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Rated: E · Book · Cultural · #2318672
Through the eyes of a writer and traveler 😁! Life and some spiritual musings.
Welcome Y'all 🤠.
I'm into animal rescue and rights. Positive vibes and activism! 😻🙏
It's been interesting for the past 20 years. Good folks on here and a great 😃 writing community.
It's time for rethinking my writing and growing as a person . Sharing how to help others and ourselves 😉 has always been my motivation!
Hugs 🤗 to new and old peeps!

" The journey of 10,000 miles
Begins with one step 🪜.
--Lao Tzu

What you don't like
Don't do to another.
Rabbi Hillel

Do unto others
as you would have someone
Do unto you.
Jesus 🙏

November 12, 2024 at 9:08pm
November 12, 2024 at 9:08pm
Hi y'all, I feel very strongly about the title of this...
My uncle fought in the Korean War. He never talked about it to me, and it was after he passed that I learned he did. And understood how it affected him.

He was very strict and distant.
He worked for IBM in the 1960s on computers taller than him.
A few times he drove to Brooklyn and took my grandfather and I to his apartment in the Bronx.
I'd get to play with my younger cousins and enjoy their Lionel's train 🚆 🚂 set!
Later my aunt would sit us at the children's table and feed us a feast of salad, meat and bowls of tasty things. I was sad to go home but happy we had such a wonderful time.

One of my cousins joined the Marines.

What I do to support Vets is click on the Greater Good site. They help homeless Veterans and their pet kids. Some only have their dog to love them,as they have been forgotten. It breaks my heart that any have to live like that.

When we lived in Eugene OR, we saw the shelter for them, fenced in and razor wire was in the top to keep out the homeless tweakers that took over the town.
My sister and I were sad for them living in what looked like a POW camp.

I wish we could make America Great, because it's not for so many.

Just my thoughts on this rainy chilly November Tuesday evening. Off the top of my head.

My plans for tonight were to copy something I wrote about this week. About my spiritual journey in 2007 or so.
I was on a quest to experience Buddhism for a couple of years.

I've lived many lives in my one life on earth.
Exploring possible paths for myself since I was 12!
I was pretty much on my own by the time I was 15. My family sort of dissolved. I had to figure out life without much guidance and learned to depend on God and Jesus ✝️( G-d ✡️much later)
I wasn't brought up in the church or synagogue!
Nope just movies like The 10 commandments and King of King's.

I found something outside of what we can see.

Today a friend gave me some helpful advice and caring, about a serious situation I was dealing with alone. It made a difference and when people treat others with kindness not ego, it's a blessing.

I was pretty tired from the laundry yesterday. It's heavy and no grandkids out here to help!

I fed kitties at 7 but stayed in bed late,till 8 AM. That put me behind for chores!
By noon was working on moving out some furniture ( a heavy wood magazine rack and small table) I took pictures for before and after!
I'm getting a bookcase from Amazon any day and will be putting it together and yay have 6 shelves for books, makeup and stuff.

After that I worked on my closet ugh! Got rid of a bunch of clothes and started packing up summer stuff. It's a mess that's been sitting on my floor for days, coming out of the closet.

My scoliosis ( curved spine) has been giving me grief but just rocking and rolling the best I can.

I smoke weed and would be dead without it. ( Folks who need pain meds aren't supposed to,and that's so wrong to withhold any relief for people who deal with high level's of daily pain.)

So I spent an hour after that on my Chromebook for the first time, since the summer.
It was weird because there were a bunch of emails from a certain person who was cruel to me here. That was the last time I was on WDC there and on my phone since.
It doesn't creep me out anymore.

I've moved on. Yay me!
I started to copy my article but fed the kitties dinner and was tired and Surviver was on ( we've been watching the early seasons!)
I will work on it tomorrow after we go to the stores.

So it's 8 PM and bushed.
I don't know if anyone has heard about P'nut the squirrel 🐿️ and Fred the racoon. My heart is broken 💔 😭 since learning about it.
Have a blessed night my dears.

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