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Through the eyes of a writer and traveler 😁! Life and some spiritual musings. |
Welcome Y'all 🤠. I'm into animal rescue and rights. Positive vibes and activism! 😻🙏 It's been interesting for the past 20 years. Good folks on here and a great 😃 writing community. It's time for rethinking my writing and growing as a person . Sharing how to help others and ourselves 😉 has always been my motivation! Hugs 🤗 to new and old peeps! " The journey of 10,000 miles Begins with one step 🪜. --Lao Tzu What you don't like Don't do to another. Rabbi Hillel Do unto others as you would have someone Do unto you. Jesus 🙏 |
Hi, y'all 👋🤠. It's been 12 days since I wrote here. Mars was retrograde basically things seeming like it's been going backwards. Now it's direct and forwarding motion! At the moment waiting for my check to hit the bank. Very little food past 2 days. For some the end of the month is tough. With the rising prices it seems like the middle of the month has become the end! I used to have a blog called " The Cosmic Political Wheel". It was just as it said, a compilation of Astrology, insight and the political reality. There is now so much " In your face" options and for some like me looking into the facts of what's really going on. So this blog is going to be about some of the recent research my sis and I have learned in the past month. It started with a rather heated comment above the news story about " The CDC website having to take down certain Trans and HIV pages." My friend who posted it on Facebook doesn't usually use such pissed-off words! She's Catholic and has been into Woman's right and human/animals rights like I am. So we started Googling the CDC... ( By the way part of our conversation was that, "whenever I'm looking up something medical and have looked at their website it's mostly Data . I've been on PDFs on it and I understood most of it, but it was Too much information that wasn't specifically what I needed".) Sis started telling me about how The USIAD is studying food carts in Singapore. What is that supposed to do to slow down pandemics or disease control in the USA? This and other things are costing millions of dollars. That's just the tip of the iceberg of what we learned. Just one simple example. I found many more and took notes and have been processing everything. It's not going to be one post! I can tell you that! I guess this subject is going to be a teaser at the moment. We watched a couple of YouTube videos from Forbes ( which I trust a lot more than other biased outlets. I read the conflicting sides and try to glean the truth from all sides...) The video was of Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana. He's a very well spoken man and down to earth. I never heard of him before but he really got my attention and hers. While people are tripping on if 150 years old people are getting Social security checks (!) he takes about real situations where people are getting those checks that shouldn't be. Like a woman who had been collecting her mother's checks for 48 years. The mom was a Veteran and had passed away but her daughter kept them anyway. This is off the top of my head and my notes are somewhere else. Needless to say my brain is full of what I learned and knew I had to say something about it. Some people's attitudes are " Don't confuse me with the facts" They take a stand and won't open their mind with anything they don't agree with. Or even want to dig deeper. They "know what they know and that's it!" I may not agree but I'm willing to listen and at least consider anothers viewpoint . Most get so heated and emotional they can't hear anything but what they think. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything except what I learned and my takeaway from all of this. It's on you to decide what you think! Years ago we were going to get degrees in Mass Communication. During the classes we learned from Jim Dunn the head of the Media Department about " Staged Media Events" This was in the early 1990s . How the Camara could make it appear like very few people showed up for a protest for example. Or how it could show a lot showed up. As we learned more about the manipulation of news stories. We both decided to drop out rather than be a part of it. I went into performing arts then Nursing. So I'm going to end here for now! I'm in the middle of the ulcers race, trying to get better and dealing with on top of my regular meds having to take liquid that tastes like cheap Pepto bismal 4 times a day and live my life! I don't know if my lifelong faith is real or not most days. Hanging on to hope that things will get better. Fixing the car took a lot of money but thankfully we have it working. Uber costed a bunch for me to get to the store. Life goes on ! Be blessed and hang in there 😀🙏! Stay tuned! |
Hi, y'all 🤠. The fun just don't stop 🛑 around here! Yesterday seemed like a normal day. Loaded up the laundry in the car. ( 3 weeks worth between the endoscopy scene, the big snowstorm 🌨️ and the town shut down for 3 days! Sis got sick or something last week.) The car wouldn't start... I went to the office and payed the rent and asked if the maintenance guys were around . I explained what was going on both with the car and a leak from the faucet and the tub having a hill and not letting the tub drain. Resurfacing. The guys are cool and know us . They always find our place clean when they have to change a filter or so on. They gave us a jump but it didn't help. We had to take Uber to Walmart and bring the battery and buy a new one. Took Uber home and they helped us get the terminals connected. ( They are heavier new One called over a tenent who is also a mechanic! At first it seemed like we needed a part but he got a hammer and hit the solenoid and it started!!! I was praying really hard 🙏 every chance I had. Today we went to the eye specialist ( woke up 5 AM). A lot of new information and hope. Still processing it. This is the most I've written except weekly goals. Peace out Very tired... It's 6:22 Made dinner and watching survivor 47. |
Hi y'all, hope you're hanging on like me. It's been a rollercoaster in the world and in my own life. Tragedy with the souls killed in the DC plane crash. Responders finding the lost bodies, so family members can identify them. I've been physically drained and my days are filled up with keeping the clock fed! Meaning that I take certain meds on time. I'm sitting cross legged now on the ground, outside of the clinic having a much needed ciggy. I just saw my cool 😎 provider. My lab's are good 👍 and will stay on the current thyroid MGC. I was able to talk to her nurse about some of the things I went through as a teen and after. My life could make a good horror tale! I'm not even kidding. Maybe that's why I can find humor in the worst situations. At least most. It's cool and cloudy and hopefully won't rain before the new ride person gets here. It's quiet and hard to find that sometimes at home. I re visited " The quiet room" and I've been analyzing it. I woke up this week and decided to make it private. My sister couldn't believe I decided to not write it as personal information. She said " for 40 years all you wanted to do was write about your life. What changed?" I'm not even sure right now. Part of it was that there were so many views on it, I was surprised. Yet not one mention on any level like a review or something. That could be good because people were reading it but maybe bad because they didn't say if it was helpful. I'll have to read it again later or something. I was so sure about it being a good enough project to write for the Dear Me contest! It was exciting last week because it seemed that my writing had a planned purpose for the year. And wanting to have something positive to look forward to, besides all the work it's taking to " get better". I have like 5 or 6 bottles left of this horrid liquid, I must take an hour before I eat. Half hour before a pill to take! Arrrgggh. Sis tries to cheer me up " at least you aren't in chemo or something like that". True I'm counting my blessings it could be worse. I was afraid that it was serious. Anyway sorry for the rant! I'm not sure what God G-d wants me to do with my life and experiences. So many things can trigger me back to the past. I've learned from whom I called " my Cool Shrink" That I should " stay out of bad neighborhoods. Meaning the thoughts of dark negativity. In the past it could be that I didn't matter etc. Also she taught me to Revisit the past BUT Don't Remain/dwell in the past. I think it's a fine line to write about the past with an agenda to help others, yet it's not a story in this case. I used to think that " everything happens for a reason" That my life ( and everyone's) had a purpose. That God G-d in the end would show who really deserved to enter the Gates of peace. That the others wouldn't be happy there or deserving enough to be there. In my case there was a lot of injustices, because of others choices. The thing that got me through was my faith. That God G-d didn't want people to suffer, but couldn't prevent it. But was there to help us through it. On another note 🎵 After 3 years,we paid off the car! It's 12 years old and runs like a champ 🏆! Now the insurance won't be full coverage and can get sis a TV she can see. We watched all the Survivors! And most days I have to " dig Deep"! Just to make it through the day. This week we see the eye specialist and praying 🙏🙏🙏he has good news for her. That the retina specialist will help her see better. It's a big freaking deal in our world. Otherwise I don't want to think about it. It's like that old show "Beat the clock ⏰" We have to get to Pensacola while she can still drive. Please add your prayers to mine. And for a friend here who has been very sick. I noticed she hasn't been on yet. It's raining! I'm standing under a overhang. I noticed that this has become a journal! Bits and pieces 🧩 of life 😁! One day sis said " My life has become, four walls and a virtual life" Can't go anywhere but to the store and laundry 🧺. I'm either on my tablet or phone ". I said" I know what you mean, I see pictures come up on my memories feed, all the places we went and 10 years of raising the grandkids and going to the beach,or holiday market. And we are alone out here not too many places to go or parks. She said " Yeah and you've been so sick, can't get to the beach early enough, before it gets too hot at 11. I just want you to get better and be ok so we can do things again 😊!". I'm in the van now so I'll end this for now. Have a blessed weekend 🌹😁!+ |
Hi again! Hope you're doing good 👍. It's been over a week since I last here. Wow, peeps so much has happened in that time! I was pretty much wiped out after the endoscopy and the news that came with it. I thought about writing here about it but it was enough to get some emails out and try to be in touch on our wall! I shared some news that was a big deal 😄 for me and some others, like winning 3rd in the Vagrant Vignettes contest! That was pretty awesome 😎. Out of 43 entries blew me away. It gave me a lot of confidence in my ability to write and take a chance! Sometimes I see myself as a " newbie" in the sense that so many people here are doing contests and some have books on Amazon and other places. Yet I've been getting great feedback and support from some honest people who me to succeed as well 🙏. In life and beyond. You can't put a price on that... So I always wanted to enter the Dear Me contest. It was a WDC contest and decided after writing it that no matter what happened, I had a realistic plan for this year! It took courage to finally do it! Now I'm not standing still but moving forward ⏩. Usually, after a big something my mode was to enjoy it and didn't think about the next thing. Three's a charm 🧿 they say and now I'm digging in my Edit folder 📁. The Quiet room Holding on to hope, was a little green notebook I had bought in 2001. I was trying to cope with my health and life then and my secret dream of wanting to write a self-help or self-healing type of book. Part of it became how I was learning about things like PTSD and the reality it applied to me. Part was how to accept and even thrive despite it! Lastly how I could use this all to help others who were also dealing with it. Finding out I wasn't alone in dealing with it. Whew looking back at this, I know the Lord was with me every step 🙏🪜 of the way. Even if I couldn't always see it. I always believed that even though my life has been a challenge to say the least. That there's a reason for it. People who knew me or even strangers who talked to me, like at the park, taking my granddaughter when she was younger, would say " you should write a book about your life". It was harder than I thought and life was busy but now I'm at the age where I have the time! I almost lost my motivation but here I am! Taking a chance and believing that somehow I will figure it out. My sister doesn't understand what the book is for or why I'm writing it. She wished me luck. She would never read a book on that topic because she doesn't need it or understand what a spiritual book of encouragement would do for anyone. She laughed because I have believed in God G-d, through different faiths through the years. But I said " I always come back to believe." She didn't understand when I tried to explain a blog I read yesterday, about someone who had a lousy experience with a publishing company and the advice he gave me in an email. She didn't understand about " early AI" and how primitive it was in art ( talking about the cover art they wanted to use instead of what he had done professionally!) She came in as I was writing this to tell me that President Trump got everyone out of tents in North Carolina and into furnished rooms. After they had been living in the snow all this time. I'm happy to hear that. No matter how people may view it. ( I tried to find info on this. It's late but I wanted to know if the above was true but didn't see anything so don't know where she read it. I wish it was because those people have been neglected. Private citizens came to help like the Amish,who built little wood dwellings to keep them from the cold and snow. People filled up their hotel free with as many could fit. Many more did what Fema didn't. ) So almost time to take the yuk medicine! Tonight I'm cooking! Making breaded pork chops 😁 and apple sauce. Time to feed the kitty's and clean the kitchen. Have a blessed rest of your day 🙏. |
{/font ... Hi, Ya'll! I'm working on the fonts and my goal is to get them bigger in my 2nd fav style. I want it to be readable to all! Working off ye old Chromebook! This will be short. I've been doing whatever to get better. Believe me,it's been a lot of doing and letting go of foods in my life. Cutting down my ciggies too. I want my 70th year to be a healthy and productive one! I'm taking a " Writers boot camp from Hay house" It's 4 days and I hope to get some pointers for my writing. My Port is a hot mess! So much to pull together. My days are up and down with how i'm feeling but giving it my Capricorn all! I'm behind in saying hey via email to some folks,but they know what's up so I won't stress it! Sending hugs and luv . More later! Rain check on emojis! |
Hi y'all 👋 2025 is supposed to be a strange year according to Astrology. It's starting off not very good. The tragedy in New Orleans and now the fires in California. And many other people involved in situations like that 😔. I was going to write ✍️ about my stomach issues but not for now. It's bad I can say it. Hopefully not fatal. So maybe there is still time for me to get writing done this year! I found my way to Jackson's Facebook page and just felt like writing. I decided to copy it here just because. Blessings 🙏 and thanks for my friends here who keep me supported no matter what ❤️🌈.... I believe you can hear me Jackson, somewhere by that Rainbow Bridge . I feel your presence every day. I look at the little dog toy my grandson gave me 4 years ago sitting on my bed. Just like you used to. You still bring tears to my eyes and soul. I hope you have peace 🕊️ and well always know how much I still love you. I've been very sick and trying to get better. They looked inside and there were a lot of ulcers. I haven't been able to keep up on this page or most of my Writing.Com except my blog and a vignette I wrote for a contest. She's sick and will get back to judging it when she can. So we started this page together almost 5 years ago. You passed on Jan 28, 2020. That was a terrible year. My grandson ended his life. His mom didn't want me in hers My friend and teacher passed away from COVID. It still hurts writing about it all. I keep wanting to write ✍️ an article about you. I have pictures that come up on Facebook in my memories. As if you were still here. As if you never were taken from me in death. I want to write about how we saved you and the good times. I still remember how many things you destroyed also. And had to be replaced, not all could. The damage was done before we ever met. You were half dead and probably were hungry for your whole 3 months. I didn't know about separation anxiety in puppies. I didn't know a lot but I did My best. They said " I gave you the best 6 months you could ever have" Then they put you to sleep after we gave you treats. I felt your spirit pass through me ❤️. Then you were gone 😞. I throw myself on you Saying I love you Zei Guzent Be well. That moment forever ♾️ with me every day and night. |
Hi, y'all 👋🤠! I wanted to thank you for holding my hand ( virtually!) And reaching out to me during my stress test! Sometimes we feel alone and forget God G-d Jesus sees us and knows what's going on. When I wrote my last post, I felt like George Bailey in it's a wonderful life, when he's about to meet Clarence the angel. It was not a good headspace but I wrote what I was going through and soon it was like when everyone was helping George when he got home! Folks here ( and my good friend MABs) cared enough to reach back to me. Cheered me up and even had me laughing ( sometimes not an easy task!) They shared personal experiences and prayed and gave of themselves and their good souls. There's so much love and caring for people here on Writing dot com. An email or a word of support can do so much. As we start this New Year 🎊 of 2025 let's be thankful for each other and appreciate the Storymaster and StoryMistress for what they created here. For some of us a place to worship along with others who live to write ✍️😻🙏! A place to share our writing and also our good days and sometimes our bad, scared sad ones too. That's what life is about to be there for each other and build bonds and know,we are making a better world 🌎🌍! Tomorrow is my big day ugh! I feel more peaceful and hopeful than I did and that's a huge thing 💕. All my best to y'all 😁! See ya when I see ya Thanks Ps so happy people are still enjoying Help is just a click away... Hoping for # 2! |
Hey, y'all 👋. Today is a strange day. I've been worried about the endoscopy coming this Tuesday morning. I have all this preparation for it and was trying to keep it to myself pretty much. Today sis said " you need to make a list of people to call,in case you don't wake up or something happens. I don't even know your phone number!" Well it's logical of course but took me to a higher level of more things to worry about! Probably nothing ( she said) will happen but just in case. I had been thinking about death and Angelo's Bikerider passing, just before Christmas. I wrote something about it and to him but forgot about it, until I was looking for paper to make her a list. In the middle of the night sometimes, thinking that my portfolio here will be my existing writing and what an unfinished mess it is! That I may not get a chance to write that book. We never know. I dropped my good friend MABs and email just before coming here. Wrote her pretty much what I said here. My last post seemed to be an inspiration to some, which means a lot to me. Life isn't easy but there are good moments and connections with people that make it worthwhile. I was prayed for by Pwheeler in the TLC Prayer Parlor and that was a blessing indeed. Tomorrow after 1 pm, clear liquid s chicken broth, orange jello and ginger ale will be the foods of the day. Tuesday morning my thyroid meds and Blood pressure med with 2 sips of water. No smoking but I'm sure I'll have one cig and be a big pile of nerves! I'm not sure when I'll be back,if it goes well probably Wed I'm hoping. My daughter sent me a picture of her and she looks a lot like me 💗. I don't have too many people on my contacts list but each one means much! I should write Storymaster just in case because one never knows what a day may bring. I'm trying to be optimistic as all this swirls around me. That whatever is wrong can be fixed. That's all I have.🙏 So pray for me if you can. I appreciate it. Hopefully will be back soon 🤠! Ps after I shared this, she needed my other information and said "she doesn't see why doing this should upset me. That it's no big deal. That she shouldn't have said anything. That I'm making more than it is. I was planning on wiping down my desk and things in my room with Murphy soap! Vacuuming and getting my room nice for the week. None of that got done. It's 2 PM and I'm tired. Is it just me making a deal out of nothing or just not feeling like joking about it right now. Anyway hope you're day is better than mine! |
Hi 👋 y'all! Hoping your holidays 😉 were merry and bright 🌞! Mine were super and also a few bummers. My last post was filled with a prayer 🙏🤲 and some history of our life. I was almost too down to write ✍️ but in the past,used to write in journals. Over a hundred at least. Somehow I got away from the paper and pen 🖋️ in my hands and started Blogs on several sites. Always abandoning them for a time and/or starting a new one about another topic and adding whatever was currently going on in my life. One was Autism and our experience with ( hers) our grandson and how he went from a non-speaking child of 3 stuck in his own little world and over a few years into a brilliant child who still struggled, but who communicated and was definitely living in our world! The same child that I would sometimes have to carry out of stores ( at 60 to 80 lbs!) get in the car and calm down. He's a teenager and you can't tell any of what it took to make it happen. He has a favorite memory that when I still lived in Oregon,he would ask me " Grandma Dee Dee tell me the story when I hit you in the head with my book-please!) Every family has its tales! It's stories of relatives past and present. Moment's in time that matters to somebody that becomes part of who they are. I'm blessed because one little boy I wouldn't give up on, became who I believed in. That even though some " experts" didn't believe it was possible, I KNEW it WAS! One night before bedtime I said to my sister " I'm going to try and read " Lil Man" a bedtime story." She looked at me like I said I was going to climb Mount Everest! She said "Okay good luck with that one! Dee I know you mean well and your heart is in the right place, just don't get your hopes up. We can only do so much, but try if you want. Don't expect too much, you know how he is . I walked into his room and said " hey honey it's time for bed and tonight I'm going to read you a story. Look it's called Good Night Moon 🌝! He looks at me with suspicious eyes and a scowl. I started to read the first line" In the great green room " By the time I was saying great, he grabbed the book and threw it at my head! I was not hurt ( except my feelings) surprised yet not. I looked at Lil Man and said" That's ok , your tired. We'll try tomorrow night. I love you sweetie. This went on every night for about a week or so. I'd start to read and he'd grab the book and threw it on the bed. One night he listened to a couple of words. In the great. Slowly it became a sentence! In the great green room Then There was a telephone And a red balloon 🎈. ( Since all my journals are lost, maybe on my old WordPress blog I wrote the exact time it took, longer than a month I'm sure!❤️) This is a longer version but the truth 😉. After a long while,he listened to the whole book and every night he started asking for his story! Then he started reading it with me and a few months later. I started reading more stories to him, until he had so many books we had to get more shelves. I almost stopped writing this because of a situation here. We have a very old tub and it's got a tiny drain hole. It's a nasty tub that won't come clean,no matter what we use. It's also got old glue from those nonslip stickers. She wants to get a paint scraper from the dollar store tomorrow. I'm going to take a metal hanger and try to snake it out. The water takes forever to go down and buying drain cleaner gets expensive every month. If this was my journal--; this would be what I would write ✍️. Only no one would see it. I'm not going to be a fancy writer ever. So it doesn't matter what I write about. I'll never be in the quills or get nominated for anything and that's ok. I'm surprised I entered a contest and didn't pull out at the last minute! Guess I'm just me! I was on LinkedIn ( I have a page) and was looking for a remote Proofreading job. I really can't make more than 85 bucks a month or I'd be in trouble. They'll take half of whatever I make and the rent would go up. But I was looking anyway and saw a volunteer position to help underprivileged high school students that want to be writers. I thought maybe I could help encourage them! And answer questions. I was excited about it. Until I saw they want professional people and that was the end of that. New year eve was crazy. I set my alarm for 6 AM We had a big day ahead. By 9:17 was about to go to sleep when people started setting off loud fireworks. It sounded like bombing going on. It was out in front, down the block and behind the building. Cheryl's window was shaking and she could see the bright light each time one exploded. A lady came out to yell but to no avail. It went on for hours. On the left BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM, then the right ( see above) Then down the block I thought " how much money did these idiots spend to keep children and seniors and everyone awake? I was pissed 😡 as I'm sure most of the people in this complex were. But you can't yell at people anymore because they will target you and they could have a gun. So you can't do anything... I tried to get some sleep 😴 but it was broken by the noise. 6 AM came and I made coffee and by 9:30 out the door 🚪. We vacuumed out the car and put things in the trunk. Drove to Walmart and left the car for an oil change and went food,kitty litter and food shopping. At the self-checkout, the man in front of us was loading his riding cart and suddenly he called for the checker. He has a Humana spend card ( like us for seniors) but it wouldn't take it. We were concerned ( There's been times when we did a huge shop like over a hundred bucks and the same thing happened to us. We left everything when they said " we can't do anything, it's a third-party glitch." We went to Win Dixie after and had no problem but things were more expensive.) We were hoping that it wasn't going to happen again. The man took his bags and was going to leave anyway but our friend at the door who knows us and the times we had the problem! Took the cart back to someone to put back. Meanwhile we were scanning ours out of the riding cart and cart I was pushing. Cheryl bagged and I used her card to pay for part of it and said out loud " Jesus please let this card work oh Lord!" I went from stressing to relief when it said accepted! I prayed the same words loud when using my card and it worked! Sandra at the door checking our receipt was happy to hear ours worked! We wished each other a blessed New Year's and headed for a money order for rent. Barbara got it ready and we also wished each other the same. Both are older black ladies and some of the best people you could ever meet! I'm thankful to the people who picked me up with faith here, when I felt like mine was gone this week. I don't have too many people but I appreciate those near and far who believe in God G-d and Jesus and live it, not just talk 🦜 it! So best wishes from Dee Dee in real life 🙏! |