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Rated: 13+ · Book · Activity · #2293321
A musically-inspired challenge with writing prompts posted twice a month. Prizes included!
The One-Line Lyric Challenge has been updated -- please read below!

Welcome to the One-Line Lyric Challenge!

Every month, I will post two songs: One with a lyric prompt (start of the month) and one as a song prompt (middle of the month).
Entries will be due at the end of the month for either prompt.

Lyric Prompt: Write a poem or story and include the prompted lyric line somewhere in your work, word for word. It's up to you how you want to incorporate the line. Please bold the line to make it easier for me to find. It's OK if your work is loosely inspired by the song, but try not to make it too similar or copy the song. If you don't like the provided lyric prompt, you can pick a different line from the lyrics to incorporate (only one line).

Song Prompt: Write a poem or story inspired by the song. You do not need to include any lyrics directly, and in some cases there may not be any lyrics. Just write whatever the music or lyrics inspires.

Please link back to the challenge somewhere in your entry using {item:lyric} and post your entry as a link in the comments here.

The Prizes: 5K GPs, a merit badge of my choosing, plus a guaranteed review of your entry.
If you enter both prompts that month, you will get double the prizes!

Feel free to listen and comment on the music or other people's entries, even if you don't plan to enter the challenge! There may be gift points in store for people who are active in the comments or share / promote the challenge.

2023 Quill Nominee
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May 17, 2024 at 9:44pm
May 17, 2024 at 9:44pm
Here we have our first whole song prompt for the challenge! No need to include any lines, just write a story or poem inspired by the song. Deadline for this prompt is the end of the month, same as the lyric prompt. Feel free to do both prompts, if you are so inclined.

Now I can include songs that are instrumental, like this one by Lindsey Stirling. For those who haven't heard of Lindsey, she's well known for her violin dancing. And, yes, I mean dancing whilst playing the violin. She has a unique musical style that ranges from classical to electronic and even dubstep. "Masquerade" is one of my favorites. I love the music in combination with the visual story telling and the choreography, all of which I'm sure are Lindsey's creation.

This one may or may not have been influenced by the newest season of Bridgerton, which I may or may not have binge watched last night.

Without any further to-do, enjoy the Masquerade.

Song Prompt: "Masquerade" by Lindsey Stirling

Happy writing!
May 3, 2024 at 12:40am
May 3, 2024 at 12:40am
This is the first entry of the updated One-Line Lyric Challenge! If you aren't sure what's changed, please read the description. The biggest thing is that now you'll be getting posts twice a month. This one will be a lyric prompt, the next entry (in about 2 weeks) will be a whole song prompt.

Entries (for either prompt) are due at the end of the month.
But for this month only, I will allow catch-up entries for any previous prompts.

And now, for something a little bit funky. Starts out a bit slow, but then builds.
To be honest, I don't know anything else by this band, but I stumbled across this song and was hooked.

"Still Feeling You" by Couch


Lyric Prompt: "(I) melt away"

Include the above line somewhere in your entry (words in parentheses are optional).
Please bold the line so I can find it.

I figured with temperatures rising, this prompt would be apt.

If you don't like the given prompt, you can chose another line from the lyrics above.
April 14, 2024 at 5:39pm
April 14, 2024 at 5:39pm
For April, we have a classic from Fleetwood Mac. Based on the story of a legendary old Welsh witch, Rhiannon.
Live, of course, because there's nothing quite like watching Stevie Nicks perform.

I think there's been a bit of confusion around here about how the challenge works, so I'll try and clarify for those who are new (or old) and confused: Every month, I'll post a song with a line from the lyrics as a writing prompt. Lately I've been posting two prompts so that you have the option to pick either one (but not both). The challenge is to include the line, word for word, in a story or poem of your own. It's up to you how you want to incorporate the line. It's fine if your entry is inspired by the song, but try not to make it too similar or copy the song. The idea is to get creative and use the given prompt in a different way or context.

Just ask if you still have any questions about how it works! It's not meant to be strict, so as long as you include the prompt in your work you'll probably get the prizes.

As it stands, you can still go back and do any of the previous prompts if you want to!

And if you haven't already, please fill out this quick little survey: "The One-Line Lyric Challenge Pop Quiz!
This is your chance to have a say in how things are run! (plus, you'll get GPs for filling it out)

"Rhiannon" by Fleetwood Mac


Prompt: "Taken by the wind"

Challenge Prompt: "When the sky is starless"

Note that there are TWO prompts now to choose from.
The challenge prompt is meant to be a bit harder, so it's worth a bit more in prizes.

March 14, 2024 at 8:33am
March 14, 2024 at 8:33am
Hark! A new challenge for March!

Introducing Jet, an Australian rock band formed in 2001. Clearly some heavy Beatles influence, some Pink Floyd, maybe even a little of the Stones. Most of their songs are high energy and very electric guitar forward, but they also have some slower ones.

You might have heard their song "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" on the radio before.
But you probably haven't heard this one on the radio.

"Radio Song" by Jet


Prompt: "The same dream"

Challenge Prompt: "The Emperor's clothes"

Note that there are TWO prompts now to choose from.
The challenge prompt is meant to be a bit harder, so if you pick the challenge prompt you'll get 10k GPs instead of 5k for the standard prompt (plus a merit badge).

February 4, 2024 at 2:46pm
February 4, 2024 at 2:46pm
In honor of Valentine's day, a sickly-sweet love song.

This is another one by Sammy Rae. I try not to repeat artists too much, but I guess she's an exception.
This goes out to all those out there who've been hurt by love.

Feel free to get romantic with the prompt, or not. Happy writing!

"The Feeling" by Sammy Rae


Prompt: "Lost in the night"

January 14, 2024 at 11:58am
January 14, 2024 at 11:58am
For January, we have one of my favorite songs in existence. A musical journey.

Dedicated to my late Grampa D.

Just a coincidence that this comes at the last week of my bootcamp classes. Really.
Don't skip over the 3 and a half minute instrumental. It's the best part of the song, by far.

"Be Free" by Loggins & Messina


Prompt: "Be free"
December 17, 2023 at 11:01pm
December 17, 2023 at 11:01pm
December is a time for introspection and reflection, for beginnings and endings. Sometimes, you have to stop and take a look around. Mostly, at yourself. You have much more control over your own life than you're led to believe.

I think I might have picked the only Blues Traveler song out there that doesn't feature the harmonica. But trust me, no one can harmonica like John Popper can harmonica. His voice even sounds like a harmonica.

Enjoy and happy writing!

"Look Around" by Blues Traveler


Prompt: "The things you throw away"
November 18, 2023 at 4:58pm
November 18, 2023 at 4:58pm
No, I haven't forgotten about this challenge!

This month, we have the smooth, upbeat and slightly jazzy sounds of Sammy Rae and her friends. If you've never heard her before, you're in for a sonic treat. This month's prompt may be a bit more of a challenge than usual. If it's too difficult or you see another line that inspires you, you can use any lyric line from the song and still get the GPs and a review.

Enjoy a taste of the "good life".

"The Good Life" by Sammy Rae


Prompt: "Bittersweet, for the most part bitter"
October 14, 2023 at 7:47pm
October 14, 2023 at 7:47pm
October has been a rough month. For the world, really. The news is just horrific, and everyone seems to be taking sides. Just remember, when it comes to human suffering and loss, we're all on the same side. And people are NOT their government. Thankfully.

I'm not going to get political on here, but I think we can all agree that we've gotta find another way to make the world go 'round.

This one isn't working.

"World Go 'Round" by No Doubt


Prompt: "Crooks disguised as..."
September 15, 2023 at 4:22pm
September 15, 2023 at 4:22pm
Just drifting through September.

Prepare for beautiful chord progressions and unusual time signatures.
I'm interested to see where people take this one...

"Silent Sea" by KT Tunstall


Prompt: "On a silent sea"

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