned on the TV to catch Joel Osteen, pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston.
Joel said that we should be prisoners of hope and faith, and that we should live with expectancy. He reminded us of the importance of praying and... [Read more] This is Easter September 21, 2006 at 8:18am After the Easter worship service today, the pastor invited people to pray at the altar, as usual. He invited anyone who had not accepted Jesus to come forward and pray. He asked those who had special needs to kneel at the altar.
As we started to sing the last hymn, a small shy teenaged girl hobbled to the altar. Her legs are deformed and she is mentally challenged. (Is that the politically corret term now for mentally retarded or mentally handicapped? I think so.)
Soon, her boyfrien... [Read more] Even Ms. Merry Sunshine Gets Perturbed Sometimes September 21, 2006 at 8:16am While I was driving on my 375 mile trip last Friday, I heard about the comments that Education Secretary Rod Paige made in the Baptist Press article on April 7. I first heard about it on NPR, then switched to a Christian station where they were talking about it too.
If you missed this controversy, here's a link:
Basically, Rod Paige said that all things being equal, he would prefer to send his own children to a school with Chri... [Read more] Friday's Child is Loving and Giving September 21, 2006 at 8:00am Well, all right then. It's Friday, and it appears as if I've already abandoned my goal of writing here daily.
I have been writing, though. Old habits are hard to break. When a thought burst through the gray matter and a notebook was close at hand, I did write down those miscellaneous ideas and phrases. If I gathered all those thoughts and made them into something sensible, they might be equivalent to a couple of inspirational books. That, in the end, is my goal. (My favorite ... [Read more] Sunday's Entry Made Early Monday Morning September 21, 2006 at 7:50am Something has been bothering me all evening, because of discussions I've had recently with a number of people.
It's politically incorrect to comment on the physical appearance of one who weighs too much. The same rules don't seem to apply to one who is thin. I was reminded of that today, but for a strange reason.
Why am I considered the "strange" person because I'm generally happy?
I'm not crazy, just because I've learned to lean on God at all times.... [Read more] |