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Left-overs piled on hot rice and mixed. |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bibimbap พีบิมบับ (pheebimbap) At home in Thailand we do something similar. At home, we make rice and top it with whatever we didn't finish from the last meal. I finally decided to use June 2022's entries for my responses to other bloggers' entries. I tend to do this daily anyways and post in my weekly 'catch-all' blog (added to every day} "Porthole" ![]()
Each entry to be brought to the notice of Ẃeβ࿚Ẃỉtcĥ and StephBee when they are running the Bard Blog Contest. For bitem:981150 sponsored by huser:webwitch and huser:sgcardin |
I thought living alone was grand until covid hit. The loneliness did great damage. Now I share a place. In spite of the barriers of language, culture and personality, it's worth it. Pan does any heavy lifting. We both cook and shop and clean; but, I think he does more. He can't manage money and he doesn't believe in planning, but I do! In many small ways we help each other. Neither of us has any energy. Me due to age; Pan due to meds. To Sorji is querying! (Sara) in "I knew I wouldn't get anything done this weekend. lol" ![]() Games and books = a movie? For some reason I thought of the ancient movie "Tron". We keep rice and coffee in our place at all times... and eggs. So much one can do with rice. We walk to the nearby markets (street vendors, stalls, etc.). At my age I'm very very careful No lifting for me! I do a mini-workout every day when I'm home and walking is on my checklist. Use it or lose it! I don't know whether I've lost any more weight, but I don't seem to have gained any back... so that's good. " I was stopped by the plaintive mews of a cat yesterday. She looked like she had babies. She had a collar and was quite friendly. Hope she's there next time I pass by. A real sweetie with startling green eyes. AI is a real threat or opportunity. It's difficult for people to adjust to rapid change. To bob county (Muzzy): "Read a bunch of your short entries in your blog "That is perfectly normal... Maybe." ![]() ![]() My Aunt Verna lost her ability to smell when she was around the age I am now. She could only smell onions. I may be going down that road. Since smell and taste are related I wonder whether my ability to tolerate brussel-sprouts and onions has something to do with the loss of certain senses. As for chili spices? They make me cough, sneeze or choke. I think of my sister and her allergies. We are so alike in many ways other than this. To Joy (Joy) in "Scents and Smells" ![]() We use rose a lot here; The smell of durian will make you run! But in Montana I love sandalwood and lavender and cook with herbs de Provence. I'm moody ... so perhaps I'm more affected than most folks. I don't have the allergies that many complain about." For June 2023
Sponsored by Ẃeβ࿚Ẃỉtcĥ and StephBee ~450 words 47 |