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Rated: E · Book · Cultural · #2318672
Through the eyes of a writer and traveler 😁! Life and some spiritual musings.
Welcome Y'all 🤠.
I'm into animal rescue and rights. Positive vibes and activism! 😻🙏
It's been interesting for the past 20 years. Good folks on here and a great 😃 writing community.
It's time for rethinking my writing and growing as a person . Sharing how to help others and ourselves 😉 has always been my motivation!
Hugs 🤗 to new and old peeps!

" The journey of 10,000 miles
Begins with one step 🪜.
--Lao Tzu

What you don't like
Don't do to another.
Rabbi Hillel

Do unto others
as you would have someone
Do unto you.
Jesus 🙏

November 20, 2024 at 11:07pm
November 20, 2024 at 11:07pm
Hi again people 😁!
It's 9:30 PM and fried 🍤 like an egg 🍳! I kid you not. Our Internet has been cutting out every day since last wed.
Your watching TV and you get kicked out,in the middle of Survivor or Fire Country and have to wait till it reconnects etc.

So had an appointment with them to come out and fix it. 8-12 today and it kept moving up to 10-12. We were out of cigs and had planned to finish the thanksgiving shopping.

Finally I rescheduled it for tomorrow and we got gas ⛽ smokes and headed to Aldi's and Walmart.

I got another 40 lb box of Kitty litter and Cheryl tried to unload it from cart to car, but couldn't. It's heavy and tricky for me but did!

Later I got an email from my good friend MABs and she really likes my poems and writing!

In the past I've always been too busy with the kids and everything to really share them with her.

It's funny how when you get older you have so much more time to do these things, you really meant to do! 💜🪻
She made a suggestion on my Meaningful perplexity poem.
Tomorrow I'm going to edit it and start sharing it ( and others here).

It would be nice to get some feedback here 🐱😉!

I need to refresh my skills with item tags and such.

My room is slowly getting more organized, from the mess it's been! Mostly clean clutter of clothes and books, papers from notes I take but don't get any further with.

I'm so used to taking 3 pain meds a day and sis noticed I should be taking 4. Today was the first day I did and it made a difference in me feeling better for a change!

I've practiced Ballet 🩰 about 5 times since we moved here and I've missed it so much. Even the doctors in Oregon agreed that even though they can't do anything for my DDD ( disintegrating disc disease.)

Doing Ballet would be beneficial for the muscles to support the spine that's failing. Because it strengthens them as I found out for myself.

We found a nice mirror 🪞 by the dumpster last week and it doesn't fit in the living room.
Sis thought I would like it for my room to do Ballet. At the time I didn't feel up to it still but sitting here, I think I should give it a try! 😁
I have a few things to move and put together the bookcase. Hopefully by the weekend I will be able to dance with the video of my former dance teacher Le Anne! Wow, that would be a blessing. Five or ten minutes to start. Before I build up to the hour or two I could.

Months ago I talked about it in my last Blog. I even encouraged someone to start exercising too!
We talked in the comments but it didn't happen long for me then.

Well today is a new day and anything is possible!
I didn't get a chance to hang out with the feed and everyone today. 🤔🙃🥴
I do my best!
Have a good night 😴!

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