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Rated: 18+ · Book · Horror/Scary · #2284649
Adventures In Living With The Mythical
A military veteran is adopted by a werewolf and brought into his pack. Insanity ensues.

About "Life With A Werewolf"

Life with a werewolf is a dramatic blog. As such the characters in this blog are not real but maybe loosely based on real people. The situations represented are not real but maybe loosely based on real things that have happened in my life. There are a multitude of ways to view life, this is simply one of the ways I have chosen to view mine. Updated Every Friday unless I can't or don't want to.

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September 15, 2023 at 2:44pm
September 15, 2023 at 2:44pm
          Orange and black season is almost upon us! Tis the time of year that everyone begins to pull down their Halloween decorations from the attic, dust them off and put them up, stock up on huge bags of slightly over priced candy, and get spooky! You’d think that given the events that has happened in our little town recently most people would want to ignore Halloween and go right into Christmas. You’d be wrong, of course.

          After having just experienced something so traumatic, especially for those who have been mentally held prisoner by the meth-headed blood sucker, it seems to be more important, not less, that people get into the holiday spirit. Paper ghosts, jack-o-lanterns, zombies, and of course werewolves. There has been quite a bit more werewolf stuff around town. Claw marks, werewolf heads, card board cut outs, all sorts of things. But no vampires. Not even sparkly ones.

          One house put up a vampire statue of sorts, one of those plastic lawn ornament things that sing and dance. But in the middle of the night someone be-headed it. Cops are “looking into it”, but I’m sure they’re going to not find anything. Not that I blame them for not looking too hard. I wasn’t thrilled about it being up myself and probably would have destroyed it if someone else hadn’t got there first.

          For the most part things have been returning to a some-what normal stasis. The poison is taking a little longer to get out of Crash’s system than he’d like. But he’s at least been able to be human again for a couple days, something he’s missed. He’s also been able to eat a couple more things than before, but he’s not back to normal yet. It’s strange. Certain things now upsets his stomach or causes him to break out into an itchy, scratchy mess. Other things have no effect. Crash is certain that after six months it’ll be gone. I just hope he’s right. It’s getting old sweeping up bloody fur clumps in the morning because he’s had a bad night at work.

          Gary’s been, well, Gary. He has chatted with Zack a little bit. But he’s not come back around and talked to me again, yet. I think he’s afraid I’m holding some sort of grudge about how everything went down. I can understand that thought. After all, he did threaten my life several times, lead a mad posse on a chase after me through the woods in the dark that thankfully he didn’t get injured or killed in, a miracle by itself. That would be enough to make anyone upset. If I hadn’t been through so much living here, and of course there’s my previous occupation in the military, I would have been just a bit upset.

          Zack hasn’t really said much, other than that Gary seems to be “apologetic” about everything. But the thing is, I’m not mad at him. Perhaps I should send him a card that says sorry you’re upset? I don’t really know. If I can catch him on one of his walks, then that will make things quite a bit easier to talk to him. It could also be the whole werewolf thing.

          The cat maybe out of the bag in that regards. Vic was supposed to suppress everyone’s memories of what happened, but it seems that some people might actually still remember. Crash, on his limited excursions into town says he seems to be a little more popular than before. Even Kris and Sean, two individuals whom everyone ignored at the best of times, and sneered at in the usual “eww” manner in the worst of times, seems to be getting more smiles and nods than glares. We’re not the most popular people in town. We really don’t wish to be. But more people seem to be going out of their way to be nice to us. The werewolf things seem to be out and about more around our house than anywhere else in town now that I think about it. Even Gary seems to have a werewolf thing around his home.

          Maybe the townsfolk are embracing their furry protector of sorts? Maybe they’re just subconsciously dealing with the ramifications of what occurred? Maybe they’re just clueless as to what happened, what is occurring and who we are, and just subconsciously like werewolves now?

          It could be one of those things. Or, it could be Vic, who enjoys his practical jokes, decided to play one on Crash by having everyone around him love werewolves all of a sudden. That would be my guess. From what little I know about the guy he loves playing those practical jokes, especially on Crash, who enjoys teasing and joking with him right back. So, of course he’d seize this opportunity to prank him.

          From what I can tell everything seems to be going well. Though one of our new neighbors down the street seems to know a little more than she lets on about things. I’ve spoken to Marissa twice now. She seems nice. Taller lady, with a farmer’s daughter sort of build. A smile on her face, and a laugh in her heart. She’s the kind that can talk your ear off. So is Crash, so of course they’ll get to going on and on and on and on. When we first met her, she began a conversation with me about her small house, her yard and things. Crash came outside to see what the hubbub was, found her, and well, after ten minutes of not getting a word in edgewise I walked off. Neither noticed.

          But things seem to be winding down back to normal now. I’m glad I can put all of this behind me. Can enjoy a spooky season without any rotting corpses following me around like a lost puppy dog. Unlike last year, with the dead brigade dragging me into their strange party or whatever it was. This year I’m not doing ANYTHING like that. Nope! I’m following Zack’s and Kris’ advice and keeping my butt in the house. May play some video games or something, but I am NOT going to be helping the dead brigade in their quest to learn about who they used to be. No way, nuh uh! That is not happening this year.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/blog/lu-man/day/9-15-2023