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Rated: E · Book · Cultural · #2318672
Through the eyes of a writer and traveler 😁! Life and some spiritual musings.
Welcome Y'all 🤠.
I'm into animal rescue and rights. Positive vibes and activism! 😻🙏
It's been interesting for the past 20 years. Good folks on here and a great 😃 writing community.
It's time for rethinking my writing and growing as a person . Sharing how to help others and ourselves 😉 has always been my motivation!
Hugs 🤗 to new and old peeps!

" The journey of 10,000 miles
Begins with one step 🪜.
--Lao Tzu

What you don't like
Don't do to another.
Rabbi Hillel

Do unto others
as you would have someone
Do unto you.
Jesus 🙏

February 24, 2025 at 1:17pm
February 24, 2025 at 1:17pm
Hi, y'all 👋🤠. It's been 12 days since I wrote here.
Mars was retrograde basically things seeming like it's been going backwards.

Now it's direct and forwarding motion!
At the moment waiting for my check to hit the bank. Very little food past 2 days. For some the end of the month is tough.
With the rising prices it seems like the middle of the month has become the end!
I used to have a blog called " The Cosmic Political Wheel".
It was just as it said, a compilation of Astrology, insight and the political reality.

There is now so much " In your face" options and for some like me looking into the facts of what's really going on.

So this blog is going to be about some of the recent research my sis and I have learned in the past month. It started with a rather heated comment above the news story about " The CDC website having to take down certain Trans and HIV pages."
My friend who posted it on Facebook doesn't usually use such pissed-off words!
She's Catholic and has been into Woman's right and human/animals rights like I am.

So we started Googling the CDC...
( By the way part of our conversation was that, "whenever I'm looking up something medical and have looked at their website it's mostly Data . I've been on PDFs on it and I understood most of it, but it was Too much information that wasn't specifically what I needed".)

Sis started telling me about how The USIAD is studying food carts in Singapore. What is that supposed to do to slow down pandemics or disease control in the USA?

This and other things are costing millions of dollars.

That's just the tip of the iceberg of what we learned. Just one simple example. I found many more and took notes and have been processing everything.

It's not going to be one post! I can tell you that!
I guess this subject is going to be a teaser at the moment.
We watched a couple of YouTube videos from Forbes ( which I trust a lot more than other biased outlets. I read the conflicting sides and try to glean the truth from all sides...)

The video was of Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana. He's a very well spoken man and down to earth. I never heard of him before but he really got my attention and hers.

While people are tripping on if 150 years old people are getting Social security checks (!) he takes about real situations where people are getting those checks that shouldn't be. Like a woman who had been collecting her mother's checks for 48 years. The mom was a Veteran and had passed away but her daughter kept them anyway.

This is off the top of my head and my notes are somewhere else.
Needless to say my brain is full of what I learned and knew I had to say something about it.

Some people's attitudes are " Don't confuse me with the facts"
They take a stand and won't open their mind with anything they don't agree with. Or even want to dig deeper.
They "know what they know and that's it!"

I may not agree but I'm willing to listen and at least consider anothers viewpoint . Most get so heated and emotional they can't hear anything but what they think.

I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything except what I learned and my takeaway from all of this.

It's on you to decide what you think!

Years ago we were going to get degrees in Mass Communication. During the classes we learned from Jim Dunn the head of the Media Department about " Staged Media Events" This was in the early 1990s . How the Camara could make it appear like very few people showed up for a protest for example. Or how it could show a lot showed up.

As we learned more about the manipulation of news stories.
We both decided to drop out rather than be a part of it.
I went into performing arts then Nursing.

So I'm going to end here for now!
I'm in the middle of the ulcers race, trying to get better and dealing with on top of my regular meds having to take liquid that tastes like cheap Pepto bismal 4 times a day and live my life!

I don't know if my lifelong faith is real or not most days.
Hanging on to hope that things will get better.
Fixing the car took a lot of money but thankfully we have it working. Uber costed a bunch for me to get to the store.
Life goes on !
Be blessed and hang in there 😀🙏! Stay tuned!
February 12, 2025 at 8:46pm
February 12, 2025 at 8:46pm
Hi y'all 👋 so how's by you?
Good, I hope 😃!
It's been ok but sort of shaky for me. 🥼 Experimenting with food, like tried pink lady apple 🍎 Kubucha, a health food drink that's supposed to be good for you. Lot's of probiotics etc.
Took a drink and ugh it tasted like sparkling vinegar 🤮.
Activia and Choboni are good, I like the strawberry and strawberry banana drinks. They are like Kefir or yogurt .

Sis made Spinach, cheese quiche and a few onions in.

It was so good ( I haven't had onion, tomato, cukes since Early Jan) I had a second helping and it didn't sit well with me the next day!

Trial and error trying to get rid of these ulcers...
Anyway we are under a tornado watch from New Orleans to North Florida 🙏.

It's supposed to hit here with high winds and a cold front around 10 pm. Chance of thunderstorms that can cause tornadoes. Fun times!

Sis has been hitting the car part near the solenoid to start the car sometimes.
We went to Aldi's this week and used up our 130 snap 🫰,yeah goes in a snap !
The car wouldn't start so we whipped out the hammer 🔨 and soon were on our way home.

We spoke to the nice guy that is a car mechanic and he's going to do the work for us.
The auto zone wanted over $250 and were snotty too.
He can get the part from the junk yard for $80 and in next couple weeks it will be done and next payday can pay for his labor.

He was giving people jumpstarts, after the big snowstorm last month. People still having car issues from that.

So far car is still running ( she keeps it running, while I run in the store or pharmacy!)

She keeps telling me I'll be better soon and we'll be able to go to the beach again! Can't wait.

He also has eye trouble and did the eye injections and said they helped him. He still drives too.
Sis is cracking jokes about her going to be in a horror movie with her eyes taped open!

She does like some weird movies 🍿! Me not as much as used to.

I was pretty down yesterday and disappointed that the Rabbi I wrote ignored me. I wasn't surprised because so many clergy are more concerned with what's in your bank then in your heart.

I've seen all kinds over the years, didn't matter the denomination, it's the same story. I was always looking for the spiritual realities and not hung up too much on money. It comes and goes. We've had a lot and not so much.
But with some people it changes them.

It's what inside that you get to take with you on the end of your life.

So time to clean 🫧 the kitchen and on to Farmville 3 and Jenny Solitaire! 6:30 AM comes early!

Be blessed and be kind to each other 😉.
If I'm not here, I'm having a rough day but this too shall pass!
I'm so behind in writing and stuff, hope I live long enough to play catch up 😜! Probably will live to over a hundred with my luck! 😆

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
February 4, 2025 at 7:24pm
February 4, 2025 at 7:24pm
Hi, y'all 🤠.
The fun just don't stop 🛑 around here! Yesterday seemed like a normal day. Loaded up the laundry in the car. ( 3 weeks worth between the endoscopy scene, the big snowstorm 🌨️ and the town shut down for 3 days! Sis got sick or something last week.)
The car wouldn't start...
I went to the office and payed the rent and asked if the maintenance guys were around .
I explained what was going on both with the car and a leak from the faucet and the tub having a hill and not letting the tub drain.

The guys are cool and know us . They always find our place clean when they have to change a filter or so on.
They gave us a jump but it didn't help. We had to take Uber to Walmart and bring the battery and buy a new one.
Took Uber home and they helped us get the terminals connected. ( They are heavier new
One called over a tenent who is also a mechanic! At first it seemed like we needed a part but he got a hammer and hit the solenoid and it started!!!

I was praying really hard 🙏 every chance I had.
Today we went to the eye specialist ( woke up 5 AM).
A lot of new information and hope. Still processing it.
This is the most I've written except weekly goals.
Peace out
Very tired...
It's 6:22
Made dinner and watching survivor 47.

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DLSpiritwriter☯️🦋🌳 has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/blog/dlspiritwriter/month/2-1-2025