I've been told that keeping a journal helps a writer, so why not keep it in public? |
Hello. My name is Taylor, and I'm a writer. An indie, to be specific, and that means obscure, unnoticed, unsuccessful if one goes by sales. It's been decades since I let go of the dream of being a Best Seller, and a couple of years that I've been blocked, but the dream of being read dies hard. That's why I'm here. I was here long ago and remember that people here read, so I'm back to share some of my work... and maybe even write something new if you fine authors can inspire me! Some of you may recognize a story or two, which is flattering, but I most humbly request that if you work out who I am, you keep it to yourself. I would like, for personal reasons, to start fresh and keep it focused on the person I am now. As suggested above, I will update this journal every time I interact here, so should anyone like to follow my progress, I'm an open book. Most of my work was written for adults, so much of it will be 18+, but lots of people who don't know each other have proclaimed it to be downright adequate, so enjoy the reading! Taylor... |
Good day to all my writing friends, and I hope it finds you well. Had a most excellent day today. I wrote a review of a fun little story called "Hot Pursuit. " , but much more earth-shaking from my personal point of view, I am writing again! I completed scene one of four of the third story in my "Tales from the Beach" series. Good times when you consider that the first two stories were written two years ago! Now, I don't want to fall back into block and I don't want to burn out, so I'm going to go raise some chaotic heck in Fallout 4, but assuming everything stays on track, I should have this finished by this time next week. I'm excited, can you tell? Anyway, be safe and do good works, and I'll see you around here again tomorrow, fate willing. Stay lucky, Taylor... |