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Left-overs piled on hot rice and mixed. |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bibimbap พีบิมบับ (pheebimbap) At home in Thailand we do something similar. At home, we make rice and top it with whatever we didn't finish from the last meal. I finally decided to use June 2022's entries for my responses to other bloggers' entries. I tend to do this daily anyways and post in my weekly 'catch-all' blog (added to every day} "Porthole" ![]()
Each entry to be brought to the notice of Ẃeβ࿚Ẃỉtcĥ and StephBee when they are running the Bard Blog Contest. For bitem:981150 sponsored by huser:webwitch and huser:sgcardin |
I remember the soothing whistle of the steam engines along the broadway of the Pennsylvania Railroad as it passed Grapeville. In contrast, diesel was so harsh... I remember our elm tree (MY elm tree) and my first garden in the back corner of the back yard. We had a cat, Tippy (one of my oldest memories). Small things make me happy. So much is now gone; but, while my life may have a hollow and lonely sound as if I'm lost... I'm still here where you can find me. To Chrys O'Shea in "Things that Make Me Smile" ![]() Small things tend to make me smile. My favs on your list: 11. The train whistle in the middle of the night and 4:00 am. I live in a mobile home park near the train tracks. Did you know that the trains sound different late at night than they do during the day? They do. During the day, they sound muffled and always in a hurry. Late at night, they have a hollow and lonely sound, as if they are lost. 12. Trees Always standing tall, strong and at attention. So many of them have been around for years—generations. I look at them and feel the history that they must have seen. Especially the trees in the forests." I'm not dead yet. That's one of my laments. It's hard giving up the dreams of my youth. But, there have been other dreams. And if I live long enough I may still live them. To Kelly Petersen on FB: "You will not be dead until those who remember you are dead. I like having young friends, but they'll only remember me as an old codger..." My day-to-day life is boring. Today I ate. I walked. I drank coffee. I think I saw a green/blue/brown kingfisher fishing. I made a green-blue tea out of pea-flowers. I took photos of yet another wat. Last night I went to a market. Tonight we'll go back. Chickens, dogs, frogs... and the sounds of the night in Maha Sarakham. To scarlett_o_h in "Invalid Entry" ![]() ![]() ![]() My life is boring. I have daily routines I keep track of that remind me I'm still breathing. Plus Pan provides me with support. I've lived alone for years so this is good for me. Today we are in Maha Sarakham." 183 |
To {huser:scarlett_o_h in "Invalid Entry" ![]() ![]() ![]() Most of the action is on the Newsfeed, "Question of the Day!" ![]() ![]() I'm forced to make new friends all the time as people come and go. Carrots... I dunno what to say. Ducks?" To {huser:missbusta07 re "summer cold" ![]() 1. Do give locally. There are many who do not receive money from large organizations; people matter. 2. Shitshow of mental stress... yeah, limit that. I had a bad day today. 3. Maui doesn't seem to be getting the media attention that's needed. But I'm sure Hawai'i is responding. 4. I have been generous in the past. I need to get back to that. 5. A new birder feeder on the deck! Close to the windows! Problem solved... so said the cats when they called me. To {huser:beholden in "I Blame Flo" ![]() I had Farmers when I lived in Kansas and Nebraska last century. I don't carry insurance anymore." 166 |
It takes a lot of time and effort to write and edit. WdC isn't very useful unless you are at the basic or, better yet, upgrade level. That costs... not much... but some people, especially the young and old, are poor. Writing and traveling are my priorities and passions; but, others need financial support just for a place to sleep or food to eat. Getting published? It may take 100 submissions, half of them rejections, the other half ignored, to even hope to get published. Connections help. Academic status? MFA? Name recognition (if you are already famous...), nepotism, money... In the end it takes money to edit, submit, promote... To Innerlight Author (Grace) "August 7 23" ![]() At my age "I don't have to do anything" but how would that be different than being dead? So... I do what I want when I can with what I have. I can't live someone else's life. So I write and I travel because I want to and I can. Ah... grammar! A bane for every writer, especially if they speak a dialect, or use language creatively. Poets are often a target of the grammar police. Essays in English? Don't get me started... ![]() Rain? I grew up in a damp climate; but, I've lived in dry dusty places. I prefer the rain. Until it floods. I live on the 8th floor. ![]() To tracker "Invalid Entry" ![]() After three days of drizzle here... sun. ![]() But it's the south-west Monsoon Season here (I think). Soon it will shift (no promises) and the threat of typhoons, heavy rains and flooding will become an issue. For me personally? Good drying day for the hung laundry. I changed shoes. The sandals were perfect for this climate until it rained. Slipping and sliding is great for children but not for those who easily bruise; and with age, broken bones need to be avoided. I can see a hospital from my balcony; another is within walking distance. I go further to get my hair cut. But, I don't want to pay a visit and learn about the Thai medical system first hand. To QueenNormaJean now the melt (NormaJean) "A Big Complaint" ![]() Just don't OD... someone may be blocking the way to the ER... just saying... I'm more careful with my movements now. Age does that. No twisting, turning, jumping... nothing quick or thoughtless. I work out every morning to get out of bed (movement is life) and to maintain what I have left (youth abandoned me decades ago). My mind keeps track of this in my blog... my body in other ways. Some days I swear it mumbles "revenge". 157 |
Today is a Pank Day (which makes me think of David and Melinda McClain... both gone for years now). David was a true storyteller, one of the best here. Melinda loved horses. I think David named his blog "Almosta Farm". Wish I had copies... Sorji is querying! (Sara) "Good Vibes" ![]() ![]() You've been here forever... and a few days added. I joined 18 years ago as well. WdC has changed... and so have we! I watched Barbie a couple days ago. One of the shocks for Barbie was 'change'. In the end all of the "barbies" and "kens" needed to adjust. We will too. I document my experiences whenever and wherever I am. I try to mention places and dates... I can't remember everything and frankly... everything changes. My point-of-view hopefully helps others realize that what's in the tourist brochures isn't necessarily day-to-day reality... anywhere. And I find a need to remind others that my experiences won't be theirs. For example, I've never been a party person. JCosmos on Newsfeed: "Can't comment on what it used to be like in Thailand; but, in Udon Thani folks are fairly chill (but avoid the police). That said, there's lots of news about tourist misbehavior. People think that Thailand is a place where they can do anything they want (it has that reputation) and then find out that Article 112 is real and enforced or that arguing doesn't work well in this culture, especially with the police, or that respect is not an option. Daily stupidity keeps all the embassies and consulates busy. Isan is far away from the Party Zones of Phuket or Pattaya though." The movie "Barbie" was fine. Like "Pleasantville" there are important messages aimed at Mid America... but I'm not there now. Can't say whether the movie translated well in Asia. Pan and I watched it in (rapid-fire) English with Thai subtitles. He liked it. Me... it was 'fine'. I exercise and walk every day so that I visit the Real World and not just live in my mind. ridinghhood-p.boutilier (Patricia) in "August 7, 2023" ![]() On this pink day (Tuesday = pink in Thailand) I'll exorcise (exercise), study, read and write. I'm not doing much either; but, years ago when I felt threatened by circumstances I left home and never went back. There were consequences, not all of them pleasant; but, "act or not act"... there are always consequences. 151 |
All three bloggers answered the same prompt. I just follow. Time for more coffee... always. And feeling blessed that my left hand hasn't caused any problems. As a left-hander that matters. To Lyn's a Witchy Woman (Lyn) re "August and rains" ![]() I've opened the door to the hall and the one to the balcony to get fresh air. It's a 'cool' 79 degrees. I love the coming and goings of the seasons. Thailand has them too. We had leaf-fall last week after some heavy rains as worn-out yellowed leaves littered the ground. It's the season of green papaya as the season of durian has passed. There isn't any snow here, but by November, 60s will seem cold and then 50s? Dry season can be brutal on vegetation but some take advantage of the sun to burst out in flowers and new leaves if their roots go deep enough. Every animal knows where the puddles and canals are. Survival is always key. As for surgeries... they are a type of survival as well. Not as important as coffee but still... August in Costa Rica and Thailand is rainy. Monsoons at the moment. Mostly drizzle... all day. But it's cooler and not as threatening to my well-being. It's bright enough that the weather doesn't depress me. People do... but that's neither-here-nor-there. Good memories of Lake Spitfire in the St. Regis region. To Joy (Joy) re "August Rains" ![]() August was never my favorite month. Great in Geneva when I visited once, but nowhere else. I endure August. As a child I spent time in my garden. My father would take off work for a week or two and we'd go to my grandparents in sticky-humid Pennsylvania or to the lake after my grandfather died, and for three years to the Adirondacks when I was 13, 14, 15. University started in August and usually the first football game. But I preferred September! I've always been a Spring/Autumn person. But it's raining here today. I rejoice in the cloud cover. I worked out in the drizzle. I have no problem shedding tears. August 15 is mother's Day in Costa Rica. August 1st-2nd marked the beginning of Buddhist "Lent" here this year. I celebrated MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech every August 28th years later, for 15 years. But August was mostly hoping my tomatoes would ripen and that school would start. It often was a lonely month growing up. To Prosperous Snow celebrating (Neva) in "A Rainy August Evening" ![]() I loved storms growing up... even the flood of August 1963. Someone rowed down our street! I loved the storms of Kansas and Oklahoma. I learned not to cross flowing water. I found out that hail could hurt and that winds could rip a town asunder. August... die she must. I preferred September. 144 views |
I truly believe that everything is related to everything. Specialists tend to make the big bucks with their hyper-focus; but, those who see patterns and understand the bigger scope of existence will make the bigger impact on whether this human world remains livable for us and other species. Our education and political systems need to consider that. To Beholden in "Being Schooled" ![]() Most things are hard to understand from the Outside. I've lived in 4 countries. I traveled 45 countries; but, I'm no expert on Paris just because I was there for 4 days (charmed I was). It's why I'd like to visit Kentucky. I am living here in Udon Thani. The daily experience is enlightening, and humbling and disconcerting (do I move here... then die here...). What will I learn? Whatever I must! To Quilli ☕ for QotD "What is something you didn't understand until it happened to you?" "Homelessness. It's the lack of privacy, of respect, of options. Many can't find a way out without help. I couldn't. Or the freezing to death (Michelle), death by overdose (Jason), death by drowning (Susie), death by brain cancer (Byron) or being hit by a train (Jeannie). I wrote poems for most if not all. They were SOMEONE. A harsh lesson to learn in a very harsh way. And Death is the worst of it? Not by far. Very hard to not have a place to stay. It's a major reason why folks don't flee abusers, leave home or the hometown they grew up in. The unknown is fraught with danger. I've taken in folks, been taken in. I have experienced both sides. A bottom line? Be generous. Be grateful. Be kind. To WakeUpAndLive (Petra) in "The perfect house..." ![]() Living in Thailand? Other issues; but, it's affordable now and that's not likely to change, outside of tourist destinations, unless the Chinese, Singaporeans, Russians, etc. are allowed to buy up everything. Greed comes in all sizes, shapes and colors. Yesterday was grey and cool and so was this morning. Rainy Season can be a blessing here. and "Fingers crossed!" ![]() ![]() Good news about your step-mom. ![]() Subsidized housing comes with lots of strings in the USA and some landowners refuse people for any reason. Almost everything I need is within walking distance both here in Thailand and in Montana. It makes a huge difference. So, kudos on that. " 138 |
We humans live short lives. Just ask the mountains who are children compared to the sea. And we are curious connivers. Ask any crow. They watch. They know. And they learn... To Robert Waltz (Robert) "Warped Minds" ![]() Routines are helping me get through depression and anxiety. Walking, chatting, exercising, writing, reading really help. My life is not without its pitfalls and Thailand is NOT a Paradise. Least of all for me. I told this to Pear at Koala last night. She works next door to where I live. Coffee? ![]() Money isn't an issue right now. Shoon? I put on my worn out sneakers and can now walk with confidence on wet pavement. Rainy season here is dangerous when w.e.t. (with.every.tumble). To Dr Gonzo (Neil) "Befriend Or Don't Befriend Part II" ![]() I exorcise (exercise) every day now (4 station mini). Some days more than others but overall I think it's helping. And I try to walk every day. Different muscles are used. Same with my activities here. Very different writing a poem than writing a story or vomiting in my blog. I do vomit best. ![]() My main problem in Thailand? A lack of friends. I'm not belly-to-the-bar like many of the old ex-pats in Udon Thani." and "There's Just Something About A New Pair Of Shoes" ![]() My sister sent money from my mother when she was put in a nursing home. Quite a bit really. I just put it in the bank as I wasn't traveling during Covid Season. May be one reason I don't stress as much over finances as before? I make goals, break them into objectives, sometimes don't accomplish everything every day; but, over time it has helped me. Past mistakes? I've been traumatized in the Past but doing better than before." I will never get to edit everything I've written. But it would be nice to get my vampire stories translated into Portuguese. My Thai/Lao may never get to that level of understanding. My cursive is lovely... when I try; but, making facsimiles for posting? I've thought about doing a small handwritten booklet that way. To PureSciFi "Mostly a Relaxing Day" ![]() If I could go from cursive to text that would solve some issues. I could then use an on-line translator for a rough translation. Hope this goes well for you." I think of Thailand as a single-service society. Use and discard. That applies to both plastic and people. Hard to make friends. Hard to make friends on social media as well. Not everyone at WdC seeks community or deems to interact. But I try to use what I pay for, reuse if I can. And that applies to WdC, plastic and establishing friendships. To Agape Novels (Joshua) "Update." ![]() I know nothing about rumble. I do watch tiktok (too much). rumble skews younger and somewhat male. That compares to WdC which is older and female. Very different audiences. I'm not interested in monetization as much as exposure. WdC worked well for that circa 2010. No longer. google promotes monetized ads to the point that it's no longer useful for even basic questions. It's a $$$ marketplace (but not of ideas). I used Amazon once and cancelled. I suspect my personal info was sold by them if not [by] others. Fortunately, I'm not of much interest to anyone." 132 views |
When does one realize that a relationship isn't working? How long does one hold on? Is holding on even worth the time and effort? I must say that I'm learning from my present foray into this subject. No idea how long this ride will last nor where it will go before it ends. To Tiggy (Tiggy) re "sheluvme" ![]() Pan and I have been together 9 months. I ask the same questions. It's easy living with him and I prefer that to living alone. That said... ain't no picnic. Love? So many ways to express it. Here in Thailand it's intertwined with rituals, traditions, family obligations and money... always money. Today is Thursday. I will buy him a rose. Love is simpler if society allows it. Even friendships can be fraught with drama when opposed by bigotry and custom. Growing up I didn't realize how deeply my community hated me. Not everyone... but enough of them. Made it hard to trust and love is hard without trust. It's good to love another; but it's best to love oneself. To 🌻 pwheeler ~ love joy peace re "He Loves Me & I Love Him" ![]() ![]() And they stayed married. But looking back... Mark was my first love, and I told him that over 30 years later. It was hard for me to say. He knew. I wanted a lot when I was a teenager but seldom got what I needed. I needed more than others could give me and I had no clue how to get anything for myself. Lack of self-esteem? ![]() ![]() ![]() Being gay was the greatest obstacle. In some ways it still is. I can't fall in love with just anyone and express it. I can't be openly gay in many parts of the world... or around certain people. I have few protections in the U.S. I'm considered 'dangerous' in Florida... but not only there... I write love poems. They are seldom, if ever, read by the one I write them to. Glad to read that you are happy. Glad that your life is full of love. ![]() ![]() If we aren't validated as children? Humans do not exist as individual self-contained units. Very few sentient entities on this planet do. If we are not validated with love can we still love others? Fortunately, there are always kind nurturers around. But do we, especially those who have been traumatized, accept their love? To THANKFUL SONALI Love my family (Sonali) in "Validation" ![]() I've been validated in many ways but for much of my life I've put up barriers and put in earplugs so I could neither see nor hear those kind affirmations. I rejected what little was offered and hid in my cave. Trauma will do that... Have I ever loved myself? That's the question I've faced for years." Inspired by 48-HOUR CHALLENGE: Media Prompt. The song, sheluvme by Tai Verdes. 117 |
Every day has its own color. Monday = yellow. Tuesday = pink. Wednesdays start out green and end up grey in Thailand. Thursday = orange. Friday = sky blue. Saturday = violet. Sunday = red. Colors have other meanings as well, especially red and yellow. Orange is my favorite color and the color of Udon Thani. My lungs can no longer take smoke. Smoke Season has apparently begun in Montana. It's brutal. I'm glad I'm here where the horizon is hazy from mist, showers or darkened from downpours. It was bad, very bad, in March and April. ![]() To Lyn's a Witchy Woman (Lyn) in "teleporting August" ![]() August... die she must... Yesterday was not an auspicious start to what has been one of my least favorite months in the past. At least I'm not in Montana. Teleportation would make my traveling easier but riskier. What if... the dial were set wrong? Anyhoo... Happy August?" To QueenNormaJean now the melt (NormaJean) in "Ugh - bugs. " ![]() Heard that there's smoke in WMT but I can't stress over that. I have other issues close to home. Took video of a birdwing yesterday. Big 10-12" wingspan butterfly. Black and brilliant yellow. See plenty of bugs in the tropics. Chalked for ants last week. Each fruit has its peak season here. Papayas are flowering so green papaya is everywhere." Pan came home without texting me. I opened the door after exercising and was shocked to see him sitting there. I put everything down so I could give him a long hug. He's not doing well. ![]() ![]() To Annette ~ back 3/24 (Annette) "Habit Heroes July page" ![]() My priorities evolve over time; but, I've been fairly consistent with daily exercise... a total surprise. Thai language, photos, walks... good with that too. Travel to Laos in July disrupted my rhythm but I still managed overall." My nerves are shot. Breathe in, breathe out. Focus on tasks... ![]() 115 |