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Rated: E · Book · Cultural · #2318672
Through the eyes of a writer and traveler 😁! Life and some spiritual musings.
Welcome Y'all 🤠.
I'm into animal rescue and rights. Positive vibes and activism! 😻🙏
It's been interesting for the past 20 years. Good folks on here and a great 😃 writing community.
It's time for rethinking my writing and growing as a person . Sharing how to help others and ourselves 😉 has always been my motivation!
Hugs 🤗 to new and old peeps!

" The journey of 10,000 miles
Begins with one step 🪜.
--Lao Tzu

What you don't like
Don't do to another.
Rabbi Hillel

Do unto others
as you would have someone
Do unto you.
Jesus 🙏

November 29, 2024 at 11:30pm
November 29, 2024 at 11:30pm
Um hi, y'all. It's been a good but very taxing day. I wrote some things about it in my little WDC notebook just before I got here.

We had saved our lottery tickets and cashed in at $59!
We added it to the pot 😁 and went Christmas presents shopping.
It was a stressful morning and the drive there and back was even more so.
Being in the store's were the greatest part of the day!
I didn't mind having to read labels and price tags to sis.
We usually separate in the store and pay , so the other don't see.

This year is different so we stayed together and she told me " don't look!" When she scanned a couple of Hello kitty things.

I didn't see anything for her but she said " don't worry about it".

I want to surprise her and will have to order something with gardenia since she loves it and very hard to find.

Even though I was doing my best to navigate today, she was annoyed with me a lot today.
We argued a lot and I cried at least 3 times today.

I tried to write it as a vignette.

I'm way too tired at 10 PM to copy it tonight. Not too many have time to read my posts.
The one's that are I really appreciate!

Technically I only have one more day to go. I'm not sure if I will post at least once a week.

It's been nice having notifications every morning to say people at least liked it or thought it was cool 😎!
That's been a bright spot in my day to feel connected 🪻 🌺 ☯️ ☺️. Because it's lonely for me a lot.

Years ago my therapist said it was a good thing for me to continue my connections here and some other ones I have.

This weekend I have some stuff to fill in on a PDF, so it can be printed. A friend needs my help and thankful I could figure out how to do it!

I have an appointment with a orthopedic person this week for X-rays and to find out if someone can fix my spine. It's very scary to me ( even if someone doesn't think it's a big deal).

The thought of having surgery on my spine is overwhelming.
I've also been trying to get the kitties to get their nails cut again.

A lot is going through my head.
I'm super glad that some folks care about me and that I'm not alone.

I'm hoping to be more in touch very soon 🙂!
I was invited to Mumsys Draidle game ! I actually lit my Shabbat Shalom candle 🕯️ 🌹 tonight!
I kept missing the time for probably 3 weeks!
I'm not the best Jew but do my best!
Good night and thanks for hanging in here with me 💖!

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DLSpiritwriter☯️🦋🌳 has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/blog/dlspiritwriter/day/11-29-2024