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Through the eyes of a writer and traveler 😁! Life and some spiritual musings. |
Welcome Y'all 🤠. I'm into animal rescue and rights. Positive vibes and activism! 😻🙏 It's been interesting for the past 20 years. Good folks on here and a great 😃 writing community. It's time for rethinking my writing and growing as a person . Sharing how to help others and ourselves 😉 has always been my motivation! Hugs 🤗 to new and old peeps! " The journey of 10,000 miles Begins with one step 🪜. --Lao Tzu What you don't like Don't do to another. Rabbi Hillel Do unto others as you would have someone Do unto you. Jesus 🙏 |
She is very sick 😷 today, from the vaccine yesterday. Usually she's always the well one around here! C has been sleeping most of the day and I've been getting her ginger ale and doing what I can to help. She never had a reaction from one before. I'm hoping and praying tomorrow she'll be better. It's weird with her being sick, she hasn't been in 2 years since we moved here. I'm frustrated there's nothing to help her see better, so she can Read again. This is the first year I can't buy her a new book or puzzle for Christmas 🎁. Yesterday was a real test just to get home,oh boy. At one point we were coming out from Walmarts parking lot and made a left turn. A white car behind us beeping loud came from behind us and pushed to get in front of us. It was a dangerous move just to get down the block and make a right into circle ⭕ k. There was another near miss earlier in Gulfport. People were speeding on Pass Rd. They never did before but the traffic has changed and people aren't having respect for other drivers. They don't consider older ones or even younger new drivers. There was an accident by the beach road, a car had half it's grill broken off and was spreading but car's and trucks were driving over the mess in a hurry. We see people dodging in and out of traffic, just to be the first car at the stop 🛑 light. It's nutz, what's the hurry? C had to take defensive driver class, when she went to work for the U.S Forrest Service. We wish it was part of Driver's ED. Please people slow down before you get to your funeral, because of your need for speed. This week I got a happy call from my friend MABs! She was at this cool store in Tacoma and asked what I wanted. When I was there last, she gave me a gift card and it had awesome stuff! Fancy chocolate and Tarot cards, books,neat statues and other great things. I had picked out some one was a small glass bottle with herbs for protection. You burn it and say a prayer, send out magical energy. It's a special incense blend and quite nice 🙂! I asked for another ( I still have almost half from 2 years ago!) One for prosperity! To me that means not just money but good health and inspiration! Some planets are in retro again ( going backwards) Not a good time to start new projects yet. December will be better as they are going direct ( ahead 🙏!) Hope this helps you! Till next time! Hoping everyone is okay and having a good weekend! Nice to see y'all 😁😉 More poems etc soon. |