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Entries to Express It In Eight from September 2020 to the present . |
The number of poems enforces the use of blog format with ten poems per page. |
Gravestones The church and its attendants, ancient lichened edifice amid a stony congregation etched with the lives of the past, eroded with time and wear, that final message, once bold, now crumbling and faint, returned to the dust of ages. Line count: 8 Free verse For Express It In Eight, 10.31.22 Prompt: Gravestone. |
The Road Goes Ever On Mostly dead is slightly alive and where there’s life, there’s hope, even when we fail to thrive toward recovery we grope, spirit refusing to lie down, the slightest spark can blaze again, in deepest dark the light may drown but ahead we sense the dawn. Line count: 8 Rhymed abab For Express It In Eight, 10.30.22 Prompt: Mostly dead is slightly alive. |
Forest King There in the dark and silent woods, deep within the secret heart of forest, he runs free, icon of our dreamlike moods, master of snow and raging torrents. Through the mists of half caught glimpses something moves, mischief afoot, he reigns supreme, the lord of princes, there upon the edge of reason, mighty Bigfoot. Line count: 8 Rhymed abab For Express It In Eight, 10.29.22 Prompt: Write a poem about a woodland animal. |
Spice Understanding, being rooted in experience, means here one thing, and another hence. “Spice” may speak to one of oriental taste; to a Dune fan a tale is spun of purple eyes in the endless waste. Line count: 8 Rhymed abab For Express It In Eight, 10.27.22 Prompt: Spice. Note: It’s wrong to limit one’s audience but I cannot resist this shout out to all readers of Frank Herbert’s novel, Dune. |
Breakfast Breakfast smiles at me loosely, fried egg eyes innocent, wide, and bacon grin so juicy. Bile rises within me like a tide - too early for such happy meals. Is there no sadder stuff to crunch? Surely I can make a deal, save breakfast for my lunch. Line count: 8 Rhymed abab For Express It In Eight, 10.24.22 Prompt: Illustration of bacon and eggs on a plate. |
Northern Delights Up north the seas do freeze and the polar bear doth seize a passing seal to tease with whatever fleas he sees. His neighbour, the eskimo, would not think to tell him no but sometimes when it snows might share a cup of joe. Line count: 8 Rhymed aaaa bbbb For Express It In Eight, 10.21.22 Prompt: Homophones - seas, sees and seize. |
On Quiet Asides Here’s to the marvellous mumble that avoids many a rumble, leaps over rather than stumbles, holds together and never crumbles. If a quiet answer you miss, do not think a louder one’s bliss, for the meaning might make you hiss, and knowing won’t lead to a kiss. Line count: 8 Rhymed aaaa bbbb For Express It In Eight, 10.20.22 Prompt: Mumble. |
Truth Truth is stranger than fiction, although it’s an odd thought and must be true therefore. It also hurts, I’m told, and will out eventually no matter how long the wait. Impatience broods upon the advent of a painful stranger. Line count: 8 Free verse For Express It In Eight, 10.19.22 Prompt: Truth is stranger than fiction. |