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Left-overs piled on hot rice and mixed. |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bibimbap พีบิมบับ (pheebimbap) At home in Thailand we do something similar. At home, we make rice and top it with whatever we didn't finish from the last meal. I finally decided to use June 2022's entries for my responses to other bloggers' entries. I tend to do this daily anyways and post in my weekly 'catch-all' blog (added to every day} "Porthole" ![]()
Each entry to be brought to the notice of Ẃeβ࿚Ẃỉtcĥ and StephBee when they are running the Bard Blog Contest. For bitem:981150 sponsored by huser:webwitch and huser:sgcardin |
I should never rewrite someone's poetry but to my credit, I don't care what they do with my suggestion. It's their writing, not mine. I prefer a more economic style and want to cut out words that disturb the flow or add nothing (like 'the' or 'is'). One could say... I prefer terse verse. To Vanishing Vapor re "Salvaged?" ![]() the less I say, the less I chance, appearing weak — predators investigate, reveal themselves, learn of my strength — the hard way Just a thought. I've been thought of as 'weak'. They forgot about my fangs. 35 years later a different friend told me that I may have gotten lucky if I would've been more aggressive! To bob county "Super Porn Store!" ![]() We all have "moments". My chromebook is annoying me. I want to scream but that's not allowed in Thailand. Imposter syndrome? Very common. Shocked because we like music when we don't care as much for the genre or singer? Happens all the time. To Mighty (Mighty) "cruel summer" ![]() In other words you're being too hard on yourself. Have a moment to meditate or mourn; but, by Monday morning you'll make your move and get over it. (I love alliteration...) Seriously, rehydrate, sit in the shade, sip water or whatever, sultry summer won't snuff you out nor stifle you. You've got this! 111 views |
To huser:soledad_moon (Stik) in "Preserved Since 1935" ![]() Run ![]() I wear compression socks when traveling but have never thought about wearing them out of the context. So, kudos for thinking about that. I prefer working out with cloud cover. I could work out in the evenings but it's still sticky; mornings would make sense... not happening. Dutch villages... Delft is beautiful, historical, livable, but well-known and can be touristy. I want to visit Flevoland someday, possibly Urk, which was once an island and definitely has its own sense of place. Maastricht is very nice and there may be small villages in surrounding Limburg that few visit. To huser:judithd (Judith) in "Read to Learn" ![]() I would guess nonknowledge = ignorance. That said, some people are quite happy with not knowing or not caring (apathy), as engaging with reality can be painful and "ignorance is bliss". Perhaps we just sit on the island of our limited knowledge in a vast ocean of knowledge. Knowledge in the spiritual or physical sense. Nonknowledge seems to be a human construct denying that reality. Quotes: "The sum total of all scholarly and scientific works is a vast ocean of knowledge. To create new knowledge, all must swim in that ocean, building on the existing stock of wisdom." “As the Island of Knowledge grows, so do the shores of our ignorance—the boundary between the known and unknown. Learning more about the world doesn’t lead to a point closer to a final destination—whose existence is nothing but a hopeful assumption anyways—but to more questions and mysteries. The more we know, the more exposed we are to our ignorance, and the more we know to ask.” "I am the Sun of Wisdom and the Ocean of Knowledge. I cheer the faint and revive the dead. I am the guiding Light that illumineth the way. I am the royal Falcon on the arm of the Almighty. I unfold the drooping wings of every broken bird and start it on its flight. — Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 169 To huser:wolfgang Harlow: "Invalid Entry" ![]() "There are different types of leaders... some charge ahead, some support from behind. Either can be good or bad and remembered as such by whomever writes the history. Saint Donald may very well be remembered as such; albeit, not by me. Bowel movements, butts and patchouli. I love patchouli. So 1970s... ![]() I tend to smile a lot. Here... depends... ex-pats aren't very friendly and their face-of-scowls makes me back off." 103 |
To Nikola on Newsfeed "Note: Happy Friday Eve from the little library!
It'..." "Take boxes... take photos or sentimental stuff. If what remains is worth nothing, give-away or donate; if it's worth a bundle, sell it; if it's priceless, call Sotheby's and put it up for auction. But photos... find homes for those. If no one wants them, contact the local history museum. Enjoy your visit. ![]() To Annette in "WorldForge: Character Names" ![]() My vampire names range from Rosa to Thoom, dependent of where they are from or the language they once spoke; then there's Bunny... named for the pets she loves! Within a story I try to make sure the names are different in sound, shape and meaning. Like if I were writing about my childhood friends: Mary Pat, Mary Alice, Mary Elizabeth... new characters might be Merry Mary or Mother Mary Aloysius (a.k.a. MMA or just "mother" depending on who's listening... ![]() To tgifisher in "More Trump Biopics" ![]() The public loves shallow rom-coms and deep-hole-no-bottom conspiracies. Add enough s.e.x and you'll have a weiner (note... that's not a typo). Which will you write first?" 102 views |
To annette on the WdC Newsfeed "Note: In a recent newsfeed post, my dear friend and par..." : "I need to cut back on news as I'm a news-junky. I'm mesmerized by reels, Instagram, Tiktok... so I need to regulate that as well. I use my blog here to keep track of my routines and that includes writing. I've started journaling again after a 6 month hiatus. I've reconsidered daily rhythm and flow... I go through stages. Writing? I do best when I'm bored, day-dreaming, depressed. I've been a bit too busy for that. ![]() Rather than becoming distracted by reading on-line articles or WdC blogs or watching TikTok nonsense I've taken to commenting. It helps me with reasoning and writing skills. Here at WdC my daily objective is to read and comment on 3 blogs per day. I then put my comments in a separate blog "Bibimbap 비빔밥 " ![]() To AnniPon "Try, try, try in July" ![]() Do you plan on sleeping, eating or showering for the next 6 months? Just asking... To Tracker1948: Re "Tour de Ports" ![]() Checked in at "Invalid Item" ![]() I'm sure your efforts help make this web-site a better place for all. 98 views |
huser:sharziey "JAFBG- Shit that pissed me off!" ![]() huser:smeedyer email re "JAFBG Prompt" ![]() huser:DaveRyan re "Invalid Entry" ![]() I can be flexible but I'm older than you; and, unless it's necessary, why should I bother? I deal with my own quirkiness by embracing it or changing it. But old traumas? Same-same. I need to 'let them go' or 'let them be'. If it's not worth the fight I need to just make it clear to people to stop judging and mind-their-own-business." DaveRyan re "Book cover complete" ![]() 96 views |
huser:intuey in "Knock Three Times" ![]() "I can hear the music without turning it on. Maybe that's why I prefer silence? My favorite car was our '68 Dodge Polara. The '58 Biscayne, '60 Brookwood, '62 Biscayne? and '65 Impala? Chevys were fine. Hated the '73 Impala. My mother's car was the '60 station wagon. Anywho/what/where/when... a pleasant dream. I've struggled with nightmares." huser:elle in "Autism Spectrum Disorder" ![]() "I'm not surprised. 1. it's been obvious that he's struggling. 2. they didn't stress diagnosis years ago except maybe as a last resort. The 'lazy' 'uncooperative' child would get labeled and it was all downhill from there. Better awareness these days. There's also a bit more emphasis on what people CAN do instead of what they CAN'T. What are each individual's strengths? Let that redefine them. The diagnosis helps, especially with a counselor and in many school/work settings." huser:elle in "Mid year book freak out" ![]() "Thai BLs and lakorn (soaps) with mostly new young actors: BEST: ATOTS "A Tale of a Thousand Stars". Drama, love, setting, cinematography, music. worse: "fish in the sky". juvenile, disrespectful, silly. ACTORS: Nanon and Gun may be the best, but I love Kaotung, and Singto has a special place in my heart. actresses: are usually supporting characters, so unfair to compare. Best message: "Lovely Writer" points out the problems with this genre, the fans, the producers, the actors. Hopefully influenced the 'industry'. Insightful: "55:15" a weaving of 5 stories of characters who go back in time 40 years. Heartbreaking, music is key, incredible performances by younger and older actors. My favorite: "He's Coming to Me" makes me cry every time. Memorable scenes. Multi genre: BL, rom-com, mystery, detective, supernatural. Best color! "Vice Versa" wonderful cinematography in both worlds. Music: So many as these series put great thought into music and the acting/singing worlds are connected but "Lom" is played in public and its placement in ATOTS is appropo. I'm watching "Home School" right now and that's a non-BL with top-shelf actors. Very dark. Very suspenseful. Like "He's Coming to ME"... not clear where it's going until you get there. Yet, it all makes sense." huser:cathartes02 "Millimeters of Mercury" ![]() "I'm shrinking but it's not because of water... I'm an enigma to many. I share so much... so everyone thinks they know. But my secrets... I'm not always visible. Years of layered camouflage does that. I'm fire and earth, a lava rock, just saying... Working on that. I'm a bit off-center..." 95 views |
To huser:neilfury re "What's That Knocking Sound? It's Just My Knees." ![]() I like Udon Thani. I like SiSaKet even more. But I have tried many times to explain to Pan that I won't live out in the middle of nowhere, a 10 kilometer walk to anywhere. I love living in the center of a city or a small town. At my age I need to stay connected. It's not easy. Thailand. I may never make friends here. ![]() To huser:intuey in "The Hawking's Theory" ![]() To huser:forgiveness in "Relief" ![]() ![]() Glad to hear / not-hear that the roof is done. A sense of accomplishment. That and the contract being settled should be a great relief. Enjoy this moment." To Camille Rose Perry on pookface: "What hurts the most? It needn't be like that. There's a lot of good will and good-hearted people but when crushed under someone's boot-heel they perish or fight back just to survive. Those who 'have' can make a big difference by just checking in with their heart." |
To Mousethyme in "Invalid Entry" ![]() Getting out is the key unless people are used to visiting (I do remember the past century when neighbors were a tad less paranoid). Isolation is deadly. Power... have a Plan B. Now would be a good time to make one. Where to go. Who to call. How to manage electricity. Back-up generator, rechargeable batteries, do I know my neighbors? I grew up in Snow Country. Neighbors were important. I'm having difficulty making connections in Thailand. This small city is very convenient and easy to live in but I don't know more than a few words of the local language (slowly...) and many ex-pats are unfriendly. To IceSkatingSugarCube (Jennifer) in "Swim Meets, Vacations, and Trees, Oh My!" ![]() As for swimming... I'm learning! I have to work on breathing because I get short-of-breath and then I panic. Water is warm and not deep so I'm making decent progress. Days can be a hot 90 with nights 75. Thailand can be steamy in rainy season. I love the rain! Sun burns. I wear a hat. Even when I sweat working out (yeah... I'm doing that too... surprise!) I wear long pants and sometimes a long sleeve shirt. The flies and skitters are pesky. Thankfully we have lots of birds. Covering up is essential here during the day." For QotD. A list of 5 from least to worst: 5. Having a gun (real or fake... never knew) put to my head. I was cool and collected. 4. Being forced to drive to the border (I stopped at the precinct instead). I was mindful and focused. 3. Waking up to someone in my room standing by my closet. I was screaming and hysterical. 2. Being caught in a riptide, Cahuita, 1974 whilst I was walking alone. I was terrified and panicked! 1. A couple events from my childhood I cannot remember. I still am frightened of heights/edges and despise birthday parties. Trauma is never what happens. It's how the body reacts. Being homeless triggered traumas and was traumatizing in itself. I have a whole list for that and other events. My high-anxiety and deep-depression stem from those. I'm actually doing much better these days. 91 views |
To Stik re "Let's Hang Out" ![]() I have no idea what a zero-proof or and arcade-bar could be. Maybe a blog on regionalisms of the Frozen North Coast? I see no reason why a bookstore or library couldn't be 24/7. Yes, it would have to be set up for that but there are 7/11s here and all-night diners in US cities, and... the cop shop could be open with a public area instead of being a bunker (the ones I remember). No reason why it couldn't be in a mall, one that includes a tower or six of apartments. The integration of work and play and a place to stay is foreign to Americans who insist on living in don't-speak-to-your-neighbors whitewashed suburbs, work in a place that must include parking and an hour commute, while they spend their one-week vacay in deSantis-land or flying into the Casino-smorgasbord in the sweltering desert. I used to hang out in cafes pre-covid and went to the library every Tuesday. Here? I walk to the market most every day, drink coffee at home, and still have no clue where the local hang-out is located. Pan prefers delivery and taking Grab (like Uber) instead of walking. I could scream. To Mary Martin Arnold on fb: "OMG... that is spot on! I remember Brandon... very violent alcoholic. In getting to know him I realised that drugs and alcohol were his meds. His severe depression was one of his main problems." To fatherthymme re "Day337, 7-21-23 Update" ![]() At 71 I'm slowing down and being very careful; but, this year in Thailand has helped: not living alone, working out every day, swimming most every day, getting out of bed (number 1 most important task). I keep track of new routines to establish new habits. "I may be slow but it gets done." To Steph re "Book review: The Duke and I " ![]() I prefer those that are more than a rom-com. One I'm watching now "AiLongNhai" is supposedly fluffy and pointless and unlike most BLs the sex comes in episode #2... which actually makes sense plot-wise. Sex-too-soon, even when consensual, provides the tension. I'm also watching "Home School" (horror imho) and "Enigma" (super-natural drama), neither of which is BL, two series with young actors I'm familiar with due to BLs. What works? Chemistry between the couples-to-be, the ease with which the actors play off each other and whether they become their character is one essential ingredient. I so need to do reviews! To be edited... 88 views |
Honorable mention. I will try to do better next year. This year I was thrilled just to finish. My concern? Blogging is still not respected and apparently there has always been a discussion as to what a blog is and what purpose it serves. Like the difference between Bookface, It'sagram, Twatter and Tock-Tic. None of them are good for blogging though. Bookface is great to keep connected and is useful for photos; Twatter serves blurby banter (great for the inarticulate or irrational); It'sagram works for short poetry or prose and photos; Tock-tic is video based and unfortunately misused and easily misinterpreted (there is no rest-of-the-story). All serve folks who prefer scandal and shallow connections. Memes may be 'funny' but they are a waste of time for me personally. So... back to blogs.
No sweat really. WdC writers seldom read blogs (I keep track of views) and even fewer leave a 'like' and seldom do I get a comment. 7 people commented in BiBimBap in June. Which was nice. I haven't responded to all comments yet; I usually do in time. |