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Entries to Express It In Eight from September 2020 to the present . |
The number of poems enforces the use of blog format with ten poems per page. |
Captain L.E.G. Oates “I am just going outside and may be some time." Snowblind in the whiteout, white while blinkered with the brightest sight, all the world submerged in light, glare that, lancing through eyelids tight, yet spreads abroad its formless might, days held fast in radiant night, direction frozen from left and right, Antarctic wanderer gives up the fight. Line count: 8 Free verse (apart from rhyming every line, of course) For Express It In Eight, 04.29.22 Prompt: White. |
Strange Beasts ‘Tis remarkable, the fabled fish stick, so clean designed, in shape a brick, suggests the wings of buffalo to fly across the plains, you know, and nuggets of the humble chicken, mysterious, yet good fer lickin’, but none can soar like the bombay duck, not eagle, beagle or greenback buck. Line count: 8 Rhymed aabbccdd For Express It In Eight, 04.28.22 Prompt: "The only kind of seafood I trust is the fish stick, a totally featureless fish that doesn't have eyeballs or fins." – Dave Barry. |
![]() ![]() Perception An eye of ferocious mien, glaring upon the assembled throng, disdaining creatures of the earth, a furious complexion containing the empty void of endless space. Another mood and meaning to the matter of “mooning.” Line count: 8 Free verse For Express It In Eight, 04.27.22 Prompt: As per illustration. |
Fruitses 3 Like an apple or a lime, we all mellow after time, ripened in the summer sunshine, now a celebrated wine settling gently into age, freed from passions, seeming sage, yet eyes can still retain their twinkle though years make faces dry and wrinkled. Line count: 8 Rhymed aabbccdd For Express It In Eight, 04.26.22 Prompt: Mellow. |
Tomorrow 2 Maybe tomorrow my ship will come in, bluebirds will fly over rainbows, unicorns will dream of pink dragons, with one bound I’ll leap over buildings, ticker tape processions will greet my arrival. But for today, I’ll just be me. Line count: 8 Free verse For Express It In Eight, 04.25.22 Prompt: Maybe tomorrow… |
One Flew Over The irony being there is nothing mad about the cuckoo that builds no nest and leaves parenting to more programmed birds, preferring to rejoice, to sing the coming summer, and seek immortality in Swiss clocks. Line count: 8 Free verse For Express It In Eight, 04.24.22 Prompt: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. |
Contact Crackling surge of unseen force, mysterious power conducted, heedless from an unknown source, through bodies near combusted, destroys pretence so will not linger all reasoning and thought pragmatic, that accidental touch of fingers no more dismissed as merely static. Line count: 8 Rhymed ababcdcd For Express It In Eight, 04.21.22 Prompt: Electricity. |
Do Adages Add Age? Nothing ventured, nothing gained, a little risk is worth the pain, look before you leap, they say, but steel yourself, don’t turn away. Forewarned is forearmed, it’s true, and oftentimes it’ll pull you through, the future holds its snares enough, and life without a map is rough. Line count: 8 Rhymed aabb ccdd For Express It In Eight, 04.20.22 Prompts: Forewarned is forearmed - Nothing ventured, nothing gained. |
The Marriage of Opposites The specialist knows a lot about a very little; The generalist knows a bit about every jot and tittle. These two it seems are opposite, yet comes the day, I’m sure, when one of them will know it all about absolutely nought, and t’other will know nothing ‘bout everything there is. Line count: 8 Free verse (sorta) For Express It In Eight, 04.19.22 Prompt: Opposite. |