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Daily notes and timed freewrites but mostly my blog
All comments are encouraged, I am interested in what others think and feel along the topics I choose to write about.

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[#732826] "In MemoryOpen in new Window.

Thank-you geja8856 for this wonderful gift

Soaring EagleMother Goddess

Gift from Jilley's PeteyHalf Borgevna and half Morivini and destined to save her world.

Merit Badge in Supportive
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Thanks so much for being a great support and wonderful friend *^*Heart*^* Merit Badge in Fantasy
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Member of the Month - September 2008
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Congratulations! *^*Bigsmile*^* Merit Badge in G. o. T.
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  Thank you for participating in  [Link To Item #1157596]  2014 competition and for winning 3rd Place! *^*Trophyb*^* As a group, you guys did an amazing job! You should definitely be proud of yourself for all your hard work. *^*Glass*^* Here's to a successful year and I hope to see you in 2015! Cheers! ~ Gaby 
Merit Badge in Dark Dreamscapes
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Thank you for you participation with  [Link To Item #1157596]  and for supporting  [Link To Item #dreamscapes]  as a member of House of Baratheon.  Merit Badge in Short Stories
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  Thank you for your participation in  [Link To Item #1157596]  with written pieces. Whether you wrote poetry or a short story, doesn't really matter. I just want you to know that I appreciate your time, effort and working with short deadlines. You did great! ~ Gaby
Merit Badge in Generosity
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Thank you so much Dyrhearte for your generosity! May this merit badge inspires you to keep spreading the joy of giving. Merit Badge in Writing
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A small gift for a fan, and a friend. Why? Because we are writers. Merit Badge in Campfires
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  Thank you for your steady participation in your campfire, as part of  [Link To Item #1157596] ! You've shown courage and originality, and you've stepped up to the plate when it was needed. Kudos to you! *^*Thumbsup*^* You're one of the few who are receiving this special MB as a thank you for your teamwork. ~ Gaby Merit Badge in Good Deeds
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Congratulations, you won  First Place  in the  March 2014  round of  [Link To Item #gooddeeds] !

At my Sister's Wedding
February 13, 2025 at 10:31pm
February 13, 2025 at 10:31pm
To begin with the inspiration of what follows the opinion column. Not my words so I have documented the source I have taken them.

Also, what follows this short excerpt are my own conclusions from what I've watched unfold in recent US political events. It is difficult to be a marginally poor female liberal American citizen and not have any power to do anything to stop the madness because your voice is ignored.

A Jewish philosopher and mystic understood Trump’s Achilles’ heel Opinion by Robert Zaretsky • The Forward • MSN News

•...To fully grasp the effects of power, though, Allen’s now-ancient comedy is insufficient; we need to go back to ancient Greek tragedy — namely, Homer’s Iliad.

This is the same text that the French Jewish thinker (and, yes, Christian mystic) Simone Weil went back to in 1940. Part of the massive exodus of French civilians fleeing south ahead of the German invasion — in this instance, the proper use of the word — Weil began to draft an essay on her experience, one that she saw through the prism of the Homeric epic. The essay — “The Iliad, or the Poem of Force” — was published the following year in France’s unoccupied zone, but under a pseudonym since Vichy forbade the publication of works by Jewish authors.

Ask someone who has read the poem to name its hero, and the reply will probably be Achilles and, if not, his friend Patroclus or his enemy Hector. But Weil replies that the true hero is none of the above. Instead, it is force or power. It is this that “enslaves man,” it is this “before which man’s flesh shrinks away,” and it is this that “alters the human spirit.” For her contemporaries caught up in the events of 1940, Weil has a warning: If you thought that force, thanks to progress, would soon be a thing of the past, think again. As for those who are paying attention to events, they understand that force “today as yesterday is at the very center of human history and that the Iliad is the purest of mirrors.”...•

Just a long-winded intellectual way of saying "Total Power Corrupts Totally" and always will.

So, when I watch what is going on and my brain is overwhelmed by the magnitude of the chaos ensued, I think to myself; Who, really, and I mean for real, who really saw this coming? Certainly not any of the people who actually voted for the winners of this current narcissistic, sycophantic government.

Even the most fringe MAGA crazed right-wing believers didn't see this coming. Although, I'm sure there are a few piranhas frenzy feeding groups starting to form in the wake of the chaos, with their cheering battle cry of "OH YEA! F....KING A! Where's my GUN!"

On the same note, I know the most right leaning liberals, you know, the ones who sighed at the election results last November and said, "Well, we all survived the first four years of Trump, we can survive these next four years." (Forgetting or discounting for the moment all the COVID fatalities during the first Trump regime who didn't survive his last presidency.) "We just need to prepare ourselves for the 'ride.'"

They certainly didn't see any of this unfolding.

And the most left leaning liberals in this country, from the ones who were in a position of wealth to 'escape' America after the election, to the most informed on just what was in the "2025 GOP plan" who knew it was going to be worse than 2016-2020 but had faith that the Law of the Land would stifle the worst that the Trump rampage would deliver; you know they didn't see this kind of chaos coming.

No one calculated the Musk force. You know, the billionaire tweaker who cheats to win at anything and everything in life, who has basically performed the tech coup of America. Hell! Trump didn't for sure see all of that coming. Just like when he was glued to the TV monitor and watching the 'magnificent rampage of the crowd' he incited on Jan 6, 2020; he is sitting back at his desk and watching with awe and glee as he gives the Musk Force all the encouragement within his power to unhinge the Law of the Land destroying lives and killing innocents not just in the US but around the world.

I knew it was going to be bad, and I know it's only going to get worse, because no one knows how to effectively confront this misaligned power trip rampage gone wrong. Congress is certainly broken with its sycophant GOP as well as the right leaning judicial system. The recent over the top actions of Trump and Team have shown just how broken these two branches of government are. The pure concepts of Democracy and the Republic are sound, we as a people have lost our way in regards on how to make it work effectively.

In short, We the People have placed our fates either willingly or as a minority whose voice is silenced, into the hands of overzealous drug induced, game cheating, power mongering, misogynistic, narcissists and sycophants.

I am presently ashamed of what my country is doing to the world. I won't stand up in a crowd and proudly declare My US citizenship at this time, yet I'm still a proud American. I'm just NOT proud of what America has recently turned into.

However, I will proudly stand up and scream "I DID NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP!"

(Definition: A sycophant is a person who uses flattery to win favour from influential people or behaves in a servile manner. In language a MAGA person understands, a sycophant is a brown-noser, teacher's pet, an unapologetic suck-up to those in power.

Definition: Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence, they are not sure of their self-worth and are easily upset by the slightest criticism.)
February 8, 2025 at 4:15pm
February 8, 2025 at 4:15pm
Excerpts from my gardening journal.

The Covers n All package I ordered in January with the wrong address arrived today. Glad that ordeal is resolved. It snowed heavy this last week with about 4" covering everything so the tarps will remain in the 120 lb. tube until the ground is clear again.

Reading and studying the concept and instructional book "Gaia's Garden: Second Edition A Guide to Home-scale Permaculture by Toby Hemenway

There is a lot I have done this last year that is in this book, so my head was in a compatible place for building a thriving ecological garden environment. {Gee, maybe my college biology course in Ecology actually stuck.} There is still a long way to go yet for a complete bio-diverse convergence into a Food Forest though.

Amanda is talking chickens. I've been pondering on chickens also off n on this last fall and winter. But at the moment, building an ecologically sound base to support chickens is on the forefront of my mind.

So that is where my head is at today.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/blog/dyrhearte/month/2-1-2025