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Left-overs piled on hot rice and mixed. |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bibimbap พีบิมบับ (pheebimbap) At home in Thailand we do something similar. At home, we make rice and top it with whatever we didn't finish from the last meal. I finally decided to use June 2022's entries for my responses to other bloggers' entries. I tend to do this daily anyways and post in my weekly 'catch-all' blog (added to every day} "Porthole" ![]()
Each entry to be brought to the notice of Ẃeβ࿚Ẃỉtcĥ and StephBee when they are running the Bard Blog Contest. For bitem:981150 sponsored by huser:webwitch and huser:sgcardin |
I miss old contests that stretch my poetic mussels (not a typo... on porpoise) and made me think like an octopus in a jar... how the hell... do I get out of here? I'm eating squid with rice today. I added onion, garlic, carrots, mushrooms (enokitake). A bit bland but bland will do this fiercely hot afternoon. It's hazardous to go out due to heat and pollution. Time to enter a contest? Write a little? This old body wants to take a nap... and there's no one stopping me. To Choconut: One I can add to my collection [re merit badge]. I really appreciate earning merit badges. I already entered this round [of Shadows & Light] but need to find one for the next. Still hoping that Taboo and Verdant come back some day. They both served a purpose. Is it time? or gps? or lack of interest? or lack of judges? Oriental is another contest (not yours... but...) that would be worth restarting. Innerlight Author: It's poetry month! ![]() I'm cooking vegetable rice with pickled squid at the moment. It may be finished. ![]() I exercised this morning in the humid heat. Now 97° at noon. We could use rain but a week of 100+ and not a drop in sight. Thunder and stormy tomatoes? My eyes... have seen the gory... ![]() I can walk up and down the hot hall here but it's too toasty with bad air to do my regular walking outside. Movement is life. Keep moving. To tracker: Breathe. Choose one task and do it. Breathe again. When you're calm... do another. This is why I seldom enter month-long contests. They frazzle my nerves and that can aggravate my mood swings. For me, at this age, I do what I can. I cannot promise to meet other people's expectations. I thought about GoT but I'm not a big fan of the series. I'd be from some minor house in the fields around Florent or on a small unimportant island. We common folk have stories too; just stories that never make the histories of kings and kingdoms. That said, I'm a dragon 🐉, but more like a blue-green (azure?) dragonet (fire-lizard) of Pern. 809 |