Left-overs piled on hot rice and mixed. |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bibimbap พีบิมบับ (pheebimbap) At home in Thailand we do something similar. At home, we make rice and top it with whatever we didn't finish from the last meal. I finally decided to use June 2022's entries for my responses to other bloggers' entries. I tend to do this daily anyways and post in my weekly 'catch-all' blog (added to every day} "Porthole" .
Each entry to be brought to the notice of Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ 2025 and StephBee when they are running the Bard Blog Contest. For bitem:981150 sponsored by huser:webwitch and huser:sgcardin |
huser:sharziey "JAFBG- Shit that pissed me off!" "We have interesting butterflies in Thailand... just saying. And the hummingbirds of Costa Rica are famous... as are the toucans and macaws... did I mention monkeys? Taiwan has macaques and plenty of seafood. Europe is too hot in August... except for Geneva... and Scandinavia and Scotland. Visit New Zealand! Or a nice beach in Michigan. Lake Superior may be cold, but not as cold as your relationship with in-laws." huser:smeedyer email re "JAFBG Prompt" "If you are going to listen to the Q-conspiracy proponents, please be familiar with the teachings of Baha'u'llah. The concept of Oneness is a concept that transcends the black/white beliefs of winners and whiners. The either/or choice is simplistic black/white thinking promoted by those who think there are two sides of a fence without considering the viewpoint of the gull or the mole." huser:DaveRyan re "Invalid Entry" "I wear briefs. I don't feel comfortable in loose boxers or binding boxer-briefs. Outside I dress more-or-less like a professional. The ex-pat community here wears shorts with whatever. I may look odd to them in my long sleeve shirt (pink yesterday, because pink is the color of Tuesday; Wednesday is green until evening when it's grey) but it protects against mosquitoes, flies and sunburn. I can be flexible but I'm older than you; and, unless it's necessary, why should I bother? I deal with my own quirkiness by embracing it or changing it. But old traumas? Same-same. I need to 'let them go' or 'let them be'. If it's not worth the fight I need to just make it clear to people to stop judging and mind-their-own-business." DaveRyan re "Book cover complete" "Is it YA? Because a teenage audience would connect with the bullying. ... Title is fine! girdle and killing in italics is perfect. I can hear the voice behind it. ... I like the color of the cover. I didn't notice the girdle until you pointed that out, but it's in the title. No worries. ... Best of luck." |